Transcendence Every 10 Seconds - The #1 Warlock Ability SPAM Build!

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right Hello everybody welcome back so in today's video I'm going to be showing you the number one Prismatic build that I've been running for the past few weeks that I've refined over time to be quite the ad clear monster and I believe is one of the best Prismatic builds in the game so what are you actually going to get out of this build well for one you're going to get constant healing on kill and constant restoration after every orb pickup you're also going to get a near permanent 25% damage buff in the form of Radiance rapid ability energy gains and massive suspending AOE explosions and on top of all of that you get to charge your Transcendence meter in less than 10 seconds so in terms of what actually goes into the build we're of course going to be on Prismatic warlock starting off with the super abilities we're going to have song of flame because this will allow us to gain restoration whenever we pick up an orb of Power with facet of purpose this basically gives us a nice healing Loop throughout our build the reason we have this is because with this build we're going to be making lots of orbs very frequently which is going to enable us to take advantage of this fragment as often as possible we also have Phoenix dive here because it's the lowest coold down and I personally don't like either healing or powering Rift I just like the movement of Phoenix dive then we have Arcane needle now this is very important because we are also going to be using the matod doxia Exotic chest piece that came out with the final shape and we need arcade needles for that chest piece to work so we're going to have arcade needles plus it's nice to have three melee charges for those of you who don't know Arcane needles did get a buff recently and they do actually do quite a lot of damage we also have Vortex Grenade on here because I think it's one of these stronger grenades that Prismatic warlock has you can sub this out for storm grenade if you really want to but me personally I just prefer Vortex because of the inward pull effect that has when it's near enemies then moving on to aspects we have feed the void which is just to give us devour any ability kill will give us devour which is pretty nice so that means kills with our Vortex grenade or our arcan needle will give us devour for 10 seconds and kills with the helon aspect which is our second aspect will also prop devour because helon kills count as ability kills which is pretty cool so yes this is the second aspect we are taking it's just to give us another source of light energy that we're going to use to build our Transcendence meter because as you'll come to see a lot of this build is focused on Darkness abilities which means our Darkness meter will be building faster than our light on so we need to find ways to compensate for that so then moving on to the fragments this is where things actually do get slightly interesting first of all we have facet of devotion which makes it so defeating targets Afflicted with stasis or strand debuffs gives us bonus light Transcendence energy again it's just giving us a bit more light energy because this build is very dark dominated and here we have quite possibly the most important fragment of the whole build it is facet of Grace because this fragment makes it so defeating targets with Kinetic weapons grants you bonus Transcendence energy this is very very important because of the one weapon that we're going to be using which we will talk about in just a moment but this is one of the key things that will let us get our Transcendence back as soon as humanly possible next we have FAS of Honor which gives us more light Transcendence energy when we create fire Sprites which is what we're going to be doing with our artifact mods next we have fet of Hope which will give us increased class ability regeneration rate while we have an elemental buff so this is radiant restoration no matter what the only thing that it doesn't work with is Amplified but that doesn't matter because we're not getting Amplified at all with this setup it's also around a 60% boost to our region which just means we're going to be getting our helon a little bit faster and then like I spoke about earlier we have facet of Hope to give us restoration every time we pick up an orb of power so that's it for the abilities let's move on to the weapons now like I said the most important weapon for this build is going to be the kostov 7gx now the reason for this is because if you didn't know this weapon is absolutely amazing not just for gaining Transcendence energy which it is but just in general it's such a fantastic Weapon It's actually become one of my favorite weapons in the entire game I've put nearly 10,000 kills it with just a week of having it and another reason why it's also very strong is because it has shoot to loot which is just going to make our job of picking up orbs that feed us restoration and our other perks a lot easier because we can just do it from a very safe distance this perk also synergizes very well with the Exotic trait of kostov which makes it so that when you pick up an orb you get seven of those buffed up Ricochet shots and another thing you may not know the ricochets give you so much Transcendence energy it's actually insane you only need around seven of the ricochets to actually charge up your Transcendence meter fully now that is from a toyy video so shout out toyi he was the one to find that out he found out that it was around seven bounces but given that it takes that little to almost nearly fully charge your Transcendence meter when combined with facet of Grace makes this build insane you literally get your Transcendence back so fast so yeah like I said this is the main weapon to be using the rest of them don't really matter this is going to be your main weapon that you use for everything obviously your heavy matters when it comes to bigger targets I just have an eag ed sword at the moment or you can swap to like a pro Memoria for example and then we have in kindness just for a little bit of extra light energy from the Vault shot ticks but you will be getting it back so fast if you exclusively use kostov anyway it doesn't really matter so just use kostov then of course the second most crucial piece of this build is the matod doxia the brand new chest piece so this is going to make it so our Arc needle kills create suspending explosions on kill or if you kill an enemy that you have hit with a needle they will then create a suspending explosion on death initially people wrote off this exotic as it did look kind of mid but really just having played with this it's very very strong you'll be surprised if you actually try it yourself having each arcade needle kill that you will have a lot of create a rather large suspending explosion is very nice for AOE ad clear plus it will make a tangle as well which if you blow up will just deal with the group that is suspended so yeah the main goal of this is literally just to spam your abilities there's no real gameplay loop it's just if you have an ability use it because it will feed into all of your other ones with how we have the build set up so speaking of moving on to the mods the first most important mod to have here is kinetic siphon because this is going to make it so our double kills with kostov will create an orb of power which we can then shoot to loot to gain our stacks of isab guardian and also restoration and then radiant which we will also get from the artifact which I'll talk about in a second then we also have heavy ammo finder and heavy ammo Scout to make lots of heavy because we are using an exotic primary it will only take us around 16 to 17 kills to make a finder brick which is pretty nice cuz we're going to be getting a lot of kills with kostov then we have heavy-handed to make an orb on a melee kill this is on a 10-second coold down but there's nothing really better to have there so might as well we also have momentum transfer to make it so when we deal damage with our grenade it gives us a little bit more melee energy and then also bolstering detonation which will give us a little bit more class ability energy when we deal damage with our grenade chest piece we just have resist mods I've also gone for a charged up for one more armor charge then on our boots we have one kinetic siphon which will give us a 10% bonus to our kostov damage which is just makes it feel a lot nicer and then we have a couple mods to give us ability energy back whenever we pick up orbs so Absolution is going to give us 5% ability energy to all of our abilities whenever we pick up an orb and invigoration is going to give us 10% just to our melee whenever we pick up an orb we don't need mods like recuperation or better already because of facet of purpose because every time we pick up an orb it's going to give us restoration which is basically the same thing as those healing mods on our boots finally on our bond we have Reaper which is just to make another orb every time we get a double kill with our kostov we also have time dilation to make our surges last a little longer and special finisher in case we're running low on any of our special weapons right so on our artifact we only need five mods that really affect this build rather heavily and the first of which is Elemental siphon this will make it so whenever we get a fair number of kills with our kostov it will spawn a fire Sprite Which will give us a little bit of light Transcendence energy because of that fragment we have and it will also just give us a little more grenade so it's just nice to have then we have threaded blast so this is whenever you break a tangle with a strand weapon it will cause a bigger explosion now this is why I had Pro Memoria on because it's a strand lmg but I just have this on because in that column there's really nothing else better it's not crucial but it's nice to have if you're running a strand lmg moving on to column four we have radiant orbs which will give us Radiance every time we pick up an orb and when we're shoot to looting them as often as we we are with kostov we're going to have radiant basically all the time and then finally in column 5 the two mods that we want are shield crush this will make it so whenever we are Amplified or radiant our grenade recharges faster and Deals slightly more damage I believe it's 25% and then on the off chance that we get Frost armor Wen mail or a void overshield it will give us the same grenade and regen buff to our melee instead and then finally we have transference now this is very very important because this will make it so when we come out of transcendence after getting a fair number of kills with our kostov if you hit the cap of kills it will give us EX exactly half of our light and dark meter back which basically halves the amount of effort we need to get to our next Transcendence I don't know the exact number of kills you need to proc this mod but it is a fair number i' probably say it's around 20 kills but even still if you get less than that you still get a fair chunk of both of your meters back when it ends so it's very good for snowballing consecutive Transcendence procs so as you guys know I do like to take my builds into high level content just to show you how they perform in said content which is why today I've brought us to the blooming deep loss sector so I'm just going to show you guys how the build plays or how you're supposed to play it so basically the gist is Spam your abilities as much as possible so we're going to try and kill him to create that suspending explosion there we go we've got our ricochets going already got our Transcendence might as well pop it because that's the whole aim of the build we'll just go to town killing things with kostov getting more ricochets whenever we have our abilities we might as well use them as well that's the sort of attitude you need to be going into this build with is like when you have an ability just use it because it will come back extremely fast and you will get it back with with the methods that we use like in the build so yeah we'll just progress our way through this lost sector so that orb is going to give us more ability energy restoration create a suspending explosion here off him break that tangle this guy can't do anything have my super but I think I'm going to save it for a boss room or you know what I might as well pop it here finish charging my light meter which is there kill all these enemies at the same time so my meter is fully charged so I'll be able to go into the next room fully Transcendent this is a big group here so I'll pop Transcendence try and get some suspense going I'll get it back with my grenade damage there's another one I got devour going so I'll never die as long as I keep getting kills keep suspending throw another grenade and then the ricochets will do the rest let see if I can spot an orb to shoot to loot there we go keep doing ricochets suspend suspend another one there thr another grenade and I almost have my super back off this so I might use that to fight the subjugator we'll see another suspend yeah I'll use my super here I'll ignite the unstop which will stun him get this Bal from the back po a helon keep stunning him finish him this is a big group of ads here see what we can do put the nade down to start getting kills for my devour I'll keep it extended by getting kills with M kostov almost have my Transcendence back I'll have it in just a second there it is pop that now I'll just put some damage on the boss once you have Transcendence you can really afford to play quite aggressive and the Ricochet from the kostov is actually what completes this build you you'll see that it's it's so satisfying to use I'll pop this to try and get some more time on my Transcendence the Ricochet is going there ORS to pick up there's one got restoration I'm all good S three more of these po the helon for good measure I can do kostov in this group grab that orb keep ricocheting everything spreading unravel to everything I have my transcendant back already this is nuts it's nuts I'll pop super here just so I can deal with the unstop cuz it's a bit risky just doing it with my weapon so I'll just keep Chuck in my nades and melees at it and then I'll just finish the boss with the super keep going another hel on cuz why not another arcade needle another grenade and there we are right so there we have it I hope you guys enjoyed the build I will have a dim link to this build in the description and I really encourage you to give this a try I think you will like it thanks for watching guys and I'll see you in the next one if you made it this far thank you so much your support means the world and if you're really into the content I create consider becoming a member of the channel which not only lets you support me in the best way possible it also Nets you a whole host of awesome perks along with it a massive shout out to these members up on screen and I'll see you in the next one bye for now dear viewer [Music] [Music]
Channel: Llama
Views: 72,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prismatic warlock build, destiny 2, destiny 2 warlock build, destiny 2 prismatic warlock build, best warlock build destiny 2, warlock build destiny 2, best prismatic warlock build, destiny 2 best warlock build, destiny 2 warlock prismatic build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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