This villager traded me cursed photo in Minecraft..

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[Music] it's nighttime and I am minecraft village in a world that I don't want nothing to do with honestly in the previous video I was still terrified and I am now that I'm returning today like I'm calm I'm like okay I can do this I'm not too worried about it but I'm gonna be honest with you guys I have never had such numerous weird encounters of like paranormal just like odd weird freaky like stuff happening in Minecraft then in the last video and I've made a lot of creepy mysterious weird minecraft videos and I thought look I got to return back to this world I got to see what's going on with this world the world is known as Bloody Mary and if anybody if anybody knows that the weird ghost ritual that you can do to summon this do I am like I'm really creeped to answer your question I'm really creeped out um about the whole thing and I it's a topic that I'm honestly dreading doing another video talking about on this world we're gonna board to a brand new Minecraft video for the sake of all things holy one like equals one prayer okay we're gonna need a lot of those so uh hit the like button subscribe and it will pull certification will read about making to go ding screen over for your significant upload we have content every single day that's just weird that doesn't add up I don't know what's really going on so I thought we investigate this and I also want to see what the villagers are trading because there's been numerous reports of people finding weird trades at different times throughout mine from with the villagers and I thought why not what's a better time to actually dive in and look at that a little bit today so what we're doing so anyways subscribe all that good stuff you can buy you some merch Ong got merge for Elcom links in the description actually I get that plug in there just so people know because I don't say nothing people might not even know right people are always asking for merge to so that's why I always plug that people like do this when we shut up okay some people don't know literally um alright so Wow ah like I said I'm still kind of coming down off the weird creepy vibe of the last video having put that together like there's still weird stuff this we're literally just resume me what was that what what just happened there did you guys see that what the heck was that okay I guess eh I guess the aren't going oh my god something is attacking the iron golem oh there's a zombie coming out oh my god there's complete chaos coming through the village here I don't think we're gonna be trading with these villagers if this get Oh yup he's dead you know all time I dario's I always love seeing iron golems just throw these poor innocent creatures our moms to oblivion always refreshing what was that did you see that there's like some weird glitch that flickered there so this world is paranormal it's the most paranormal world I've ever seen from glitches and weird things happening weird noises that I still don't the iron golem is gonna get himself killed this is so weird he killed the iron golem there's no iron golem no more in this what I don't even know what kind of noise I was my dad thought out that's bit weird ha ha honestly like about what will happen what do you do what you're not even oh my god there's a baby one this is this village is not having a good day I don't know what's going on I think we need to just sleep and pass the night because there is some weird stuff going on here I'm gonna go to my creepy infested house that I'm there's even really much of a house but it's gonna get the job done we're gonna get to go to sleep and not have to worry about like okay that's all that matters so let's go ahead and sleep through the night here respawn point said in case I get possessed by a ghost I can respawn totally fine you know not worried about knowing um so yeah I wanted to trade with a few of the villagers see what they have what few villagers are left yes a lot of them seem to be dead dying hello what do you have you have some raw card count fire that's pretty cool he has a campfire oh hello he's a farmer he has a bucket of Cod that's about it another farmer it looks like this guy looks like he might be a blacksmith or something so let's quickly see what he has with what 36 okay I'm not sure what that is but what I'm going to do is trade with the villager I'm gonna go get some emeralds trade I'm gonna see what this map is about Oh guys what is this what is this this is creepy this is I know look I don't know what it is uh-huh no no no no no no I have never known this world I'm done I'm deleting this world I have I knew something was wrong 32 Emeralds for a map I was like is this like a cursed map or something I buy it I have never been more terrified in my life did you look that's like one of those cursed images you see that you're not supposed to look at and then it's just gonna like haunt you and like follow you around your everyday life like it's like some ghost just comes through your screen right and it's like haunting over you for like 10 years or something after you look at it like I thought it was a normal map I was like why is as a normal map call so much maybe it's a uh it's a treasure map no no not at all that is not a treasure map that is a cursed map I have never seen nothing like that in all the micro and now played minecraft a lot I've looked weird things I never seen nothing like that no I am deleting this world I am no longer playing on sort look I told you in the previous video some weird thing everything was weird paranormal I have never seen nothing so paranormal in my life I make a sequel this video here things are still weird already weird things are happening The Golem died I was like what's going on with that traded with a villager I'm like Oh a map is this like a cursed map I look at it all right I'm gonna be honest I'm lost for words I know I'm just sitting here and sign I've never seen nothing like that in Minecraft I do apologize that I'm kind of lost for words right now but I think many of you if you found something like that in Minecraft as well you would probably not know really what to put together it seems so unrealistic it's very weird um so I'm gonna leave it like this if you guys think I should delete this world and forget all about this and never touch this again which most definitely is what I want to lean towards like I don't want to touch this is this terrifying I don't even want it I own I don't know this seems so weird that it's one of those that's like does this even need to be uploaded type of things like it's so weird so imma let you guys decide if I should delete this world delete the world now leave the world I'm not sure myself I will let you guys be the judge of that and decide that because I'm not sure what the right decision is to make but I do know this I am terrified now don't want to touch this world for a while at least so we're gonna have to take a breather after this weird world really it's just throwing me everywhere right so look at some other world so you know not worry too much about it do my old thing right oh god anyways so yeah hit the like button subscribe I guess all that stuff you might emerged today buying the merch helps you know when you're playing minecraft not get scared you know I have like some likes protection surrounding at the merch I know it's crazy dude no but on also you're thinking by the merch link in the description I want to know if anybody else has found a map like this that's a good question to leave you all with because like whoa anyways let the music start some nice music stuff set the tone right and I will see you all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 276,579
Rating: 4.8081083 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Cursed, Creepy, This villager traded me cursed photo in Minecraft, Cursed Photo, Cursed Images, Cursed Minecraft Images, Cursed Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Villager, Scary Villager, Cursed Villager, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: swHRlmYw_l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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