I got ARRESTED for going 71 mph

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a ford panel van pulled up moments later and out jumped two officers with cuffs and with a whole nine [Applause] last thanksgiving i was dropping a good friend off at the ronald reagan national airport in washington dc and coming back on a portion of freeway in the dc area called whitehurst freeway those of you that are familiar with dc although it's an elevated highway and it's got that concrete sound that when you go over it about 50 or 60 miles per hour you feel like you should be going 80 or 90 miles per hour right however it's a 35 and we'll get to that in just a moment i just dropped off my buddy uh in his lexus the es uh 350 it's a new car it's fine and all it's relatively quick but it wasn't registered yet is the important factor it's the leased car and the paperwork was supposedly in the car but the temporary tag had fallen off due to some rain and whatnot so for all intents and purposes it is a black lexus with no tags so i'm driving back uh this is probably thanksgiving eve from the airport and i am flying and there's this range rover in the left-hand lane and he suddenly slams on the brakes and i sort of go around i'm like why is this guy slowing down and i might add that being in not my own car and being in a in a district with no radar detectors or laser jammers being legal you're flying quite literally blind waze in dc works really well for stationary speed cameras but that's about it and the unending bounds of construction happening in the in the district so i immediately crest uh go down a little in a dip and i see a stationary police officer quite literally on the side of the freeway no shoulder sort of where two lanes then go to merge into a third turning lane point at my car and go like this and i thought all right well that's really weird never seen a stationary police officer in dc but i guess the end of the month maybe they're trying to get those quotas up or whatnot so i pull off to the side the gentleman quite literally putting his life on the line for speeding tickets uh in dc literally as i said no shoulder no nothing pulled the car walks to the vehicle and i've got you know the whole the whole thing keys on the dash even though tequila start hands like this the whole nine right all the windows down no tint nothing looking like how are you officer how are you whatever and uh he says oh come on relax relax flex and i thought okay great maybe i'm gonna get a talking to a warning a lesson and we'll be on our way right do you know how fast you were going he said to me i said uh no sir i don't i'm so sorry it's not my not my car said yes we'll get to that and i said yes my friend's car i just leased it like or you know dropped him off the airport i'm happy to call him if you'd like and whatnot and he says no no no how fast were you going i said again sir i'm so sorry it's one of those new digital tachometers i'm used to the much older vehicles i'm not very you know these new hybrid vehicles you start getting on the gas and settling next you know you're going fast he goes how fast and i said sir i quite literally do not know so then i started thinking maybe he doesn't know how fast i was even going i thought maybe he just saw a car moving fast double as fast as the rest of speedy traffic and said please join me on the side of the road good sir and i figured okay uh fine maybe i'll use this my advantage lo and behold he did know and he did have it on the radar at 71 in a 35. so again double the speed limit a little over double speed limit but once again i urge you all to go and drive on whitehurst freeway and experience the concrete on rubber noise of an elevated freeway and how it really should be a 60 or 70 mile per hour zone but i'll digress he essentially says you know give me your license and whatnot and he didn't really ask much about the vehicle just said do you have proof of insurance in the vehicle i said i'm sure my buddy does search the glove box and lo and behold thankfully the dealership had done some due diligence and there was some paperwork in there so i hand it to him and you know whatever so 10 15 minutes go by and i think okay great he's just gonna you know maybe write me a ticket write me a warning whatever and i'll be on my merry way in no way shape or form did i consider anything further than that being coming to fruition for my uh thanksgiving eve i might add that my parents were in town and i was supposed to meet them for dinner later that night so it was about one o'clock i was doing work at four i was then greeted by the uh smiling police officer's face who then instructed me to please step out of the vehicle and i thought i almost started snickering for a minute there and i thought uh what i stood by the vehicle for what and again so i i obliged i stepped out of vehicle again cars driving by at a rate of speed 135 i might add and then you know i instinctively having watched a lot of cops in life petey put hands on the trunk spread my legs he goes oh come on no no none of that none of that and i thought again great maybe he's gonna give me one of those out of the car stern talking to's you know being a young kid maybe he's gonna try and scare me straight by doing the whole i'm gonna arrest you spiel and i thought okay fine he essentially explained to me that washington dc just passed a new ordinance that anyone doing essentially double the speed limit no matter what it is a 10 hour zone a 20 mile an hour zone or 35 mile an hour zone is immediately subject to a rest and the color drained out of my face and he said uh so i will be having to put you underneath the rest today and i looked at the guy and i again started almost laughing thinking what's going on in northwest washington dc upper northwest dc a kid dropping off his buddy at the airport trying to get home to go to work at 4 p.m not a big deal and there's literal the murder capital as they used to call it crime happening southwest southeast dc and i figured this nice gentleman's deciding to spend his afternoon with me so be it i said you know okay fine whatever so i you know but then he says now you can go ahead so i was like wow this guy really put me through the ringer there and then i decided to put my hands back on the trunk patting me down and whatnot turns out he was waiting 15 minutes in his car for the paddy wagon to come and i kid you not a ford panel van pulled up moments later and out jumped two officers with cuffs and with a whole nine and i was short of being foot shackled the shoelaces were taken out of my shoes and whatnot and the gentleman pretty much just explained to me that i had a few options either a i would leave the car where it is on the side of the road on a highway and run the risk of it being damaged towed whatever or i could have the gentleman drive it and leave it in the gas station right next to it for me and when i got out of my time in the slammer i could go and pick up the vehicle or he could drive the car for me to the police station and then i would be able to get it when i got out and i figured okay let's go to the third option please that seems you know most cost-effective most reasonable and most uh you know amicable to my friend who has just let me take the airport and then get arrested in his vehicle the guy was actually very nice that he essentially explained that it was out of his hands and it's anything he cannot report anything double the speed limit without an arrest that's where i almost wanted to say well that let me write it for 69 and a 35 and uh but i don't think he was having i think he was a young guy and he think he was you know trying to keep his daughter's eyes and crosses t's and whatnot so i respect and i respect his uh his demeanor nonetheless he had one of the gentlemen driving the paddy wagon drive his cruiser and we sort of formed a convoy where the lexus was in the front driven quite rapidly i might add on city service streets in dc by the arresting officer the paddy wagon in the middle and then his cruiser behind and they did the whole thing hands behind like this the metal bar up to my chest and the whole inside of the van almost smelled like uh puke and whatnot from probably last saint patty's day when they were picking up people in the paddywag we took the 10-15 minute drive back to the police station which i might add we lost sight of the lexus many times in that drive because he was having his own fun in the vehicle and then i got to got to jail and i was processed they took my mug shots they searched my socks they searched and around my every witch area and crevice of a body that i'd even know somebody's had crevices like that all the while i got to witness quite the onslaught of individuals coming uh before me and after me getting photographed and whatnot so i'm getting kind of violent with the police almost sort of you know trying to muscle their way out of i mean i don't even know what the game plan there is essentially once i was booked and they fingerprinted me i said hey where's my phone called i got a phone call my first thought was to call my mom uh and then i immediately decided not to and my next thought was to call uh one of my buddies and they told me there's no bail though they just had to wait for the fbi to clear me as having no outstanding warrants they could send me on my way because they did not consider this although it was felony speed it was not a dangerous crime they had to keep me in prison in jail for until my court date or whatever i then ask hey where's my phone call and they said okay you can um you can call you can make a phone call and my first reaction was to actually then call work and say hey i want to be a little bit late today so but i did not know my work's phone number so i decided hey can i use 3-1-1 the guy's like come on that's two phone calls and i was like come on please i'm a kid whatever he said okay fine so i was able to get my my boss's phone number and called and they were told me hey just get just shoot me a text man i'm really busy right now and i was like buddy it's not really that kind of situation all right if i'm calling you from random phone number it's probably that i'm in trouble all right so i'm gonna be up at half an hour late uh luckily after about an hour and a half this is coming up on 3pm now um i was released but what i will say is those hour and a half that i did spend in the jail cell with a few other individuals who then would like to call me a close friend i don't know if i would call them the same uh we started trading stories about why we were in there and a lot of people were saying i was stealing jeans from banana republic or i was selling fentanyl on the block or i hit my girlfriend and they all came to me and all eyes looked at me and i said well i was just speeding and they all said ah white people long story short got out of jail and literally walked out grand theft auto style rubbing my hands got into my buddies lexus drove it home picked up my own car went to work thankfully on time and i got the court date situation the mail ended up being over christmas when i was supposed to be out of town with my girlfriend and i immediately you know contacted a lawyer and said you know hey can we get this figured out and lo and behold the attorney i hired was actually a good friend of kitty not the attorney general of dc and adc being a district has its own ag rather than a prosecutor or whatnot so he then forwards me essentially hey you know do all this whatever fill out this information send me a transcript you're a good student blah blah blah then he forwards me an email tread uh between himself and the ag of dc apparently they went to law school together and the last email in a 35 email chain talking about catching up and their families and their wives and going to golfing and whatnot was by the way a good client of mine just had this situation come out what can we do for him and within two minutes he replied eight hours driving school we'll wipe it clean and thankfully eight hours online driving school which to my girlfriends this may i did have to do on our trip uh at odd hours tonight i might add uh let me go walk free out of that we'd like to thank avalon king for their continued support of the vinwicki youtube channel from crazy projects like casey's k0 to shooting derelict amg cars off of a cliff in alaska they're interested in a whole lot more with respect to the automotive hobby than just making our cars look great but the ceramic coating is awesome and you can get it with for 25 off at the link in the description below so be sure to check it out try it on your car let us know what you think in the comments and let them continue to support idiots like us [Music] you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 271,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police, speeding, speed trap, ticket, defense, vinwiki, car stories, lexus es350, Lexus, Dunadel, Daryoush, cannonball, lease
Id: 6Zn_VQuNjrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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