I Found The Neighbor’s Secret! (Hello Neighbor 2 Ending)

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hey guys dan here and welcome back to another video where today it worked we summoned turkey boy 55 now some people have been saying he may be a fraud but personally i don't care the boys come through turkey boy 55 commented on our last hello neighbor video and has given us very explicit instructions on how to complete the game which is perfect because last time i feel like we were close but then everything just went wrong anyway turkey boy 55 two days ago the last thing you have to do before getting in the attic room is to get a rope which is located on the roof of the house on the right side of the gas station once you've done that deposit in the van to prevent it getting lost or stolen get the key and the crowbar the password on the door is three eight four one for some reason last time we didn't need that i don't know what happened there parkour slowly to the roof to get rid of the planks and the lock now this is the tricky part you have to take the rope go to the skinny ledge on top of the house position the rope on the edge of it then swing inside the room finally if you grab the crow costume and try to jump out of the attic that's where it ends that's a lot of stuff let me open the game and let's see what happens that's a lot of instructions oh no oh and look they just did a patch there's been two patches so more bugs from before definitely gonna be fixed this is good let's play did i save it before i think i did but i'm gonna i'm gonna hit new game just because we had so many glitches last time that we lost all the items so come on neighbor or crow guy whichever one you are maybe they're the same person who knows come on neighbor i'm coming to find you buddy the neighbor's definitely locked in there the neighbor was behind the door and then the crow guy locks him in that's insane so we know how to get the key we have to just throw something in the generator that's fine and welcome back so the first thing we need to do is we need to go to the gas station and it said it being turkey boy very rude of me apologies actually i'm gonna i'm gonna throw this in my car real quick um what it's a gas station the sag nice dosh also known as gas station apparently there's a rope on top of this house here but what is the easiest way to get up there please don't make me do cardboard box parkour unless it's super easy can i get up here cannot get up here maybe up here though okay that did that definitely didn't work yes oh that worked i don't know why i just did but i've done it apparently there's a rope up here somewhere turkey boy's comment said on the roof of the house on the right side of the gas station does he mean the roof roof though like the top roof how do i get up there um why would you ever guess this as well this is very unfair right looks like i'm trying to jump up here and failing fantastic hello neighbor is the king of useless parkour i hate it so much oh i thought that was a springboard never mind i reckon this is the only way up but i'm not quite sure how to get over here um that works come on let me up spamming spamming no yeah is there definitely a rope up here last time there was a wait last time there was a rope in the house wasn't there like a cable i remember it let's get inside the house let's see what we can do and then if i need that rope i'll come back to it i want to make some progress first where am i lost oh this is the back of the house i'm an idiot okay i'm in the house kinda i've got a trash bag i need to go in the main section and open the door the code is three eight four one three eight four one three eight four one i'm just going to run in the door and see what happens oh wait it's up here it's up here it's up here i remember the fridge stick oh he's there oh he's right there i'm sneaking i do be sneaking though where is he three eight four one oh there he is he's moving cones get in get in get in three eight four one three no i didn't press the button properly okay he's left me alone three eight four one yo what i didn't even press eight leave me alone that's right that's right three three press three let put me down put me put me down no not out the window bro that's unfortunate that's so unfortunate oh no no no no no why are you grabbing me here i tripped never mind yeah why are you grabbing me here yo let go of me did they make this harder i want to go back to the glitched version now he'll be downstairs though quick get up get up get up get up get up i thought you got rid of the glitches i just got stuck on the fridge yes three eight four one three eight four one i don't know why i didn't have to do this before um three eight four oh my goodness three eight four one oh no put me down yes one what do you mean that's not it your turkey boy you've done me die here buddy you've done me dirty um there's definitely a rope in here there was a rope in here i know there was a rope in here yes i've glitched this okay when they said they got rid of the bugs i'm not quite sure that completely happens nope leave me alone i want to get in safe house safehouse so fast haha three eight four one that's what i put in and turkey boy he's betrayed me he's actually betrayed me all of the other comments are about turkey boy does anyone else have the code 3841 is what turkey boy says the code is come on turkey boy that wasn't the code was it okay let's play this real nice and tactical where is this man gone i think he's downstairs i think he's downstairs go get in the window get in the window three eight four one three eight four one no this is bad um let's put this down here uh i kinda wanna just put things in the way i know there's a cable in here somewhere i saw it i definitely saw it okay maybe it was that i know there was one like there i'm sure of it i'm just gonna stack up things so you get stuck that's what i'm gonna do put these glass bottles in the way my man is not gonna be able to get in oh no why did they have to change it for i'm sure oh no oh no he's going to see me oh no he's going to see me i need to take something i need to take something to throw in the generator let's go this way can we even get in the generator right now run run run run run run throw it blah that didn't work blah that didn't work either yo look at my outline okay i'm gonna throw as much as i can in here see if the generator turns off it doesn't seem to be working at all is it off oh it might be off wait oh i got the rope i got the rope this is the rope oh no it's still on okay we need to get out of here we need to get out of here quick go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh we're in the wrong place he's gonna steal my stuff i used to jump out this window as quickly as possible go go go go go go out the window out the window out the window let's go okay we have the rope we have the rope all right let's throw this in here there we go uh next up i am actually going to try something smart here i know not normally my strong point i'm going to spy on him i'm going to spy on this dude and see if we can get the code that way i can't believe they've changed it i reckon i reckon the uh the developers changed it oh there he is hello sir nothing to see here just go downstairs go downstairs it's gonna be fine yeah i think the developers might have changed it because everyone had the same code maybe it's different now are you gonna move i wanna spy on you actually you know what maybe if i switch to this i'm gonna throw this back over there oh look at that shot amazing oh no oh no yeah you go downstairs buddy nothing to see here i want to snoop on him and see what the number is if he oh no no no put it on the thing put on the thing put on the thing no no cone put it here put it on the thing there we go okay so now we should be able to peep him trying to get in um three eight four one it's definitely not that anymore which is kind of tragic the crowbar is in there i the key is still in the furnace but how on earth do you put the furnace out now the phone is just used to glitch for me and now that's not a thing right let's get out let's spy let's go let's go let's go nothing to see here ah my monitor is still here perfect right can we zoom in because this isn't that close yo yo no no no you can't come close get back yo he's weird he is so weird i need to just chill in my van and see if he's going to unlock this there he is taking out the trash go on unlock this thing you little biscuit you can do it go on undo it are you good do i have to wait here until you unlock it you little punk is that what i've got to do i don't want to wait for you to do your trash that's just annoying i feel like from me though this is actually a pretty smart idea i don't usually come up with smart ideas but when i do they gave me this code this is annoying come on buddy i need the crowbar so i can open this particular door oh he's coming back he's picking up chairs what oh is he putting back the chair that i moved i moved that didn't i oh no this is like how am i how am i supposed to just wait for the code to be put in he hasn't been in that room once i feel like the camera could be in a better place i'm just gonna put it out there oh no he's got me he's got me he's got me yeah he hasn't got me his legs are too small his legs are way too small quick the window jump is really annoying right give me this and i'm gonna put it up here instead stay back i will throw this cone at you i'm gonna throw it i thought it worked i actually thought it worked okay oh he took me in the room he took me in the room i thought he was gonna leave me in there that'd have been amazing how did this get harder it was already annoyingly hard at the beginning right what you got for me buddy oh yeah that's the stuff okay so oh the room's open the room's open because he threw me out of it the room is open i'm going in quick on the fridge that's right op fridge yes lad let's go let's get that crowbar get that crowbar get that flip that undo this that's right oh that's right yes okay so now we should be it should be easy for us to get back in there now oh oh i forgot about that so if i go around this side and escape if i just head around this long way i should now if i can get on the roof and just use the crowbar hopefully that means that i don't need it again afterwards all i need now is the key i don't know how to get the key out the furnace i got the rope but i ain't got the furnace and i didn't need to know the code either right where is he okay he's right there okay he's going in i only need to get on the roof there we go get on get on do not steal from me do not steal from me i'm just helping a brother out here i'm not close enough how do you get up there oh wait it's walking walking from here what yo no get away get away get away i do not want to use i don't want to lose this i don't want to lose this get over get over the fence quick yeah let me know do not come near me do not come near me okay i've done one of them but how do you get onto the top of the the house like all the way to the top there's got to be a way i just can't figure it out right now be very quiet very very quiet he hasn't set many traps for me which is good he's coming for me though and he's got that crazy machine going okay so i can't go this way how do i how do i get up there so i'm gonna have to get up there at some point oh oh that's working yes i'm finessing it i just finessed the system let's go okay now i need i don't think i need this anymore so i'm going to throw this over here that probably wasn't the best idea did that go did that go straight in the van so now i need to now i've got nothing on me i need to figure out um how on earth to get on top so if we don't get on stop then oh oh we can climb up here ah and then up here is this the rope bit that you've got to do yo that's kind of insane go attach the rope to something oh wait you can go even higher somehow oh oh finesse finesse finesse system finesse system the neighbor doesn't need to know i kind of want to go up there i feel like that's the best way to get in or quick jump round the edge because as well we've got to do the key if we get the key how do we get the key i didn't even think of that okay maybe a trash bag i'm thinking trash bags he's got a lot of trash bags that he needs to deal with that went well uh i can't put anything in this furnace because it just gives me the stop this is wrong thing but does that not work there's no way to turn off the power oh oh he's got me i want to look behind i want to look for ah i want to look behind i'm sure the fire was off i'm pretty sure that fire was off dude is the fire off i could just run in there i've got the i've got the new uh technique where um i do ah no maybe not maybe not maybe not maybe not maybe not don't stay in front of him don't save whoa did you trip buddy are you um are you okay that was kind of embarrassing i need that fire extinguisher man i need it here we go this is it yeah i think he might be behind this door i'm not quite sure what i'm trying to achieve here okay close that i'm blocking it i'm blocking it i think it's the other side of this door i see him moving close close hello close oh no close close no where are you taking me get off me glitch glitch no i just need to see if the fire's on okay i'm not gonna lie to you i had a quick look because i'm stuck i'm so stuck and apparently what you can do is you can go in the back and we were doing the right thing i just need to do more of it so if i get up here and up here i should be able to throw more in so just keep on throwing just keep on throwing keep on going and this gauge will go down so that's currently on the second highest right so if i keep doing it let's see what happens throw all this stuff like how was i supposed to work this out i think the items really should disappear let's just keep doing this over and over again and see if this works okay that's done we're down to almost half i have to keep doing this over and over and it's it's quite it's tedious this is so slow it actually makes zero sense because the more stuff you put in surely the bigger the fire is gonna get is that not logic you know i don't care let's just grab this key ah it's blue it's blue yes i have the key no no no you're not getting me now you are not getting me now not now ah yo he's so close behind me look he's right there yo leave me alone this is my safe this is my what this my grass get off me what have you done to my legs oh no he's taking me back in the house and throw me you're gonna please don't say he's got the key yo oh chill bro chill are you kidding me you are an insufferable crow so now i need to look through all of this grass to find my key is this some kind of sick joke there's no way i'm finding it in here he's full on trolled me this time because as soon as he grabs you your items like fly out i don't believe he's just done this to me yeah right i'm gonna go and see if he's he put it back maybe oh he did oh sweet he can't get me here he's gonna hit me with a chair he's definitely gonna hit me with a chair yo i broke the game let's go uh he's not gonna touch me is he um this is so awkward go away i will flap this door in your beak over and over again there we go it is blue um oh uh yo what is happening what is happening i detached from my body for a second look at his beak his stupid beak blocking me go do something you're in the way i think this is going down he's put it back up that's what's happening the whole time he's been feeding the flames i'm gonna take all the rubbish with me that's right come here i'm challenging you you can't do the furnace if there's no rubbish to take what are you burning anyway huh oh are we just trying to throw that at me unreal behavior see you later buddy and now he's floating this is fantastic you good bro there he goes yes give me this perfect is he sleeping i'm trapped i'm trapped on both sides let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out yes no key key key key okay it keeps smacking me let's go i got it yeah oh that was stressful way too stressful than it needed to be okay now we've got the key i need to get he's so late whoa whoa leave me alone did you see that box coming from my face that's scary is he still here yo go away i've got what i came are you are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me is the key back in the slot now are we playing like this oh geez no i was right here and he eated me with it so if you have the key he smacks you real nice with anything that he's holding ah [Music] he's got it he just threw the key at me he just didn't kill me you're a psycho i see the key on the floor i'm getting back in quick i need to grab that key so quickly it was down here somewhere there it is i'm out i'm out let's go let's go i've got the key i've got the key i'm running for my life i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i don't know where i'm gonna end up the key is ours we have obtained key save that bad boy but now i will always have the key because i could just load it again so now i need to get on the roof without him catching me i just need to unlock that padlock as soon as that happens i don't need this key anymore okay sneak over here yes yes okay now i don't need the key the key is fine i don't know what you're doing down there but it seems like the box the fox attacked him you idiot i'm out how do i get in there now if that padlock goes back on that door game over i'm done i'm done with this game let's try and get up on here i'm gonna have to keep trying to spam that i'm pretty sure that's the only way to get up yes oh okay sweet it's gonna be this way yeah okay show me the rope ah there it is it is that rope i already had one this is it this is the rope that i was talking about but how do you put it on something yes yes yes yes yes yes okay i'm gonna get around this way hey what was that oh it's the thing the thing keeps bopping me oh oh yes okay so i've opened the door now let's get around here and it was up here wasn't it yep quick hoist pretty confident i might be able to do it from here if i do a quick whip round i might be able to do it i just need to plan where is it it's right there all right let's try it here we go here we go yeah that didn't work at all how am i supposed to rope that i'm gonna try and get up the other side oh okay great great this is how you get up there i don't have the rope though this is like a this is a cable and you can't attach it to anything i'm gonna try and drop in this is not the way to do it but i'm just gonna do it come on actually can i even can i even get there oh oh this is not the way you're supposed to do it but no how are you supposed to attach this i need a break i need a break this is not fair [Music] right i'm back for round three in total of this game and i think i've figured out how to do it well i asked someone how to do it who'd already done it james and justin they have completed this game already i'm a bit slow but uh here we are completing game so uh the the game definitely has changed so turkey boy was 100 telling the truth already but they've changed it they've changed the code they've changed the ropes uh the ropes definitely weren't electrical cables before but now that they are electrical cables we need to go and get ourselves a generator now apparently it's on top of the gas station so let's go ahead and um is he is he over there is he coming to get me already leave me alone i probably shouldn't be speaking out loud he's gonna hear how i got some friends to help me to beat this game i need to get on the roof so bad maybe i could grab a box uh oh it's this this is said box i think um let's try and jump up this i think this is what they mean okay i'm on the barbed wire i'm on this there it is are you kidding me give me this give me this right now so this is from hello guest this feels like oh there's a cable here so i'm gonna take that just in case it feels like they've mixed hello guests with this game well you can also get in here hold on a second let me drop this let me drop this is this a good idea let's save it you know what let's save it first let's go down here i just want to see if there's anything in fuel literally nothing this is exactly the same as the hello guest shop is there anything behind there oh there is actually something there's some green goo someone been sneezing someone hasn't been wearing their mask i see you i'm gonna pick this up even though i definitely don't need it and hopefully i can get my butt out of here otherwise uh i've ruined everything okay we're good we're safe okay so next point of call is i need to get to the roof again and then i need to put the generator down and then link up a wire and then we can swing around if you haven't seen hello guest what we did is we attached the wire to a carousel once and that allowed us to swing around so i think that's what we gotta do so we need to get in this door up here which apparently has closed which is definitely annoying just gonna put that out there too let's put this down just in case we get caught i'm just gonna go up and i'm gonna see if i can get this hopefully all his traps are gone you know what his traps might actually be gone i'm kind of i'm okay with that right let's get up here i can't actually remember how to get up here but i got up here like first time last time yes okay done it sweet no no no don't do it don't do it don't do it leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone i'm not even looking i'm not even gonna look you're gonna put this down uh right here yes where is he you scared you scared or can you just not get up here i know the uh the fire extinguisher parkour is very difficult so i now need to attach a cable to this and then gee off the edge the problem is i think i need to open the door still um let's see if we can do on the way down yes i thought i actually got up then i fell okay now i should be able to swing let's go what is in there oh there's something going on there's a blue light a door that goes upwards in the ceiling interesting right we actually have a few attempts to do this because we've collected so many ropes he doesn't need to hear us i always run everywhere i feel like that's how he always hears me yeah see i got that technique down okay so we do that and we jump up here plug her in and then we should be attached to the other end so i'm gonna i'm gonna eat off the edge and see what happens oh yes but um how do i let go how do i let go guys how do i let go no why did it send me backwards why would you why would you do that oh now he set one of these things up great thank you for hitting me can i grab this back i think i can look what what is this what is going on here right i'm gonna do this that doesn't compute in my brain how is that how does that work why is it throwing me backwards it doesn't want me to get in does it oh stop shooting me is that the one from over there he's flipping trumpets man at least i can save this and no no no don't be throwing it don't be throwing it there we go so how do i maybe go this way oh yes so it when you let go of it for some reason it like flings you the opposite way love it okay let's continue oh oh this real spooky someone's living up here more trash bags for you so there you go enjoy a little punk neighbor i wasn't saying that's a tv that is not a tv that's a tv filled with books interesting way to do things yo there it is a different crow outfit i thought in the in the intro i thought it was gonna be the real crow outfit but this this a little bit different i got it oh now it's got stormy i feel like i shouldn't have done this can i put it on i would love to put it on is everything okay out here oh no what have i done oh no trash bag get out of here move be gone what do i do now it's not looking too no i thought that was the moon it's a light i'm out wait the neighbor was looking at me i am sure the neighbor was looking at me you win question mark what is this this looks like a supreme t-shirt what i i'll go through all this i should have paid more attention i'm pretty sure there was a neighbor-like figure sit standing on the ground but as i looked down the game ended you win question mark i should have saved it shouldn't i just before and now oh wait we've got auto save let me see what happens i want to see the ending again i'm gonna quickly do it again just so i can see if the neighbor was standing on the floor stick around stick around it'll be worth it so put this down here yoink there we go door open yes i'm in okay i want to see if the neighbor was looking down grab me this crow outfit i'm pretty sure the neighbor was down there there he is i told you he was down there hello oh if i had the binoculars that would be so good i would look in his little eyes do you want this is this what you want so he's arrived in his red car so what is gonna happen now do you want this you can have it there you go enjoy do you wanna you want a trash bag i've got a trash bag go do something move then the supreme screen comes back up okay that is hello neighbor alpha one with changes now you've got to instead of just having a rope you've got a generator and an electrical cable that was mildly infuriating but we did it in the end guys we did it turkey boy shout outs to you even though it wasn't the right one they switched it up on you they're trying to cancel turkey boy but um you know what i i might have had a hand in doing that but there's not no cancer of turkey boy we love him he reigns supreme thank you so much guys for summoning turkey boy thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated and if you feel like catching up with the hello neighbor series because i'll be one of the first to play the game when it does come out i'm sure they'll be releasing new alphas and stuff so uh definitely stick around if you want to be the first to know hit subscribe that would greatly appreciate it hit the bell as well to be first to know when new videos come out and i'll see you guys in the next one stay safe goodbye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,226,213
Rating: 4.9473228 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, hello neighbor 2
Id: DPSvFf9qcAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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