5 Unluckiest Moments In Speedrunning!

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so speed running the game requires a tremendous amount of skill and practice to get however sometimes it just comes down to luck you can play a game seemingly perfect and still have bad luck ruin your speed run in this video we'll take out the five unlucky moments that ruin speed runs but before we get into it please subscribe to the channel to know every time that we make a new video so with that being said let's get into it minecraft world ruined so minecraft is one of the most popular games to speedrun these days in particular the random seed categories which put you into a random world where you have to figure out on the spot the quickest route to beating the end dragon to complete the game this has led to many speedrunners creating random seeds of the game with different and unique properties that you don't normally see in minecraft to beat the game you need to go through the end portal which is located in a stronghold dungeon the portal is made up of n portal frames which are unique and cannot simply be found outside of a stronghold in this case a reddit username blightbuster posted on the minecraft subreddit a picture of an end portal which got destroyed by a fossil the chances of a fossil appearing in the end portal is extremely low the youtuber toy cat posted a response to this on reddit saying calculating the odds of this happening according to the math a fossil spawning exactly on an end portal in a stronghold is about a 0.0002746582 percent chance of occurring which roughly is a 1 in 400 000 chance of happening basically killing a speed run then and there since the fossil interfering with the n portal the end could not be accessed fortunately this bug has been patched out of minecraft bedrock edition but it's pretty hilarious that this was ever in the game speedrunner has a bad day grand theft auto speed runs have been a thing for a while although the game is usually quite long to complete for even a speed run as is the case with many open world games like grand theft auto often the games are so large and many odd glitches and occurrences can happen that would interfere with the speedrunner despite the natural challenges of speedrunning a game as massive as gta 5 many people still try to beat the game as fast as possible anyone who plays grand theft auto to speedrun will see quite a lot of crazy and weird occurrences that happen within the game mechanics interacting with each other leading to some pretty crazy moments in this case a well-known speedrunner and content creator named darkviper au was three hours into a gta 5 speed run however it seemed like the world was conspiring against him to ruin his run in the space of one minute dark viper fails to steal a car get his original car stolen from him finds a new car gets ran over manages to take the car and then crashes the car sending him flying out of the window which then leads to his own car running them over and his character dying truly a fail all around it's honestly shocking to see how many events can go wrong in such a short space of time and it really wasn't dark viper's fault as the game simply wasn't cooperating with him oh you suck you are you i hate this game then i kept pressing f to get into the vehicle exodia so the game yu-gi-oh forbidden memories was one of the yu-gi-oh card games you could play on the ps1 you would think a card game like yu-gi-oh wouldn't be an obvious choice to speedrun due to the massive amount of luck determining your success in this card game that being said it hasn't stopped speedrunners from trying to beat this game as fast as possible and has actually become quite a competitive game to speedrun despite the luck needed to get an actual good time in the last section the game you will need to beat 6 characters in the game in a row without saving the final 6 is known to be a roadblock in the run simply due to the difficulty of these battles in these runs there's a small chance of getting what is called exodia which is when a player in yu-gi-oh holds all five pieces to the exodia monster the head the right and left arm the left and right leg cards can all be used to automatically win the duel this sounds overpowered but any yu-gi-oh player would know that getting all five of these exodia cards in your hand at any given time is very hard and unlikely to happen in the ps1 game it's even more unlikely since it requires the npc or playing against to have the necessary rng randomly placing the cards in the deck then drawing them making getting exotic extremely unlikely one speedrunner named rokaryu 13 was doing a speed run on the any percent no card duplication category and was over 13 hours into the solid run unfortunately the final sixth section the impossible happened near the end of the duel the npc was playing against drew the last remaining piece of exodia triggering an automatic loss for riccaryu messing his run up no way please play no i just got exhorted i'm [Music] speedrunner gets cop visit so when speedrunning in front of many people on stream there are going to occasionally be some haters that will try and sabotage the speedrunner and distract him from playing well it's sad but often true in this case a speedrunner content creator named caleb hart was speedrunning mega man x on stream when something really crazy happened he got a visit from police now most of you probably guessed what happened here unfortunately one of his viewers found his address and made a bogus call to the cops that he was doing something bad in his house even though he was innocent this led to a squad of cops visiting caleb hart's house forcing him to stop the speedrun and explain to the cops the situation and that he wasn't doing anything wrong it's a pretty bad situation in all honesty and making false police calls on people can often lead to some bad situations this is a toxic element of the streaming community that was quite common back in the day i feel bad for the guy and the cops who had to waste their time with this nonsense but nonetheless to say making false police reports is against the law itself and should never be done fortunately these types of situations don't happen as much anymore since streamers are a lot more safety aware than they used to be in terms of giving personal life details to the public this should be a good lesson for anyone who wants to be a streamer or anyone with a public profile to make sure your information is kept private to avoid situations like this is my chat that people talk to and this it's it's everything just set up and i'm broadcasting to like 1200 people and that's that's what that is just there trolled by weedle so pokemon games are known to be extremely luck dependent and thus hard to speed run this has rang true from the first pokemon games ever made to the most recent pokemon games there are numerous things that have to go right for you to get a competitive record in any pokemon game rng such as landing critical hits catching pokemon getting the right stats for your pokemon and so on are all completely down to luck one other thing down to luck is a random battle mechanic in pokemon games every time a pokemon player encounters a pokemon in the wild it takes a good few seconds out of the run going through the encounter cutscene and attempting to run away from the fight these should be avoided at all costs in a speed run and are completely outside of the speedrunner's control until the speedrunner can buy repels to stop random encounters in this case a speedrunner named kzeron was playing pokemon blue any percent and had a bit of bad luck to say the least in a zone named viridian forest the ideal for a speedrun is to get one or zero random encounters for the purpose of a speedrunner kaizeron unfortunately had not one or two but five random encounters it's honestly pretty cruel for the game to give him this many encounters the poor guy literally can't take a step without fighting a weedle neat it is extremely frustrating to get an encounter that early unbelievable [Music] i [Music] [Music] thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please drop a like and subscribe to the channel for more speedrunning videos
Channel: Any Percent
Views: 795,571
Rating: 4.8957939 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun, speed run, speedrun fail, fail, fails, speedrun luck, unluckiest, speedrunning fails, speedrunner, speedrun chokes, speedrun fails, speedrun cheating, Karl Jobst, Summoning Salt
Id: Ll4EZoW2LA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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