Well that didn’t work…. Time for plan B!

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so we are at Iron King Industrial Services here in Prineville Oregon this is my buddy Quentin's place and they take old Mining and big construction equipment and give it a new life and if you know me uh you know I'm in that sort of thing so uh we've got that truck actually that is going to get partial New Life so we're gonna get loaded up and towed to its new home oh and I bought a new jacket so that people think I'm professional so what they do here is they buy big equipment out of mines and stuff like that and they disassemble it because components like this a lot of them are obsolete you can't buy anymore can be refurbished they re-line more the holes new hydraulic cylinders redo All The Cutting Edge on the bucket and make this a new part they've got scraper Parts Excavator Parts equipment cabs I just pallets and pallets of stuff and they take all these components like Drive axles out of Haul trucks and stuff like that completely rebuild them make them like new and then mines and big construction sites landfills can keep their equipment running longer before it has to be replaced this particular truck here no longer runs so it was Obsolete and phased out but this whole bed and crane setup is still good so a guy named Keegan who has a field mechanic business uh Welding Repair all that sort of stuff is uh needs a bigger size service truck he's got another truck already so we're going to tow this over to his place where he's going to put this bed on his new truck and then at least a part of this old truck can keep on working now I'm not sure if I want to tow this thing from the front or the rear uh the these depending on how the frame set up in the back of these the rear can be a good place to tow from or it can be a sketchy place to tow from we'll have to crawl under and take a look if we tow it from the front we'll have to pull a drive shaft out and uh that Supply air to it because this is an air brake truck and all that stuff so rear would be much easier putting the washer on there so this is Clinton Clinton runs a joint around here and Clinton is putting some bolts back in the bed frame here because he forgot that he was going to take the bed off and took the bolts out and now I'm going to tow it by the subframe we should probably have it bolted in it's just the smaller details hey you know we do need to show people though the coolest truck you've ever bought he knows right what I'm talking about too you do not know how many ways I tried to justify needing this truck just because of what it is this is Keegan he's the one buying that truck I'm gonna take that bed and put it on another one and put it back to work so check this thing out this is an old mine truck was this an underground mine yeah it's an underground 79 series Land Cruiser pickup with a boom lift on it for doing all the Shoring stuff up into my function still fully functional running driving truck and that's not rust all over it that's the that's like dyed stained yeah from patina so well the roof of the mine so they're so far underground that the water they're below the water table so when they're drilling down they have these big shafts and this thing drives down there it's constantly leaking so this is all stuff that leaks down off the top so it's just Stained It's not rested no it actually comes right off if you put some elbow grease into it and apparently it's a nice home for the Wasps yeah yeah hey there's a hole in the bumper there I know it's got side Outriggers on it wave truck when it came that weighs as much as my 3500 this thing is so cool look at these eggs yeah I have tried to find the reason that I need this truck I just other than the fact that I just want it only 40 000 miles that's a lot of trips back and forth underground yeah they build these on purpose these bumpers like that so if this truck dies in the shaft they can shove it out take a mucker and rip it out with the bucket and not hurt the truck so they built those on purpose to be rammed with have we tested that uh we can test all right we got it all loaded up chained down safeties lights all that stuff so ready to get rolling sir let's go all right and we are off decides to stay with us and head over the mountain so do you see my problem let's look closer now do you see my problem uh that leaf spring gave out center pin broke and the whole axle shifted back so we are going to unhook this thing pull this drive line out spin around hook it from the front air up do the brakes all that stuff and front tow this the rest away so that's fun [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you all right so we got the front end hooked uh we'll go pull the Driveline out of it tie this all down uh rerun our light cord to the back and get some air going okay Drive Lines out and tied up and this truck had this fitting on it right here at this valve I'm gonna see if I get incredibly lucky and this airs up the truck [Music] sounds like it's doing exactly that let's see look at that okay so primaries going up hopefully secondary does too that'd be super nice if that was like a ready to go air fitting for the truck like they've had to like tow it around a bunch or something hmm oh look who's here well good morning sunshine do you need help sir so uh rear Towing this truck didn't go so good at least spring broke but look how lucky I got they had an air Inlet fitting right there to air it up it's like it was meant to be it's like it's meant to be towed why is it so windy here I know yeah it's been on the corner I'm like hey I know that guy yeah so I saw him like 45 minutes ago yeah not long after that the whole truck went behind me you're like whoa whoa stopping yeah stopping exactly gotcha so you flipped it around it up and pulled the Driveline out just finishing hooking up are you are you close to your destination all right are we close to Corvallis right now nope no then I'm not very long day yes yeah a long day okay Okay so let's look at that the brakes released I'm kind of surprised they weren't jammed in place okay so now it's tied all down put the lights on the back safety chains and go so this is the Brake Buddy it hooks on the steering wheel comes down there's the brake pedal when you press the brake it pushes the brake and when you let off the brake it lets off the brake thank you to my assistant Ben foreign another tow truck down the road as he goes through the roundabout his load is just a little bit bigger than mine that thing looks like it rolled over yeah he's just slightly longer than I am all right we're headed up the pass and there is significantly more snow than there was yesterday but uh they got the road nice and clear in good shape so uh but that could be a problem on the way back because now that we took so long by the time I'm coming back over this mountain uh the road might be starting to freeze back over for the night so we'll see how that goes all right we're just starting down Tombstone pass and this is 11 miles of six percent grade to go down with a whole bunch of Wiggles and Curves in it so just take it easy luckily the road's not icy but take it easy and slow and don't worry about the cars behind us and if they got to be somewhere there is one right there I don't know if you yeah see like right behind me they love doing that okay still coming down this steep grade that one car passed me look at this idiot here like 10 feet off my bumper no lights on in a big rig in the rain and he has just been writing me like that the whole way down this hill stupid idiot this is the kind of guy you let past and you'll find him five miles up the road sideways in a ditch smile and wave as you drive right on by because welcome all right we're down off the mountain and just getting into sweet home about 45 minutes or so from our destination uh the scales were open and uh rolled right through like I said in the last video if you've got your stuff in order doing the way you're supposed to be doing you shouldn't be worried about going to the scale so went on through green light the whole way all good all right there is Keegan right there he uh just pulled out of here gonna lead us to where we're taking this thing okay just like this driveway here foreign needs for that truck sitting right there oh and there's another one over there lots of l9000s around here well like three but that's a lot so the leaf spring was wonky huh broken center pin on this one so going down the road and all of a sudden the whole truck goes like this off to the side it's like what's going on another smoke coming out and it was this axle shipped back and hit that mud flap there so I ratchet strapped it back and thought I gotta be fine if the thrashing strap back but then if it would stay shifted that would be okay but it shipped this look at you see it sliding on the spring right there if it would have like shifted and stayed okay fine but it was going back and forth and back and forth and making it swing out this way then you come back on this way I'm like I should turn this around okay so we got all the stuff and things off of it so we can ptls work a lot better when you engage them that helps now let's try it hey what do you know the Hydraulics work I mean the trucks come to us death but that's going to have a new life yeah so that the important part of it is going to live on all right it's unhooked uh everything's put away I do remember to close that toolbox but before we leave we're gonna go show you uh the truck that this bed is going to go on to get back to work are you already playing with your crane yeah I already messed the remote sitting there so this is a Freightliner FLD what year is this one I don't remember the year it's a 120 with an n14 and a 10 speed and you're going to pull out one axle and make it a single yep it's gonna get singled out I'm gonna move the batteries forward under another box I'm going to make and then oh and it's gonna air right in the rear I don't want to feel every inch of that crane forever I've had a couple of these and they are amazing trucks I've had a couple I've driven a couple of them from other people as well and awesome trucks I've been all across the country and back into FLD 120. this is actually going to be my first semi uh my other service oh that's an upgrade yeah I'll be able to do just a little bit bigger jobs oh yeah actually carry everything with you in one shot and not have to tow a trailer or anything oh that'll be a nice change [Music] all right so that's it for this one if you're over in the Corvallis area night fabrication and repair look them up and uh hopefully this setup with that Crane and Body on it'll be going down the road soon thanks for watching I'll see you next time oh man looks like they need a tow truck hopefully they find one
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 105,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: qc6fG0psiac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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