I Automated Every Cube in Satisfactory but it Cost my Sanity

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so blueprints in Update 7 are pretty dang crazy and using them I've been able to make a tremendous amount of progress in a very short amount of time and now we have automated one of the most complicated Parts in all of the game which brings us one step closer to our ultimate goal to automating nucleopasta one of the space elevator parts we need to beat the game so we are only a few steps away now and we need some radio control units a kind of boxy thing there and that will allow us to make pressure conversion cubes and that will be our goal today so hello everyone I'm kibbetts and welcome back to satisfactory where we want the cube the most complicated cube in the game but yes we need the radio control units which are no easy feeding themselves they require some crazy stuff no matter which method you use uh we're gonna be using this alternate though which uses aluminum casings some crystal oscillators and computers to make take two radio control units per minute we need to make a lot of these bad boys though I think like a hundred or something like that regardless we're gonna need a ton of computers then which requires a whole mess of other stuff a whole mess of these crystal oscillators and aluminum good thing is though we are well prepared for this endeavor we don't have to worry about aluminum because we are processing all of it already and using our incredible amount of infrastructure we're actually bringing in most other items too like the quick wire quartz crystals and copper ingots like I mentioned before with blueprints setting up automation is pretty easy so all in this project shouldn't be too bad right yeah right because still at the end of the day we need like 40 manufacturers and countless assemblers so this entire space is gonna get crazy busy by the end of the day also we don't even have everything we need more water because I want to start making some computers first and I need circuit boards to do so I'm just going to use the standard copper sheet and silica recipe at the top there and the water will be for refineries that are going to make ourselves some steamed copper sheets and then we're gonna need quartz crystals later on for the crystal oscillators which requires more water so we have to go on a little bit of a shopping trip five feet over this way where we have a beautiful resource well ready for us to be honest I never really knew if we needed all this water here but looks like it's coming in clutch now and it actually should be enough water in this resource well to fulfill all of our needs at the factory there because I think this is all pure nodes or at least 1200 water per minute especially once we overclock it right oh that might get a little spooky okay good news check my notes we're actually fine thank goodness or else I don't know what we would do so we can just bring that over with our existing infrastructure here meaning we can prepare our refineries unfortunately I have a ton of blueprints for practically everything so you're going to use this basic Refinery for solids which has a liquid and solid input but only a solid output if I line this up correctly everything will work out just fine there we go that should be enough space to deal with everything else we might have to do remember we have to do a system for copper sheets and quartz crystals I think we can get 12 per row here at least from my experience building the rest of these weight loss red how long has this been a problem I don't know sorry just always them seeing stuff like that I'm not perfect okay but things all work out eventually smile it looks like everything is looking good here lined it up properly nice and then just one more at the end using overclocking should be fine and the best part is nothing ever is super daunting once you're already started since we have so much infrastructure already available and you know thinking ahead and having a little bit of logistics space doesn't hurt either now we have the water everything we need for this entire project is already on location it's just setting up the multitude of machines but okay we need somewhere around 800 quarts per minute for both the quartz crystals and the silica we're gonna have to do then we need all the copper sheets which is like 400 per minute I think the copper is being brought in via the trucks downstairs so hopefully it's not a crazy Journey oh literally right here awesome where's the bin Right Here Waiting you better believe it thank you past kids so that's just one quick trip through the floor and that'll be done with pretty quick and the quartz crystal is a different story I think I'm bringing some in Via a train and then a bunch in Via a belt so there are two quartz crystal nodes right there those are belted up over this way and I have no idea where I brought all this stuff uh okay a little bit further down Into the Depths and to literally just here then we have to go over this way okay wait a second that's not too bad because right through this store is all the refineries yeah yeah just down through the floor again probably through another floor oh and we have one tile here that's free so then we can go through the wall and oh hey those refineries we needed fans that you seeing you here bud oh man that that's perfect so all the copper sheets and quartz crystals are done we have the right amount of machines here as well it all worked out thanks to the overclocking thankfully or else this would have been a disaster and our shopping is practically complete everything is being put together including the silica it's just four Constructors here and I have brought everything to our project area which is this weird looking hallway so we got the quick wire sheets quartz stuff and we need a second wait a second what are we using for the crystal oscillator stuff we're not using this recipe I don't have any cable or reinforced iron plates I think we're using this one oh rule bar that's not good see the copper sheets are going to be used with the quick wire to make the AI limiters we just need the quartz crystal okay yeah we're gonna need like 50 crystal oscillators per minute so that's gonna be a good chunk of rubber which means we gotta go on one more shopping trip ah man I thought we only had to grab the water us so jazzed uh this shouldn't be too bad either though again the past keeps has helped us out considerably for today's project unfortunately right next door to our big aluminum plant here is our supermassive Rubber Factory and that think we have a huge amount of the rubber still available here and we only need like 400 per minute or something like that up that way double check though I haven't been here in a while so we have one rubber train that is being completely utilized by the nuclear power plant and then we have this one blue Crater Lake rubber one out uh did I leave a sign signs past Gibbs what's going on R1 Out full 780 per car R2 out okay that's for nuclear and I guess this one isn't even used at all huh wait how much rubber do we have available then one two three four five really 780 times five that's a good amount but knowing me I am probably gonna forget what the heck is going on so I'll leave a couple signs for future kids to tell them that hey I'm stealing from this big treadmill alright it's time to chew and we all know where to you see past Kim's although goofy sometimes making mistakes and all that kind of jazz is usually quite prepared and also sometimes leaves gifts for future kids and over by our truck station here I have the best gift of all an open train station that I left space for forever ago I didn't even know if I was gonna use this but here we are now perfect so we can say that we're gonna be taking like 400 rubber per minute in Lance and this train on its way over see you later friend and now we have all the pieces to the puzzle oh and yes of course gotta Mark that down on the board so hopefully future cubes can understand what the heck is going on here and it's time to actually start playing the game JK actually I enjoy the logistics part of this game almost as much as I do building the factories themselves it you know what it's just all fun like everything's so good now with blueprints anyway uh we gotta do a ton of stuff we need the AI limiters we gotta build a bunch of computers circuit boards the whole nine yards which means we need systems basic systems of assemblers so getting started that's Center these and these are going to be our circuit board systems we need five assemblers for this hopefully that doesn't clip or else I'm gonna be sad There we go those fit snugly over here all of the circuit boards we'll go over that way we'll will deal with the computers and then this big stretch will be for the AI limiters we need 10 assemblers for this and we're not going to be overclocking them either I've been overclocking most things in this playthrough but after update 7 man did this game go through a huge optimization pass and I'm not that worried about lag as much anymore actually more worried about power you see things have already gotten a little crazy and I think even at this point we're using I don't know oh a Max consumption of almost 200 000 megawatts so yeah again without lag being such a big problem and with building being so easy why not right but we'll see how things go anyway this is like a lot of our processing it leads to simple stuff and I'll belt everything in a moment but first we gotta look into the crystal oscillators and we want to make 50 of these suckers a minute using this recipe so each manufacturer will make 1.875 per minute that doesn't sound good 50 divided by 1.875 it's 27. that's a big number considering all of these chunky boys and I don't think we have enough space in this little alley but fortunately we have enough space right next door here I've been thinking about this the whole playthrough and since we have to build 27 manufacturers 27 divided by nine is three and we can absolutely fit three rows through here and before I go absolutely crazy building literally everything I want to look into Logistics real quick first so because of how I set up the blueprints items go in through this direction but then for the inverse the items have to go in through the other direction so that'll be that direction for this set and this set of Manufacturers okay all of the items will be coming through this way at a point so you want to send two-thirds of the items all the way to the other end of this hallway and then one third to that one system over there how can we do that simply just with a stack of mergers we need the three items we're breaking things into thirds connect these belts together then we'll connect these belts together and that deals with two thirds and then one-third from the first splitter we'll just go over to that one system at the end there and of course I'll make that look a lot more pretty later on then over in this direction AI limiters these bad boys we have a problem with them quick wire they take a hundred per minute we have 10 machines that's a thousand quick wire per minute that means at some point we need to inject extra quick wire in so one two three four five okay that's gonna be right about here Wait no way no way dude all the items need to be inputted from the other direction uh yeah I don't think that's gonna be the case brother yeah we're gonna turn this whole thing around uh main thing is though after five machines we will have a merger in here and then we'll have to have a separate belt coming from this direction and grabbing the rest of the quick wire to kind of refill the belt for the rest of the machines after all is said and done their doobie spaghetti but it's all organized and it should work out pretty well not a lot of little balancing and everything else was pretty straightforward all hooked up ready to go and start once we finish off the rest of the production chain over here so we just have the computers and the radio control units themselves left uh of course we're gonna build some computers first and we're just using a real simple recipe that takes circuit boards and crystal oscillators it makes a bunch of computers we don't need a ton of them so we can just overclock five assemblers here and that project is practically done so now the hard part though is those radio control units again we're using the recipe right here so we only need three inputs but I want to make 50 radio control units per minute and if each manufacturer can only make 2.5 per minute 50 divided by 2.5 is 20. so we gotta fit 20 machines in this little Cube here which you know what end of the day shouldn't be too bad we might have to overclock a bit though and also extend this floor a bit we have this like weird little corner piece here that I didn't really intend on having but you know what here it is now I'm sure we can decorate around it and make it look cooler also all the belt work is gonna be very custom for this because I do have have an idea because I want to leave most of this Factory area as a tall room and at the end of this tall room I want to have a very tall manufacturing setup where I stack up two probably two layers of Manufacturers here making the final product all right after extending the floor a little bit you can get like four placed in there that's oh actually you know what that's fine you can get four there another four here and then we can double that up to 16 and then use some overclocking to figure things out yeah because 20 divided by 16 1.25 that means each of these will just need like half a power shard to be at 125 and that doesn't use up too much power either okay good very good now as for the design we're gonna snug the next set of Manufacturers right up and above here and now since we're not using very many items in each of these manufacturers we can overflow stuff very efficiently so we can just have one splitter in the middle here and that could just go out that way and then we could have another lift going up over this way oh did I get that first try first try baby let's go but the main thing is once we do that for every single manufacturer here and for both sides we're gonna have this centralized kind of lift look and from the front that should look really good along with a bit of detail though I don't really want a ton of detail like we'll probably have just some frames cutting through the platforms like so because I think we can just put in three exactly no I'll have to like figure out how exactly we're placing them we'll definitely just use some frames and then inside the system how many platforms do we have him that's not a super easily divisible number is it can we have one of these just in the middle uh kind of I might have to push these around a bit but generally I'd want to do something like that because again we're only going to be seeing this from the front and that looks really good having the extra support in the middle there maybe we just use like a frame pillar but regardless I feel this is the right direction but once everything's put together and mirrored that's when you can really see what I'm talking about yeah having the belts mirrored in the middle here is like the best it makes kind of like that winged kind of look you know yeah had to double them up a little bit because I forgot one of the materials we're gonna be using in here is aluminum casing and we need like 800 of that per minute and that ain't fitting on one belt Chief so now we have twice the amount of Splitters but on a good note I managed to Center in this giant Foundation pillar here so now we have all three of them at equal length and it won't annoy me for the rest of my life and I'd say that's practically done nothing much more I really want to do here all of the radio control units will end up in that bin and those have to go like way up to the other side of the factory to make the pressure conversion cubes and at this point we are practically done we have the computers here we have all of the setup done and we just have to hook up the crystal off oscillators to over there the computers are already there and then the casings those aluminum casings they're gonna be a problem I bet they are way over this way and we're already sending a bunch of them upstairs to make fused modular frames sure we're gonna have to cut off like 800 of those bad boys so how many is this 281.25 what's 800 divided by 281.25 2.84 okay so like three of these things one two three okay looks like I'll have to go upstairs and do some load balancing but it'll be fine 281.25 times 3 is 843.75 now that is gonna be a bit of a problem how do we get 43.75 materials per minute out of this system well I guess logically if we just send over 800 casings to the RCU setup the radio control unit set up then the overflow will eventually go back over this way because those manufacturers won't be able to keep up so there's always that logic but I think we could make things a little bit more efficient and we could like split off maybe maybe like 45 items per minute or so and how we could do that is well first we gotta make a bunch of room and then abuse mark one belts so we'd have a mark one belt go from this glitter to this one lat splits 30 this way and 30 that way and really we're gonna want another splitter here because we take the 30 from this direction and make it 15. now we just have to merge the 30 from here with a 15 that will be going out to the left there and the other 15 will go this way just use mark one lift get that 15 out of that corner it Clips a little bit but I can live with that and merge it over I guess here and that should be good to go so yeah that means like 1.25 casings per minute are not going in the right direction though so I guess they're gonna get a little bit more crazy and we're gonna build a smart splitter here and we're gonna set up another conveyor lift over here and then a conveyor belt to there and you're gonna make the right output the priority and the front output overflow so that way we're saturating this line quite a bit before we start saturating the line over there so the end of the day it doesn't really matter and the only thing we've really done is improved the startup up time of all these machines since they should have more materials a bit sooner so probably getting started this manufacturer will have an uptime here of maybe 80 90 percent and the fuse monitor their frames which are upstairs and being used by the casings will have a similar uptime whereas if we just overflowed everything to here first and then to the next system then this would probably be on 100 uptime and then the fused modular frames would be on like 60 up time but I'd rather than be more equal than not because we need both items at the exact same time in order to make these pressure conversion cubes so yeah big mess not as big of a mess as this belt Works about to be though so we have this crazy belt we'll combine it with an ah yeah we'll combine with another machine or something like that and we'll have two belts going over in that direction but we have the logistics floor so everything can just scoot over this way and run through the wall over here and you know I got a really cool idea once the belts run through this wall somehow we are going to make a supermassive conveyor pull one problem with this huge tall room is that most of like the space is empty so we're just gonna have this like super tall conveyor pull with maybe like two or three belts on it just running through the whole setup going over this way bringing a couple items back and forth that should hopefully fill out the empty space there so very silly idea but I think it worked out it's better than nothing right so now when we're walking through when we look up at least we can see that it'd be more nice if I it planned out and put more belts on the ceiling since we have all the ceiling tiles but maybe we added lights or some other kind of decoration I'm not sure once all this factories said and done I'll do a whole like Deco pass and figure things out I added in a couple more Big Frame pillars down this way since it was pretty empty though and that helped out so maybe a couple of those over here I don't know main thing is everything's belted together now because we had the logistics path here everything wasn't too crazy and all of the belts end up over here and again to that bin and I want to get this bad boy started so we can start stocking up because we already have a huge supply of fused modular frames and it's going to take a minute to bring a belt from there to the top of our factory plus I'm sure as all of this gets started I'm going to find many many many problems okay so that goes over there it's gonna start on the circuit boards you'd then that goes to there and this will get started on some AI limiters where are the quick choir things though right there and then over here for the manufacturers this will end up being the AI limiters that is for the quartz crystals from the refinery and the rubber from The Chew all scooting through bud oh and we already got some AI limiters wonderful so that can all get started then I love starting the factories like this it's always so neat to watch it all kind of spring to life it's my favorite thing about Factory games to be perfectly honest just seeing all the movement intertwined systems but it'll be a bit before we see this all going full speed again though that's why I got it all started so now we can belt this stuff all the way upstairs and I just got the best idea in the world actually wait we have this huge stack of belts here we can just have one of them going back this way so that will follow to there come on yes and then that will end up going to this floor and from this floor we have easy access to our main tower our main Logistics Tower so somehow we'll get a belt going from all the way down here right to the top because right past this floor those are the blenders where we need the radio control units phew okay that's not a big problem then and also I just thought of something really cool but we're making 50 crystal oscillators per minute right so to help with the visuals around here let's just make these mark one belts that way they're a little bit more full get to see more of what we're producing instead of just like one thing zipping by every so often it'll be more fun for us do we have any radio control units yet though probably not eh nah what's the problem oh no no no no no no it is running does that mean we're now in control you better believe it Bud there we go we have our little lunchbox boxes fantastic oh and this this was a good idea we're gonna do this a bit more over our Factory here anyway gotta quickly go upstairs and work on the final product the most complex cube in the game the pressure conversion cubes so up here where we're making all the fuse mods to the frames we had a bunch of space and I just threw in a bunch more assemblers like we've been doing literally all day and I've hooked them all up to the radio control unit so we can make the cubes and a lot of cubes and it all gets started with this so everything gets split up half of the material goes in through the front half through the back and all the end products end up going over this way and into a bin like this a mark one belt for our viewing pleasure and you know what let's even have one just over here so we can see our magnificent creation because this is pretty much one of the most difficult items to make in the game aside from the space elevator Parts themselves like we have had to build things all across the entire world here in order to make these freaking squares but with these squares we will be able to harness the power of neutron stars and build ourselves nucleopasta which is what we're gonna be doing next time so I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye-bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 288,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory blueprint, satisfactory how to, satisfactory tips, kibitz, imkibitz, kibz, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, update 7, satisfactory new update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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