I Grinded To RANK 11 And It Was... | Destiny 2: The Journey To Paragon

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Destiny 2 is often criticized for its let's just say lackluster new player experience however one nice addition to the game with lightfall was the addition of Guardian ranks these ranks go from 1 to 11 with each of them having a set of associated challenges to complete in order to ascend that rank the majority of the player base myself included finds themselves hovering around rank six or seven but I recently got motivated to finally break free for my rank seven shackles and attempt to climb to the fabled rank 11 Paragon quite honestly I want to see how hard the grind actually is that and I'm just tired of being a rank seven so without further Ado let's see how long this grind takes and how hard getting to rank 11 really is bro what it's another pandemic okay we've been through one before we'll be all right nah bro this one different different what you mean different now officially this video has no sponsor but it is sponsored by me and our brand new Athena Merch this is inspired by Athena as seen in the dungeon lock and I just thought it was really cool if you're interested you can find it on the Channel's store page but I won't waste your time let's get back to the video now as I mentioned before I started this journey as a rank seven the requirements to reach rank eight are as follows increase your commodation score to 477 find 10 exotic weapons and armor claim any title complete lightfall on legendary rank up with Nimbus complete weekly campaign missions on Legend with a score of 100,000 and a bunch of seasonal stuff that you'll probably complete just by playing through the seasonal story and activity now the only thing here I hadn't done were the three weekly campaign missions which were really easy but unfortunately I wasn't recording when I did them so I guess we'll just continue to rank nine to achieve rank nine you must collect 15 pieces of exotic armor and weapons claim two titles reach a commodation score of 910 complete seasonal challenges and level up with a Riven complete a legend lost sector without dying which is also how you unlock your other Loadout slots complete five Legend loss sectors solo Nightfall on Legend difficulty a nightfallen legend with Platinum rewards and a nightfallen legend with a score of 115,000 or more finally you must complete root of nightmares Koto end warlord's ruin and ghosts of the deep now a lot of these triumphs can be retroactively redeemed if you've done them at a lower rank for example I've done every raid and dungeon in the game so I don't need to go do them again to complete these triumphs which makes this a lot easier except this doesn't always work which will be really annoying later now that being said this means the only things I need for rank nine are the three Nightfall related triumphs which if you play your cards right can all be completed within a single Nightfall so I made a listing on fire team finder which seriously take advantage of fire team finder this feature is great the only requirements for this Nightfall was that it needed to be on Legend we needed to get platinum rewards and we needed to beat it with a score of over 115,000 which as long as you're killing all the Champions is really easy while we struggled with the final boss a little bit we ended up hitting all three requirements in a single Nightfall actually one of the guys I was with showed me a neat little cheese spot that'll come in handy a bit later with with this I've completed all the associated triumphs for rank eight so it's time to ascend to rank nine now ranks 7 8 and 9 all had a lot of triumphs that I had already completed however things won't be as straightforward going into ranks 10 and 11 and as you'll see this is really where the majority of the grind lies let's see what it wants us to do for level 10 all right seasonal ranks we did spe Riven reputation yes okay I'm pretty sure I did that for the bow but now as I mentioned before I've done every raid and dungeon in the game so thankfully all these already completed nightfalls okay complete a Nightfall on Master difficulty or higher featured Nightfall on grandmas difficulty Master lost sector solo flaim oh man we need to claim two more titles this time around I have a lot more to do though it really boiled down to three main things the first being a GM Nightfall with a Darkness subass equipped five Master LW sectors solo two more titles and a bunch of exotic catalysts thankfully all of this is beyond doable it's just going to take some time a lot of these I think we'll be able to knock out all at the same time these are the four that we need to do we're just going to go in order here I think I say we just start this off strong and do a Grandmaster Nightfall because then we'll knock out all of these and this one I need to make sure I have a Darkness subass equipped on the titles is going to be easy I already have a couple in mind that I want to do that'll be really really easy to polish off oh man five of them dude we got to do five of them shits what's the dungeon this week or the Nightfall is scops Battleground the cosmod Drome okay that's not that bad right I mean at least it's not the corrupted I ended up drafting Ruby and Derpy from our live chat to come and help me out with the Nightfall little did I know the cosmod drum scops is unforgiving as [ __ ] no way no way you got this homie oh man man he better you better run oh no it's okay Ruby watch out where did you come from you got a well if you got a oh my God he just can't move move that's insane if we die again I'm Polaris this was when I realized just how good Polaris Lance is especially here we managed to make it to the final boss but after A Series of Unfortunate Events we were sent right back to orbit after that I grabbed my own Polaris for that triple Polaris Lance ASMR what makes this opening section so hard is honestly just the snipers they never stop spawning and hit really hard making this already dangerous area even more tricky to Traverse after using Polaris Lance against literally everything we crawled our way back to the boss in about 30 minutes thankfully Derpy showed us that if you just stay at the entrance you're more or less safe as long as you watch out for the boss's Shields the saboon sections can also be a bit rough if you aren't paying attention to her supers or the unstop that spawns at the beginning of every phase saboon can also only be damaged by the synaptic spear so unfortunately you can't just sit at the spawn and Polaris Lan her till she falls over to add insult to injury we also ran out of her Vibes around the 40-minute Mark oh come on how close was it like a sliver is real close all right I'm going I'm going in yes yes let's go we did it thankfully this knocks out all five of my Nightfall related triumphs now five Master solo lost se you guys say the one today is pretty easy right yeah yeah next up I just had to do a master lost sector solo five times now this is really straightforward if you're a decently competent solo player and especially if you pick an easy loss sector I think I was able to get this done in a little under 35 minutes one more there it is huge we love it this is no longer hard it's just going to take a bit we have to claim five titles which I'm really close to like threes yeah win a Gambit match with a Gambit weapon equipped in every slot with any Trace rle defeat Guardians and the cruise bow that's also going to be easy the first of the two titles that I knew I wanted to get was dead eyee The Crucible Trace rifle kills were a little more annoying to get than I would have hoped but the Gambit match was of course really straightforward with that I've unlocked Dead Eye but I still need another title now I considered going for the iron Lord title however doing this would require me to reset my iron Banner rank twice which honestly I just don't feel like doing instead I decided to go for the Dron title to get this I need to reset my Gambit rank defeat 40 enemies in a single Gambit match without dying deposit 75 Moes in one game and acquire malens yes I know I don't have malens I also don't have xenophage so make fun of me all you want anyway I went to visit The Drifter and got to work the first objective was to kill 40 enemies without dying the second objective was to deposit 75 Moes in a single match now the first of these is really easy but the 75 Moes took a couple games and quite a bit of coordination to pull off oh we got an Invader hide oh I I hear him [ __ ] he's coming for me I'm running oh I'm running run oh I'm running run run I'm com oh my God I'm running holy [ __ ] what the that was insane we have one look at that czy all right how many Moes did I deposit I need 75 I don't think I got it side 73 dude [ __ ] while we do this I'm also passively working on the malin's quest which just requires you to bank Moes and win so basically I just need to do good in Gambit and deposit 75 Moes in a single game I know Gambit Mains would have an absolute field day with this everyone else feel free to either crawl back to conqueror or glorious and suffering competitive if that's more your speed um I'm going to go bank I'm going to come right back and grab all these okay I am coming back oh get oh [ __ ] there we go okay I have 15 again Locker over there so early we got an Invader on got nice okay okay coming back look at all those Moes oh man gorgeous okay I got another large blocker I will okay that should have been enough um no no no don't don't deposit don't dep is crazy okay there is no way that wasn't 75 so uh now we just win uh device be on standby by that portal just in case oh yeah yeah wait just dropped this guy hold up I'm supering don't let him kill you don't let him kill you just drop this dude no way all right don't let the Invader just don't let the inad kill okay okay okay device just went crazy I think no way literally no way dude this is insane this is crazy device that you're a good Invader my friend holy [ __ ] yes thank God okay now we just need to win now we just need to do good from here I just needed to reset my Gambit Rank and get malens which largely just meant play Gambit and try not to die however the last step of the Mal's Quest wanted me to kill all four players in a single Invasion my uncle once said that you'll never find a turtle when you're looking for it and this same logic can be applied to Gambit because well if you're trying too hard to be a good Invader chances are you're probably not going to be a good Invader see how good of a shot I am oh nope it's over [ __ ] meing H he's just always there all right here we go one down seconds I pull you back the ex oh no that wasn't all of them I don't one down what the [ __ ] pull you back see you you [ __ ] a whatever oh wait did that count no that's one that's two second and I call you back very oh now the quest was a bit delayed but I did get it done here I also got this really weird visual glitch with the eyes of Tomorrow reload animation I returned to Drifter to claim my malfant and reset my Gambit rank with this I can finally claim my Dron title this brings us to the last of the rank 10 triumphs that of course being the Exotic catalysts to get these done I of course went over to everyone's favorite Catalyst Farm shiroi where I killed stuff for a while I did thunderlord bearg glass curve tractor Cannon dragon's breath arbalest outbreak perfected which took literally forever Layon Arc and fighting lion why fighting lion I don't know there we go that's what I'm talking about fighting lion there it is oh man I don't want to see this I'm really hoping that I've already done a good bit of the um challenges or the tasks for it but now this is probably a good time to mention that I haven't actually seen the requirements for rank 11 so right here I was seeing all of this for the first time let's do it yeah baby oh that's cool at it I'm not even going to look at those let's just go look at it okay for Paragon for rank 11 let's see let's go one by one grandmas complete the triumphs to acquire the Conqueror title okay that's doable I can do that complete the triumphs to Guild the Conqueror title endgame complete either ghost to the Deep or warlord's ruin dungeon solo okay I've done that complete the most recently Rel raid on Master difficulty oh man complete the most recently released dungeon on Master difficulty okay that I that I can do that complete a master lost sector solo without dying that's easy we'll do that today claim two more titles so we'll get conqueror that'll be one I need to get another one and accommodations um oh yeah that that'll be easy that's not bad that's not bad at all what was I this is going to be easy this is going to be so easy of course the Lost sector was super easy to cross off the list there it is yep okay that's that now remaining challenges are as follows I need to complete Master warlord's ruin Master cot's end two more titles one of which needs to be the Conqueror title and I need to Guild the Conqueror title there were also some Commendation challenges that thankfully I had already completed I will say I've heard from some people that those take a while if you haven't completed them already honestly while I understand why Bungie wants to add Commendation specific triumphs I don't think Commendation specific triumphs should be involved in anything past rank eight because with commendations while cool in Theory you're kind of just at the mercy of other people to give them to you and if they don't give them to you or just leave after the game ends then you're just not going to get them just a thought though this isn't something I actually have to deal with right now who can do it nice easy peasy that was more straightforward than my average normal run after this I shifted my gaze towards a rather large task that of course being the Conqueror title now in order to get conqueror I needed to do a Grandmaster Nightfall on void stasis and solar sub classes so I set out with duck and Donovan to do just that I look like a special kind of stupid like you know I can make this better will holy [ __ ] wow I look horrendous you look like you look like um like our dog when he gets bro change your skin like just change your I'm working on it there go our revive tokens that's called black it's called what yeah you're going to have to get you're going to have to get moving oh boy it was not letting me Vault bro that's I need my battery guard down you are literally useless commer I stopped moving when I said I needed batteries when I jumped off my bed I tripped forward hit the trigger button and threw myself even dumber care yeah I I needed to get close you don't I didn't one of you all just help going to have to back up if you can't stun him awesome what the [ __ ] get away from me break please you're not making us look good there are no reses you have to kill one finish this a horror game this a horror game playing a horror game the [ __ ] oh not him careful he's coming for you stun him res me I have a rocket please please we just take a second I was about to say can we take a breather oh it's the boss yay there's duck where's duck and you can pop your well right up here he's following me pop your well right up here where you going where where you going where you going miles miles where you going we are going to conquer this GM not because it's easy but because it's hard yeah we did the braak tech ospray woo that was one that was one clear now we just had to do that two more times and let me tell you it was not pleasant you're a dead person you're a dead person oh my God I could see Prismatic being one of the things was added in the last 3 months you were g i all right let's go let's go uh help Donan so he's not fighting a good fight [Music] alone looks like I'll be fighting the good fight alone [Applause] huge he just [ __ ] at middle school he says what was that what was that laugh this is crazy oh my no after a while though we did end up getting the other two clears guys we got a br Tech ospre Adept a brch ospre Adept I love the BR Tech ospre Adept all right boys that is the conquerer title in the bag now we just got to Guild it Guild these nuts what dude I just do all of them again are you kidding me wait wait what do you have to do technically I need to do that again I I thought it would retroactively count all the not doing it again right now that is annoying I'll do it again like tomorrow to to G what he said I need to Guild conqueror and I need to get another title now guilding conqueror ended up being a much more involved feat than I'd hoped Unfortunately they don't retroactively count past completions of the strikes so I had to do birthplace of the vial again the next day from there I did hyperlink The Heist on the moon failed scops cosmodrome did the lake of Shadows using that cheese spot from earlier finally did scops cosmodrome and lastly the dreaded the corrupted which I was really worried about but thankfully I got it on my second attempt with guardians on fire team finder after multiple days of work I've now finally gilded my conqueror title which is my first time ever gilding a title so that was pretty cool now I probably made that whole process sound kind of easy but let me tell you in reality this is a lot harder than I made it out to be every Grandmaster took multiple attempts sometimes spanning multiple days in the event of the scops cosmodrome is it doable absolutely but it is pretty tough but now it's time to Circle back to that last title I need and I decided to go for glorious because all I needed to do was achieve Platinum division in competitive this Probably sounds like hell to some of you but I really don't mind it so I got duck and we set out to climb the ranks honestly this wasn't bad at all our first game was an easy win followed by a string of Victories though I was already silver so I didn't really have that much ground to cover until Platinum if I'm not mistaken that tit just like no I'm so lost I just watched a Titan kill you and ious anyway a few wins later I ascended to the Platinum Division and claimed the Glorious title this means that the only thing standing between me and Paragon is Master croo end now for context I've only ever done one master raid before and it was Vault of Glass laugh at me all you want but we did all the challenges and I didn't think it was easy so this should be interesting I went ahead and gathered a team from our Discord Link in the description by the way we're almost at 10,000 members which is just am amazing and with this Apex team of Raiders we descended into the hellmouth for the final stretch to make the abyss section quicker we skipped every lamp that didn't have a chalice holder these are the only ones you're required to hit so if you want you can actually just skip the other ones once you reach the bridge you accelerate it like normal and that's that oh man holy [ __ ] the bridge was a little more problematic mainly because of slight mishaps and the occasional Cameo from throw smoothie oh [ __ ] the I'm so sorry I got it I got it I got it oh crap oh what I'm I'm an idiot I'm so sorry it's going to happen every time also while we were here for some reason the live chat fell in love with Tony and I'm still not sure why I'm going back over see you later know I hear that correctly did you say namaste when you got revived yeah I did why is everyone saying Tony my beloved Tony got a following somehow how what did he do after we cleared the bridge we zipped past the hall away and arrived at the death singer now eute proved to be a bit of a roadblock especially since I wanted to do the challenge to get an Adept weapon but even still she really didn't take that long I like to see nice holy jump out the window yeah I love my favorite one this of course brings us to the final boss croa who was definitely the hardest part of the raid for us and ended up taking roughly an hour to take down and we did not break a shield okay uh our extra enlightened go get a sword let's uh y get okay move away move move go for go for go for okay all right come up Come upad Oh Come on come on come on we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it yes oh my god oh holy [ __ ] 34 with this Victory I took my spoils and bought myself another song of ute which was a much better role than the first one I was also able to finally get necrochasm afterwards which was a really nice surprise and with this last Triumph complete we flew to the tower for my final Ascension enjoy these last moments it's level 10 welcome to welcome to that's beautiful we did it I remember when guardian ranks came out I really never thought I'd be able to hit 11 but all things considered this really wasn't that bad the whole process took about a month of on andof grinding and if I had to pick a hardest part I'd probably say it was guilding conqueror but at the end of the day this really felt rewarding and it was a ton of fun to go on the Journey with you all if you've ever considered climbing the ranks I definitely recommend it I think it's a good way to test your might grow as a player and get some sweet loot along the way and hey it could be a good way to kill time until final shape drops next month speaking of which it is now officially less than a month until the final shape is in our hands and my God I can't wait till then if you enjoyed a like would be greatly appreciated and if you're new around here consider subscribing for fun Destiny content every week in the meantime on the left you can find my Warlords ruined dungeon lock video which is definitely something you'll want to watch before for the final shape Nuzlocke and on the right you'll find whatever else YouTuber I decides to put there and of course feel free to check out my new Athena merch down below I hope you're having a great day night or whatever it is and until next time Guardians goodbye [Music]
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 220,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny future, Destiny roadmap, Destiny Speculation, TWAB, This Week At Bungie, Trials of Osiris, Dungeon, Solo Dungeon, challenge, funny, Raid, Oryx, Funny moments, Divinity, meme, group content, fireteam, Nuzlocke, Calus, Witness, Legendary, Warlock, Crota, Animation, Blender, Strand, Stasis, Arc, Solar, Void, Avengers
Id: W331CWnKt1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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