My Factory's so Big it BROKE THE GAME - Satisfactory

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Pretty sure there is a config setting to bypass that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LauraD2423 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone I'm Kim it's and welcome back to satisfactory where we are working on our final project the assembly director system space elevator part the last thing we need to beat the video game and since we're gonna be making so many of these per minute we need lots and lots of materials and machines to automate them but you see that's kind of becoming a bit of a problem here because we're starting to run out of space in the whole biome because unlike my other monolithic factories I wanted this one to be as flat as possible and sprawling as far as possible but I never really thought we'd start to run out of space like we still have hundreds of machines to build and we have a little area out front here and only a couple Pockets left to build in so very soon we're probably gonna have to resort to some drastic Solutions oh my God in future kids here but I didn't even realize the irony of like running out of space physically and then like you know the video title All That Jazz oh fun oh I couldn't have planned it better but we'll see if all that stuff comes into play today because right now I only have one goal and that is to automate 630 State ores per minute which we're gonna need for a variety of things like automated wiring and electromagnetic control rods also we can make a bunch of assembly director systems because I arbitrarily want to build a lot right Mr cart right so we're gonna use what little space we have around here to try and at least get this project done and figure things out from there right now the steadors are going to be a bit of an issue because we're running out of space this project is going to be a bit of a nightmare because we need steel pipes and wire and if we need 630 per minute means we need 126 assemblers which is 5040 wire and 1890 steel pipes so that's going to be a bit of a thing especially when we don't have a lot of room to run like you know thousands of belts all over the place but thankfully passcibs did inadvertedly do us a pretty big solid here and I left one of the pockets of space here right next to a huge wire deposit and right across the way here is an insane amount of steel pipe production so we just have to bring the two together over here and maybe we get most of it done at least that's the dream let's deal with the hard stuff first let's figure out wire we have two belts here of how much wire per minute I literally have no idea thank you past kids really useful thanks for the signs uh okay figure that out over this way or wait maybe it's easier if I look at the source of all this we have a bunch of Constructors making wire there's only what is this wait what okay that's a lot of wire no no no no no this isn't too bad I don't need to like count how many items are on the pelts and stuff like that or how many Constructors there are I just look at how much iron is being used because the iron is being turned into iron wire so this is 20 machines making 30 iron ingots per minute at 600 iron ingots that means that can go into 600 divided by 12.5 48 Constructors each of the 48 Constructors makes 22.5 wire so what 22.5 times 48 is 1080. okay cool yeah that's a way easier way to go about things so we have 20 it's like 40 iron ingots per minute are there five belts though wait what oh wait no this one's coming back into the system and then going to here okay we have four belts that means each of them if I lower balance them correctly should be four or 540 belts right that was a lot of math okay then it looks like we have a bit of a a trench here where we can bring all of the belts this way so that's kind of cool but that's still nowhere near the amount of wire we need and we still don't even know what these two are wait where do these two come from bruh okay you know what I don't know but we have a good system to find out oh my past cubes why don't you just leave me a handful of signs like these and it would have saved me so much time but I didn't luckily we've figured out things now luckily and unluckily so first off brought all those belts over right counted up all the wire over here and remember how I said we needed 5400 or whatever I'm sorry it was 5040 wire per minute for this project only have 2 160 here right and then we have 1404 there and then over this way we had two big old bins here of another 1404 the astute among you might realize we're short by 72 wire that's it past kids tried to help but he only made the future reality more painful and horrible than that could have possibly imagined so I did what had to be done the accursed thing I went and I made more wire I was not going to Belt one little line of wire from who knows where all the way over here it wasn't gonna happen especially when I had an unused copper node just sitting over here it's a lot of copper it's like 600 per minute but I was like bro I need 72 wire here so we gotta rock and roll so I smelted it all down into copper ingots and then I made an extra line of what 2 000 wire per minute something like that I have no idea I've lost track of the numbers too much math today already long story short we got the extra 72 and we have like 1200 extra wire now but now with that organized let's get to the other half the steel pipe oh boy I wonder what nightmares the way does here because from the outset got some bad news Chief we've been running this for quite a while and just eyeballing it but that doesn't look like 540 steel pipe per minute per belt line here at least I did some preliminary math and that's how much uh steel pipe we should have but uh we don't so what's going on well it turns out when I was setting this up back in the day I did some math wrong we have 12 foundries going on to one belt each Foundry making 60 steel ingots per minute well time 60 720 that's fine 720 per belt that goes to I think 26 Constructors and everything would have been fine but ask gives did not look to see if any were overclocked oh boy and they are a lot better overclocked less weird shorts 26 Constructors and even better I have to rebalance all of these belts because there's like 900 steel per minute trying to go down here and guess what that's not gonna work Chief so I'll do all that rebelting stuff there and in the meantime it's time for another 26 Constructors okay that's fine each of these is eight what's 24 divided by eight you guys know well it's gonna be that many somehow some way what's even worse is that was supposed to be our assembler room but nope now steel pipe Constructors but actually you know what the balancing isn't going to be too bad here thankfully there are smart Splitters in the video game and they have some very nice settings like any and specifically overflow so what's gonna happen here is I'm gonna try and make 780 belts of steel ingots right then I'll have the any amount go over this way into a system the system will only take 720 ingots per minute though so there will be some overflow and that overflow will all mix into one single overflow belt if I do things that way properly without the curses that'll make it so all the stuff we've already built doesn't have to be adjusted too much and maybe I just have to add in like some overclocking here or there but that's no problem at all and oh man for once in my life it actually was kind of an easy fix it really just was a little bit of overclocking and then how I showed you before just a little bit of belt balancing so all the belts are now 780 and then we have like a little overflow belt but it all kind of works out just fine I've been watching it for a bit and I'm pleased no more problems all the steel pipe and then I have brought it over in this horrific mess underneath the train track and then over to our project area but like with the wire are we gonna run into the same problem again do we have enough steel pipe well it turns out we do I mean 1890 and we have like what 170 extra something like that 270 extra yeah we have a lot of steel pipe extra everything is fine nothing to worry about and we can actually start with the projects wowie and as we do that really just starts with a blueprint here we're in we want to modify one of our existing blueprints to make stators so I took all of the quick wire assembler Blueprints and now they are designed to make stay doors it's really just a simple recipe change but man when you're making like 126 machines you're gonna forget to change a couple recipes and that'll come to bite you in the butt much later on take it from me let's get rid of that let's take this and you can go now and we can start to build where's the power come to me good okay we have one two three four and then six seven eight belts to work with that is going to be a lot of belting and a lot of balancing so we are going to leave kind of this flat area to do belt work and we'll start building up over here so we just need to make huge conveyor lines or assembler lines all over the place it's just always where do you begin right it's just such a daunting task why not just here why not easy that's our first six we're started Band-Aids ripped off and he can continue oh can we not place any down here it'd want to anyway that's fine no we mostly want to build in this direction so let's Place more here and there man I wish for an update eight so I could just nudge this stuff around that would be super super easy but alas no mods in update eighths so no deal so I guess I'll just be careful and stuff the area with as many assemblers as I can and it's not really looking like too many well it's not like nothing but it's definitely not what I was expecting so we only have like 41 assemblers built here and we need 126. so this is what like a third of the project if that and it's pretty much all the space that I've had planned around here which is kind of the big problem oh we could fit in I don't know what is this gonna be another row of 10 here okay so that's like 51 sure but I think our main play is going over this way is building over more desert now I didn't really want to do this but I'm okay with specific instances uh where I want to build over the desert is where it's kind of Sandy kind of like this what we're on right now not the rocky Parts like over here because we'd kind of just be building up and again I don't really want to do that so yeah if you go underneath the platforms anywhere around here pretty much only built on the sand and as close practically as they could so we'll continue that a little bit over here why is this here don't know yeah this is kind of how I set up the entire biome initially it's just I went to like a flat patch and I was like okay we're not clipping into the hill no okay then we can build and just build as close to the dirt as possible and then whenever the sand rose a little bit I would rise the platforms too and we would continue the pattern going forward until again we hit another Dune and then we had to either stop building scoot down or just stop entirely but no already this is gonna be a huge chunk of space that will be invaluable to our project here in a perfect place for more spam a lot of spam and we got ourselves another 30 machines built which puts another good dent in our project today even better the belt work because being surprisingly easy usually when you have something where you max out the belts I.E you have to move like I don't know a thousand items per minute and the top belt only can move 780 per minute you're gonna run into a lot of trouble but what I've been doing is I just split like this 1440 belt into two and then when one overflows it just goes into the next set of machines and will overflow over there so it should work out just fine as for getting stuff places well that's another question [Laughter] you know how I wanted to build close to the ground turned out to be kind of impossible at least at this stage wherever I can I try to build just above what I have on the ground but eventually we need the uppies and we build up go over to where we need and off the project goes and as for the stay doors they're just kind of going on their own merry way over here back to velt mug at it okay it's actually not too bad but I'm happy I left the space but yeah now this is just making sure everything is balanced properly we're extracting the excess amount of steel pipes we need to along with the excess wire and everything ends up over here where we have a cool 255 actually wait cool we have a cool 405 stay doors per minute which is pretty good not bad but it's not everything and we are way out of space in fact we built extra space and now it's all full so uh now what we could build like what eight assemblers here but that's like a drop in the bucket actually wait how many assemblers do we need still 405 divided by 5 81 126 minus 81. we still need another 45 assemblers to make all the stators another 45 lers is a bigger setup than what we did over there oh cubes what are we gonna do uh Panic maybe first we really just need an overview of the situation like where could we bring everything we have all the materials we need allocated there so we just need a belt that went somewhere like here there this area is too messed up I don't want to mess with it that's not enough space nor do I want to put Constructors on top of there oh this is pretty good oh that's really good oh there's a train here and a train there so we're gonna have to move all the plastic and whatever stuff all around there so at the end of the day we're not going to be able to use that space very well or at least it's gonna get really annoying when we have to run all the plastic belts through there oh but look at this what it's perfect it's like it was a made first theaters yes each system takes up like what two and a half uh platforms okay so that's one two three maybe we could fit 18 in the pit probably fiddle with things get another nine there two so that's 27 and up here oh yeah we could fit another maybe 27 up here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we found our spot this is really good I didn't even know this is here now it is to get all the belts through all of this are you thinking what I'm thinking I think you're thinking what I'm thinking uh we need to go uppies this is too crazy so we'll build another bridge going through all that although we are going up I still want to stay as low as possible to the ground so we'll build right to here so we just barely probably go over top of everything okay we're over the little Factory cart line and then I guess to go to here because there's already a pillar here waiting for us but then we have a road in front of us there's no way we're going over that road so if we built a bunch of Felts could they just go down here yeah but how many could we stack to have go down here because we don't want any clipping either definitely fit two pelts what about three give me three come on yeah yeah it's pretty tight and it's probably gonna clip once any item is on there so at the end of the day we could at least bridge over six belts either back and forth it's good it's very good shouldn't look too bad either get some pillars underneath okay item wise how many more items do we need it's 45 machines right so 45 times 40 That's 1 800 wire we have that anywhere we have some extra wire in this bin plus I didn't end up using these bins yet so that's 1404 and this is 324. I don't know oh no no past Gibbs past games are for us that's what we have the bonus lines thanks for coming in clutch yet again past games then as for the steel pipes we're gonna make some kind of overflow system with all the bins here so we'll have a felt that goes forward first then a smart splitter over here and just like we did with the steel we will have most of the materials go to the right because that goes into one of our assembler systems and then the Overflow goes to the left and we do that for every single bin we bring that I guess maybe one belt wait how many belts we need to bring of iron yeah okay it's one belt of iron up on this bridge and then over to space and scooting is rather easier said than done but it has been done and I've brought everything over including all the statorers so I could have at least all the finished products in one place and this place is looking cool man check this out we have of all of these belts kind of in the air because of the pit now and because of weird logistic stuff all of the items flow through through the left here and we'll eventually get to these assemblers and then they will flow back onto this belt and then go into the bin easy yeah one problem was I couldn't build enough there wasn't enough space for 45 assemblers so a few are overclocked so we get the 45 number I wanted as for Distributing all the items I was really nice to myself and decided hey let's just make three rows and then we will just throw in all of the items with mergers and stuff so one line will go in that way and then we will add in a simple mergers like here and over there and that way that will fill up the rest of the lines kind of like our other systems until everything overflows and kind of evens itself out actually I need to build this for first so this can come down like here nope I will just do that for now actually and then connect you to there as for the rest of these well somehow want to bring them around and over it here the nice thing about the finished product the stadors is that we're only making like what 630 per minute I say only but uh because of that all of them can fit on a belt and we can just throw them in wherever and we are good to go yes oh I do think so items moving groovin yeah all should be well in the world and I just have to watch everything move for a little bit make sure there isn't any funny business oh and random game Crash fantastic just as we're finishing things up what is it this time a mod oh no it's not a mod it's happened after almost 900 hours we hit the U object limit we've run out of space in the entire world not just for this project but the game's physical capacity to have more objects and honestly I'm shocked this happened I specifically cheated in power shards so we would build best machines in our world and let's avoid this problem but even still with what we have created we've broken the game again however we probably don't have to restart here because I know Mr Buddy BL andrew575 has run into this problem in update seven as well because you couldn't even say this guy is crazier than me when it comes to building in this game and if he's still able to play I should be fine after a brief conversation it looks like I just have to add in these lines to the game's engine and now hopefully it loads come on I Believe In You video game load please there's no way it's ending like this right good news I had a backup ready seems like things are okay but I ran into problems once I actually connected the belts here uh so how we looking need a b and then where did I bring this one just around the bend okay game still fully operational okay how about this instead of waiting for our impending doom let's switch gears a little bit let's find I don't know some kind of bins to empty let's get things moving and grooving because either the gamble crash or it won't try and you know get it to crash a little bit faster get rid of that that gets all the oil and plastic processing online uh what else could we delete oh I know we can go over and destroy all of the modular frames that we made last time and I'll get like a hundred heck 200 machines online game still seems to be running just fine though where did we go here you go oop up okay and let's even get rid of the reinforced iron plates here so that should activate everything yes oh yeah if we're gonna get a crash it's gonna happen any second now yeah I think we're good thank you be Elantra for the huge save oh my gosh like world saving tip there all right well I think we're good to finish up this system then I just have a little bit of cleanup to do and also you guys should definitely check out BL Andrew's YouTube channel he has some crazy stuff posted there and also to say thanks for saving Kids World smile and after some fixing in a minor heart attack everything's fine it's working as intended machines are running no big problems no crashes no world editing issues we're good and we have our 630 State Wars per minute okay I'm done and I'm going for a walk so I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 148,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory trains, satisfactory game, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory wire, satisfactory constructor, satisfactory constructor blueprint, satisfactory blueprint, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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