Deleting my scariest Minecraft world..

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real quick the first link in the description is going to take you to my friend fiddly he also uploads minecraft and he was my first ever like friend on youtube so it's nice to see him back creating new content and let's see if we can get him to a hundred subscribers all right i'm asking for all viewers of the channel to come together show our strength uh go subscribe to my friend fiddly he definitely deserves to get to 100 subscribers after all these years okay so uh go show him some love go comment on his new videos and i will we'll see you all in the video because we got a spooky one today [Music] guys this is no joke as the title says we are deleting one of my scariest minecraft worlds this world was created dating back to 2019 i am honestly lost for words that i'm even back on this world i was going through all my old worlds and i happened to come across this one titled lavender town and then it all hit me i was like oh i know why i quit playing that map because when i was playing this map ages ago i kept on hearing these weird noises and i'm not about to go back down that way but actually here we are today we're going to try it we're going to do it um basically i've not touched this world in two years we're going to delete it but i thought before we delete it let's actually see what it's all about let's see if there's anything strange right what is this lavender oh great that cannot be good no no no no no no no no no no why is it doing that oh that's that's not nor that's not good that's not good oh my god i turned the music off one potential copyright um that is super creepy the music started overlaying and playing multiple times by itself i don't know if i'm gonna get to include that in the video i don't know how much maybe i can add like three seconds and it'll be okay but like i don't know if any of you heard that but the music like the lavender town song okay the notorious song which is supposed to we're gonna get into everything about it soon that song started playing but it kept on overlapping each other and playing again and again and i'm like oh i'm like oh my god okay okay what does this say what does it say uh count two stone bricks if you're walking around here because it's gonna be messed up just remember that if you count two stone bricks don't stand on the third only around here you can only do this one what this doesn't make any sense it's all incoherent it doesn't make any sense there's creepy music i can't even play with audio on this no more guys i what is this hey there kiddo what are you doing outside my house uh what are you a trainer back in my day there wasn't there was there was never nothing like that those pokemon how do you say it whatever they're monsters and that's what okay wait why is this old man hate pokemon he's saying they're monsters okay guys a weird oh what's this i can't ever forgive team rocket right now we're taking care of a cubone whose mother was she was caught by teamwork and that was it we never saw her again no isn't cubone and like that's the main pokemon that's like really scary with this like whole like lavender town like issue is there any more in here okay yeah so apparently the buttons are what you press to talk let's what i want to do is i want to go through this map i want to explore it from head to toe everything we can uh and i already know why i okay so lavender town was back in pokemon red and blue guys by the way this is oh pokemon game i don't i don't know if any of you have played it but it was like a haunted location because it's the home of the pokemon tower which i'm guessing is that thing right there in this map and that tower is the burial ground for pokemon yeah now this does derive straight from a creepy pasta at this what is that i don't know what that is guys but it's very creepy because the the music the sound um which you guys might have heard like a quick second of um we're not playing it here because for many reasons not even just copyright because it is said to like bring illnesses and like this just tons of like horrible things to well specifically children that play the game and the reason for this is the the theme music for lavender town had an extremely high frequency that studies show that only children and young teens could hear for some reason their ears were more attracted to i guess however hearing this would cause many illnesses and cause people to feel horrible severe headaches i mean i guess it just put people on a frequency a wave that just was of despair we have the pokemon s uh pokemon store here which has got a vending machine nothing really going on here guys nothing really going on here uh we're gonna get to the pokemon tower guys i i i know i'm 100 deleting this map um okay let me see what this says oh hi there are you new in town no then welcome to lavender town i know it's kind of strange to have a pokemon cemetery tonight but it's not bad if you don't bother the spirits i have my good evie which i care about so i can't be sad like that little cubone you know i always question the the the creator of this map like he never finished the map like he never added npcs or anything on the map and i always thought like hey why did he never finish this map like what was the point why did he not and then i got the thinking what if he didn't add npcs or anything because they're meant to be ghosts they're meant to not even exist yeeks okay why is there an invisible wall there um let's see yo what are you doing here the first of all i'm not into d505 that's some kind of nickname because it's appearance so i'm going to browse here for short i'm roaming around here i think i heard crying sometimes but why anyways if you like this town explore it a while there's some crazy things to see in like that little cube on oh no guys this this is not gonna be good this is not gonna be good oh this is not gonna be good i wish we had audio i bet you the song is like still playing guys yeah the world is just titled lavender town um let's see if the song's still playing oh yep that does not sound good at all that does not sound good okay do you believe in ghosts uh i feel like if i say no it's gonna be upsetting really so there is believers okay good good we answered the right question what was that wait hold up guys i just realized something how did i hear a footstep i don't know if you guys heard a footstep how did i hear a footstep if my audio is down oh heck no dude i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i feel like if i said like no i don't believe in ghosts or something like i was gonna die like pokemon center vending machine or pc okay hopefully i guarantee you when we go up there that's it guys that's it there's nothing in here so what i'm trying to buy time before i go up there are you kidding me like oh jeez guys is that like the grave it's not looking too good is it it's not looking too good what let's see if the audio is still going crazy guys okay it ch it changed let's see what this says i should only want to speak spirits i sent a lost spirit somewhere high in this tower the pokemon tower was erected in the memory of pokemon that passed away oh dear what a cute kid are you heading up the pokemon tower what kind of child are you i have an idea about the pokemon here would be even happier to see if you had a spiffy outfit on ah i don't have an outfit on though what is going on guys i'm here this weird ringing but like there's nothing playing let's go what are you dying leave me alone oh my god guys this is this map is 100 getting deleted okay like i'm deleting this map so quickly after this you there if you wish to know the truth behind the wandering spirits hunting this tower well even we channelers couldn't identify them but maybe with the right tool yes perhaps the slith scope right in mind yeah but okay how am i gonna get one of those i think this is what you had to do in the game too guys oh boy there must be a chest or something right there has to be this map is just giving me weird vibes i'm not even kidding like this is not good this is not good okay it keeps going okay first off can we talk about something this tower looks so small from the outside but look how big it is on the inside what in the world okay there's some weird stuff going on here i don't know guys there's some weird stuff going on okay cool just keep calm don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it we're at the top be gone because i don't know if i've already done this or what but like it just keeps saying be gone this map is so weird i don't know guys maybe we already did it there's supposed to be a dispenser that shoots out something there so i don't know what a strange map guys what a strange map but we're deleting it like i said so let's go do that say goodbye to this map guys oh my god like i am just gonna delete it 100 right here right now are you sure you want to delete lavender town what if this like curses us for deleting it like it's like you should not have deleted this and now you did it yeah messed up hopefully not hopefully not let's delete it guys well we deleted it now we're on my scp-939 world i did a video on this a while back but if you guys enjoyed today's video hit the like button subscribe a scary one also if you made it to the end then i imagine you did subscribe to my friend fiddly and i really appreciate that and i know he definitely does yeah he's been trying to find his way on youtube and find a direction for himself and uh he's just not sure where to start because he doesn't have nobody to support him nobody to give him feedback so maybe some of you guys can do that and uh help him out um yeah either way i'll see you guys in the next one have a nice day
Channel: O1G
Views: 13,894
Rating: 4.9149842 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Scary Worlds, Scary Worlds in Minecraft, Minecraft Scary World, Scary World, Deleting my scariest Minecraft world, Scariest Minecraft Worlds, Minecraft Worlds, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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