This Speedrunner BROKE Minecraft...

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minecraft is an unconventional game to speedrun speedrunners not only need to be skilled in the game's mechanical aspects but they also need to think on the spot to beat each randomly generated world in the fastest time possible in the random sea category of minecraft you need to be intelligent and think quickly to new information as no two seeds in minecraft are the same that being said there has been a controversial technique in minecraft that has gained popularity recently which has directly led to some of the random seed categories of minecraft being beaten in under 10 minutes the 10 minute mark was thought to be an impossible barrier but it's been shattered in this video we'll look at the speed run that will change minecraft forever but before we get into it please subscribe to the channel if you like videos about speedrunning so minecraft speedrunning has been very exciting recently we've seen new records that are just optimizing the game further and further speedrunners like illumina the sizzler and some relatively unknown speedrunners have shared time holding the record however on april 19th 2021 a basically unknown speedrunner named brentilda had shocked the world of minecraft he had the greatest random scene run of all time and beat minecraft in 9 minutes and 38 seconds shattering the infamous 10 minute barrier but how exactly was this possible what new tricks and shortcuts were taken to achieve this time to start off with not much is known about brentelda however he's been live streaming to speedrun attempts of random c category of minecraft to very few viewers on twitch in fact i've heard the world record he accomplished was only streamed to a handful of live viewers so pretty much nobody was expecting him to break the world record so how exactly did he achieve this insane time bruntilda's world record begins with him spawning with a lucky seed fortunate enough to be right next to a village that provides bed iron and other valuable resources for a speedrun this is one of the big choke points of speedrunning minecraft as if a village is too far away then it ends the prospect of a world record time looking at purintota's gameplay one of the first things you would notice is the strange field of view settings although this doesn't look good from a casual perspective the widened field of view allows brenton to see more of the surroundings making it easier to spot noteworthy things in the map brentilda then goes to find a pool of lava which he then quickly uses to make an obsidian portal using a bucket the water interacts with the lava creating an obsidian block in its place by juggling the water in the lava blocks using the bucket in a certain spot he actually creates an obsidian portal with extreme efficiency making an obsidian portal with a bucket near lava pool is extremely skill intensive and the fact that he can do it so quickly and seemingly easy is remarkable within under three minutes bruntilda makes it to the nether at an insane pace now at this point it's worth mentioning that the frequent pausing being used this in itself is one of the main features of this run and also one of the most controversial for you see speed running in minecraft is time via the in-game timer as opposed to real time the difference being is that pausing the game causes the in-game timer to freeze as time is not progressing within the game world in a past state the justification for minecraft speedruns being timed via the in-game timer is due to hardware limitations you see in minecraft the speed at which a new world loads is determined by your computer's processing speed the better your computer the faster the computer would load the minecraft world the minecraft speedrunning community saw this as a problem that gave people with better hardware and unfair advantage since they could all load the game faster in the essence of giving people an equal playing field the in-game timer was used opposed to the real time since the in-game timer deducts loading and pauses from the end time there is theoretically no downside to having a computer that loads minecraft slowly or pausing the game since the in-game timer doesn't factor in that time frantilda uses this rule to his advantage as he frequently pauses the game to scout the surrounding area for anything he is looking for the pause essentially gives bruntilda free time to think and look around and make decisions without it negatively affecting its time when you consider that random c category minecraft is very much based on observing your environment and decision making based on the information you have available you can see how pausing can help you out a lot and brentilda takes full advantage of it whenever he needs time to think or consider what to do he pauses the game letting him process what best course of action to take this is especially useful now that minecraft speedruns are more theoretical than ever before minecraft players have theorized certain map terrains to give good prediction as to where the end portal is such as divine travel but we will get more into that later this method pausing in minecraft speedruns to gain an advantage is controversial in the minecraft speedrunning scene to say the least the main criticism of using pausing in this function is that it goes against the spirit of why pausing was allowed to be used in minecraft speedruns to begin with the idea with using the in-game timer was to give people with lower spec computers an equal playing field with people and everyone else using pauses strategically like printelda was an unintended outcome of this in-game timer rule people against the use of pausing to be allowed in minecraft say it takes away some of the quick thinking and on-spot decision-making that made minecraft speedrunning so unique to begin with another argument is that it makes the viewing experience for casual observers worse on the other hand some speed runners prefer the more methodical approach to minecraft speedrunning where you can pause the game think of the most optimal route they would argue it adds more strategy and thinking into minecraft speed runs as to whether or not strategic pausing like this should be allowed to continue it's a decision the minecraft speedrunner community will have to decide upon as to whether or not strategic pausing will be allowed or not i can personally see arguments on both sides with merit and i am undecided if this is a good or bad thing for the minecraft speedrunning community in general let me know your thoughts about this in the comments section down below while berntildo was in the nether he had some good luck when it came to getting blaze rods dropping and ender pearls from bartering gold with piglets these are two parts of minecraft speedruns that are very dependent on simple luck of the draw if you don't get good drops with the blaze rods and ender pearls then your world record hopes are essentially over with brentilda acquiring the blaze rods and ender pearls it was time for bentoto to go back to the overwall and find a stronghold earlier in this video i mentioned something called divine travel being used by minecraft speedrunners recently to describe it as simply as possible in bertilda's case a fossil in the nether can be used to accurately predict the angle as to where the stronghold is in the overworld depending on its coordinates it is super theoretical and beyond the scope of this channel to explain i advise you watch the video by k4 analyzing and explaining how this works but all you need to know is that brentota got very lucky with finding the fossils so soon and could then pinpoint the direction of where the nearest stronghold was in the overworld minecraft speedrunners have theory crafted a lot of new information recently and what was thought to just be a random world actually has some patterns that knowing can allow you to predict where certain things are some of the smartest people in minecraft have theorized a consistent way to find diamonds based on overworld terrain and now divine travel is a way to predict where the nearest stronghold can be without using a single ender pearl triangulation method which was common up until recently seeing what was thought to be random maps be broken down by theory crafting is insane as it's essentially taking out some of the randomness associated with the minecraft speedrunning and rewarding intelligent players for having a high level of game knowledge understanding some of the game theory of minecraft speedrunning is now so complex it's basically like studying for a scientific project it's very interesting to see how the minecraft speedrunning meta has involved from what was seen as a chaotic and random game to a complex and theoretical game to speedrun it's clear minecraft is a lot deeper than a lot of people have thought back to the run after brentilda traveling in the direction of where he believed the stronghold could be he made another portal to go back into the overworld and the impossible happened not only did brunto leave the portal into the stronghold but he was right next to the end portal room not only did he pull off the divine travel theory with perfect execution but he couldn't have had better luck with where he spawned you can tell by brentilda's reaction that this was a momentous occasion dude dude i i can't pause he knew that history was about to be made there was no better opportunity to become the world record holder and break this sub 10 minute barrier all he had to do was just finish strong and get good luck with the dragon at eight minutes and eight seconds he was in the end dimension by far the fastest time someone made it to the end dimension in a random seed category rentilda threw his ender pearl to fast travel and got the ender dragon's attention to lure him down the dragon behaved perfectly and perched in the exact right spot where he finished the job with exploding beds he became the first person ever to beat the minecraft random seed category in under 10 minutes the reaction to the speedrun from viewers has been one of amazement and of concern it is no question that pratilda is an amazing speedrunner of minecraft however the record has been asterix next to it taking advantage of pausing the game being allowed which some people are not a fan of it is obvious that many more speedrunners in minecraft will now be using the pausing trick as it simply works too well not to use with the rules as they are now whatever happens with the rules of minecraft speedrunning in the future is in the air as there are speedrunners that like it and dislike it as well as viewers who are also split down the middle as to what they think of it regardless brentilda was the first person ever to be minecraft random seed in under 10 minutes and a new gold standard has been set for the game you should totally support brentilda's twitch and youtube channel if you want to see more of him although this record has exploded his popularity from not long ago he was a previously unknown speedrunner and he still deserves more recognition in my opinion thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a like and sub for more
Channel: Any Percent
Views: 508,859
Rating: 4.9351206 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun, speed run, speedrun news, minecraft speedrun world record, minecraft speedrun dream, dream speedrun, minecraft world record, brentilda, random seed minecraft speedrun, speedrunner, any percent, minecraft speedrunner, Dream, Karl Jobst, Summoning Salt
Id: cUpGGF-7e-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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