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Wow [Applause] Cammi stuff stuff [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] he's going back way back there welcome back [Music] [Music] okay we've got some stuff there's some more we're gonna have to go back yeah there was a UPS guy showed up here UPS guy showed up so they're opening their door for him yeah yeah delivery to take their to Michael so yeah it was loaded huh yeah I think so I think we got most of the main stuff that was sitting on top of the nose with down below so so how long will it take and we should go back buying I tried to do this to him he looked round think you saw me but if we do not care yeah so we've got I don't even know what was it like in that box that had there was a skull in there I have no idea it's very grabbing stuff there was a watch that said it was it was missing a piece or broken watch a watch yeah no watches in there I don't know why you don't mean a clock no it's a watch with a watch band and everything all we can do is we'll go we got stuff to donate and we'll look in some of these bucks right now and see how badly yeah I wish that guy hadn't shown up I wanted to dump out the broken glass from that lantern that lanterns got to be huge but it'd still be cool if somebody wants to take it without the glass yeah replace the glass well we'll look we'll get rid of some of the stuff back there we'll donate some of stuff look at that stuff and by then if we come back you know the trash trucks coming it's just a matter of time yep nothing all right on to the next few things before we had to go what is oh you put stuff in that it was in there actually oh I don't know what's in there but there's is that a candidate whoa could probably glue that together it's a Halloween thing huh let's see if we could get a look at him it's a bat I think it's an eye on his head oh it's a dragon is it a candle oh yeah that's a dragon dragon that'll be a good little project for you yeah little blue John okay here bag that stuff in it and archival bags transparent archival bags yeah yeah we'll set stuff in our never sits definitely key today okay this has to get put away right away this is what's getting green on everything never nether our travel bag yeah you agree no what is that it's a Stamper this is managed okay yeah everybody looks happy and now we eat these dark chocolate with ginger and orange but April 2019 I'm willing to try it yeah we can give it a shot let me taste a taste we won't donate it yeah we might as well test it ginger and orange I love dark chocolate I always want coffee if I'm gonna have chocolate it's like a gold bar huh yeah like opening a gold bar there go ahead and get the whole wanna see the whole thing oh yeah it got discolored that bad no but that's why they definitely oh no it didn't look it's meant to be like that no you don't think so I think it's meant to be like that why isn't the bottom dark discolored like that heat is what does it or freeze him only heat on the top it's not good anyway it's fine but it's not much fun chocolate this goes to the lamp we got a big stone thing back there I see it sits on top of that and not only that look at that little yeah yes good with this how about Hermione can you get it over here hold on okay okay so punch it man that's good so then what's the dance Accord this goes to this okay [Music] with me yeah with me look this is oh this is heavy yeah it's a nice heavy bass okay want to hold this read that through their wanting had a cat the cat one the cat found me this section to the bottom of this and it was in the water this was submerged okay so there's a be I don't know we'll just leave it all together they can decide what so it'll be like this no this all the bubbles down that yeah and this is an LED light that shines up to the towelettes no you're really nice that's pretty cool if it's if it makes a nice noise even better okay this is always handy I'm leaving this in a van this adapter is great it's one of these where it's a lightning or yeah those come in handy in the van at the front that's him near the watch his damage I didn't know they sold watch it you know I think we've seen him in there before but I don't know why they would sell that in there huh it's got them maybe our agent do you make your own watch there's just a china made in China watch nothing fancy just a it's a cosmetic one just wear it for looks it works oh it might be okay we'll see either way okay let's check falling everywhere take the smell I want to set this up goes down there no it's pretty good stuff and fix it later yeah oh yeah I wonder what the Senate it's good just maybe there's no I don't know happy harvest harvest and I've got I need a candle in my jar right now so I'll melt these down today just put them in there now them down okay mixing one piece somebody still might play it well donate it have it puzzle yeah Disney puzzle makes it more challenging when you're missing one piece a cupcake cart looks like a big egg cart this is damaged just don't know what it is what's the damage okay let's see what's wrong with this first off why I don't know yeah it's been used it looks really clean that hasn't been used it was used just a $60 see a little use but it's very nice it looks like and then you got this so you just milk chocolate and this thing this thing close it up either still in the thing that goes like this this would go on to that voila chocolate fountain chocolate fountain let's see we just need to plug it in it's like the butcher yep now what chocolate would you use like what any chocolate you just melt the bars or what yeah usually you'd be chocolate chocolate with something like coconut oil or something I think in there to make it fountain softer one thank you they sell the melted chocolates for that kinda that's pretty nice okay so choc a lot choco lot yeah we know there's broken glass in okay we heard it okay loli cases blasting people the American he's here okay this looks okay oh yes I'd totally broken this thing is broken the glass is broke but it's really big and right so somebody here's what it looks like what I got to take it all the way out to look like that and somebody needs to replace the glass [Music] anyway nobody cares nice pretty but this is expensive sixteen oh I saw it there was sixty bucks eighty six eighty six Canadian where Canadians always getting short end of the stick all right we're gonna try to swing by there again and see if there's more well we do have to donate a few things we didn't even get to do these tables and stuff we've been so busy oh good idea we'll both do it the guy's gotta be young hopefully the trash truck figures fast on our way [Music] Tony from candle such as band of candles it was a 3-pack but to put the big ones broken these two a fine grace kindness [Music] [Applause] is it broken top of the top broker expire those are expensive what's in this box [Music] oh that's a pretty tree [Music] [Music] that's cute okay so we've successfully that detection I think they open the door and started seeing some things but they didn't see us duck out in him and they just walked out they even turned slightly they'll see a big blue van yeah there was a time in there where I was to his outside in the band and oh yeah I was just parked out there the guys coming out like who comes out he's got more stuff the enclosure and stiff like I had got your attention cuz you looked at me he was there gentlemen yeah he hooked in one door and as he's walking in she comes out the other one she jumped in the van and he throws DUP in any turns around he sees us in the van so he never noticed me in there but I got the side the not at all I was funny there was some more stuff yeah there's a lot of glass items it's hard to do glass think about it they could come in faraway well they're trying to make it as cheap as possible and as light as possible ship and they skimp on the protection but glass can be fixed for a bird placed and also you could do cool stuff with them like that at our house we've got some cool brands like that one that's right there I probably keep that one and do strings across and then the paper clips are going to close pins a little mini ones and you pull pictures and they're really cute I love it so good to save it and it gives me somewhere to put lots of pictures and they could be any size okay I'm gonna mix
Channel: undefined
Views: 133,002
Rating: 4.9246402 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, WE DON'T WANT ANYONE SEEING US DUMPSTER DIVING!, DUMPSTER DIVING, donate, reuse, repurpose, recycle, sell, My wife and I went dumpster diving
Id: XWk9dB-Zvzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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