This One Decision Will Change Everything | Tony Robbins

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[Music] most people half of what they thought today is the same things they thought yesterday about themselves about their life about the business that's why most people's lives don't change very much but if you wake up and you start realizing i'm living in a home an emotional home i don't want you can change it see because everybody's got if you've got a billion dollars check this out if you had a billion dollars but the habitual emotions you go back to are frustrated and pissed off then your life is called frustrated and pissed off it doesn't matter how much money you have write this down please the quality of my life is the quality of my habitual emotions the quality of my entire life is nothing but the quality of my habitual emotions whatever habits of emotion wherever my emotional home is i will find a way to get back there and until i change that i'm gonna have a problem how many of you see people in some part of the world in my country for example you'll see this in the middle of america where there's certain places they have cyclones all the time or maybe down in new orleans or places where every few years you get a huge storm that wipes out everybody right on the coast there but then two years later it happens again they rebuild it happens again how many have ever thought to yourself why don't these people move and why don't they move guys because it's what their condition they call that home i don't want to leave my home it's what i know it's easy to see when it's somebody else and it's physical it's harder to see when it's yourself and it's emotional because we have an emotional home some of you grew up in a really tough environment i did too pretty brutal environment very painful environment part of i am who i am is because i didn't want to suffer how to find answers and because i suffered so much i don't want you to ever suffer if i can do anything about it i can't control it but i can help massively but it's only because i suffered so much don't want anybody else to but think about it most people suffer even when they're successful listen if you're successful and you're not fulfilled that's the ultimate failure if you got people that love you and you're not feeling joyous and alive something's wrong and you know what it is you got an old home you're used to maybe the home you're used to is not a very happy home it's a home of worry a home of frustration home of anger a home of feeling everything is unjust and so you find a way to get back home using whatever the environment you can use how many of you know somebody who's always pissed off about something how many of you know somebody who is always worried how many of you know someone who's not really funny but they think they are and they cracked himself up telling stupid jokes how many know something like this who cracks themselves up and they laugh so much that even though it's not funny you find yourself laughing too these people have different emotional homes some people's home is anger they'll always find something to be angry about it's what they're used to it's their conditioning so even when the storm comes in and messes up their life they go right back to that same ship wouldn't it be nice to upgrade your home your emotional home where you live what if you could live every day with a vast majority of the emotions you had were joy and gratitude and love and appreciation even in the middle of covet even when somebody does something unjust compassion playfulness what would that feel like if you were in those states every day 90 95 percent of the time when you weren't you got out of it quick you can make that change this weekend and i'm not exaggerating an ounce i'm not saying you're going to be perfect and never have a negative feeling because negative feelings are sometimes a signal to make us change but most people are negative ceiling and they just hang on to it and keep living with it find other things to be negative about they will never give you what you want the money won't do it the acknowledgement of others won't do it everything you think will do it will not do only one thing will do it you drawing a line the santa making the most important decision of your life that you're going to live in a beautiful state no matter what because life is too short to suffer we have a choice listen to me pain is sometimes part of life but suffering is a choice but for most of us not a choice because we have the habit of suffering being stressed being worried being frustrated being pissed off and because we're wired that way that's the muscle we built but if we rebuild our home here so it's even more magnificent then you can have the life that you desire and deserve and you do it one weekend only if you give your all and push enough energy out while you're doing it while you're learning who's up for this here so who's up for enhancing your home massively say aye you
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 647,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: hfNOXhDpXOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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