I Spent 700 HOURS Automating Nuclear Pasta in Satisfactory

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it's taken over 600 hours to plan the logistics automations and power production to do what we're going to do today which is to cook up some nuclear pasta so hello everyone I'm Kim it's and welcome back to satisfactory where yes we are making nuclear pasta today which is essentially a contained neutron star which go figure has been pretty crazy to automate but luckily we are done with about half of the automations we need to do which is to make the pressure conversion Cube this bad boy but now we have to deal with the other half an arguably harder part of the battle this copper powder which looks simple enough it just takes some copper ingots and a Constructor What's So Scary About That well I'm about to demonstrate to you why today is going to be so insane and why it's gonna take me probably 30 or 40 hours to actually automate all of that copper powder first up to make the nuclear pasta we need particle accelerators these bad boys the loops which take on average a thousand megawatts each along with the copper powder and the cubes cubes are done copper powder though we need a hundred of that per minute to make half a nuclear pasta per minute and because I'm absolutely insane we're gonna be making a lot of nuclear pass to permit it a lot more than half of one let's just say five for example though so if we're making five nuclear passes per minute that means we need 10 particle accelerators which is gonna be a thousand copper powder per minute okay and we just need a bunch of Constructors right no problem well each Constructor makes 50 copper powder per minute so a thousand divided by 50 is 20. and if we need 20 of these bad boys oh each one of those is gonna take 300 copper ingots per minute so even with this basic basic example of making five pasta per minute uh we would need 6 000 copper ingots and spoiler alert but we can make a lot more than five pasta per minute but still just going with that 6 000 number the most efficient copper Ingot recipe in the game requires this entire machine which can make 37.5 copper ingots per minute oh and each of these machines needs 30 megawatts water and of course the ore and at the end of the day here we're gonna be using up so much copper and space that I've had to plan my entire playthrough around making this copper powder so I looked at the world map of satisfactory here where we have our nuclear power plant over here our main base is like here this is the swamp Etc and I was like which biome will be sacrificed to the powder gods and I was like well this area looks pretty good right you've got some water but then there's just not enough copper ore so I turned that into the nuclear power plant instead I looked over at this desert here which has tons of copper ore but there's not enough water for our refineries so that only left one option the green fields had to be sacrificed so now by the end of the day we will brick this entire place up with hundreds of refineries and particle accelerators in order to make a bit of pasta so let's begin first of course we need all of the copper ore more accurately the 6 000 per minute we can extract from this biome with our Mark III fully overclocked miners and then we need to make our master plan for this area and of course the main thing is how many copper ingots do we actually need here thousand per minute and the scary part how many refineries will we need to make all of those ingots well if each Refinery can make 37.5 per minute that means 15 000 divided by a 37.5 is 400. 400 of these and even if we fully overclock all of those we'd still have to build 160. so you know what we're not gonna overclock any of the refineries because to be honest I'm scared each of these already takes up 30 megawatts so at the low end this would take 12 000 megawatts just for the refineries that's not to mention the particle accelerators the portable Miners and everything else so yeah we're gonna build the 400 refineries yeah rip this entire biome thank goodness they added in blueprints though and we have a couple things to help us out like our Factory blocks which are kind of like our basic building block for our Mega builds we do so they have a top floor a bottom floor and the space in between for belt work and also a place to hide the power plus we have another blueprint for refineries which can make the solids so we have the water input there we have the solid input there and outward poop the copper ingots themselves this of course is three refineries that can fit on one Factory block so how many blocks do we need then about 134. 134 of these massive factory blocks and that ends up looking something like this this massive blot on this lush green surface so sorry to ruin your view moth but at least the 400 refineries aren't polluting the air yet don't worry that won't happen for a while we have a logistical nightmare that is gonna be unfolding trying to get all the copper ore to this location like you have copper there copper weighed down that Hill there and we have this ugly platform just hovering in the sky that's not gonna be the case though again blueprints handy and we have some cool decorations that we can throw on here like this the simple brutalist looking Grill thing but after a little bit of decoration and a bit more concrete it'll look really good back to the logistics nightmare at hand though we still had to get all these materials over to this platform so some of the copper nodes are relatively close and we can kind of just belt those from A to B but the others we're probably gonna have to use like trucks or some kind of other form of Transport maybe drones probably trains I don't know good thing is since this platform is so high up we can probably do a lot of our Logistics underneath the platform oh so what I'd like to say if we weren't constantly bothered nice thing with this project is though since you're breaking the entire biome anyway I don't care about going all out so as I was saying we can do a lot of our Logistics work down here and with this giant fart rock kind of in our way you can use that a bit to our advantage and make a giant truck loop around it so the trucks would enter through some kind of tunnel there take a right and then off in this space we can make a bunch of truck stations of course we have handy-dandy blueprints for the truck stops as well so we just place them down there and we can kind of extend this well across the entire biome so we really can just use trucks for everything today oh dude though if we're gonna have trucks driving all over the place that's gonna have a bunch of other problems too we gotta have train tracks everywhere and the trucks do not drive across those very nicely so they're gonna have to all new and then of course we're gonna need truck stops at pickup points too how much copper do we have here 1 800 that's three normal nodes yeah that's gonna take at least two trucks running back and forth and there's not a good spot for a truck station what can we do uh this has to move we could probably snug that up to the right then have the trucks going up and down this way oh hey friends I'll work out pretty well and actually if they're going up and down this hill we can just set up the pickup Point here yeah that'll work great we'll come down here go out to there we'll build a couple more truck stops and bring the copper ore over small little problem with all this though is that this train track we need to move is Mission critical to our world survival we have a train that's bringing essential nuclear material to our nuclear power plant and if it stops for any amount of time risk a nuclear meltdown and if that happens I don't know if I can handle that especially with this daunting project we have today so I'm gonna try and build it as much as we can pretty emptively and then we can kind of switch the tracks all in one go so while it's on its longest leg of the journey going from where we're at to the other side of the map there uh let's finish off this entire track before it comes back okay but that wasn't too bad though I'd say it looks pretty good A couple things to figure out but generally the spice is flowing and so is the copper ore got all the infrastructure here built and it is looking pretty good needs a bit more detailed but it'll work just the platform is over here on top of the water well that we're not gonna use and everything is fine tons of room for trucks and the trucks now have a destination as well because I've practically finished up the truck station drop-off area but before we keep doing any more Logistics stuff there is actually a power thing I need to address you see with today's project we're going to be building all those refineries and particle accelerators and stuff so power could get a little spooky and our power plant isn't actually fully on right now you see I turned off a bunch of the reactors when we had that little nuclear scare a little while ago and so we don't blow the power grid I'm actually gonna turn the rest of the reactors back on because all these machines turning on at once might cause a problem and I don't really want that problem and I've made a bunch of fixes to the nuclear power plant so we shouldn't run into another nuclear waste problem ever again smile and turning on all of the reactors now shouldn't be a big deal probably and so the power plant is back to being fully operational and the nuclear waste is moving at full speed again too but now as we work on the rest of the pasta I can keep an eye on the plant here to make sure it's all running properly back to the logistics work we still have lots of resources to gather a lot of which from this Lake down here which is some copper and some coal for our trucks but to transport things we're gonna have to move this train track kind of out of the way or you know it's probably just easier to raise the track higher up then we can run some transport underneath and that didn't take too long at all it looks really good and then he quickly made another stop over by this copper node over here so the only resource nodes we still need are just the ones that are really close by our platform and they just need to be belted over but I don't want to have the belts running on the ground so let's just take a minute here and put some kind of cool belt blueprint together and to be honest I kind of have a pretty of what we can do inspired by the train work we've been doing we can just have some concrete pillars going up get rid of the middle one throw on our conveyor pull in the middle and then we can have the themes on the side to kind of hold it all together paint it all nicely and then we can even include a little power nub on the top and then we can connect power going all over the world very easily too and that is Practically Perfect mainly because we can actually kind of preset the pass for these pillars by just putting these small concrete pillars on the ground then we can just build those on top so we could just build these all along the ground in a straight line again using the pillars to guide us all shall work out great if this would snap onto that nicely but it doesn't extremely annoying but we will make do and that looks fantastic at least a lot better than having all the belts on the ground and oh I was about to say as we fly over our world it'll look better but there's like this thing happening here what is this is this happening in the blueprint I think this is called like Z texture fighting or something like that but it is annoying me to no end we cannot have this be can we do anything about this what if we had that there just put a hat on top it fixes everything right it does not ah okay what if we have these just going to there ah but I've seen the light that looks so much better ah dude these are it this is the design just need to figure out what to do up top there okay I gotta be honest I actually could not figure it out there is no way I tried like a hundred different things spent like an hour on the project but thankfully I was streaming and my twitch chat saved the day now we have our ground support and it has the most ingenious solution to fix that clipping error check that out what is that what is that that it's a conveyor lift floor hole I put one of those right on top of the pillar and it covers up that annoying bit and I got it in position by building foundations right up top here placing down the floor hole and then getting rid of the foundations again isn't that ingenious plus there's that extra little ring for the power nub too so it looks even better we got like the yellow Hazard thing on top oh dude it's perfect I love it we're gonna use this thing all over the place actually I already have Behold our beautiful new belt lines going everywhere perfect we can stack them to the proper Heights so they all look matchy matchy it brings over the power Just Fine look at these beautiful highways all across our world here dude when we're flying above this area it is gonna be incredible I should have done this way earlier ah nah you know what I never would have had the patience for this if we didn't have blueprints now that we have blueprints though yeah this is the way in most scenarios anyway sometimes building belts on the ground looks pretty good and of course we can use some basic belt highways because admittedly a lot of them together start to look a little weird but they do get the job done and because of them actually we are now done collecting materials so now our platform will have trucks running in over there we have belts all over the place and we have two train stations down underneath this platform here which I've now attached because space wise all of this is just for refineries and this will probably be everything else so next phase do we build the 400 refineries now no I'm too scared to start okay we actually do need another thing though we need the sippy drink the water uh that's which is not gonna be too bad again we need 400 refineries so 400 times 10 it's just 4 000 water per minute 4 000 water per minute divided by 600 pipes is seven full pipes of water pretty much and we can just grab that from over there the ocean and quick check here how many of these oh my oh Thomas gonna die how many of the water extractors do we need we need 4 000 water each of these fully overclocked I'm pretty sure it can deal with 300 water per minute yes 300 water per minute so 4000 divided by three hundred it's gonna be 14 yes yeah about 14. that's not bad at all I think we can just build some kind of damn looking structure in between here then and it should only really take a Boop then it's done like after all the belt work and the trains and the trucks it's just like one little pipeline no big deal sippy drink has been secured so does that mean it's Refinery time nope I'm honestly still too scared like even though we do have the blueprints there's going to be so much belt work that I I just don't want to get started also because I know me and I know the only way I'll get all the refineries done is if I do them all in one go and that's just gonna be one morning when I wake up and I'm like it's happening oh man I'm kind of running out of distractions here the foundation's built he brought the coal in for the truck stations I even set up the truck pass and got the truck station over here nice and decorated so now there really is nothing left to do but refine so let's go to the blueprints let's add these to our to do each of these can make three refineries so how many blueprints do we need 133 okay how many materials is this gonna be oh my God 4 000 engines 4 000 encased industrial beams twelve thousand five twelve thousand copper sheets oh my gosh that's so many items I don't even think we have enough in storage for this like one bin is what oh just enough steel pipe uh the problem's definitely gonna be motor so yeah we're we don't really have a lot of Motors see I kind of had a little bit of trouble with our truck system over here here but I changed it all up and fixed it so it's not an issue anymore yeah on the item front we're gonna have a bit of a problem you know what this is actually fine I'll take a break for a little while let the items build up and then we can build everything all at once and okay we should be ready to go I brought a bunch of items over so we can build a decent chunk of things and it should go smoothly uh we have all the power connected underneath these Factory blocks so we can fly around and we have our blueprints ready we just have to be careful that we place everything perfectly first try it cannot be any margin of error or hover pack dying out and okay got the first row built and 12 more to go and then comes the extremely annoying belt work of connecting all of the systems together hooking up the power of course pipes and for my sanity some painting and shockingly after like only an hour the 400 refineries are in place man I got a level with you it's been a long time since I've put together a mega project like this and man does it look so freaking satisfactory when it's all put together but in reality We've Only Just Begun because our next objective is to load and unload all the materials into these machines and there are 30 refineries per row meaning that we are going to have an output of 1125 copper ingots per row which is more than a 780 belt and then input wise each machine will need 10 water and 15 copper ore so 15 times 30 is 450 and of course 10 times 30 is 300. oh and by the way you probably noticed that the first machine here is actually overclocked because in reality here we only actually have 390 refineries built and we needed 400 but to use the blueprints and to keep with all the patterns and it looking nice I use the power shards to pick up for the shortfall now we have to deal with the inputs and we can organize that by using the middle space in our Factory blocks and then for the outputs what was it 1125 minus 780 is three four five so we'll have one full 780 belt on the end and then the first nine ish machines here I guess with the first one being overclocked it's gonna be the first night machines will go on their separate belt to somewhere else so one two three four five six seven eight nine let me cut it off here and now just go to the lower floor then the big thing is just gonna be underneath here doing all the belt work I gotta admit I think I've made one mistake with this whole project and that's not leaving more room in between these foundations like I really wish there's like two wall segments worth of room but here we are now and we're gonna have to do a little bit of clipping a little bit of weird stuff but yeah we're too far along but all that will be hidden so he really cares right right it's in the Box forget about it because we have to think about our next problem anyway where we have to load balance 450 or per row so first order a business then really is to gather everything together into one spot and have all of the copper ore brought to one location and then we can distribute it all over the place which shouldn't be too bad either because at the end of the day really we'll have a bunch of 600 belts and we can just stuff them onto mark IV belts which can handle 480 items per minute but then from that 480 belt we need to extract 30 or per minute somehow and I think we can just do that by having a 480 belt go through here go through there having a 60 belt go through here and then re-merge actually off that way and then the other 30 from this splitter will just go out to space and we'll do that for each 600 belt of copper ore we have we can make this a little bit more efficient too with some overflow shenanigans though even I have to admit this is a bit further Beyond Shenanigans this time I think the refineries have caused me to lose my mind yeah maybe probably uh okay how does this even work well we have all of these 600 belts of copper ore they each will go into a splitter 480 will go out to here and that will go up into a row of refineries it'll be some overflow that will then combine with every other belt overflow to the very end of the system and that will go to its own set of refineries at the very end somewhere over there cool what's the rest of this oh yeah that's right since these are all 600 belts I split off 120 and then we have four of the Splitters going to these two so 120 times 4 is 480. that all goes up here and then scoots out yeah yeah something like that no no okay no I'm reviewing this and it's exactly like that sorry this is taking me a long time actually you know what this didn't even take me half as much time as the rest of the belt work because you see this little bit of space here was the worst idea ever this entire area it's just all belts and there's no space for anything so it just took this took hours this took like three hours I couldn't believe it it was faster to set up all the refineries painting and all than it was to do all the belt work there but my God it's it's all done just have belts going everywhere right okay I'm losing my mind a lot a bit actually okay but all the outputs are here look it's gonna be so pretty once it's all activated and everything will end up going to this wall and out to those copper powder machines that's what we're doing copper powder for nuclear pasta yes okay uh yeah I'm going crazy uh what's going on with the pipe work this is actually not too complicated actually uh all those rows of refineries only needed 300 Water each except except the first one in each row remember has the overclocking so it needs a little bit more extra water so we have an extra pipe here this one and it tops up each row of refineries with that little sprinkle of water that's actually it all of this chaos is for like seven water per row it it's the worst okay but it's all done now it's all hooked up looks pretty cool this looks pretty cool and I suppose we are ready to go we can make the copper powder itself the goal of today well aside from the nuclear pasta It's finally in reach how many machines do we have to build for the copper powder you don't have wool we don't have to build a lot each of the constructors that makes copper powder will take up 300 ingots per minute so if we have 15 000 ingots we can make divided by 300 is 50 of these guys but how many Constructors can we build on this platform next to us it's looking like 23. that's kind of a good number if we actually overclocked all these Constructors 50 divided by 2.5 that's 20. wait a second if we have 23 here we could just get rid of these last three Constructors overclock the others out the huazu and then we only have to deal with one floor of belting yeah that's perfect it's perfect actually because at the end of the day since we're making so many copper ingots per minute I wanted to see that outside and moving and grooving every time we come to this area so all the copper ingots are coming through this wall here now we can just bring them over and across up here a little bit and then we can have an open air Factory for all the copper powder here oh that's gonna look so cool about work wise should be fine too it's just a little bit of work and we run into issues with belt limits no in fact This was meant to be a sign from the satisfactory Gods because each overclock Constructor needs 750 ingots per minute and remember how we're setting up two output lines for each row of refineries like we have the nine refineries and then we have the rest of them well the rest of them guess what they make 750 copper ingots per minute so for most of the copper powder we can just take one belt send it into one machine and call it a day but still a few machines on the end will need some kind of overflow item injection type system because the numbers are weird without overclocking so that was it that was the final step the belt work is done and yeah it was pretty simple just one belt to one machine for the most part and some weird stuff at the end there and the whole thing is ready to go we can turn this all on and see what's broken if it's like an hour of fixes that would be awesome but we will see we shall see everything's gonna distributed bounced out nice nice nice nice overflowing all the way down the line here why does it look like it stopped I'm scared oh it's moving okay good get rid of that because it's clipping I'll fix it later all right and that sounds all of the ore out that way main thing is are the machines actually on ooh they are why aren't you one there you go sir okay fantastic it's gonna be a little scary though because it's gonna take probably an hour or two for the belts to fully saturate remember the copper ore has to go through all 30 machines all the way to the end and uh yeah that's gonna take forever okay the big thing is they're all turning on not seeing any other red lights yet okay any belt problems down there no I'm seeing our first bits of copper oh look at that that's so cool it begins wait a second oh how how how it's impossible it's in how how how in a thousand different realities just what how words cannot describe my pain how is there copper ore on one of the belts oh god oh boy this should be pretty easy to find at least oh you know I actually know exactly what happened here's the problem I have the mergers here and the Splitters there so let me guess I misclicked it went from a splitter and cut into a merger I know this is what happened I can feel it in my bones but where where what no oh you crafty little demon boy okay there's probably that same problem at least five more times around this system super cool we should have some copper powder now yes indeed sir yes indeed but really to get things Boot and grooving I gotta drain the belts and find the rest of these problems because I'm sure we're gonna have some copper ore on these belts too oh yeah it's super quick look inside as well I left this massive space of felt work here just so we could see everything in action like we could have put all the constructors underground but man sometimes you gotta play by the rule of cool so good news bad news good news is things are working bad news is we have that problem everywhere where there's copper ore on the copper Ingot lines but I'm draining them finding the problems over there and working it out it takes a long time though to see everything in action so we're actually going to move ahead on the loops because now that we have the copper powder we are one step away from the pasta all we gotta do is build a particle accelerators in drum roll please but end of the day I want to build 25 particle accelerators so that we can make 12.5 nuclear passed per minute that's the goal the big enchilada the grand reveal all of this and practically all the production from our aluminum build here is to make 12.5 pasta per minute which is mind-boggling so let's go ahead and race to the finish here quick change of plans though we are not gonna build all the loops stacked high on top of this system The Moth kind of flies on by so we could build this taller but I like having it out in the open it looks cool I want to fly by this and see everything moved and grooving so since the Mars path kind of goes right beside this building we're going to have a bridge for all the copper powder going to that Cliff side there so way up here we can start building a massive floor where we can build all of the loops actually you know what just looking back at this area here even if we wanted to stack the particle accelerators what we could fit maybe 10 per row so this would be yeah no this would look ridiculous with all the loops stacked up anyway I prefer having all the loops in one super massive room for us to kind of walk around and see so the new Loop space has been built all 25 of them have been hooked up and belted together and I flew over a drone from our aluminum build all the way over to here to bring in the pressure conversion cubes and so with that all done and all of the machines pre-loaded with the materials all we gotta do is turn it on and we got pasta oh I haven't been checking on nuclear though it's probably fine right probably let's see what our power is looking like oh man perfectly stable exactly what we want to see nice okay then all we have to do is flip the lever and wow really yeah that'll that'll do it oh my gosh wait so the loops plus the refineries is gonna take up pretty much 50 000 megawatts just for this first base elevator part that that is amazing amazing okay though enough let's get it started man I am really happy we activated all the extra nuclear reactors too because this is gonna be crazy ah my favorite part though starting up a factory like this especially with the loops on a row marvelous that's it they're done we have it pasta I see it glorious pasta our first space elevator part has been automated by the way if you're wondering why they look so funny it's because having a neutron star in there distorts gravity so much it even distorts light and that's why this is the first space elevator part we made just because of how cool it looks and now I'm sure in no time we are going to have a thousands of them but now there is one final order of business and that is bringing all of the pasta back to our main base or the space elevator so everything's being loaded up into this porch and thanks to the incredible planning of the genius that is past kids we actually have drone ports already on our base awaiting space elevator part deliveries and there they are our first of four space elevator parts which can now sit proudly in our storage room over there where it will soon be joined by its other three brothers but of course we'll be getting to that next time where we are not done with this location not by a long shot so look forward to Future Shenanigans but for now I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for enjoying this leg of the journey it's being one heck of a ride and you better believe it ain't stopping so thank you so much for watching and a huge shout out to people supporting me on patreon as well but anyway that's gonna be all for now so have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 1,781,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory blueprint, satisfactory how to, satisfactory tips, kibitz, imkibitz, kibz, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, update 7, satisfactory new update, satisfactory nuclear pasta, nuclear, nuclear pasta, nuclear pasta satisfactory, satisfactory space elevator
Id: nXKyrY7N8MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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