They Tried Nerfing The Best Build In Destiny 2 But They Failed! Final Shape S+ Warlock Build

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all right everybody sometimes you just got to get down and do the Dirty Work I know they Nerf Sun bracers I know they nerfed well and we have Prismatic now however for all my fellow warlock Mains out there we know that the bread and butter of our class is our solar subglass and even with the well of Radiance Nerf we at least got back Radiance skin from D1 it's now called song of flame in Destiny 2 and it is absolutely amazing god tier super I love it however your well of Radiance is still going to be useful you're just not Invincible in it anymore and if you have to run well of Radiance for your fire team especially on day one you're going to need a good build for it or if you want to run song of flame for that damage resistance you have that option as well I'm making this video just to give you a very very good sunrace warlock build for final shape for day one cuz salvation's Edge at least what we've heard is going to be difficult and on contest mode you're going to want to have a build that you're very comfortable with this is an updated version of our sun bracer warlock build that we have done for like I think the past few seasons now we do one of these at the top of every season update it a little bit where it needs to be go over the artifact mods and today I have the final shape variant of the sun bracer build for you and I know some of my fellow warlocks out there are like bro I'm tired of running solar I'm tired of running well look man I feel you but when you get down to it sometimes you just got to be a meta slave especially for the hardest content and solar warlock is always going to be meta so with that being said let's hop into the build breakdown all right now I just want to begin the breakdown by saying that if you have seen any of our other Sun bracer build videos that we've done we do one for at the top of each season generally the core of the build never changes however the artifact does tend to add a nice little bit of flare to the mix well let's go ahead and talk about it so we'll start of course with the most important bit aka the subass when you have to get stuff done and you get down to it as a warlock main our Solar subass is always going to be our bread and butter if you are any familiar with the infinite times 2 restoration Sun bracer warlock build this will come to no surprise to you why we have both Touch of flame and heat rises I know you're probably going to want to get yourself some acorus Dash action but look man in content that matters the most we cannot use icor Dash because we have to have heat rises it is an absolute must as this is going to be how we proc the initial burst of times 2 Resto and this is how we get our melee back it's very very important and then Touch of flame is going to allow the solar grenades to have a lot more pop to him a lot more strength we all know this you might be tempted to run helon but trust me do not waste your time with this aspect on this specific build even though I love this aspect now we'll talk about your super of course your well Radiance is always going to be something that you can fall back on and if your team needs to use one or have one of course throw it on I have on song of flame for the time being as this gives you a great chunk of damage resistance and it can add for some fun Shenanigans with demo Rockets however if you have to get down to it and run well Radiance it's always there although it is significantly weaker than it was in previous Seasons unlike last season we are not running Ember of torches the reason why is because of radiant orbs so we do not need to run Ember of torches whatsoever anymore radiant orbs all the way we'll take care of that that'll be our source of radiant so instead I have Ember of Ashes because in content in which you are underleveled you're definitely going to want to have Ember of ashes in some situations you could get away with it but to secure that finger snap procing your sun bracers put on Ember of Ashes we know why we have Ember of imperion here to help keep your restoration and your radiate flowing consistently although I do want to mention that feel like there's a little bit of something off the fragment nowadays like I don't know if Bungie like tweaked it made it bugged but sometimes you might find that your Resto just Falls off so just be a little bit on the lookout of that okay we always have Ember of singing on all of the sun bracer builds that we have done made videos on we always have Ember of singing we always have Ember of searing this also helps get their melee back however I do want to say you could switch it out for something like Ember of soless if you want to although I'm a big fan of Ember of searing anyways I would say your must have fragments are definitely singing imperion strongly recommendation for ashes and then searing is always always going to be be very good to practically guarantee that you will never ever not have a Charged melee and the reason why IM of singing is a must have is because we have to have Phoenix dive while he rises up in order to proc times to Restoration Phoenix dive has to be your class ability so that is your subass now let me just tell you a little bit about the artifact and stuff that you're going to want to try and prioritize we already mentioned radiant orbs shield crush this is pretty nice while we are radiant our grenades are going to recharge faster that's kind of useless on a sun bracer build but they are going to deal increased damage that is very awesome and I do have expanding Abyss here because this is going to make our Edge Transit do even more damage if the target is hit by a typical 15% weakening debuff this is going to take it to a 25% and then if you have a tractor debuff or tether debuff it's going to take it from a 30 to a 35% debuff AKA use this artifact mod and also for a little bit of quality of life you can run press the advantage so you have a little bit of handling stability and reload speed upon breaking an enemy Shield which should be very useful in reloading something like your sunshot if you are going to opt into that which I just have here because never ever go wrong with a sunshot on a solar warlock build although some other options would be maybe red death this season I do have the de kindness here just because this thing is always always always a great option and since we don't have access to the solar rocket sidearm at the moment this is the only one that we can use in the energy slot although if I did have that or if it was able to be accessed by anybody in the game at the moment we would totally put that in this slot because rocket pistols are so so prevalent I have a rocket sidearm and our kinetic slot because they're just that good now something I do want to mention since sometimes your imperion feels like it's up or like your Resto just falls off if you're in a team setting which you most likely are especially if you're doing the day one raid something useful that you could use as a nice tool to help get that Resto back flowing even if you have no Phoenix dive no heat rises up at the moment we have what we like to call in case of emergencies our utility no hesitation why because with physic we are able to get times to Restoration for at least 5 Seconds just by healing our allies and then we can then use imperion to extend it or you could just keep spamming healing your allies to have that restoration up while you wait for your abilities to come back in the absolute worst case scenario possible literally if somehow you don't have any of your abilities quickly hot swap to this bad boy to get your times to Resto flowing trust me on this then we obviously have an edge Transit here because void Heavies are cracked out and this is definitely the best legendary void heavy weapon that you can use to make the most use out of expanding Abyss so that covers the weapons now we'll go over the armor mods these don't matter nearly as much as everything else that we've already mentioned in the breakdown but some things worth mentioning are stuff to proc your radiant orbs so I do have a harmonic siphon on for our sunshot to make orbs and then I do have two Firepower mods to make a lot of orbs from our solar grenades and having two of them will help decrease the cool down that that Firepower has you only need one momentum transfer so definitely stock up on some Firepower mods heavy ammo finder heavy ammo Scout to help make heavy for your team pretty self-explanatory your chest piece is going to have whatever resist mods needed for whatever encounter you are in now for the boots since I'm a firm believer in having either a second load out for damage ready to go or surge boots I like to have my normal boots when I'm not in a damage phase be committed to scav mods and generally like a recoup can always just be useful even though we are in the times to Resto build I just have it there just I mean it's once freaking energy cause dude whatever and if you are on a double special load out you're definitely going to want to have some scavengers for your special weapons although technically at the moment that harmonic scavenger is useless because our only solar weapon is our sunshot which has infed ammo but if you have a solar heavy a solar special this will definitely come in very very handy and I do recommend a powerful attraction Mod on your class item so you can pick up orbs from a distance whenever you Phoenix dive because we are going to be Phoenix diving very very often very consistently it'll basically feel like whenever you proc your Phoenix dive you'll also proc radiant as well because we'll be picking up the orbs to proc radiant orbs from powerful attraction and then I love special finisher and to always keep us safe when performing a special finny I have a proximity Ward and let me just say we all know that they Nerf Sun bracers in the final shape but dude you honestly can't even tell that the Nerf is implemented just because we're able to consistently always always get our incinerator snap back to proc the sun bracer Loop over and over now there you have it fellas there is the final shape Sun bracer build still ridiculously powerful and is still going to work like an absolute Beast inside of ingame content also I know in the build breakdown I when I was mentioning the auto rifle I said if at worst case scenario even if you don't have heat rises up I was mainly just referring to like you're in the pits you ain't got nothing although the melee energy get from heat rises while in the air does still work even if you don't have heat rises prodct I just really wanted to give a shout out to the auto rifle because it is free times to Resto whatever you heal your allies with I think it has to be enhanced physic just want to clarify that up a little bit let me know your thoughts and opinions on the build Down Below in the comments along with what you're going to be bringing into the salvation's edge day one raid you guys be safe take care consider subscribing I'll see your beautiful faces in the next one adios
Channel: Kree
Views: 42,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kree, prismatic warlock build, prismatic, best warlock build destiny 2, warlock build, prismatic build, destiny 2 warlock build, warlock, destiny 2 prismatic, best warlock build, best prismatic warlock build, prismatic warlock, prismatic warlock builds, prismatic warlock build speculation, destiny 2 prismatic builds, warlock build destiny 2, prismatic titan build, prismatic hunter build, prismatic builds, prismatic build destiny 2, destiny 2 prismatic warlock build
Id: nwT7Mw6vtXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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