Dumpster Diving on College MOVE OUT DAY! This haul is insane!

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hi everybody sorry I've been kind of m.i.a so the last couple of weeks but I have a new video and I'm really excited to show you this one I took it maybe like two ninth weeks ago when all of the college students moved out and so as you'll see in the video the dumpsters are just full and full and full so I hope you enjoy it and I will try to post more regularly from now on but here you go so I can already see right here there's a ton of clothes on top this looks like a pretty dress or skirt or something these bags on the bottom I'll want to go through maybe a little bit but they look like for the most part it's trash in here oh that's forever 21 okay so I will start a pile over here of stuff I'm keeping my gosh alright so this big piece of glass I'm going to take off because I feel like that's gonna fall and break all right it is a cute skirt I don't see where it's from right now but I'll keep okay I might have to put the phone down for this one cuz it's so full full here I'll come over here look here some shoes in great shape now that's cute it's like a dad hat with a panda keep that reusable bags I love finding reusable bags this is label of Oh hmm okay here's the other shoe those are actually in pretty good condition they need new laces but they look all right yeah all keeps us there's some more heads that one's cute this is actually probably a nice hat for me to wear while I dive I'm always getting so sunburned so I'm gonna grab a box or something just so people don't think I'm making like a bigger mess so here I'll just start putting them in this all right I want to put the phone down for a minute and try to just get some of this stuff out of here cuz I'm having trouble like really reaching stuff so all right I'll be back okay so I've taken what I'm gonna take from this one the only other things I found were one pair of athletic pants and in this Nike hat which I don't know if you can tell it's like really dingy but I'm gonna take it home and bleach it and see if that changes it at all like I can get over there see like all that right there this is all just like kitchen supplies and food it looks like [Applause] there's a Victoria Secret nice I've read and heard that pink by a Victoria's Secret is like the best seller on Poshmark but I have a couple pink items and I have not sold them so okay Tim Tim sure sure it's like a bomber jacket it's kind of cool basic American Eagle teeth I'm starting to find a couple textbooks which there's a shop whoops there's a shop close by it buys textbooks so I'm gonna try to find some more and take them over there this is crazy this is another dumpster at this same apartment complex that's just overflowing with stuff so I guess one thing that I want to try to brainstorm or research a little bit more is like how do you even prevent this from happening how do you prevent all of the college students who are moving out at the end of this month like how do you may be putting donation bins besides beside all the dumpsters that are in the apartment complex just making some help making it more easily accessible for people to donate this stuff as opposed to just throwing it into the trash graded a lot of it is trash that's for sure there's a ton of trash in there but there's also a lot of really good usable things that other people would really benefit from so if you have any suggestions on that or if you have like links to articles to talk about how do we stop people from just throwing it away is it education is it setting up donation bins by the dumpsters leak how do we fix this problem because I don't know 8/3 dumpster at this apartment complex in Seine there's a bicycle [Music] here's a ton of the same shirt well I'll take that just to donate it at least here's a full cup of soda so where do I even start I'll start by moving this giant thing over here this looks like it might have some good stuff there's pants this bag alright that's all closed so I'll just move all of the stuff that I'm gonna want to sort through over here I don't know that one's heavy it might have something good this is close this is at least some clothes because I can see shoes right there but there's also some trash over here it's out more colas right there and now that one's actual trash something though okay I'm gonna get this bike out and see if it works so hold on it doesn't have a seat and the tires are completely flat so I'm not gonna mess with it okay another reusable bag [Music] - that's a shirt right there I'm just trying to figure out how to get to it that's in here this is like all party supplies all right I gotta put this on down again y'all this is so much stuff okay just found this ps1 with Spyro in it and one controller so who knows if it works but that's pretty cool I like think that's really neat okay I also found all of these like Dickies workmen shirts and they still have the tags on them I don't know if they're worth anything cuz they like are branded with that I'm not really sure about those okay there's so much so it's hard to even see but I want to try to get this bag and look there's a batter fingers which I need [Applause] okay I don't know what is in this tag but it's heavy it's full shoes okay those are in Nice shape there's the other one oh my god those are in really good condition and Perry Ellis I don't know but those are really nice too Kings Magic the Gathering cards a quarter [Applause] anything vacuumed a really mushy pop-tart okay oh that's full dough that's nice we'll keep that I don't want this bag this is by oldham and this is still the first apartment complex I've gone to today all right I'm gonna put the phone down this is a bag of hangers so I'm gonna look through that real quick all right so I spent over an hour in one apartment complex with three dumpsters that literally has never happened so I got everything that I could like fine since they were so full it was hard to really dig but I'm going to go to some more and hopefully they're just as packed so this apartment complex has a like construction dumpster and there's a ton of stuff in it Wow okay let's see what I can see right off the bat I'm gonna go from a different angle let's see okay so I pulled out from this big dumpster which this is weird I actually have one of these already at home and it's the same thing like it's new with the tag and I had a lot of people interested so I'm gonna take that and then I found this bag of clothes that this still has the tag on it on fire [Music] okay so I'm going to sort through these clothes and then see if we can find anything else you okay this is not sweat I spilled water on myself I mean it is really hot I'm really sweaty but not this sweaty just to clarify okay I'm not another dumpster there's actually a guy walking over here right now with a bunch of trash so I'm not gonna get out yet in case he's coming to this dumpster so I'll just wait totally full I'm hoping I can get up there and get some stuff out of it it was cool it's like a racing jacket literally got to these dumpsters just in time there's this guy taking them away now he's got it all hooked up so that was good timing a new apartment complex another really full dumpster first things I see these shorts are super cute it's actually kind of cute food Oh all right it's only 85 or something today which is cool for how it has been but it feels really hot cute kind of hard for me to get into to really dig so I decided to keep looking for just a minute longer and I'm glad I did I found these are forever 21 distressed jeans and then this is a forever 21 skirt and it still has a tag on it so that's really great Xbox controller so all those textbooks and the Xbox controller oh so it is now 2:00 p.m. I started diving around like 9:30 so I'm pretty exhausted you can see the car is like filled with stuff I got hangers I've really needed hangers to like hang up all the clothes that I'm collecting for Poshmark and everything so I found like a whole trash bag full of those which is going to be really helpful in organizing but okay so I met two more dumpsters I'm so tired I'm gonna do these and then I'm probably gonna go home for a little bit and cool down okay here we go [Music] oh this is nice okay this is a hangar that I wanted because I've just been using like these this like white style one that's like really basic but this wooden one will help like spruce up my listings a little bit okay so I picked up this victory to save your gift card off the ground because I love finding gift cards even though they never really have anything on them this card I just called $20 on it it's never been used and it's to victoria secret so currently i am trying to get out all of these unopened canned goods so there's a big bag on top so that you okay i'm gonna pull this off take this Wow okay this is like films pantry definitely gonna take all those here's another box oh very good you got chicken noodle soups beans tomatoes another dumpster I am out here looking through these bags right now I think the majority of these are yeah like shoes and clothes and bras and all kinds of stuff so I'm gonna spend some time looking through all of these so there's an iPhone I'm gonna plug this in I mean obviously it's cracked really bad but I sold I found a google plus and I sold it on eBay for $20 and it was way more cracked than this one oh look its powering on oh my gosh okay I'm gonna let that charge that's crazy now I definitely want to look through like every inch of this stuff dang I can't think there was an iPhone all right I'm gonna put the phone down for a minute well keep looking sometimes ants we it's hard that's pretty but it has a big stain top top no you want it alright so I'm done here it's so hot outside I found this Viswa I'm taking this bag right here of clothes I found like four or five Victoria's Secret Pink sports bras that I found a lot of really good like brand name stuff and then obviously I found the iPhone which is charging so I'm gonna see right now if it will turn on right moment of truth no sim card okay but I think that's fine right like you can get a replacement SIM card cuz this is a I mean this is one of the newer ones right it's a six or something I guess six it's not new at all let's see if it huh well it works it vibrates I'll definitely be able to sell that on eBay awesome so as you can see the car is full so I'm gonna go get water I'm gonna go shower and then oh my god I'm gonna pull this stuff out of the car and look through it again okay well thanks for watching I might not do like a full layed out of this whole just because it's so much stuff but my favorite being that I found today is the iPhone and the Victoria's Secret gift card for $20 so there you have it all this my trunk probably like a hundred or more articles of clothing that might be really low but that's what I'm gonna estimate so pretty cool I'm super excited to get home and wash it and list all of this stuff so this was a long day I am ready for a nap and I will see y'all next time bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 553,667
Rating: 4.8301983 out of 5
Keywords: Recycle, College, Dorms, Apartments, Denton, Texas, Dumpster Diving, Dumpster, DIving, Diver, Waste, Clothing Haul
Id: P6oXBu9xShg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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