I Spent 750 HOURS Automating THIS in Satisfactory!

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it is time to bring it all together because after months of planning preparations and Productions today we'll be able to automate what I consider to be the most difficult space elevator part in the game the thermal propulsion Rockets so hello everyone I'm kibitz and welcome back to satisfactory where yes we're making the thermal propulsion Rockets today and yes I do consider them to be the most difficult part in the video game they are insane this was the amount of Productions you have to have set up for example one of the pieces is a turbo motor needs like pressure conversion cubes hundreds of Motors nitrogen gas and more and that's just one of the parts cooling systems need heat sinks more nitrogen gas which is hard to get fused monitor frames a nightmare we already have dealt with which we had to build this entire monstrosity for oh and then the last thing is modular engines which are simple to make quote unquote however they take up an insane amount of iron and that's if you just want to automate one of these bad boys per minute but of course we're gonna be doing a little more than that which is why I kind of went crazy in the last episode trying to cram all the machines we could in here so we'd have just enough space left to finish up the automations that we need to and it is going to still be very very close good news though past Kim's has our back and we actually have some of the mission critical Parts already automated like the fused modular frames we're gonna need and also the pressure conversion cubes oh and the nitrogen gas casters are done too and we got the cooling systems automated as well so that just leaves us with a handful of things we are going to need a million motors for the modular engines then we have to automate the modular engines themselves all we need for the turbo Motors are more Motors and a million stadors you guys are just going to use that standard recipe there and since we have the cube and the packaged nitrogen we're fine and then yeah the cooling systems and the fused modular frames are done so you might be able to pick up what I'm putting down here we need all the motors in the world in fact we need 70 per minute 7-0 and we are just gonna be using the standard recipe I think that just requires rotors and stay doors but if we need 70 Motors 70 divided by five is 14 and 14 times 10 and 10 is 140 rotors and stators which means we gotta have a ton of steel pipes and wire for each of these which thankfully we're able to automate last time with all these machines and a little bit of keterium which means we are off to production and we are going to make all of those Motors stators and rotors all in this space you're going to make a tower of assemblers to fill up this rectangle square whatever this shape this space and this is where I'm really hoping we have enough space because we have a blueprint for these basic assemblers which is super super super small and we need to fit in wait how many assemblers in here we need 70 Motors let me check my notes we need 83 assemblers okay gotcha so let's do some space planning and see if we can make this work so got four tiles across that's the wall then there's the wall over there our blueprint doesn't take up a lot of space so hopefully we can fit like 10 assemblers per floor one two three four five but then we have to have to have to have to leave some space just for some belt work both on the right and left side but if that's five then we can get 10 in here because we can just fit them on these two tiles if that's 10 20 30 40 50 60. uh oh can we fit in any more floors here oh what the heck look at all this space uh looking like 70. okay so we get seven floors 70 of these guys fit but you know what if we have to overclock I'm gonna be a little greedy and do Future Kids a bit of a solid we're only going to use five floors for all of the assemblers maybe six if I can like finagle space up there tldr though I want to leave one of these floors completely empty just nothing on it because it's right beside this area and in this area I want to make all the turbo Motors and maybe the thermal propulsion Rockets it'd be awesome if we could have an empty Logistics floor right next door to handle all of the whatever that's gonna be happening here so let me get rid of this rebuild all of these and then redo that as many times as I possibly can here and it turns out that was a lot of assemblers we have six floors of ten meaning we have 60 and that is actually not enough assemblers so we're gonna have to overclock unfortunately but it's not gonna be a lot of overclocking like on the top floor here we're gonna make Motors we just have to overclock 140 percent on the next two layers we'll make the stay doors and they'll be overclocked to 144 and then on the bottom two layers the rotors will be overclocked to 132 but actually on the middle floor here we have to make both rotors and stay doors so that's gonna be a little weird but at the end of the day it should be fine the rotor recipe we're using is not that one is this one and they use a steel pipe and wire and go figure with the stator it uses the exact same stuff so if we just overflow everything as it's kind of laid out to be we should be fine and past kibbs was a genius for leaving this floor down here because if we did not have a logistics floor there's no way this would have worked there's no way uh first up we have to bring all of the wire which is like three massive belts down this way now we have to bring up luckily all these lines are balanced but wait pass kids why would what have you done why is this here why would I put this in this location what is it doing oh wait is this wire for the reinforced iron plates it is wait a second then how is this gonna work uh you will have to go to here and then it'll go all the way up to here is that what I want to do you have a splitter there yeah part of it splits over into there and then we go all the way up okay that's actually great because now we don't have to actually change any walls and all the material will be on a location so this that there we go there's our wire just have to remember that the Middle Belt is corrupted and weak and we'll have to put that somewhere else where are all of my steel pipes just on the floor beneath right they will be right there why aren't they right there we built this in the last episode where are the piper runeskies there they are I just forgot to connect a couple belts it would seem but why because I'm forgetful almost certainly all right is everything running now looking good looking good looking good all right excellent steel pipes are a go we will just bring these straight through the floor then why not you're going to need all the space we can save here it now comes the hard part actually sending all these materials upstairs and I started to design something where we just have some wire go up through here enter these machines and then we just do the same thing all the way up but we don't have a lot of space this floor is copied six times right so all the items on each floor have to enter right in this space and then we have the items that are being produced that all need to make it to the top floor so it's gonna be a little complicated and oh my gosh I I've used every ounce of my brain power here and now everything is mush but I've connected it all together it is not recommended to only leave yourself like one Foundation of space for a project like this that that wasn't good that wasn't a good one well in fact we didn't even have enough space like these are floating in the air but I digress uh it got kind of weird where I started though was with the mergers I was like okay let's just try and get the outputs dealt with because that'll be easier Kim's thought and it kind of was and were you able to merge everything and we made this weird like ladder that goes all the way to the top floor where we can make the motors so cool done with the outputs but then we lost an entire tile of space so then things got even more squished when it came to doing everything else so I tried to do the design that we had before where we have all of the belts just going up through one tile and then unfortunately I had to do something regrettable we had to go from the end of this overflow line and then just go up a floor and then have that go into the next set of machines and I did that every other floor right that's not a good idea though because now the wire in the steel pipes have to overflow through 20 machines so that's not gonna work very efficiently at all but I don't have another option we have no space we have no other ways about this so here we are hopefully it all works out in fact we can actually test things right now because everything ends up at the top floor for the motors and I have a nice little bin ready to go oh yeah and I didn't even mention this problem with the steel pipes we have two belts of Steel types and I needed them to go into three different systems so I made a two to three belt load balancer here for all the steel pipes as well but it all is set up and yeah it should work I don't imagine there will be any problems in fact if there's gonna be a problem it's gonna be with probably wire production or steel production you know what it's not gonna be up here is what I'm trying to say it's gonna be with the steel pipe in The Wire not keeping up almost certainly for now let's just see how this all goes sure it's fine right actually it's gonna take like two hours for this to all run again overall flowing through 20 machines not a good idea and it's gonna take forever for everything to load up but what we can do at least for the time being is make sure that items are going to where they need to go there's no weird glitches or problems no it looks good is anything reaching the end of the line here yet oh yeah I saw something I think that was wire okay that's good and hey we're getting products up to the top floor this is also good we're making Motors Fantastico let's go 70 Motors per minute gonna be automated we'll be at that production rate in probably three hours but hey we made it ah good the easy part of today is done now to the hard part because this is step one the motor is here are you still need modular engines which is what all this is gonna be for baby so the modular engines again need all the motors Rubber and smart plating okay I I say that this is going to be a problem and it's just gonna take a lot of time really it's not going to be like a headache like this was because we've already done a system just like this on the other side we just have to scoop up all of the rubber and then we need the smart plating which I think I also made last time all this here it's making nothing why rotors oh laughs that after all this I have to send some rotors downstairs how there's no room for anything what I I have no no I'm just not gonna do that I'm gonna spend like two hours putting the belt work here together okay good yes that that relaxes the soul uh what's Happening Here by the way is just all the items come up through three Splitters right at the very bottom and then are split down vertically into all of the manufacturers again we did this a couple episodes ago when we're making the magnetic field generators so I won't go into too much detail here while I was redoing all this stuff I had the fantastic idea to continue with the worst idea which is continue the Overflow stuff that we were doing before so you know how the wire and the steel pipes were overflowing through 10 different systems well I did the same thing with the rotors and stay doors so after everything goes through here and makes all the motors everything will overflow and then go all the way over here and then down to the dips of the factory because fun fact we need more stators for things too focusing on the rotors I brought them all the way underneath the floor here because space was getting a little weird brought them over this way up through the floor and then over to the manufacturers here and now we have Smart plating we have Smart plating for days all the smart plating we'll need so the next ordered business is actually quite simple you just have to bring that a little bit of rhubarb that is just on the Belt here and the motors together and everything to these machines needs to be input right here not bad right not bad at all in fact one of my favorite things is just deleting a wall and oh my gosh look it's the thing we need right there oh you gotta love it right uh as for the motors they're kind of still at like the top of spaceland so I guess we'll just bring them down the wall outside here and then what was the other thing we needed from Rochester engines uh yeah the smart plating oh yeah and that's just on the bottom floor yeah perfect that's actually not bad at all oh yeah but you'll love it when a project is this simple so just brought the motors down again the rubber was right there and then the smart plating was just five feet over so let's connect it all up and watch the next system come to life as it goes through the Beautiful song and dance of belt work that I have created here nice look at it Go splitting up to where it needs to be no problems at all yet good and this should make us 25 modular engines per minute that is the plan I actually over built manufacturers for no reason uh so each of these is underclocked which is good saves us a little power because power's looking a little spooky is that and then output wise everything is going to come together and go to this bin right in here because this is our Logistics store our place of peace and prosperity where we're going to have everything for the turbo Motors and all the stuff for the thermal propulsion Rockets because again we want to make the thermal propulsion Rockets like somewhere on this four probably right on the windowsill there but first I need to see them I've actually never made the modular engines in this game this is quite exciting you know in fact this is the furthest I've ever gotten in this game I've always had the game either crash or corrupt or some horrific unrecoverable nuclear accident happens but man we're moving and grooving here just show me the engines yes Bud hello my new friend looks sick gosh okay next couple things now that we have the modular engines the turbo Motors are the next order of business we need 10 of them per minute so we'll build like three manufacturers here and I totally forgot what we need because a lot of this stuff is taking a lot of time on the motors yes we got that conversion cubes ggez those are here perfect so just drag them down and overflow them and then packaged nitrogen is downstairs in the stay doors I just brought to a back wall over this way they are right up there again though this is overflowing after the motor system so not really a super efficient design but again we have a run out of options with this project there is no space nowhere so we're just making it work where we can all right and the packaged nitrogen where did I leave that those are empty canisters it's the package nitrogen just sitting over here yes Hello friends I'd like to bring you a piece in Houston we do have a piece the nitrogen has been brought up here everything has been overflow belted as this everything else and there should be pretty much good to go a couple of these belts are empty though oh yes because I haven't set them up because I want to eat to film and show you guys what's going on so like I mentioned before we're just overflowing some of the pressure conversion cubes from the Drone Port up there and then yeah the nitrogen was already ready to go here come the motors here come the steedors and that will be our turbo Motors back in the day when I first started playing this game Turbo Motors were the most complicated part in the entire video game so this is my entire first playthrough done right here right now except we still have to go one step further Beyond but first of course I need to see them where are they why did I make this a ridiculous belt stop there we are hello my Beauties gotta take a second to admire things every so often okay done admiring though back to work okay last step go away container it is the thermal propulsion Rockets themselves it's time we have just barely like literally the exact amount of space we need for four fully overclocked manufacturers that are going to be making these space elevator Parts it has come down to the exact not just the wire the hair follicle wait which is thinner I don't know but we needed this exact amount of space right here right now in order to put these bad boys together so modular engines we're gonna have to scoop up turbo Motors cooling systems and fused monitor frames and like with the turbo Motors we have used modular frames ready to go right here so that can just go along the roof over this way the turbo Motors are stacking up as we speak the cooling systems we finished up the other day and I have organized them into our little Hub here and there are the modular engines we just finished up so everything come on down let's bring it home and with that now organized cooling systems in modular engines fused modular frames and finally the turbo Motors all go into these four manufacturers to make 10. thermal propulsion Rockets per minute that's it all of this and most of that is used to make 10 of these chunky Bad Boys per minute which you know what is pretty dang good considering they are easily the most complicated part to build in the entire game so I am pretty pleased Plus at this point in the game the frame rate and the game is actually running pretty decently well too but it'll probably get a lot worse as we move on to our next project but before then I am certain there are going to be a million problems with this so I'll let things run for a little while and then as I do I gotta finish decorating this build because I let it get very very very ugly and now that everything's actually complete I have nothing left to worry about and we can finish it up so floor is remodeled walls in and decorations are complete and things are looking amazing and walkable but not everything's good you see there are a couple of problems or actually that's a bit of a lie there weren't a couple of problems there is only one after all of this madness that we're throwing together today there was only one problem that was causing issues and that was we had a throughput issue with rubber that's it and all things considered that's a pretty easy problem to solve all I ended up doing was adding in an extra freight car to bring rubber in over here and now that problem solved and everything is running perfectly which means thermal propulsion Rockets are actually completed and we are done three out of four of the space elevator Parts however the last one oh boy it is still a doozy but like usual Mr Gibbs has a plan however though that is gonna be all for now so I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 332,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory blueprint, satisfactory how to, satisfactory tips, kibitz, imkibitz, kibz, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, update 7, satisfactory new update, satisfactory factory, satisfactory space elevator
Id: Y7yeBZ0ByF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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