This is not your normal Minecraft butcher.. (Scary Minecraft Video)

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there's always loot inside these things another village a new day here in Minecraft if you haven't already scroll down subscribe and they will pull certification was ringing the bell making go ding but also scrolling down there there's a like button and every like spares one villager we're always doing weird things the villagers some of them need to be saved so if you liked the video you saved one villager because we're usually doing experiments weird things to do with villagers and everything of sorts and that's exactly what we're doing today we found a nice village here it looks like it's a fully functioning village everything seems to be going well with the farms you look at them they're just having a fun time trading a month amongst each other and they are definitely not hesitating they're planning back there they're really you look at it they're going at it teamwork anyway this little baby village or two with a baby horse haha welcome aboard guys today we're gonna be experimenting with the butcher we're going to be taking a regular normal minecraft butcher and seeing what happens if we destroy his house we're gonna completely destroy the butcher's house he's probably not gonna be happy I'm gonna be honest some villages have usually like three or four librarian three or four butchers this one has two churches so it's probably like two priests or something but even though I've seen like I like edge a village for just like one Church and there's like five priests or something in the village which I have no clue why it seems like some of the villagers just kind of change and rearrange the roles to whatever seems fitting to them which is super weird to be honest but either way guys we are aware that Thanksgivings coming up and I am more than excited to be doing some giveaways for you guys all kinds of giveaways you know usually we ever a gift course but I think we may be able to give away some other pretty cool stuff soon too so keep your eyes peeled for that and well I did you all a cheer that is none of some good stuff guys we are currently trying out many energy blends and I might have to just announce one that it's pretty darn good soon so either way we have a nice pool here if the villagers want to take a little bit of a bathing session the only problem is without they can't seem to get out once you fall in the bathtub you never get out apparently if that's their bathtub mal one thing is for sure there is no fountain here so there's no creepy theories or conspiracies that can be kind of turned around with the Fountain of Youth or whatever that thing's called it's in the middle of the village but yeah so this seems to be the butcher place here so this is gonna be our main source of operation so are you a butcher you are a weapon Smith so you're not exactly a butcher actually oh is that a butcher that is the butcher and nice nice nice now sir we're gonna be destroying your house I don't know if this is your house or I don't know if you also aside in the weaponsmith area I just imagine that butchers do also site here because I know for a fact they do it usually all the time there would be butchers around here so this is probably the place where the weaponsmith the butchers and a lot of people reside so yeah oh oh they are ooh okay I don't be there going out at they're doing some crazy the talking about meetings stuff over there but cool thing here there's lava and stuff which we could just terrorize the whole village with bomb if we really decided to do so but yeah there's always loot inside these things what huh [Music] if a my my oh no I'm not seeing things I am NOT I am NOT I am NOT I am NOT I refuse I am not seeing things that is not your [Music] tell me one thing what was that that look like a a butcher gone wrong in Minecraft that looks like a a butcher that was ready to absolutely kill you like like destroy you guys no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that never happens no no no he's uh uh don't even don't even that thing came after me it actually came after me guys are you there's no way I'm not I'm not I'm digging my way out I'm not [Music] I'm not going back out there I'm nine woods I mean the void where's the cave system I'm not going back up high I refuse to do that I need to find a cave system that thing is following me that evil butcher guys that was that was the most terrifying like entity I've ever seen in Minecraft for villager I've ever seen in Minecraft like I have never I've seen some pretty scary looking creatures some pretty scary looking entities herobrine being one but I have never seen anything that looks any bit even ever so near the close to identical to that like the identity of that thing is terrifying [Music] guys there's no caves I'm stuck down here and there's no caves for when like oh my god this diamond though what's the chances of finding some diamond well I mean there's diamond but there's no cave isn't that usually how diamonds doodle doctor in the middle of nowhere so you couldn't ever imagine to find him they decide like does anybody have an explanation on what kind of butcher that was like that was like a butcher that just freshly got done murdering something it didn't even have eyes okay that thing didn't have eyes it looked like I don't even know it anymore look possess it just people it just looked like it was a murderer guys I don't see anything down here it's nothing this is a bunch of nothingness away I found a pocket of water that's promising so guys if you don't know what I think I'm gonna do is just live underground for the rest of my minecraft life usually when we see an entity or something it disappears pretty quickly after that thing followed me it follow me all the way down do you want to know what would be the scariest thing ever I'm just digging and then I turn around boom there it is again like a me dude no thank you did don't think I thought about it but no thank you it's a big no for me 100% no I'm diggin to nothingness I found a pocket of water all right yeah she's oh my god what why is it storming geez this is scary this is one of the scariest videos are made in a long time am i that close to why is it so loud dude I'm out of here dude I am out you hear me I'm going back down I like caves actually right now she's the storm was like devastatingly loud for no reason now I feel like something's following me again dude we're just sake I'm floating down like dude no thanks no things dude I thought about it but no thanks dad Oh either way guys that's not your normal everyday butcher I don't care what you call out even know what to title this is not a normal butcher that's relaxed the weather is making this even more terrifying if you guys can hit the like button subscribe today we upload every single day man sometimes things get a little bit out of hand such as today it's one of those uploads man I say share with your friends family everyone you know it only gets more and more weird more mysterious more scary do you mind at this point it's just it's a no okay so yeah without decide we're going to come to the concluding factor of this video I don't know where to go from here or how to deal with this butcher but it seems like a problematic thing without a doubt so with that aside hit the like button if you haven't and I will see you all and the next one a nice little chair again [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 346,857
Rating: 4.9285755 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, This is not your normal Minecraft butcher, Minecraft Butcher, Butcher Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Videos O1G, Scary Minecraft Videos, Scary Videos for Kids, Scary Videos, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: NhLgJEejJN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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