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it happened it finally happened someone's recreated hello neighbor in minecraft and this particular version is called hello zombie because i'm guessing the neighbor is some kind of zombie which is pretty cool what isn't cool though is what's happened to my face i don't know why i'm wearing this but um it looks completely different head curse of binding oh my goodness i can't even take it off i can't take it off because it's the brand's new minecraft curse okay right looks like we're looking like this for the rest of the video i mean i like it yeah today someone has made a hello neighbor version in minecraft so welcome to hello zombie this is a scary finding type of map where you have to sneak around your neighbor's house while trying to avoid getting caught enjoy as always perfect and then also down here says hint the zombie has a number of new abilities so be careful one of the abilities includes hearing if you make too much noise he will know where you're at be sure to avoid sprinting too and be careful of making noises okay right i don't know what's going on in here do we get put in prison or something as the neighbor got that crazy i think he might have let's get some extra light in here because a little bit dark just in case we do end up being back here there we go oh oh hello um yeah it looks like my neighbor's literally been turned into a zombie oh dear here we go begin map let's do this so you just moved into a lovely new neighborhood and just finished unpacking time to have a friendly greeting with your neighbor objective find and greet neighbor oh look at this this is beautiful so beautiful look at his house his house looks a little bit different so it looks like he's got a house that's kind of unique to this map let's go inside our house for a second and see what's going down look at this we actually look really really good we've got totems of undying which is very very good as well let me take one of those because what happens is if we die then we get um reborn straight away which is really cool actually i'm gonna save those for later i might need them got an armor stand as well which i would put my head on but um i can't to be honest so let's go and see our neighbor shall we it looks like he has a very nice sports car which i like i like that a lot whereas i've got some big old camper van which i can't really complain with right um it said don't sprint too much but i'm neighbor that didn't sound good did it that didn't sound good at all why has he got um why has he got that inside his house he's got like a cage or something hello hello oh hello oh no you've seen my true face you must die now not that anyone would believe you anyway that evidence by the way behind the door in the tv room what what is going on find a way behind the door in the tv room did he chase me hello mr nate oh he's gone he's disappeared hello hello oh my goodness that scared me there he is there is no no no no ah i was slain by zombie neighbor okay yeah oh wait what no no he just buried me what that was crazy okay so there he is there he is right there this isn't fair no zombie neighbor no no no no no no no i'm gonna seek refuge inside my house where's the window hello where is he i'm really creeped out by this guy already so it says um we saw him as his zombie form which is crazy and now we need to find a way behind the door in the tv room so we need to sneak into his house and see what on earth is going on in there um can i see him anywhere i can't see him anywhere which is a good thing so let's just kind of let's see what's around the back of the house he's broken the window there so we can get in there if we want to but let's see what's around the back oh look there he is there he is there is no no no no no it wasn't me it wasn't me i swear it wasn't me i was just coming for a little stroll i wasn't gonna do anything i'm looking for secrets in his garden any secrets here buddy any secrets at all is he here he's just peeping through that window that window's unlocked though so i kind of want to go through it oh there's an unlock here right let's see what on earth is in this guy's house so we've got a big old purple room which is nice a big old crack in the roof which is a little bit crazy what else have we got available to us we've got um a crafting table if we need it i don't know what we're kind of looking for right now do we just need to get behind the tv room without finding any items without him killing us i have no idea right hello um what's in here there's like uh do i go in there i think i'm gonna go in there right there's hay everywhere dispensers gardening shovel can break sand okay let's use this anything else we can grab this can only break sand which is a little bit strange because i haven't seen any sand yet let's grab oh i just killed the egg whoops why would i need to break sand there must be some sand somewhere right we need to oh no i've locked myself out right let's go up here and then go back through okay mr zombie villager guy neighbor i'm gonna get you what's in this room is this his bedroom hello helpful items where are you okay so we've got a random daylight sensor in there we've got oh can i grab this i want it i want it can i have it i can't have it a big clock as well it's a little bit weird and a desk that's not so weird anything up here nope okay right what else could he be hiding there's a dropper here a dispenser here he's got some weird mechanics going on in his house hasn't he's got oh look i love these things ah where is he where is he oh no did he just hit me what was that what on earth was that okay what a camera where did the camera come from no don't bury me again what is the camera i'm gonna sneak i'm gonna sneak and see oh oh i heard something what is that did he do that why is there smoke i'm gonna see if i can sneak into the living room come on get inside ah there he is no no no go go go go go go go go go i can't even get in can't even get in how do i knock the door seems to be heavily barricaded by what no buried again buried again well at least i've still got my shovel that's a good thing and i'm not afraid to hit you with it mr neighbor right is he in here let's see what's going on in his kitchen shot we've got a blood trail which doesn't look good a piece of coal useful for cooking food but would i need it for anything can i grab this burger it looks real tasty oh he didn't see me he didn't see me he didn't see me he didn't see me oh no look at him freaking out i don't like you i don't like you at all you're punk right i'm not gonna run i'm just gonna chill out and see what on earth he's doing and try and find some sand to break with my shovel right let's see what's in here i need to figure out what the cameras are because um they kill you okay be very very quiet i feel like this is the camera here this right here is a camera isn't it i think so right i'm gonna run into this room here we go huh done it oh look sand there's sand in here let's break it oh this is the grave bit oh freaky blue key can open a door are these all blue keys they certainly are okay we've got a key this is a grave that's a button and that opens this door okay let's see what's behind here ah we got past the camera nice right um oh he's got a swimming pool in his house but i don't think i'm gonna take a swim no i don't feel like swimming right now is there anything weird behind here though i feel like there could be some secrets behind here maybe a secret painting or something no right let's get out of here let's keep that door open so we know we've been there and look out for oh there he is oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no please don't find me i can hear him guys i can hear him what could we use the blue key for the door said it was barricaded as well so we must need to take off something from the door kind of like the um the crowbar in the actual game is he here i can hear him oh what did he do why did he run there he is oh no no no did he just see me he didn't just see me did he no i think he's stuck in a cob website i'm going to leave i'm going to quickly go i don't think i want to be touched by that should we go upstairs let's go upstairs quick quick quick quick quick oh there's there's a guardian shark in here oh why why is that a thing ah i just got hit by something i don't know what it was i have no idea what it was we're in some kind of weird room i ran into a dungeon literally a dungeon um oh there he is he just jumped out the window okay i think we're good i think we could he just jumped out the window so we're okay right um yeah i don't know what to do next can we um can we take a look out here where did he go i think we should be quick because we managed to make it through here pretty quickly uh let's go into this room here there's bats everywhere okay they're dying that's good that's real nice okay that's random did you hear that [Music] what is going on did you hear that did he just kill someone hello hello did what just happened ah no no ah quick run oh no well that was unfortunate wait a second is there something over here does he live next to a graveyard of course he does did he make this graveyard probably jeez look at this this is creepy he's got like a big old big old gravestone here we've got graves that aren't even finished this is creepy guys this is real creepy i'm gonna try going in this way again i feel like we need to go upstairs i also feel like we kind of needed that egg for some reason and i'm not sure why right let's try and explore this a little bit more shall we we need to go this way what is down there i don't think i've been down there yet let's run run run run run run run run run run it's a kitchen it's full of cake cake and hay and i think i heard him moving so we need to be super quick oh this is the other side of the kitchen it's like his pantry okay that makes sense ah no i saw him i saw him quick go go go go go go go go go go go go go go it was amazing stop is he behind me he's not behind me okay that's good oh no okay that's not nice that's not nice where is he going where is he going where's he going quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick i didn't like that at all oh no right okay let's run upstairs let's avoid this guardian real quick very nice very nice go right i don't even know if we've been this way yet i need to take my time oh there's a dog in here why is there a dog in here why are you here oh i can hear him oh great okay i'm just gonna stay in here for a little bit and um just wait out there's bones in here too that's real freaky isn't it oh like this guys he just scared me so badly um right let's sneak out look left look right and see where we need to go i'm gonna sneak everywhere everywhere i'm also gonna whisper so he doesn't know i'm here right there's squids okay hello guys how you doing can you um can you tell me anything about this guy there's something weird going on here this guy is crazy oh here's the bit where we um where we were earlier we were down there can we run over here anything over here that we need oh another room a brewing room he's making potions what is that no he can't be here he can't be here surely no no i can hear him how did he get up here seriously how did he get up here um right fire resistance oh oh you know what you can swim you can probably swim in that thing right is there any more they're all of splash potion of fire resistance that's interesting right we need to get back to that lava room but first while we're up here we're gonna go ahead and see if we can look in any other rooms uh this one this is the one with the dog um there's a trap there okay we don't want that there's a a glass maze what what is i i have no idea what's going on here there's a weird like i don't want to get trapped here open it oh it's the keys you have to have the certain keys to be able to do it oh i can hear him you need all the keys so you need a yellow key a green key and that's it oh right let's see what's around here are there any chests or anything no right let's go in here and i don't really know what i need to do um i guess avoid the pressure plates i don't want to press nothing that's going to activate anything else i feel like this guy had a bad ending right didn't it well his head's on the floor of course he did what happens if we press this does it make noise yeah it makes noise good job well done well done um now i've got regeneration okay that's fine i'm gonna jump over this i'm gonna keep on going because i do not want to stick around to see if he's gonna find me there's a chest at the end of here so i definitely want to grab it there it is we've got the yellow key that's what i'm talking about right let's grab the keys so we need one more key yellow key i need one more i'm guessing it's gonna be in the lava let's go back to there what happens if we fall down here let's see oh we're back here okay that's actually good that's actually really really good because this is near the lava pit door the lava pit door is just down there and i'm guessing these things right here are like the bear trap so let's quickly run let's run inside here close it up and be very very careful right splash fire resistance let's go let's go i don't know if we're going to be able to go anywhere but let's see we've got it's definitely a room here wait did it work i went the wrong way i need to go forwards just keep on holding forwards keep on going keep on going yes there's something here there's something behind there's a skelebone and a chest hey there we go see i know what i'm doing green key okay i think we might be able to do this guys i think we're oh i can hear him i'm just gonna chill in here for a little bit what's he doing is he gonna be there can i peep through the lava yeah he's right there oh fantastic great uh well i can stay here for another six minutes if you want to play a game like this buddy i i really don't want to see you again no close the door close the door and just i'm just gonna stop being on fire for a little bit because i think it might be a little bit obvious and then and then we're gonna run upstairs open the door and see what his secret is i feel like he's guarding maybe like a secret cookie recipe a cake recipe or he's just got my head in a box because this this definitely isn't my head right here it doesn't look like um i'm gonna stop being on fire anytime soon there we go perfect right is he still out there mr neighbor why would you leave stuff like this laying around no i'm stuck there we go oh my goodness okay put me in that yeah just put me in there it's fine i need a quick reset this guy i'm gonna steal your car i think i'm gonna make a break for it you know what i'm just gonna run straight through and see what happens here we go here we go right let's go oh it's gonna be the key for that door isn't it it's gonna be the key for there right this is very clever by the way i like that you've got a guardian here that's very very cool right where is the room that we need for the keys i think it's around this corner here is it no that's the dog room where are the key doors here right we've got the yellow key let's do that there we go we've got the green key there we go into his treasure room you can blow up the door under the stairs nice okay why is that hurting me why was that hurting me is that there were a little fireworks that's cool right let's turn off the light so that he doesn't know we've been here oh um there's a big awkward isn't it uh i've got tnt to blow you up with just walk off yep it didn't happen didn't happen didn't happen and go run i need to find the stairs and then i'm gonna blow up the downstairs i'm gonna jump out of here and kill myself good job great and he gets to bury me as well i should have used the totem of undying why didn't i use them right this is my final ditch attempt i need to take the totems of undying and then hopefully we can get there so these are just in case i think we need to hold them in our off hand i'm pretty sure just like this right here we go tnt coming down i've got a double whammy of things to take him down with i just need to blow up this door right here so let's just go for it and then we're done here we go here we go block the door blow up the door block the door how do i use it blow up the door yes collect the evidence and escape to your house quickly what evidence he's right here quick grab it i've got neighbor's diary okay i'm gonna grab that i got the totem undying didn't even work i worked once wait wait i did it i got buried alive attempting to escape with the neighbors diary you reached the end of the map no no that didn't happen no that didn't happen no if i failed did i get buried buried alive oh no no oh that's so annoying did i not get to see what the neighbor's diary said okay i'm gonna have to play this again aren't i definitely gonna have to play again hello again how are you i'm gonna go straight somewhere i don't know where i don't know where i just need to grab all the keys as quickly as possible here we go key number one is in here oh no the fire resistance potions are in here okay i just need i grabbed two of those and then i also need the keys yellow key acquired i can't remember where the first key was did i need to get the i need to get the shovel i need the shovel first okay let's grab that the shovel's in here i'm pretty sure there we go we need the shovel and then we can go ahead and grab the next thing which is in not in here where is it where is it where is it in here it's in that careful why are you closing the door on me what what are you doing it's in here it's in here okay let's grab this first here we go and then we've got two keys blue key perfect oh hello how are you doing i need to press this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no don't grab me don't grab me please ah what was that did you see that care for a swim i certainly do but i just need to get away from him he's so creepy right this should be the last key and then i should be able to get out of here perfect see when you know what you're doing it's much easier oh there he is right let's go i set him on fire i set the neighbor on fire okay now i need to just get upstairs activate the keys and then i need to get into the tv room and out with the diary without dying cause i feel like there's two two endings here guys he's throwing stuff at me he's throwing stuff at me stop it no i just want to see what's in your house here we go here we go here we go here we go i'm in the wrong place how do i get to the other oh great why is this not open this time this time it's not open on the front maybe he didn't um maybe he didn't smash through it yet we need him to smash through it just so it's a little bit easier right here we go dash upstairs dash upstairs dash past the little guardian you can stay away from me little punk and then we're gonna go and open all these doors right into here open this come on open this quick quick quick quick quick final one and get all the fireworks and stuff grab all the tnt now hello no go away go away go away it wasn't me it wasn't me go away i think he's gone i'm pretty sure he's gone okay now he's gone right i'm gonna drop down here and then i need to just quickly go to the living room quick the tv room right let's do this here we go boom and now i know exactly where i need to look let's go here and run run run run yes i made it i made it i've got the diary i've got the diary okay this is it this is it this is it right get to my house get to my house get to my house yes you managed to flee with the neighbors sorry for the nasty secrets you gave it to the police now your neighbor is behind bars and under close watch you the end of the map i hope you enjoyed as always that was sick that was so good so good pinocchio how do you feel oh sorry there he is look in prison in prison where you belong you little punk look at his real face completely terrifying the problem is i still have this face which i guess i'm not too upset about but guys that was awesome thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it then please be a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated you can check out this map for yourself in the description below it's really really cool to mess around with see if you can find different ways to get the neighbors diary but apart from that thank you guys so much for watching again do leave a big fat thumbs up on this video if you did enjoy it and if this happens to be the first video you've seen by me please do consider subscribing to join team tdm today for daily gameplay videos apart from that i think you should check out another video right here you're gonna enjoy it i promise you click it click it now
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,971,812
Rating: 4.8811274 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, minecraft how to, minecraft 1.11, minecraft minigame, mini game, minecraft map, minecraft custom map, dantdm minecraft, hello neighbour, hello neighbour minecraft, minecraft hello neighbour, hello neighbour dantdm
Id: lDOq54xJNfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2017
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