This Speedrunner Beat the Hardest Game in the World in 1 Minute

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boys what is the greatest content to watch in my opinion it's speedrunning it's the foundation of twitch streaming as a whole and honestly blew it up into uh what it is today if you look at and it's something that i enjoy not only to watch but to do and i had my moderators accrue the greatest speed runs of all time and today we're going to watch them and we're also going to rank which speeder runs are the most fun to watch uh we have a bunch here super mario 64 getting over it minecraft all the classic speedrun games as well as some new ones anyway let's get to it boys uh all right first one i want to take a look at is the getting over it speedrun this game has changed so much the fact that people are able to beat this game in a minute in two seconds this guy got the world record six days ago blows my mind dude it's so smooth you know one of the great the one of the great reasons why this is fun to watch is because you can tell every time they [ __ ] up like no matter how new you are i could you can tell like right here right here he [ __ ] up you can just tell you don't have to have played it for a second of your life you can just tell ah you idiot you [ __ ] up you did it twice your [ __ ] it is a damn good run though dude imagine his arm how do you get your right arm that powerful wait according to this sub one minute is super possible 52 seconds is possible i mean that's almost impossible but but sub minute should be super doable uh let's take a look at another one here what among us speed run default tasks no dude there's no way this is a thing wait all maps now i'm intrigued he walks so [ __ ] slow good line good line cut right nice he [ __ ] up the first this is the world record mods are we sure this is the he [ __ ] up the first one he missed the bag okay bad rng bad rng i don't know i don't know how he got away with that in a world record but this is so slow this is the least impressive speed run i've ever seen in my life i feel like i can beat this like i i want to try to some speedruns you watch and you want to try to beat it this is one of them oh good rng actually good rng zero three two eight seven wait didn't you miss the zero how what you can skip the zero oh there's skips in a mogus you can do a zero skip yo i didn't realize that existed 43 seconds for mira because he had no tasks in the top left wait wait what he didn't do it he just closed it and opened it whoa i'm starting to believe he is the greatest speed runner of all time hey all right fair enough you know what i was impressed by the end of it uh what's another good speed run wait you can beat ocarina of time in 3 minutes and 41 seconds in the super smash brothers brawl demo what the [ __ ] does that mean so super smash brothers brawl has a demo for games and the max amount of time you're able to play is five minutes and save state beats it in three minutes and 45. okay somehow they s they jumped over with a bomb thing [Music] to go into the lost woods use the bomb that you're holding to explode as you fall [Music] to catch a fish what the hell what the hell is happening i lost like a second here what the hell just happened why'd you lose a second why is the fish going away why are you just drop what are you doing this is terrorism you can't just leave bombs in the woods and run away [Music] what is happening how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] does anybody know this how do you know this how does this become acquired knowledge it's my pb nice wow that's a good run that's a really good finisher on the run too this is why okay maybe this is a hot take this is why i don't like watching zelda speedruns anymore i feel like zelda speed runs have become this game where you have to do memory storage and it's and it's messing with the code of the game in game and it requires a floor of knowledge to be able to appreciate what runners are doing in real time and it's very uh inhospitable to brand new viewers like okay let's let's watch let's watch the super mario 64 16 star speedrun right off the back of that because i actually think this is one of the easiest games to appreciate as a brand new viewer but the movement is just so speedy and crisp i've never once successfully done that jump just that jump the amount of time that it takes a human to get this good at this game is it's like oh it stresses me out so far i haven't seen any single thing that i'm like ooh that was a [ __ ] up and i'm a decently knowledgeable mario speedrunner more than the average casual his reactions loud warning all right all right let's see yeah that was loud i'm okay i'm okay uh all right what else do we got any juicy things mine sweeper takes 28 seconds to beat i don't believe this how it's just patterns dude [ __ ] you mean i i like i know how to play minesweeper i've beaten minesweeper before but the speed uh it's no among us speedrun but holy [ __ ] this is insane [Music] i don't get that that was insane that was insane that was insane that was crazy i'm still shocked at that i'm reeling you know what everyone keeps saying is a fire speed run celeste you know what the problem with celeste speedruns is it the the speedrunners are so [ __ ] good they just make the game look easy i'm looking at this and the only thing i'm thinking is like yeah i can do that yeah you just kind of jump like this i i could do that's easy this is just like a little maze do it i'm busy okay what's what's another one wait 10 seconds what the hell is okay what the hell was that that looked like cs go surfing that's insane i would actually love to watch the real titanfall 2 speedrun sometime all right well i kind of want to look at dark souls cause like dark souls is one of the hardest games i've played i beat it in 35 hours i think how do you beat it in 19 minutes i just don't i don't underst i can't wrap my brain around that i want to see how much of this i can remember i remember spawning down in this area and then my controller didn't work so it took me about 13 to 15 minutes to get out of there i like how it's a 19 minute run in a minute of it is running around a hillside oh you got to run past this guy yes sir i'm pretty sure i also ran past these guys i'm speedrunner too how are you here oh my god the [ __ ] demon from this is the end that [ __ ] you you just can't you you just skip them don't have to go to like blighttown is this blighttown this place is hard what dude i fell so many times and it didn't work like that when i fell the gargoyle fight i know is hard because there's two phases so at the very least you have to kill the first gargoyle that [ __ ] that [ __ ] right there this son of a [ __ ] took off years from my lifespan i tried so damn hard to just run by him like this guy's doing and then the stairway gets clogged okay that's one way to do it i guess what you one shot it no i don't give a [ __ ] what the hall bird is there's no way that's supposed to happen like that we have been watching for a while we are at 15 minutes how are you supposed to beat the game like this is kind of like when you're watching a movie and you realize you've been watching for like 90 minutes and they haven't wrapped up any of the plot points and you're like how the [ __ ] are you expecting to do that orstein and smo i i'm pretty sure you want to kill the small guy first because the the big guys he's so [ __ ] slow no this whole bird is broken i i'm getting upset watching this i think i just want to watch somebody suffer i think i i think i just want to watch somebody in pain because this guy is going through it so easily and i'm trying to reminisce on my pain and it's not wow 19 minutes in 29 seconds 31 seconds in game time that is a crazy speed run you know what's crazy actually this is a new speed run super cool just dm me this it's the pogo stuck three speed run this is the new map that took me about 12 hours to beat i haven't seen it since playing it so i kind of want to take a look this thing is sick riding the frog what i didn't know about that i've never gone down the [ __ ] pirates i always thought they were slower i don't even know how to get through the calm pirate part no way no way you're sick is this task no this is a human and they're not the world record holder this is second place oh this is the route i take wow this is crazy jesus christ that was nuts that was [ __ ] i've never seen before sekido all right let's take a look what do i want to eat as a snack imagine this one speeder on world record you're like what do i want to eat is a snacky little honey bunches of oats action if i had to peg this guy i'm satisfied like maybe not i should rephrase that probably if i had to guess who this guy watches i would assume smalling you see and then it's not how's that the same thing it's a it's a phrase i'm gonna peg you down three crazy i'm wording it weird it's a phrase that people use where they're like hey i'm gonna peg you tonight come on if i had to if i had a dollar for every time i i pegged who your favorite streamer was thank you for actually going crazy i i could i could peg down who you i could take down who you guys like watching i need it right now don't call me peg you know what i like about sekito is just the fights look sick it looks like a naruto fight which maybe is just ignorant to say but you know the animation is what i mean as opposed to like if it was a one-piece fight where it'd be like this jesus okay we're way ahead no i can't believe that we actually got it you're gonna die oh my god they all suck i thought i didn't get it holy [ __ ] this is some ocarina of time [ __ ] it just didn't feel like that gotta run because that double cannon why are you still swimming you're in the air how is he supposed to beat the game in four minutes i feel like all he's done is swim why'd you run and beat one boss oh my god there's so much dude i literally did not [ __ ] choke i thought this game was going to be less scuffed than dark souls because it's a newer game and that they would have had it like be so polished that you can't skip it like how degenerately skipped through dark souls but it's the same it's always satisfying that he finishes the boss fight with the absolute max media so slow like the absolute max actually maybe maybe miss of 1950 i don't know dude wait that's the end of the game so slow good run i guess we could end on minecraft what what is this yo does he open nine maps at once and then pick one to actually play through on wow that's smart what is he looking for underwater i guess just coal making another portal this seems slow oh never mind what the [ __ ] when did it finish i didn't think he finished it so he's going 30 fov and then looking at some [ __ ] in here i don't know what the [ __ ] he's looking at the maybe the the chunk cash he's looking at the quantity of monsters in that direction so that way he knows which way to run in the nether it's kind of an interesting strat oh what are you doing wait why doesn't the gravel fall soul sand first then gravel he made that seem like such a light work dude look how many mobs there are holy [ __ ] it's crazy he's gonna beat the game in the next three minutes alright he got six and he's ending oh he's portaling out he has five eyes of ender now oh my god okay he's using an external program to exactly pinpoint how far he needs to travel and then using the nether to cover that distance quicker because the nether obviously you can travel more blocks faster like to to eight degrees or something so it's just a calculator oh my [ __ ] god dude that was [ __ ] crazy okay how many he's got three beds which is not enough to kill oh my [ __ ] god dude [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god dude holy [ __ ] dude oh my [ __ ] god what's a respawn anchor why does that do damage is it just the same a concept as a bed dude that's a crazy [ __ ] speedrun that's crazy anyway that was fun i like looking at speedruns we'll watch some more in the future guys [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 3,282,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: O4kP56c70gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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