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okay so this one we missed but we saw stuff sitting out here something new there's probably some stuff in here yep there is some stuff oh there's an Olaf Oh toys Barbie oh my gosh we have that exact car now the other granddaughter can have one very cool this is cool it's a little register this is a nice window this is really nice oh my gosh I need some little girl okay look beat up I wish Walmart was still having that trade-in deal that would be awesome that they did have a deal where you could trade it in any car seat any expired or anything for 50 bucks gift card okay okay this is so cute [Music] Tinky one little girl something oh it's a little DVD player oh my gosh I know what kid managed to go in that register cold hard cash Barbie - Barbies with cute braided hair nice eyes shadow Barbie whoo these are cute Bobby's why are they throwing Barbies away if they've got their what kid keeps fries you loser oh maybe they're impermanent we know baby that's nice they didn't cut her hair these are really nice oh that was the Barbie car so is it so that's cool yeah it's gonna be fun we might play with that yeah man a whole bar because she's a little outfit that's a she's a ballerina prostitute Barbie oh no nevermind nevermind I'm not judging really nice hold on hold on Oh what is this doll let me see no should say what she is my name it's smaller than Barbie though get out of your hair I don't know what it says cute shoot that little ballerina shoe I gotta find your other shoe I think it's gone oh look great a card for that machine nice little detail things did make another Barbie this is for Barbie to shoot up I want to lose little shoes or anything here there's some coins in you more money this might go to something that's for the UM Barbie was Wow kid kept great care I don't think it's it what is that rated player wonder if it's real oh we can test it this is a little big for Barbie right it makes a boom box it's like an iPod for a kid you're right a real one we're going to check that out yeah we're gonna take this to an expert and get it checked out this is wet so it rained so this stuff was in here last night then yeah I rained really hard last night mr. player they dumped it yesterday but it's still sometimes it's in bags so that's actually a good thing well nice princess bag that a magnet yeah it's under the same site what's this your dog carrier it's that puppy prints a puppy carrier Poochie Poochie pops oh that's a giant Barbies find your wings fashion angels looking swimmer wings not just for nice is there this pops off father fly my wings oh yeah let's not lose it maybe it's three bracelets or something maybe okay there's a shoe that maybe that little girl's shoe I think it is the little ballerina that's further for real friends a nice aerial maybe ginger Barbie that's Ariel Ariel Barbie Wow oh that's it doesn't need to be in the trash come on no that's Sookie come on awesome ocean science can't beat this science apology my first cookbook Wow don't lamps jump with death this is a dope lamp have you ever been to an adult lamp bar no oh well they have them I don't know what that even means some adult lamp okay scraps a bunch of scraps peyote hunt the sacred journey of the Mitchell - minions äôt mushrooms your son right Oh somebody I'd like to read it had a job horses dad would call them very cool I need to learn how to do that case you get a horse these buns been around for a while shoes and stuff glasses yeah we broke yeah right now glass some little kid glasses that aren't broken all right those are fine oh it's a little bitter oh no that was just what no I think it's broke I mean it's okay they do it with fashion anyway oh look how fun is that that's the pet carrier or a butterfly catcher just to look at it a little magnifying glass very neat Oh hips butterflies look out on your magnifying glass trappin and then hopefully let him go Barbie bag wow it's done it really is this reminds me a lot of the stuff it okay this is something right here step here that's what that's leading to oh what the heck is that is that name on it Oh a GoPro oh it's for women's skin it's like a victim you know it makes you it stimulates your cells to grow faster you didn't really touch yourself with No oh it works it's working huh I think that's what it's for that's cool it works good Wow I'm like test that out glopro I'll stand up a hit if you guys see me looking 20 years younger look at this give us bra so many left are kidding yeah they did look checking inside not that there's gonna be little tents of money from a little kid in there but you never know okay that's little bra the first one that's a good little dog carrier Oh pet owners club and there's a couple pet carriers yes little girl do you think it's for will wonder toys toy it's a Barbie Barbie cereal got some leopard shoes oh yeah here's looking good stuff panicking plastic so it shouldn't be real wet these little parts you think I should toss them in there just because there might be something missing I'll dump it into our our box we're gonna need this one's a height chart for something oh you hang that and you scale - all the kids are like you put it up a certain high like this or maybe you don't know I don't know either somebody will notice that wouldn't make sense the case this is what retro petrol podrace these are scissors they're a little rusty though those are neat they are they're interesting shape - Oh interesting still work okay this blew up in here and got like that sunscreens bag another brush yeah donate that it Sephora bag Oh Sephora come on nothing in there come on son all right that's cute okay soaking it so sorry bookie no book oh this one looks dry story reel which is a gold and diamonds right here but okay you know what pause for a second because I want to get another box little pet collar is this a toy one - probably okay let me get it straight Jesus go away Jesus is tired let the children come to me hmm this box yeah but it's heavy and it might be nothing there might be everything I don't know that looks like a a binder or something let's find out what it is all those are adorable was in this box right here that was a mistake they accidentally that's from Joanna's let's see what are they it's earrings earrings and necklaces and stuff these are displays well that's awesome yeah I think somebody just made a mistake and um yeah a display that should have been hoping because that this looks like Johanna oh good I am but um here set those up because we might take those home okay the little jewelry thing at least I'll set those on top or something oh okay all right so these nobody free to use that so we get that box full now we're working on this that was neat finding that that was that's pretty roached out what's a good creative illustration what is that what is it it's a mystery box that we just opened and found some stuff hey I got a pan take a pan what is that sets it Ted that's my hat said Pig oh she's making things into bold cute all right so what is it anything can you save this some sunglasses that are crushed burned that I'm saving is jewelry this here gold that's golden diamonds gold and diamond jewelry hey guys oh goodness and you brush your teeth for you whoa right-fin eclectic combination look at this toothbrush we're not gonna take this but look at this stuff yet for a pet maybe like this you try this one guys you like this one better than the last one this is Co what does it say on the training company look at these is it photos rubber bands I don't know really do not know I was just nice stock paper oh maybe friend out invitations or send out send out yeah and the patient can you clean this brush yeah I just can't do anything with these lip balms and stuff lip balms now what about this got a no-win the same no magnet eyeshadow is it just a magnet for us shut oh that is an eye shadow and that doesn't actually I guess we're all these little things you think I think those are like crap fingers are like for play-doh okay it may be cut so they're fine yeah we'll keep all that okie stir pick your counter stuff it's a pee post for a dog oh my goodness no I don't know [Music] oh you put a photo that's cute it is cute that's some good stuff these are definitely like play doing really good I'll melt it up so saggy and soap these are all wet from the rain Oh makes a little mold of a little penguin that's adorable oh I found more of these [Music] yeah trying to get a lot of cars coming over here okay a lot of parts is it nice yeah a couple lamps that's a full box got this box with a new stuff on it this would be like an organizer yeah somebody in the video I know what this is for some kind of organizer this I get throughout the washing machine but I'm pretty sure this is just being back it's been in this rain and rain hard taste those shot glasses yeah yeah it better this Vegas no symbol we're gonna round these up the wash mission yeah heels definitely need to get washed all right on to the next all right uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh what do you say huh huh huh right we gotta go okay enjoy your life thanks for joining this [Music] Preble oh I don't think there's a lot Steve's a friend to kind of help him I don't think there's kind of stuff in here little peek time to get out a blanket [Music] [Music] so those balls are prompt broken glass got a rubberized glove so it's not a concern mirrors broken what Oh all right I got a couple things - cool a live phone case if that gonna fit my phone I feel like it is socks are great and the iPad cover was justified below by the way just make sure nothing that's run away from here hey under the neck
Channel: undefined
Views: 848,070
Rating: 4.7901235 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, dumpster diving, DUMPSTER DIVING- FOUND A SURPRISE IN THESE BOXES!, Found a surprise in these boxes!, dumpster diving at a couple of big corporate stores, unnessary waste, corporate stores, donate, reuse, repurpose, recycle, sell
Id: D5DweO6K8T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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