This Betrayal Isekai Manga blew me away..

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a group of people approach a boy named orand Dura he's an enchanter and it looks like the trio doesn't get along with him Orin assumes that they're here relating to a matter about their next Expedition while seated at the table he tries to tell them that he's in the middle of an activity that has something to do with the Expedition however before he could even finish his sentence the trio arrogantly informs him that he has been kicked out of the party as of today a man named Oliver Cardiff who appears to belong to the rank of Sword Saint informs oron that this is a serious matter and he has been removed without consent Orin loses his cool and asks him the reason behind their attitude he reminds them that they have been childhood friends and brothers in arms Oliver tells him that this is the exact reason that he included him in the party in the first place apparently they come from the same Village Oliver claims that from this point onwards it's going to be too hard for Orin he decides to be completely straightforward and blunt with his old friend by telling him that simply put he's not skilled enough Orin becomes completely shocked by the words he stands speechless as his childhood friend asks him to leave the party without creating any fuss a little backstory reveals that 8 years ago 10-year-old uron and Oliver formed a party that party gained the people's attention and thus was called a Heroes party day by day they unlocked numerous achievements for instance in the southern great Labyrinth where no one has ever reached the very bottom Orin and Oliver's party became the first to reach the 94th level they were a super skilled party that climbed up to S rank a mere few years after it was formed back in the present Orin asks them why his skill is the only one being targeted he asks Oliver the reason for not saying the same for all the party members he tries to make Oliver understand that if they keep pointing fingers at each other they will not end up anywhere Oliver Cuts him off mid-sentence again he tells him that all this time the party failed to realize the importance of the existence of a support magic user enchanter however in the dragon raid last month the party finally realized how wrong they were about oron's place in the party to add a final nail to the coffin fueling the anger inside of oron Oliver tells him without hesitating that he has realized that compared to other S-Class enchanters oron support magic is leagues below theirs oron lowers his face and clenches his fist after the Betrayal he reminds his party that his original job was a swordsman so of course he would fall short of skills and fall behind them before oron could say something about creating original magic Derrick Mosley the defender interrupts him he tells oron to quit his yapping Derrick points at oron and yells the reason he converted to enchanter is that his sword skills also fall short compared to Oliver's Derek aggressively approaches oron and tells him that he also falls short as an enchanter so he's not in any position to complain Oro maintains his calm composure and reminds them that their party is lacking in EN chanter that is why he was chosen as he was the one with the highest aptitude to convert he confidently claims that he is compensated for his weaknesses with his own personal Magic spells and it is thanks to this that they have been able to survive so deep in the labyrinths unfortunately much to his shock Oliver completely ignores his words and states that they are the hero's party and are ready to move forward without him as they have already found a replacement enchanter Oliver claims that although he feels bad that things turned out to be like this there is no other option left oron's vision gets dark as he stands speechless wondering why they're willing to treat their comrade like this who has been with them through thick and thin in the end he just assumed that he was an unneeded existence and admits that he doesn't have a place here anymore he thanks his party for everything and tells him that he's is's going to leave without bothering them anymore without any shame another party member Hy wild a sorcerer comments that even though he was able to do both magic and sword skills his level is only a she finds it annoying that oron questioned everything they did she mocks him one last time before he leaves and calls him a master of none she tells him to try to do something that suits him this time Orin gloomily looks back and thinks about how he will always give his all to the party and this is what they were thinking about this whole time while opening the door for the last time he questions why he ever tried to get involved with a party like them the next day he wakes up in the afternoon and realizes that he overslept he had arrived at the in after getting abandoned yesterday and sulked the entire day now he has decided not to think about what happened shrugging off all the negative thoughts he thinks about how he's going to make a living he's able to only think of three things one is that he can continue his work and scour labyrinths for materials and sell them the second option is that he can work somewhere and although he might earn less it's more stable the third option is that he can open a shop and earn a lot but there is also a highrisk of failure eventually he concludes that among the three options the best one is to continue as is it's not like he wants to become rich as he came to the city to be an Explorer he came here with Oliver but it's not like he wanted to chase him around he's decided that he will return to being a swordsman it appears that a labyrinth has just opened up nearby recently and is decided to practice there The Guild staff asks him if he's going to go alone and he wonders if there's a problem with that she informs him that although rule wise there is no problem it is quite dangerous inside so he should enter with a party he thanks her for warning him and asks her if she has closely looked at the guild card she has given him her jaw drops to the floor when she realizes that he has reached level 95 four she awkwardly apologizes for her rude behavior and allows him to enter the sudden change in her attitude even surprises auron he enters the first floor and encounters a horned rabbit he smiles while realizing that a monster like this should be perfect to train with a dull blade he effortlessly slashes the creature and realizes that it's an easy win maybe he hasn't doled as much as he thought since he has come all the way to the Labyrinth he decides to go a bit deeper to train some more step by step he reaches the third floor and realizes the number of demons is gradually increasing but the monsters around here have low intelligence he decides that maybe he should try casting his support magic too it seems that support magic is a type of magic that is commonly applied as Buffs to one's own body or to increase a weapons Effectiveness not only for party members but enchanters are also able to buff themselves he activates the strength support Magics are extremely convenient however they still have a weakness and it happens to be time their effects don't last forever depending on each individual's magic resistance the effect of time also changes in his case it is 180 seconds therefore he only has three more seconds to deal with the demons that are remaining enchanters who use support magic are always raising Against Time Orin realizes that he has achieved a new fighting style that involves switching between swordsman and enchanter he has a new determination too he wants to evolve to the point where he will never let anyone call him a master of none ever again but he will become the strongest jack of all trades eventually oron reaches the seventh floor and decides to call it a day he saves his progress at the transfer Crystal which allows the user to teleport to safed floors these crystals are placed in front of each floor while he is in the middle of doing so he overhears the conversation of another party that seems seems to be bickering over something one of them is getting yelled at for leaving behind a girl as bait and running away apparently he thinks what he did was right as soon as oron hears that part he gets shocked the culprit tells him that they were more monsters than they had thought so rather than leaving old party members behind he decided to leave someone who had just joined it's almost as if oron is getting flashbacks of the day he was abandoned he can somewhat relate to the victim of the situation but he also blames her for choosing party members like them however when the thought of her possibly dying crosses his mind he breaks his silence he finally turns around and stares them in the eyes while calling them a bunch of kids who wouldn't stop whining he asks them why they aren't going back to save her instead of complaining without any hesitation he calls them the type of people he hates the most the culprit raises his fist while yelling that he was left all alone back there how could he have possibly saved her Orin effortlessly Dodges his punch and swings the entire man in the air with clear rage on his face he asks the party members about the location of the girl while sweat rolls down their faces the trio gives away the victim's location after that in the blink of an eye he disappears into the Labyrinth meanwhile the helpless girl is surrounded by huge monsters in every direction she tries to put up a barrier and prays that someone will save her before her barrier magic collapses Orin runs at his maximum speed while declaring that people who leave their members behind have no right to form parties she keeps calling out her older sister's name and hopes that she might come to save her suddenly someone uses airshock to push all of the Orcs away Orin has arrived to save the day he politely asks her to only focus on her magic barrier and to leave the rest to him meanwhile she wonders if the guy is a magician or a swordsman Orin uses his support magic to amplify the strength skill and sharpness of his sword the girl stares in amazement when she realizes that The Swordsman use support magic as well Orin calculates that there are about 13 Orcs in his surroundings seeing their strength he comments that it is understandable that a lower level party would flee against this kind of opponent however it is more than enough for him to handle it alone with a single swing he eliminates all of them he turns around to face the girl and asks her if she's fine he smiles while casting healing Magic on her the girl bursts out in tears and admits that she was scared to death Orin Pats her head while knowing that she is feeling this way because all of her allies abandoned her she thanks him and the duo leaves after hearing more demon beasts approaching when they reach the dungeon's entrance the girl introduces herself as Sophia Claude it seems that Orin recognizes the name with the emblem on his shirt she asks him to let her treat him to dinner so that she can properly offer her gratitude she tells him that she cannot arrange something homecooked so they will have to visit a restaurant oron blushes a little and hesitates to accept the offer at first but eventually gives in he asks her if she's decided on the place if not he's willing to introduce some restaurants to her so they're off to a good start her rabbit emblem shows that she belongs to a major Explorer Clan called the silver rabbit of the night sky basically a clan refers to an organization made up of a gathering of explorers items brought back from dungeons can be processed and sold here the sales from the store are used for the equipment of the members apparently her clan has the largest number of explorers the part he doesn't understand is why Sophia had to join a straight party she takes him to her Clan's restaurant where he recognizes the girl Sophia refers to as her older sister the girl reprimands Sophia for already having a boyfriend as such a young age age she then stares at oron and tells him that it has been a while her name is Salma Claude and she is the leader of her srank party she is famous not just for her beauty but for also being the strongest enchanter her skill allows her to be on par with Oliver's hero party apparently she is also the reason why oron was expelled his strength as an enchanter was compared to hers by Oliver apparently Selma introduced the concept of roles among party members as well the role of being the attacker defensive Defender rear support Etc because of the new role system oron had to convert to being an enchanter and the scene is inferior compared to her however he doesn't understand why she's glaring at him like that right now it looks like she has a misunderstanding that he has somewhat fishy intentions with her sister however Orin doesn't have to clear his name as Sophia does that for him she calls him his savior but it only lands her in hot water someone gives her an earful for secretly entering a dungeon all on her own she then apologized to oron who now understands why a member of such a popular Clan joined a stray party he requests her to let him sit down as people have started to stare at him as if he's some criminal he realizes that they haven't had a proper conversation since the collaborative subjugation last month in which she was the leader and he was just a support enchanter when Sophia asks Selma how she knows oron Selma informs her younger sister that Orin belongs to the heroes party Sophia suddenly almost screams in shock and suddenly gets formal with him while avoiding eye contact he informs him that he is no longer a part of the hero's party as he left yesterday Su refuses to believe that he simply left and Oliver let him without objecting Orin tells her that he has his own circumstances so it was something that both of them consented to she asks him if he's free now and she wants to do something for her Orin understands the situation and assumes that she's going to recruit him to her clan so he refuses Selma corrects him by telling him that she would like to accompany them on the collaborative exploration the day after tomorrow she reveals that it is a new plan that they have for the silver rabbit of the night sky a few rookie explorers accompanied by an A- rank Explorer will climb to the 51st floor of the Southern dungeon for 3 days she asks him why she's following such a reckless schedule it usually takes 6 to 12 months to clear no matter how skilled a rookie is she admits that although the plan is reckless if they follow the shortest path then it won't be impossible the clan is made to work like there is no tomorrow because of their sponsors expectations oron comments that if the sponsors are being persistent about such a reckless plan then there must be some other ulterior motives Orin tells her that he knows that if the rookies can bypass the boss floor it would strengthen the clan overall s's eyes become wide open when she realizes this guy managed to infer This Much from what she said she realizes that he's far smarter than she had thought apparently a boss will appear every 10th floor and the rookie will have to defeat it in order to proceed to the next floor it is a common occurrence to see rookies dying in those boss battles but if the veterans were to distract the boss while the rookies bypass it and register with the teleportation Crystal stationed at the entrance they can advance further without facing the boss in other words it will greatly reduce the risk of training new members Orin asks why Salma is willing to tell such important details to an outsider like him much to oran's surprise she tells him that she highly values him and it is something she realized during their previous collaborative subjugation oron asks himself why he's so happy over the fact that Salma evaluates him highly if he accepts this proposal he would have to go back to being an enchanter therefore he tells s that he has a own plans however Sophia pleads with him with puppy eyes to participate with her Orin contemplates for a moment and then agrees however he has one condition he tells her that although she values him as an enchanter he is already converted into a swordsman therefore he's willing to join them as a swordsman he seems quite stubborn as far as this condition is concerned and refuses to yield she agrees to his condition and invites him to the Clan's headquarters at 8:00 p.m. after the dinner is over it appears that aurin gave Sophia money for the dinner she concludes that he is indeed a kind and strong person however s doesn't proof of the direction sopia's feelings towards or on her headed suo reminds her sister that compared to him she isn't behind as far as kindness and strength are concerned the sister's bicker jokingly and S thinks about how she should deal with the party that abandoned Sophia they reach the clan headquarters and S Wonders that she should really focus on the guys that will partake in the collaborative exploration she enters the Captain's Room Vince Brier and reports two new things first she tells him that oron has left the hero's party Vince comments that without him the hero's party won't be able to fight to their fullest he also complements orin's magic activation speed and adds that is four times faster than his he also speaks highly of orin's magical spells Selma adds that orin's ability to assess battle is also extraordinary he also has all the necessary skills needed for an enhancer the second thing she tells him is about her invitation to Orin Vince comments that he has no problem with that but wonders why s is so interested in him he asks her if she's intending to add him to the first Squad to replace someone important that is left the only problem is his condition to be a swordsman her clan seems to be heading towards a downfall meanwhile Orin meets someone close to him and finally breaks down into tears and relieves his stress Orin has a dream in which he remembers old memories of his playful fights with Oliver he was the weak one because of which Oliver had to carry the burden of his superior's expectations there is another girl named Shion who was always by oron's sight he wakes up from the dream but fails to recall who the girl was Orin steps into the entrance of the Southern dungeons gazing around in mild disbelief Sophia and Selma approach him from behind extending morning greetings he reciprocates with a friendly good morning noticing that Sophia appears noticeably different this time wondering if it's the new uniform or uncomment that the clothes suit her well there's something fishy about how intrigued they are by each other Sophia's cheeks flush as she thanks him while Su gives her a quizzical look and questions Orin with a hint of annoyance asking if he's skilled in flirting or if he's involved with someone romantically onisan playing the role of the ultimate big sister Orin denies having such a person explaining they all live together as members of the hero's party so he's accustomed to it onisan somewhat embarrassed realizes her misunderstanding and mentions that all the heroes want share a mansion Sophia inquires about 's current living arrangements and he mentions renting a room in an inn he had considered getting a new house but hesitated on son jokingly teases Sophia asking if she wants to live with oron Sophia denies it insisting she's just curious even onisan is getting mixed signals from them they all wonder why oron is standing at a distance and he explains that as an outsider he doesn't want to make them uncomfortable s then suggests that he accompany her to ease the rookie tension Orin agrees and they move closer to the group recalling the previous night's meeting oron explains that he visits the headquarters as per their agreement he meets Clan captain Vince and receives details about the collaborative exploration from Selma to sum up the exploration spans 3 days venturing into the Great Southern dungeon progressing from the first floor to the 51st to accommodate the rookies camping outside will be minimized once they reach a specific floor count 10 rookie parties will join with each client leader responsible for two parties five guides including Selma and himself oversee the groups Orin Ms over the collaborative Explorations Prospect and knowledging something substantial is brewing at the silver rabbit of the nights Sky headquarters the battle against Monsters it seems will take turns between the two parties and if any unexpected event arises the guide leader will handle it which is really self-explanatory because every guide leader must handle such situations as they talk she asks if there are any queries related to the whole plan oron wonders aloud if having only five guide leaders is enough she suggests involving more parties to help the rookies reducing risks she responds that while the goal is to guide the rookies to the 51st floor some risks Aid their growth however oron feels are not sharing the full plan with him accepting the situation he agrees to cooperate moving ahead she mentions payment which is two gold coins up front 10 upon Mission completion he finds it generous and he thinks it's way too much and realizes she values him who wouldn't want to jump in the quest is a paying gig the next day he notes the captain's silence doubts about the mission remain he greets the three figures before him oron one of the guide leaders introduces himself as a Frontline attacker as he questions their roles and checks them out he learns the team consists of two Defenders on slimon Arnold and a Healer Kathy oron wonders if there's more to their composition on expresses trust in them for the next 4 days their goal guide and greet the rookies in the missions Arrangement he senses Oddities nonetheless he agrees to collaborate hoping to manage the hurdles that might come his way greeting everyone with a warm good morning sason reminds them of the plan the ascent to the 51st floor of the daunting dungeon begins today nervousness clouds the air evident in their expressions addressing their fears head-on she assures them that unexpected challenges have been considered and a strong Ally secured sasan introduces their Ace oron revealing his astonishing accomplishment of reaching the 94th floor a feat even they haven't achieved oron sudden unveiling jolts him and he listens as she narrates his history with the hero's party making him a dungeon expert the crowd reacts with a mixture of awe and murmur a flurry of questions forming or un skeptical the enthusiasm seems excessive looks like he didn't like all the attention a confident voice from the crowd resonates asking if this newfound Assurance could propel them to the 51st floor the course of agreement resonates and she proclaims the expedition's commencements thunderous cheers erupt propelling them towards the mission as they assemble instructions to stay with their respective parties Echo Orin inquires if the earlier pep talk was a bit too spirited to which he admits his Hero's party ACC claim fueled her words still she insists that leading the novices is her role Aura nods recognizing his responsibility over the ninth and 10th squadrons his attention shifts to the rookies promising talents especially the 10th Squad oron Muses about his capability to guide such potentials their exchange unfolds her trust in him palpable as he takes the spotlight or onent identifies himself pledging to guide them for the next 3 days warm smiles and polite acknowledgements greet him leaving him humbled by their respect inwardly or in Marvels at the reception a reward perhaps for his Heroes party history Sophia from the 10th Squad draws his Focus Gathering their names and roles Orin ensures all are accounted for they confirm Unity within the 10th Squadron and a three-person squad is confirmed a rare configuration Orin acknowledges their Rarity knowing fewer members heightened danger particularly with rookies a voice interjects expressing doubts of about the seemingly Brash attitude oron is taken aback sing the skepticism amids promise worries for the future echo in his mind as they stand United the journey looms ahead the 51st floor awaiting their exploration gathered together Ora nods and approval content that the entire team has convened no problems as long as we're all here he concurs with a nod he prompts why don't we begin with introductions one by one they take their turns to share leading the way is Logan Hayward commander of the 10th Squadron occupying the enchanter position he speak speaks with unwavering confidence aspiring to outshine salmaan in the days to come oron can't help but raise an internal brow at Logan's audacity before motioning for the next introduction Coraline inglow the defender oron's curiosity peaked when he notes her choice of light armor despite her protective role her explanation sheds light on her strategy an evasion focused Defender who aims to engage magical creatures up close aiming for maximum takedowns oron Ms over this approach contemplating the wisdom of evasion over direct confrontation Sophia Claude possess ing the roles of both a rare attacker and a magician steps up next surprisingly her simple introduction manages to ease oron's rest of thoughts amid the diverse personalities he begins to reevaluate his initial assessment of the mission's complexity the growing suspicion that the challenges ahead might be more formidable than he had initially gauged the collaborative exploration has finally commenced the rookies despite their initial excitement grow quieter as they enter the dungeon among them Coraline of squad 10 questions why a member of the heroes party is joining their Endeavor she's quite judgy isn't she from from the perspective of the heroes party they don't see them as Rivals oron asks if she hasn't heard Selma's explanation oh our hero is sarcastic too he clarifies that he is no longer part of the hero's party and that they have always been cautious about the activities of the night sky silver rabbits Clan Caroline questions oron's departure from the heroes party wondering why he quit when they are so admired and it's everyone's end goal to be in the heroes Academy he dismisses the probing explaining he simply isn't comfortable with such interactions Oren brushes off Coraline's concerns stating that it doesn't concern her is he hiding something why does he sound so suspicious Coraline then brings up Sophia asking if oron is acquainted with her oron confirms his connection to Sophia and Caroline continues saying that Sophia speaks highly of a remarkable individual joining their operation Sophia affirms this mentioning that she has been saved by oron in the past Coraline in turn has heard of oron's strength and his Hero's party affiliation oron contemplates whether the conversation is meant to ease Sophia's tension but his thoughts are interrupted by the growls of two dangerous wolves Orin observes that their traps have worked effectively causing the Wolves to react act the traps are designed to activate based on time and their success is evidence such traps require skill to set up but once in place they are hard to detect multitudes would deal with the pursuers while saving energy for the crucial battles time was scarce pointless combat wasn't an option on the 20th dungeon floor Corine asks Orin about their progress he estimates around 10 more minutes at their current Pace this surprises her and he believes they'd even finish ahead of schedule they all make a good team after all he observes his Squad initially skeptical of the trio Logan once perceived as an arrogant rookie showed impressive enchanter skills if he manages to endure prolonged battles he could seamlessly integrate into a lively group undoubtedly a prodigy however the drawback lies in his role as an enchanter his guidance in this field is rather lackluster yet as he continues to aass combat experience his strength is bound to boost then there's Coraline her aspiration is to be a swift Defender but despite her impressive speed two shortcomings impede her first a tendency to recklessly charge into the fry though close combat suits to Defender her approach worries him second secondly her choice of wielding two daggers while it might complement her abilities it doesn't align well with her team skills lastly there's Sophia though seemingly trailing the other two her skills have already outgrown rookie standards while her hesitation poses an issue more interaction with her team could compensate for it she lacks any glaring novice flaws Orin checks her out carefully and very observantly her future growth intrigues him as for the ninth Squadron there's room for improvement upon completion of the collaborative subjugation of bosses our guide leader announces a halt or reflects we'll wrap it up for today Selma underestimated the knight's influence I guess Selma directs the three of them to work and move forward to the 21st floor She advises card registration for the floor and as they conclude for the day they all affirm yes ma'am Selma acknowledges oron's efforts to which he replies you too sasan she inquires about the rookie and he notes room for improvement in the ninth Squadron and praises the 10th squadron's Excellence however he highlights the lacking coordination particularly Caroline s Chuckles remarking she might be third in line but she'd come far from her past self they bit each other good night finally they can get some sleep the sun rises on the following day orin's apprehensions prove valid as he reads a newspaper The Front Page Reveals the replacement of the Euro's party enchanter ur's expulsion is now public Oliver the leader of the heroes party asserts that oron's subpar enchanting skills were the primary reason for The Replacements Oliver confesses they were unaware of oron's limited capabilities in this area despite this the party reached the unprecedented 94th dungeon floor despite harboring this disappointment Philly Carpenter a recent addition is an Explorer active in the western great dungeon she's known as one of the finest enchanters on the continent standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Selma Claude the hero's party has Newfound hope with her inclusion marking a notable Improvement oron however Bears disappointment he hoped that news of Philly's arrival wouldn't emerge until after their collaborative Mission he's skeptical of the hero's party and worries about the potential shift on the rookie perception especially Logan from the 10th Squadron he doubts if Logan's Pride would allow him to follow instructions after learning of this Orin believes not all of the rookies would read the article but for those who do their view of him could change significantly he's even curious about himself resigned to the situation Orin heads towards the meeting point A Familiar voice calls his name Runa A Healer in the hero's party remarks on the time that has passed since the last meeting 4 days ago Orin acknowledges this but reveals that while she was part of the party Rena was the only one who treated him kindly her absence during his explosion leaves him with lingering regrets Rena asks him to reconsider returning to the party emphasizing their need for his skills orun senses her high regard for him he questions whether this is what the entire potty wants r clarifies that her plea is personal and that she'll do her best to persuade everyone if oron agrees oron's face grows serious he questions the sincerity of Run's request but she insists she hasn't read the article causing this Rift she recalls their promise to conquer the great dungeon together including Oliver yet it was Oliver who led to her departure she believes that promise has lost its meaning a sentiment or un quietly absorbs hopefully they trust each other more than this he realizes that prolonging the situation will only bring trouble he apologizes and walks away leaving Runa disheartened Orin acknowledges that even if he desired to continue and uphold the promise he can't return there's no place for him anymore the sadness is evident on his face as he can face that it's all too late and everything has changed since that faithful day amidst the buzz of hush conversations and murmur the aftermath of an article had taken hold of the crowd's attention Orin found himself amidst the chatter wondering how many would lose faith in him after reading about his expulsion the article claimed that enchanter Endura want a part of the esteemed Hero's party had been ousted due to his perceived lack of skill he's probably wishing he had trained better in the midst of the Italian dialogue swirling around a question lingered in the air had auron truly been expelled due to his incompetence he greeted everyone with a simple good morning a stark contrast to the previous day's excitement he had fueled understandably confusion hung in the air poor guy he's so nervous now Selma chimed in with an apologetic tone though she had nothing to apologize for she's such a sweetheart she acknowledged that if oron's Panic persisted their coll collaborative exploration might crumble despite his moral boosting efforts the situation now demanded caution Selma's unnecessary apology stemmed from her belief in supporting him despite her lack of involvement Orin brushed aside her concern asserting that he would eventually overcome this hurdle he held himself responsible for not revealing the truth earlier a choice that had inadvertently caused problems for Selma he assured her that he would still contribute to the exploration success allowing her to focus on her usual tasks she agreed placing her trust in his words as they exchanged assurances the atmosphere lightened Squad 9 and 10 meetings were on the horizon and greetings were exchanged with a renewed sense of camaraderie the group assembled and Orin decided it was time to confess the article held mostly true he had been removed from the party due to perceived inadequacy at least he's True To His companion he expressed regret for not revealing this sooner just then Sophia stepped forward her voice unwavering she vouched for oron strength recounting his Swift defeat of countless Orcs looks like somebody has a crush on somebody else she firmly believes his ability abilities were far from lacking oron's gratitude shown through thankful for her staunch support he explained further clarifying that his strength lay not in traditional heroic abilities but in his Mastery of the sword Orin admitted his capacity to transport them to the 51st floor of the dungeon although he was no longer part of the hero's party he pledged his dedication to safeguarding the group as orand Dura that's a good hero right there his plea mirrored the previous days call to action urging them to give their all as they had done before as they journeyed into the depths of the yasu during dungeon's third floor camaraderie and determination bloomed nin Squad members battled monsters valiantly oron's heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment as trust was rebuilt leading by example he offered guidance grateful that the heavy tension had lifted the nin Squad had shown that theories alone wouldn't suffice they needed trust to succeed hoping nothing stupid happens to break their trust in the end the unspoken tension of the morning gave way to a united front through trials and challenges orun Journey continued with Newfound determination the support of his peers propelling him forward a presence of malevolent creatures looms ahead prompting a simple question from their leader is the 10th Squad ready the unanimous chorus of yes resonates with a sense of unyielding determination always in motion the squad advances oron with a quick nod to Coral line instructs her to draw the Goblin's attention meanwhile Logan steps in wielding his support magic to reinforce her efforts while Sophia undertakes the task of subduing the Orcs lurking at the rear it's Logan's magical prowess that intrigues oron the ability to cast three support Spells at once defies his rookie status Logan's skill is impressive yet Coraline's charge remains as bold as ever her headlong Rush seems to promise a smooth confrontation however the true challenge arises with Sophia who still Bears the scars of the orc attack from days before just as oron anticipated the trauma has left her Frozen trapped in the clutches of fear gently he tries to cook her out of this internal Tempest calm yourself he implores reminding her of the camaraderie they now share the squad is her safety net Coraline Logan and himself she's not alone anymore and this realization is what empowers her oron's encouragement Sparks of Fire Within Sophia no longer bound by the shadows of her past abandonment she rallies her strength utilizing Advanced magic her Unleashed power is nothing short of a inspiring the explosive force creates a whirlwind of chaos surprising even aurin it's a testament to her growth and resilience Coraline's jubilant cheer and their ensuing Embrace mirror the pride and relief felt by the entire team Sophia's accomplishment is met with widespread appreciation the ensuing battle is arduous testing their resolve yet against the odds they reach their destination the 36th floor Selma the leader congratulates the team for their success offering praise for their accomplishments tomorrow marks the final day of their expedition and Selma wisely advises everyone to rest and recharge ensuring they're at their best for the finale as the group disperses Orin finds himself intercepted by Bernard and anom guides of the night sky silver rabbits they extend a rare invitation dinner grateful Orin realizes that they haven't judged him based on a questionable article the Gratitude flows as he accepts their offer as they speak the focus shifts to Sophia they inquire if she knows oron to which he confirms her recent acquaintance her tale spills forth how oron rescued her just 3 days prior in the depths of the dungeon the conversation turns towards the dangerous circumstances of their meeting shedding light on the specifics of that faithful encounter today's trials reveal the squad's resilience and growing bonds as they prepare for their final push camaraderie becomes their most potent weapon strengthening their Unity each step forward though fraught with challenges is now infused with a shared purpose that propels them towards their ultimate goal hoping no one backs out at this stage Logan asks Sophia if she could tell him more about oron back when he saved her with her eyes sparkling with curiosity he wants her to narrate everything with as much detail as possible Sophia looks confused as to what Logan means by the word detail he explains that he wants to know the type of magic he casts and the fighting style he uses he asked Sophia if she even remembers what happened back then by Sophia's expression it looks like fear of dying was the only thing that was on her mind back then she tries her best to recall and then mentions that Orin used a spell that made a tremendous wind pressure when she thinks she was called Shockwave only This Much Information isn't enough to satisfy Logan so he asks her for more when Sophia mentions that she remembers him using support magic to enhance his sword Logan's eyes open up wide in shock he ask her if he correctly heard her say sword Sophia explains that Oran used the sword to defeat all the Orcs quickly Logan Ponders over the new information for a moment the fact that Oran not only uses his magic but he can also fight with the sword is quite interesting for him Sophia comments that although she's not sure about his circumstance but she remembers him mentioning that he converted into a swordsman after leaving the hero's party this shocks Logan even more he finds it impossible to believe that Laurin converted it makes no sense to him because recently he just witnessed him act as part of an enchanter quite perfectly Logan remembers that he had a misunderstanding this morning he was somewhat disappointed when he read that oron was expelled from the party it looks like Logan really looks up to oron and his expectations were shattered when he found that out throughout the Expedition Logan followed orin's instructions because of his role Logan comments that the way the first battle was handled with theory was extremely boring for him however what changed his view was that particular fight with the orc when he realized that the orc's movement was suddenly L dampened was a defining moment for Logan's perception of oron he couldn't believe that a support magic like that exists the type that could lower the target's abilities Logan is still astounded by the fact that Orin can also cast a debuff he explains that debuff is a highlevel magic that is difficult to cast you need to accurately grasp the target's magical resistance and precisely tweak the magic formula for it to work the craziest part is that even the most popular enchanter Selma finds it hard to use such difficult magic the fact that Orin is able to use it so casually speaks volumes about his strength the only word that comes to Logan's mind is the word amazing the first time they fought together was according to the theory which was conducted to evaluate our skills back then when that was done efficient instructions were given to us based on their quirks and skills which is why they were able to advance through without issues Logan recalls that even though it's only a slight difference on how he usually fights it is as if his skills have grown exponentially he clenches his fist in excitement when he realizes that the differences are apparent an Orin as an enchanter is beyond what he had originally expected what he doesn't seem to understand is why Orin decided to convert into a front attacker it's a different story that Orin is amazing even as is a front attacker judging from the fact that he could defeat a dozen or so Orcs in an instant Sophia and other Squad members aspire to be like him when Logan wonders how oron could be a front line attacker in an excellent one at that Logan lowers his head and comments that although he was called a prodigy by a bunch of people a genuine Prodigy can only be someone like oron he Narrows his eyes and Promises not to give up this has only strengthened his determination more he knows that he has to succeed as an Explorer no matter what and for that he's willing to steal from oron and get stronger his Squad members notice his angry expressions and call him out he responds that he's just getting fired for tomorrow's exploration meanwhile at one of the restaurants affiliated with the silver rabbit of the night sky the squad is getting to know oron better the squad's guide leader Bernard wants everyone to drink heavily but Orin tries his best to remind them of their exploration tomorrow the guide later on Slim takes orin's site and reminds the others of their duties to instruct the rookies realizing that Orin is a straight laced as ulum Bernard agrees to drink only till midnight Orin comments that since his clan Squad members are regulars at such expensive restaurants they all must be highly privileged as far as their income is concerned Bernard tells him that their pay is only mediocre compared to the hero's party since their job is basically a suicide mission they at least want to enjoy as much good food as they can one of them asks oron if he did not live luxuriously before when he was back at the heroes party Orin response that since he also handled Administration work back then he didn't really have time to enjoy luxuries Bernard asks him out of curiosity if he's still close to his previous party members it appears that the rumor is floating around that the hero's party seems to be in somewhat of a disagreement and the article of this matter also irritated oron he usually doesn't respond to these types of questions but this time he comments that everyone in the heroes party has different tastes and interests so they enjoy their free time privately and hardly ever eat together too everyone gets shocked that Orin is able to talk so freely about his ex party they ask him about the fact that he used to be an enchanter in the hero's party but said on their first meeting that he was a front attacker and also used magic during combat Orin adds that he uses magic to support the magic users during collaborative Explorations but he's a swordsman now they ask him for reasons behind converting into a swordsman After exiting his party oron narrates that initially he used to be a swordsman of the heroes party he had earned that position for himself and had great admiration for it the this is why he thought this was an excellent opportunity to pursue his own dreams now that he has left the party they ask him why he was so passionate about swordsmanship as a kid Orin recalls that it was from his grandfather's influence apparently a monster would attack their Village once and his ex- Explorer grandfather took care of him with just one Blow from The Sword such a spectacle inspired him another question is thrown at oron if he loved being a swordsman so much why did he agree to be an enchanter for the hero's party in the first place oron informs them that when his ex Party Ventures into the lower dungeon floors they realize the importance of having an enchanter in their party this realiz was also a result of salma's evaluation since Orin was the Jack of all trades the responsibility naturally fell on him his party was able to reach the 94th floor thanks to him which is why he believed back then that it was right to convert however he now admits that converting was a wrong decision he soon realizes that maybe he's being too harsh on himself what no one really knows is that the hero's party would never be able to reach the 94th floor again when asked what his ideal swordman was like Orin replied that he looks up to someone who could clear an entire deepest floor of the dungeon alone meanwhile Sophia wonders if she should ask oron to stay once the exploration is over she admits that she would be really sad if they split apart the day to pursue the guidance quest for the night sky silver rabbit requested by tenen Clan has finally arrived Orin hopes that everything will go smoothly he overhears someone's conversation that from now onwards a new adventure party will dive deep Orin wonders if they're talking about the party that's on his mind it appears that the dungeon has 92 floors and at the earliest their squad would be able to reach the third floor today the purpose today seems to be the confirmation of the new party so in conclusion Ora knows that he must move first he wasn't expecting his ex party to be so laid back after abandoning him to be moving so fast with new members it's almost as if Orin is being slapped right across the face firstly there will be cooperation confirmation which should be done in the lower tier where there is less risk after overthinking the situation oron shakes it off after telling himself that it doesn't matter anymore two days ago at the hero's party's residence they recruited a new member named Philly Carpenter in the presence of Defender Derek and magician anel the hero party's leader sword St Oliver is introduced he's an Explorer whose outstanding abilities are widely known it looks like Philly is an enchant because Oliver is really proud of himself for adding her to the party she quickly compares her skills of producing real Buffs to orun shabby Buffs suddenly the conversation shifts to The Ledger Orin was making Philly is shocked by how expensive and luxurious food they have arranged for her Derek comments that the amount of savings written in The Ledger almost made his eyes pop out and amazement he calls or on a cheap skate for hiding this amount of money according to him money is meant to be spent Oliver suddenly remembers that the management of the money was entrusted to oron he always knew there was savings but never knew how much Derk accuses oron of wanting to use their money without their he comments that it was a mistake for letting him manage their money and Oliver was right to kick him out Philly points out that maybe Orin was receiving for the party's activities as seems like she's the only one with her brain cells intact she lists down various important matters that require money including Expeditions and the mansion's rent soon the party healer Runa burges into the room and she seems to be panicking when she sees Philly in the room she stops mid-sentence Oliver knows that judging by how panicked she is it's probably about Orin she's not informed about what happened to Orin it appears that she has been told that the party is planning to expel Orin from the party but she kept disagreeing with the idea this is why Oliver expelled him when she was not around Oliver assumes that she has feelings for him he tells her to say whatever she wants to say in front of Philly with an angry face she asks them why Orin is going into the great dungeon with the silver rabbits of the night sky she asks them how things have come to be like this this causes laidback Oliver to become speechless sweat rolls down his face as he imagines his old friend joining his rival party it's only been 3 days since he was expelled Oliver thinks that there is no way he has the guts or the skills to have joined such a popular party the others shout and rage they can't believe that Orin actually thinks he can perform like an srank Runa commands them to tell her what happened when she was gone Oliver tries to calm her down but anel blurts out that he left the party this stuns Runa and she assumes that maybe oron gave up on them however Derk soon steps in and corrects her he yells that they are the ones who abandon him by expelling him bruna's anger becomes apparent when she realizes that a decision was taken despite her refusal she announces that they are doomed to failure as the only pillar holding them together has left Oliver doesn't understand why she holds oron in such high regard he tell tells her that regardless of what she feels nothing can be done now he announces that they will be doing party tryouts at the dungeon's 92nd floor Runa proclaims that this would be suicide and she doesn't believe that they can survive without oron this has started to get on all of her's nerves she demands them to hold tryouts at easier levels Rena even ignores a greeting from Philly who has joined the party as orin's replacement clearly upset Runa leaves the room Philly becomes sad for not being able to get along with them but it turns out she's putting up a facade and has ulterior motives the next day during the triy outs Oliver realized that Phil's Buffs are disappearing a too quickly the moment it disappears their bodies become heavy he recalls that this never happened with oron back then they could fight for hours on end he assumes that maybe Philly is performing poorly because they made a sudden jump to the 92nd floor he asks her to inform them of the Beast attacking from their blind spots as en chanters can have a full view of the battlefield Philly immediately refuses while shaking she claims that using support magic alone has become too much for her let alone being a navigator as well Oliver starts sweating now that the situation has finally dawned on him he looks at anel who was casting her usual spells but they seem to be too weak to to leave even a scratch on the monsters he starts cussing when he realizes that his own powers have weakened however no one seems to understand why this is happening only Runa is the calm one Oliver asks her if she understands what's going on she is annoyed by their ignorance after beating around the bush to frustrate them a little she is about to reveal the reason behind them getting weak which is actually quite the obvious one however before she could do so a noise erupts from above Oliver looks up and the view send shivers down his spine black scales and massive Wings the boss of the 92nd floor has appeared before them the black Dragon stares at them with the intent to kill while every ounce of Hope leaves Oliver's Body they can't clear the 92nd floor without oron it was a suicide mission after all the black scales of the black dragon make it impossible for the magical and physical attacks to harm it its Strong Limbs can take down any ferocious creature its Roars are famous for freezing even The Souls of the mightiest explorers with Terror while flapping its wings to assert dominance it slowly approaches Oliver Squad meanwhile Oliver wonders what in the world a black dragon is doing here apparently in the Great Southern maze bosses make their presence known every 10 levels up to level 90 although the bosses of the floors are powerful they can only act up to a certain area there hasn't been any incident where a boss would act outside of its boundaries the black dragon is the 92nd floor boss it's an enemy they won against when Orin was still in the party the location they are currently in is outside of the boss area which is why Oliver is so shocked the dragon only lands but the impact of the landing is so strong that it generates strong shock waves and sends Oliver's Squad flying in the air like a bunch of flies Derrik receives immense damage and everyone starts pointing fingers at Philly for not casting a buff on them meanwhile Philly blankly stares at them as if someone has frozen her Oliver realizes that this is due to fear he suddenly recalls that Orin would have been able to buff Derk without hesitation even at a time like this so he doesn't understand why a superior in chanter like her is losing her calm Reno snaps Oliver back to his senses by yelling his name she reminds him that at present they don't have any chance of Victory she begs him to buy some time for them to withdraw after seeing the fireball accumulating at the dragon's mouth Oliver realizes that it will be bad if they get pursued here so he doesn't really have a choice he shakes Philly to bring her back to reality and asks her if she can still move He commands her to give him a buff and he will deal some damage on his own Philly does as she told and Oliver increases all of her abilities he's confident that he can handle this although it is an unexpected situation he believes that it should work out he wields his sword and claims that he will overcome this with the supernatural power he casts a magic called Magic convergence and his sword start shining in Gold Runa explains that the magic humans and demons beasts use are different therefore Oliver's Supernatural power isn't something humans can possess his Supernatural power allow him to converge and gather magic alt together though it might seem simple the magical power accumulated to the Limit creates an unparalleled destructive power he uses his Heaven slash is confident that it will heavily damage the enemy during the previous subjugations he used to slash to sever the black dragon's Wing which robbed its flight capabilities a black dragon that has lost its wings is slow footed so he assumed that it wouldn't be able to pursue them now however this time his slash wasn't even able to leave a scratch the dragon swings his tail and SM Oliver the most renowned Explorer into the ground seeing the helpless state of their lead stuns each and every member of the hero's party covered in dirt and scars Oliver admits that his Heavenly slash isn't working against this black dragon however he refuses to admit that they are getting beaten one-sidedly to this extent Runa calls him out again and asks him if he's all right normally Oliver would list down countless strategies to turn the tables however this time his eyes are wide open with fear and he asks seruna in a shaking voice what they should do now enraged Runa reminds him that this is something he as a leader should decide she tells him to get a grip on himself she lowers her head and suggests that since they don't have much of a choice they should just use the capricus door apparently the capricus door forcibly connects the space of the places they have gone before to another this allows them to move to another location instantaneously though it's only viable in the dungeon therefore the destination of the move is random and only between the boss areas Runa reminds him that they will have to fight another floor boss immediately after moving but it will be times better than the black dragon Oliver immediately agrees and announces that he will use the capricus door now and once he uses it there will be a distortion of space So He commands everyone to jump in instantly he opens the portal and just when they about to jump in in the black dragon swings his tail again their movement is restricted and Oliver wonders how a black dragon could be this strong the dragon charges at them but suddenly gets teleported into the portal apparently no one knew that a dragon could use the capricus door as well although their lives are saved someone else will have to deal with this nightmare for which this party will be penalized they run outside to save the others but Runa convinces them to recruit oron back because he was the reason behind their precious strength Orin and his party have reached the 36th floor of the Great South Maze and he's really glad to know that it's finally the last exploration day thank God they were able to reach it their goal for the day is to capture floors 36 to 50 after which they will use the transfer Crystal to return back home it looks like their journey is growing shorter but it's unclear if they're excited about their return this is when they're called to discuss their plan of action and soon it's decided that the leaders will take care of the Demonic Beast that can't be defeated by the rookies as in the past while battles against the bosses will involve the whole team Teamwork Makes the Dream Work right however or is feeling a particularly vad vibe from The Maze this morning and his gut feeling is usually never wrong if we look at some of his his history however it's too soon to give up let's just try to be optimistic here guys moreover he doesn't even know if the bad Vibe is because of the weird look on Logan's face or if it has something to do with the creepy maze itself but deciding that it's not important for now he turns to Caroline who is also in the 10th Squadron it looks like he wants to offer some advice to her about playing more defensively since he should be more aware and try to move carefully when she's fighting the monsters of course he thinks she'll be able to help her teammates if she only moves to get to Monster's attention however Caroline surely doesn't agree with his advice since she doesn't want to make her teammates work harder which is why she's happy to stay in the front line to fight she has made up her mind to put all thoughts of cooperation aside for now and focus on the maze this is when or mentions Albert the Ace of the night sky silver rabbits who is supposedly really important to Caroline but he was also the one who lost his life in the battle against the black dragon and it looks like the strength of the clan has decreased considerably without him just like Mrs Selma mentioning Albert was supposed to make Caroline a bit scared from the unknown fate however she's even more determined as she knows that the Ace of her clan died protecting his comrades she really believes that he had to die in order to keep his and his Clan's Legacy alive Orin has understood that his word won't be having any effect on her after listening to her speech therefore he gives up after telling her that he's counting on her which makes Caroline smile at this point Caroline interrupts their conversation as she really needs orin's advice on what exactly she needs to do to become stronger he is aware that he needs to answer her questions within a reasonable range without hurting her feelings or demotivating her therefore he asks her to explain what sorcery is immediately Sophia starts off by telling him that the premise of sorcery is to use the magic that exists in the air and the power to use various phenomenon is called Magic which is something that only hex and beasts can use sorcery on the other hand is a Magic based technology since it's possible to create Magic Power by using it through a formula humans who originally could not use magic can use it now because of this particular magical phenomena since Sophia knows all about this or is quite impressed with the girl however he still wonders if asking her for more details would confuse her he decides to ask her more about the procedure of magic but the girl holds her ground well and answers with such Perfection that it leaves no doubt in the older boy's mind that this newcomer is too smart Orin appreciates her intelligence and Promises to teach her the skills that she needs to take her abilities to the next level as well as the necessary techniques this obviously makes Sophia too happy and grateful and so they continue their Journey to the 40th floor of the maze they continue their conversation about parallel construction and it means exactly what it sounds like since it's the art of building two or more formulas at the same time Orin is sure to tell her that it is no exaggeration to say that advanced magicians need this skill Sophia is a bit confused at this statement as it sounds a bit too difficult for for her until Orin informs her that everyone can two or more formulas at the same time once they get used to it of course he mentions that Logan used to do it as well moreover some people can build dozens of formulas at the same time and this particular point just makes Sophia's brain go wild she can't seem to understand why parallel construction is so important this is how Orin begins to tell her about the four levels of offensive magic beginner intermediate and advanced special he surely thinks it's enough to be an advanced Mage if she can use special grade magic telling her more about the lower levels which are filled with demonic be Beast that cannot be defeated in one hit he mentions how parallel magic can help in such desperate situations Sophia now completely understands how attractive this kind of magic sounds therefore she promises to do her best to do it which makes her new teacher proud of course he still thinks that she should get some of the veteran members of the clan or even Selma to teach her but obviously she only wants Orin to be the one to give her these lessons however it's obvious that she feels like it will be a tad problematic for him Orin agrees to teach her as long as Selma gives her permission as he is practically a stranger but Sophia obviously has a soft spot for him so wouldn't hurt to ask a few minutes later they arrive at the boss area where it's ORS turned to shine they join up with Selma at this level and she orders them to move according to their role only the leaders tell or to take over and he seems happy about it he promises to do his best so everyone can focus on the battle and informs him that he will only take 2 minutes which makes the leaders laugh at his optimism he tells Sophia to hide therefore she watches the leaders fight from a distance she has definitely never seen something like this before since it's so different from their kind of fighting she watches two of The Defenders attack while drawing the Giants attention while Orin attacks a blind spot and they attack the lower part of the giant boss monster s and Cassie are also getting strong as they attack the upper body with magic and it's obvious that the team isn't here to waste any time even though they're all working together for the first time ever she really wishes that she can be like them when the battle finally ends and the whole team thanks Orin for his tremendous support Orin has an instantaneous ability increase which makes the performance and durability of his equipment and the power of his magic go up 100 times they cut the scissors which only leaves the shell to be cracked act therefore everyone Waits until Selma gives them the signal Selma tells everyone to go and they all start attacking they end up defeating the boss monster in the blink of an eye they have finally conquered level 50 which makes orin's Mission almost complete the atmosphere in the clan is great after this amazing Victory and it looks like everything will end without any incidents of course they have started celebrating too soon since a giant black dragon shows up to ruin their fun at this point orin's fears have come true in the worst possible way as he stands with Sophia while the black dragon stands in front of them like a terrifying Beast the jet black dragon has been transferred by the heroic Group after their blunder since this Beast is definitely not supposed to have appeared in this level the monster is a tyrant that unilaterally attacks the explorers in the depths to surely give them a black and fiery death the entire Clan is shocked by the appearance of the beast but they have no idea how exactly it got here suddenly none of them can move out of fear which makes Selma realize that they might end up dying if they do nothing orin's reaction comes faster than her though as he immediately tells the leaders to bring in the the new recruits and protect them to the death his experience of the ordeal he just went through has given him a boost and this motivates Selma to tell his clan to St strong they put the magic barriers in front of the Defenders and they get ready by taking a defensive stance their Shields are against the black dragon's attack and it's obvious that there's a lot of pressure on them since the entire group is counting on them of course they instantly know that they will end up dying when the black dragon spits out its Fireball while or's instantaneous skill makes the magic barrier's Effectiveness increase in an instant or is glad to see everyone alive after the fireball attack ends but he is still confused about why there's a black dragon in the middle level when it's supposed to be at level 94 plus this place is definitely not big enough for a big demonic beast from the deep level which makes it obvious that there's something terribly wrong who could even be behind this or has the entire system just gotten messed up putting this aside though he has to come up with something to help him overcome and survive this problem the path to level 51 is also ready and they are already at the transmigration Crystal after defeating the boss of this level this makes his brain light up with an idea as he now knows that they can escape if they just get to the crystal he's the only one who can move properly however which means that he will have to leave the clan behind if he wants to survive since demonic beasts have a habit of heading for places where there are many people it's obvious that it will head to his group soon this means that he has no choice but to fight the dragon as he clearly doesn't want to be the only one who comes out of this alive his job now is to guide all new explorers to level 51 therefore he's decided to fight he immediately attacks the black dragon and throws the spare sword at his eyes until he attacks from the air and uses a momentary increase in skill to hit once again Su looks for for any sign to defeat for the dragon but is disappointed when the dragon shows up again without a scratch this makes Orin realize that the Beast can't be defeated like this therefore he asks the leaders to protect the rookies while he deals with the black dragon he is confident that he has a chance to win so he draws the black dragon's attention away from everyone when the Beast is paying attention to him or uses a reflective barrier to reflect the dragon's attack back to him which leaves his entire audience's mouths wide open since they had no idea about the existence of such magic furthermore or increases all of its skills which builds all the basic types of Port magic and parallel and activates them simultaneously its difficulty is definitely high and this makes s wonder if she should provide her support to him when the bud disappears since his magic is weak she gets shocked when Orin still holds up his magic and increases it multiple times as she has never heard of such a thing before this is quite scary to her as she can't even guess how much combat power he has now or gets near the dragon in the blink of an eye while the clan members look in awe and it's clearly not enough to say that his physical abilities have increased unimaginably however this magic has its disadvantages as well as it doesn't have any effect on anyone other than Orin and it can only be used in short-term battles because it involves parallel construction of up to 30 techniques or's carrying a lot of this magical burden and it's evident that he has exhausted himself which finally makes him realize that he needs to end this battle quickly unless he wants to end up dying Orin doesn't remember exactly when it happened but when he and Oliver were a pair of kids they had the bad luck of finding their entire town murdered by a bunch of Thieves while they were training their first reaction was to cry until they made the decision to be so strong that they will never let anyone take anything from them again whatever the circumstances they had promised to be strong enough to protect anything important to them Orin remembers this promise while he is facing off against the black dragon and he knows that the world was unreasonable at that time but that incident led him to become an Explorer and to find his power and knowledge he needs to reject all his limitations to protect everyone and this is his only focus he tells himself that it's not difficult since he just has to defeat the enemy in front of him while someh can't believe that he actually wants her to let him defeat the black dragon all by himself but she also knows that it must have been really hard for or to build this formula to increase his skills therefore all she can do is to protect the rookies and let him concentrate since there clearly is a considerable burden on him suddenly the dragon starts coming for him when he is in the air and unprotected it's certainly a nice move but or is one step ahead of the Beast he quickly uses his magic to do a quick scaffold in the air and finally comes back on the ground with the dragon under his feet the entire Clan has never witnessed such an extraordinary display which makes someo realize that or's ability can only be used by him and Oliver as this is how they gather magic and materialize it Oliver obviously uses it as a method of attack since it has a wide range of uses and is inherently a very attractive Supernatural ability they have just witnessed or unleash its magical power as it can be used for aerial movement which helped him overpower the black dragon or continues to increase his sharpness and durability and land some more scars on the dragon's tough scales while the crowd cheers for him this is when smon notices a weird expression on or's face until an explosion goes off and nobody can see anything for a while When the Smoke Clears up Sophia is glad to see that or Dodge the dragon's attack but it looks like things are going to get more problematic for them the dragon still stands tall and apparently it has shape shifted the mist and turned it into a weapon and it's clear that nobody has ever heard of such an attack or has also made some sense of the dragon's trick as it's magic that harnesses the magic from its surroundings called the convergence of forces the black dragon's main attack might be a quick strike with a fireball or its tail however those are not the only attacks it can do the real threat for or is the purple Mist which sometimes changes shape like a whip sometimes like a spear allowing it to attack in all directions this has made him realize that the black dragon is still not fighting seriously and this has clearly made him quite angry with the monster it's time for or to use a fireball of his own while he quickly moves closer to the dragon while avoiding the Mist suddenly the dragon increases its attack speed which makes it hard for or to dodge and he puts a mud wall between them since he has realize that he needs to keep some distance between them a few minutes later or's confidence takes a downfall when he realizes that his mud wall hasn't worked the clan also knows that it's indeed a terrible battle while Selma is also looking quite nervous since the dragon clearly doesn't have any decisive moves on the other hand or is thinking about the last time he fought the dragon with the heroes group when derck and Luna took care of the Mist while Oliver and Neri took care of their Firepower it certainly wasn't the Firepower that killed the Beast which makes him wonder if he can do the same thing as he is the only one who can do it he reminds himself of the promise he made when he was a kid while repeating that he needs to believe in himself to beat the black dragon of course Selma is also trying to decode the battle as she is well aware by now that the black dragon's attacks are impossible to defend against Orin pushes the black dragon away from attacking them which is kind of him while he also do all the attacks which are the moves of an evasive Defender she never knew that something like this could be done against the black dragon and it sounds like she's impressed once again Orin has also decided to evade the attack even though Derek isn't with him this time and clearly won't need the Healer role that Moon used to play if he doesn't get hit by the opponent he continues to think about Oliver Ander and the rest of the hero's gang while running towards the dragon and finally hits him without causing much damage to the Beast of course or doesn't want to land any damage yet as he only wants to bring the beast's attention back to him Orin sets a spell around him and asks if the black dragon has ever seen so many spells in his life as he's decided to hit the monster with multiple Spells at once his magical attack doesn't do much damage either as expected which is why or is already prepared with another move he starts the amplification chain while Su points out that the magic attacks are being enhanced she knows that the amplification chain is when magic attacks go through the place where the spell is set and it absorbs the surrounding magic power which triggers the same offensive magic with Amplified power this is also one of or's original magic spells that he uses in combination with magic convergence meanwhile Orin has made the decision to overcome manelli's offensive magic which changes the color of the sword as well unlike Oliver's golden sword this one is jet black and or is holding it like the hero that he evidently looks like he challenges the Beast to resume the battle while the entire Clan watches him play the role of all the members of the hero's group on his own and it's Crystal Clear to everyone that this man will not back down until the dead body of the black dragon is in his hands one Heavenly flash later or is confident that the black dragon's Wings will surely be destroyed because of the sudden collision with the the Beast he really hopes that this attack must have greatly reduced its Mobility one thing that is really making or over think is how did the dragon know the target of his attack when it's the first time this particular monster has seen a Heavenly flash he really needs to put some more thought in his next move of course or doesn't know that the black dragon had already been hit by Oliver's Heavenly Flash before appearing on this level which means that the monster clearly knows the purpose of the attack and the power it generates and this information helped him to protect his own Lifeline his wings and the Majestic tail or is now surrounded by a lot of missed which is the dragon's common attack and he's taken a for a second he regains his composure soon and determines that since the dragon is not fooling around this has really become a serious fight from now on he generates his magic convergence once more since he has realized that he doesn't have much time as the magic support will disappear soon however seeing his desperate situation s tries to offer some support magic to help him out before he can attack the dragon with even more useless tricks obviously the mighty magician or doesn't want any support magic as he doesn't want his magic convergence to be interrupted therefore he tells s to not even think about helping him out better yet he would actually prefer if SBA would just stop paying attention to him since he only wants the cl to protect themselves for now Selma works it out that their Brave Defender ability might be enough for the fight and since he really doesn't want any support she announces that she will leave the black dragon to him only while she prepares to cheer for him go Team guys the clan can't see much from where they're standing but it's clear to them that or is still going to fight he surely doesn't back down easily right Selma couldn't believe that she's actually witnessing a battle like this until Sophia tells her not to worry about or as he is quite brilliant plus he's really just become their hero the black dragon is still at large until or manages to knock him to the ground with a self-inflicted wound which might mean that the monster's condition is not perfect for now however the black dragon still has his Mist that he uses again to catch his opponent off guard and it's unbelievable that the Beast has so much power this is when Orin finally decides to use the magic sword creation which makes his team think that there's a black lump coming from under his feet he attacks with a magic sword while the entire Clan starts feeling an uncomfortable pressure and they really don't see an end to this fight before they can lose hope though Selma spots the jet black sword in his hand and this makes the rest of her team notice it as well they can't believe that the sword was created in this maze only and they can feel that the atmosphere is clearly different from the swords he has used so far it looks like the magic itself has condensed around the sword which is revealed to be a cube weapon that combines magic support and Magic convergence to create improvised weapons by hardening the ground around it it is not crystal clear to everyone that Orin has power that far exceeds that of special class magic however s's thoughts are interrupted by yet another attack from the black dragon side or is aware that the black dragon's attack is terrifying but he doesn't think that he can afford it anymore which is why he decides to take a serious action he uses the reflective barrier once again and jumps to dodge the beast's attack while using the barriers to charge at his opponent from above using the selfweight increase Orin throws himself at the dragon while screaming at the top of his lungs and it's obvious that he has put his entire energy into this attack s gets a bit scared by this attack at first as well but soon starts wondering if or is okay or if the black dragon is fin finally defeated she slowly opens her eyes and sees the beast's dead body lying on the ground before spotting or who was still holding his black sword with a pained expression on his face Sophia instantly cries out when or looks back at the clan and suddenly they all Rush towards him to make sure that he's okay we are taken to the Explorer Guild shortly before or confronts the black dragon since it's the third day of the quest and there's an emergency situation in the entire building Luna runs inside to tell the people in charge to call the guild leader since their matter is quite time-sensitive and the clock is ticking she reveals that they are a team of heroes or rather the Golden Dawn as this is the official name of the team since it was decided by or and Oliver about 9 years ago her requests are interrupted by elanora an employee of the Explorers Guild who asks her team to follow her to the conference room for the time being while the other staff members will keep trying to get in touch with their Guild leader a few minutes later they are sitting comfortably in the conference room with the guild leader Leon the team of Heroes is quite sorry about disturbing Lyon and his Executives but they have clearly come here to ask for an urgent favor which confuses The Guild leader a tiny bit Luna begins explaining that they need all of the explorers of the great Labyrinth and make them return through the deportation portal her request is a bit unconventional for Leon which might be intimidating for Luna as she is the one handling the negotiations instead of Oliver who's been quiet for the last few hours he really can't be much of a help to their team in this meeting and this makes Luna Miss Orin who always used to handle these sorts of things at this point Leon speaks up telling them that he needs a good reason to act on their request since deportation magic is a spell that involves many people Luna is obvious viously aware that it's a bit Hasty which is why she decides to tell their story to the executives briefly but she still promises to tell the entire team that they are done with this all she needs is for these highlevel people to be patient with her for now she reveals that the reason of applying for deportation at this time is because there is an extremely high possibility that the black dragon who was supposed to be the floor boss on the 92nd level has moved to the upper middle or lower boss area she's not exactly sure about which level it is though Cleon is alarmed by this information while Luna directs his attention to the possibility of someone dying if if they run into the black dragon and it's clear that they won't even get a chance to defend themselves against such a beast moreover she suggests that they need to take the task of confronting the black dragon after deporting the explorers of course deporting them is the first priority since it's a matter of human life here Leon thinks for a second but agrees that it's an emergency if Luna's story is actually true which is why he promises to ask for more details later he turns to the rest of the executives announcing that he would like to vote for the request to be done of course if the upper management has any questions they can try to resolve their issues as well Luna is aware that the truth of this information is uncertain to everyone in the guild but she has no idea to what extent they will believe her which is why she is prepared for some trouble fortunately there seems to be no one in the conference room to oppose their request therefore Leon decides to act on the team of Heroes request this news comes as a huge relief to poor Luna and she is sure that Orin is the one who gave them the power of speech which makes her entire team indebted to him this is when she tells Leon that she would like to make a request regarding deportation asking if it's possible to move the people from levels 45 to 50 to the square near the Great maze it's obvious that they know about Orin scouting the area and they would really like to join him thankfully Leon is not opposed to this request as well and moves on to proceed with the deportation Leon orders his Executives to inject magic power while Luna is praying to or so he can lend some of his magic strength to them she really wants him to tell them what happened so their team members can apologize and they can all go back to the way they were before the guild executives are soon done with the deportation process which is why Leon tells the team of Heroes to kill the black dragon while they stay back to support the Explorers disoriented by the sudden de ation they hope to win together in this mission for sure before Luna can convince her team to go and look for or Derrik interrupts Her speech as he really doesn't think that they need a weakling like him apparently they were talking on their way to the guild and it's clear that Derek doesn't believe that the magic Luna talked about is even true hly also supports Derek as she believes that they lost only because the black dragon took them by surprise Luna can't believe that his team members are still complaining at this point and it seems like they're quite blind to the reality of the situation they're in she resolves to give them a final reality check by mentioning that they are the weakest among the s-rank teams currently and it's obvious that a team like this can never beat the black dragon Derek is still not ready to listen to her since he is arrogant about the strength of his team which makes Luna insult him for the first time since they were only able to achieve everything because of or Derk and anelli would have been a ranks if it wasn't for or support so it's only logical for Luna to put them in their place Derek is furious at her statements therefore he challenges her to a fight by running straight at her with his sword after Luna tells him that she would definitely beat him in a one-on-one fight fight before his sword can hit Luna though he finds that he is completely unable to move while she looks at him with an expression that screams disappointment it looks like the fight will escalate until Oliver jumps in telling both of them to cut it out he wants his team to find or first as they can only make a decision about what to do next when he is with them Derek is obviously too much of a weakling to argue with him therefore he agrees while Luna is a bit irritated at Oliver for talking so late a few minutes later they reach the entrance of the Great South maze when they spot the dead body of the black dragon which gives them the shock of their lives their first thought is that something is wrong since there are too many people around hence they make the decision to not let their guards down while they approach the black dragon the whole crowd clears their way for them after recognizing them but they don't look too happy after confirming that the dragon is indeed dead at this point they spot or with his sword a little further from their location and he instantly tells them that they have come to the right place at the right time Luna figures that the silver rabbit of the night sky Clan must have defeated the dragon until she sees that or is the only one who was wounded to the Bone or looks too tired to talk and turns to leave after handing something to Luna so it can be processed Luna is amazed that Orin has managed to defeat the black dragon when her team couldn't even compete with her and it looks like Oliver is a bit Furious about this fact as he steps in front of or with an expression that literally means death of course Oliver lets him go without even saying a word to him and the night time comes soon enough Sophia is sitting down writing about her day in the journal as it has been a really tremendous day for her she believes that or is too much for her as she has been rescued by him again and makes her daydream about how he always always has such a kind face he has just become the coolest person she knows and it's making her blush somehow later Selma arrives home with her hair all over the place and it's clear that she is too tired to even stand she instantly falls on the bed to sleep without even taking a bath therefore Sophia suggests that they should bathe together the two of them sit in the bath and Sophia is really glad that her sister is finally starting to look better however something is obviously bothering her therefore she asks her little sister about her thoughts regarding the battle between or and the black dragon since the rest of the rookies didn't get it but she is quite curious to see what exactly Sophia has found out regarding this particular fight Sophia begins telling her eldest sister that ORS we of fighting and his movements were completely inhuman and he even used magic that she has never seen before other than this she believes that it was just a basic fight elaborating a bit more she reveals that she was taught the same basic behaviors of each role that were used by Orin which makes Selma also realize that literally one person was responsible for the actions of all the party members Sophia has decided that she wants to be as cool as or while Suma replaced the battle where she clearly witnessed otherworldly strength from Orin side it made her feel like she was in a realm far beyond her comprehension but Sophia obviously only interpreted what she saw in her own way based on her knowledge she also hopes to be an explorer who can measure up to him one day but she's unsure if such a day would ever come her goal is too far away which makes her a bit sad and she instantly hugs her little sister Sophia also admires her sister a lot as she showed her a way different from the one their parents had planned they have always looked out for each other which makes Sophia promise that her sister can always count on her whenever she can be useful enough to be of help at this point Selma asks her if she can sleep in a bed with her little sister after a long time and is Greatful when Sophia agrees it looks like their sister bonding time is going great the morning arrives and Orin is still in bed while he cries out in pain his muscles are so sore from the previous day's battle but it's still fortunate that he is not suffering from any lasting effect after using such poor magic perhaps this is also a magical mistake he had returned home on his own after coming out of the maze even though he is sorry for everyone in the clan but he wers what happened after he left he is curious but it might be too rude to go there so suddenly therefore he decides against taking any action right away for the time being he's going to go to the Explorer Guild and find out more about what happened after he left soon he's sitting in the conference room with Leon the team of Heroes and the rest of the executives and it looks like they also want to know about what happened in the Maze he reveals that he only fought with the black dragon which makes Leon turn to Luna who informs everyone that the matter of the black dragon's dead body was resolved quickly with the help of the guild turning back to the real hero of the hour Leon asks if Orin killed the black dragon alone as this is what Selma told him but the hero stay silent for a second he really can't believe that these people can be so stupid but he replies that he really did defeat the monster without any help moreover he tells them about the new attack patterns that he learned during the battle and how it compared to their last fight but before he can say anything else Derrick interrupts to boast that or was lucky to take down the Beast after he was left vulnerable from Oliver and andell's attacks Orin tells him to shut up right away which makes him even more Furious ious our hero clearly doesn't care about dereck's stupid words therefore he turns to Oliver and asks why exactly he did a dive so soon with a newly hired charmer and he thinks that his old friend made a wrong and arrogant decision surprisingly Oliver tells him that he's right which makes or mention that their team nearly died many times when they were into the depths in the past together this comment makes Oliver scream out that this is exactly why he changed their charmer waren mentions that he's not mad about being kicked out but he's only angry about them disrespecting the enchanter however he really thinks that Oliver and his team wanted the rookies to be on the same level as him from the start even though it takes a lot of nerves for the enchantress while exploring the Labyrinth he is furious at Oliver for having these unrealistic expectations as he doesn't see how a party can fall apart when a B- ranked team even knows about these particulars plus Oliver just gives orders from a safe distance right but it looks like his old friend is not in a mood to understand anything as he clearly believes that anyone who knows how to use support magic can do it he is too stubborn about it which makes or list down their team seconds as he mentions that it's time for them to wear off during this conversation he also gives them a quick refresher about how a bestowing enchanter casts an average of three Buffs on an Ali during a fight plus the timing of when the magic activates is not always the same either the atmosphere is getting tense folks He suggests that he will keep track of all of these durations update the Buffs and make sure that they have the right one for them moreover Oliver will also have to play the role of Command Center which will allow him to give instructions to the group but it seems like Oliver might not be completely on board with this idea however or goes ahead and asks if his old teammates are ready to do this Selma visits Orin at the in and asks him about his health she apologizes for coming unannounced but being the gentleman that he is Orin apologizes to her in response by saying that he was just on his way to meet her but because of him she had to come all the way here during busy times meanwhile Orin still can't wrap his head around the fact that Selma actually came to visit him at the end he feels proud of himself for quickly returning from The Guild he asks her if this time she is here to settle the manner of reward however it seems that the reward isn't the only reason why Selma is here she gets up from her seat and Bows her head she thanks him for everything that he did yesterday putting her ego as the world's best enchanter aside she genuinely thanks him and admits that owing to his skills they were able to complete the quest without losing a single person this gesture only made Orin more awkward and he requests Selma to raise her hand as if things weren't unbelievable enough Orin finds it hard to comprehend that a powerful clan leader just bowed her head to him but this goes beyond ranks and honor Orin has saved the lives of her Clan's future recruits including her therefore regardless of her position she is willing to expr Express her sincere gratitude orang just stares at her in Surprise silently he thinks to himself that despite the fame Selma is an honest person he thanks her for her honesty and kind words Selma too looks relieved now that she has gotten this off her chest while finishing her cup of tea she jumps straight to the point and asks him if he has time to head over to the headquarters because their Chief is really looking forward to seeing him she promises to continue the conversation at the Clan's headquarters the duo arrive at the silver rabbit of the nights guy HQ and sit in the chief's company knowing how big of an achievement Orin helped them make Vince quickly bows his head and thanks him for saving the lives of their members Orin emphasizes that since he has accepted the initiative of his own it was his job to do so he started to become uncomfortable considering how everyone is just refusing to look him in the eyes he is not used to getting this Royal Treatment Vince reminds him that it was not his job and in that situation no one would have blamed him if he had decided to run away Vince Smiles while recalling that or didn't run away and stood up to it and defeated it s adds that they just can't take a heroic act like that for granted instead of ignoring it like it was nothing they ask or to be proud of it after that Vince presents this reward and asks him to take it placed before him sparkling intensely are 10 Platinum coins one platinum coin is worth 10 gold coins what or just received is equivalent to 100 gold coins thinking that this must have been a mistake or looks up at Vince and reminds him that his reward was supposed to be 10 gold coins Vince states that since he saved the group from the black dragon 10 gold coins would have been too cheap he requests or to take it without any hesitation or or thanks him for everything accepts his reward and gets up to leave Vince quickly stops him and tells him that there is one more thing he wants to talk about and all seriousness he asks Orin if he would be willing to join the clan silver rabbit of the night sky Orin probably had already seen this coming and he sits silently for a moment while getting his thoughts together the head of the clan himself is trying to recruit him this must mean that they are serious about this Vince adds that if he joins the clan he'll be welcomed as an Explorer and will belong to the first unit Su leads the strongest team in their Clan so wants him to play as a Vanguard attacker this proposition catches or off guard and he stands Frozen in his place he likes the sound of that it makes him think that maybe taking down the black dragon was actually useful however there's more to it Vince doesn't just stop there but adds that he can also consider recommending him for the executive position realizing that this is getting out of hand Orin finally speaks up and says that he's too young to take on a dignified position such as an executive manager Selma stresses that there is nothing to worry about as their executive management is supposed to be chosen by each department for the exploration Department it is good enough to have a background maze exploration and the ability to be considered a good Explorer Vince proudly says that on top of that or is also polite diligent and hardworking so he would be perfect for the leadership of their Clan or just keeps melting in his seat after awkwardly receiving the bombardment of compliments Selma states that she's the only executive of the exploration division so it's hard to manage she states that she would be happy if she could support the clan together with him the Vanguard attacker of the first unit and an executive position or in smes contently while admitting to himself how could he not be happy after hearing this offer however the dark flashbacks of the past when he brutally got abandoned remind him that he doesn't need a partner again before or could say anything Vince explains that his answer doesn't have to be immediate despite the short notice they would like it if he bothers to give it some time to think about it Orin finds himself at his grandfather's store again thinking about the choice he has to make he asks the old man for advice and the latter States the obvious the clan might use him and when they don't need him anymore they might throw him away re reigniting his previous trauma or admits that when he got kicked off the heroes team he knew it in his head that it was not his fault for being useful however even though he wants to proceed further alone there is a part of him that wants to join the clan he admits that although a lot of things have happened he had a lot of fun during the 3 days with the clan members the grandfather finally decides to shed some words of wisdom and states that this Society is based on mutually beneficial relationships people can't live alone and everyone relies on someone's support sometimes you're supporting other people without even knowing it the same goes for their relationship the old man adds that getting used simply means making up for each other's missing parts he reminds Orin that he isn't the only one who has something to offer if he joins the clan he could also count on the Clan's help the only reason he might help the clan conquer the great Labyrinth is because the claim provides him with all kinds of support in the end whatever decision he makes he knows that it will come with regrets so it's best to make a decision that will make some sense to him while returning from the store or admits that the thought of having regrets in the future scares him he runs into Sophia and asks her if she's sure she's safe here at this hour she responds that it's okay since this place isn't far from headquarters she claims that this is the place where she hangs out to clear her mind suddenly she remembers what she wanted to say to him and Bows her head Orin already knows what's coming she thanks him for helping them out yesterday and back when they were attacked by the Orcs she promises to repay him whenever she gets the chance trying to change the topic Orin asks her if she likes the moon she responds that she's been obsessed with it ever since she was a little girl because even in the dark it shines with the same intensity she forms him that the origin of their clan name is to be a beacon for explorers just like the Moon is a beacon of the night or remembers that a long time ago he had the same conversation with someone about the Moon being a lighthouse however the memory is too blurry Sophia says that her world changed when she joined the clan she still doesn't know anything about the future but she has a feeling that if she stays in the clan she will surely find something she is destined for Sophia struggles to explain what she wants to say but eventually or helps her out he knows that the environment influences a person's values a lot and place where there are a lot of people experience is accumulated and a person feels like their world has changed he asks her what kind of place this clan is for her and she instantly responds that it's like a home for her and taught her how to smile it looks like this response strikes or right through his heart Sophia reads his expression and asks him why he asked this question however she could have never expected the response she was about to receive or smiles and says that he just wanted to get an idea of what his future home is going to look like he drops her at the headquarters and goes straight to Vince to announce that he has decided to accept his in ation it looks like Vince and Selma were already prepared for this moment because she soon comes rushing into the room congratulating Orin for joining the team while holding the uniform that she prepared for him and thus begins orange Journey as a member of the silver rabbit of the night sky South Continental explores Guild leader Leon kti speaks to his mysterious Grandmaster and informs him that three days ago under his jurisdiction a single Explorer managed to defeat a boss from the depths shocked at first The Grandmaster slowly starts to smirk while claiming that this will help them Advance South however he knows that to go up against a deep level plant boss alone is a lot of recklessness leyon confirms the information that the black dragon a level 92 Plant boss was active outside of the boss Zone it appears to have been an impromptu action in response to the unexpected situation the reason behind the dragon's activity is unknown but they are assuming that falling of the West might have had an impact Leon promises to keep updating him by continuing their analysis The Grandmaster asks him who was the person who defeated the dragon the first person in his mind is Oliver but when Leon informs that Oliver didn't even seem to have a chance this time he starts to ponder eventually he starts suspecting that or did it and Leon seems surprised that the master knows or he thinks that even if or is in a position to wield that much power there is no way he would have chosen to take on a deep floor boss he asks Leon if he has noticed something unusual about or and what is his attitude towards the guild Leon replies that no specific report has reached him so far and his attitude is normal with no anomalies on the report of the black dragon's defeat The Grandmaster finds this information to be very useful and demands that from now on if anything happens to or he should be informed immediately he smiles in anticipation while admitting that he wants to see how strong or can get he starts laughing maniacally while proclaiming that this true ambition is never to allow Orin to wake up from his dreams meanwhile in the Great Eastern Labyrinth Flor 95 an outof country party is slaying armies mercilessly the party includes Agnes who is the attacker giia who is the defender and azreal who was the support hand of Shion the universal hand they ask Shion to strategize their next move she comments that since they will not be seeing any major explorers from the town they're in anytime soon they should get out of here after butchering so many men casually the group decides to go up to the surface and wait for the next request it appears that one of the Explorers is still alive and he's hiding behind a rock instead of letting the group leave and saving his own skin the man decides to jump out while claiming that he will not let the party leave however the party is not surprised and everyone has a blank expression he cusses at them for killing all of his friends and for being brutal butchers Shion who seems to be the leader has Hood over her face she calmly tells him that for them it was no different than dealing with a monster and his friends only died because they happen to be weak without any emotion in her tone she reminds him that if it was too much for him and his friends they shouldn't have come to the great labyrinth in the first place the man finally snaps pulls out a potion and Promises to kill them all by himself he chugs down the entire bottle and giia comments that the pungent smell of the liquid is a warning sign for them the man turns into a full-blown monster while claiming that he is about to unleash his resentment and his wrath his entire body body is covered with something like a magical barrier the squad wonders if it's an independently developed drug azreal admits that this is problematic without wasting any second the Monstrous figure lunges at them and Shion states that by refusing to listen he really has left her no choice she takes off her hood and draws her magical sword she apologizes to the monster in front of her who is only inches away from killing them all the man swings his fist and realizes that his entire body is now Frozen however he's still conscious he watches as his body parts refuse to move at his command and he Wonder ERS which place he's teleported to the entire Place turns into an icy ground as cheyen watches her magic successfully killing her foe she turns out and finally displays her face fully for the first time finally the girl from or's childhood memories has arrived azriel compliments her for giving their annoying enemy and instant death she ignores him while stating that this completes their mission and they are free to go giia asks her how she was able to activate such a large spell in an instant he remarks that even though the enemy was trying to boost his magic resistance it was still not enough against her Agnes thanks God that Shion is on their side Shion takes a deep breath and looks at the bushes behind them she commands that whoever is hiding in there should come out now that things have quieted down everyone compliments her again for being so observant it appears to be their informant who announces that a lone Explorer has managed to defeat the boss of the Deep South floor black dragon therefore if any person comes into contact with this Dragon Hunter they are commanded to kill it at first sight Shion frowns while wondering how there could be such a powerful individual in the South the informant also reveals that the person in question might be working of the order that they are currently against therefore it can't be oliv her the last order that is disclosed is that the party is requested to try their best to convert this mysterious lone Explorer to their side however Shion is against this decision she believes that if he has already SED with the order there is no option than to execute him now that they have their next request they decide to enter the great Labyrinth and start at first level and then go up while starting their Journey Chey has a serious expression on her face she wants to meet this powerful person especially now that the west and south are to be overrun and no time she mentions that someone really close to her died and she promised to continue his legacy and as expected a flashback shows her and or making a pinky promise she calls him the person she loved the most while claiming that her feelings for him are still present and will never fade away she promises to take his Revenge by killing The Grandmaster of the order who apparently sent or to his death this is why if the so-called Dragon Hunter is the order's Ally Then he must be eliminated little does she know that the alleged Dragon Hunter is none other than the love of her life meanwhile at the silver nice headquarters ERS or is getting the Royal Treatment he can't help but notice how everyone is staring at him Salma laughs and teases the fact that he is currently the most talked about celebrity in town right now Orin doesn't hate the way things are though he admits that it's pretty much better than the way everyone looked at him when he was kicked out of the hero's party he runs into one of the members of the first unit and realizes that although the entire Squad knows each other he still hasn't bothered to interact with his new team the man compliments him for having such a cool new nickname as expected he has become famously known as a Dragon Hunter even by his own Clan in the conference room an executive meeting is held and or is introduced by Vince he boasts or's fighting style an ocean of knowledge that is not found in their Clan he announces in front of everyone that he would like to place him in the executive branch when he is questioned if he is willing to lay his life on the line for the clan or refuses surprising everyone but then corrects them that it's not the clan that he cares about but its members after getting accepted into the branch he's introduced to the first unit but before that Stella from the research Department requests him to train some of the newbies after that he's introduced to rain imag magic sorceress luceria a healing Mage and wils a defender or has met wils quite a few times and knows that he is attentive and reliable now that or will be a front attacker here he knows that he will have to work hard even Selma whom everybody knows gives her introduction as the leader of the clan and an enchanter she is known for her activation speed and her power not just that but she's also one of the best Scouts on the continent these four are now or's new companions Orin introduces himself as a 19-year-old Vanguard attacker apparently he's the same age as luceria everyone asks him to drop the honorifics because this way the conversations will be shorter they ask him how he defeated the black dragon and he agrees to disclose it to his colleagues the skills that he used were instant hyper augmentation and capacity boost that allows him to amplify Magic by a factor of 100 he then asks others about their special abilities luceria can trace the residue of magic and Selma can use telepathy in a few kilometers of range once the introduction is over they decide to buy for Orin some new special weapons Orin and his group arrive at blacksmith Allen shop asking if he can make them a sword Allan has no idea why the first division is coming into his humble shop all of a sudden until he recognizes oron he is well aware that his latest customer is the famous dragon slayer it looks like Allen feels quite lucky about making his sword because he is practically making a hero's weapon however the poor guy doesn't know if he's quite fit for the job as he expects that Orin has a pretty good and well-respected blacksmith working for him of course he immediately finds out that a hero like Orin does not have a weapon made only for him by the hands of a blacksmith he can see that Orin has the weapons set her soul on the market which makes him go crazy with anger and frustration with a little bit of shock he absolutely cannot believe that Orin has put his life in the hands of the commercial market and products he definitely should not settle for something he bought off the shelf right Orin feels quite embarrassed as he explains to the passionate blacksmith that he is not particularly picky about guns he has obviously changed his mind after rain got mad at him his comment clearly makes rain baffled because she does not remember being mad at him and before she can start to actually get crazy or an immediately changes his statement he tells Alan that he has always thought the commercial products will be okay however he seems to have changed his mind now by now he is a member of the first silver rabbit Squadron and this is important enough to change his mind and get a real sword for himself Ellen agrees to make the sword for him after listening to his speech but there's one problem before he can begin apparently he needs to use the deepest materials in the great Labyrinth if he's going to make a custom sword it looks like he might be handing over a new quest to Orin his smile doesn't fade as he reveals that he already has a lot of Deep materials from back in the day when he used to be with the heroes the other members of the party also had many deep materials however oron doesn't think that they have them anymore since they use them up or sold them long ago Orin was the only one smart enough to collect and save all these materials as he wanted to save them for himself Ellen is also glad to have so much stuff to make a weapon from and it looks like he just can't wait to get to work this is when Ry notices a black thing among the materials and asks orun about it he reveals that the black materials are the scales of the black dragon that he defeated the other day which surprises everyone in the shop rain also tells him that the first Squadron fought against the black dragon last year and they lost a man which is why it's so traumatic for her however she still wants him to get this Weapon made because the black dragon scales can make a weapon turn into absolute perfection Orin knows that rain hasn't been able to forgive her enemy the black dragon but he is also aware that she keeps a keen watch on him therefore he's looking forward to it this is when he reveals that he always knew that a standard grimore would never be able to hold all the items that he collects which is why he consulted a wizard who made him a new grimoire with several times more storage capacity this reminds them all of the legendary Wizard Coverdale Evans and everyone wants to contact him now but Orin cannot reveal his sources as he had accepted the conditions to keep quiet about it therefore he apologizes to his friends and not being able to reveal anything else about his cool grimoire well it seems like orin's welcome party can wait because Allan needs him to stay back and give details about the perfect sword that he desires this is why he says bye to his group as they leave and begins to have the shop talk with Allan as he explains that he wants the sword to be primarily made of the dragon scales Orin gives him some more specifications to keep in mind and it's obvious that he wants a sword that is impossible to make thankfully the brave Allen is up for the challenge and Promises to be done with the sword within a month Orin walks out of his shop with a smile on his face as Allan has given him a sword to thank him for giving him all the Deep materials it has started to make him feel that he has finally become a night sky silver rabbit Explorer he reaches home to find out that Estella has sent the materials for the newcomers in the mail and he is looking forward to working closely with the new recruits suddenly he spots a message from Estella in the document as well and he opens the letter immediately out of curiosity Estella explains in the letter that she has sent everything she could about finding the careers of the newcomers even though some of the content is a bit depressing she would clearly love to get a review from Orin himself after he has gone through the material Orin is a bit surprised to read that the content is a bit depressing therefore he starts going through the material right away the second page is a brief history of the 10th team and the subsequent pages are the pro profiles of each member Lauren's profile comes up first in line and Orin is glad to find out that he has also come from a rural Village to become a scout well his profile reminds him a lot of his own journey and he expects that Logan can become a Great Scout if he keeps working hard Sophia is next and it turns out that she is the illegitimate daughter of count claudell and a servant girl her mother had passed away which is why she went to live with the Count's family where his wife treated her pretty badly poor Sophia wasn't even sent to the House of Lords even though her half sister Selma graduated from there and left home Sophia faced a lot of mistreatment from Miss claudell until Selma came back and brought her into the Squadron where she decided to be a scout herself this story was pretty ugly for sure next in line is Caroline who seems to have a special ability called self-healing and it turns out that she was also held captive in the Fortress of the order of the cyclen according to the books the cyclen clan believes in some evil God and regularly have rituals where they attempt to resurrect their God and this makes it even more shady because Orin has no idea what happened to Caroline in that Fortress the first unit had saved her after their raid on the cyclen where they had found Caroline's mental state was quite unstable after being treated inhumanely she later joined the clan as a scout upon her own request the story is quite depressing for sure and Orin can only imagine what she must have been through during her time as a captive he knows quite a lot about the three of them now and Promises to take care of their mental health as well as teach them how to be a good scout he is sure about doing a job with the utmost dedication therefore he starts reading as he needs to wake up early the next morning the next morning arrives and LCRA shows up to wake him when she finds out that Orin has managed to finish so many books in a single night it's almost impossible for her until he begins using his magic to levitate the book which is actually a pretty cool trick they hear rain arriving therefore lay tells her that it's a ghost who is making the books levitate around the room and this scares her too much to speak before she can go into complete shock though Orin tells her that he can use magic to levitate light objects and books and it impresses rain after she hurls an earful of abuses at LCRA who was laughing at how scared she got Selma greets her Squad as she arrives in the morning to tell them that they've been asked to collect the hex and Beast materials therefore it looks like they need to have a meeting first she reveals that they have to go to layer 86 and find the noxus Sheep since their wool is extremely strong and elastic making it a highly sought-after material plus it's used to make the uniforms of their clients as well so they will be set for the future they need to move on to the confirmation of this collaboration therefore they start off with the support magic some of volunteers to take care of the powerups for everyone except oron who has his own support magic to deal with he is also glad that he is able to reduce her workload so considerably which is why he's on board with this plan the main attackers are decided to be oron and Rain while will is going to keep the hex and Beast attention on himself luk crate is also told to keep her restorative magic reserves and it looks like they're all set to go on this Mission oron can't wait to go to the lower levels as a swordsman and promises that he will not fail his new Clan which has welcomed him with open arms later they enter the great Labyrinth after hearing a lot of rumors about or who is quite famous now well he tries his best to not pay attention to any gossip as he wants everyone to know that he has joined the silver rabbit Clan they soon arrive at level 86 which is surrounded by beautiful sights because this particular level has a natural environment like a forest suddenly they spot a Magic Bullet coming towards them therefore they immediately begin to prepare their defenses this is when Aura notices that will has a double-edged sword which is an extremely difficult weapon to use but he can't wait to see how his classmate uses it to his Advantage surprisingly he managed is to smash magic to orin's Amazement while rain finds out that the enemy had fired the Magic Bullet is right underneath her she deals with the Unseen enemy right away which impresses Orin a lot because their group has managed to perfectly time their defense even though it was a surprise attack on them someone believes that the attack might have been done by the Earth Dragon therefore she asks everyone to stay cautious oron Smiles at them thinking about how they are all individually strong as well rain is an amazing magician for sure while will proved to be an OnPoint swordsman and even the cray turned out to be a trustworthy partner his thoughts are soon interrupted as Selma asks oron if he can deal with the Earth Dragon while the rest of them will provide him all the support that he requires will and oron are going to be the ones to take the monster down so they coordinate among each other when oron notices that there's a weird thing coming from the dragon he looks closely to find out that it's a hi turtle that has changes color to mimic the scenery around it which is why he focuses his initial attack on this Beast however he is about to be done with the high Turtle when another Earth Dragon shows up to ruin his fun this is when Sama lets them know that rain and C's magic tricks will finish off the beasts therefore they space jump while their group members count down to the attack the defeat of the monsters is completed the next Second and they are all happy about the team's first battle together Orin also compliments them for working so well together and they continue to explore level 86 for the next 2 hours before they can look further though they spot the famous noxious sheep that they've come looking for Orin quickly jumps to Shear the wool of the hexen Beast since there is a chance that its body might disappear after being killed the group works together once again while will and Orin do the same job of shearing the wool from the Sheep rain's job is to melt the Wool with some magic which instills some more confidence in them and they continue to obtain a total of four woolens and this ends their quest for the day a good day like this certainly calls for some celebrations therefore all of them make plans to have a celebratory dinner as an excuse to welcome oron to their team before they can start off though oron takes s to the side asking her if she can go to the first division with her the next day as he has some business to take care of with the search and rescue Department she reveals that she also has to go to the exploration Department therefore it's fine for him to tag along well the serious talk is out of the way so they reach the restaurant to celebrate and oron's new teammates raise a toast for him straight away he also tells them that he is enjoying his time with them a lot and this information actually makes them all glad they have an enjoyable time as they continue to drink and talk their hearts out and this makes Orin think that he will never regret his decision to join this clan since they're all so welcoming and amazing at their jobs however before he can call it a KN he notices that Selma is looking at him with with a twinkle in her eye and she keeps calling him a good man while smiling up at him he has never seen her like this therefore it's making him a bit confused about what to do in front of her Selma moves closer to Orin and it's clear that she is in an extremely flirty mood he is also getting distracted by her soft lips and body but it's obvious to him that she is drunk it looks like she's interested to know what he's doing later in the night and this makes him realize that this situation is too dangerous for him Selma continues to pay him more compliments while he just wants her to come down before she does anything that they might both regret this makes her think that he doesn't find her too attractive but orin's main issue is that she's just too pretty to avoid and he might not have a lot of self-control in front of her Selma suggests that they should spend the night together until dawn which makes Orin call out to rain for backup unfortunately for him though his backup also wants to join them until the morning arrives and he seems to be stuck with the two girls for now he does look like such a player with the two girls sticking to his sides the whole time while the rest of the Clan makes fun of him he starts getting all kinds of inappropriate images in his head which makes him freak out and he keeps thinking of ways to get out of this situation the last option for him is using magic therefore he utilizes the Sleep guide trick to make both the girls fall asleep before LCRA can invite herself along with him as well he tells her to handle all the accounting while being extremely glad that this trick worked meanwhile Sophia is getting bored thinking about what Orin is doing at that moment when she hears a knock later she finds out that it's Orin at the door which makes her think that he might be drunk plus there must be something important that he wants to talk about with her right her hopes and dreams are definitely crushed though when she opens the door to see oron carrying her sister on his back she misunderstands that they're having an affair however Orin explains to her that Selma is just a bit drunk Sophia immediately tries to wake her sister up and as soon successful in her attempts as s wakes up looking quite confused Orin begins to leave after dropping him off but stops to let Sophia know that he will be teaching for the 10th group soon enough and this really makes her forget all of her worries the next day LCRA introduces or to Nina Who belongs to the magical Development Division and is quite impressed with him already L crate shows her the trick where she can make objects float revealing that Orin is the one who taught her the trick this excited nah quite a bit as she asks Orin to teach her some of this brilliant magic as well and he happily agrees to show her the trick even though she doesn't belong to their group apparently oron plans on publishing all of his tricks for everyone to use in the future which is an exciting bit of information for her he obviously wants to publish it under his new Clan's name therefore both of them discuss the strategy of publishing since nah looks like someone who knows a lot about regulations furthermore Orin believes that his original magic should generate a little income as he wants some money to help those who belong to his clan hearing his good intentions nah also promises to offer him some help and support from her department and this might have just become a pretty sweet deal for Orin at this point nah asks if he can come with her to the first division as she wants some of his opinions on Future Magic developments her request sounds reasonable enough therefore Orin has to accept it but she also tells her he can only go with her when he is free since he's about to get really busy from here on out he informs them that he's going to teach the new recruits of the first unit which makes Nina realize that those kids must have some real talent to make oron want to train them of course she wants oron to visit the division as often as he can as well and also offers to exchange LC with him so he can teach her instead of one of the new recruits orun Smiles a bit at their childish behavior as they seem to be getting out of control however he refuses to accept any exchange but he soon realizes that he needs to leave for his next meeting he starts to walk towards the exploration department where Selma had been waiting for him for quite some time after what happened with the drunk Selma this meeting is quite embarrassing for both of them without giving him a chance to speak though Selma apologizes to him right away for causing the inconvenience oron laughs at how cute she looks before telling her that she doesn't need to worry about anything since they were all drunk she smiles at his warm response and lets him know that she's ready to help him with whatever he needs however she has the same cute and hot look on her face which reminds Orin about the previous night when they had been too close this makes him blush really hard and he realizes that it will take some time for him to forget therefore he changes the topic and asks her where the exploration Management Department is when Orin leaves after dropping Selma back to her place Sophia gets really curious about what happened throughout the night therefore she makes her older sister sit in the room and ask her to walk through the entire night Selma is terrified of her baby sister at this point and she is clearly embarrassed by how she ended up drinking so much at oron's welcome party well she doesn't have any choice but to tell the facts to Sophia which is why she begins telling her about how she and her team ended up at the restaurant to celebrate she clearly got carried away there and drank more alcohol than usual so she ended up passing out which is why Orin had to carry her back to the house it looks like she's regretting everything by now while Sophia just stays silent the whole time finally Sophia complains about her being busy therefore Selma reassures her that Orin Has Lifted a lot of weight off her shoulder by joining the clan it looks like she's trying to explain to Sophia that she will have more time for their sisterly bonding hearing this Sophia just asks her to be more careful and not cause trouble for other people this this surely makes Selma smile because she had never gotten lectured from her little sister plus she's proud of how mature she's becoming and this makes her think that she's a little angel Sent From Heaven while her eyes tear up Sophia quickly changes the subject though explaining to her that she's expected to go check on her new team members if they can work well together and confirms from Selma that Orin is the one who's going to be in charge of them Sophia is evidently quite happy about Orin accepting this position as she mentions that he had started caring about the three of them since the search and guide training her motivation seems to have increased now which makes happy and she decides to take a shower before going to sleep her Joy is adorable for sure and Selma is happy that her little sister smiles a lot more these days it's clear to her that Sophia's feelings for oron are a lot more special than she realizes which is a bit frustrating for her because such feelings used to be directed towards Selma before this strange hero came along in their lives however she can't be bitter about this because it might just be her pretty little sister's First Love and she should support her no matter what happens this makes her think that she should apologize to Orin because she has started to remember how flirting she got with him at the restaurant she has never embarrassed herself like this before and even though she's aware about how much she likes Orin as a person however she really doesn't want to feel any other emotions towards him of course it might just be a bit hard for her to control her heart since she can feel it beating loudly just when she starts thinking about him and it seems like she has to get a grip on herself before she makes any strong decisions feelings can be complicated too sometimes right she prepares for her relaxing shower while her mind is occupied with these thoughts until Sophia enters the bathroom as well her her sister wants to ask if she wants to use a new towel but her sudden appearance has completely scared Selma that she can't even speak for a few minutes her eyes land on the new towel and she relaxes as she realizes that she doesn't want to think about anything other than Sophia she has no idea how much time they have to live together like sisters so she really has to do her best for the innocent girl in front of her Selma thanks her for everything before Sophia leaves her to continue her shower and she happily takes off her clothes to rinse off all the thoughts from her mind and body her mood starts becoming lighter almost immediately and she's decided that she prefers to keep her relationship with oron as it is however this also makes her think if that will be too naive of her even though she got drunk at night she is aware that people tend to speak out their true feelings under such an influence however she is not sure if she really spoke her heart out it's clear that she's not ready to accept any of the unacceptable thoughts and it's obviously Playing Tricks on her mind maybe she just needs some time to figure out exactly what she wants to do in her life we are back to the next morning where Selma and Orin have come over to the administration section of the guild to discuss some things Estrella welcomes them both after they notice that this particular department is a bit untidy well it's more organized than before so Estella feels proud to show it off oron feels a weird vibe from her though since its impression of Estella was a bit different during their first meeting this really makes him wonder if the girl sitting in front of him is truly the real Estella or not Selma is quick to mention to her that Orin seems displeased with her lack of formality but Estella is still confident that she's doing her job properly of course she also suggests that they should put the Casual chatter aside for now now and thanks both of them for coming over so promptly Estella is glad to hear that they both have reviewed the documents that she sent over regarding team 10 last time it's time for them to continue to the next page therefore she asks oron if he can be trusted with the guidance of the three new children Oran thinks about them for a second before agreeing to take over the responsibility with a satisfied smile on his face Estella has some more questions about the educational policy because she believes that it must be taken care of apparently she wants the children to learn from oron's style and he can do that by teaching them everything after using everything he has seen and experienced so far in his life as an Explorer her demands aren't that unreasonable since the three new recruits are going to be the core of the next generation of the silver rabbit Clan which is why they should be getting what they need besides all the Knowledge and Skills there might be other things to teach as well right Selma speaks up at this point assuring her that educational policies for the children can be set aside however it can also be beneficial if they set up some goals for their development as well Estella also puts some thought into the suggestion and begins explaining that she needs the recruits well prepared enough to conquer the middle level with just the members of the team 10 after 6 months it's quite an ambitious goal but they fit well with the Clan's new promises and Selma also doesn't look to be completely opposed to this goal this definitely won't prove to be an impossible task and she has lots of faith in oron's mentorship qualities as well horon doesn't look too sure though because even though the new recruits have been through the middle levels during their education Quest he knows that they didn't even have to face any boss battles he is unsure if it will be safe enough for them to try such levels Within just 6 months it doesn't matter to him since he's always up for a challenge so he promises to do his best and it's enough to make Estella and Selma happy of course his cuteness plays a huge role in their happiness but they aren't going to tell him that later he stands in front of the room in which the three recruits are waiting for him he feels bad for not being able to see Logan and Caroline in 4 days even though he met Sophia for a while during this time he is really unsure if they will treat him the same way or not since their behavior might change since he became their Mentor he enters ERS the room after inhaling a long breath but ends up getting pleasantly surprised when all three of them Express a lot of Joy the second they see him he has realized that it's been quite a long time since he saw the three of them so he might have been overly concerned a few minutes back the three of them have already heard that oron has offered to guide them directly and they look really happy about it this is when logal tells him that it's quite unbelievable for him to be trained by such an experienced Explorer but his speech makes oron spot something different in him moving on oron tries to manage their expectations regarding him by putting it out there that he's not that good of an Explorer however these kids have seen him fighting against the black dragon and it's pretty obvious that they think of oron as a hero he doesn't have much influence over third party perspectives even though he believes that he had almost died against the black dragon he really needs to stop fighting wrecklessly sometimes as she should really become stronger to protect everyone's safety at this point Orin tells them that they will have to defeat the black dragon themselves someday which catches them off guard they wish to deal with the black dragon someday of course but they are definitely not ready for that challenge yet yet oron thinks it's the perfect time to compliment as well therefore he announces that the three of them will definitely become great explorers since they all have a lot of potential their new guide is going to teach them all the Knowledge and Skills but he needs to set down some more things for them before they can get started firstly Orin wants them to keep their minds open as he believes that there are always many different ways to solve things which is why nobody should ever limit themselves to just one way of doing things if they can change their way of thinking then even a casual conversation or an everyday scene can lead to an unex expected solution secondly he doesn't want them to believe that whatever he says is absolutely 100% correct he is aware that he has made countless mistakes in his life therefore he doesn't want his new students to take his words at face value more importantly they should analyze and integrate his words with their own knowledge and experience which can really help them become the best version of themselves his speech is quite surprising for the three students but they agree to whatever Orin tells them because they clearly don't have a choice of course Orin also asks them why they even chose to become explorers as he wants to understand the kind of dreams and goals these kids have for the future starting with Sophia she lets him know that she aspires to become exactly like her sister Selma this doesn't mean that she's going to be a cheap copy though as she has a clear plan to uncover her own unique goals and aspirations within the vast Universe her answer isn't that surprising for Orin as he was already aware of the content but it feels much better to hear it all from her own mouth he also remembers that she had mentioned about her world changing since she joined the clan and after getting to know her family situation back at home Her Image in orin's mind has started to evolve into a full-blown masterpiece like painting he promises to lend his support in her Quest as well and turns to Logan who only mentions that he wants to earn enough points to provide for his family back home it turns out that all of the villagers from his home have collectively sent him to the city to earn for them since their Hometown is in quite a destitute region Orin really had no idea about his struggle and advises him to thank all of the villagers when he does get a chance one day the good thing is that Logan is very self-aware and he knows about his weakness NES since he always thought that he had the strength of an advanced Explorer however the last educational Quest made him realize that there's a long way for him to go the change in him becomes more obvious to Aura now and he can tell that the boy has become more in touch with his main objectives this time he promises to teach him everything he can which will be the biggest help he can give to him right it's finally Caroline's turn now and oron can't wait to hear her story since it's one of the most exciting Back stories that he has ever come across therefore he prepares himself for this storytelling session Caroline Begins by putting it out there that she doesn't have a particular reason behind wanting to become an Explorer if she absolutely had to say something though she feels like she became an explorer to see the smile on people's faces when she takes down the magical beasts her answer is not quite satisfactory for Orin as he can't believe that for someone who had gone through such a traumatic incident Caroline doesn't have a real reason behind her choosing one of the most non-p peaceful professions he can sense that she still carries a deep Darkness within her and she doesn't want to show it to anyone well no matter the reason oron still believes that Caroline's actions are aiding someone because they are able to snag magical gems after flying the beasts these items are obviously really vital for everyone's power Caroline is happy to hear his point of view before she points out that she enjoys the smiles of everyone around her since the dolls who Beam with joy don't lay a hand on her now everyone around her can guess that she has been through a dark phase in her life and they need to know more about her experiences but Orin can only hope that she will be comfortable enough to reveal her secrets to them one day after hearing them all out oron starts off by telling them to always remember what they have just admitted since they all need to have a first motivation in their hearts to survive the tough Explorer world at this point he also reveals that he became an Explorer as he never wanted to lose a thing in his life he knew that he could not protect anything if he remained weak in his life therefore his goal is to become stronger than ever before he promises to take each one of his new students seriously even though he might dish on them a few times or turn them away occasionally he lets them believe that he is their closest Ally for sure before moving on oron asks Carol if they can call her by a simpler name since her real name is a mouthful which might not be helpful during the intense battle situations of course she doesn't look sad about it and gives a hearty permission to aurin so he can choose a new nickname for her the new teacher comes up with the name Carol and everybody immediately loves it hearing this Logan speaks up since he wants oron to choose a nickname for him as well well this is the first time that someone is demanding a nickname from Orin and he thinks for a bit before coming up with the name log which isn't too great but it's enough to make Logan happy for now Sophia also turns to him suggesting that her nickname should be Sophie and gets instant happiness when Orin promises to call her by this new nickname as well now it's their turn to come up with a nickname for Orin since it doesn't feel right to Logan that they don't have a silly nickname for their teacher he soon finds out though that it's pretty difficult to come up with a nickname for Orin which makes Caroline announce that she's going to address him as shisho which means Master it seems like they're taking this really seriously but Orin can't do anything about it so he gives them the go-ahead to call him whatever they want except for Sophie obviously as she wants to address him by his name like always now that all of these important discussions are done Orin feels like they should just kick off their first lesson they decide to start with the basics because it's just their first day and it's better for them to begin their training with something they already know first off Orin wants to talk to them about the demons that lurk in The Labyrinth explaining that they have a natural inclination to Target humans demons tend to go after crowded places which is why they should always be aware of where they're going when they're exploring plus demons are always after the magical stone as well because they can get stronger by using them of course they turn into magical Stones once the explorers defeat them but it's all up to their skill set too this makes the magical Stones the perfect way to subtract these demons from attacking and this is the best reason for them to have these stones in handy at all times this is when Sophie raises her hand which makes it clear that she might have a question Orin gives her the stage as she begins asking if Orin wears a magical stone around his neck while fighting the black dragon Orin proves her Theory correct by agreeing and is really glad about Sophia noticing every little thing about him as well as guessing the intentions behind some of his actions which have made her a much broader perspective than most people he meets oron soon moves on from this topic and focuses on the combat magical artifact which allow them to easily activate spells but they can quickly become counterproductive if too many of them are carried on an exploration adventure explaining it to them in more simple words or in just lets them know that they will end up attracting more demons if they carry so many artifacts this makes Logan quite excited since he didn't know this information at all therefore he begins to admire this skill set and knowledge of Orin the teacher isn't too flattered though as he feels that Logan might just be overdoing it a bit and he's definitely acting a little strange this morning as well lunchtime soon arrives during their lecture and Orin tells them to all feed themselves so they can go to the Labyrinth with all their energy he really does believe that they should get out there and do some exploring instead of studying Theory every day the three kids clearly don't want to leave him therefore they end up finishing the package food that he brought from home they soon finish the entire packed food even though it doesn't taste any better and they all stand stand up to go to the Labyrinth later oron and his students stand on the 11th floor of the labyrinth where the teacher tells them to fight separately as he wants to see how far they can go Sophia is the first one to attract the beasts and the slimes soon show up to ruin their party of course the girl doesn't look too bothered and she starts off by shooting fire arrows at the Little Smiles where Aura notices that her strategy is quite excellent for someone her age she manages to defeat all of them in no time while the rest of her group cheers and claps for her looking all impressed oron is scared for Carol s she is extremely injured and it's totally weird for him to see that somebody would harm their own doll like this keeping his personal feelings aside though he moves closer to tell her to calm down and perform some kind of healing on herself she does exactly as she is told and her wounds start to heal in a matter of seconds which is truly unbelievable for aurin he even wonders if her powers are truly so incredible because he remembers reading something about Carol in some documents a few days ago watching his curious face Carol lets him know that she has the power to self-heal which is a unique ability since she can heal herself in an instant no matter how badly she is hurt it does sound like her body is practically invincible and this is why she is used to the pain of her injuries by now as they always end up healing quickly Her speech hasn't fully satisfied oron though and he isn't sure if they can rely on Carol's surprising abilities this also makes him question if she's been throwing herself at magical creatures all this time because of this power only this doesn't guarantee that she can always come out stronger against much stronger enemies right he does realize that he needs to stop her from thinking like this therefore he asks her to take a good look at the faces of her companion I he makes her notice that their smiles are all gone because she keeps hurting herself and even though she can heal herself he explains that they all feel pain whenever she's hurt since they are not used to experiencing pain like her just seeing a companion in pain doesn't bring them Joy anymore Carol has no words after being put in this tough spot as she doesn't want to cause pain in her companion's lives for sure therefore she starts crying right in front of oron she asks him what she can do to avoid this in the future which makes him realized that this girl's ultimate fear is losing the ability to see Smiles on the faces of those around her her constant pleading makes Orin advise her that she will just have to avoid feeling all this pain and she immediately lets go of the knife that she has been holding this entire time her actions make orur un glad that she will never hurt herself again so he asks her to smile however her reaction is the opposite as she starts crying begging him not to hurt her because her traumatic experiences in the sect won't disappear so easily even though she keeps saying that her mind is at peace oron realizes that he needs to handle her with care which is why he smiles to let her know that he isn't angry at her and there's no one around for them to hurt her of course he promises to protect her if a situation like this ever comes up so he asks her not to worry about it for now this is when Orin tells them all that they have to end their training session here and head back to the base even though he actually wanted to see all three of them working together it turns out that he has already taken control of the abandoned beast on the way with his attack magic before the three of them noticed he especially doesn't want Carol to encounter a magical Beast as he didn't know how she would react so keeping it a secret makes sense right about their future plans though Orin has set to teach them every two days which isn't an entirely bad schedule schle they can surely Venture into the great Labyrinth on the day without instruction but he lays out four conditions in front of them firstly they should always stay together secondly they should not challenge the floor boss and they should not go beyond the 11th floor without his permission as the third condition the fourth and last condition is for their own safety as it requires them to never act recklessly under any circumstances thankfully the three of them understand these conditions and agree to them right away furthermore Orin also wants them to keep one free day if they do go to the Labyrinth since he doesn't want them to push themselves so hard and they are so young that they do deserve a break every once in a while obviously he recommends reading books in the exploration Department's Library as they have many useful things written in them once their little meeting is done Carol and Sophia walk out of the room first after bidding their goodbyes to their instructor which makes Orin think if their peers are more suitable for post-mission tracking than he is before he can be completely left alone with his feelings he notices that log has stayed behind in the room and it looks like he's in need of orin's time as he starts talking log tells him the confusion he has about his current skill level and it seems like he needs his master's honest opinion on this before answering Orin decides that it's okay to log it in the current record as it doesn't seem like there will be any more unfair Advantage taking turning his attention back to log he tells the student that he can handle it just fine even though he is already on an a-rank team hearing it this way makes log more confident so he asks if Orin can show him how to wield a sword Orin is shocked at this request because he thinks that log has got his magic pretty well under control for now so he doesn't really understand his sudden interest in Sword Play it sounds like log does does want Carol to Bear all the Frontline responsibilities after watching her today and he hopes to lighten her mood by staying by her side plus he aspires to become an Explorer like Orin who was capable of handling various skills therefore it makes sense for him to learn everything right Orin knows that it's his way of looking out for the team however he informs him that it might just become less proficient in Magic if he picks up the sword skills it might just weaken his overall abilities as well of course his words of caution are heard by his student but log is still willing to take the risk as he wants to progress in his journey his determination makes oron realize that they do need more people in the front lines but he isn't sure if log can manage fighting in the front while managing Buffs and commands the whole time in this case Sophia might be left on the rear to give the order which could be a bit problematic this is why he suggests that they should discuss this issue with the other two the next time they meet up for training at this point Orin lets him know that he won't be teaching him swordsmanship which shocks log until he finds out that his master is willing to teach him the alternative ways of using weapons this new skill can come in handy for a magical specialist like log and keeping it distance from enemies might be advantageous so he announces that he will be teaching the art of using a spear to his excited pupil on the other hand Oliver's team has reached the 76th floor where anory isn't too happy about being stuck to gather magic stones on the lower floors their healer Luna tries to calm her down by stating the obvious that they are restricted from venturing deeper until they meet this quota it sounds like they've got orders from The Guild to deliver a large number of magic Stones which is all because of the embarrassing blunder by Oliver as he accidentally transported the black dragon to the 50th floor from the 92nd floor they clearly had to use the force return spell to fix the situation which is why they need to collect all the magic stones that were used in this spell as a penalty this is when Philly notices that there's a group of white be magical beasts heading in their direction from up ahead therefore they decide to handle these beasts according to their plan thankfully Philly knows exactly how long her support spell lasts on each one of them so she won't run out of magical energy Oliver is aware that Orin is the one who recommended her as an expert in support magic and he's desperate to try her out in such serious situations remembering Orin Oliver asks if he was actually being truthful about the buff durations or if he was just playing a silly trick on them Philly reveals that the actual durations are a tad longer than he taught them but she is planning to double check the exact times as she wonders if Orin has something against her surprisingly Oliver defends oron by saying that he's not the kind of person to spread false information just for fun as he has always been pretty meticulous when he worked with them the sudden change is due to the high ranking Guild official who was at the meeting and he was deliberately feeding them false information moreover he was keeping some details about them from the higher up to the guild which makes him look even more suspicious keeping these problems aside Oliver tells them all to focus on the magical beast when darus rushes out to them without even a warning it looks like Derrik charges right at the enemies as soon as he spots them ever since the last blunder but it might be throwing off their coordination ner also attacks with a fire spirit that is not received well by Oliver and it makes him realize that she has started to follow ph's instructions without even thinking twice about it for some reason he has a strange feeling whenever he looks at Philly and it might be because he is still unsure about her f fusing back on the task Derek goes solo while iner shots go off Target and Luna doesn't even join the fight as she is busy dealing with the magical Beast that they accidentally let Escape without coordination or teamwork Oliver is well aware that there will be no way around Conquering the 94th floor which makes them think that they need to make some significant changes in the team a few hours later Oliver and his team arrive at the headquarters to find a visitor approaching in the carriage Oliver recognizes him as count fergus's Butler and this count is a major sponsor of their hero group however it doesn't make sense for his Butler to pay them a visit it turns out that the butler is here to take Oliver to the count who insists on the hero joining him immediately apparently it concerns the article in the newspaper about the sudden appearance of the black dragon on the 50th floor Oliver loses his mind after seeing that the media has been involved in such a scandal but he agrees to have a meeting with the count even though he isn't happy about going alone it's clear that their luck turned for the worst when they removed Orin from the group however since he has no choice he quietly enters the Count's Mansion Who welcomes him with a Stern expression Orin and log are still having their discussion on the new weapons that they can try out and Orin already thinks that his student will not become more arrogant this is exactly why he thinks that log will be able to do it without any issues his comment obviously makes the younger boy happy because his teacher's confidence has given him much to be thankful for of course he asks if Orin is going to teach him how to use a sword which makes Orin confused because log really can't be serious with this request since he has already mastered the magic of granting log has already made up his mind to help Carol in the front lines besides he wants to become an explorer who is capable of doing anything just like his teacher Orin informs him about his fear of making log weaker if he isn't able to blend them well with magic Well Log is clearly ready to take this risk and even with orin's current reservations he decides to talk about it with the other two the next time this is the perfect time for Orin to let him know that he will be teaching him how to use other weapons instead of the sword since he needs to be able to fight with the Enemy from a distance it looks like Orin will not back down until he makes log agree to use a spear meanwhile Oliver's hero group is all set on the 76th floor when they get ready to beat the magical bears that are about to attack them after coming back Oliver thinks about the time they expelled oron and even though he holds no grudges against his ex- teammate Oliver won't hesitate to do anything he can to remain the strongest he is scared that if he loses his position then he will end up giving up on something of importance once again on the other hand a hooded person is sitting in front of count Fergus with a determined look on his face at this point the count tells him that easing an article like this would be a piece of cake for him however it would worsen his reputation for sure it looks like the mysterious person wants to push Oliver even further in order to unleash his true power the count also reveals that he has no dreams or ideals and winning in the end is enough for him anyway so it's natural for him to join those who dominate the world understanding his way of thinking the hooded figure goes away leaving a Sinister feeling in the Count's heart soon it's revealed that the hood person is Philly when an AR comes to find her in a deserted place but it's clear that she has no idea about what Philly has been up to apologizing for making anari worry Philly tells her that she only looks out for her team and ner finds the perfect opportunity to gossip about how Luna has just gone to visit her family because she thinks that it's selfish of her to do so on the other hand Luna has reached her family at the flock heart company where she meets up with her father-in-law and informs him that she is considering leaving the hero group she thinks that the hero group is on the decline after the newspaper article therefore she intends on leaving them immediately after collecting all the stones her father-in-law gets angry at her announcement asking what they will do if the hero group decides to sever ties with the house of count Fergus it's a tough situation for them them because they have to maintain good relations with the count to remain the leading company around Luna is not convinced by his Outburst even though he tells her that she needs to obey him and her family she has gone through a similar thing when she had no choice but to obey and she is clearly upset over the fact that her life has been literally shaped by other people's decisions in the flashback Luna was quite happy with her invaluable friends in her orphanage about 11 years ago Luna was just 7 years old when she was adopted and her friends seemed quite envious over the fact that she has got to become the full daughter of a wealthy family of course it was not a big surprise since she was beautiful and smart therefore they bid her farewell with good wishes and smiling faces this is when the Flockhart family's messenger arrived and she left immediately the couple who had adopted her ran the influential Flockhart company but Luna only cared about getting a mom and dad because she was simply happy to be chosen clearly she thought that a warm home awaited her just like in the books and she met her new parents with the same hope her hopes and dreams turned out to be naive soon enough when she started getting beaten up for not playing the piano well she obviously had a lot of pressure from her parents as they constantly told her that the future of their house depended on her piano performance their biggest advice to her was that she needed to be a good wife and this is how she became a mere tool for a future political marriage for her new parents she was still thankful since her environment was much better than the orphanage and she could finally get an education as well plus she could always marry into a good family if she has and finally have a better life than before this is when she decided to work really hard but there wasn't a political marriage in her Destiny since the farcus family found out that she had some special abilities through her adoptive parents which is why count farcus made an offer to her father his condition was evidently for Luna to join an exploration group with the two boys who were coming to the city that is how she met Oliver and aurin and she joined the group even though she felt guilty for going through with this on someone else's orders the two boys became Irreplaceable for her and she started having fun with them every day she had never imagined that she would become obsessed with dangerous dungeon exploration at first however the new team made her stronger and she never lost her true self thanks to those two she still has no idea about why the count knew about the two guys but they really wanted to recruit talented people which is why Luna still feels that losing oron has been the most painful experience during this entire time this kind of thing might not be good for her but she still wants to break all the chains that bind her therefore she informs her father-in-law that they have lost a talented teammate like oron which is a concerning factor for the hero group oron doesn't mean anything of course as he reveals that Luna was put in the hero group to support Oliver and he thinks that she is a true heroine as well his words don't make much sense to her her and she starts ranting about the fact that they can't defeat the dangerous bosses or the Deep layers with just one person her father is in no mood to hear her comeback therefore he sternly tells her to keep her mouth shut since he is the one who gave her a home she clearly becomes disheartened after this conversation and goes away to her room thinking that her adoptive father does make sense to an extent because he did get her out of the orphanage however she also believes that the hero group will fall apart with Derrik and anelli who are completely out of control the worst case scenario is that she might lose her life during an expedition therefore she comes up with the plan to actively intervene and restore coordination among the members to stop them from falling apart with a heavy heart she goes over to the window and looks out into the distance wishing for the hero from fairy tales to show up and save her she knows that fairy tales don't exist and her life will continue to be used by others well nobody can stop her from daydreaming though right plus she really can't help feeling this way when all she wants to do is become free from all these nonsensical obligations
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 635,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 15sec (7695 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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