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[Music] do you see them in the USA this is your final chance to see the greatest novel time expect ballet dancing hugs in sumo suits cost a giant bread cannon whatever way evil Dan feels like being annoying that day wait why does he have my dogs and what I mean Eve doing here um anyway tickets for the final leg of the dantdm US tour available now buy them in the description below see you there punch guys seriously why did he have my pugs right okay whip we're back welcome back guys - hello chair see you chair talk about guys - hello a neighbor where today I am going to attempt to become the neighbor you right over there who's walking towards me why yeah I'm gonna become this guy who apparently can't even hear me creeping up behind hear me okay all those cameras is gone no no no no he see me this time a buddy how's it going I am gonna become you today because apparently you can grow the neighbors Golden Apple which sounds pretty amazing actually but it's also quite tricky now in our array of goodies which we have randomly acquired we need to grab ourselves a watering can because I'm this over here this patch of land which I thought was a grave I mean understandably so the neighbor is literally nuts this is actually where you need to plant a seeds in here and then you need to water it over and over and over again and apparently you can grow a beanstalk or a Golden Apple one of those things but hey let's let's give it a go I will need an apple though wait a second can I pick you up I have been amazing yeah I need to grab my cell ice in the Apple I meant an umbrella I need to grab this but I also need to turn off the power because he's got way too many cameras looking at me and I also need to grab a watering can now the good thing is I can actually punch this guy back get out of here you punk I'm out of here I need to get a war in can why there's so many buckets here what what have you been doing is so many or I'm gonna need a watering can where are they no you must have one somewhere actually is that one over here there is look at this that's exactly what I needed so I need to get into his kitchen and wait actually I need to find the seed first but it's such an annoying light source hey let's try it anyway it doesn't even matter if we get caught by him because we can literally punch him in the face and say no you know captain me today I need to get to a specific place but I can't quite remember where it is I think it might be down here somewhere or is it down here let me try down here and see what happens I need to get down to this pace and there's a room somewhere is it here it's somewhere to do with this I'm pretty sure food we've been in this room before it just kind of contains loads of random stuff we have to watch the TV nobody just turn it on and off that's really useless thank you Oh what are you doing oh my goodness you're you're crazy you just pushed in the door open and closing it again you're you're so dumb do I want to go out here you see there oh no no I need to punch him punch punch there we go right I need to find this place real quick or not I've just lost my umbrella as well good job actually hold up we need the gun first I'm pretty sure we need the gun I've been doing a lot of research on this and it's gonna take me a while but I think we need the gun there is a way you can get it it was in the previous game let's go find it but I do need a no stay away from me you chump I do need another umbrella have you got one buddy you got one I think I threw my other one through here nope me in here is it in here yes yes it is okay got it oh he's gonna find me the bathroom sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I just wanted to use your shower are you okay sir where is he there is oh no whatever you do do not come through this door I think I'm safe it's absolutely fine he didn't come near me are we stuck in this door get out maybe not punch him there we go I'm gonna leave you behind this door you having trouble with see you later buddy and he's got the elevator quick here we go and then we need to walk I think down here there's a certain room you can get in I think it's this one right here cuz we've been in it before or actually we've been nearer before because what it is is it's the place where no why why would you do this to me but it's the place where the tennis balls are I'll show you thanks for that thank you right in there can you see the stuff moving it's like right there let's try this here we go that's glide very carefully nice okay we did it there's a big cog look at this Wow okay this is where it's blocked up before because we've been the other side of this but check this out look there's tennis balls being thrown us excuse me can you um can you stop that does this stop him I missed anyway alright let's try and walk 3x I'm pretty sure the gun is there it is the gun can I just walk this way I can okay this is a very weird room I'm just gonna walk over here and grab this I don't really want to be you are you shooting me cuz I could shoot you back now sucker oh there are apples they're actually apples I thought they were tennis balls okay that's one mystery solved what do we do now can I grab this oh I've got a tank no way and this I think was the door we were trying to get through before so I'm right that's that's part one done part two is shooting a certain painting upstairs so where can we get out of here oh oh no it's not that stop that what just happens no I'm stuck in the wall no I'm stuck in the wall no no no no no this can't happen I blame the apples why I'm literally in the wall it won't let me leave oh this is bad what I - I think the only thing I can do is quit the game and get out because I'm stuck guys and I can't move right it was nice seeing this room thank you I'm knock this over I'm not everything over that I can and I'm soo in a bit okay we're back and we better so now we can punch the neighbors shoot the neighbor and just literally jump over him with our double jumps so we're goods how you doing buddy you remember this huh do you remember their sums gonna shoot you square in the face look I literally can do nothing against me then if he catches me after throwing glue at my face I can punch him in the face and make him fall his own glue see you later buddy you you punk right I need to think of what I'm doing eggs he's literally gonna catch me any second no no up yes I know I've gone the wrong way I didn't need to be up here oh no oh we are know can I punch him again there we go right when you do this quickly we need to go through this door up here which has already been unlocked no Nana no go through it go through it just close it no who don't like this guy I should have shot him and now it's nice time great you can catch me now it's okay you can catch me hello neighbor hello it's super dark I can't see anything right now and you're gonna let me straight through great so we're gonna have to try and do this in the dark I'm gonna brighten it up for you guys but um yeah I can't see and what do i do from here I can't actually remember I think I need to jump out of a certain window oh no I'm stupid I didn't even need to come up here it's so dark I don't need the blue door just yet I need to find one of these paintings and shoot it I don't know which one it is Oh Oh what's happening what's happening oh I'm glitching out on the bullet great I'm just gonna shoot them all and see what happens I have no idea oh it's that one do I do it oh I Cory sear properly but that's a no go away I'm gonna punch you to get out of here I'm just gonna shoot you until you die these are only foam bullets though what is he doing that go away at least it's daytime now so I'm I don't think you saw any of that but basically I shot one of the paintings and a door opened it was pretty pretty clever actually now I just need to get back up there because now I can actually see various Oh what an embarrassment what's wrong with you okay could I just walk up here without him getting me I can this has been so glitchy but I'm glad he's underneath there he's still stuck he is I think our boy here is stuck forever I don't mind right let's find a seed it should be in here somewhere and magical seeds that's definitely not the right way seeds seed oh look no guns but but I have a gun what does that mean what happens if I go in there oh there it is there it is look can you see it Dona Ana seeds so now that my neighbor is stuck this is gonna be a lot easier but what happens if we go through here listen oh it just closes okay so there's a door and just a shoot that's a little bit random so if I put my gun down no I through the seat or through the seat no no no that cannot be lost jeez let's just put my gun on the floor and hopefully we can go through here we can what's through this door I can't see it's just junk I thought that was the Golden Apple there and it's just a doorknob okay but what's this this is just like a big I don't even know this is I can't press anything that's weird it's a slide okay bang-bang let's grab this is there anything else up here we should probably take a look at we've got this chair I don't think we need to be here just yet pop okay I'm not gonna disturb that guy I'm just gonna throw this at the window and get out of here because I think he is stuck forever oh wait no he's not oh man II escaped what a chump oh jeez I should've jumped out of there but right we need to plug this thing is he following me I don't know I'm gonna plant it right now right now okay so let's take the seed and let's plop it I'm here did it work nope the seed is still there how do I plan this how do I apply this oh I did it I did it no don't don't throw glue at me how did you do it from all the way over there okay so now the seed is planted I need to get some water in this watering can which obviously is extremely difficult as we discovered before go away go wait no I will punch you and I will fill this up with water right let's do this here we go this turn this on let's just grab as much water as we can I don't know if there's an indication but it's full or not and this is also a very glitchy item as well so let's see if this works shall we okay how can we do this there we go it's water it that's so cool there we go done now now what do we do do we just need to keep on watering it I hope so so I don't know what else to do if my neighbor seems to be preoccupied with something else so I'll no no no punch and punch punch him there we go let's go water some more see you later the fact that we can do that is amazing and we can follow that up with a quick pat pat pat pat pat pat buck what an idiot right let's water this one more time look it's growing what is that that's so gross is actually growing before our eyes look this water it a little bit more it's just so wet like gardening with neighbour it could be his new show haha what what not I'm not doing anything don't don't you ruin this don't you ruin this i water you as well his face that he pulls over he's like help me oh such a nerd oh why would you put that there that's so mean so mean why right I'm gonna punch you you're gonna go down I'm gonna get out your bear trap and I need a little bit more water that's all I need I just need to borrow your water I don't have keys to my own house just even working where is he is he actually behind me how does he get stuck in his own house go away I think being able to punch the neighbor is one of my best features that they have added into this game I mean it's so funny and so helpful woah this is growing at a very very quick rate let's water it a little bit more and see what happens LLL LLL LLL LLL Ellie I thought this was gonna grow an apple it seems to be growing some kind of molds or a tree it's at the top of a tree I'm just gonna keep grabbing water and watering it and see what happens and in the meantime it's gonna keep punching at slash shooting this guy over and over again ah he got [ __ ] got his own trap yes he called me again it's dog it looks pretty cool though and look kids grow in I'm just gonna keep on war in this and not gonna change my item so I'm running the risk of it glitching I can't see a thing guys it's so dark and I also don't know how long this takes so I'm gonna cut until the the next interesting thing happens see you in a bit I guess I'm gonna be here doing gardening no I like school this progress look at this thing actually turning into some kind of tree I don't know where my neighbor is he's just kind of just let me run in and out of his house maybe he's sleeping I'm not too sure maybe he's doing something else to build on top of his crazy house already I don't really care as long as he leaves me alone I'm fine neighbor I've got a theory this takes a very long time so I just want you to catch me to see if when he catches me the time goes forward I'm pretty sure so let's see if oh you're stuck again aren't you you what's wrong with you I want to see if it speeds up the growing of the tree by watering it getting caught watering it getting caught and see if we do that over and over again so I'm catch me puppy hey I'm gonna come under here with you can you catch me please sir no hello please I literally don't know how to get him to catch me come here come here maybe if I put the painting back will it work look at that yeah free Joe you can catch me now it's okay I just want to see if your tree will grow that's a secret so don't tell anyone did it work did it work did it work so let's test this so the tree is about that big I know he's family he's family no actually this is perfect catch me catch me I want to see if the tree gets bigger and I have no idea I'm gonna try a cycle of watering it and then no get away from me what's wrong with you I'm gonna punch you right get out of here I'm gonna try a cycle of watering it dying water a dying water water water water water water why you stuck over there you punk right this water the tree and then we're gonna get him to catch us you am you paying attention excuse me you paying attention can you catch me now catch me there we go yes Oh weird I already know it's just like if this tree needs to get massive it's gonna take hours for this to happen literally hours but you can see it slowly growing can you see it if I leave my mouse here eventually the red leaves will touch it's growing so slow okay so tree progress is actually going pretty well but I think this is gonna take a long time so I've been here for 27 minutes on this particular recording session and it's only growing this much that's 27 minutes of tree growing that's uh it's gonna take a while and if these trees or anything to go by it's gonna take a while please don't be as big as this now be ridiculous so my plan is to not water anymore I need to go and do a few things so what I'm gonna do is leave the game open I'm gonna go and stand over near my house so I'm safe I'm gonna leave the game open come back and I'm also gonna time how long I've been away from the game and see how big this thing grows because it's definitely growing I've tried it I left my mouse where it is and it definitely is moving but taking a long time so I'm I'll see you guys in what looks like might be a few hours I'm gonna stand on top of my car and enjoy myself see you in a bit guys I'll be back soon guys I'm just coming from walking the dogs I'm coming to check hello neighbor and as you can see look three hours eight minutes this has been running and look at that tree what I actually can not believe that look at the size of the tree and it took three hours to grow it might have been less than that I came and checked on it when it had been about 20 minutes and it still haven't grown that much at all so I watered it one more time and then left there I went an 8 dinner I went and chilled out it's a worker the house and then I walk the dogs came back in to check it and the tree was this big are you kidding me right I need the neighbor to catch me so they can go back to daytime and not even sure if it changed day or not did the time change I feel like it might have done that might be completely wrong though right let's um try and get in to catch us neighbor you've left some traps around haven't you where is he neighbor neighbor you've got so many cameras look how long I've been playing this game I got so many cameras literally everywhere I bet you haven't seen another house that has this many cameras in it where is he I just want him to catch me just this once wait there is where is he there he is hey come and get me buddy maybe your beautiful face there we go okay it is day well it's kind of like sunrise and look at the size of this tree from a tiny little seed and we've got this massive tree uns wait a second is that it is that it it's not the golden apple I can't quite see is that it how do I get it down I think it's shimmering slightly I'm pretty sure that's the Golden Apple I can't really get any closer yeah that's definitely it that is definitely in its shining y'all note stay away from me I'm gonna punch you get away from me do not ruin this moment for me all right I'm gonna have to try and shoot it down after shooting you square in the face stop it buddy stop it whoa why are you jumping like that what is that go away look go away no what are you doing you better hope a car doesn't come is he gonna stay over there if so I'm just gonna know he's gonna move actually I need to free up some space here I don't need the watering can anymore because I've done it I grew the tree I can't believe I did that can't believe I did it he is not even walking did you see that he glided along the surface all right I need to try and get this down see it shining that's cool will you just leave me alone hey what are you doing this far along go away he's stuck I think he's stuck right let's see if we can grab this can they even shoot that hi I'm I need to get on the fence here we go let's try and grab it can I get it Apple am i shooting above the twig yes look oh my goodness it is actually it yeah oh we got the golden egg no Apple that is insane you see that's I got your Golden Apple you chump no he's noticed me he's noticed me he knows I've got the Golden Apple it's his secret to his power stay there I need to go and do something so I've heard you can actually put this Apple somewhere you can use it you can't eat it but you can use it on a specific object which is just through here somewhere where is it where is it there it is look it's like a bent Trump ear or it might even be the top of a gramophone and look there's this sign with him with his arms out like this I'm guessing or at least a mannequin with four smaller ones like children and then a smaller one falling off at the ends don't find me this is an important moment for me give me alone so I don't know whether you use it oh it's happening it's happening it was a gramophone Oh what was that was that mannequin oh you become always throw a pole I'm still holding it though like this he stole my Apple did I become the neighbor for like a split second oh that's weird that's so weird but was so worth it was it worth growing that Golden Apple for over three hours I don't know but we did become the neighbor for a little bit well no leave me alone leave me alone you're just mad I found out your secret buddy haha actually I don't I don't actually know what the secret was but I did grab his Golden Apple steal his seed and we became the neighbor for a little bit so he's been doing experiments for a long time and I kinda don't want to change weapons because my hand is stuck like this it looks kind of funny but yeah guys we we grew this massive tree it took three hours longer than three hours lots of watering cans but um at least you know how to do it and we got the gun as well which is a good job because we actually needed it to get the Apple down so um that was pretty cool I enjoyed that if you enjoyed it too please leave a big fat thumbs up that we greatly appreciated and accepts me the first with you see what I mean please do consider subscribing to join same TDM today but apart from that guys thank you again so much for watching you are the best and if you feel like sticking around watching another one why don't you check out this video right here or you can check out me live on tour in the USA by clicking the link just below its take you straight to the ticket pay so we can hang out and have some fun yeah I think you service given for watching guys your other best have an amazing day and I'll see you all next time see ya
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 15,340,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbour, hello neighbor, hello neighbour alpha 4, hello neighbor alpha 4, hello neighbour dantdm, dantdm hello neighbour, minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, hello neighbour secrets, hello neighbour golden apple, golden apple, become the neighbour
Id: BqudrEfkZzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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