This Warlock Build Is An End Game MONSTER! [Destiny 2 Prismatic Warlock Build]

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now what I want all of you to take away from this opening part is that we get our Transcendence form in 12 seconds just by firing our weapon that's it this is in the master Nightfall as well the hardest difficulty and I'm in Here solo and just watch how this build destroys every Champion we come up against even four Champions at the same time this Prismatic warlock build is an endgame monster and I never even stunned a single Champion using any artifact mod all of the stunning was done using Buffs and debuffs our transcend form and our super along with our exotic armor piece I really think that this shows the power of Prismatic because I have been getting a few different comments from people saying that they don't think Prismatic is that strong or they're not even using their Transcendence form the best way I can try to help you is to think of transcendence as a mini super you get extra damage reduction when you're in Transcendence you do a bit more damage when you're in it and you have infinite abilities that you can use to really shut down and crowd control enemies plus it helps you build your your actual super so much faster and with that you can just be chaining the two back and forth together now in all this gameplay you're watching we stun those overload Champions with slow suppression and jolt debuffs so three different ways it handles Unstoppable Champions with the free shatter debuff ignitions and suspend debuffs so another three different sources then it takes care of barrier Champs with the radiant buff and our exotic armor piece that can Pierce barriers not including you can just lock them up with freezing as well well we also add in unravel weaken and Scorch debuffs to everything so we're bringing nine different debuffs and since we can get our Transcendence so quickly along with our super we're just a walking Champion counter without even bringing anti- Champion weapons which I think is pretty crazy everything starts with the new exotic kastav or I guess technically old one I finally unlocked it the other day I already have 1,500 kills on it and we tie this weapon into the build so well the main perk is every seventh bullet bounces and Deals more damage and then the second perk is eyes up Guardian which is the really important one when we pick up an orbit power it strengthens the next seven bounces which provide more damage and more bounces now these put out a ton of damage on their own even in difficult content and the more damage we put out the more Transcendent energy and super energy we get in return also exotic primaries hit red bars extra hard and they give us a ton of extra super energy back since they're a primary compared to a special weapon or a heavy weapon so all you need to do is grab orbs of power and the weapon comes with shoot to loot so we can do that from far away as well now we pair this with one kinetic siphon mod to generate plenty of orbs but we'll add to that even more further with orb generation but the main part is here that we pair this with triple kinetic weapon surge on our boots time dilation on our class item and the radiant orbs artifact mod from the artifact this means every time we shoot an orb or pick one up we gain a 25% weapon damage bonus from the radiant buff for 10 seconds and we get 22 % damage buff for 15 seconds from The Surge mods all from one single orbit power so basically a 50% damage buff that we can have up all the time just by shooting one orbit power far away and that increases the outgoing damage to feed our super and Transcendence because we only need to deal damage now for your super of course take song of flame we pair it with Phoenix dive as our class ability Arcane needle as our melee ability with those three charges and to apply the unravel debuff and then storm grenade storm grenade will apply the jolt debuff for us with how we have our fragments set up and then it can also make us Amplified which then plays into the galvanic armor mod on the artifact which gives us even more damage reduction for the two aspects I like to pair it with Helen and feed the void you all know how great devour is with feed the void defeating a target with any ability will activate devour we get a full heal and a bunch of Grenade energy coming back and then Helen lets us have that solar mortar that we pair with Phoenix dive that just puts out a ton of damage for us and can cause ignitions for the five fragments the first most important one is facet of Grace defeating targets with Kinetic weapons grants you bonus Transcendence energy so again this just pairs so well with kastav in that outgoing damage that we're dealing and then defeating targets with your super grants you a nearby allies bonus Transcendence energy when you're done with your super we also take facet of command freezing or suppressing a Target reloads your weapons this pairs nicely with our Transcendence grenade since it does freeze and suppress enemies that way you're never reloading when you're in your Transcendence form we take fastet of dawn on so with those Arcane needles especially in Transcendence we can just Spam them out and will'll always become radiant when we hit something for 10 seconds facet of protection is our fourth fragment 25% damage reduction when you're surrounded with enemies and then facet of dominance as our last one this allows our void grenades to weaken targets and our Arc grenades to jolt targets storm grenade for jolting and our Transcendence grenade to weaken on top of slowing freezing and suppressing now for our exotic armor piece we take the new chest armor for the Warlock and that is mato doxia I don't even know if I said that right but it has a pretty cool exotic perk here and I haven't seen a lot of people really talk about this targets damaged by Arcane needle Adit a suspending detonation when defeated so that's cool throw out a needle kill that enemy and you get us Su spend detonation around it now when we're in our Transcendence specifically is where this next part really kicks in landing multiple Arcane needles on the same Target immediately triggers a larger more powerful detonation well since we get so many melees back very quick Ally in Transcendence we can be spamming these out and create a big burst and this thing has a big AOE and it'll pick up Champions and everything around it and then defeating suspended targets grants melee energy so it kind of feeds back into our overall Loop and then lastly your Arcane needles are strong against barrier Champions so it also can Pierce a barrier Champion when you're throwing it at them which is very nice for an armor piece now for the rest of the mods of course that contic siphon on the helmet and then two Ashes to assets this lets both are grenades give us more Super energy on on our arms we take two fir Powers so we can spawn an orbit power every 5 seconds with either of those grenades and then a bolst string detonation granting us class ability energy when we cause damage with any Grenade on your chest piece that's your damage reduction so just match whatever activity you're doing we already went over the boots with the triple kinetic weapon Surge and then the class item was time dilation to let the surge timer last 15 seconds instead of 10 and of course we can stack that three times so about 45 seconds overall and then we also take a Reaper since we're to be activating Phoenix dive a lot the next weapon kill you get will guarantee an orb of power for stats on the build aim for that 100 resilience that's what you want in any activity and then put your discipline and Recovery up as high as possible now for the artifact mods we already went over radiant orbs where you pick up that orbit power and become radiant 25% weapon damage boost on all your weapons for 10 seconds you do want to take galvanic armor if you get some kills with that storm grenade or jolt you'll become Amplified which then gives you more damage reduction thanks to galvanic armor we definitely want to take shield crush because we are radiant all the time your grenade recharges faster and Deals increased damage and then the second part there is if we do have a void overshield our melee recharge is faster and Deals increased damage we do occasionally get void overshields thanks to void hedgman defeating weaken targets provides a small void overshield that doesn't happen quite often but it's nice to have and then you also want to take transference gain increased grenade and melee damage while Transcendent and then weapon final blows while Transcendent refund light and dark energy after Transcendence ends so if you're slaying out with kastav while you're Transcendent you'll come out of there with probably half of your light and dark already filled so I hope you guys enjoyed the video this is a great endgame Morlock build and I urge you to give it a try and if you haven't watched the few videos that you see on screen right now the hunter build is really great and I hope to see you guys over watching those videos thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and I'll see you guys all in the next video have a great rest of your day
Channel: Plunderthabooty
Views: 263,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny, destiny 2, destiny 2 final shape, destiny 2 warlock build, the final shape, destiny 2 the final shape, d2, warlock build destiny 2, warlock, destiny 2 build, warlock build, best warlock build destiny 2, destiny 2 builds, plunder, destiny 2 warlock, best build, pve build, best warlock build, destiny 2 best warlock build, destiny 2 build warlock, plunderthabooty, warlock destiny 2, Prismatic, Prismatic Warlock, Prismatic Warlock Build, Destiny 2 Prismatic Warlock Build
Id: H0Jxulnm5Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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