This scary video will make you quit Minecraft!

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[Music] it appears the sun is going to be setting soon in minecraft and this is not good for anybody that uh dabbles in creepy pastas wait is the sun even moving guys i said the sun was going to be setting soon but i think the sun is not actually moving i must have turned daylight cycle off who would have thought what a start to a video anyways guys welcome subscribe and it will post notifications ringing the bell i'm gonna go ding um today we are going to be looking at or talking about something that will make you want to quit minecraft quite honestly uh you guys know everybody's always playing mod packs the older versions of minecraft perhaps you go back on your java launcher and well play alpha or beta for that matter i mean it's definitely possible and you can definitely do that however when you start playing in the old versions of minecraft they're buggy there's a lot of things that was not corrected or fixed and well you're going to imagine that comes with a lot of scares too many scares that someone like me and you would probably not want to participate in well i'm sure some of us are daring to some extent let's get about three likes on this video and if this video gets more than three likes 30 likes something like that i am going to be doing a giveaway okay uh i'm gonna be doing a giveaway soon so keep your eyes peeled on the channel for that now i wonder if i have commands on so i can set the time tonight i can't good let's set the mood a bit all right i don't know if this is wise guys have you ever heard a bell just randomly ring by itself at night in your village or is that just me i i swear to you i was playing minecraft recently going through my village and then all of a sudden what i believe to be the bell inside of a village just starts ringing out of nowhere i rush out of my village home because i'm always claiming a house in the village as mine i know i shouldn't do that i'll kick a villager out move in there myself i shouldn't do that i really shouldn't do that i gotta stop doing that actually i need to just what would hurt me from building my house right beside those and not still in there i don't know i don't know but i don't like it anyways so i go in there and i start hearing the bell ring i rush out and it's not there's no one there there's nothing around it i'm like how do you explain that i don't know maybe maybe that i'm not the only one that's happened to if it's happened to you please let me know in the comment section below because it is quite honestly terrifying um anyways so we're in a village here on a world i've been trying to make this village look a lot better i've added some nice flowers i've been correcting the paths and uh well it isn't it isn't close progressive uh like it's in a state of almost being completed in terms of like it's uh correct me correcting it i guess you could say going back fixing the pathways and everything of that sort but yeah i want to get back to what i was talking about at the beginning of this video hopefully no phantoms out here let's rush out here i don't know why the bed did that but um getting back to what i wanted to talk about was the early versions of minecraft and an update that arrived in minecraft that everybody thought was absolutely fantastic glorious it was a wonderful time to be playing minecraft everybody's having a blast with blast furnaces but take it back to minecraft update 1.14 now just to sure that i get all these facts right what i want to do to you guys is i want to go ahead and google minecraft update 1.14 and the reason why i'm bringing this up so i get my facts straight i make sure that i'm not giving you guys any misinformation now if we go back to this update it was released in 2019 now this update was huge guys it was called the village and pillage update it's a major update that folks mainly on as you can guess villages adding a new subset of villagers known as illagers you know pillagers redesigning the architecture and changing the biome structure of the generation regarding villages forever and you can imagine this came with a lot of other new biomes creatures of sorts foxes rumbling around and it was major now tons tons arrived in this update most popular update easily massive but apparently the early versions of this update you guys know how they release an update in minecraft and then they have to go back and they have to fix it patch some bugs do bug fixes recently you know and they they'll add they'll release a a change log and uh correct things and fix it so you can you know confirm that hey this bug that i was experiencing this glitch they fixed it i don't got to worry about it no more minecraft is full of many many paranormal things even to this day that they don't bother fixing i i don't know why like can someone answer me okay so show us an example don't just say that there's paranormal things that happen i'm sure many of you have spawned to the world you're walking around in a world and all of a sudden you see a piece of grass or a flower break uh out of nowhere uh you see sand just randomly start falling by itself now people tie this closely to simple generational mistakes but i think it's the perfect way to also tie it to a ghost i think it's also a perfect way to say that there may be a ghost in this world if all these random things just start happening or my world is generating very creepy odd like things that i wouldn't normally be able to explain but mojing is very much so aware of this and why they continue not to let people you know fill people in on why it's happening is still a mystery to me uh they leave it in and there's many creepy things in minecraft that they still have not changed that they leave it in uh to mess with people well anyways on one of these earlier updates it was alleged that um well it was very scary because before they fixed all the bugs some of the updates people were experiencing something odd something extremely bad and this was villagers or what you could call possessed with all white eyes not just one but most of the village would be inhabited by villagers with white eyes almost that of as if it was herobrine but in a villager form now this was very interesting and of course this got fixed very quickly and it didn't happen to everyone's world just a few but the later update was a bug fix and it fixed this completely and no one ever experienced it again now i don't know about any of you but it is slightly concerning to think that i could go to a village and all the villagers are just possessed with white eyes and this also got me thinking that perhaps just maybe herobrine was also a glitch at one point in time when minecraft used to have steve roaming around the world guys if you go back to one of the most earlier editions of minecraft it's just like a piece of bedrock with a bunch of steves running around and perhaps at one point in time they were messing around with steve the character and they happened to have a upset where steve had wide eyes and it just happened to show up in someone's world in an early early version of minecraft and that's how herobrine was potentially formed through a glitch it definitely seems reasonable however who knows right it's still up in question to this day about herobrine about the possessed villagers and why it all happened that way i don't know guys if you play an early version of minecraft it might make you want to quit it definitely might but i thought today was the perfect day to kind of step back from the roblox content give you guys another minecraft creepypasta uh everybody loves these and uh people like seeing them from time to time even though the roblox videos kinda have been getting more support than the minecraft videos i don't know you guys tell me but we're going to continue delivering daily content and i am happy to inform you guys that the content is going to be stepping up i do have a discord now perhaps you're watching this you've not realized that you can go join the discord it will be in the description below alongside my other social medias perhaps you never knew i had an instagram or twitter this is your chance go say hello to me uh come be a part of the community that we're growing not just on youtube but outside of youtube the discord is a perfect place to post your fan art to um listen to music we have uh we really pimped out the discord i want to let you guys know that we really pimped it out we made it the best we could um there's people posting memes all the time on there you can listen to music with your friends or other viewers of the channel make some friends it is a great place to be and um people are always complimenting how the discord is way better than they thought it would be so i have confidence that you out there may enjoy it so definitely give it a look and um thank you once more for watching another minecraft video so you might be asking is this the end of the video is this where it all closes once and for all or do you have something else creepy to tell us and i do i do have something creepy to tell you i don't know when but we're gonna be talking about something else in minecraft that is closely tied to perhaps the warden perhaps um but this select i don't want to give too much away but this in minecraft has been up in question forever and everybody's looking for the definition to why why is it like this how can it be changed will it ever be changed is there an explanation behind it and i'm going to be going over all that in a future video i'm not going to spoil too much but if you want to see that video i need you to comment below saying i want to see what you're talking about all right okay so with that aside guys go watch some videos on the channel we upload every single day you don't want to miss them okay be a part of the community we're growing fast in 2021 help me reach 2 mil or help us reach 2 mil that's a better way to put it because this is obviously us all of us together as one anyways i will see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 13,670
Rating: 4.9193954 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Scary Videos, Videos Scary, This scary video will make you quit Minecraft, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Villagers, Minecraft Villagers, Scary Minecraft Villagers, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: F3X5L6opQ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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