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I know so there's two to Batman bikes I guess we came accidentally at the time messed up I'll tell him just start digging stuffer okay like Steph said we came to the airport we got here early so I decided by this dumpster and this stuff is here we're in the car so we're only gonna be able to carry so much but I think what we'll do is we're gonna grab the stuff go donate it there's a place close by and we might have to come back try to grab some more before Adrianna's plane lands but look at this puppies all right a computer monitor there's some stuff in here I see like a bag probably oh this is heavy all right here I'm gonna try to fit the bikes in we're in the car and we also got two car seats so we brought two car seats cuz Adrian is coming and we got two grandbabies that'll be in those car seats Adrianna sets in the middle so we just got to put what we can in here go donate it and then come back for more we'll make as many trips as we can the airport isn't that far you can see there's an airplane right there but uh and hey golden finger picker what's up Chad how are you doing man okay this is crazy it's gonna be hard to hear us we're close to the airport it's funny cuz we got we got grandkids coming in they could have had some of this but we're just gonna donate it real quick somebody somebody flew their house away in here here I'll hold it hold it up okay yeah we're in San Diego America's Finest City bag of toys oh there's cars there Steph okay I always give the grandkids girls and boys a car whenever we see them get rabb those cars I'll get those to Ryan and Hudson oh oh there's another dumpster diver I think pulling up here somebody's pulling up here real quick what's up hey we met you before how you doing there's so much jump in dude we're gonna grab some stuff no I think somebody dropped off their uh their personal stuff Steph I can it you got it making this hard hey you gravel tell us what you want cuz we're gonna be donating stuff whatever you were okay we're only gonna be able to carry so much so will you get loaded up so people ask a thank you Rob Rob York I'm sorry if I'm saying it wrong but okay so people have asked what do you do if another dumpster diver shows up one just showed up and we could care less if they grab it we'll go get it we're not gonna well we're not gonna obviously take all this you see what we're driving and we're gonna donate it and then we'll come back but grab as much as you want or tell us what you see here you could take all right we'll just grab Stefan here dump the toys into something and we can I don't think I don't think this is new man I think it's all that might be from a store that mirror see this mirror right here but I think somebody dumped their personal stuff pull it out all right so that's good that somebody else is gonna grab some of this but we will you know what if you take that basket this is hard to hold up this is freaking heavy flip it the UH they threw their whole house in here if we put stuff in this basket and that red one grab that red tote stuff that red tote there we could throw stuff in it and it'll be easy to easier to carry okay Steph is up this is this is your your head is in my in my life Steph let's focus on the small stuff we can't fit that in the car watch your head watch your head I can't hold that up forever we'll focus on small stuff because we're gonna fit it all in there look where's my little bucket you're back already yeah I think they just tossed their personal belongings we'll put this in a bucket it's easy to that's what else is in there oh dude look what they got here that's about this not just the bed but look at this what are those there's a beds man if we had the truck we would grab it but right now we'll grab this this is funny by the way hi everybody we're just gonna get as much as we can there's places that don't make nearby there goes and then I'm just loading up a bucket that'll be easy to put into our when you get into something like this and you're rushed for time you don't make your decision making his nut yeah he said goodness yeah when you don't when you're rushed you could make poor decisions I know but it's so here you want to help get it out or hey you know what see if it pulls apart looks like baseball bat legs if it's screwed in yeah okay pull it out Steph pull it out I know we can do that this is hard to hold what do you got that's no problem a long time we were here a long time ago I ran into that guy thanks cat can't see failed okay so Steph grab this thing and the legs come up oh my goodness huh IKEA they know what they're doing let's put a baseball bat on her if you set it flat I'll set it flat then you just do them double up this is nice these are and you can use this as a baseball bat hey our friend it's in the in the chat chad golden finger picker oldham thing a picker he's uh he's doing some cool videos of restoring stuff you guys should go check out his channel and he's a really cool guy we really like him he had us on his channel when we were wouldn't nobody knew who we were and we were I don't know I guess a little weird and he didn't care he put us on there anyway okay mother's mustache purple pickles this thing is heavy I gotta talk that guy into this mirror but he said he didn't want to take it right away hey you got to get this mirror man wow he was able to step over he's like Bigfoot what's up Bobby Taylor that dude just he stepped into that double you didn't even have you got your foot over that with one foot on the ground is your flexibility yeah there you go yeah they can't get it hey you got a gymnast body good job that was nice huh and they just broke the side he's like a gymnast okay we got to be a little more selective but I'm glad that somebody's here to grab some of it here's a look at this they got rid of these just in time for Christmas do we see another oh that's the bucket here I was using we can we might have to just blast over and donate and then and see if we can come back we got an airplane coming in another we're gonna run and donate this stuff real quick and that's cool though this is matching yeah and there's the other leg yeah I'll set it right by the yellow the yellow pole for you Steph one of these chairs for the IKEA think those are cool Peter ray Peter Ray's adventure Wow dude look at this this wood nice huh you want me to take it out for you okay I'm gonna set this out here for you too man hey you know that I know and you know that's not it's not beyond repair flip-flops my wife's where's my flip-flops yeah there's always some sadist out there be careful with that glass man oh yeah that was nice at one point Steph he's got flip-flops on also I'm crack picker too bad it's broke that's right hold on hold on I'll help you we don't want a bunch of this glass out here hey Steph can you hold this for a second okay what does this say you guys I can't understand what it means give Oh things are breaking yeah what's on YouTube that's awesome this is what giveth give thanks oh give thanks in it oh my god all right let's go donate and then we're gonna go donate this and we might see you when we come back all right man yeah no problem okay little bouncy little Bell see hold on oh we don't have her finger said it in I'll have to hold it hey guys okay so this was totally meant to be how crazy is it that this happened we just happen to make a mistake coming to the airport this early because we have to leave early because okay okay so and our grandson and granddaughter from Texas so yesterday we were with Amanda and we always we grabbed a car seat from Amanda and then Adriana brings another one so while they're here there's two car seats we leave Amanda and then realize we didn't have a car seat so last night Steph goes buys a car seat then this morning Adriana they're on their way to the airport they forgot the car seat they bring so Steph goes this morning gets another car seat we can now have two extra car seats which it'll come in handy in a kids all the time so we got two car seats and then she calls me and says hey are you ready and I'm like I'm coming now so she gets home and she's like let's go and I go okay jump in the car and we're like almost to San Diego and then Amanda called and was surprised that we were here because the flight doesn't come in until ooh look we gotta hurry yeah 30 minutes it comes in 11:55 so we decided to swing by here and we drive up and we see those two bikes and we're like oh my goodness isn't that good we'll place right there we can't get to it can we where are you looking it's right there next to Bev no I think or is it right no it's over here okay we haven't been to this one a long time I don't realize it's 11 12 I think it's behind us I'm pretty sure how sure are you I'm 99% sure I just don't know if you can get it my ID right there that's what I said great I wish you can hold this phone so I can look it up and I know what it is I don't know if it's goodwill or there's a donation what it is but there is a donation place here somewhere we're gonna be fine we just got a the bad part about this is it's always busy here no matter what like the but that's a lot of stuff those chairs and table are cool it is it's really cool there's really good stuff in there there's even more there were more bags of stuff down below how funny was that guy I know when we get the kids their luggage fills up the whole trunk so even if we get them we won't be able to fill up the car again with Morris a couple of those cars though we'll put down here and give it to him even though I brought him when's the last time we shopped in a thrift store we just went to one yesterday or day before two days ago yeah but that was that was first yeah we're gonna do a video that somebody suggested and it's kind of yeah what's yes um hi everybody this is great I don't even know what you know these bags but there was good stuff there was a backpack there was all kinds of good and it's great stuff agent grandsons right now and we can't take it Nancy what yeah but but at least it's going somewhere Mother's mustache we're gonna donate it we've ran into that guy when we met um we've seen him here cousin Tiffany uh-huh we ran into Tiffany dumps for driving out here super nice and while we were dumpster diving that guy shows up so this is party that's probably his route Tiffany you see this right now and I'll get all your number and I'll text you but there Steph go go save the stuff we can't get it we can't go back now because we got to go to the airport but um that guy so cool what how me is life that was meant to be life is I'm like hey since we're here early we were sitting in the cell phone partner let's go check t.j.maxx dumpster yeah meant to be but the hopefully Tiffany sees that she comes over here yeah but people people have asked just recently what do you do if another dumpster shows up help um gets like that guy you know he didn't say hey can I do jump in here with you or whatever we could care less like there's more than we we need right yes we can't grab everything right it's right here on the ring so we were if somebody shows up it depends on how they approach you like some people will just wait back if your dumpster diving other dumpster divers will wait that's what we would do but we've also had people just walk up with their dog yeah started digging in and that's that's not a problem either and the crazy thing too is different dumpster divers are looking for different things some people are looking for stuff like he all he said he only gets new stuff that stores throw out that he can repair and resell as new yeah and then he doesn't care about the kids or I go to anyway so it's really crazy so a lot of people are just getting cans and bottles a lot of them are just getting you know okay stuff for their kids stuff they can use some just want food some just want who knows there's just so many things so make friends you run into the same people over and over which is pretty fun but how crazy is this that we have a whole car full of fun stuff and we can't keep any of it like and none of it is fun stuff oh yeah other scrappers that's right done with a purpose scrap yep some people only want metal some people only want you know copper or whatever it is that they're looking for there's just so many things as some people only want palettes just palace some people only want cardboard and the way we used to dumpster dad before we were doing it for things we used to do it just for packaging stuff like cuz we sold on eBay all the time so we're looking for boxes bubble wrap peanuts things like that we didn't care about what else was in there at that time now we dumpster look for stuff donate stuff see what stuff we can use or keep it's so cool it's so fun where'd they say to go I gotta go back on Rosecrans right second driveway they have a drive drive up height and I know a lot of people don't love goodwill but we're right here and we're doing it and we actually have gone in shop goodwill you know how they sell a lot of the stuff online and I know um you know a lot of people have issues with it but we have seen good that they've done if they're doing one good thing employing one employee that needs help or has a disability or something and we saw a lot of them is really kinda scenes so we don't have a problem with goodwill not at all if they're if they're accidentally doing something good they were nice funny it was all no I'm saying like people I know people complain about they're making money or those very executives we've seen the people that get helped by goodwill we've actually seen them from people that are overcoming substance abuse to people that have physical and mental problems and they had a job there yeah you know like that was the only job these people could do so I don't care if it's just that one person then it's worth it and we typically in our area we try to donate to our local charities like angel view is a good one that we like disabilities it's nonprofit but you know what if we're right here and it's going somewhere right in the dumpster and the landfill this is what we're doing yeah like these people these people that are collecting the donations here they're probably not getting a million dollars but they're getting something they better know it's not just about the money they're getting they better not say we're full we're gonna park okay we gotta go we got to get this stuff packed up thank you guys so much for joining us I'm so glad we got to go live and we have reception might have a little spotty but hey we saved some stuff enjoy your life enjoy your life guys thanks guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 278,185
Rating: 4.8775229 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, live dumpster diving, dumpster diving, DUMPSTER DIVING- WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!, dumpster diving in San Diego, This dumpster is loaded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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