I received the scariest call at 3AM while playing Minecraft..

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all right so we have rain snow and the trees have completely transformed this is actually the first time i've spotted this in minecraft i forgot or did not know this was an update because simply i've not seen many trees in the snowy biomes so oh no this is pretty cool but either way i am here today with a brand new scary video on minecraft we're gonna be doing something like that we haven't done in a long time and to be honest like look at this is like half normal half that's crazy anyways today herobrine that's right we're going to be doing a herobrine spawner simply because it has been so long it's a very special time of the night and i thought you know we haven't done a herobrine spawner in a while so that's what we're doing here today ladies and gentlemen if you're new to the channel subscribe and it will post notifications we'll bring it about my go ding what this is going to do is notify you of every single video if you know someone that's not a subscriber ask them if they're good post in the comment section below on one of their videos are you good they're gonna be like what do you mean you're not subscribed to when she dude but today oh yeah guys let's just blow the likes out of the water on this video let's just do it for fun let's see how many likes we can get on this video right so like if you're a person out there that normally wouldn't like just like the video just to see what we can do let's kind of have some fun and blow the likes out of the water on this one all right hero bryan swann of course i have my redstone torch because it's been forever since i've done a herobrine spawner and i thought what better way to attempt to do one now so what we're going to want to get is some mossy cobblestone some moss stone as it's caught i guess and then we have our redstone we want the redstone blocks gold blocks and uh why cannot what okay jeez uh and then what else do we need what else do we need we need regular redstone i believe all right now this should be enough to make a basic herobrine spawner i used to always make herobrine spawners in my world just to kind of try uh to see if they would eventually do anything because oh it gets so creepy you guys know we've had run-ins with herobrine in the past and it's always one of those things i don't really like to deal with because running into herobrine is just like you know it's a it's a big no uh it's a big no for me basically so goat block in the middle surrounded by this with the mossy stone very basic spawner i would say but creepy as ever so we're gonna put those around connect all sides and then there's one thing missing the steve head which i just need to find okay now sometimes you can put netherrack and light it on fire for the middle as well [Music] oh guys i was afraid i was gonna place that and then the redstone was gonna light back up and then something good terrible was gonna happen i'm not gonna lie it does feel a little bit eerie and scary because this is the first time we've dealt with herobrine or tried to make a herobrine spawner in quite some time guys and watch me go into a creepy forest right away what even why am i doing this wait what up guys why am i receiving a phone call at like 3am while i'm making a video this is creepy since it's just creepy i think i'm gonna answer it the number is like some weird number i've never seen it before all right let me slide hello is anyone there uh hello all right honestly i don't even think i'm gonna edit that out [Music] i don't even think i'm gonna edit that out of the video because that's just creepy on its own um all right so let me explain what just happened guys um i was just going along and i noticed i was getting a phone call which is weird because i always disable it so i cannot receive phone calls when i'm making videos so i don't get interrupted but for some reason oh what why is there a random flower on the sand over there is that something we should be concerned about there's more of those trees look at that well there's a lot of them over here whoa that's so cool i didn't know they made this or put this in the update anyways i don't know why there was a flower on the ground over there guys what was that about you think herobrine did that anyways getting back to what i was explaining like i usually always have a disabled but i got a call from an unknown number like i've never seen the number before um and i answer it i don't hear nothing like i'm sitting there saying hello well you guys heard it because i'm gonna leave it in the video normally i would cut something out of the video like that but it's like 3am right now like what what like who calls like what it's super weird timing especially after i make the herobrine thing anyways i answer i'm like hello i don't hear nothing but then i hear a like a like like at like like i don't know how to explain it like maybe like something hit like some type of surface or something so i'm like um okay what's going on with that so it's like clearly there's potentially someone there because i heard a little bit of background noise it wasn't like it was a blank call so that kind of was like weird on its own so i was just like okay cool and i just hung up i don't know what that was about i never received calls at this time so and to beat it all while let me get a video a creepy video like that too but anyways let's get back to the flower over here there was a flower that just randomly spawned see guys that's why i don't mess with hero bright stuff i'm telling you weird stuff happens i get a weird phone call flowers are just randomly appearing for no reason i don't know about all this guys i don't know what to make of all this right this video took a weird turn like i don't know what i'm gonna like what am i gonna title this video even like i received scary call at 3am people below what because i'm sitting here like what i don't even know what's going on all right this is where we've made the spawner let's go but guys what if we go back to the spawner and it's like destroyed or something well i thought i thought i'd seen something i don't like this guys i don't like this one bit all my minecraft journeys always take me to something creepy i don't know what oh hello creeper everything seems normal nothing seems too different here just to be fair guys it is really dark in minecraft right now oh the red eyes of the spiders they always get you let's go get some regular torches so i want to ask a question everyone out there viewing when was the last time you guys shot a hero brian spawner or have you ever tried a hero brian spawner are you guys too scared to try to spawn herobrine i know after tonight i'm just kind of in a weird vibe now like when you get like a creepy phone call like that like it just put you in like a weird vibe and that's not the first time that's happened guys allow me just to go over me and my friends would just be sitting around and we would get calls from the most random numbers like well unknown numbers so they would have like the number blocked or whatever right and we would answer it and it would always just go to static and this would be when we would be like creating some type of stuff so like we'd be like uh thinking up ideas you know uh and just trying to like work on stuff be productive basically we would always get this weird static phone call and like honestly it was the creepiest thing ever guys i'm not even gonna lie so like uh we would always get this weird static phone call we'd be like hello it'd just be nothing but static super loud static too and uh it would happen quite often every time we would be together you know trying to think up ideas or something like it's really really weird guys i don't know what is going on have you guys got any weird phone calls and if you have let me know how that went as well oh spider chill i would definitely be interested to know because i know i've had my fair share of phone scary phone calls and i don't i don't deal with it like no thanks but either way guys we're gonna light up the area here that way we could just keep herobrine away and in sight if he does appear we could be we could be able to visually catch his appearance very quickly oh look there's a bunny blended in right with the snow and a polar bear i didn't that's how i didn't even see the polar bear just blending in but with that aside guys a scary video we didn't really see herobrine but like some scary phone calls and stuff happened it was weird but either way guys uh a scary video to put down in the books we upload videos here every single day we don't ooh a stray i haven't seen one of these in a wall but um yeah guys we upload is that destroy our husk no that's not a husk is it that's a stray no the husker the like uh the desert zombies but either way guys um yeah we upload videos every single day it's 2019 we're trying to take over we're trying to revolutionize we're just trying to make great content as well and uh boy it is it's crazy i cannot wait guys i absolutely love making videos and we're only gonna continue so i will see you all in the next one
Channel: O1G
Views: 626,337
Rating: 4.8255301 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, Minecraft Console Edition, I received the scariest call at 3AM while playing Minecraft, 3AM Challenge, 3AM, Minecraft 3AM Challenge, 3AM Challenge Minecraft, Scary, Scary Minecraft Videos, Scary Videos, Creepy, Spooky, Horror, Roleplay, For Kids, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: jN0GXJB1-l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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