The Most TRAGIC Isekai Protagonist I've Ever Seen in Manga

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Our Story begins with a cruise ship full of high schoolers being attacked by terrorists on the ship we see our main character aamia hoto rushing in desperately trying to save a female student who is falling overboard only to wake up and see himself along with the entire class of yasaka high school in an empty void now dead as the students try to get a grasp of their situation we see a male student Machida Aran complaining about his unfortunate death as he wishes he could have played around with girls a bit more almost too soon he slides in to flirt with a female student shimata isumi but she bluntly rejects his attempts and takes charge of the situation trying to diffuse the tension and bring everyone back to their senses she's backed up by another male student Minami asagi who CHF for his classmates to stay calm even though they don't have a single clue of what to expect for the future this doesn't keep everyone's Spirits high as the classroom teacher murakami Jun comments on his students unusually perky attitudes to them being dead as the two go back and forth our main character spots the girl he previously risked his life trying to save nus narumi he laments about his attempts to rescue her because in the end it didn't matter since she died along with him he admits that the two aren't close but that doesn't mean he wanted her to die just then the students hear a voice speaking to them another male student Roku odiri sees a bright light appearing before them taking the shape of a Godly being named Rod Court students suchia kanako and Kono Miagi completely act hysterical but luckily iumi is there to calm them down rodc Court tells the classroom that he would Grant each of them a special power as well as a new life somewhere different than Earth and luck of their own hearing this perks the ears of hoto as this is his first time hearing about reincarnation Rod court goes on to explain that anyone who wishes to stay on Earth is allowed to do so however they wouldn't be granted any special powers and their memories of the Void would be erased he then goes on to ask anyone who wishes to stay on Earth to speak up during this hoto thinks to himself about the pros and cons of being reborn and believes that being reincarnated in a different world with powers completely outweighs any pros of staying on Earth one of the students however didn't think the same as our main character and offered to stay on Earth luckily though everyone else chose to be born with superp powers One By One The Gods started to call the names of the students to bless them with these special powers and transport them to another world hoto assumes that it's going to be a while until his name gets called so he sits down and begins reflecting on his life he admits that his life wasn't all that spectacular his parents dying when he was young and he didn't have any friends or siblings or anyone close to him growing up the worst part being father's relatives who he thought wouldn't care that he died and would probably cash out on his life insurance these things don't bother hoto as much as he begins to think of a much better life in the new world with a loving and caring family just then Rod Court calls the name Amia hiroto and the boy steps forward our main guy thinks to himself how he's never noticed that student before and how it was weird how the names were so similar and not just their names but their appearances were weirdly identical too rodc Court blesses the boy with eight special light spheres which is is way more than what he gave the previous students and with that he cast the spell to make everyone in the class be reborn to their new world until he notices our main character who was left behind Rod cour asks our main guy his name to which he replies amamoto this makes the god realized that he made a horrible mistake as he thought the other student amim aoto was our main guy not only that he basically gave away all of the special powers to the wrong guy Rod cord explains how he can't give him the power that he already gave away to hoto asks if he'll just start over at zero like before but Rod Court says it's more complicated than that the God goes on to explain how he was supposed to save our main character's life but fate is cruel so now his life will never be blessed so basically hoto thinks that there's no point in reincarnating anymore and just asks to go back to Earth but the God tells him that that opportunity is long gone and the chance to be reborn is almost up hoto is rightfully upset and complains that he's the only one out of his class that didn't receive anything and that now his life is is destined to be full of bad luck rodc Court however does tell him that he'll be compensated by explaining how unlike his classmates his soul would become an empty core and in that core instead of strong abilities it'll store magic he does warn him that the compatibility with magic is extremely low which understandably annoys hoto as basically he'll be born with the capacity for magic but unable to use any of it rodc Court does pity hoto since he can't bless him with any luck and tells our main guide that his life is going to be full of struggling times but at last he gives our main guy some optimistic words before making him reincarnate hoto wakes up from a violent amount of electricity shocking his body and a guard mocking him for trying to Rebel the guard leaves and talks about another experiment coming up giving hiroto some time to recollect his memories from his past life and cursing the God who put him in this situation he realizes that he's been reborn into another world called origin that's somewhat similar to Earth except with the combination of Science and magic in this life his mother was a prostitute and his father was an alcoholic and they both sold him out so they could make some petty cash not long after being sold he was purchased by a shady research organization who does illegal experiments so all in all our guy is living the worst life possible we jump ahead to see a scientist talking about an unordinary subject which piques the interest of one of the two men they take note that his magic compatibility level is extremely low and all in all he has no magical Talent the scientist explains how normally a person possesses one out of Seven Elements earth water fire wind light life and space however our main character doesn't have an ability for any of these elements one of the scientists figures our main character is useless and suggests getting rid of him however the other scientist brings up how despite his lack of affinity for the elements he does have a huge magic Source inside of his body and that there's a possibility he just hasn't discovered that element yet we cut to see hoto doing an experiment in using Magic on a dead rat to bring it back to life this amazes the scientist who determines that his element is to control Cor corpses in other words the element of death The two scientists congratulate our guy in being the first ever death Mage later we see hoto being summoned to an office where he's surprised to see that he's been given an offer to have some sort of Freedom under the condition that he agrees to be a test machine the man explains how the facility is placing High Hopes on our guy's death magic and if he can develop a new kind of spell he'll be given his freedom a few days go by and hoto is putting all of his efforts into creating a new spell in exchange for his freedom which great pleases the scientists however one of them grows paranoid due to the rate that he's progressing at to which the other scientist explains how there's nothing to worry about since they've implanted bombs inside of his body just in case he tries anything funny not only that they also installed a GPS tracker replaced his right eye with a special camera and a secret recorder inside of his ears and mouth they even go as far as to restrict the amount of food he eats to prevent him from getting too strong and won't allow him to leave his room unless it's for an experiment so to put it lightly they have full control over his entire body and know his every move however despite the insane amount of precaution the other scientist still feels uneasy because hoto can use his magic at will which could pose a threat to them in the future the scientist with the glasses mocks his colleague by saying he's being too paranoid but asks if he has any solutions later we see hoto enter an unfamiliar room and he asks about the experiments regarding developing his new spell however one of the scientists says how before that they're going to do a quick examination of his body first h does as the scientists say and lays down on a table before he becomes bound to that table he demands to know what's going on but a group of doctors come into the room and begin performing surgery on him we cut to postoperation to see the scientist telling hoto it's meal time but hoto notices that he can't move a muscle or speak the other scientist walks into the room to check on hoto and his colleague praises the operation being a success and now hoto can't control his body and his magic is completely disrupted we now see hiroto completely wield chair bound the scientist with the glasses is elated about how now they have complete control over hiroto and his colleague mocks our main guy for being the first ever death Mage who can control the dead but not his own body reduced to now being a puppet hoto thinks to himself about his dire situation and calls out for help but he can't do anything and he remains completely helpless for 10 years the next chapter opens up with the scientist in glasses escorting another scientist into the room where they keep our main character character the man is completely shocked to see the near zombie like State he's been kept in but more importantly he's ecstatic to uncover the secrets behind the death Mage and perhaps even surpass his predecessors meanwhile hoto begins to see the spirits of a woman a little girl and a dog the woman begins talking to hiroto and the little girl turns to the scientist and asks if he's the new guy in charge of his experiments hiroto tells them that the scientists are rotten people and how unbearable his situation has become the woman apologizes about how they can't help him and wonders if there's any way they can help him try to escape but hoto just thanks them for simply giving him company in a place like this the woman says she's glad and how they're thankful to him for helping them calm down with the girl explaining how neither of them can reincarnate and were pulled here one day hoto suggests that it was due to his death magic since he's able to see spirits maybe he summoned them the girl goes on to explain how there's many Souls wandering the facility and how they all love him and want to see him Escape one day but since they're just Spirits they can't help him at all that's when hoto begins having a flashback to his old classmates and narumi the girl he had previously tried to save on the ship he thinks about how they were all given powers from God but none of them came to rescue him meanwhile the young scientist is frustrated about how he hasn't been able to gather enough results over the past month and fears being kicked from his position he then snaps and punches hoto out of his wheelchair which makes the woman's Spirit rush over to him out of desperation the scientist begins typing at the computer in hopes of releasing hiroto's limits and letting him reach his full capacity hiroto begins going going into shock and the dog and little girl spe try to stop him but all they can do is pass right through him the scientist then begins to realize the insane levels of power hoto has and how he's 10,000 times more powerful than the strongest Mage on Earth however during his experiment hoto is still currently going through shock and dies on the floor the young scientist begins freaking out over accidentally killing his subject and turns away all the while a black Aura begins pouring out from hot's body this alerts the monitor as well as the scientist as he sees hiroto's power still increasing the man becomes overly excited with his Newfound Revelation however before he could say another word hoto snatches at the man's neck and begins choking the life out of him dropping the man's corpse hoto starts to laugh at his Newfound Freedom not only has he gotten back his body but his magic as well hoto wastes no time and punches a hole through another man while storming out of his cell and approaches The two scientists who were responsible for him losing his body and Magic the The two scientists are completely stunned and wonder why he's even able to move meanwhile the only thing hoto can think about is killing them for putting him through all that for the last 10 years one of the scientists begins firing a pistol at hoto but he easily slips past the bullet and sucks the life force from his body the other scientist quickly determines that hiroto must already be dead and because of that he was able to use his death magic had full potential and became an Unstoppable Undead Mage this Revelation excites him as he praises hoto for his accomplishments but our main guy decapitates him before he could finish hoto laughs as he realizes that his Rampage has just begun he starts to turn on the doctors who performed surgery on him 10 years ago and mercilessly skewers them with their own medical tools he continues to escape from the facility easily bypassing the bullets being shot at him all the while realizing the excitement that comes with having full control over your own magic he later comes across a large door and believes that there are survivors inside he uses his magic magic to open the doors and stumbles into a room full of people who have been experimented on he believes that the facility was hoping to try to recreate a death Mage with these people hoto restores the mobility of the kids and leads them out of the room before telling them that he'll go on ahead just in case there are more enemies hoto charges on ahead and opens the door to the outside where he sees all of his old classmates who he believes are here to rescue him with tears in his eyes he approaches his classmates but they quickly go on the defensive and begin firing at hiroto h is completely stunned by this level of betrayal as he thought they'd remember him being in their class the students stopped firing as they were underwhelmed at how seemingly uneventful the battle was as they were told an undead had broken out of the facility aagi the one who told his classmates to cheer up about being dead explains how the undead stood no chance against them since they are 30 out of 100 heroes in the world naumi the girl hoto tried to save on the ship added how this one person was able to wipe out everyone at the facility and even called Death Magic disgusting that's when Amia hiroto steps in and suggests that the undead simply wanted to die because he was one of the experiments at the facility to which narumi agrees hiroto immediately recognizes the guy with the oddly similar name to him narumi and the other hiroto decide to put our Undead hiroto out of his misery so they tried to destroy him with a powerful spell meanwhile Undead hiroto is completely seething with rage at this other hoto who basically stole his good life his good luck and every blessing that God was supposed to give him in this world however his anger wasn't just at the other hiroto but at his classmates who all lived great lives while he was left to suffer and he swore to kill them all narumi and the other hiroto finish off zombie hiroto and sent him back to God who already suspected that he wouldn't last that long anyway as soon as hiroto Sees God he immediately tries to swing at him but only phas through him however this didn't stop hoto from letting God know how he felt about being cheated in his second life rodc Court tells hoto that even though his second life sucked he would be able to give him a much better third life which catches hiroto's attention rodc Court says that the next World will be called Lambda and this excites hoto since he'll be first in line to receive some blessings and tells the god to hop on it however Rod Court says that he can't give him any new abilities and send him off this infuriates hoto and he asks rodc cour what the big deal is but he simply replies that he can't have hoto going around killing his classmates and that the new world is a bit behind on development and it's basically up to our protagonist to build that world up with his own hands he says to see his second life at origin as a training period which hoto refuses since it was just a living hell he says he will never forgive God for what he's done but before he can finish rodc Court places a curse on him and says that he needs to give up on his quest for vengeance and only then will he remove all of the pain and suffering in this next life and return him to his normal reincarnation cycle with that hoto reincarnates to Lambda where he meets an elf girl smiling down at him she asks him to cry out every once in a while and that's when we see hoto as a baby elf the next chapter begins with hoto now called vandeloo with his elf mother darcia who is making a meal he tries to wrap his head around his Newfound life in Lambda and how he's now an elf baby who can't speak later he Compares his appearance to his mother who takes notice of it and explains that he inherited his looks from his father we then get some history of vandalo New World in Lambda there are elves who slightly resemble humans and he determines that his mother is a dark elf but he wonders about his father who isn't around his mother continues to dot on him despite him doing things that a baby his age shouldn't be able to do but still vandeloo doesn't mind her constant Praises since in his previous life he never experienced the feeling of being raised by someone vandalo tries to earn more praise from his mom by attempting to crawl but he's still too young for that his mother wonders about his stats because of his early accomplishments which confuses our main character that's when a status screen appears in front of him after reading it he realizes that he's half vampire and thinks that his father must have been a vampire too he begins to think about how during the last few months since he's been born no one has ever visited their home which strangely resembles a cave and determined that because of his Heritage people would begin to Target him he even thinks there's a possibility his father is already dead he goes back to his status window and sees how maxed out his magic points are and tries to use his magic skills but nothing happens he returns to his status window and sees how God put a curse on him to be unable to use any experience from his previous life he's also unable to learn any jobs and unable to gain experience vandalo is shocked but refuses to lay around and do nothing and tries to see if there's another way to learn magic however before he can start his stomach begins to growl and dar Figures it's time to feed him much to his embarrassment his mother notices how his fangs are starting to grow in so in response she butchers a rabbit right in front of vandeloo and tells him to drink its blood surprisingly our guy thinks it's pretty delicious apart from his mother's milk his mother warns him about drinking blood blood in public and to only do it around her which makes vandalo realize the struggle it must have been to raise a half-blooded vampire child and is happy that she chose to stick by him and raise him rather than abandon him meanwhile while his mom is trying to swat a pesky fly vandalo uses his new vampire ability microorganism elimination to kill it which earns him some praise vandalo realizes that in this world he's still able to use death magic though he's happy with his mother he feels it's not enough as he's determined to gain more power in order to seek revenge he realizes that God brought him into this world to help it develop and understands that sooner or later his other classmates will join him in this new world while he's deep in thought his mother pinches his cheeks and says how he doesn't Express his emotions much to which vandalo thinks it's also a part of the curse God put on him she then tells him that she loves him but wonders if he's felt it yet the next day his mother takes him to the front door to test if he inherited the vampire's weakness to the Sun but luckily he didn't with a sigh of relief she takes him outside for a stroll and the two enjoy their time outside something that makes van shed a tear to which his mom hugs him and mentions how one day she'll bring him back to her home Village so he can be free to do anything he wants this brings vandalo to admit that he loves her and this newfound feeling makes him realize just how painful it'd be to not be able to express his true emotions that night vandalo thinks about how dangerous his life would be and how he'd want to keep his mother safe and when he's able to talk to be able to tell her everything however for a moment he thinks about spending a happy life with his mom and how if he was able to do that then he wouldn't need a fourth life he then remembers what God told him before he reincarnated and made up his mind he refused to die and live another life he'd rather live peacefully with his mom until the end the following day his mother leaves him home alone while she goes to the nearby Village to buy the Necessities while she's gone vandalo practices his magic until she returns but she never came back vandalo wakes up from a nap only to find that his mother still hasn't come home he begins to get a bad feeling and thinks about going out to find her He suggests preparing for journey and uses his magic to resurrect the rabbit using an undead summoning death spell by using a nearby wandering spirit and binding it to the rabbit's corpse to turn it into an undead however he realizes that one rabbit won't be enough so he uses his magic to resurrect all of the furniture to serve him and heads out with his small Undead Army vandeloo soon reaches the town and uses one of the skeletons to help him enter the town more discreetly using his magic he infuses Souls into the bricks to possess them as the undead opens up an opening for him to enter after walking around for a bit he comes across a human soul who tells him that he saw his mother in the Town Square which excites him and he hurries over to find her it wasn't long until he found her standing in front of the fountain and went to approach her his mother turns around with a smile and reveals that she's now a Wandering soul vandalo is completely shocked his mother explains how she's sorry that she couldn't make it home to be with him and vandalo asks her what happened his mother is shocked to be able to hear his voice but she goes on to explain that despite her trying her best to hide him the church eventually found her and brutally killed her she then warns her son to flee since he' inherited the Ruby and purple colored eyes from his parents which will let people know that he's a doer he refuses to leave her and asks who are the ones that killed her she hesitates but he uses his ability mesmerizing spell to compel her to tell him under his influence his mother talks about her being ambushed by the baronet bero men the priests as well as a few adventurers she fought back as best as she could but then a guy who goes by iridescent sword stepped forward to fight her his mother admitted that she ended up being captured and tortured by the church the people of the church demanded that she reveal where her son is but she kept quiet until the very end when the church burned her at the stake this horrific realization made vandeloo gain a new skill mind corruption he learned how he was the reason his mother died in such a painful way and was filled with regret all the while his new skill leveled up to level two just then the Flies he can control using his magic came back to him to allow him to EES drop on multiple conversations around town many of whom are the people responsible for killing his mother and talking about how she deserved to die for having a dumer child and how they chose to celebrate her death and even a group of adventurers planning on Hunting him down and killing him the same way they killed his mother all of this talk fueled his anger and raised his skill level to level seven vandalo thinks to himself about how cruel and disgusting the world is and how in each of his lives he can't just have a normal life just then his mother tells him that she doesn't have much time left and begins fading away she tells him how she wishes she could watch him grow up into a man and live a wonderful life but most importantly to be happy all the while his skill continued to level up until he reached his maturity limit he then unleashes his power in an attempt to save her and binds her soul into one of her scattered bones and vows to give her a new body one day with that he goes back home with a newfound Vengeance against the ones who killed her and vows to become stronger our chapter begins with vandalo back in his home staring blankly out the window that's when the soul of his mother asks him if he's awake to which he replies yes and talks about how tired they both must be after their long travels with veloo becoming so hungry that he resorted to drinking the blood of a raccoon vandeloo thinks about the promise he made to his mother about giving her a new body and tells her that he swears to one day be able to resurrect her to which she in turn swears to stay by his side later on vanalo talks with one of his skeletons one he calls skeleton monkey and asks him to gather the rest of his Undead Army to have an important meeting there he discusses the situation of the baronet's knights along with the town priests who are currently searching through the forest to hunt him down but most importantly he talked about how three adventurers had supposedly already figured out where his house is and are most likely coming as they speak he says how he currently has 30 or so skeletons in his army and if he can plan things out right he should be able to come out on top although he isn't sure about the adventur skills and capabilities vandalo then asks skeleton monkey to hand wrestle him for a moment so he can test out his strength and to his surprise he was a lot stronger than he anticipated we then cut to the three adventurers trudging through the woods on the hunt for our main character that's when one of them notices the footprint of what they think is a large monkey and a bear they figure it's too shallow to be the footprints of those creatures and the other asks if there's perhaps some creatures out in the woods that they don't know about however the leader says that's impossible and they continue walking on until they find vandeloo house one of the adventurers notices how messy the surrounding area is which makes the leader wonder if the town Knights had gotten to the child before they could in a panic he orders his group to search the house that's until the ground beneath him starts to rumble and Shake causing him to Tumble down a large Steep Hill looking up the man is horrified to see an earth Golem staring down at him however his group yells about how it's not just the Golem they should be worried about but an entire Undead skeleton army rising out of the ground terrified the men run away screaming but the leader gets his foot caught in a trap of what he believes to be a snake slithering up his foot however he soon realizes that it's in fact Vines on their own before one of his friends can help him he's knocked out by a possessed frying pan the Earth Golem slowly approaches the group and knocks them out soon the adventurers Wake Up Now tied up to trees and gagged that's when our main guy vandalo approaches the men while riding on the shoulder of skeleton monkey and asks if they're finally awake we open up with the tied-up Adventures completely baffled at how a small child has the ability to control so many Undead and how compared to the town priest priest Gordon vandalo and his army are covered with a pure sense of energy vandalo begins to interrogate the men but since he still can't speak properly he just ends up speaking in baby Babble which none of the men can understand so to make up for his lack of speech he uses his magic to begin writing in the dirt in English however the men don't understand what he's trying to say which confirms vandalo suspicion on the main language of this world being Japanese he remembers back when his mother told him about how many years ago the people of this world had to battle against the demon Army and how the God of this world summoned seven Warriors from other worlds to help them become Victorious after sealing away the Demon Lord the seven Heroes passed down their native language Japanese vandalo assumed that the adventurers also spoke that language and rearranged the dirt to read Japanese which the adventurers were able to understand vandeloo first demands that they tell him about the baronette to which the leader of the group says how besides running the town for 10 years he's nothing more than an ordinary Noble vandeloo then asks about the knights Legion but one of the adventurers says how despite being properly trained they're nothing special either he then asks about the head priest priest Gordon and His holy Knights the adventures explain how the priest and his followers only moved into town about a month ago in the search of Aer child and its mother this enrages vandeloo the adventure explains how the priest is known for being a powerful Vampire Slayer and that his strength Rivals that of a Class B Adventurer one of the adventurers tries to reason with vandeloo and even get him to try to team up and spare his life if he doesn't want the priest to capture him vandalo orders one of his skeletons to release him and before the adventurer can say his thanks skeleton monkey grabs his face and the doer child begins to drink his blood until he drops dead he then reminds the adventurers to only tell him what he asked to know nothing more nothing less this little reminder was enough to get the remaining adventurers to obey him vandeloo begins to understand that the leader of the iridescent sword named Hines is a b-class swordsman and the rest of his group are around C-Class level this all means that his toughest enemies yet are the priest and the leader Hines the adventurers plead with vandalo to spare their lives to which the young child shuts them up and begins questioning why they of all people are pleading to live when they mercilessly slaughtered his mother and left him an orphan he had already decided their fate to become his food two months have passed and we see priest Gordon and his followers still searching the forest for vandeloo one of his followers suggests that vandeloo must have escaped by now or at the very least died priest Gordon reminded his follower about how the three dranked adventurers who had gone to find the child had disappeared and even still no one had found their bodies his follower doesn't believe that a newborn infant could have done that to those adventurers but priest Gordon believes otherwise he believes that as the days go by that Downer child will grow stronger and become a real problem later his follower argues about how it's already been 2 months since they started searching and still haven't found the kid and they're slowly beginning to run out of resources and the people of the town are starting to show discontent priest Gordon says how he's well aware of their situation but still believes he has to find the child to which his follower yells about how there are still other vampires running around hurting people and how it's his job to protect the innocent this starts to get through to priest Gordon and for now he'll give up his search for vandalo come the following day we see vandalo embracing the welcoming son after being on the run for months two months ago he discussed with his mom about where to live since currently they're in the bangaya continent and that milu is one of the Amed Empire settlements this place isn't fond of vampires or their descendants and actively hunts them down and because of this this doesn't leave vandeloo with many options on finding Shel shelter and even if he's able to find somewhere to stay he can't bring himself to rest until he's absolutely sure he and his mother are safe he then thinks of a suitable place to hide for the time being a huge cave he orders his Earth Golems to begin digging out the cave and dress it up to make it seem like it's been collapsed as he does he's suddenly ambushed by the three Souls of the adventurers he had killed who are naturally drawn to him due to his power and are annoyingly showering him with affection desperately wanting his personal space he binds one of the souls into an earth Golem and ERS him to work on the cave to keep it from collapsing on them as the others dig it out for all eternity over the course of a few days he continues to dig out about 50 m of the cave and figures he should be able to survive there just fine since he has enough food and water however half a month later he realized that he ran out of food and water which forced him to survive off of earthworms and accidentally flooded the cave in search of water after who knows how many days of Misfortune he wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue on like this but in the end he was able to make it back out and see the sun he waddles back to his army but stops to look up at the sky and wishes that the iridescent sword party and priest Gordon to still be alive so he can kill them himself later vandeloo begins training his skeleton army but suddenly realizes that he has no idea how to do that since they're a bunch of walking bones they don't need to develop speed or strength and they're not that Adept at weapons training either he then remembers how people can gain experience in this world like Swordsmen farmers and blacksmiths he then wonders how the undead can gain skills vandal runs into a goblin and orders his army to kill the creature he figures that in the end the undead are still a type of monster and should gain experience by killing other monsters and since he himself is unable to gain experience thanks to God's curse he'll have to rely on his army to protect him so he doesn't have to go into hiding ever again after killing the goblin all of his skeleton army members level up and vandalo levels up to three confused vandalo checks his status window and wonders how he was able to level up despite still having the curse he determines that as his army levels up some of their experience transfers over to him and he'll be able to level up through them effectively finding a loophole in God's curse after burying the goblin vandeloo focuses on leveling up the Skeleton Man skeleton monkey skeleton wolf vulture and bear as his primary bodyguards months go by and vandeloo turns a year old and his mother and skeleton army celebrate around a campfire vandalo thinks back to his first life as hoto and how his family never celebrated his birthday as they thought that by doing that they would spoil him and make him a weak man we returned to vandalo explaining to his mother how he's not used to celebrating his birthday and is happy that he's able to do it for the first time with people who care about him he also explains that since he's able to talk properly he can finally communicate normally without having to use his magic and even learned a new spell chant cancel which allows him to cast spells without needing to chant which surprises his mother vandalo also explains that over the course of their training his skeleton army was able to level up and become bone monsters now his mother congrat congratulates him and wonders if they'll be able to escape the forests but vandeloo doesn't think it's a good idea quite yet but he does say that his army should be strong enough to exact his revenge though he still isn't sure what to do after that since he'll still be at risk of being hunted down for being a Dom Pier so he concludes that he should go hunt Bandits to level up his mother was supportive at first until she realized what her son said and immediately objected vandalo explains to her that despite killing a bunch of monsters bone monkey and the others haven't leveled up and thinks that they instead should start killing Bandits to fix that problem of course he doesn't see it as a bad thing since he'll be killing criminals but his mother insists that it's too dangerous however our main guy says that he'll launch a surprise assault and he has a few bandits in mind of who to start with we cut to a group of Bandits celebrating in a cabin in the woods and drinking then one of the subordinates tells his boss about how recently some of their own have been going missing in the woods lately and thinks it has something to do with the nearby lord of the land however the boss just laughs it off meanwhile we see vandalo looking down at the cab accompanied by the soul of the man who the bandits murdered previously who led him there the man pleads with vandalo to avenge him and his daughters to which he agrees vandeloo explains how over the past month he and his army have been wiping out lesser Bandits but figures that the main group in the cabin would be a lot tougher and fight with combat ability however despite that he's come prepared we open up this next chapter with a couple of Bandits talking amongst themselves when suddenly one of them gets shot in the neck with an arrow and tumbles off of the guard post we cut see vandalo standing with bone man who fired the shot this alerts the other Bandits of them being ambushed as they see vandeloo and his army storming the camp the leader of the bandits tries to get his men to calm down and instruct them to switch their weapons to axes and maces to kill the monsters and led the retaliation against vandalo Army one of the bandits goes up against the bone bear and attempts to attack it but the creature grabs and crushes his body with a literal bear hug all the while the bone monkey leaps down from the trees in the middle of a group of Bandits and effortlessly kills his opponent opponents the bone wolf then attacks another Bandit and muls him while the human bone man un sheaths his sword and Ms down enemies in his path the bandits begin to retreat as they've never faced off against Monsters like these before their boss encourages them to keep fighting while at the same time he's thinking about sacrificing his men as a distraction while he escapes while his men are fighting the bone beasts the boss slips away and makes a beine to the Merchant's wagon but gets cut off by vandeloo raising an earth wall in front of him the boss finds himself cornered by vandalo and the Souls of the innocent man's daughter he'd previously tortured while they were still alive vandalo commands his bone bear to his side which forces the Bandit to begin pleading for his life and even surrendering to vandalo and offering himself to be a human Ally unfortunately for the Bandit vandalo doesn't see any use for him and orders his Undead Ally to kill him quickly meanwhile the rest of the bandits flee and unintentionally start kicking over the vulture bone Beast who still hasn't acquired any combat skills and since it's a skeleton it can't fly either the creature becomes sad after hearing that but vandalo tries to cheer It Up by saying maybe once it levels up enough it can fly after the battle vandalo uses life detection to check the cabin for any survivors and detects someone inside he asks the soul of the Bandit boss who it was and he explains how it's a merchant they' captured a few days ago who turned out to be a member of a wealthy family so they tried to hold him for ransom vandalo becomes intrigued and enters the house where we see a young boy locked inside of a cage vandalo uses Spirit flame to free the Young boy and tells him that all of the bandits who captured him are all dead with that he warns the boy to never mention that they met and he turns to leave thinking that it would be smarter to leave no Witnesses but at the same time he doesn't want to stoop to the Bandit's level about killing innocent people besides he knows sooner or later his classmates will reincarnate into this world one day and he doesn't want them to kill him out of Justice the merchant boy follows vandeloo out of the cabin and is glad that vandalo despite looking like a ghost is just a kind child that is until he sees his army of Undead surrounded Ed by the corpses of the bandits and that's when vandeloo warns the boy that if he ever told anyone that they've met his Undead Army will hunt him down the next day vandeloo is with his mother inside of the Bandit Camp as they raid it for all of their valuables his mother asks him if he's going to wave the merchant child off but he figures that his skeletons can do that for him besides at the very least he returned all of his stuff back to him so he thinks that should be more than just enough from him after all the kid is just a stranger to him vandalo thinks about using the Bandit's leftover food for cooking a meal for himself but his mother objects and says that he's only a one-year-old and shouldn't be cooking at all vandalo tries to explain to his mother that he's a lot tougher than a normal one-year-old and he can use magic to cook but she isn't hearing any of it and reinforces the fact that it doesn't matter how much power he has he's still just a baby and should listen to her which he does in the end afterwards vandeloo says that they should load up their loot into the wagon but his mother asks how they're going to drive the wagon since vandalo gave the only horse to the merchant child that's when the soul of the man who is murdered Ed by the bandits offers to drive them since he was a carriage driver and a horse trainer in his previous life to which vandeloo agrees after taking control of the wagon the man is able to steer it with ease and provides vandeloo and his mother a ride and with that they set off we see the baron relaxing and enjoying a glass of wine while his servant is congratulating him on his status promotion the baron thinks nothing of it and relishes in the good luck and prosperity his town now thrives in after the death of the dark elf they killed not only that but the reports of Bandits and social order has drastically decreased as well as the disease problems seemingly solving themselves overnight truly they're basking in a new era of peace and wealth as luck seems to be on their side meanwhile vandeloo gives an order to destroy it which simultaneously causes the structure of a brick wall to collapse in front of a group of patrolling guards the bricks seem to gather themselves and form a large towering creature with glowing eyes that lets out a trembling Screech on the ground the guards Scurry around out of confusion as they're unsure of what's making the ground shake beneath them the the captain of the guards demands to know what's going on and that's when one of his men informs him that the outer wall randomly turned into a giant Golem the captain orders for his men to stop panicking and to attack but one of his guards pointed out how the creature is showing no interest in them but instead just turns and walks away the captain doesn't want to hear his excuses since without the wall how will they be able to protect the town from Bandits and creatures the guard wants to comply but asks even if they wanted to they don't know how to stop a creature like that the captain was about to yell in response but came to the realization that he also doesn't know how to stop the creature instead he orders his men to get going next we cut to one of the servants rushing towards the baron to report the catastrophe but before he could the entire house began to shake making the baron think it's an earthquake or something the servant then urges the noble to leave the estate just as he does the noble turns around to see his entire house being broken down and morphing into another giant Golem the creature takes his first steps away from the town nearly crushing the baron under its feet as it did the servant rushed to The Baron's Aid as the creature continued to walk away and the noble demanded to know where the knights and explorers from The Guild had gone unfortunately the servant replied how even the buildings of the guild had turned into a Golem and walked away however even more importantly the wine and Wine sellers also got up and walked away this news devastates the noble as he was a particular fan of his fancy wine the only thing he's left with now is no wine no Guild and heaps of rubble meanwhile on the top of a nearby house we see vandalo spectating the chaos he's caused watching as the people of the Town run around in distress as their buildings and materials suddenly got up and walked away still vandeloo is pleased with himself his plan being how every night he snuck into town and placed a Golem in various places waiting for the right time to strike he's proud of himself for his plan working out the way he wanted he turns to his mother saying how the people who laughed at her are now running in fear to which she thanked him for everything he's done she even compliments how hard he worked for his proper Revenge this makes him stop and think it's true that if if it weren't for Hines and priest Gordon vandalo would have just killed everyone in town instead he destroyed their town but questions why he left them alive he tells his mother that he isn't sure how long it'll take to revive her but he says how it'll also take the town's folk years to rebuild everything that they've lost his mother says that it's fine since in the end he spared them and gave them another chance she goes in to pet his head but hesitates for a moment in the end she shows him affection and smiles at him this feeling makes vandalo remember how she' used to Pat his head all the time when he was younger he thinks about what she told him about proper revenge and swears that the people who killed her don't deserve that and that one day he'll kill them with his own hands with that he flies back down to the wagon with the help of the skeleton bird who is now a phantom bird rank three we see darcia and another vampire trudging through the scorching hot desert Dar becomes overwhelmed by the harshness of the environment and nearly collapses but is luckily caught by the vampire named vein she apologizes for slowing the two down but he tells her not to worry and suggests that the two take shelter under a large Rock during their break Veen apologizes for dragging her through the desert even though she's currently pregnant he then swears that he'll protect the two of them even if it costs him his life and darcia lays down thanking him but says that he can't die she says that the three of them should run away to which Veen agrees he then asks Daria about what they should name their child jumping back to the present we see the merchant wagon strolling through an open field darcia then explains the four different types of vampires in the world firstly the vampire born between the goddess Vita and the undead hero zart known as the true ancestor however they've already perished long ago and their name was lost to time the second type are the pure Bloods who are either the direct descendant of the true ancestor or they've received their blessing underneath them are the Nobles to the pure Bloods whose bloodline was thinned over time and lastly underneath them are the subordinates who were created by giving blood she concludes by saying the closer one is to the true ancestor the more power you'll have however a common weakness amongst the vampires is their weakness to Sun light their life attribute magic and their need to sustain themselves off of blood vandeloo asks if his father was subordinate and served the purebred vampire to which his mother says that he was in the beginning he was a human who lived in the slums a thug from the slums as he used to say this news conflicts with how vandalo expected his father to be given how proudly his mother talked about him before she further explains how his father was still an amazing man he had resistance to the sun unlike all other vampires vandeloo figures that his natural resistance to sunlight wasn't because he didn't inherit the weak Ness but instead because of his father's natural resistance darcia goes on to explain how his father was valued by his pure blood vampire Master because of his sunlight resistance and was ordered to do various tasks in the society like doing back alley deals and Gathering info and that's when the two first met Dar flusters over how the two first met to which vandeloo insists his mother fell for a womanizer she goes on to explain how over time she became pregnant with vandalo but simply mixing the vampire blood with another race infuriated his father's master and he ordered for their execution out of desperation his father took both of them and ran away luckily being about to run throughout the day as the other vampires couldn't follow them however as the months passed their escape became more and more difficult with her growing stomach as well as for his father who was busy trying to keep both of them safe still even during all of that darcia never felt anxious while she was with vandalo Father she had a fun time we see darcia and vein discussing what to name their child in the middle of the desert Dar asks why he wants to give their child a name since neither of them know whether it's going to be a boy or a girl but vein insists that they should start coming up with names before the baby comes vein goes on to think of names and suddenly comes up with an idea to give part of his name to his child darcia agrees and suggests that they should combine the two and Veen agrees wholeheartedly darcia suggests the name vcia if it's a girl and Veen agrees with it he then starts to think of a name for a boy suddenly it begins to rain and the two enter a seemingly vacant town where they're approached by Shady looking hooded men the men immediately pull out their weapons and and Veil shouts for darcia to run while he holds them off darcia pleads for him to come with her since he doesn't stand a chance against three vampires but he shouts for her to hurry up and go with tears welling up in her eyes she turns and leaves him behind vein carries a smile on his face knowing that his love and their child will be safe he then charges towards the vampires we now see vandeloo in the wagon with his mother talking about his father's final moment Darcy explains how it was because of his father that she was able to run away towards the forest and give birth to him as she was laying next to her newborn she smiles while thinking of vein and calls her son vandeloo the name his father wished for him to have darcia asks veloo if he likes the origin of his name to which he replies that he does his mother is glad that he does and remembers that she was originally talking about the vampires meanwhile vandeloo thinks to himself about the numerous times she had already told him the story of his father and thinks that her memory is beginning to break down he compares her situation to Sam the man who died at the hands of the bandits and thinks about how he died with strong resentment but for his mother it's as if he'd forcefully stopped her from dying peacefully if he were to leave her alone it wouldn't be out of the ordinary had she disappeared she looks to the piece of bone where he bound her soul and thinks if he'd put in more magic he should be able to keep her situation stable but in order to keep her mother's Soul he needs to find her a new body just then the wagon hits something outside and vandalo asks what happened but Sam reassures him that he'd only hit a goblin on the road vandalo says how he's unable to level up from goblins and would prefer to be level three by the time he reaches the mountains his mother reminds him that even at level two he's already strong enough since it usually takes a whole group of people to take down a goblin to which he agrees but says how that the place they're going is full of unordinary people and would like to at the very least level up everyone else we then see that a few days ago the group had made a stop inside of a cave where darcia explains how they shouldn't go to the dark elf Village without her since without her being there vandeloo wouldn't be able to prove he's half dark elf due to his appearance he agrees and suggests that they should instead stay in a place that is enemies with those who hunt dampers to which his mother suggests the or bomb Kingdom since their religion conflicts with the main religion of Alda that the hunters practice she also assumes that orbal might treat ders differently compared to those in the amid Empire though she herself has never been there she says how there are beastmen and Giants who are Dukes there so her son should be fine at the very least vandalo can't be too sure but he knows for a fact he can't keep living in caves so he agrees to his mother's plan and they begin to make their way to the or bomb Kingdom cutting back back to the present time the wagon makes a quick stop and vandeloo announces how he'll take a nap during the day just then a man approaches the wagon startling Sam but vandalo assures him that it's just a broken Spirit who is attracted to his powers the man calls the boy rude and offers him some special information to which vandalo questions the man's identity he replies how he was a spy for the Ahmed Empire but was killed before he was able to give away the information then out of nowhere the man becomes weirdly persistent to tempt vandalo into hearing the super secret information he's offering vandalo relu L agrees to hear the man out later the man feels a wave of refreshment after telling vandalo and peacefully passes on his mother asks him if he was just talking to someone and he responds that he was and informs her of the impending war between the amid Empire and the or bomb Kingdom this further complicates things for the group as with the war Brewing if they were to approach the or bomb Kingdom instead of being stopped and questioned for being Outsiders they'll most likely end up being attacked vandeloo figures it can't be helped and orders Sam to head Southeast from the border and cross South East from there and to make their way into or bomb Sam is hesitant to travel there since Southeast from here is full of high mountains infested with monsters and these monsters are so dangerous that adventurers or rather any human at all doesn't dare step foot in there he even adds that that place is where zachar died vandeloo is well aware of the dangers but he Figures it's a lot better than running into any humans Sam reluctantly agrees and obeys vandeloo orders their next destination is right into the devil's Nest where no human has has ever gone before they could travel too far the wagon stops and Sam calls for vandalo to look outside where he finds a gate of some sort Sam corrects him and says that it's a dungeon a natural Den that Harbors monsters because the land above is polluted with magic vandalo asks if they've already reached Devil's Nest but his mother doesn't believe so since there are hardly any monsters around and believes that the monsters in the dungeon must be weaker compared to the ones closer towards the devil's Nest vanolo suggests that they should stop by the dungeon which puzzles his mother since he's behaving unusually casually about walking into a dungeon despite the monsters being weaker than the ones at the devil's Nest it doesn't change the fact that it's still a dangerous place vandalo says that he understands but he also sees the pros of going inside so he can level everyone up so that when they face stronger enemies in the devil's Nest then they'll be able to navigate more safely darcia is still hesitant but Sam adds that he agrees with vandalo and vows to protect him at all costs darcia becomes more accepting of the plan but also makes him promise that he'll stay safe since she can't protect him he agrees and assures her that he'll have bone monkey along with everyone else at his side with that vandalo and his group storm in to conquer the dungeon once inside Sam begins mowing down all of the Goblins in his path something that makes him say that this dungeon is a lot less dangerous than he anticipated vandalo asks him how so to which's Mother explains that the dungeon may be newly established and that no one has tried entering it yet Sam questions that if someone had seen the dungeon would they leave it unexplored Darcy explains that the dungeon was probably not worth conquering which vandalo agrees as he says how humans don't take action unless there's something to benefit from it Sam remarks on how wise vandeloo is and wonders if it has something to do with him being reincarnated as he'd explained to him before and warns him not to act so adult-like in front of others vandeloo admits that he does act more mature despite his physical age but he will pass on using baby words to hide his mental maturity vandalo then brings up how formal Sam is with him and asks him not to refer to him as Master Sam suggests that he'll call him young Master since he's a year old but vandeloo didn't mean it that way either his mother adds that there aren't many spirits Sam could talk to since the bone creatures are The Souls of animals so they can't speak though we're not sure about the bone man and as for the souls of his daughters Rita and Sara since they're being controlled by the fear they suffered before they died they're unable to speak as well Sam begins to wonder if anything can be done about that but he loses his train of thought when vandalo asks him if something's bothering him Sam only replies that he's here to serve vandeloo so it's normal for him to admire him the group continues on until darcia tells Sam that she needs to rest and that she leaves the safety of her son into his hands before she goes Dar tells vandeloo good night and disappears back into the bone they continue on until they come across some more stairs and begin traveling upward and all the while vandalo assumes that his team should be able to clear the dungeon in no time however he's completely unaware of the final boss of the dungeon waiting at his throne for him the skeleton army is busy pushing Sam's wagon up the long flight of stairs that's when the team is ambushed by some poison frogs forcing vandeloo and his army to retaliate with full force however they didn't need to do much as Sam easily ran the creatures over he goes on to express his enjoyment in crushing monster something that vandeloo doesn't mind as long as he doesn't crash the wagon later the group finally reaches the fourth floor of the dungeon as they explore the dark cave an army of Undead knights emerg from the ground with their weapons in hand Sam suggests that they should Retreat something that vandeloo agrees to until the undead soldiers stand in a line to salute the young boy vandalo watches on in shock as he wasn't expecting this the undead soldiers even cast their weapons away to show their loyalty to our protagonist still after being given a free pass to continue on vandeloo and his team cautiously pass through as vandalo assumes that it's not a trap and uses his sense danger skill just to make sure there's no funny business Sam Praises vandeloo for being able to bend an entire Undead Army to his will but he explains how it has something to do with his death attribute charm although he didn't think it would affect the undead that he didn't create still he ordered Sam to make a small small stop for a lunch break vandeloo begins to cook the frog legs he'd collected from the poison frog monsters but his mother quickly shut that idea down and made vandalo pass the cooking off to Bone monkey after multiple failed attempts in starting a Fire Bone monkey was finally able to prepare the frog legs for vandalo as they all ate Sam began talking about his past life with his two daughters despite serving a noble they lived humbly which didn't bother them in the slightest he goes on to talk about his wife who had passed not too long ago and the unfortunate death of their lord leaving them with not many options left but to hopefully start over in a big city however tragedy struck as they were attacked by those Bandits and lost their lives Sam looked to The Souls of his daughters and wished for vandalo to save them as he had done for him vandalo notices Sam's Sullen look which made the man overly Express his gratitude to the young boy but vandeloo had a feeling that he knew what the man was thinking as he looked at the souls of his daughters later the group ventured deeper into the dungeon while being given a free pass by the undead monsters to Journey on vandalo eventually comes across a secret chest and opens it using his magic inside he finds a legendary health potion that can cure most wounds he decides to keep the potion and continues on inside of the dungeon again with a generous escort by the undead creatures they eventually walk into a dark quiet room suddenly the door is slammed shut behind them as an army of Living Armor rose up from the ground seemingly waiting for the protagonist and his crew leading the army of possessed armor was a level five giant skeleton General everyone is terrified by the monster however vandalo notices something strange about the general and recklessly approaches it the skeleton General readies his weapon and approaches the child while vandeloo steps to the level five creature with his army of bone monsters right behind him the general raises his large blunt weapon at vandalo and then politely offers it to our protagonist something that not even his own bone Army saw coming as usual his mother Praises her son for taking down a level five boss monster without a fight vandalo takes the boss's weap weapon and offers it to Bone man and in exchange he uses his magic to level up the general to a black skull General rank six everyone is overwhelmed by the talent the young boy possesses to which vandalo simply explains how he only raised the general strength by 10,000 after that vandeloo thinks about using his magic to make Living Armor and add them to his army to which Sam eagerly offers his daughters explaining how if his girls had bodies then he'd finally be able to talk to them vandalo agrees and looks around for some suitable armor luckily he finds a treasure room where he find some in a chest that actually resembles more of a woman's bikini than actual armor Sam explains how the armor set is actually magic imbued metal armor specifically for women and begs vandeloo to bind his daughters to them vandeloo is hesitant to put his daughters in such armor but eventually gives in and binds The Souls of his daughters to the armor the spell performs successfully however his daughters still can't speak but vandalo explains how they would need to level up before being able to speak vandeloo is still puzzled how such armor could exist in this world but notices how despite the appearance of it Sam is just happy that he's able to reconnect with his daughters again in the end vandalo says it doesn't really matter we open up this next chapter with a group of adventurers fighting against the black skull General in the dungeon with a single swing of his weapon he was able to knock back most of the adventurers nearly defeating them in a single blow the leader of the adventurers group tries to keep calm and coordinate his team's attacks precisely all at once the group attacked until the leader struck the final blow finally killing the ball loss exhausted and pushed to the brink of collapsing the group celebrated their Victory and went searching for the loot however one of their members informs the leader that there's not a single piece of treasure anywhere this obviously infuriates the leader as he curses the person who'd beat them to the dungeon and stole everything simultaneously vandalo sneezes he's busy overlooking the progress of Rita and Sara who are training with their new weapons against bone man vandalo questions if they should be using a spear and hird respectively since they're beginners but Sam doesn't think it'll hinder them in any way as he sees them trying their best to become stronger so they can serve vandalo vandeloo reluctantly agrees but doesn't want to force the girls to do something they don't want to but Sam reminds him that since they don't have a physical body it won't be as if they could get hurt vandeloo agrees with him and calls the girls over and attempts to help them to get stronger using his magic however he doesn't think it worked Sam questions this and vandalo suggests that there must be some requirements he has to meet in order to level up someone like he did with the boss just as he turned away Rita and asked him to try again assuming that it must have worked in some way but vandalo rejects this as he wants them to level up properly before trying again after training vandeloo begins trying to make some Walnut sauce with the guidance of his mother and an earth Golem he created to assist with the fire his mother noted how vandalo inherited his Clause from his father and vandeloo agrees as he thinks it could be useful for him in the future after he mentions that his mother asks him what he plans to become in the future the boy gives a straightforward answer to become a high-leveled Adventurer gain lots of achievements and become a noble his mother thinks he has a lot of ambition but asks if that's all he wants to which vandalo questions this as he thinks that there's nothing more he could possibly want other than ultimate status he believes that with great status then no one can ever hurt him again which his mother nervously agrees to however she asks what his plans are after all of his enemies are gone this stumps vandeloo since he never thought that far ahead after thinking for a long time he answers that he would want to live a happy life darc asks him what does a happy life mean to him he answers something like a cozy family social status and a luxurious lifestyle his mother comments about how he really desires to become rich but vandeloo explains how it's not like that he would just like to have the ability to buy whatever he wants and simply have freedom to exist in the world he then thinks back to his first life as hoto in a classroom he's taking a test when he accidentally drops his pencil and a classmate behind him picks it up and teases him for having such a small DED pencil hoto begs for his classmate to to give it back since it's the only pencil he has left and all of his other pencils are all used up but chooses to save them all until they've become completely useless he asks for him to give it back but instead of giving it back his classmate offers him his own pencil with a character sticker on it he apologizes for laughing at him earlier and allows him to take it home hoto is grateful for the gesture and goes home to complete his homework with a warm smile however a family member of his snatches the pencil away assuming it was a toy snaps it in half and tosses it in into the trash with a heavy slap to the boy's face hiroto's relative begins insulting him and reminds him that he's forbidden to have any toys since it'll just make him weaker in the future we now see vandalo looking sullenly into the completed Walnut sauce his mother Praises him for his hard work and vandalo replies that he doesn't know what it means to live a luxurious life yet but he'll think about it more when they reach the or bomb Kingdom the group continues on words when Sam notices that winter is coming in earlier than expected vandeloo suggests that they should halt their travels and and live off of killing bandits and wild animals until spring something that Sam is all too eager to agree to he mentions how since the group entered the dungeon he was able to rank up and even acquired Spirit ghost horses to pull the carriage as the group continues on they hear the screams of a girl and vandeloo smells the scent of blood Sam asks vandeloo what his next action would be and the boy contemplates his options before sending bone vulture to scope out the scene Looking Through The Eyes of bone vulture vandeloo is able to see a group of men surrounding an unconscious young girl and getting ready to violate her this makes vandeloo come to a decision kill them all although he is prioritizing to rescue the girl if she were to become a liability and spill anything about the group vandalo will personally shut her up now going towards her at full speed vandalo and his team will fight for justice we open up with a small tribe being taught how to differentiate the herbs out in the wild by the chief zidus one of the tribe members vild doesn't see the importance of learning any of this since there's tons of edible plants near their Village and doesn't see why they have to learn the plants out near the demon territory zadir explains that despite their Bountiful amount of herbs near their Village she believes that it's still important to know the unfamiliar herbs outside of their territory in case of an emergency and they have to flee she also says that with this information then they won't have to waste their time exploring the Wilderness her tribe members agree with her while also admiring her cuteness despite the fact that she's the eldest of them zider tries to get them to stay on track for their lesson as she thinks to herself how she doesn't have much time left to live since she's the village Elder and wants them to learn as much as possible from her so she doesn't have to worry about them after she passes zidus continues to teach them about herbs and which ones to use for healing others when suddenly she hears the footsteps of an intruder an arrow is fired at her but misses just barely it's revealed that a group of adventurers who had been tracking them for a while had finally found them they all charge towards the girls but zidus uses her magic to fend off her tribe members using her growls one of the adventurers casts a net over the other members but they swiftly defend themselves and zidus quickly cast a blinding spell on the men she turns to her tribe members and urges them to flee they obey her and run past the stunned men but vild notices that her Chief is choosing to stay behind zidus assures them that she'll be fine and tells them to leave her behind with tears in their eyes the girls run away and zidas is Left To Face Off against the men the adventurers try to run after the fleeing girls but the leader of the group says to let them go since their real prize is the chief since she has a much higher magic level compared to the other three and would fetch a higher price on the slave market zadir leads the men away from her tribe members as best as she can but her old age starts to catch up with her as she's not as strong as she used to be the men continue to chase her and fire arrows at her but they all end up missing zadir continues to flee while thinking about how to lose them but she accidentally falls off the side of a cliff and is sent tumbling down left beaten and weakened on the ground zider figures she'd die an honorable death since she'd sacrificed herself to save others and at the very least someone else can take over his chief the five men eventually catch up to her and kick her over to her back admiring her rather alluring Beauty they begin discussing how much they'd be able to make off of her if they sell her off this upsets zidus and she screams at him revealing that she understands their language and she lunges for his throat caught off guard the man quickly reaches for his sword and plunges it into her body the overwhelming pain sends zirus into shock as she collapses onto the ground and screams in agony as the other adventurers hold her down the man who stabbed her tells her that the sword used was a magic item imbued with pain up status explaining how she'll suffer three times more pain than usual one of the adventurers figures that they should indulge in their sick Pleasures as payment for all the effort it took to catch her the man twists the blade deeper into zad's body and tears off her shirt however as he did his friend ends up with an arrow lodged into his shoulder this pulls their attention away from zidus as they expected that the rest of the tribe came back but instead discovered a merchant wagon charging straight towards them on the wagon bone man fires another arrow at the men but misses his Target vandeloo then casts a magic absorbing field around the adventurer Mage preventing him from finishing his spell Sam warns for the men to surrender or he'll run them all over with his wagon the men scatter at the site of the barreling wagon and Sam confronts the adventurers while unknowingly flinging vandeloo off of the wagon the battle commences with vandalo Undead Army against the human adventurers the bone Army proves themselves to be more than what the adventurers were initially expecting however the men began pushing back against vandeloo Army first pushing bone man into a tree and another adventure slicing the arm off of bone monkey the leader of the group asks the Mage to cast some support spells but he replies how he can't inside the magic absorption field vandalo notices how the Mage was able to figure out how his spell works but figures that it wouldn't do them much good since no matter how badly they fight against his skeleton army it wouldn't make much of a difference he says how it was a hopeless battle for them the moment they lost their Mage one of Sam's daughters charges straight for the leader of the group and nearly swings her spear at his neck but the man Dodges however he began to notice that the girl has no combat ability and is just swinging her weapon around still he's unsure of how to defeat her since she doesn't have a body or obvious weakness despite that out of desperation he reaches for his blade and AIMS in the center of the girl's chest accidentally snapping her chest armor embarrassed the girl tries covering herself even though no one is able to see her unfortunately for the man this enrages Sam as he rushes in full speed at him and runs him over with the wagon sending him tumbling across the field the battle ends with the bandits defeated and Sam apologizing for losing his cool during the fight and flinging the young boy out of the wagon earlier but vanalo says it's fine since he had advanced healing abilities he looks to his bone Army and notices how much damage they all sustained and figures that the adventurers were a lot tougher than he expected still he takes this as a lesson to be learned for when he'll later encounter higher leveled Fighters like Hines Sam asks vandalo that despite figuring the adventurers would be higher level he'd still risked everything to save the girl vandalo thinks back to what happened to his mother and Sam's daughters and replies of course he would however next time he'll set up an ambush vandalo turns to zirus and notices the magic blade still lodged in her body he neutralizes the blades magic and assures her that he'll be able to heal her wounds Sam asks how he's able to do that since he can only use death magic but vandalo reminds him of the healing potion they acquired from the dungeon vandeloo returns to zidus and quickly pulls out the blade and clean her wound with a potion healing her instantly zadir sits up and vandalo introduces himself to her and offers a towel but she doesn't respond instead she zones out completely he suspects that after what happened to her it would make sense that she wouldn't speak to him and thinks that if it were his mother or Sam's daughters maybe they could get through to her since they're all women however Sam and his daughters cheer for him from the sidelines to break the ice with zidus vandeloo admits that despite living through three lives he still lacks experience talking to women and doesn't know how to to talk to someone who is almost assaulted still he tries to make small talk with her until she unexpectedly throws herself on him and begins to cry vandalo wants to comfort her as best he can but zad's unusual strength coupled with her claws digging into his back is making it much harder for him to do our protagonist tries to endure it as best as he can but secretly on the inside he's calling out for his mother to save him as he wasn't prepared to be hugged by a woman for the first time in his three lives after Gathering herself zadir thanks for saving her from the men and leads them back to her Village she goes on to inform the young boy that despite being a ghoul she never experienced such pain from the magic item vandalo asks if ghouls are considered an undead but Sam explains to him that ghouls are closer to vampires to which zidus agrees and explains how they share the same Bloodline with vampires their ancestor being the twin sister to the direct offspring of goddess Vita and Zach art vandalo adds how his mother told him that ghouls are rarely seen outside of their Villages and zidus agrees but still found her herself in an unfortunate situation with those adventurers and wonders if they' mate with anyone like Orcs vandeloo disagrees as he sees her as being really attractive this makes zidus blush as she wonders if what she's experiencing is what they call a vampire's charm she tells the boy that she's an old woman which prompts vandeloo to ask her age which turns out to be 290 years old she goes on to explain that a ghoul's lifespan is 300 years so she doesn't have that much longer to live which bums out poor vandalo as they continue to travel the group encounters a small army of Beast men traveling towards them zadir says how it's the boys from her Village but both the tribe members and vandeloo Bone Army go on the defensive when confronted up close one of the tri members explains how they came to rescue her after ilda's group informed them what happened and he immediately questions why she's leading Outsiders to their Village vandalo questions how the Burly lion men are also ghouls to which Sam informs him that the males look vastly different from the ghoul women zerus commands for the ghouls to drop their weapon as they are in the presence of her saviors and how vandalo is the one leading the undead then stepping out from the crowd was a tall ghoul who zirus calls vagaro who tells zidus that she's needed back at the Village as the chief however zidus was willing to give her position to him since she's going to die soon vagaro tells her to stop speaking nonsense and that despite his strength none of the tribe members would let him become Chief the two go back and forth for a while until vagaro asks what they should do with vandeloo group since allowing Outsiders to their Village is taboo zadira says how she wishes to welcome them as honored guests even though vagaro was hesitant to allow that but upon sensing no immediate threat from vandalo he allows it after unleashing a terrifying Roar to let the other members know of their plans vagaro leads the undead group back to their Village the celebration festival is in full swing in the honor of vandeloo and his team for rescuing their Chief from danger vagaro offers vandeloo some of the cooked meat to show sincerity but vandeloo politely declines he admits that he's grateful for the gesture but he doesn't really want to take it since it's actually the meat from the dead adventurers he thinks to himself that despite their Village looking similar to a typical human Village they're still Ghouls and even eat human meat so casually after declining the food some of the village girls quickly surround vandalo and shower him in affection as thanks for saving their Chief the girls nearly tear vandeloo apart trying to smother him and he thinks about the natural charm he has on women and figures he can die peacefully in this life later inside of the wagon vandalo informs his mother how their group of be staying at the Village until spring to which his mother isn't comfortable with since it's filled with ghouls and vandalo has no control over them if they ever got hungry they could devour him vanalo doesn't think that his life is in danger and even says how he'll study magic under zidus to learn a few new spells Dar asks why doesn't her son just register in a magic Guild and or bomb Kingdom but vandalo says that it'll be a bad idea for him to do that since he'll need an ID to register with them and that ID would reveal all of his information including his death magic with which he doesn't think exists in the current world and thanks to the curse God put on him he could be at risk for becoming an experiment again his mother begins to understand and wishes for him to just be careful for her sake that night the village women continue to surround vandeloo and ask if they could dress him up as a girl and cut his hair which is something he is greatly against that's when another woman named bastia returns to the village with a sack of meat for the village to eat she notices vandeloo and asks who that thing is and wonders if he's a ghost one of the other women explains how he is super strong and even saved the village Chief peing the tall woman's interest she steps to vandeloo who couldn't help but admire her impressive muscles and she thanks him for saving her mother zidus after taking him inside bastia begins preparing the meat for vandeloo and asks him if he likes it vandalo doesn't have any strong opinions for or against the meat basically concluding it's painfully average still though he fakes a smile and compliments her meal bastia is shocked by his response since everyone else hates her cooking which makes vandalo regret not being more straightforward after talking for a while bastia tells vandalo that she has to finish cleaning which puzzles the boy since he heard that she was the best warrior of the tribe bastia admits that she has the lowest rank in all of the tribe which makes vandalo question that since her mother is the chief she explains how in their tribe the men hold the power and the women only learn magic and despite her fighting skills being Immaculate her magic is really weak still she talks about wanting to get pregnant as soon as possible so she can avoid doing the chores and use her free time for training vandeloo asks why she's in such a rush Basia replies that she's 25 years old and normally women of their tribe become mothers much younger basically saying how she's becoming too old vandeloo disagrees with her and says that she's overthinking things and even calls her beautiful bastia thanks him for the compliments but says that vandeloo is too young to have seeds something that nearly made vandeloo choke on his food he tells her how he's surprised by what she said which she doesn't get yet she suddenly remembers how vandalo could use unfamiliar magic and asks if he could give her his seed through magic or perhaps let certain parts of his body grow up vandalo finally rejects her offer after that embarrassment zidus apologizes for her daughter's Behavior but questions how despite his age he was still able to understand what she meant something that vandalo didn't think about since he's actually supposed to still have the mentality of a one-year-old still though zidus regrets trying to force motherhood onto her daughter and explains how unlike humans who can choose their part Partners it's much harder for a ghoul to become pregnant which could put their entire race in danger vandeloo then asks if ghouls wouldn't know who their father is but zadir says it's not like that and says that the father of her daughter is vagaro she goes on to explain how she and vagaro had done the deed and warns vandeloo the dangers of getting too drunk zadir switches the topic back to Magic and asks vandeloo to replicate the spell he cast on the adventurers after casting the spell zidus is shocked to see the boy cast a spell without chanting it first and vandalo explains that it's because of his chant cancel skill she wonders how a boy his age has access to that type of skill and wonders if he's some sort of Genius or perhaps a demon but vanalo says that he doesn't know why he has that skill and it's just something that he knows how to do after explaining his death magic to her zidus questions if it really exists and wonders if she can teach him anything since he would be skilled at manipulating magic as well as non-elemental magic this catches his attention and he asks about non-elemental magic she says how it's basic magic knowledge but but vandalo reminded her that despite his power he's still just a beginner agreeing to teach him she asks what his magic power amount is to which he replies that it's 100 million very casually zidus is completely stunned by his insane capabilities as she only had around 10,000 but regardless of that she agrees to begin his training spring has nearly come as 6 months have passed since vandalo and his group started staying in the ghoul Village vagaro notes about how much stronger they've all become thanks to vandalo using his magic to preserve the meat that they eat he comments on how abnormal the child is as he pops out of the ghoul's man as they stand over the edge of a cliff vagaro suddenly remembers something and asks the young boy what he thought of his daughter bastia vandalo goes on to compliment her impressive physique extensively and all the while vagaro thinks about if it weren't for the boy's age he would have offered him as many women as his heart could desire in order to force him to stay in the village we then see vagaro enthusiastically enter zat's Hut asking if vandalo is still continuing his training in the village zus says that he is which excites the ghoul as he wonders if the boy would perhaps stay all throughout spring and maybe even summer zerus notices the ghoul's unusual behavior and teases him about it vagaro complains about how she wouldn't understand how he felt but zadir explains that she does how she too wants vandalo to stay in the village with them but understands that if he chooses to leave then there's nothing they can do we cut back to the present as vagaro Scopes the ongoing battle from the cliff side his tribe members are busy fighting fighting other beastmen and notice how they're struggling with coordinating their attacks but despite vandeloo suggesting that they should help them vagaro says that his men won't learn anything if he steps in meanwhile down on the battlefield we see Rita and sarya Performing much better as capable soldiers on the sidelines Sam is watching proudly as two of his daughters become stronger even after his death just then we see Chief Cobalt approach one of the girls and the two Clash weapons however she becomes surrounded by another Warrior joining the battle and charges towards her at the same time luckily her sister swoops in and cuts through the warrior with a single slash of her hird the two sisters both join forces and attack the chief until a ghoul Warrior appears behind him and launches a surprise attack from afar vagaro determines that the battle is already won as the Cobalt Chief is losing the will to fight just then stalking through the bushes was another Warrior who joined the battle letting out a roar that swept through the field even surprising vagaro appearing on the field was gion the Cobalt King rank five vandalo urged es them to join the battle to help the ghouls but vagaro suggests that they should just stand firm and support them with magic however vandeloo says that his men won't be able to escape without him this fills the ghoul's spirit as he launches himself onto the battlefield and charges straight for the king clashing their weapons fiercely in a locked battle sarya says that her and her sister should help out vagaro but Rita says that they can't due to the enemy's being rather persistent the sisters look to the Bone Army to help out in the battle and we see the undead Army now much stronger and ranked four the bone creatures swiftly leapt into the battle and tore into their enemies vandalo uses his magic to raise the ground and mercilessly bury some of the Cobalt Warriors under the dirt alive even the ghouls thought that that was a bit cruel meanwhile vagaro and the Cobalt King continue to clash their weapons the king narrowly sliced some of aaro's man accidentally revealing vandalo dangling inside of the creature's main taking his opportunity vagaro charges his weapon and slashed at the king's chest letting the blood splatter to his face and tasting it vagaro promises to cook his enemy's flesh before eating it after the battle this enrages the king and he Powers up breaking past his limits the two continue to clash but vandeloo could tell that vagaro doesn't stand a chance based on pure strength alone we cut to the time where zidus teaches vandeloo about the Magic Orb technique he explains how he would have to harden his magic into the shape of a sphere and launch it at the opponent and since it has no element it'll affect anybody vandal tries to perform the spell but struggles with it and he realizes it's more difficult than he thought zadir explained how before vandalo thoughtlessly used his death magic and that not granting an element to his magic would be harder for him still she encourages the boy to continue working hard at it shifting back to the battle vandalo says how he still can't control the Magic Orb well enough and has to think about what he can do for now stepping out of aaro's man he stands before the Cobalt King and spits into the creature's open wound the Cobalt King at first stares blankly at vandeloo before becoming angry and raising his weapon to strike the child however he loses control of his hand and drops his weapon to the ground following his hand he begins to lose all of the feeling of his arm taking the opportunity vagaro decapitates the king and takes victory over the battle the ghouls Reign victorious in their battle against the Cobalts the scattering few rush off into the woods with the ghoul Army hunting them down to make them for dinner all the while vagaro asks vandeloo about his trick he did earlier to which the Young explains that he changed his saliva into poison and paralyzed his enemy gross still vagaro was impressed by our guy's powers and the group headed back to the Village to celebrate their Victory later that day as everyone ate vandeloo begins thinking about how since he's come to the Village his life has been much easier and carefree but he has to keep focusing on getting a body for his mother's Soul so he doesn't have time to relax zidus notices vandalo silent behavior and tries to offer him some food but our protagonists could only just stare blankly at her her he could see the shadow of death looming over her meaning within a couple of days zidus will die vandalo calls her over to have an important talk and zidus had a feeling she knew what he wanted to talk about once alone zidus starts by bringing up the topic of his training and how he has no talent for magic vandeloo already knew of this since he hasn't mastered level one of non-elemental magic and everything he has been able to do so far was all because he was just copying what he'd been doing in his previous life still zidus believes vandalo could still become a great sorcerer one day and she wants to teach him every skill she knows but first she wants him to extend her lifespan just a little longer vandalo was surprised that she was aware of her impending death and agrees to her terms once everything is prepared vandalo asks her to strip off her shirt and puts his hands through her body in hopes of making her young again with his magic he believes he should be able to reverse the aging in her body but nearly exhausts all of his Mana after vandalo finishes with the procedure zidus was once again Blown Away by the boy's talents and vandalo adds how he'll extend his stay in the village since he has yet to have grown stronger but before that he plans on wanting to use his Rejuvenation Magic on zidus in order to exhaust his mana and push past his limit after all he tells her how he has a lot of magic points and right now the one spell that uses most of them is Rejuvenation zidus agree since she'll be able to get younger and the two settle their plan days pass with vandalo continuing his training and healing zidas during that time the tribe begins to notice how their Elders looking much younger and even cuter and they wonder what her secret is that's when one of the ghouls who peaked in on vandeloo and zidus together starts up the rumor that the two of them might be in a relationship this news devastates bastia and she laments about losing to her mother summer rolls around and we now see vandalo improving with his magic zidus gives him some words of encouragement and picks him up but vandeloo tells her that he's 2 years old now so she doesn't have to treat him like a baby even though he is still a baby anyway zidus comments about how much younger she's become thanks to vandalo and he replies how much his power has increased since he then says he's going to help the women of the tribe with their work but zidus warns him about doing everything by himself or else the others would start slacking vandeloo begins his cooking until he meets with build and asks her if she still wants to name her son after him but build informs him that she miscarried and says perhaps next time she'll do it this upsets vandalo and he tries consoling her loss but he quickly notices how miscarriages are common with the ghouls and they talk about it rather casually but the women don't mind since they plan trying again with vandalo which upsets baso once again vandeloo calls the woman over to speak with her privately and all the while the women of the village start loudly claiming their turn after bastia once vandeloo and bastia are alone in the Hut the young boy was ready to discuss something with her until he turns to see bastia stripping down after clearing up the misunderstanding vandeloo asks bastia about the miscarriages that's going on in the tribe to which basa explains how something like that is super common for their race even though it may seem strange to humans vandeloo begins to think about how since he'd arrived at the Village there were no other children besides himself still he figures it can't be helped since their race has lived like that for thousands of years and no one has asked him for his help to fix their problem well that was until bastia asked him for help to fix their problem vandeloo tells vidus that he wants to find a solution to the child problem within the village vidus is Overjoyed by this news since prior to that they would usually go around kidnapping women and turning them into ghouls to stabilize their population well that sure is one way to keep your race from going extinct vandeloo explains to her how he's going to try his best to figure out a solution to their problem though he wants to keep this hidden from his mother right now after examining one of the ghoul women he determines that the core problem is within their reproductive cells the lifespan of these cells is too short but he thinks that he should be able to lengthen that with his magic which excites the woman since she'll be able to have a child he got to work using his magic on the women of the tribe and luckily everyone was able to become pregnant later that winter bastia comments on how all of the women were successful in carrying their children and vandeloo adds how he's working on a magic tool to continue giving them the ability to get pregnant after he leaves their tribe bastia continues with talking about the possibility of her carrying vandalo child which he thinks is absurd for her to even talk about but vidus joins in with even more crazy ideas like her carrying his child too and vandeloo can already tell that the two are definitely mother and daughter the scene switches to a group of adventurers fighting a group of goblins and Cobalts one of the adventurers calls out to a woman ktia who is being attacked by the creatures from behind however she swiftly cuts down the monsters and says how it's strange for the goblins and Cobalts to be working together in the first place the male Adventurer ricken thinks it could be because a higher level demon Beast is leading them but before they could say anything else the loud terrifying Roar of a beast Cuts them off the adventurers quickly find themselves surrounded by an army of monstrous creatures ricken tries to fend off the beasts while yelling for Kata to make a run for it we cut to see the noble of the Orcs Bogan rest in at his throne that's when one of his subordinates informs him how there aren't enough women and he asks permission to capture female ghouls Bugan grants his request under the condition that he leaves no survivors to protect the identity of their existence Bugan thinks about the military of the ghoul tribe which isn't a big deal for him but the real problem lies with the village Elder Mage Bugan brings forth a Cobalt and asks him if the village Elder Mage is still alive to which the Cobalt says that she is this angers Bogan as the Cobalt told him before that she was knocking on death's door but the Cobalt informs him that something strange is happening at the ghoul Village Bugan immediately kills the old creature as he didn't want to hear another word that's when his soldiers return with the adventurers they've captured the creatures take a specific liking to the women of the group while they decide to Devour the man simultaneously vandeloo is alerted to the impending trouble Brewing he tells the deers to assemble everyone as a large Army Of Orcs were coming to attack the village he informs the tribe that the Orcs aren't going to attack now but they do see the village as an obstacle and they should start preparing themselves he credits everything he knows to the spirit of the Cobalt that was killed by Bogan it's really lucky he can talk to spirits the members of The Village begin to worry since the numbers of their enemies is greater than their own but another ghoul tries to encourage their Spirits however there's still a problem since the women of the tribe are all pregnant so they can't help out in the fight bastia suggests that they should cooperate with other ghoul villages to which zidus agrees vagaro then adds in that he wants vandalo to leave their Village which puzzles the boy why would he want him to leave vandalo refuses to leave but vagaro argues back and forth with him to get him to leave anyway vandalo asks why he wants him to leave so badly given everything they've been through so far vagaro is moved by vandalo words and says it's his choice if he wants to stay or not but zidus explains vagaro unusual behavior is because he cares deeply for the young boy she then asks what vandalo plan is to fight against the Orcs to which he presents them armor that he's collected along his travels the village is thankful for this gesture and with so many benefits the boy has given them so far vagaro suggests making vandeloo their King he nervously gives them an unsure reply which they take as their confirmation but vanalo explains that that wasn't what he meant as he was confused by their offer zidus explains that since the villages are going to unite against the Orcs they would need a leader their ghoul King and they would like vandeloo to be that person vandalo still doesn't understand since he's a Domer but the ghouls don't mind it since he's also not a human and he told zidus that he possessed a skill that strengthens his Army vandalo asks if his skill was the reason they wanted him to be king but zadir says that it was because of all the effort he went through to build their Village and unanimously the tribe elected him as king after giving it some thought vandalo accepts their offer and the tribe celebrates meanwhile a lone woman with a dazed look is wandering the forest until she's approached by an Army Of Orcs she throws her weapon aside and allows the Orcs to capture her we see the chief of another ghoul Village Talia praising her handcrafted jewelry with much admiration ation some of the Trib men are unsure if they should interrupt her during this but a few other members barge in and beg her to make armor for them she is as expected frustrated by their demands another one of her tribe members informs her about a freshly captured metal slime which excites her as she begins of thinking ways to craft more items from it that's when she's interrupted again but this time it's to inform her that an undead Carriage was approaching their Village she gathers her soldiers and decides to meet with the carriage with her Army at her side she demands to know why they've approached her Village to which she was informed of a common enemy marching their way tiia asks to know more of the details to which vandalo steps to her and offers to explain after looking down at the 2-year-old tiia and the rest of her Army quickly kneel to him after sensing his Superior power imagine being just a toddler and having armies bow to you vandeloo introduces himself to tiia and shows off his intensive knowledge about her impressive craftsmanship he then asks her to help them in exchange for fixing their low birth rates and improving their food quality with his magic to which tiia accepts although she does have ulterior motives to being involved with the boy the first being to use him to expand their territory and the second being to live a luxurious lifestyle we switch over once again to the dazed woman now captured inside of the orc Village she Witnesses the terrible condition most of the human slaves are kept in before experiencing the same torture herself that's when we see a man lucilio visibly Disturbed his Butler enters his office and asks him if he's all right lucilio says that he's fine and asks him to report to the Viscount that he has some new information to tell after taking some tea to calm his nerves lucilio begins to remember his previous meeting with the Viscount Bell now buls lucilio explains how he successfully infiltrated the Orcs Village using a life- dead puppet a human corpse using life magic to reanimate it he goes on to explain that the Creator and the puppet share the five senses so he's able to experience everything his female puppet does which explains why he was about to throw up earlier the Viscount wants to learn everything about the Orcs And trusts lucilio to complete this mission for him using his puppet jumping back to the present Viscount bow bul rushes into the room and lucilio fills him in on what he discovered that Noble Orcs truly do exist not only that lucilio was able to determine that the Orcs are allied with the Cobalts and goblins which would set their numbers at around 5 or 600 this all overwhelms Bellow as he's heard rumors of some of the orc nobl being really powerful and for a moment he isn't sure the humans can stand a chance against them lucilio doesn't think he should give up yet since they still have plenty of B- ranked adventurers plus numerous C and D ranks at their disposal this perks up the Viscount until he realizes that he wouldn't be able to move such a large army before the Orcs attack them but lucilio informs him that the Orcs most likely won't make their move until summer so it gives them some time to prepare Bellow agrees with this and pays lucilio for his troubles the man is Overjoyed by this as he begins planning out his future vacation in his mind that is until the Viscount tells him that he has to keep monitoring the orc Village so he'll have to postpone his plans we move back to vandeloo as he's busy adjusting the armor for the ghouls TOA was impressed by the boy's ability to use his magic to alter the size of the armor and vandalo says how originally the armor set was made for humans so if he didn't adjust them to the ghoul then they wouldn't be able to use it TOA is confused about how vandalo is working so hard despite his status but one of the ghoul women informs her how vandalo has always done things for them back in their Village so it was nothing new this baffles tiia as a king shouldn't be doing the handyman's work next in line to have her armor fitted was bastia vandalo comments how the armor set she was wearing was made for a man and this makes toia say A sly comment about the muscular woman which makes basa fire back with a few words herself one of the ghoul men wonders why the two women have beef with each other when another ghoul explains how bastia caught toia smothering vandalo between her chest when she was sleeping and ever since they've been at each other's throat yep you heard it right these two are fighting over a 2-year-old mandalo asks zidus what he could do to resolve the problem but the chief is off in her own world sulking to herself when the topic of voluptuous breasts is brought up all the while vandeloo thinks it would be better to drop the topic later that night vandeloo gathers with the ghouls to discuss a plan to defeat their enemy after giving out a few suggestions vandalo thinks it would be best for them to plan an ambush against the Orcs And presents them a map he's drawn up of the orc Camp to the ghouls however unbeknownst to the boy none of the ghouls can read a map and he's worked so hard on it all of that gone to waste he later build a model of the camp using figurines and starts explaining their attack while also prioritizing saving all of the captured humans at the camp after settling on the plan vandalo concludes the meeting until TOA tells him that she appreciated the map he drew earlier and reveals that she could understand it not only that she was once a human we see a couple of orc Scouts high upon a lookout post talking amongst themselves that is until one of them heard a rustling sound and went on the defense however they weren't prepared for their their own wall to awaken as a wooden ghoul and turn on them we now see vandeloo relishing on the success of phase one of his plan and leaves the Orcs open for a full-on assault the orc Army begins going on the defensive and vandalo leaves the rest in zad's hands who rallies her Army and lets out the signal to charge the battle ensues with vagaro leading the first wave and takes on the orc General back on the sidelines vandalo replenishes the Mana of the Mages which impresses adiris as he was able to perform a non-elemental spell vandalo leaves the arrest to the Chief and sets off with Sam and his Undead Carriage the boy gives Sam the command to go full speed which Sam eagerly obeys and happily mows down all the enemy forces while laughing maniacally however Sam encounters the Orcs And vandeloo feels it would be smarter to take a safer detour but Sam mistook the boy's orders and instead safely crushes his enemies Sam somehow picks up more speed even managing to surprise vandalo and tramples over his foes as their father Revels in crushing his enemies Rita and sarya join the battle along with the bone monsters as vandalo collects The Souls of his enemies he determines that his army should be able to wipe out his enemies in no time but that's if the noble Orcs don't show up back at the other ghoul Village we see Tia praying over vandeloo and the others for their safe return she's interrupted by one of the pregnant ghoul women who couldn't sleep and found her praying tiia says that the woman didn't have to come so close to her which makes her chuckle and says how she really does care for others and she at first thought that TOA was a selfish person Tia thinks the woman is being disrespectful given their status but the woman just calls her weird and even her hairstyle and voice also weird tiia says it's normal for a pure ghoul to think that way about her to which the woman asks what she meant by that and tiia explains how she previously was a human who is kidnapped and turned into a ghoul via a ritual the woman looks on sullenly and asks tiia if she hates ghouls but toia says how could she since she's been one for over 200 years toia urges the woman to head back inside for the the sake of her unborn child but she replies that she wasn't tired and the two sit outside together tiia offers to tell the woman how she became chief of the village and says how it all began when she was a child how her father was an expert Craftsman and because of that she grew interested in a similar skill here in this chapter we learn a little bit more about Tia as a young girl she used to craft impressive weapons that slightly concerned her father as he tried steering her to behave more ladylike and practice her cooking instead something TOA had no interest in her brother Theo barges into the room covered in dirt and his father chastises him and tries to urge him into crafting amazing weapons like the ones toia makes the boy doesn't see the point in even trying since his older sister was much better than him and he should just give her the shop when she's older this upsets their father and he tells tiia to go help her mother a few years go by and Tia's father struggles to keep a shop open after a big company moves into their Hometown and as a result her father becomes depressed still tiia tries to raise his spirits to which her father mentions how it's been a while since they've spent time together and offers to take her out tillia becomes elated upon hearing that her father leads TOA through town and into a dark alley where they meet two men it's then revealed that her father sold her off to the men in return for enough money to restore his shop tiia tries calling out for her father to save her but he says even though she has an amazing talent only the men could in hair at the shop and since she was more talented than her brother he lost motivation to become a Craftsman he finishes it by saying her Talent was a burden while the men drag her away some time has passed and toia now works as a prostitute but as she's applying her makeup she's determined to escape later after presenting herself to a customer she brings him into the room and stabs him and makes a run for it escaping the town and making her way into the forest with a new goal to start over somewhere new where no one knows about her however she was then discovered by a group of ghoul men the ghouls begin to perform a ritual in front of Tia and finish it by adding their blood into the concoction and chanting an unfamiliar spell after that they pushed tiia into the pool of strange liquid and forced her under until she lost Consciousness she came to finding her body now transformed into a ghoul she asks them why they would do this and the ghouls explain that their population was low and they didn't have enough women ever since that day Tulia felt like her life was a living hell as she couldn't escape the village and even if she could Escape she couldn't return back to a human society then one day a ghoul brought her a dead animal and told her to prepare a meal for them but after examining the creature she mentions how its hide could be used for armor this intrigues the ghoul and asks her if she can create armor to which she replies that she could and the ghoul tells her to do it after crafting the armor and giving it to the ghoul he inspects it and compliments her craftsmanship this makes tiia think back to the time when her father used to complement her skills and it brings tiia to tears from that point on the men of the tribe begin asking her to craft more weapons and armor for them which little by by little brings a smile to her face soon all of the men continue to fight for her attention to get her to craft things for them this newfound reputation gets the chief to call her to his Hut where he explains how thanks to her the hunting success rate has increased along with the tribe being able to oppose the adventurers trying to hunt them tiia is thankful for his praise and this makes the chief ask her to craft a special set of armor for him in exchange for anything she wants given the offer she says that she wants to be by his side the chief accepts her wish later the women of the tribe become furious with tiia and remind her that she used to be a slave and she should remember her place Tia agrees with the women and determines that they're jealous by the amount of male attention she was receiving the women agree and demand that as a former slave it's her place to share the men with them tiia begins to understand the women and tells them that bullying her isn't the way to get the men to fall for them and instead they should agree to be her friend and she'll teach them her ways of getting a man's attention the village women all began lining up to be her friend friend after that and that's how little by little TOA was able to raise her status and even spread her influences to other ghoul Villages because of her trading her armor for food and with that her Village population grew and she once the weakest Ghoul Now Rose to the top and became the chief we jump back to the present with the ghoul woman keeping quiet after hearing Tia's story Tia assumes that her story must have made the woman lost for words but instead she just thinks Tia's story was super cool tiia assumed that ghouls weren't able to understand her story story but she grew accustomed to it and even became comfortable telling her story to other people the woman asks her who else she' shared her story with to which she said vandeloo but the boy didn't have much of a reaction to it either but she adds how he told her that he was unable to express his emotions but was able to understand her story from that TI was able to get what vandalo in some way was able to relate to her based on the expression of his eyes he must have gone through something awful himself the ghoul woman says that the boy was surely strong and how she wishes to name her child after him and one day give her child a sibling toia was confused on how their conversation switched to that topic but figures to just walk away from it as TOA wonders about her growing competition between her and the other women she remembers that a few days ago she improved bastia's weapon in an attempt to get the woman to show some appreciation but basa took the weapon and says how she'll put her craft to good use and that she should be thankful TOA decides to get some sleep and wonders how bastia is doing on the battlefield we then switch over to bastia who is Terri terrified after seeing the noble Orcs joining the battle vandeloo describes the three Noble Orcs using the sight from bone vulture after confirming the creatur's identity he informs his team that the Nobles have joined the battle and one of them is heading towards bastia's team this brings everyone to a shock as they didn't plan for this to happen and even vandeloo himself is unsure of what to do next either Choice he plans to make would jeopardize the mission and cost them the victory the pressure begins to weigh on the small boy as he finds himself at a crossroad meanwhile lucilio continues to suffer the torture of spying on the Orcs And wonders if the Viscount is trying to drive him mad suddenly the orc Noble was interrupted and warned about the ghouls attacking their Village but Bogan doesn't see them as an issue and says how he'll join the battle later through the puppet lucilio became aware of the ghouls and decided to report back to the Viscount back on the battlefield basa is busy killing the last of the guards and moves in to rescue all of the captured women she finds them all in horrid conditions and comes across the human puppet and decides to rescue her too despite their races being enemies that's when she and her men hear the calls of the orc Noble right outside of the Hut bostia is shocked to see a noble while the creature calls for his men to capture bastia the ghouls go on the offensive as the Orcs charge forward suddenly that's when the Orcs get a sickening feeling of death looming over them at first they didn't see anything but they sure felt it what they didn't see coming however was an undead wagon charging full speed towards them vandeloo pulls up to Aid Boston to fight against the orc Noble Sam asks the boy about the ability he casted on the Orcs and vandeloo explains how it was a spell to summon a familiar The Familiar unleashes a killing Aura and vandalo uses it to confuse the Orcs while the two were talking the Orcs begin to stand back up but Sam quickly backs up against them to make sure that they don't come back this enrages the noble and vandeloo orders Rita and Sara to take care of the remaining Orcs while he and bostia deal with the noble bostia is unsure if she can stand against the noble but vandalo says that she'll be fine and he'll never let her die seeing no other choice in this bastia takes up her weapon and faces the orc however for a split second she doubts herself and just then she could feel the orc cutting through her body luckily she snaps out of her trance and moves at a quick speed the orc continues to trade blows with the woman but bastia dances past his attacks with ease the orc questions how basa could be so quick but not even she knew why that was until she remembered vandalo is with her vandalo reveals that he was using his magic to Aid her in battle and with this reassurance she grows confident in her fighting she now knows that with his support she could predict the Orcs attacks and Dodge them in other words she's much stronger now she quickly finishes off the noble and is surprised in the fact that she was able to overcome her opponent vandalo goes to congratulate her but bastia asks about vagaro to which we now see that earlier vagaro urges vandalo to Aid bastia in her fight against the orc Noble and to leave him and vidas he also acknowledges the boy's strength and how he found himself sometimes relying on the child but now he's happy and vows to show vandalo a fight he'll be proud of vandalo promises to return for him after helping bastia and he hurries off leaving vagaro to Face Off Alone against the orc Noble the battle between the strongest Warrior of the ghoul Village vagaro and the powerful orc Noble commences the two waste no time and start clashing their weapons however vagaro notices how insanely fast the noble was but he won't let that stop him and he launches another attack to break the orc's defense vagaro plans to keep wailing on the orc Noble until he can find an opening to strike but the orc seemingly ignores his attacks and keeps charging forward until he's able to land a heavy blow against the ghoul this unfortunately knocked vagaro unconscious and the noble was ready to claim his victory elsewhere in the battle we see zadira struggling herself against the Orcs the other ghouls suggest that they Retreat for now but zidus understands that there's no way for them to run without suffering casualties that's when one of vandalo Undead flies attaches a thread to zidas and outs spawns the undead bone Army here for reinforcements zidus then tells everyone that they don't have an option to run since vagaro and vandalo are unable to rescue them so their only choice is to crush their enemies her Army argues that it's impossible to do that but zadira says how their enemy is underestimating them and to use that to their advantage with their morale raised zidus LED the retaliation against the Orcs still the Orcs don't let up and one begins firing arrows into the ghouls but the Mages were able to raise a shield against their attacks the orc is confused by the amount of Mana the ghouls had until he realizes that slowly his own Army is beginning to while the ghouls are still going strong that's when zidus revealed that as long as they have vandalo with them they will claim the victory the orc Noble tries aiming for their barrier until one of the bone monsters confronts him and scratches his face the orc then soon found himself completely surrounded by the bone Army and they begin to wail on him unfortunately the noble was able to slip away but zidas wouldn't let him get far back with vagaro he wakes up just in time before the noble was able to take his head he bites into the orc's neck but the noble was able to throw him off and he lands near his weapon taking hold of it he launches from behind the orc and shatters through his defense and Strikes the final blow fired up vagaro lets out a victory cry as his family was able to success ful defeat their enemies the news travels back to vandeloo who informs this to bastia who is Overjoyed by their accomplishments however the true final boss was still waiting this worries vandeloo as so far this is the strongest opponent he's ever faced going far beyond his expectations he begins going over possible plans to defeat his enemy maybe even going against the boss alone but it would end with a 50% chance of him dying still he takes his chances and flees from the wagon and confronts the toughest Orcs so far all by himself vandeloo and the strongest orc Noble face off jumping straight into it the noble charges up and uses earth spikes against vandalo but he deflects it with his magical barrier the orc tries to cut through the barrier but his blade only breaks through the outer layer vandeloo starts going on the offense and charges up a giant magic ball and fires it at the orc but he unfortunately deflects it this prompts vandeloo to fire multiple magic blasts at him and uses his familiar to catch him off guard and to add on to his assault he even commands a Golem to Rise Up from under him however none of these attacks prove to have any effect and the orc even stops the Golem to bits with one kick this battle is starting to prove to be a challenge for our little guy the two continue to trade blows with vandeloo on the offensive and the orc Noble on the defensive vandalo even tries spamming his attacks and even doing the most common Trope in action series hitting him with an even bigger attack the two come to a stalemate with both parties realizing just how powerful the other is and even thinking that at this rate either one of them could die meanwhile vagaro and zidus go back and forth about whether or not vandalo could on-shot the boss but Sam tries to get them to calm down and help out their King vandalo Squad tried coming in clutch for him but this proved to be worthless since the noble was much too strong for them this makes vandalo think that the situation is getting risky and if everyone gets involved they could all die and even if he were able to resurrect them as an undead he's unsure if his enemy has the power to damage souls to too suddenly he gets an idea just then the noble turns his attention back to vandalo and with a single strike he breaks through his barrier and delivers the final blow the noble pleased with himself tasted the blood of his enemy with great pleasure darcia and everyone else is devastated by what they've just witnessed vandalo falls to the ground along with the orc and everyone runs over with vagaro ready to take his revenge but that's when he discovered that the orc was already dead vidus rushes in an attempt to save the bo but vandalo shows that he's perfectly fine and Sam begins to understand what the boy did he goes on to explain that at the very moment vanduo was struck he turned his organs intangible and used his magic to heal himself as for how he defeated the orc he simply turned all the blood in his body into poison and when the orc licked his blood it sealed his fate zidus was relieved about the news but plans to give him a lecture for scaring her in the first place vandeloo telepathically told Sam to keep what he's done as secret from his mother but it was too late after the battle zidus asks vandalo about what he should do with the human females they rescued all the while lucilio observes the ghoul's victory through the puppet and is shocked by how easily the ghouls managed to defeat their enemies but most importantly he was interested in their so-called King he begins setting his expectations for he's unsure of what kind of King he'll meet that's when he hears a human woman trying to resist the ghouls Aid and he believes that she'll be tortured or even killed by the ghouls plus even if she manages to get res resed by humans her life would be a living hell and it would be hard for her to recover from the events of being a slave suddenly his puppet is approached by vandalo and lucilio figures that he's a doer but what is a doer doing with a bunch of ghouls vandeloo asks lucilio directly what he's doing inside the woman's body surprising the man that a child could detect his presence lucilio tries playing dumb but vandalo can see past his nonsense and even says how he can see the spirit of the woman and how she's begging for for him to give her body back lucilio was able to for the first time see the spirit of the woman whose body he's been manipulating the entire time and lets out a horrified scream we return with vandalo interrogating lucilio for spying on them through the woman's body lucyano tries to flee but vandeloo grabs him by the throat and demands he'd tell him why he was in the woman's body lucilio seeing no other way out of this explains how he was an adventurer using the woman's body to spy on the orc Village vandalo asks him if the Warman Minister palp was the one who sent him but lucilio says that it was instead the Viscount and warns him that the war minister was planning to send an army to attack the orc Village vandeloo asks what would happen now since the Orcs are now dead to which lucilio says that they would just turn their sight on the ghouls since they were strong enough to defeat them and in the human's eyes they are now the enemy vandalo figures he'd heard enough and wonders what to do with him since he can't risk his identity being discovered but at the same time he can't kill him he then asks Lu ilano if he was the one to have killed the woman but he says he wasn't and she was brought to him already dead and he simply just used her to which the woman pled for the man to release her vandalo understands this and with a Stern warning lets lucilio go vandalo inspects the woman and finds that her body is still alive due to the man inside her and offers to revive the woman she's delighted by the news but vandeloo adds that he can't bring her back to life but he could bind her soul to the baby that's inside of her disgusted she refuses to be resurrected as an orc's child but vandeloo says he'll be able to make sure that the orc jeans would be suppressed so that she could live again as a creature that resembles a human more closely the woman accepts his offer and he brings her body back to the wagon where Sam asks why the boy would do so much for her vandeloo explains how he's using her as an experiment to see if he's able to implant the soul of another being into a zygote and Sam asks if that's what he plans to do with his mother vandeloo denies that since the probability of finding a zygote that's compatible for his mother is really small back at the ghoul Village vandeloo is getting an earful from the many women in his life for scaring them due to his Reckless stunt though they admit that due to their lack of strength that was the reason why he went so far into battle vandeloo is confused by their reaction since previously whenever he was scolded he was used to being yelled at a lot more and even beaten his mother Comforts him but zidus and bastia ask him what kind of parents vandalo has vandalo tries to explain that his mother wasn't like that but darcia says it's fine since the other women can't see her but still it matter to him what other people thought about her vandalo decides it's time to gather everyone to tell them something important and that's when vagaro steps inside the hut looking insanely different than he did last time bastia figures it was because he ranked up since their last battle anyway after Gathering everyone vandalo explains to them about his reincarnation and why he was given such broken abilities surprisingly everyone bought it at face value even the part about vandalo other classmates also possibly reincarnating into their world and them having broken abilities too vandalo says he should still be stronger than his classmates and everyone shrugs it off since they think they should be fine however vandalo disagrees since they all have cheat skills vagaru explains that even if all of his classmates are stupidly overpowered it doesn't mean they're invulnerable this makes vandalo think that if his classmates don't die in origin then they can't reincarnate into his current world zidus adds that everyone is naturally scared of those who are stronger than them but vandalo shouldn't worry too much since he also possesses a weapon that none of his enemies have and his mother encourages him to believe in himself more to which vandalo thanks them then at the last second he warns them about the human Army coming to wipe them all out we switch the scene over to the war minister palpa writing in his office that's when a vampire bat begins to mock the man for doing such a meaningless task the two go back and forth for a moment until the vampire reminds him of the deal they previously made how palp peek's older brother should be the one sitting in his chair instead of the war minister not to mention all the benefits the vampires would have by having a noble such as the Minister on their side the minister switches the topic and asks the vampire if he's heard of a doer named vandeloo The Vampire doesn't recognize the name and the minister fills him in about how the boy was born to a dark elf and one of the vampire's former subordinates the vampire remembers his former subordinate Veen and the minister continues on by saying that their child could possibly be a necromancer and be leading an army of ghouls the vampire dismisses the fact that a mere toddler could have such abilities and says that sooner or later he should be taken care of the war minister agrees as he says how the subjugation began being led by the priest goldan and a man named The Breeze spear Riley the Vampire shows interest in Riley and asks if he's useful to which the minister assures him that he's strong enough the war minister also brings up the incident with the golems and infers that it was vandalo doing the vampire laughs off the man's suspicions since he was overestimating the capabilities of a Domer and their strength is based on the strength of their vampire parent the vampire takes his leave leaving the minister to wonder alone if vandal is really as strong as he believes if he is then it could be a problem for Riley and the high priest we cut back to the ghoul village where the captured women willingly undergo the ritual to become Ghouls and vandalo wonders where TOA was during this build mentions she probably wouldn't want to witness the ceremony since it could remind her about how she was turned into a ghoul against her will and zadira says that she can take over from here and vandeloo leaves with build they stop by toa's Hut where they find the woman happily chopping away at the Orcs for their meat and the two figure they should just leave her be that night vandeloo gathers everyone to properly explain how the human Army is coming for them all we open this chapter on the human Army marching Straight Ahead priest goldon meets with Riley and the young man tries warning the priest that he's not like Hines and he'll be the first one to slay the Dom Pier but priest goldon couldn't care less about who gets to him first as long as they complete their mission however the priest does warn the young man not to let his guard down since they'll also be up against the ghouls who are most likely preparing for them he he finishes by saying that he doesn't want Riley to underestimate his enemy Riley doesn't take too kindly to the priest seemingly looking down on him since at the end of the day the young man was here to surpass Hines the Army finally reaches the ghoul Village but finds it completely abandoned this infuriates Riley since every ghoul Village they've encountered was empty and he demanded an explanation one of the knights informs the priests of the carriage tracks and concludes that all of the ghouls along with vandalo took off without anyone knowing Riley grabs the collar of one of the knights and demands why none of his spies reported this but the Knight replies that they only investigated the city in the forest and that no one could have predicted that the ghouls would take off into the mountain range not to mention no one has heard of ghouls using carriages still priest gon didn't falter as he came up with a plan we jump back 2 months ago seeing vagaro urging for a fight with the humans but vandalo shuts that idea down since unlike the Orcs the humans have been planning their attack for months and even if they were able to defeat the first wave of humans many more more would come back stronger until they wipe them all out and on top of that they have to look out for the pregnant women of the tribe tiia agrees with the boy and asks him what they should do now to which he figures out a plan cutting ahead we see the ghouls and vandeloo traveling along the mountains with vandalo opening up passageways for the group and sealing the entrances behind them after three long months the group had finally made it to the devil's Nest a place where no human has traveled to before everyone admires the large land but still some wonder if they would be able to blend in not to mention all of the unknown high-leveled monsters lurking within vandeloo figures their right and plans to set out an investigation tomorrow but for now they set up camp that night vandalo tends to the woman who was used as a puppet which makes TOA say how they seem more like family this makes Kya the female adventurer who was captured before fire back an insult to tiia and the two women butt heads tiia then asks if she's comfortable about being a ghoul now to which she says it's a lot better than returning back to the humans and even says how the ghoul seems seem to be good people she waves them off and vandeloo begins to think about how they do really seem like a family to him that's when vandeloo was hit in the back of the head by a bone and turned to see one of the children who threw it the child's mother scolds him and this makes vandeloo wonder about the new race of children who were born of the ghoul women and the Goblin and orc men basically due to the weird genetics they're pretty much new species zider thinks that vandeloo magic may also have something to do with it since he was using it to keep the Mothers Healthy during their pregnancy but in the end she doesn't mind since they're smarter than regular monster babies and now since there's a ton of them their family has grown quite a lot we cut to see the war minister informing the vampire that he can no longer Aid in the D's extermination this stuns the vampire and he asks if he could send out another Adventurer but the minister declines since now that the ghouls are in the devil's Nest no Adventurer would want to take the job offer the vampire asks about the priest but the man replies how he had other duties to attend to the vampire is visibly frustrated by this this and the man comments on it but the vampire just flies away without explaining himself all the while he's panicking about vandeloo already being at the devil's nest and how it could spell trouble for him back at the mountains vandeloo and his team go out to inspect the area noting how gigantic everything is compared to what they were expecting vandalo suddenly runs off which puzzles Kaa but it only makes Sam and his Girls tease her about not being able to tell when vandeloo is excited about something Kya catches up to the boy and tries to scare him with ghost stories but it obviously fails since vandeloo travels with spirits and can command the dead on a daily basis suddenly vandeloo senses an enemy approaching and is stunned to see real life dinosaurs in this world vandalo crew immediately jump into action while the boy gaws at the creatures with Starry Eyes not only are there many dinosaurs but there's also a giant jumping shark the dinosaurs surround the team and vandalo is overwhelmed with joy at the mere sight of them real life dinosaurs right in front of him if it weren't for his dead pan expression he'd have a smile smile reaching from ear to ear he thinks of a solution to kill the creatures without causing too many wounds and then resurrecting them to join his Undead Army well at least that was the plan until his group began mercilessly killing the dinosaurs one by one everyone began hacking away at the animals leaving vandeloo in a slump since he wanted to preserve them without any wounds none of his teammates understand why vandalo is so upset about dead animals to which the boy explained how wanting to see live dinosaurs was a passion of his back in his previous life and he was always to visit a museum however his uncle wouldn't let him vandalo sinks more into his despair even when zadira suggests that they should keep moving forward suddenly The Boy comes up with the idea to just create the museum himself now in better spirits the group continues on until they're greeted by a strange presence the being steps forward and presents himself as the Oracle of the emperor everyone is stunned to be in The Graces of an undead from the Titan tribe the undead seemed weirdly Overjoyed to see vandalo and even called him the prophesized holy son and asks him to bring Salvation to them he then introduces himself as naaza the Lich vandalo introduces himself and asks naaza to explain what he meant earlier to which Kya asks if they should even care about what he has to say but vandalo thinks if things go well then his group could be able to live here naaza informs vandalo that he was awaiting his arrival as it was foretold by the Oracle of the Goddess vidus thinks the description fits vandalo close enough but vandeloo says how he doesn't know anything about the country and asks naaza to give him a brief history lesson naaza goes on to explain how his city was called the city of the Sun and how long ago it used to be prosperous thanks to the hero zachar and the goddess Vita but then 200 years ago everything changed when the merg shield Nation attacked he goes on to explain how suddenly the nation slaughtered almost everyone including himself which turned him into an undead as a result Sam mentions how he's heard of this story before since it was common and vandeloo asked to know why the shield Nation invad Ed Sam explains how it was due to an order from the amid Empire and naaza adds how since the ammed Empire and the Titans woried different deities It ultimately became a conflict of religions naaza curious also wanted to know how the nation that wiped them out ended up to which Sam explains how after the war it cost them a great loss losing their hero and in the end the Titans didn't have any Treasures or resources they could use naaza corrects this by explaining that their princess prior to the war was sent outside the country along with their treasures and resources still even with all of that Sam says that the true loser of the war was the ammed Empire because the Titans were allied with the or bomb Kingdom they joined the war and completely defeated the shield Nation as well as Ahmed not just that the or bomb Kingdom recovered most of their territory that was seized by Ahmed previously and the two countries have been at War for 200 years this had gone down in history as amed's biggest failure the news made the undead burst out into hysterical laughter as he believes that ammed deserved it for all the trouble they caused in the past vandeloo agrees and says how the shield and amid Empire should just to die which excites naaza as he claims that vandeloo is The Reincarnation of the true ancestor vampire we learn how when the true vampire ancestor died he made a prediction to one day return to bring death to the Arrogant God naaza spirals into laughter once again but vandeloo criticizes him for mixing what the Oracle said and what the ancestor predicted still noasa said how vandalo said how he was going to destroy the shield Nation but the boy tried to correct him however everyone starts twisting his words changing the subject vandeloo asks if the ghouls are allowed to stay in the city which noasa calls upon the undead citizens of the city to ask for their opinion luckily everyone is very friendly and inviting despite their frightening appearances vandalo tries to conclude things with naaza but the man says how he's not in charge and the person he should be speaking to is the hero of their land borcas vandeloo goes to speak with the hero and he asks naaza what kind of person borcas is and he replies that he is the strongest Undead amongst them and not only that he hasn't moved from his spot in 200 years borus lays his eyes upon the child and asks who he was to which vandalo introduces himself as the ghoul King borcas at first mistakes vandeloo as a girl but later shows no interest in the child vandeloo tried offering himself as a peacemaker between the ghouls and Titans but borcas refused and even deflected vandalo death attribute charm vandalo tries to play it safe with the guy since one wrong move could get him killed switching tactics vandeloo offers to Grant a wish to borcas using his death magic to which borcas asks him if he could remove a curse from a legendary class item vandalo accepts without hesitation which shocks the two Undead as no one has ever been able to do such a thing but to vandalo he explains how it shouldn't be difficult this manages to persuade borcas and he begs the child to save his comrades vandalo accepts the task vandeloo follows borcas into another room where the boy feels the frigid air upon the door opening and figures it was due to Mana inside he sees a giant ice shard in the middle of the room with a severed hand trapped inside NOA says how it belonged to miss zandia but lucky for the two vandalo says he could melt it with his magic but first he wanted to know what happened naaza gladly offers to explain and tells him how long ago in their land toim there were five Heroes borcas Gina ogban baragan and zandia during the war against the Shield Nation the five defended their land against them but they soon went up against the nation's own A- rank hero mle their hero wielded a powerful Spear and with that weapon all of the Titan Heroes fell at least that's the story naaza was told truth is no one really knows what happened between the heroes borcas fills in more of the missing details he says that Gina Zia and himself all faced M despite their close rank he was killed and when he awoke as an undead the first thing that he saw was the ice Shard he then asks vandeloo to melt the ice and adds how he is unsure of the state of his comrade but at the very least wants to apologize to them luckily he can do it sooner than he thought since vandalo melted the ice while he was talking taking the hand vandalo uses his power to connect to the thoughts Zia had and saw the battle that happened long ago it was gruesome until The Bitter End vandalo was able to determine that Zia and Gina must have died before M went underground though he's unsure and the only way to find out is to go descend underground as the two descend further down on the stairs borcas begins discussing with vandeloo about the fee for bringing Zia and Gina back as Undead and even offers them to him as his Brides vandeloo thinks what the man was suggesting was a political marriage and explains the problem that the two would still be a pile of Titan bones not to mention neither of them had the authority to marry the women off but naaza ignores the boy and says that it should be fine since he's basically the chosen one the three reach their destination but find a dragon Golem frozen in ice this makes things complicated since they can't continue on without melting the ice and unleashing the dragon NOA adds how the dragon was created by the goddess Vita to protect her Heritage and mle must have encountered the creature but the dragon was too strong for him to handle and retreated NOA asks vandeloo on the probability of the girls being further ahead but vandeloo says that even if he brought them back as Undead they would get annihilated by the dragon borcas says that it's fine as long as they had the goddess's Heritage they could bring back their bodies as good as new this alerts vandalo and he asks more about the Heritage to which borcas says it's a dead Resurrection device that's all vandalo needed to hear the device is deeper here inside of the Catacombs vandalo asks naaza if anyone knew a safe way to get to the device but he says only the empress knew that seals it vandalo has no choice but to become stronger to defeat the dragon Golem as he has someone in mind to resurrect with that the three sit down and try to think of a plan to defeat the Golem borcas suggests using the adventurers Guild to give them any useful resources but noasa says that the resources from The Guild were taken and that the only safe was stored in a job change room this alerts vandalo and he asks if he or perhaps the ghouls could use it and naaza says how it was never tried with monsters before but vandalo thinks that it's possible he then looks to boris' missing arm and casually says how he could restore it for him something the man wasn't expecting to hear after regenerating his limb vandalo decides to head back to his group and barges in to tell them the great news unfortunately he walked in right as build was about to give birth vandalo watches over as build is ready to give birth Sam rushes in and tries to give vandu some advice in keeping his confidence and his daughters cheer for him from afar which makes him question why everyone is treating him like the doctor not only that but zidus encourages the boy to hold build's hand which makes him wonder if he's the doctor and the husband despite the situation he does it and gives her some encouraging words as sweet as it is on the inside vandalo has no idea what he's doing still his efforts put a smile on her face suddenly vandalo senses the presence of death and uses his magic to check on the health of the baby after discovering the problem he swiftly fixes it and build safely delivers her daughter the birth of the child puts everyone in a good mood even noaz and borcas who suddenly showed up upon hearing the good news after throwing a celebration vandeloo brings up the job change room and the resurrection device and zidus decides to give it some thought but in the meantime she bans the child from work working until his next birthday due to him working too hard and needing proper rest vandalo tries to argue with her by saying that all of his work is so he can bring his mother back to life but even his mother agrees with her and warns her son to get some rest and if he doesn't listen to her she'll return to the cycle of reincarnation vandalo goes on to think of what he should do to rest for the next couple of days but surprisingly he's finding this hard to do while bathing he asks vagara what he should do but not even he himself can give the boy any advice he spends the rest of the the day asking other people what he should do to relax but none of their answers help him eventually he finds the adventurer's guild and decides to read through its collection of books he wakes up after falling asleep at the guild and goes out to find his bone monsters training together but notices Skeleton Man sitting off on the sidelines he asks why he's sitting out to which the skeleton squeaks in response and somehow vandeloo can understand him Rita and sarya join him and ask him what he's up to to which vandeloo says that Skeleton Man is just bummed out about being the only one of his Undead Army to still be ranked three the girls carelessly add on to the skeleton's sour mood but vandeloo says that he's possessed by the spirit of a rat so it's only natural for him to be weaker still given that the skeleton desires to become stronger lucky for him vandalo knows just the right method to fix his issue due to him reading all of those books yesterday all he needs to do is bind the spirit of a human into the skeleton and the undead is ready to give it a go after performing the spell at first everyone thinks it didn't work until the skeleton begins talking properly to our protagonist not only that but he is ranked up to rank four surprised vandeloo asks Skeleton Man if he remembers his previous life to which he does and he describes his previous life of being a husband and a father but one day he was attacked by a vicious beast and left for dead we later find out he was referring to a cat and the memory he was describing was that of a mouse the days go by with vandeloo group tending to their own individual tasks then one day vandeloo is asked to take off his blindfold and he's greeted by his friends and family presenting him with a magnificent museum for his birthday bastia tells the boy how she even killed the prehistoric animals herself but she saved him a Triceratops as a pet his mother congratulates him on his third birthday and the boy thanks everyone with tears in his eyes we switch over now to a group of vampires sitting at a table discussing something amongst themselves as they do we see someone bound and imprisoned somewhere one of the vampires starts the meeting with the first topic being about a doer child we see a Vampire Woman slamming her wine glass down furious at the fact that the doer got away from them the woman turnia is worried that the doer child could meet with the supposed ancestor vampire and it would be a death threat to them she then demands another vampire burine to hurry up and kill the subordinate who failed to kill the Dom Pier but burine says that he's decided to give him another chance with a snap of his fingers he summons cirrent osba the vampire who was meeting with the war minister before the vampires all begin torturing him until he drops dead and tesia says how he was gobam man's responsibility and wanted to know where he was but he's been absent for a while burine understands the woman's frustration and offers one of his lovers elanora to Aid cirr in eliminating the doer he orders elenora to not only search for the Domer but also take care of borcas since it would make goban owe him in return still dissatisfied tesia warns elanora to not screw up her mission unless she wants to suffer the same fate we then jump to a distant memory where a band of adventurers leave behind Kya as she could no longer keep up with them Kaa wakes up only to realize that it was a dream meanwhile we see vandeloo in the job changing room he thinks about how In This World by taking a fitting job it's possible to improve the abilities one has started with for instance if a ghoul completed a job change and took the job of warrior or magician they could achieve a rapid progression in their abilities vandalo thinks about the curse God had placed on him but to his surprise the system works for him he figures that as long as long as the job he wanted didn't already exist in his current world he should be able to acquire it still now that he thinks about it the God he met when he reincarnated was never mentioned in his world but decides not to dwell on that for now right now his mission is to become strong enough to defeat the dragon Golem and get the resurrection device he selects the death attribute mze job and he immediately levels up all the skills that were previously hard for him to improve leaving him quite impressed four months pass and vandalo along with his group spent their time exploring dungeons to level up their skills and and collecting resources and even coming together to rebuild the city back to its former glory making him ask her what's bothering her she replies that it's nothing and asks the boy what's troubling him to which he mentions how the other children in the tribe have grown up much faster than him and it made him feel left behind Kya assures our guy that he still has time to grow and this raises his mood a little as vandalo walks out we see ktia with a sullen look back inside one of the dungeons ktia was almost attacked by a shark until one of the children of the tribe now grown into an adult killed the creature before she had a chance to react another man compliments the boy skills and vandeloo agrees saying he has a future in being a ninja the monster boy tries to warn Kya about losing her focus in battle but she harshly tells him off the group eventually reaches the boss floor and that's when they're confronted by the hidden boss a gigantic Island Turtle the turtle begins to attack the group and vandeloo goes on the offensive towards the giant turtle while he instructs everyone else to deal with the small minions however one of his teammates informed the others that the creatures were a lot tougher than they seemed and vandeloo added how even his magic blasts weren't damaging it changing tactics he used his claws coupled with his super strength to pierce through the turtle's shell all the while ktia recklessly charges in to finish off the turtle but to her utter shock her blade shattered upon trying to stab its outer shell then the minions fired themselves straight towards ktia but luckily vandeloo appeared and cast a barrier around them however he forgot about the boss that was still alive and to make it worse vandeloo injured his arm after his attack and he can't fly Kata and himself to safety the boy drops to his knees and Kata begins to think about how much vandalo sacrificed for her and thinking quickly she grabbed the child and ran away however she noticed that the boss wasn't following them that's when it's revealed that vandeloo trapped it using his magic and that's when kti realized he activated the Trap when she saw him drop to his knees earlier after defeating the boss Kya begins crying and apologizing to the group after calming down she goes on to explain how as an Adventure she had a hard time increasing her level and she began falling behind her comrades despite that though she kept at it that is until she was captured by the Orcs she recalls the dreams she used to have as a human but since she has become a ghoul she was much stronger than a human and felt she could achieve her goal of becoming stronger vandalo tries to relate to her by remembering how impatient he was in his past life and how he felt inferior to everyone around him he says how even now he's still impatient and brings up his classmates who all have cheat skills and how much stronger they are than him but vagaro and the others think he should stop talking since he's giving her the wrong kind of advice as the King still he tells her that with careful choices she could defeat those higher ranked than her and that with his special weapon he feels okay with being inferior to others he also advises her to try magic since ghoul women have a higher Affinity to Magic as opposed to using a weapon she asks what she should do if trying magic doesn't work out for her and vandeloo jokingly says that she could become a maid along with sari and Rita vandalo apologizes for joking around but ktia seriously begins considering it the next chapter opens with a group of vampires fighting off against a dragon cint urges his fleeing men to stay and finish off the creature just then elanora Zips past him and uses her skill to land a volley of slashes upon the dragon with ease cirrent summons a bolt of lightning and finishes off the monster in one Fell Swoop after the battle he informs Elanor about the amount of casualties his men suffered after the fight he also brings up the fact that they still haven't found vandeloo and wonders if they really have to search the mountains for him but elanora brings up that they should search through an abandoned city in talim since there's a possibility that dopier could establish a colony there but cirr waves that idea away as if vandalo would ever do something like that cirin's cocky attitude starts to anger elanora since he's busy trying to claim the recognition rather than trying to listen to reason and if she stays with him too long she could end up being punished too elanora takes off without cirrent to find the dopier herself but he quickly follows follows her meanwhile back in the city vandeloo shares his miso soup with everyone that's when a young girl pavina tries to have some soup but vandeloo tells her that she's still too young to eat it we learned that after vandeloo and his group came back from a dungeon it was revealed that the child of the Liv dead was born but she lost her previous memories and carried over some characteristics of an orc but luckily she still resembles her old face she carries vandeloo on her shoulders and runs around with him until accidentally bumping into bastia who is now pregnant thanks to vandeloo Magic tool that helps with fertility later vandalo meets with his mother who asks him if he took xia's hand but he says he never took it darcia then tells him that the hand was missing and vandalo goes to check the last place he put it only to find out that it was actually gone and he wonders who could have taken it that's when we switch to pavina who notices something crawling past her she goes to investigate and finds the severed hand crawling around on its own the young girl runs around trying to catch the hand and after a long Chase she accidentally causes a mess that catches vandalo attention he scolds her for doing something dangerous but his mother finds the hand and just as vandalo suspects the girl must have taken it the hand begins to move on its own right in front of him showing that it's now an undead vandeloo calls a meeting to discuss the hand and they wonder if the spirit of Zia Is possessing it after asking a few questions they figure that the hand isn't sure if it's Zia or not but borcas figures that Zia might have forgotten about her previous life and asks vandeloo to inspect the hand for a spirit possessing it vandeloo checks the hand and says that he can't tell as once a spirit begins to lose its memory its shape becomes vague but he believes that there's a chance it's at the very least human with that he gives the hand a new name until they can figure out if the spirit does belong to Zia and calls it lefa in the meantime later that night we see Elanor and cirrent already on the outskirts of the city discovering how Lively the city now was not only that but the Temple of V was reconstructed and this makes cirrent believe that the true ancestor could be here and how they don't stand a chance against him elanora argues that they should stay since the doer could be in the city and warns him of what would happen if they were to abandon their mission cirr understands the consequences and figures to capture one of the ghouls and interrogate them about vandeloo all the while we see a ghoul woman wandering down the street until she Peaks into a dark alleyway where she's confronted by two vampires we see Elanor using her vampire charm to manipulate the ghoul into telling her everything she wanted to know the ghoul told the vampire where she could find vandeloo and elanora asks Who was the want to receive the benediction of goddess Vita to which she said it was vandalo shocking the vampire elanora thanks the ghoul woman and commands her to sleep that's when cirrent pulls out a dagger and plans to get rid of any Witnesses however elanora stops him before he could and explains to him that the ghoul cares for vandalo and if she were to die her spirit would rush over to him and give away their plans even if they were to purify the body with holy water after she dies neither of them can see ghosts so they can't confirm whether or not the spirit would disappear all in all killing her would actually Risk Everything not to mention they don't have much holy water as it is so they should use it sparingly for now cirr reluctantly goes along with her plan and the two hurry to find vandeloo after sneaking into the castle the two eventually find the boy's room and Elanor goes to open it where she finds the small boy seemingly waiting for her after confirming that he's vandalo Elanor wonders if her Magic Eye Has any effect on him since his behavior is rather odd to test this she begins asking the boy some questions and ends by getting him to praise the evil God and when he complies this gives Elanor the confidence that she has the child under her control she begins to ask him about the benediction to which vandeloo asks if she means the prophecy this confirms to elanora that vandeloo was still under the goddess's protection and wonders if it's safe to attack him still she had to follow burky's orders no matter what that's when cirrent barges in and asks her what's taking so long and tells her to just get it over with however she tells him that vandeloo was protected by the goddess and if they were to attack him now it could anger the goddess but cirrent says that he couldn't care less and that the reason they're even here was to kill the doer he goes on to wonder if she'd grown fond of the boy already but she tells him to stop making a fool of her and to kill him while she's binding him with her powers however cirrent tells her that she has to do it if she refuses he'll report her to burine she calls over vandeloo and as he walks to her she begins wondering why now of all times she's beginning to feel guilt for what she's about to do she had thought she casted that feeling away when she swore her loyalty to burine we begin to learn more about elanora she was sold off to work in a mine until she was selected to serve burine as his subordinate from then on she went through strict training and watched many awful punishments given to those who disobeyed still she was able to make a few friends until she was forced to fight to the death against them one day during one of her punishments burine told her that there are those who Rule and those who are weak and if she doesn't want to get bullied then she'll have to become the bully from that point on she believed that that's the only way to protect herself Elanor questions why now of all times she's beginning to question herself especially since she's killed so many before she realizes that vandeloo is in front of her and she grabs him by the throat and is ready to impale him but she finds that she can't disobey him for some reason that's when cirrent orders his men to stab elanora but vandeloo was able to pull her forward at that very moment vandalo approaches the man and that's when elanora realized that her ability never worked on him in the first place despite that cirrent decides to finish off the dumpier himself and orders his men to charge at the boy but vandalo easily commands the ground to break apart beneath them however this attack didn't work on them and cirrent called it meaningless but he now sees vandeloo and elanora inside of a magical barrier elanora questions why he saved her to which he explains that he simply didn't see her as an enemy the moment she lost her murderous intent cirrent order orders his men to finish off the child but before that could happen his arm gets sliced off by borcas who showed up just in time while elanora was impressed by the fact that borcas was tamed by the child vandalo commands his Undead T-Rex to finish off the last of the remaining vampires leaving cirrent as the last one remaining the man charges up an attack and fires it at vandeloo who blocks it with a shield angered he instead decides to rush him with his claws while telling him he plans to kill him like he did his father as cint tried piercing his barrier vandalo demands to know if he was the one to have killed his father cirrent says that he was and finishes it by saying he'll make vandalo suffer in even worse fate than his father did cirrent launches at the child but vandalo blows off his arm and says that someone who's taken something from him doesn't deserve to die and reincarnate using his magic vandalo pulls his Spirit out from his body and as a punishment for making his mother cry by killing his father he sets his Spirit Ablaze until nothing but his soul remains and then he crushes [Music] it
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 668,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 56sec (8576 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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