This MEGA FACTORY is too SMALL?! - Satisfactory

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hello everyone I'm kibbetts and welcome back to satisfactory where last time we used all of our Logistics Network to bring in all the items we need for the next space elevator part the thermal propulsion Rockets please guys which need modular engines turbo Motors cooling systems fused monitor frames and hundreds of machines to actually put it all together and now that we have everything in one location I'm not so sure that this base is big enough for all of the machines like the foundation is completely full with all the Loops making nuclear pasta then in the guts of the build we have all these machines making the magnetic field generators and with all of that said and done we really don't have a lot of space left it's pretty much just this area this decorative add-on that I threw onto the side of our Factory and in that space we have to build about 350 machines that includes about 50 manufacturers and good news is we actually have the manufacturers already set up so that's no big deal and it's just everything else that's got me a little scared but everything's here now so we're gonna have to try and make it work and I suppose we are going to start with the big machines first and then we'll start compacting all the smaller machines in here big machines they are going to be the blenders we have a lot of Manufacturers built but we still need a bunch of blenders and they're gonna be for the cooling systems we're going to be using the recipe here with heat sinks rubber water and nitrogen gas and we need 30 of these per minute each blender though can make six per minute so yeah it's not like a crazy amount of blenders but considering our space limitations we're gonna have to get creative and I didn't want to have to do this but I feel the only solution is to build some kind of system in between the manufacturers to the left and the right here so we'll have the blenders like here ish maybe there and then mirror that on the other side I really don't want to do this though because I want to keep the aesthetic of the manufacturers on the left and right like we'll be able to walk through this Factory and see the beautiful belt waterfalls and the Magnificent organizational prowess instead of you know 50 blenders or 100 smelters so we'll try and Center all of the machines down the middle here and leave the space in between the machines on the right and the manufacturers on the left empty and if all this is empty we can add in walkways where we can look up and see everything that's going on okay okay so then let's add in the lenders I'll just do some overclocking underclocking type stuff so we only need six of them if we build them like so should have enough room for belt work as well belt work though oh that's that's gonna be a whole thing I didn't even consider that not only will there be all these machines but of course all the machines need a ton of belt work done for them oh and I was thinking just the blenders wait we have to mirror that over here hmm that's not good um how many manufacturers are here there's eight there times two 16 and there's three per row so 36 times three big number how many manufacturers did I say we needed in my notes around 50ish oh well that's great then we can get rid of at least the first row of those guys and with those out of the way oh yeah we'll have like three extra towels to space behind the blenders and we should be able to do all of the belt work down here that works out uh space is gonna be exceptionally spooky though so first thing we can get out of the way right off the bat is the nitrogen gas the gas doesn't have head lift you can move it up you can move it down you can move it all around and you don't need to worry about it getting to its destination so we will run this down here because at least with all these Factory floors most of the ceilings are free just have this running this way add in the mergers and Splitters we need wherever and then we run it all the way back to the source over at the fluid buffers here so yeah I'll continue to put down the floor holes and figure that out that's not gonna be complicated the water might be though we need about 150 water per minute to make this all work and water is kind of far away over there however we might be getting lucky past kids may have bailed us out downstairs where we have all of these refineries that are using water I brought in more water than we needed why because I was like why not and each of these pipes has 600 per minute now I think we have enough water extra so these each take 60 water per minute they're 13 refineries oh that's big number 60 times 13. oh okay it's a big number but still 780 water per minute when we have 1 200 water per minute yeah that works out so all we have to do is bring 150 of it upstairs to do that set up this put you on top sir and you are Off to the Races okay uh we'll figure out how to bring that up later we'll have some four holes Etc that will just go up this way up into its own fluid buffer and then through the wall and the pipe work will be pretty straightforward from here like we'll bring the water just down the middle once the water gets to this point we'll have it split off and go up ease like there or maybe even like around like that uh design pending and then from this side as well you can just go across to the other machines over here that works out decently you know what more than decently that look works out great oh but how are we gonna walk through this area because after all the water is said and done I was gonna do all the belt work on the floor yeah like we would just stack all these up and the whole web well a we're not walking on the floor then we'll probably have a walkway about here we'll move those gas pipes that are blocking our way right there this works out we'll be able to see what's going on with all the machines we can look up good good but then if we're trying to do this pipe thing over here it's kind of in the way now well could we make it so it's not in the way now oh what I was gonna do is I was just gonna bring the pipe up here and then over to there a it won't make it B it's clipping through the gas pipes so that's not happening does give us enough Headroom though oh what I'm ponking no well we had dreams they were all crushed we will now do things the hard way we will bring the water all the way down this way fiddle with the belts over here then Loop the water back around in a horseshoe formation that then goes back this way sure that'll be fine smile and then belt work will still be fine on Belt work right we'll have to move this belt somewhere but that's not a problem and once we're past this wall you have all the room in the world to do whatever we want after dealing with the gases in the water it's looking like we'll be okay like the belt work is gonna be easy is this the most efficient way to go about things that's the real question again we're fighting against our limited space here but hey it looks good right I like it the piping works out and the belt work will be fine too let's just do that really quick and turn things on but wait no we don't have the heatsinks yet we're gonna use this recipe aluminum casing casings and rubber where is the casings the rubbers right there casings I brought this okay right there okay well if we have all that just on this floor uh we don't really need that many machines so we're just gonna build those heat sinks over here where is my basic assembler there we go I think we need about eight of these bad boys and then we're fine so as expected the heat sinks are no problem and throwing all the cast play planes underneath was an excellent solution because the belt work underneath all the platforms upstairs got a little crazy and there's no way it was gonna work up here unfortunately it's more organized and simple than it looks just a bunch of Splitters coming from the beginning it's splitting through and going to each of the machines uh the bottom line is just a merger for all the cooling systems to go out this way to somewhere probably I actually have no idea they're just gonna go there for now future kids will figure it out uh the rubber was just over there too so rubber heat sinks water not looped around and the gas that's underneath we're equal our cooling systems wait power power power power power what's going on with you I think I just have to connect this to there yeah looks like it are we good what's wrong with you no sippy drink sir please stay hydrated you know what this is bound to happen there's so much stuff going on with this I got like discombobulated effectively and just have that go into the vertical Mode best thing of all actually we're bringing more water than necessary into the system so we don't have to worry about any like weird pipe issues like when you stuff a water pipe full of material and then do not take like every last drop it works way better in fact overall I think it's actually better to never use up a pipeline's full material for example you make a setup that needs 500 water instead of 600 water each but then the pipe that you feed into the 500 system has 600 water per minute I've just found that over time I've ran into a million different pipe issues when I fill them up completely so maybe something crazy like that would be an effective play especially for like a nuclear power plant though then again they're probably gonna fix and redo all the pipe stuff in a later update so probably nothing to worry about we have much bigger things to worry about anyway now we have to worry about all the extra 200 Constructors and smelters we have to build over here it is going to be really really cool close uh let's see where to start well let's start with the simple stuff we need to get a bunch of Steel because we're going to need a bunch of steel pipes for when we get to Motors and things so we'll get our usual basic Foundry or sorry no not the basic Foundry the wall foundries that we use all over the place we're just gonna tuck these in the corner over here just just like so these are actually like the best because they're really tall and it utilizes the space of this room really well but okay that looks good and that'll handle the 1035 steel per minute that we need all right oh wait wait wait wait we also need the iron we have 700 iron ingots which is awesome that'll go directly into the foundries because we're going to use a solid steel ingot recipe to make the 1035 steel ingots each machine can make 60 that means we need 17.25 foundries effectively and that times 40 is the amount of coal and iron ingots we need which is 690. oh wait that's that's perfect that's literally perfect not literally but pretty much perfect yeah just 700 iron per minute coming on this belt so we just plug a into B over there easy where's the coal at we specifically went out of our way to get 600 190 per minute of that as well we got that via a drone from way over there somewhere in the cliffs so that's all done and we just need a bunch more iron for wire we need like 3 000 wire because at the end of the day the big thing that I'm really worried about are steadors and rotors to make Motors like I was mentioning before we need to make the modular engines which are steel gluttons mostly because they need tons and tons of motors and we're just going to be using like the basic recipe with two rotors and two stay doors Each of which will require tons of wire so yeah we need tons of iron for iron wire now we have a blueprint to make tons of iron ingots but it's chunky and we need two of these setups and that is too chunky for this room so we'll employ the strategy that we've been using and we'll just build them over here so with those in the center we'll just Center up another floor on top and then in a dream world we'll be able to fit two of these iron setups right in the middle here oh but it's gonna be close please uh we'll just sit up like this I think it takes like four tiles oh my gosh I wish we could just like hold a ghost image that looks good place it it's like perfect actually now can we fit a second uh that's gonna just have to go not here figure that out later let's go back to this place it down oh bud I think it's perfect yeah it looks really good oh it is really good we had eight tiles down here so we could fit the two systems perfectly in the middle but this is it and from down here we're still able to see all the belt work over there you better believe it wow it's all kind of working out and then to feed all these smelters now we just have to Belt all the material to this bottom floor that's no problem either okay I'm actually hopeful here that was my biggest concern turn was all the smelters and that's them they'll just bring the goods upstairs iron as well and reorganize this floor so it'll all work out you know what since we have gotten some stuff to work I'm gonna try and be a little greedy here with all of the steel that we're making all of it is going towards steel pipes and I'm wondering right now if we can fit all the steel pipe Constructors in this space we need about 35 Constructors it's looking like it could work we have our basic Constructor line here and there's eight percent so if we go way right to the back of the room start building can we fit enough in well that's eight this is going to be a 16. oh it's not looking good 24. and we are practically out of space dang it we're so close well I guess then it's time for Plan B overclocking baby oh my gosh wait wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second no where is the forbidden one do you guys know of the Forbidden one I just remembered about it it can solve all of our problems right here right now back in time in the dark Lore of satisfactory there's an alternate recipe that few whisper even a dark recipe called keterium wire you use keteria magnets one of the most valuable resources in the world to make wire when you could just use like copper or even iron but no Criterium to make wire you use 15K Tyrion per minute to make 120 wire and you know what we're gonna use it we're gonna use it I can't believe it this is probably like the most weird one-time use scenario for this recipe but this is it if we use that recipe we won't need as many Constructors for wire everything will fit maybe in that space and will be good to go plus this is like the last major project for this Green Field area and go figure past kids I.E like two episodes ago forgot that there's Criterium right there and it's free it's free to use we just gotta bring it from A to B don't worry about my health I'm doing fine I haven't been going going crazy over the numbers you have all right so we can build our little thingamadugly soon now then we fully overclock it almost not exactly just to 780 because that's the Max Belt that's not it there's the number boom and then we just belt it up to there no problem right wrong I'll be incredibly inconvenient and annoying okay but it doesn't matter because it'll solve our problem here once we bring everything up here we can send the keterium over this way to all the smelters where we can use the other forbidden recipe that's right the basic ethereum smelting recipe where we just take the ore and smelt it into ingots we already have all the smelters here and we should according to my math have just enough keterium ingots to make all of the wire we need and then we're good to continue on and everything will be perfect except we'll have way too much iron up here but no no no oh oh laughs I'm I'm not crazy I'm just wildly excited because I'm now realizing this might work also we can drain one of those iron lines and we can just utilize the belt so if we got rid of these two uh Mark III miners we can bring this iron belt or what will be a caterium belt all the way over to the node and then all the belt work is pretty much already done too so it's not even a problem at all barely an inconvenience so now with the keterium and the iron here all of that goes over this way we got the coal we have the other iron that goes into the foundries we have all the steel we have all the keterium the coal everything we need and then it all goes into these Constructors where we're making all of the wire in the world bad news didn't actually have enough caiterium for all the wires so we had to set up some iron to make iron wire but it's fine it all worked out set up a couple Constructors for that and and then a couple Constructors for iron plates will need later too it all fit though which is the big thing the most important of course and all the belt work is done it gets a little weird though at the end of the day we needed it was like something like what was it where are my notes it's about 2 100 wire per minute so I've belted this all together into three separate lines and then it goes into a three to three belt balancer so all these three lines are a little bit different and what this machine here does is it balances all of the belts into three equal lines which should be 700 each those then go into the wall and are done by the way my blueprints for Constructors and for machines like this are all available on my patreon so if you want to go and support me there helps me out a ton plus you can have these machines to help you out a ton as well everything works out though everything good power connected let's turn it all on let's see it rock and roll here bow good no nuclear problems nope lines looking stable machine scooting note [Laughter] in only one small problem it's okay it's okay it's fine it's always gonna be a small problem somewhere so long as it's not Mission critical oh wait I didn't even mention there is a mission critical problem we'll get into it in a second first it's all going good wire out the zoo fantastic love to see it and I suppose we're good I don't know really what I expected here we kind of either have to connect this all up to a resource sync or the next line of machines to really see it work properly but I just want to see all the machines running and I suppose once they all fill up and overflow that'll be good for the next step as well before that we still need those steel pipes because the steel is right here and I I really don't like doing this but we're gonna set up another floor directly on top of what we've just built so this is not going to be a very tall kind of factory area it could be very very squeashed this is the only way things will work out so we'll build a floor just at this height and then stuff in even more Constructors and a part of the reason I'm doing this as well is since we're a little bit higher than all this other stuff beneath us we can build the constructors all the way to this back wall here and with that in a very small amount of overclocking the steel pipes will be done plus the steel is practically right over there and we're good to go as for that problem I mentioned oh boy I was looking over my notes to see what else we had to build and you know what I totally forgot about until I started recording was these fluid tanks here these shiny little guys aren't they cute well we need to fill them up with nitrogen because our ultimate goal requires turbo Motors and we're going to be using the recipe that needs the nitrogen gas tanks so it's like oh okay we should fill those up really quick so we needed some packagers the packagers just take the gas and the empty fluid tanks but I didn't calculate how much gas we needed for both of these and it's a lot and we didn't have enough so I had to reroute all of it changing up the super massive infrastructure project I did last time which took me hours and hours so that was fun but luckily we have editing to poop that kind of stuff out but me even more importantly we actually had the right amount of nitrogen still at this one node because if we didn't have enough nitrogen we'd have to fly it in and um pretty much all of my plans would be ruined because the nearest nitrogen node is way over here at our aluminum build but oh wait we're using all that nitrogen so then we'd have to go all the way probably up to the top left area of the map here past nuclear and since all of our drone ports are going to be used up I would have ruined this entire project yeah we've just been getting really really lucky today and things just keep working out like all the steel Constructors fit in here properly I didn't actually have to do a lot of overclocking which was really nice because power is becoming a little bit of a concern yeah that's all done that's all the steel pipes are gonna need and then I was even able to squish in a couple more assemblers to reinforced iron plates which we'll need a little bit later or actually maybe now we need to make a bunch of smart plating here and we're going to be using this recipe oh but it's going to require a bunch of rotors so we could deal with the rotors right now but I kind of want to deal with all the assemblers all at once we need to make somewhere in the realm of 80 of them per minute and that's just not something I'm built for today let's just make sure all this stuff is working excellent and then super quick let's at least set up the manufacturers for the smart plating we don't need a lot we only need four of them and they need to all be fully overclocked but we had a bit of space above the assemblers we set up earlier and we're gonna do the same thing we did upstairs it's basic manufacturers set one up here and then we'll just mirror this on the other side you you about there and since these will only take three items we can get rid of that and this hook that up together is this oh that's so weird there's a glitch that keeps on happening to me where I cannot connect machines up for whatever reason I don't know why I usually if I restart my game it fixes it anyway pretend those will actually work and be connected and then with everything else we're just going to bring it up to the ceiling here and run the belts up this way since the floor is getting a little crazy down there but now with that all connected and prepared I think we're gonna call it here for today it was a little bit stressful and things just barely worked out so I don't really want to push my luck anymore but next time with some Creative Design work we should be able to finish up thermal propulsion Rockets but that's gonna be all for now so I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 168,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory blueprint, satisfactory how to, satisfactory tips, kibitz, imkibitz, kibz, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, update 7, satisfactory new update, satisfactory factory, satisfactory space elevator
Id: 1fgSQK5rV-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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