Taco Down

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all right here we are out here on this great big huge job that we're gonna try and figure out we brought the entire fleet plus a little we got both Wreckers we got the Jeep and we've got the Death Star yeah death star is that what we settled on apparently that's it is it weighs as much as a small planet so we started calling it the Death Star so we're gonna go out there we're gonna this Toyotas off the edge of the road we've got a lot of rigging a lot of change we brought with this we think we got a plan it looks good on paper we've got our honorary cameraman Ryan behind the camera today helping out hello yeah so he's going to help us out today so we got a big crew we got a lot of vehicles and we're gonna go see if we can get one vehicle out of the predicament it's in here we go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] crank the dial and then um okay go ahead and Hike her up Rory's repelling it's actually almost a dolpher sets doesn't know he's Italian I'm not repelling I'm keeping my uncoordinated dumbass from falling down a mountain we could almost go right off the hitch with that hitch pin one okay yeah yeah you want to kick that lower winch into a free spool I think it'll drive right out I don't know why you're making a big deal of this it's four-wheel drive it should back up right all right so we hooked this line up we've got a chain running from the vehicle to the winch line because it's going to run over some rocks and so we don't want to damage a winch line under tension chains are a little more forgiving it'll slide over stuff we're just stabilizing the vehicle so we can start unloading all the stuff because it is very overlandy and heavy and so we want to lighten it up as much as we can for the initial pull so now that something is at least holding it in place then we got to do that then we got to get air hose down here to air up the back tire and then we will position to get all the other additional winches on here and start the actual pick s this line to that chain this line these lines to that chain I'm wanting to have the Pick and Pull and the safety hook you know what I mean I understand though he he got it ready let me get these hooks together here my super safety tape did you ever get a story on what happened like how did he go off the road oh look there's a whole nest of rock pecker holes over there maybe a rock pecker come down and tried to get after his seals conquered his tire oh yeah oh no we got this it's coming [Music] so what we want to do is get the truck moved about two feet I'm guessing up and if we can get it moved up a little bit and twisted then we can air that tire up which is going to help with rolling resistance on getting it up the hill so that's the very first thing we got to do all right Mike you ready foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you all right I'm gonna let the winches cool I'll throw you back out the airline and I need to start Trail Mater and let it run hoping as long as the belly slides over that rock that it was hung on yeah I'm hoping this tire kind of floats up onto this rock [Music] foreign [Music] foreign for that's in the glove box [Music] I don't think we're gonna need much perfect [Music] right now [Music] there it is [Music] all right all right all right we need to take a few minutes to let the winches cool because these are working hard no Mike I want to run this lower and this lower down okay and hook on to them to hold it in place while we reposition and lose the chains on these okay oh [Music] three inches okay ready so this one is like just do away with change uh [Music] all right [Music] China up you ready [Music] okay tighten yours up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] sliders now right here right in the middle Mike [Music] hold there [Music] oh okay Mike tighten her up hold there hey Mike [Music] here at the end right there okay [Music] I want to hold right here everything's good we're going to tighten this up we're going to move blue get it right up here then it can hold on to it and then we reposition these two foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mike run your winch out okay coming out okay [Music] fine you're up good good good good so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to back up burning right here and come in next to Mike and then we'll pick and pull together we may have to hook you back up with snatch blocks so you're not pulling it over but I just need to get more right here [Music] now here [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign just grab the front now and just pull it over this way [Music] okay go ahead hold up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] There She Goes [Music] dude look we got it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what Mike said we'd be out by noon closed barely missed it barely missed it so he called it boy considering what we had to unload out of that thing I thought we did amazing because I think I have less stuff in my motorhome yeah that he has in that Tacoma but anyway so there it is it's up and it's out we're gonna go load it on the gooseneck and haul it into town um and then he's gonna come pick it up thank you so much Mike for use of the Blazer everything the Death Star yes thank you Sean thank you everybody Ryan and I I seriously only know you as Mike's dad like that no problem thank you guys so much for coming out and filming everybody asked me about the hardest recovery and I think we just nailed it yes it's more involved I mean it's just as far as Technical and difficult and that so I'd say that was it so there it is yeah we're thanks for watching [Music] everybody jumping waves that's a tough window to hear Mike
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 791,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jquUa8bS0QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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