This Raft Can Beat The Game In 5 Minutes

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since we've already determined that we can make a raft they can circle the universe in an instant let's find one that can beat the game in five minutes which is probably going to look a little more comprehensive than this i think the best way to determine what we're going to need for parts is to find a way to the first quest island so the first thing we need to do is find blueprints in a barrel so with just a little luck we're not going to find it and my wrap has already left me behind do you think it's pointed in the right direction it is wait wait wait wait wait okay i didn't find the blueprints in the three barrels i checked luckily i have mod so we can skip that part to start i want to keep the base of the raft as small as possible that way it moves as quick as possible and that way it's easier to maneuver there's our new little setup we get away with that again because of mods and of course we're pointed in entirely the wrong direction i'm going to go ahead and move my steering wheel we're going to point ourselves toward the quest and then we're going to go full speed ahead until we get there i think was about 1500 meters away so that won't take us long at all at this speed and then once we're there we can start to decide exactly how big of a raft we're gonna need to make this quick one thing before we get there gonna need something that's able to stop us there's still 900 meters luckily for us we can make ourselves as fast as we want to go so let's double our speed all right so now when we want to get to where we're going we're gonna get there a little bit faster you can see the thing moving on the map already so we're gonna shut the engines off pretty quick probably about here and let us drift there's our target uh instead of that let's just drop the anchor here and that worked actually not bad the key with most of these quest islands is normally you need to find your way onto them and then parkour your way to the top and around them but i'm kind of hoping we can just have a raft you basically walk onto the thing with or above it so i'm going to readjust myself carefully just a little then for now we're at least going to build onto this this isn't the biggest of the islands but this will give us kind of an idea of how big we do need to go we actually could in theory just build ladders endlessly then when we're close enough we could probably hop onto whatever we're going for because it really doesn't take long at all to get really really tall the problem is i'm not sure there's anything you can directly build onto a ladder so we'll need to figure out another plan entirely so what i think about what's next i'm basically just going to build the second floor on my raft because i don't want to be down here on the water like some kind of peasant and we're going to use a ladder right here to move ourselves up and down nice and quick and that's much better we finally have a bit of a surface to work off of but naturally it still needs to be a lot taller but i kind of like that system it's nice and quick and we can build three pillars tall fairly easily so then if we add a little ladder but point it the right way well then just like that we can have ourselves an entirely new layer to work with i can already feel this one getting way out of hand way quick but this has only taken me five minutes and we're halfway up that island already we're at the point where the seagulls are flying below me that's usually a sign that we're about three percent of the way to our goal i can't even imagine what this looks like from down below right now i also forgot where i put my ladder so i think i probably blocked myself up anyways now we're about as tall as that tower and in case you're wondering the raft currently looks like that uh it's definitely getting wider every layer because of the nature of the pillars and my lack of planning but i think it's beautiful so far so let's see how maneuverable this thing is we're pointed roughly in the right direction automatically so let's turn those engines on for just a little bit to sail as gently closer to the raft we'll know when we get there because we're gonna hit it and i guess it's good in a way the way we built because uh whoops because the base of the raft is gonna be somewhere way out here the top of the raft is gonna be inwards so we're that much closer to where we need to go so i'm gonna gently reapproach this island but i'm going to try and do it from the side that way we have a bit of a straighter path on to where we want to go while it may be quick it's not what i would call super maneuverable but i think that's about close enough so we're gonna try and raise the anchor and get ourselves pointed in the right direction i may have added too many planks already because the engine doesn't seem able to push this along luckily i do have a solution for that as well not sure how many we're gonna need but for now we'll do a few as we learned before you can never have too many engines but i'm gonna do them last long and more broad that way i can still maneuver this idiot the game is already starting to get a little unhappy with what we're doing but i'm gonna try and get myself just a little closer the anchor should be down well we're this close to where we need to be i'm pretty sure i could just build myself over there even if it's just using one of the other ones kind of like this and now we're basically a boarding party which means i can find the person they're very impressed with my wrap take all their crap and we can't exactly get uh directly back onto our raft up top but we can just jump onto this layer and then we're on our way again we probably won't need this again because we're going to need to expand we're going to need to explore bigger islands than this and it was recently brought to my attention that you can do horizontal wooden pillars so we're definitely absolutely going to break everything with that for now we need to see how long it takes us to get to 69 54. 69 54 is on the map it is 1907 meters the other direction so let's see if we have the engine power to get ourselves turned whoops so as i was saying we're gonna see if we can get this engine turned around and pointed in the direction we wanna go next stop blue island thing whoops uh there's another allen coming by see we'll be there before you know it in fact i think we're pretty much already there but i think we're also stuck on something but that took us a few seconds to get the two while we're on 1500 meters but then we suspiciously stopped because we ran into this little out of all the things we managed to hit that was it anyways the island is now dead ahead by 600 meters so let's whoops might have to correct that steering just a little okay it's now 400 meters we're gonna get 400 meters in okay this thing does not want to stare in a straight line i saw for a second there's where we're headed the ship so obviously we're more than tall enough to get up there we're gonna nestle ourselves in right about here simply mostly because we can and drop the anchor and then we're probably actually about the right height to just kind of build ourselves out this way we'll be able to drop onto the raft uh maybe not get back onto it from the other side but we'll see how this goes right across to this part now we're going to build a little piece apparently only in this direction for some reason i don't know why it's not letting me build back the other way but i wouldn't blame the game for being mad at me at this point but this does actually give me kind of a really fun idea i've also gone ahead and increased my movement speed a lot just because we don't need to spend time slowly walking around we've got a story to complete so if i'm understanding this correctly you can build outwards from your raft but not really back towards it well you can but you need to basically create a little loop which is kind of what we're going to be doing wow that's really annoying as i was saying so i'm going to build a second little thing uh that way i can get myself back off of the ship if need be basically it's supposed to be the same thing you get here you work your way from the bottom work your way through the whole ship until you get to where the captain sits and pick up a new note which tells you where we're going next balboa along with some other probably interesting stuff that we don't need to take a look at here we need to hopefully jump back on our very enormous and strangely shaped raft then head to balboa which is probably in that direction the new magic number is 7459 which looks something like that okay there's blue signals there and there i'm not entirely sure why that's probably not the biggest deal in the world considering we have the ability to explore all of them rather quickly as long as we don't get ourselves stuck in an island wait i think we're free okay there we go we're gonna make a way very wiggly like to the next island this is supposed to take a long time but i think we're there yep there it is um good this is a bigger island so we're gonna need to expand on a raft probably means for now those are gonna have to go elsewhere or just hang out there the important thing is we have to build upwards now and i'm really excited about that so let's orient our little raft towards the new island there we go and engines off drop anchor there so we can really just stab right into the island like that huh anyways we've got to go up i wonder if this is the tallest island i hope not well the raft is getting pretty big in case you were wondering but now that i look at it like that i realize we have a long ways to go and now since i'm about to finish this layer i think i could probably focus on building up more so than out because i think by the time i get our base close enough to wherever we're going we should be able to step onto the island so starting right about here we're going to have a thinner design because i don't need all this real estate yet and now that i've come this far i realize it's probably a much much easier way to build this it's going to be quicker because i can definitely build up high very quickly if i stop here and look down you're going to see we're well above the island at least most of it there is still a tower over there so we need to go a little bit higher i realize how high we are now because it takes 10 minutes just to walk to the bottom but if i place these planks going up now without falling to my death then i can build these layers every three segments all the way up and then my raft is this tall and so to give that a little bit of perspective that's where we were and that's where we are now all the way up here and we've still got a long ways to go even standing from what i'm gonna call the upper deck it's still a lot higher to get to the top of my tower so now are we high enough to make it to the tower it looks like we're more than high enough at this point so i'm going to build myself that way and we'll see what happens and i've just realized for the first time that these are like all way directional so i can only build them in one direction in the direction that i'm facing really wish i hadn't known that a little bit sooner so let's go for one sketchy little run towards the furthest antenna luckily i have immaculate balance but i've never seen the island from above normally it takes forever to find your way across it all but if you can just kind of fly over it all the better so from here we probably just need to make sort of an abrupt right i would feel a little better having a little bit of this under me at times it really is only a matter of time before i fall but i want to try and make it as far as i can before that happens because that's going to be really really annoying and i think since this is the tallest island we're going to bring this part of our raft with us everywhere we go we're so far from original raft you can't even see it anymore you can just make it out in the distance again how did that not kill me i fell all the way from there i do keep forgetting that when i fall i can no clip myself back to the top so it's still annoying but not nearly as annoying as i thought it was i've definitely got to be a little bit careful at this point because the game is getting laggy probably due to the massive wraps so i'd build myself off the edge more than i should anyways the walkway is more or less complete to the far tower uh my raft is somewhere way down there you can't really see it very well right now but we can make it to the tower to progress the story this would be so much easier than this traversing the island you just build right over top and drop yourself on down onto the satellite dish where we find this guy chilling on a mattress okay we earned ourselves one johnny and also no way to properly get back to our raft if we want to so if we didn't have mods we'd actually have to build to the appropriate height or thereabouts luckily for us i'm a filthy cheater so this works exceptionally fast yeah and we just gotta line ourselves up for that tower which is a little bit lower down so we can build from a more appropriate build height which is probably something like this we should be able to get back onto this one or at the very least we'll be reasonably close to that well you know what that's fine the raft doesn't make a lot of physical sense but it works beautifully which means i can pick up everything that's in this tower which includes the note for balboa island turning this one on i realize i forgot to turn on the other one over there but after getting that sorted out there's just one more tower to go which is about the same elevation as this one so that means i should be able to build basically straight this way and then straight to the right and directly to where i need to go all while completely defying the laws of physics but once this is done this is going to be a very effective raft in fact it already is being basically sailed to almost any island and walk onto any point you wish plus it gives you from island island in an absolute instant wow i really missed with this one to be fair it was an awfully long distance to have to cover at a guesstimate plus i mean if you want precision engineering you're in the wrong spot i wonder what the game is going to think of this when we start trying to sail it anyways after taking a second to uh admire my handiwork let's do this dish so we'll flip on the power and we get a new note 0108 which is our next destination so for as far as we're concerned we're out of this island the best part was i barely had to actually set foot on the island we basically hovered above it on our super raft but since i am up this high i figured i'd make a few little improvements to this upper floor now i'm pretty sure i was facing this way when i came in so i should be able to steer if i'm up here should i want to but we've got to head to the next island at 0-108 i'm not sure if it's supposed to be showing me three four different islands on there but what am i gonna do about that we need to see if this raft is actually like maneuverable i don't know how this is gonna work i feel like i added enough wood to it we might need to increase the engines because they're not as quick as they used to be but this raft probably has a few different unique problems and challenges to overcome but for a second let's just let it slowly get oriented we'll get it pointed in the right direction then we'll try and go straight i love how we're 300 meters from the island but the raft is still very much over and across the entire thing we've just about got ourselves lined up morty's pointed in this direction so i just need to find a way to increase our speed oh never mind i think i did it uh i don't know why we're spinning wildly out of control so if we just want to maybe uh not do that game thank you okay i guess we're just going to try and navigate somewhat like this because the game doesn't really seem to know where it's going or what it's doing for some reason long story short we got caught in the little alcove but we can take a second to admire the mighty raft i'm also not entirely sure what this is or where it came from but we put a pole all the way to the ground somehow for now i've gotta get this colossal thing out of here and point it in the right direction so we're gonna paddle the entire thing out of here i never realized too that part of my steering problem was that the original steering wheels point that way this one points this way because i'm stupid anyways i think we've got the room we need to clear the island so i'm going to start the engines first then i'm going to try and steer myself a little bit away and raise the anchor and yep there we go you can see by the radar we're moving i just don't know where i lost track of which dots are which so we're just gonna head for whatever the nearest blue dot is drop the anchor the game leg and i think i circled back around to the same island i was at probably gonna need to navigate from this lower spot oh but lots of the dots have disappeared for some reason so we're going for that one uh just kidding we're set to the wrong thing or maybe we're not all right whatever we'll take this wildly dysfunctional raft and try and get it to the one over there the anchor is up and we're gonna start okay it's too fast well maybe it's not which one was it this one over here back we go i'm just starting the engine for a second to try and make it not there we go perfect let's drift on in nice and slow come on is this the right one it's 300 meters that way like the raft should be touching it really is that the radio tower again we found our way back to the radio tower somehow so a quick reset of the game later and we've made it to caravan town our raft is just too tall but at least from here we can get our bearings and after a quick look from an outside perspective i see i just need to turn my raft a little bit for the boarding party so i'm gonna do my best to kind of steer it over to this side it is very quick so it's a little bit hard to control uh in fact i actually need to turn on the radar in case i get too far away from the island and need to find it again because it's very hard to steer this thing and almost got oh now we're going the wrong way again so the problem i'm finding with having a raft this fast is that i can get the island but i tend to bounce off as soon as i get there and that bounces me back the wrong direction but i think i got it lined up now one way or another so i can definitely walk onto the island as i want and i can jump right back off onto my raft in fact this platform is basically the basis i would need to get around without using ziplines at all then after borrowing the mayor's chest key we can open the mayor's chest which comes with the note to kangaroo i do actually really enjoy this place but we've got a quest to complete and look at that there's a path directly back to my raft somehow so the new number 6770 which adds a new blue dot to the radar so we need to go 2 36 meters that way what is that the current gently take us away from the island because it's kind of impossible otherwise i'm just gonna sit back eat some shark and enjoy the ride now that we're a little bit out open water let's see if we can get to that blue dot once we're in the open ocean it's kind of easier to get there so what do we have to go a few thousand meters shouldn't take long and we're past it nope it's right there okay we found the dome fairly easily uh we just gotta get there and drop the anchor perfectish okay if i drop the anchor and i'm steering hard to the right that might actually sort of work okay i managed to put to maneuver that way we'll see how it looks up top we might be able to get in the dome that way because i really am trying to have a one-size-fits-all raft they can just accomplish every quest island in a hurry that might actually be pretty good we're built kind of on the wrong side but we have the height we need i love how long it takes us to climb this height wise we're actually more than tall enough so that's a good sign we can get to the top of the dome very easily i suppose we don't need to go to the top of the dome but i kind of want to see the top of the dome we're going to use this professional building method to get ourselves there to be honest this is probably the better way of doing it build low than up that way you can jump onto there and then back off again when you want to return to your raft and you can even build like this off of those roof panels excellent i'd like to report there's absolutely nothing of interest on the very top of the dome interestingly i think if we go at the same height we did for the other island that's probably gonna work perfectly just as long as i don't fall off you can see the whole dome city and all the skyscrapers below me that's fun this worked out perfectly because now what we gotta do is add a roof and we can get both on and off our raft plus by the time we're done our raft is going to have so many different arms that we'll be able to land on any island and we'll naturally be able to go anywhere we want to go and of course this is the exit you're supposed to do it all from the inside actually for me i don't have to play by the rules today so we can just kind of reverse engineer this place because all i'm really after is the note to get us to the next island which i'm pretty sure is this one it is not but after quit googling 4813 uh and then it's time for the bridge launch which has basically removed the roof remembering now that after the top of the dome blows off it lands in the water over here where we need to go investigate i linked it better when it was up there and our reward for completing all this is elaine elaine has a lot of fun things to say but i'm mostly just here for the notes the note i needed was right here i couldn't see it because i was running in that direction now to see if i can find my little raft against the mightiness of the dome kinda suits it sitting there like that so currently those two dots are there on the radar and the new one appeared 1989 meters that way so in order to get that we're gonna have to break a few land speed records we're gonna pull the anchor whoops i think it was still this one okay i don't know what's happening now now i'm not entirely sure which one it was also my battery died so we're gonna go ahead and uh recycle those and put a new one in i won't lie i was kind of expecting a bigger island than this i mean i guess it's pretty big but i hardly need to build any more raft to get through at all naturally we want to start at the top because it's very easy for us to get there so we just gotta build like three tiles and we're at the top which leaves us with the note but not the note we're looking for yet climbing the crane however we're a little bit higher with hopefully a new note for a new island but after making your way through the crane and parkour you find yourself to the bottom of this other building where there's a note on the table which points you to temperance which is code 4104 that's only 1800 meters that way the raft kind of has its own ideas where it wants to go right now luckily i'm in charge so we're hopefully gonna get pointed in the straight direction and teleport there by going a thousand miles an hour well think about it like this it's 1800 meters and we're there nope this is the wrong island we gotta go around this island all right we just gotta maneuver out of this little gym and we're back on track gentle steering is the key there's the island we need the one with all the snow and ice on it drop anchor whoops did i drop the anchor nope i've naturally made the choice of using x as the drop anchor button the problem with that is that's the same as destroy button my big long things are off that side so i just kind of got to go a little bit this way a little more to the other side and then i think we'll be sitting nicely above the island so well then again whatever we can't reach we can build to but i'm pretty sure i don't really even need to touch this island i can just take my raft there this raft is equally capable over land or water i'm not really sure where i'm headed with this one so i think for now i'll actually build from this deck because then we can build up and i see something way in the distance we've sailed all the way to the arctic and it took us 10 seconds yeah we just got to build up a little bit to say here then we build over sort of this way i just need to be able to get back onto the raft but i can jump back onto that easy enough this i think is what we probably need to explore all right idiot give me all your secrets requires electrical cable everything here seems to want power i did however find a snowmobile so that could definitely lead to some fun okay here oh so you just gotta slowly pick up the electrical cable this is supposed to be a challenge because the bear is supposed to be eating you but i'm faster than the bear so i can no bonk them and run away i'm a little bit curious about the nuclear plant though and there's a snowmobile waiting for me here selene celine we need a blowtorch to get in so we'll see where we can find that it's faster for me to run than use a snowmobile i hear an angry bear i also found an underground bunker full of radioactive stuff probably gonna need a little bit of gear before getting in that one instead of dragging the cables around everywhere i realize it's probably easier to just do this i could just look through the buildings we grab the cables this is close enough i found the missing blowtorch we need in the main building and there's just sort of a lot of fun treasure lying around here but i mostly just want to take a second again to admire my wrap but also find out what's behind the blow torch door and also see what this mysterious little building is there's a note here for three quarters of a hook and here there's clearly some kind of telescope puzzle you need to put the constellations into the telescope in some particular order which according to the book one two three four so i'm pretty sure this is a four digit code you put into that safe i'm pretty sure you need to count how many stars make of each constellation that seems to have done the job and we get this celine key plus there's also a basement to this place but i'm pretty sure this is where i'm supposed to come in from it is supposed to dive through the icy tunnels dealing with those idiots but clearly obviously this is something very important luckily we have the blue torch we need and the key coincidentally we happen to pick up hiding behind the research facility is probably gonna be more bears oh maybe we get to drive the island now that would be fun this place isn't having a lot of fun insert control rods i just realized what we're looking at and that looks expensive and fun to play with so to do this we're supposed to put on hazmat suits but i'm also going to no clip just to make this easier all we got to do is find a few little things i'm pretty sure well there's definitely a few different things going on as i get lower the bugs don't like me i don't think they can touch me though so we're going to rotate this thing smoothly i mean what's the worst that could happen we're only playing with like a hadron collider and good news the radiation is starting to get to me i guess my hazmat suit isn't as good as we thought whatever i did made everything shake it made the radiation go away i guess i'm not a crippling failure after all which brings us to a room that looks like i can probably freeze myself in just what i always wanted or head to utopia 8500 i mean i did build a pretty cool raft but let's see what this does oh we're letting someone out of phrasing hi shogo okay apparently we're bringing shogo with us i just wanted to take a look around here to see what we're actually supposed to be picking up well we finished this island in a hurry thanks for shooting and i always know how to find my way back to my raft if i can't jump directly onto it i just look into the sky and follow it it's beautiful utopia 8500 which is another 2000 meters beyond this island so we're gonna have to once again make our way around an island through the icebergs we might be stuck nope never mind we eventually spit you out so we'll go around the island try and get our bearings again now it's 2200 meters but at least we're sort of on the right track off we go okay there's more we gotta get way away from the stupid island there we go i think we're back to the open ocean 2000 meters was covered pretty much that fast engines are off utopia that doesn't look like utopia but that looks like something my raft can easily conquer so we'll bring it in close and good to go there drop the anchor so let's see if this raft is already set up for these tall sky scrapers or if we need to go up more actually looks like we did a wildly good job to start i want to jump under this roof and see what exactly they're hiding up here i just ran into some dude and he ran away and disappeared i think we're just going to take my raft to the top that sounds easier than fighting through all this i mean the whole point is to build a raft that just makes it all really really easy like i can already see fun stuff up there all these islands must be similar size because a lot of these just simply kind of work but this is definitely a lot easier than you know fighting my way through everything to get up to this point uh i seem to have hit some kind of oop something i can stand on strangely i don't know what that's about pretty sure getting in there to him is supposed to be like the ultimate goal here there's just an invisible barrier that won't really let us in but if i turn on noclip we can see the many positions we're supposed to encounter him in and i'm pretty sure what is supposed to follow him all the way to the top of the building oh okay so here's the final scene oh he's gonna fall oh he didn't even fall that far what a baby pick a master key thank you that's embarrassing you've had a spear i'd stab you right now but it's more fun to leave you there to slowly starve to death titanium tools i didn't know you could make titanium tools there's so much fun new stuff to play with today okay now where do we use his very special key and this should be my new raft office because this one's kind of my style okay i finally found where to use the master key all the way down here at the bottom we had to get that from idiot stick so it's got to be a good one so that appears to be the end of the storyline we now have built a utopia with people and all the resources you could ever want adult is lying here for the taking so naturally we're gonna find a way to ruin it and probably end up in one of these things but that's definitely thanks in large part to my raft that really can beat the game in about five minutes due to its incredible size and speed simply sail to your location and light speed jump onto the top of the island grab the note real quick sail to the next one off you go until you're here in utopia ready to ruin it
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 448,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1GLm_mfDZsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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