I Happily Destroyed The Environment For PROFIT

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oh this will be fun we're gonna crash land on another planet in our little survival Dome escape from our little hatch and then happily destroy the environment with uh this little poke stick right here yes so we're gonna walk over to this little tree and we're gonna go man we're gonna demolish it and we're gonna take care of some of these rocks as well to extract the resources and once I have 10 rocks I should be able to build up my furnace that should be good we'll put the furnace right here yes then we can use that furnace and choose a recipe like making charcoal I'll be honest I'm not exactly sure why I want charcoal but I'm hoping it's so I can destroy the environment even faster there we go cook it up cook it up real fast oh no there's another person here I almost feel bad about that hi there my name is Camille I was your Landing mine was not too bad the pods alarm went crazy at the end because you crashed into the ground you Dingus they're both unharmed light years away from the closest hospital I'll head to the island nearby I saw the encampment being built come meet me there later uh sure you got a jet pack I wish I could have a jet pack instead I'm stuck burning rocks down with my little laser beam all right so real talk can I destroy this thing too I sure can Camille's not gonna be happy that I'm gonna destroy your little Igloo oh I had some shiny blue bars and uh eight Legos there's also a blue ball Bush that's kind of cool and a purple Ball Bush neat so now that I've harvested every single resource off the entire surface it's time to build some other utilities like an oxygenator transforms water into breathable oxygen now I need to find the blue balls in here and that should convert it into oxygen which is great because that gives us research we just need a few more of those little Lego things and I can build that using the modular bricks so I need to put my rocks in here plus my is that charcoal and now it should start pumping there it goes I don't know how this rock regrew but I'm excited about it because now I can destroy more things this also means I might be able to industrialize by having multiple chains together so if I make this one to make only charcoal then this one will make the bricks very good the research process is ready so we can start making better research I wanted it to be on this one not that one and I'm gonna dismantle it real quick beautiful all right we'll put that next to the oxygenator because other things make me sad inside of my heart so I need some more mass production time to get more Lego bricks because the Lego bricks will allow me to set this Milestone and research go little buddy I can make iron ingots I don't know why iron is blue but whatever and now I can make myself a jet pack well you can research it anyway [Applause] [Music] you're now level two you have one new skill point to spend hot bricks furnaces now work 25 faster that's what I'm all about I can also make the iron ingots in here I just need more charcoal that will put you in oh my sweet Jergens a piggy just spawned he's gonna turn into some delicious bacon I promise you also before I do that I'm totally gonna make more charcoal because I need a lot of it [Music] especially to make these Legos hot dang does that take a lot of charcoal all right little piggy time to die oh never mind I'm gonna pet him hello little piggy you're my friend now I totally want to eat them oh wait the pig's attacking the tree I knew I liked you as long as he doesn't attack my buildings okay this sounds good deposit area that we can store our items we're gonna research that because we can set that up in front of here now I'm hoping that it automatically spits it out and puts it in my inventory or you know it it doesn't do what I wanted it to do we're gonna have to make some sort of like uh conveyor belt system almost oh the piggy just dropped a dookie what are you doing with that what can I do with that can I make like a garden all right let's try uh building the automation so I can get the Abate antenna and The Collector robot I also have a feeling I totally need to make the workbench so let's research that quickly and I guess it's time to build that workbench itself okay so I've never done this before so now I should be able to build myself a little collector bot I hope okay go little buddy I'm just excited about this hey I got a collector bot now I need to build an antenna not a radar would it be utility come on Logistics there we go a bot antenna I really don't like my layout of my base right now so we're just gonna slam that over here and then shove that inside there you go little collector bot I'm excited for you I'm gonna have you collect these and then deliver it to deposit area sure go little friend so if I mow those down is he gonna go do it oh he's straight up collecting oh okay okay oh my goodness he's my new best friend ever I'm gonna name him Kevin you'll be friends for life also I totally forgot I leveled up so time to get another skill yeah 25 I'm sure I said more experience that's always a good thing also there's a nose thing oh I'm dying of lack of oxygen poisoning I think that was actually close yikes okay so real talk if I grab my Legos back I can come over here and make a few more of these collector Bots I think all I need is two more and I think that might be all that the bot collector thing allows so if I click on you I can give it an empty slot give you in there then we're gonna collect rocks and and we'll deliver it to this area too nice and we got another empty slot which I don't have one in my inventory but I will in just a second just kidding the game is being dumb right now because the donkey attack things but now this collector bot should as I was saying this collector bot no this collector bought needs to collect iron and bring it to the stage too nice I'm excited about that we have three little working robots now okay so we need to build this radar dish I'm not exactly sure what this does but we're gonna build it anyway hot ding that's a big building oh oh we get to unlock new zones okay this one only takes an iron so I'm gonna buy that one that's cool and now I should be able to use my jet pack to go yay right over top of it nice now we have uh this stuff here oh so there's a pretty bird who's a pretty bird wow hot day well don't do that again you scared me is Camille here that's not Camille unless Camille grew a beard hi my Landing was terrible my head's spinning if I remember my name is armadillo I'm here to join the team we need to keep the mission going my role here keep the crew in tools Sharp let's see if an extractor in your hands I'll ask you for resources I need to make a great team still my resources what a jerk face and he's got a jet pack too okay cool ooh personal bot link connects a bot to yourself so it works by your side I don't know if I like that idea kind of organic myself so the other news is that all of these next stages have to have uh whatever that stuff is and I'm guessing I could find a lot of whatever that stuff is right here we're gonna take and drop that down quick now do I want to process all of this on this island or take it back to the main one I think a main island of processing is a much better idea I'm also running out of oxygen again so that's fun oh but a new skill point okay I can breathe I'm breathing everything's great wow I have a lot of stuff right now so let's grab the rocks out of here and I'm going to have to build up another furnace or two all right we'll just keep in this line and we'll set this to take half of them let's see control click half nice okay so in the radar area I can unlock more things but I still feel like that island is the right one to go with oh it's gonna happen Maybe not maybe I can get it oh I'm so close to dying yeah refill okay that's getting close I need to put my next experience Point into more oxygen but before I do that we're gonna put a logistics thing down here we're gonna build a bot antenna on this island as well as a deposit area good now we're gonna make this robot go collect other things I want you to collect yes and we're gonna deliver it to that deposit area good job also since we can here and I did build another robot we're gonna make you collect water berries and deposit those here too mainly because I'm a little bit too lazy to collect them for myself and I want all of that treasure the other good news is I have enough of these that I can start getting something else like a power station or better automation what are these a fighter bot Logistics bot deliver resources to buildings as they need them or an energy rifle I can start Pew pewing things real talk though I totally want automation so what yes fighter bot I mean Logistics bot Logistics of the way of the future all right Logistics spot you're pretty cheap I want to hire you I'm gonna hire two of you mainly because I don't know what you do yet and I think I might need another bot control thing thankfully those are pretty cheap I have one on the island really game I won two on the island if you can't tell so real talk is a cannibalism if I take my collector bot and stop you which one do I not care about probably you oh he just discombobulated himself but I could put a new one in here oh he gets different things nice like General recipes fuel for okay he's just gonna do everything he's just gonna do everything oh my goodness he's so fast look at him go oh I love him already he's all about this oh this is great here's another question if I just take uh out of this and eat that on the ground oh he does it too and if I take that and just throw it on the ground and throw that on the ground is he just gonna oh he does he's like I'm gonna have my best life ever I'm just gonna do everything all day long I love you so much you're my best friend he's got a lot of work to do though never mind he's like I don't really want to do the work today oh I'm gonna die again get the air bring it back got it got it got it got it got it I got a little air left oh boy whoop got it full refill time okay I've been traving Kevin he's working hard I think I'm hoping that he goes oh yeah that next one okay I just got that all right get more Legos he's gonna bring the Legos and put them in excellent excellent proud of you son I'm gonna grab these real quick okay we're putting that in sure I'm hoping he's gonna take the ore and put it in but I mean I could do that too so is it time to start farming I think it might be time to start farming and I might want to just Farm you know down here instead come on I need more copper there's the copper I need unlock this ooh that looks like a fun Island yay now level five that means I can get another skill point which means that I can have an extra guy all right I want to see what's over here too I'm guessing wow this is actually a nice area okay Circle oh there it is I knew someone was gonna crash land I'm gonna destroy your ship yet hello this is a guy like from I don't even know is it Binding of Isaac is that Isaac nope that's Sasha Sasha said something I didn't even listen and then Jet packed off wait I can circle around a water plant hold on can I use that other Island as my farming Island there's a lot of crops here this might not be a bad idea circle around an empty water plant oh I gotta keep breathing breathing is the best adventure maybe I should do the thing where I make air over here never mind I can only build one but I can build some Farm plots so that's cool let's build four of them for scientific purposes circle around the water plants I don't even know what that means game I'm trying to circle around it so hard right now but you're like no you're dumb and if I mine it and absolutely nothing happens here's an idea I know sometimes I have ideas my idea might be to build one now how do I use the extractor game I know it's in the equipment but you haven't told me how to use it all right empty I got it now look at me I'm so smart just kidding well I'll plant that in here oh I'll throw these rocks in the ocean never mind yeah it has to be empty and then you do this and then you literally walk around it which is kind of weird but I'll take it and this guy's like no I don't have any more water plants it's okay I stole it for scientific purposes do I put water on it then no the game's like no you can't you're dumb why would you even think you can plant water in water also I found uh whatever this little thing is a berry bush sapling that could be kind of fun to use also I should be able to remove this from here and bring you over aha it is working but that berry bush totally does need water okay that was weird and now I want to build more plots because I'm enjoying the farming mechanism in this game so let's put a water plant in there and then I'll grab another water plant and then I'll build a few more Farm plots and research the power station oh this is looking beautiful look at all the water I have now I will never ever ever run out of it ever again maybe I need some food or something too but I did the gardening so I'm excited about that and I tell you what my friends I think that's a pretty decent start to Nova lands if you enjoyed this video you have to let me know Down Below in the comments and to where we should unlock next maybe this one or that one I don't know up to you to decide so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time we'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto day Ben Dickie J Teddy hippiers ninja General Harris Trent M could I know Riddler Warriors VC engineer so Carson Rex Spencer T whiskey endless zanius splatter sex Stud rules skunk chest thread Dalton sea Securities monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr Griffin please
Channel: Blitz
Views: 246,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, nova lands, novalands, nova land, nova lands gameplay, nova lands blitz, blitz nova lands, factory games, island management game, nova lands steam, nova lands game, nova lands tips, nova lands ep 1, nova lands walkthrough
Id: b3qBFvKmbDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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