Granny has a HELICOPTER?!

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granny we need to have some words you've got another extension to your house a new way to escape a new weapon and new items where are you getting all this money from the game is free always where's the dollar coming from granny how are you earning this anyway that is all true let's play granny chapter 2 this tells straight back in these two right here are probably gonna end my life very quickly because I'm unpracticed I haven't played this for a while we need to explore and get to the bottom of the mysteries of where the wealth comes from guys stay one waking up I was gonna say that we always wake up in bird this is Chapter two I completely forgot that you just start in like a box room which is nice and fun I can't actually remember what is in this house it's been so long since I played this oh I'm so lost I'm already confused this isn't good what we got here Oh hold up I know this is new duct tape what could be used on tape for maybe we can strap granny's mouth shut or strap her arms to her body so that she cannot swing that deadly bat around Oh Oh grandad we threw it down here already no hold on this isn't fair this isn't fair why are you already here I bet granny's up here as well isn't she are you kidding me alright yes oh goodness what okay this this is what how how did that just happen day two already oh so the good news is we found duct tape the bad news is we now have a limp a permanent limp thanks to granny smacking his round head so this is still the same but we need to see what else has changed because we know there's new items we've just found one we know there's a new way to escape that's my duct tape it got flung across the room but we know there's no way to escape and there's a new weapon isn't there let's go snooping let's go snooping around Granny's house what's in here okay this is normal well as normal as it's gonna get in granny's house to be honest holy cow white oh no this is uh isn't going well is it two day three day three and now we've got the double limp going on I should probably just be a little bit more careful I've been way too casual I'll just be running upstairs acting like it's my house the way we're walking around so I just need to be tactful wait wait this is new look at this hold on let me just check this wait what you can now control helicopter um Wow granny grandpa what if I said where are you getting this dollar from you've got a helicopter now is that the new way to escape that's pretty cool I was more talking about this terrible selfie that's Leonard Reena took with her granny with our mum oh boy whichever one it is is a helicopter up here it's got to be on some kind of roof deck right oh great that's not fantastic now we're in a dead-end corridor with granny and granddad after us oh no I just knock the painting off the wall I need to find I need to find something to shoot them with I need weapons I name any weapons fast Oh granny sir I'm going up all granddad's there I'm not going up I'm going down go down I'm going downstairs didn't see me he didn't see me she's not even gonna him I think he decided me never eyes are down here though is a dead end isn't it this is where the boat is I don't think we ever did the boat escape to be honest with you there's the monster oh I get monster oh there's this guy's I'm dead I'm dead again but at least I could control a helicopter that's good is he actually gonna come down here I think he's made his way to come and find me what is that what's a Dingle dangle noise tonight I didn't say anything off today there's no way I can hear a tip it's a pin upstairs was the tinkle jangle noise we good no we're not good no we're not good great that no great I leave me alone I don't have to run under the bed oh why why is this a thing what is happening oh there he is look at him beautiful as ever so he's got I think the safe key around his neck I actually can't remember he's got some kind of key that we need I haven't really had a good look upstairs yet because these guys are threatening me where did he go grandad I know you're not that quick where did you go this is perfect is actually perfect cuz long as I don't knock anything over I think I can run around this way well limp round this way well we got what we got what we got nothing at all that's gonna make a noise that's good as well bathroom is normal whoa hold up hold the phone what is this a shooting it's a shooting range one earth is this it's like sludge there were two monsters and like some kind of World War two bunker oh my goodness is day four and my guy is not gonna be feeling too good but at least he knows how to fly a helicopter where's that weapons key when you need it huh we definitely need that straightaway and all we found so far is duct tape and how to fly a helicopter tragic I want to go in that room again but I have a feeling that they're gonna be guarding it watch I think we good oh no way I think he's by me I think someone's behind me I want to see what's in here we've got like goes down let's go down let's go down whoa so there is something in here is this like a winch what do we need for this we need oh wait we can actually use it can we I need a wrench it looks like there's a panel here maybe as well whoa I guess the good thing is this is another hiding spot right granion grand they're so old that they can't crouch their bones will just crumble into dust there's no items in here though I kinda wish we had a few items and we can't get across there either all there she is there's the beautiful lady right then what else is new I think the showers gonna be the same isn't it piece of a picture okay spark plug standard that's for the car I think disgusting shower also has nothing in it I'm gonna try and go upstairs and see if there's anything else up there I'm gonna guess if there's anywhere you can land a helicopter in here it's gonna be up top somewhere oh what's this what's this what's this we've got meat always there another pet here for granny's favorite kpop band on oh we're in trouble I need to get out I need to get out as fast like I didn't even read to do that we got different paintings and stuff too what is happening oh this isn't a good place to go oh man quick get in here get in here get in here I can't believe why didn't I you think I didn't think that was gonna work oh no there's no helicopter pad to be found I think we're safe I'm pretty sure I say I'm just gonna close this door real quick I could hide under always a wrench that's the wrench okay let's drop this grab this oh wait there's another door here oh this is the door around the corner that we saw okay this is great okay we're making progress but we also only have like one life left I need to go downstairs to the war bunker and use the wrench I think the war bunkers to the left isn't it let's go let's go let's go I'm not even gonna look I don't even want to know where they are let's just go into the little bunker use the wrench and see what happens yeah oh she sees me she sees me I think she was following me let's see what happens if we interact with this I want a helicopter to spawn in here we go wrench go oh wait is that to do with the water let's have a look up top it looks like the water has gone that means the monster has gone back to its normal place I need to I need to go across there but I don't wanna close it all there we go perfect let's see what's here we've got a Rick that just bit me twice it bit me twice it bit me twice it allowed me to get up it's trying to bite me and now granny smacked me okay granny I admit defeat so far what are you growing in there I'm pretty sure there were grenades in that basket I couldn't see but I think there were grenades what is going on here granny's got some kind of like what do I even do with the grenades bro I have no idea so my guy is definitely gonna struggle right now he's got most of his toes bitten off he's probably got one stub for an arm because granny's beating him so badly around the head okay we need to be careful here I just not being careful at all have I this is like a speedrun attempt but there's been no like there's doing no how far never mind I'm out I'm out sneak past granddad I did not know that he's left there oh wait I did know that you slept there of course I did I'm going back over to the ugly gang which is pretty much everyone in this house bye I really want that piece of meat I feel like that meat is gonna help us okay he's definitely awakened out I'm gonna put this on I'm gonna go downstairs Oh what do what music that is it's like is granny cape up there has to be huh it's neat awesome I'm going back oh I'm such a new I'm such a noob I had the meat in my hand gonna bribe Oh with it apparently there's new debt seen as well I don't know if this is it I think we've had this one before where they feed me to the monster just eat me up does eat me up I taste like noob come on gobble me up there it is hello Jeffrey how are you game over alright alright see how it is let's try this again shall we to be honest I just need better items there's not much that I can do with a roll of duct tape to be honest with you give me weapons give me them now I'm just gonna try and go straight up I know there's gonna be some items up here so we got the radio hold her bunnies her granny's there I've got at me I got the meat I'm taking the meat I'm taking the meat she's coming for me this does nothing I say every day Oh go around this way I'm gonna drop the meat I'm gonna open this oh oh you see - oh no we're dead drop the meat go go don't even look don't even look oh come on this way my granddad bye I'm going to my safe place and now ah step one complete to get the meat for the creepy spider baby thing it looks like the thing from Toy Story okay granddad's sleeping that's perfect Oh helicopter key let's go dude I'm gonna open this nothing in there I'm just gonna get going do they make this game harder is that what happens just got that Eddie bitty bit harder I need to go upstairs I need to go and get some more stuff because there aren't many items I can use here helicopter man you okay now I've quickly read that I know how to drive a car to God the meat there's nothing in here this is so unfair okay what about in here no so this is the room I want to get in but I don't know if I can get in there straight away security key there's a piece of picture what's this a glass fuse that's definitely new as well the glass fuse didn't exist before I feel like I'm missing something I definitely need an item that could help me to get to where the openness Jesus that can help me get the security key oh yes oh you guys are done I've got a weapon you guys are dead go door lock as well I'm pretty sure this is this is the shower oh no it's okay granny it's okay granny's gone for two minutes perfect where's granddad's you want the shootie shoots as well granddad's oh it's that thing can I shoot that thing look at it it's disgusting what is that that's horrible I don't like that I just want to get my helicopter and go granddad's where are you okay now I got the stun gun you guys are in trouble ouch II don't know where he's gone cried out and that thought I'd say this but I need you oh oh this this security key so he's gone for two minutes granny's already gone for two minutes I secured a key I'm gonna go straight upstairs and try and use this hopefully granny doesn't bother me by then here we go oh it's already unlocked wait what what just happened how did that happen just drop this he's going at the stun gun I have to granny somewhere I heard her shuffling or is it that oh it's that beast right I need this quick granny's coming no no I dropped it I can't pick up the ammo oh my goodness no no no no no granny no no no leave me alone how do you stop hello I didn't stun you before it wasn't me I promise there wasn't me just leave me alone walk away nothing happened she left me alone I need to grab that I need to grab that stun gun ammo as soon as possible because the old granddad's gonna come back soon and I need this to be able to to grab anything else and explore ah you're so gross what should we call him let's call him chili go no fur I need this there we go okay right we've got the stun gun ammo so now we should be able to go upstairs I see something glowing through the through the ceiling I'm gonna shoot you I'm gonna try and grab this back gotcha so granny's gone now granddad's gone perfect and I've got the stun gun on me get out my away granddad I don't want to see your moves actually haven't checked the microwave wrench beautiful actually while while that's happening and that's loaded as well I'm just gonna quickly do this I want to see what happens with granny's disgusting new pet who's me granddad its excuse me oh he's been abused I'm walking so slow all right let's use this real quick it's draining the swamp and then I don't know how we can get rid of the pet to be honest use that so that drains the water and allows you access to the pet but the pet is gross I feel like I don't even know if you can stun it should we try actually let's go up first just cuz we've got the opportunity let me grab the stun gun perfect we've got the meat as well that's what we need to use but I'm guessing the meat doesn't last for long here we go let's put this on for no reason let this door handle is that new as well why would any door handle well let's see if this is the same I don't think this is the same go gasoline someone is blocking this door from the other side what on earth oh it's definitely different oh this is this is well different at least Guardian great I can't get up here weapons key we got him Oh something is missing are those the photos and we can't unlock this Oh weird I need those photo pieces I can't actually remember where you get the weapons from is that bad gasoline here what's down there oh this is the war room oh no it's not it's the dining room oh okay that could have got wrong padlock key that's for right downstairs isn't it yeah we make movements we're actually making movements but I need a plan I need I don't think I found any any of the photo pieces today never mind there's one right there right granddad what's good I need that as well I need to go and find your wife she needs shooting there she is got him all right let's quickly drop this let's go and get the padlock key and let's sort this out oh man actually the padlock key isn't up here is it weapons key is weapons key is whereas the weapons key thank you let's do that I think that's to do with the weapons key isn't it that unlocks something but where's granny oh wait that one looks this and then the weapons key goes in there I remember now I want to see if I can stun this guy but I kind of want to stun granny first I have no idea where she is good Annie granny where are you there she is what took you so long your granddad's gonna be back again soon give me this right let's go and try and trap the disgusting child so I'm gonna guess I'm gonna put it here okay there's the meat then I'm gonna close this yeah buddy there's nothing in there but what's in here ah he got me he got me how did it wait Oh duct tape maybe it's a duct tape I need to get out please get out he's get out go go go go go there's definitely hand grenades oh no now I've wasted the no you don't know you don't Oh day three okay I've already lost two lives I put up again somewhere I know where two of the pieces of photo are but I don't know where the third one is and I need my stun gun back if I'm gonna be able to do anything is really risky I'm just gonna go and grab it come on grab it grab it oh jeez oh jeez what up okay sweet got you and then got you let's go dudes okay where did I put the weapons key I left it somewhere granite granite excuse me weapons key let's grab that all right let's go and get a real weapon and then we can see if we can shoot the thing right there we go open give me this give me two shells I'm gonna try and shoot the babe wait your boy huh what do you want can i grab this from here I'm actually kind of scared of it I'm low-key so scared oh geez that's so weird [Music] let's go okay sweep grab the shotgun I don't know how long this is gonna die for I want to see what's in here safe key okay we definitely need to grab that let me drop let me quickly grab that don't come back to life don't come back to life gotcha oh it's freaky yes safe key acquired okay so the shotgun is pretty cool but I kind of prefer the stun gun and the reason I prefer the stun gun is that it has infinite shots this bad boy only has two I'm gonna try and grab the stun gun again stun gun is mine perfect we've closed that again Grandad's that's no cool wait wait were always there he's that he's right there is that he's locked this there game I don't know where this kooky buddy was just by me she made no noise she floats like a feather i Loki want to know what happens if the grenades so I think I'm gonna go in and throw one um let's see shall we grab one of these grenades apparently we can throw them which is kind of crazy this is a new weapon I want granny and granddad's to be gone forever so let's see if this works three hand grenades I'm just gonna throw them okay granny said granddad's here as well oh no blow up blow up yes oh I got him I got him both oh that was scary so they're going for a little bit longer now which is goods I need a plan I need a plan what do I do huh No I heard you at the wrong time I think we're on the last day now aren't thanking completes it because the security key isn't on him i 100% dropped it inside the place we need to unlock and I don't think there's another way through guys I think I need to restart I'm just gonna have to restart there's no other way I need to get in here oh she's gonna pay me I hate yes oh I'm sorry zineb accident but this time yeah buddy oh okay so now we should be able to do this a little bit better I'm gonna turn on granny's radio and see if we can get a live action up in here oh never mind he's right there I will take that but uh if you don't mind I need your security key give me this open this I'm gonna drop it right next to the door not in the door had a lock key okay I don't need that I do need you though pretty lady okay let's get back to business shall we we need to put these uh what's it called in door handle I'm not actually sure what that's for I'd remember not to drop anything in there let's grab the pieces of picture I think there's one here one in the bathroom and then we're good to go in here I'm not in there gasoline I wonder if you need that bit helicopter as well that'd be interesting we'll be going here weapons key beautiful beautiful beautiful okay let's open this what one of these here sweet like a wrench in there as well oh geez he's gonna get grand out as well I know you heard that big man where are you oh wait he's having a nap yo he's having an apple its own team a longer nap now let's drop this next piece of picture I don't actually know where the third piece of picture is though I just go up and let's place this in boink there we go sweep ah there it is it's right there I don't know if I have time to get it though cuz they're gonna come back real soon drop that in there let's grab it and run grab it and run grab it and run whoa it's actually a picture of grandpa as well which is um which is funny because in the first game granny chapter one you had to find the picture of granny to remember so that's kind of funny let's see what's behind this hopefully this unlocks it well we got what we got what on earth is this oh oh this is a shooting range I need the shotgun oh no I need the shotgun I think that the next bit was locked oh I need the shotgun that's just great oh wait there's a helicopter manual let's go grab sweet okay I think this is this has to be the way to the helicopter right so we're going up and up and up I need to find grandpa though so let's turn his favorite radio on his favorite Bop that's right granny's house it's coming let me grab this good on dad come on why can I never find him when I want him there he is there he is there he is come here come here hey oh he's going for a nap I thought I missed out you thought I missed alright can I have this please I need the stun gun ammo give me perfect where do I put the shotgun it's here I've got unlimited ammo now so I can actually just grab this and use this all the time so let's go upstairs oh this is exciting we just need to head up here and do the shooting range game which is kind of weird it kind of gives me hello neighbor vibes at the same time for some reason at least we know we're safe up here and we've got unlimited shotgun ammo right ba ba ba ba give me these here we go alright how do we you have to guess where it is there oh no actually moves around oh that's not nice okay got one missed that one that's fine yes got another one sweet I got that little ding noise oh I need to wait for it to go down the bottom and then we're good I just wait here I should be able to shoot it that was not it you ain't sweet does this open yes it does all right so we got a glass fuse oh that's that's definitely a trap hold on a second that is 100% a trap did you see that floor oh wait that's doesn't work anymore oh no okay my plan has been covered at least there's another one here I don't think I need the shotgun anymore which is good but that could be really bad the glass fuse is literally right there okay hello headshot boom right dad oh you're here too hello he's going to turn his radio on no way what is happening right let's quickly reload this oh I'm so sorry to shoot you from behind that's so cowardly but I had to do it to him alright let's drop this grab the glass fuse and let's go alright I don't trust this floor so I'm gonna put this here yeah see that's gone green now I still don't trust any of this well hold up hold up hold up there it is we've actually got ourselves a helicopter where does this go all these squares on the other side nice okay so you don't have to do that route anymore let's see what we need this this helicopter has guns on it what is going on granny has really gone to town from this ad revenue hasn't she oh man get in I can't start the helicopter yet no kidding or we go over fuel where's the gasoline I've got gasoline somewhere this place is not slow so we've definitely seen we've seen a helicopter key before so we know that we need that but we don't have it just yet grab this shotgun just in case we need it what else did we need to mean the gasoline I've seen that somewhere but where was it me granny is here but give me this grandpa dad where are you I'm playing your tune I'm playing your tune oh he's in there hello oh you actually scared me okay let's draw this in here I need to draw that at all excuse me thank you grab let's go up I I don't know where else this could be I feel like I've seen it somewhere oh I'm an idiot it's in here okay great I look the whole way around the house for that and it's there oh my goodness really grandpa's scared the life out of me all right let's feel this bad boy up here we go empty to fall I don't have to know what else we need I know where the helicopter key is we fill that up fill it up come on burner up all right you're full drop what else do we need I need can't start the helicopter yet maybe I need the helicopter key now let's go and get that pretty sure it's over here yeah there it is let's drop this here and let's quickly shove the key upstairs drop that in there oh man hahaha this has to be clinical clinical I need to kill grandpa now and then we can go and get the helicopter key and get out of here actually might be okay let's drop this here let's just grab it and run grab it then run yes okay is this the escape is this it let's go oh this is taking me so long so long this is it a complicated escape right let's get in why can't I start this yet what kind of use this Oh does this unlock something maybe this isn't to start something Oh hold on maybe this is for something else you know like the car boot I'll use it open that what do I need it for what do I need a full oh wait hold on this this is broken isn't it Garrett's broken you can't be telling me that I need duct tape to fix the helicopter there's no way is that the way you fix the helicopter docked tape jeez there's only one way to find out right I'm gonna have to stun some peeps you once get stunned grind I don't know you're in here at least we know where the duct tape is we have scoured this entire house and we know where the duct tape is so we can do it and turn on your favorite tunes such a banger such a bar fight duct tape is in here so what I can do is shoot them both and then just grab the duct tape get out of here I think that's what we need to do there's no other reason for that to be been Shirley okay there's granny where's grandad though why are you wet granny is gone we're under par grandpa seriously I need to shoot you with this oh there he is there he is there he is pop drop and let's go let's go let's just do it just grab the duct tape and go if we're trying to escape in a helicopter and we prepared it using duct tape I don't know what else to tell you granny you maybe that's why everything she just seems to be just grabbing everything and flexing on us everything she buys is broken she buys a helicopter have the fix it with duct tape by the house there's holes in the floor and creepy spider children in there maybe that's why this better be the last thing that I need and I'm guessing the helicopter key works here we go that's ridiculous attached you dick you destroy this grab the helicopter key which also looks like some kind of toy can we get out of here oh it's happening it's working oh yeah mission granny complete let's go dude we got out hopefully oh yeah we're out into the dark nights of the sky granny cadets oh look oh if they're so upset hey you idiots you're actually idiots I've got many guns on this bad boy - see you later Wow when great when you think granny got crazy enough it goes one step that we did it we escaped granny now has a heli chopper I don't know what to say that's pretty nuts guys that took me ages that took me two hours to complete that's not bad good job granny Gigi's well guys that's pretty much it for me today we escaped Granny's house in another unique way actually haven't done the boat escape yet which is pretty crazy we didn't get the new game over screen either because I only got game over once but hey maybe we will find it in the future in another granny update guys thank you so much for watching another granny video if you enjoyed please people like the greatly appreciated subscribe to your brand-new as well almost daily videos using that big red button on the bottom right hand corner and I'll see you guys or you in the next one yeah [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,850,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, granny, granny chapter two, dantdm granny
Id: Z4rert6GLxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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