Roblox BrookHaven 🏡RP Ghost Hunter (Full Scary Movie)

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[Music] okay we got chocolate birthday cake mint chocolate vanilla bubble gum which one looks the most appealing i mean the chocolate looks good the birthday cake looks like it might be really good and the mint chocolate though okay the bubble gum is out of the question so is vanilla i think we're gonna go with mint chocolate let's go ahead and do that real quick oh yes uh guys don't matter don't don't mind me i'm just getting some ice cream after a s some strange look i decided to take the role as a ghost hunter in roblox can you believe it me a ghost hunter yeah i know but doing so it arrived with some some regret okay let's just say a lot of regret let me sit down here because i'm gonna need to take a i'm going to sit down some of the things i've seen and experienced not ideal for anybody then you're about to see all that actually right here in a full roblox movie i know it's pretty cool how that works but all i ask is that you guys grab some popcorn what if you may need sit back relax and prepare to be slightly spooked because dealing with paranormal or spirits or anything of sort can well turn sour very quickly if they don't want you near their home or wherever they may be haunting so me and my cat rosie here oh yeah get your rosie merch there's a rosy hoodie you guys gonna go by and uh join the roblox group all that good stuff and we'll enjoy the movie so brookhaven got a new update and that means potentially anything could have changed in this update yeah they let us know that there's new vehicles and houses and things of relating sort but what if there was something creepy hidden and added without us even knowing that's where it gets scary first off hit the like button subscribe to my post notifications or read the moment dang today we are looking for ghost we're looking for ghost and brookhaven now as many of you know i've had a history with ghost in brookhaven and i don't like it there's a haunted house a a very specific house that is haunted of sorts and well let's go to one of these open lines here just so i can claim in and show you guys which house is on it exactly and if we're going to be ghost hunting i guess we should probably revisit the one house that i don't dare to revisit but i'm going to i'm going to do it let's get this video to three likes let's do it for the ghost hunting special now what was the house that i always had issues with was it this one we have to make sure i think it might have been it might have been that one let's let's uh gamble our luck you guys i think this was the house okay so was this the house this is the notorious haunted house now to my surprise everybody in the comments was like that's my house that's the house that i have and you're saying that it's haunted yes it um slightly a bit but i think i think without a doubt guys we took care of the ghost problem that we had in this house and we don't got to worry about it no more right look at the rosy merch guys if you haven't got your rosy merch hoodie go get that real quick what are you doing um all right guys so i want to see if anything changed in this house real quick i i haven't looked at this house since the new update just let me look over everything make sure everything's good and then when it gets nighttime in brookhaven we're going to the haunted shack yes i know you might all know what that is and if you don't know what that is then be thankful be thankful um it might be scary um let's look around the house and see if anything's changed at all i need to make sure because this is my expression right now okay look at me looking around i'm a little bit concerned where was it that i heard the first sound of that ghost a ghost that made a sound that just did not seem normal at all i don't know i don't know i i was up here i was on my computer and then i heard it downstairs rumbling only to check the cameras and to hear it in this bedroom no no no i don't like it i don't like it it's nighttime anyway it's time to go time to go we'll come back to this on another day or later in the video um well good news is we can check out the new vehicles the new vehicles in brookhaven got a level let's go ahead and get in the new vehicle here whoo guys should i live stream us ghost hunting i i might have to do that too i might have to do that too okay guys let's go to the abandoned shack let me make sure my speed is set to 70. that wait what my speed is set to 70 so i can get the maximum speed here to get us where we need to go now where is the abandoned shack there's a shack far away from brookhaven on the outside of brookhaven that well holds a mystery or some mysteriousness and there it is actually i wasn't expecting to find it so quick and easily this could be bad okay i know brookhaven is full of a lot of very scary things okay we haven't even scraped the surface of the cemetery or anything okay let's go let's go let's go let's go oh guys it looking very dark no did i just see something in there it's probably a player it was probably a player guys relax relax [Music] nah i'm not go i'm not pulling up right there let me get my flashlight guys this is ghost hunting and brookhaven why are we doing this okay okay quiet quiet quiet there could be a ghost around here i gotta be very careful guys this this is the abandoned shack so like i need to kind of go around it first i feel like i'm about to get jump scared do you guys feel like that like somebody's just about to show up out of nowhere and jump scare the heebie-jeebies out of us okay oh wait a second i just noticed i guess the stairs are broken down do we go in i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't i don't know if i want to guys i i'm having second thoughts i'm having second thoughts okay it's a simple shack i mean look at it guys from the outside here there's nothing in there it has to be a simple run down shag but what's the history behind this place why is it abandoned like this and i don't know okay so we had the encounter with the ghost but could there be something tied like a spirit or something tied to this place i hope not okay guys i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go i'm going i'm going i'm going hello hello what happened here what is this a door is anybody here is there any ghost or anything that would like to let itself be known um jeez i heard some explosion in it if there's any ghosts let yourself be known i want to try clicking around can you respond to us in some way say hello or anything no no no no i was kidding i was kidding i was kidding i i i am so sorry for disturbing you i am so sorry for disturbing you i am so sorry for disturbing you i was just leaving uh i am so sorry uh don't don't worry about it i'm so sorry for disturbing you i didn't think something was going to respond what are you her all you will you review oh yeah composure okay you all heard that right you heard that right okay guys i'm always watching ghost of like what's going on there because i'm always watching ghost shows and they're always like having their little paranormal devices out right and uh we're gonna park under here they always have like their paranormal devices out when they're asking the ghost i thought i would do the same thing i thought i would be like is there any ghost here i got a little flashlight let me know i don't know what that was i don't know i couldn't tell you if you asked me because i don't know i'm glad i captured it on video though i'm glad i captured it don't go recording and searching for ghost and brookhaven oh my god don't do it don't do it okay guys now i wonder i have my flashlight right should i try to go back there and record it guys should i try to go back there and record it i mean yeah i i i think i think that might be the case um is there like any ghost recording devices that i can use let me let me check this is c4 that's not uh that's not gonna work um they're they need to put like a paranormal device uh in brookhaven brookhaven dev so if you're watching this put a paranormal like uh detector and like if we're close to a ghost it can start going crazy can you guys do that please uh the devs watching this so we can detect ghosts better okay because this place has definitely got some ghosts or something all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get my camcorder out now guys do not go recording do not go recording ghosts guys don't i'm gonna go record the ghost home real quick i'm just gonna get my footage real quick oh geez oh geez oh jeez get the footage get the footage get the footage is there any light switches or anything in here get the footage we got the footage there's totally something haunting this place and secret okay got the footage got the footage didn't hear the ghost again didn't hear the ghost again okay good good good let's get out of here let's not waste time let's head back home to another haunted house apparently allegedly oh my god all right keep calm keep calm all right so ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho i get all my dude okay um we recorded the footage guys we recorded the footage now we'll get the footage recorded let's take a turn here let's go back to our brookhaven house uh is it up here i think it's up here oh okay my drive is a bit everywhere okay totally not sub to omg well what a welcome party let's see what's going on here everyone's reading chat sub to omg i just had the scariest experience ever like i have to let the subs know right here guys i just had the scariest experience ever like what like i heard a ghost at the abandoned shack i don't know i don't know i don't know guys i don't know i don't know i don't know i want to go in this house guys i want to look around a bit we might have to like go somewhere do something like this is a bit concerning a bit concerning okay creepy i know i know it's creepy i'm kind of concerned about it guys what's the best expression we have right now for this like i like a scared expression like i mean because that's definitely how i'm feeling right now let's let's search for a scared expression um there's so many faces guys i wanted to unlock more i'm kind of crying in a way i'm kind of definitely crying um i'm shook up i'm concerned i i am slightly sad about it i mean all these emotions running through me right now guys and i just don't know should i take the subscribers there we're in the haunted house right now guys should we take the subscribers we can take the subscribers you have okay guys let's take some of the subscribers we have to go find it out uh whoops that's not what i want to do i'm going to go to my chat let's go let's go okay so i'm gonna take some of the subscribers there uh live while we're doing this guys just so we have some more backup and guys if they hear it too if they hear it right now with this it's oh no no it's over guys like this is no joke this is no joke this is no joke this is no joke okay let's let's park let's jump out grab the uh camcorder camcorder okay we got the camcorder let's go let's go hold up i'm going to turn this over in a minute okay okay okay let's go is he out of sword is he about to slash him okay let's do let's do a 360 uh turn around turn around what's that sound what's the sound that was not footsteps was it it was like something hitting something wait what is that the heck is that guys do you guys hear that sound what is that is that a footstep what is that what in the is that footsteps [Music] i hear a weird footstep who is that same what is that [Music] what what in the world was that no no no no i hear the same noise look wait what i hear it oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm out i'm out i'm out that's super weird i'm out yeah i'm out that is that is uh that is not that is not cool guys i don't know i don't know what the heck that is um but either way guys um geez that place is not to be messed with why why why why why i don't i don't know guys i don't know okay so i'm back another day in brookhaven you know it's 6 a.m and things are feeling a lot better from what we experienced last night in brookhaven i i honestly no look at my face this is my emotion right now let's get at the camcorder again because this is ghost hunting 101 would yours truly oh when she buy the rosie merch you already know that though okay definitely know that follow the roblox we bought our good stuff i already said that you know that so like the video uh this is um we're gonna just take a nice stroll a nice walk guys uh let's put the camera away put the camera away we don't need it right now we want to go over those weird footsteps that sound uh kind of put an explanation behind it see if we capture it for a second time we're gonna try to go here a second time and see if today was a bright day and i thought let's go there again let's see if we can catch it for the second time see if anything is weird uh going on and i don't know maybe this time we're gonna catch the footsteps again or we might actually catch real evidence visual evidence of the ghost now i don't know if that's possible but it could be let's change my expression here because let me tell you it could get very scary quick i'm gonna go with the i did finally unlock these other faces so if you guys don't know if you pay a little extra robux you can you can get these extra faces and some of them just look flat out creepy like what is this one i don't know like it's creepy so now let's just go with this one it's kind of simple or maybe if we can find more of like a worried one we're probably gonna go with that because i think we're gonna be slightly worried i know i'm worried about what i'm going to find what could potentially be lurking i guess we're going with this one i just look like a clueless citizen that doesn't realize he could be walking his way into terror complete terror and his life is never going to be the same oh anyways let's let's do it okay i'm going to hide in the bushes first i know bushes guys we gotta get a sneak look at this nobody can detect this nobody it's daytime though but i just want to keep my eyes on this house if i see some okay prime point prime point in the last video we seen something move in the house remember i said that i was like something moved in the house something moved in the house but then when we got there we heard the scream and we voted we got out of there very very very quickly as we should have all right let me let me turn that off let me scoot on out of here guys it's 9 00 am it's 9 00 am we're safe we're safe so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get out my car and i'm gonna stop sneaking and we're gonna go back to the house guys um the one house okay let's go find a vacant lot and let's get our house uh booted up again because i uh let's go for like a yellow zone for this one yellow let's go back to the haunted house because if you guys recall we didn't really get to go over the haunted house again i also have 200 speed now so yeah we we can go really really fast if we want but um let's go see we have to be careful guys 200 speed it's very hard to control the car um like you won't be able to control the car hardly at all okay this is fine this is fine this is fine let me claim this vacant spot here uh where was the the haunted house was it this one no no wait wait wait guys i'm confused which one was it it was this one um i think it was this one yeah yeah yeah so we did kind of go over this though you know i don't think this ghost hunting of this house is really happening anymore like which i'm thankful for i'm glad we can kind of clear it out of our heads we don't have to worry about it anymore um but the footsteps now people had different things to say about the footsteps here guys um they said like no that's just one of the players they were making that noise one of the subscribers there which i thought like okay could be the case you might actually be onto something like you it might be true the subscribers might have been making that noise somehow and that explains it right i don't know but the screen everyone and anybody can believe me that didn't make any sense now if you're watching this video you still don't know what's going on uh you have to kind of go back because like um okay so this house i feel like the curse has lifted i don't know why like maybe if i since i reset at the house like we're good now like this house isn't no longer haunted now we still got to check out the haunted hut but the shack but what we got to do is wait till night time so what does a investigator do at night well many of you have been saying you guys remember the creepy birthday girl many of you been saying hey go see just in case to make sure that you can see if she's not gonna get angry again if you go and record on the second floor of the arcade now that's not a good idea i don't know who suggested that in the comments but you guys suggest that every time i live stream too this is something i've been holding off doing but i'm gonna do it while we have time during the day because guys i think it was daytime when we went to the second floor in the birthday and oh someone was selling burgers like that whoa whoa guys 200 speed is it's a bit much oh my god what what happened here okay let's back our way up back our way up here guys now just to confirm this thing gets a bit crazy if you guys have donuts but you know what i'm saying so we whip up the camcorder and then we go to the second floor record around now you remember what happened with that like then when we came back down boom she was right outside here we rushed off to our house to well gained safety or what we thought to be safety till we got murdered almost she creeped in our house and ruined it it was a bad time now what is this lightbulb doing here wait why is the guys why is the lights off up here wait oh i thought like we turned the lights was all right i thought if we turned the lights on she was just gonna be there waiting on us like hi i've been expecting you i told you not that you know what just okay okay all right let's record let's record yeah i just wanted to confirm that she's like not gonna be after us no more and turn off the lights someone robbed my safe this always happens guys so enough who robbed myself here who did that all right um let's go let's go where's her where's her is she around okay guys thankfully i think the creepy birthday is i think i think she finally left i think it was just like we recorded like part of like something to do with her birthday maybe or it was briefly after her birthday party and she didn't like that we recorded something so she went on this whole stalk spree towards us and like absolutely just terrifying us haunting us in a sense so let's go up on the zoo so i mean i i'm glad i'm glad that she's not around at the moment anymore oh we could have moved up here hmm equal view it's not a bad part uh because this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get out the binoculars where's my binoculars this was in one of the recent updates in programming by the way and let's get this out let's look at it okay okay okay guys there's the shack now do you guys see anything moving it's 1pm it's daytime now here's the thing about uh anything that's haunted or anything right like it's daytime right so you you anticipate like okay there's nothing to worry about we get to see it clear as day and but it's always nighttime where the scary stuff happens guys it's always nighttime and all the scary stuff happens i got an idea i got an idea here's what we do like i love how we just post it up looking around at this place so many people were saying like that scream was like of a um like uh it was about um like maybe a lost soul or something that was screaming trying to be free from the shack or something now i don't know if that's the case or true but geez you guys have a weird way of spooking me um okay so far we're good okay let's go around the back [Music] all right we're gonna go into the daytime now my idea was all right let's park right here let's get our camera it's still kind of dark in here even dude now this this is this is really getting to me i don't care if it's daytime guys because like i don't care if it's daytime because like it's uh it's where we heard the scream and um okay i want to put that away yeah why is it every time i hear i'm here i hear like explosions and stuff people robin saves him now i wanted to put my item away and click around you guys hear the end clicking intensifying all right guys here here's here's the idea here's the idea on what we want to do okay this is terrifying um daytime i think we're safe at the shack for some reason the shack gets haunted towards the night so i have this question should we spend the night in this haunted shack guys take a full night spend it here and see what happens like it's getting 6 pm time is ticking we want to spend the whole night in the shack so we're gonna do that i went ahead and moved to eagle view because eagle view has the best viewpoint around and i so i got to relocate my house i have 40 seconds before i could relocate my house i was going to move the quote unquote previous haunted house i still got my binoculars and everything and this is why is the best place guys we can go right here and we can see everything oh i told you in the last one what did i tell you it gets 100 times more creepier at night i was glad we get to look at it in the daytime but now it is creepier than ever i still got my yellow car it's looking it's looking it's looking nice but um we have 13 seconds guys someone just someone's here who is this who who are you i don't know who you are yo uh this must be a subscriber already guys i think it's i think it's a subscriber yeah he's a big fan okay well i'm ghost hunting let me let me tell them let me tell you i'm so let me let me go ahead and uh add the the house back up here let's move and um yeah let me let me he can he can join us he can join us so he's going to come with us guys i moved my house up here so i moved my house up here um let's get our camcorder out and we're going to go spend the night in the creepy shot guys we're going to do it my my thing's a little bit messed up so i'm gonna walk down there i think it's gonna be best just kind of take a walk down there um so i was very hesitant in the last video but then i got the idea across my mind what i wanted to do in the last video was go there see if we heard anything again anything creepy that occurred but uh now we're gonna go we're gonna go we're gonna go we're gonna spend the night in the shack hope for the best hope for the best okay um this is a this is like a 3 a.m challenge you don't do don't spend the night in the honda check because you see it all the time guys like paranormal investigators are always like spending at night in a haunted asylum and stuff like what like okay he's got the flashlight he's got the flashlight okay so let's um wait wait was this tree always right here i'll stay with you okay guys so we're not alone thankfully okay okay okay hold up let's circle around see if we hear anything [Music] guys remember those noises we heard out this is uh this is just the footprints so what was that first time we heard okay let's go in okay so definitely the place is completely run down torn to shambles so he's got his flashlight here too [Music] okay so we're recording i mean i don't know if we're gonna catch anything here um i i okay it's 10 p.m it's 10 p.m guys the challenge is to stay here all night the best that we can luckily we got a subscriber here what do you say what do you say it doesn't seem to have any secrets we gotta make sure he knows about the footsteps guys wait he knows about it he knows about the footsteps okay okay i heard a girl screaming from here before it was very creepy he knows guys guys oh my god he knows like a little girl i don't know if that was like a little girl screaming though that we heard like oh my god i'm so glad we're not alone but it even makes it scarier that other people have witnessed this it makes it very scary oh my god it's so terrifying guys okay it's 11 p.m there's something watching us don't say that i got chills right now [Music] okay lighting up the moon i can't believe i actually met you i know it's always nice to meet you guys in here um let's lighten it lighten it up a bit right it's always nice to wait wait wait wait [Music] what the heck okay he didn't hear that guys he didn't hear that [Music] i thought i heard something my volume is at max okay so maybe maybe maybe maybe that was nothing guys okay okay okay uh go goatee wants to know where we are he can might help us all right guys it's 12 a.m we've almost [Music] it's getting closer to 3 a.m so if anything's gonna happen it's definitely gonna be at the devil's hour right guys this is part of paranormal investigation like in roblox like we see what happens he's giving me a flashlight too sure i'll take one um wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no i got the flashlight like a car that's probably the safe that's probably the safe that's probably the safe what i think he's i think he's talking about like people robbing the safes i kept hearing that too i think it's a safe being robbed what is this thing anyways hold up what is this what is this like i don't know what guys this looks like a coffin almost okay it looked like it might be a coffin hold up nah guys we're overthinking it but um we're definitely overthinking it but um i did i thought i heard something earlier guys like i thought i definitely did being a ghost hunter investigating this stuff in roblox guys i i urge you all to be careful throughout brookhaven because there is one thing that is for sure brookhaven can get scary fast uh in unexpected ways because guys we we know about the hospital right and i know you guys want me to look more into the hospital and the ghost thing here but we're literally in the middle of a we're in the middle wait what did he hear come on don't don't do that don't do that don't do that there it is again 3 am no did you guys hear that that was the same noises oh we only got like a brief clip of like the weird static footsteps he called it like a static noise but the weird footsteps that we go i always get a feeling like someone's watching me in the shack there's always a feeling like someone's watching me in the shack okay okay guys let's uh let's go get in a vehicle um let's head back home let's just get in a a normal vehicle here a jeep's good a jeep's good he said he was going to get a car how fast am i going we both got a car i'm at like 200 speed so i guess he can follow me okay he's like darn okay let's uh go we gotta go up our house where's the entrance it's right here okay we got there quick okay guys go and go and go in all right so i thought i might have heard like a scream at one point but like i i'm brushing that off because um i thought i might have heard a scream but like i don't think i heard the scream again second of all i heard the footsteps we caught the footsteps 100 evidence of the footsteps again i heard that i know um our subscriber here said he didn't really hear nothing but he did hear the little footsteps he caught it static noise i don't know is that a static noise i don't really know it could be um where do we go here in terms of the investigation well i'm gonna tell you all exactly where we go from here being a paranormal investigation sometimes it seems like you hit a lot of dead ends but right at the end of the tunnel you find the biggest clue ever and i think we may be on the verge of finding the biggest clue ever he's gonna make sure there's no one in here okay okay that's good someone else is at my door i just seen someone outside no way in my c i knew it i knew it i knew there was someone outside and they got the rosie merch on okay that's what i like to see here guys look at this this person is rocking the rosy merch hi let me say hello to them they got the rosie merch on i'm a bit sad after going through a terrifying um is me oh it's wolf oh i think he's been uh in here before we get the rosie much going on i don't know who that is walking around that's scary either way it's a new day in brookhaven and guess what room i am sleeping in the room where we heard the creepy ghost sound ages ago in this haunted house why am i sleeping here of all the places i could have chose to sleep i wanted to sleep in a ghost room with a mirror right there you guys have not seen that crazy ghost sighting let me tell you it was something that i never experienced before let me check my safe that's like it's safe okay so today i wanted to get back on brookhaven and uh wake up you know go get some breakfast real quick let's get our breakfast what are we having here waffles for breakfast i think so guys let me let me sit down eat my waffles real quick you cannot oh what's up what's that i might want that over there what is that that's a coke let me get the coke too okay so i'm gonna drink this eat my waffle healthy nutritious breakfast of course like i'm always going for have you guys hit the like button yet i wouldn't consider doing that i'm gonna drink my coke here and i'm also gonna drink my beverage right now it's the stuff it's the stuff guys so let's talk a little bit over breakfast brookhaven paranormal activity ghost picking up noises sounds that don't seem to add up too much brookhaven we know you have your dirty secrets your your scary secrets your paranormal ghosts hunting throughout the land and i've had the privilege of coming across some of these noises and uh well confronting what could be paranormal activity first on now let's retract let's talk about the hospital failed experiments of what could be potential zombies i i don't know what's going on there and perhaps if you guys want me to look further into the hospital well you can let me know because the hospital has a dark secret and i think there's more to reveal there but that might not be ghost related that could just be some crazy experiment that the the agents or some sort we're conducting and i don't know it could get very weird we also have the cemetery a place that is said to have a haunted grave people have been talking about that being a paranormal hot spot well let me finish up my breakfast here and close my doors wash my hands we got time orders now i'm at eagle view if you guys recall from the last episode i moved up here or the last section slash episode part of the video um you you all know the reason i moved up here was so i had a clear view of the shack at all times of the day i could whip out my binoculars and look down and beam in to see any type of movement hold up guys i thought i heard something okay i think we're good okay let's head back outside oh okay okay okay let's get out of this let's go get our binoculars again today should i get a gun [Music] i got a gun guys but to be honest what am i gonna do with the gun like you can't shoot ghost you know like that's not gonna do me much good all right let's get the binoculars maybe if somebody else comes out of nowhere then yeah but [Music] see this is why we moved to eagle view is the best place to just get a viewpoint of the shack and what's going on now many people have different theories and rumors about what they think this shack is about and to be honest it definitely has some creepy stuff going on um we keep on hearing footsteps or some static noise that one of the subscribers said um there at night and uh well more people are reporting going there hearing the same exact thing and usually when you're there you are like we kept on hearing explosions and stuff but i think it's like other players robbing each other's safes and stuff so you keep hearing that for some reason down there more but uh the steps that's unexplainable and maybe that's just like a a common thing and uh brookhaven you hear i i don't know but what i want to say is this is definitely a real ghost haunting i mean it definitely has a lot of value to it i mean from that weird scream to the because guys remember the subscribers said in the last video he heard like a girl scream or something and what did we catch in the first video looking at the shack we heard a scream of some sort so he heard the same exact thing and now we're here fast forward and we're both hearing the footsteps now i don't know what this means guys i don't i don't know what this means unless there's a spirit of a little girl or a girl of some sort that is uh attached to this place or stuck here and she can't seem to release her soul so what happens is at night she walks around and maybe the first night that we came here she was walking around and got scared after seeing us so she screamed at us in fear of her own self as a spirit so we bowled it out of there obviously we got out of there so my explanation is this guy sometimes it occurred a little after 3am last time we were here and heard this oh wait i just want to make sure guys sometimes i get paranoid so it happened a little bit after 3am last time we were here and heard the steps so maybe around that time is when she gets up and walks around and you hear her walking her footsteps a little bit and if you happen to startle her you hear the scream like we've all been reporting hearing and even captured evidence of i don't know but with something like this [Music] maybe it's so quiet in brookhaven right now maybe this is her shack she doesn't want people here and she wants us to leave it alone so she can be at peace at rest i'm really interested to know what brookhaven plans to do with this shack and if it ever is going to get remodeled or changed to some degree and maybe that will release the spirit and we will no longer have to worry about it i could be an explanation could be a possibility but um this haunted shack definitely has its weird times it's it that's a few things that make you question like well i don't know about it i don't know if i want to be around here surrounded by let me get on my jeep again guys people said why do you have the default color of the jeep here guys let me let me change it for you let's go for more of like a yellow tone here that'll work but here's what i think we're going to do guys i don't want to bother the spirit of ghost or whatever is haunting the shack so i'm gonna leave this shack alone for now i mean think about it how did we get past the creepy birthday girl we finally met her head-on after she had stalked us for episodes and we met her on and she said delete all the footage you have so i'm gonna take my camera corner i'm gonna throw it away and i'm going to let this ghost rest in peace and hope that it will not you know scare the citizens of brookhaven any longer and uh we will not hear nothing else regarding it but i do know one thing's for sure if you come here at night you're gonna hear her walking around her footsteps resonating throughout the nights of brookhaven and i just think we can all do better without witnessing or experiencing that for sure so i'm going back home and i'm think i'm just gonna let this one be i don't know think about it guys with paranormal activity you investigate a ghost sighting you investigate something that may have a spirit tied to it but there's usually never no resolve it's just usually a haunting that either follows you or makes you regret even ever trying to look deeper into it and well we should definitely be careful what steps we take in the future with any scary investigations that we have because i'm not about hearing these creepy ghost sounds i'm gonna be honest guys it's just too spooky for me it really is so i'm gonna close down this garage here it's a nice 3 p.m i still got the day the day's bright there's plenty to do and i think i'm gonna go hang out with some subscribers on brookhaven if you would like to play brookhaven with me guys follow the group below and you might have an opportunity and chance to do that so this is going to conclude the ghost hunting special in roblox burke haven i wanted to compile together an investigation of sort regarding this just to take a look at it see what the shack was all about there's definitely something lurking there and if we get any future leads i will revisit this and look deeper into it but as of now i think we don't need to disturb the spirit and we don't need to go there or anger it in any way angry in it could be the opposite of what we would want to do and what would probably be the more productive thing to do that would not be good at all we don't want to go that route so be safe throughout brookhaven and keep the ghosts out of your homes too because i happen to have a ghost in my home it didn't seem too nice it didn't i'm gonna be honest it was a bit concerning so with that aside let's cheer up a bit let's cheer up a bit let's go to avatar here ah that wasn't bad wait you guys are just already back i just got done eating my ice cream how did you guys get back there's some weird time travel stuff going on here i don't know but what did you guys think kind of spooky huh and i think the ending fit best for this one because i don't think we could do anything to a ghost i mean we're definitely not going to pull out a a what a a vacuum what is this luigi's mention were we going to pull out a shotgun or a hammer well i don't think this hammer is gonna do much but this shotgun it's fancy but unless it's got some special bullets i don't think it's gonna be hurting a ghost at all i don't think i've ever had a vacuum out on the streets of brookhaven but anyways you guys get my point dealing with the paranormal is never easy and it can get strange so what's that up there what is that i don't know anyways hope you guys enjoyed today's extra long video a movie unlike any other in roblox and if you guys want to see more of these please let me know and if you made it all the way to the end of the video comment below vacuum yes we're gonna see how many of you actually watch this whole thing remember just comment below vacuum it'll be a little inside joke for us people that uh actually watch the whole video so with that aside though guys i'm gonna chill at the fire station for a while i have a friend that i'm supposed to be meeting here and uh he doesn't like when i'm late so uh yeah either way i will see you guys in the next one have a nice day that's all i have to say what you thought i was gonna say something no that's it have a nice day let me turn this on brookhaven tv [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 191,407
Rating: 4.8946543 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BrookHaven, Roblox BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven, BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven RP Movie, BrookHaven RP Full Movie, BrookHaven RP Roblox, BrookHaven RP Roblox Roleplay, Roblox Roleplay, Ghost Hunter, Full Scary Movie, Full Movie, Scary Movie, Scary Roblox, Roblox Scary, Roblox Videos, Videos Roblox, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven 🏡rp, Gameplay, O1G
Id: teK38wRHtFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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