The DARKEST Isekai Manga I've Ever Read!

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a long long time ago a war broke the world everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs fighting till the strongest remains however there is a plot twist to that it seems like the main protagonist of this story would be an isekai so when did it all start it was a clear and sunny day in his past life a man named takak Kuro Riso is preparing to go to work however as he walks out of his apartment he knows for a fact that he is tired to even move an inch because of that he ended up finding himself laying on the ground as it's just pumps hard he starts to pray not to die this way at all that said his life as takak kuroiso had ended abruptly but the man who takes a second life in a strange new world is now known as WM he's seen holding his hands together again like it's a habit a man named Jose then states that they need to group up together once again they are all worried that their Commander will start bragging about the results of the war again speaking of War results it seems like w was able to take down nine of them in one go Jose then states to him that he should be proud of himself too since he has acquired so so many good things in one go however W states that something like this is nothing to be proud of Jose then asks why WM with the coldest voice anyone could give states that he is only doing all of these because it is his job to do so stating that he didn't kill them to up his numbers at all because for him when the states say kill it is his duty to kill as a loyal Soldier W now lives in a world where War still rages so he always feels obligated to do what the higher-ups say just like his old self in his past life hearing this somehow made Jose think of w as a severe guy now that their job at the battlefield is done they eventually decide to leave the bloody scene and join the squad that night everyone was resting and having the time of their lives after another big war had ended WM on the other hand sits quietly enjoying his food to the fullest then a big man enters the scene calling W's name as soon as he gets a grip on W's shoulders he then states that he has heard rumors of w taking down nine enemy soldiers on his own however the man who reaks so much of alcohol stayes that he still wins considering he took down 15 of them he tries to pity WM saying that WM isn't half bad either so WM who knows how the man literally thinks plays around saying that he knows that he still can't win against a man like Commander D the man who is Commander D then states that at least W isn't lying after all since he does not get the skills then two individuals enter the scene one of them states that magic is one thing but skills are just a cheat commander du who has no idea who the two individuals are asked who the hell they are Jose then went on to say that those two are the two surviving rookies they have one is the coxcomb dude barito and the q1 is no Commander D then starts arguing with barito saying that his skill isn't considered a cheat since it is his own power barito who will do everything to stick to his principles states that it is still considered cheating no matter what on the other hand noran asks D if it is true that his Warhammer can defeat all kinds of armor there is D who is full of himself then states that it is all true WM who is curious to know more about it then then asks if it is something that D has wished for Jose then answers W's queries saying that there is no possible way D didn't wish for it after all one of the Commander's Powerhouse moves is a sort of sure kill technique Jose badley wants some sweet skills like this since he feels like that sort of skill alone can change the ti of War other than that it will surely give them lots of money Jose then asks W if he wants a skill for himself as well W who is forever honest then states that as long as it is for free he will gladly take it in addition to that when Jose asks him if he is interested in Magic as well WM answers that it is still a nice thing to dream about hearing WM say his dream shocked Jose very much Jose even told their Commander right away however their brief fun is immediately cut short when they start talking about tomorrow's plan of fighting a ton of battles once more from tomorrow on their opponent will be Meed today is the day they completely split up the Liberation Trade Federation the Heiser Empire has already begun to gather its Army in Saria City in the Northwestern part of the former Kingdom of Canoa at Jason to myard however the war against Liberation is nothing but the mere beginning the fundamental objective is to defeat meard Commander D then states that it has been fun so far but starting tomorrow the real battle begins it will be unlike anything they've experienced before it will be a big battle so they must prepare themselves in any way possible that said the next day during battle it seems like w is struggling to fight with his morals however he doesn't have any choice since he is still a mere soldier who just follows orders when his kill count already reaches 10 w up from daydreaming it seems like they are just on their way to battle and W's mind is already in it that said they have finally reached Saria City where poverty is everywhere when w saw a prostitute begging for some work to do Wam couldn't take to see her struggling so much so he ended up just giving her some coins so that she could buy herself some food to eat Jose on the other hand tells W not to get so comfortable with anyone since it may cause something bad in the end however W couldn't help but have a soft heart for some Beggars struggling to make ends meat since he himself knows how bad it feels inside when he got to this new world he was not able to sustain himself by just farming that's why he became a soldier the supply funds given by the Army were needed to pay for his home without it his parents siblings and he would become Beggars as he walks down the Alleyways full of people who were starving W starts to remember the time when Sara was still a Place full of Hope and energy 5 years ago this was still a canoan kingdom territory not Heiser territory but Canoa had already been continuously strengthening their borders thus interfering with Heiser borders even WM is surprised that they have somehow managed to win that battle and defend the village this was an abundant land with lots of people vast fields and delicious food but when it comes to Canoa now it has bced its worst Jose then asks the commander what he thinks is the reason for this downfall Commander D then answers that the myard Grand Duke was a former Canoa nobleman that guy took advantage of the hear War by abandoning Canoa and defecting to the neighboring Fus Kingdom the dispatch Army from Fus and my ard's own Army trampled over one by one canoan territories were invaded and vandalized and turned into a scorched Earth that resulted in Canoa being ruined the myard Grand Duke seized the Canoa territory and became a monarch and myard became an independent country it can be said that this land became like this because it was sold to the myard Grand Duke the Heiser also lacked troops and postpone the invasion until now that's why the grudge that citizens have towards myard and Fus is more profound than that with Heiser this still continued even when Heiser participated in the my Invasion War hearing this made W think that this person would be the enemy he ought to defeat next time no matter what after walking for minutes they finally reached an inn where they would stay for the time being while they were drinking the three started to talk about the plan following the libero and Border they wished that Victory would be theirs however it seems like w had so much to drink that he ended up vomiting all of it in one go while his world is literally spinning around W can't uphold the fact that he is calling himself a soldier even deep inside he refers to himself as a murderer the the next day the big battle begins Commander du is doing his best to give his men the best words of encouragement anyone could give on the other hand the enemy's land commander Gerard Berger is also speaking with his fellow soldiers he states that for those who have gathered they are the symbol of The Bravery of their empire with this bravery Commander Gerard hopes they will already put an end to this war he added that his men shouldn't be afraid to trample over their enemies that they have to show them that they are not afraid of winning the war on the other hand WM is already readying himself for yet another their Killing Spree after all it is a kill or be killed situation however W couldn't deny the fact that he is worried about what's going to happen next Jose who has taken notice of W's paleness ask if there is something wrong W then states that it is all just a hangover and nothing to worry about however Jose knows that there is something behind W's murky eyes so Jose tells him that if it is about something that happened he must not be afraid to tell him about anything since he will gladly listen to everything that W says however it seems like w has decided not to share any of it sentiments that said let's now jump right into the war plan the Empire's Army that departed from sarya city was divided into three large troops all three routes that led to the Meer territory were targeted for capture notably a massive Fort that blocked the main road is being guarded by 3,000 soldiers that capture was predicted to be particularly difficult however they must try their best to succeed no matter what D squad has now arrived at sar's Paramount Fort they will now prepare for battle however WM is worried that newcomers nor and Baro will die during this battle so he will try his best to protect the two as much as possible when the horn sounds start to Echo D Squad rushes for the castle along the way they have been welcomed by a series of attacks from the enemy however with so much tenacity they still move forward no matter what although some of their allies are already dead W men nor are able to reach the walls since the guards gather at the gate they can enter the castle by laddering the walls as they all rush to the walls attacks from above made some of them fall despite that they still maintain M their posture and did everything they could to reach the top no matter what when w reaches the top deaths from every corner are seen however as W turns back to look for no he's shocked to see a wounded body covered by a pole of blood he is so angry at the fact that a knight did this he fights the Knight No Matter What by swinging his sword in every direction W could not afford to let this Knight leave to live since he might kill nor for good usually a guy like him would be scoring off against Commander D the commander was too conspicuous so they couldn't reach the walls due to the incessant interference now WM is left alone to deal with this thing which means he'll have to take this Knight down quickly however as he is trying to kill the guy in one go W feels something different when the knight's axe landed on his body the Knight was so shocked that his spear didn't hit W's eyes it turns out that W has a magical barrier covering his entire body even W doesn't know how to describe this immense feeling his body and sword feel light as if he already attained much power no one has as the Knight tries to act strong and mighty W just laughs while killing him mercilessly with that said W ended up killing every last one of them one after another after killing almost all of the enemies W then checks on no who's still leeding nor then assures him that she is all right and there is nothing to worry about Commander D and Jose are also impressed that W has already found his power however there's no denying that hell has only just begun the designed Fort was shortly surrounded the battle began in the morning and ended Just Before Sunset and yet this battle is still only on The Outpost of the borders which means wm's job was far from over a few days have passed since the siege of the fort happened everything seems to be going normal for WM and the others till they come across a body whose face is almost half crushed some of their troops managed to escape from The Siege and plotted some Guerilla Warfare on the road passing through the surrounding Forest the Heiser Army that was heading toward the mired was stopped in its tracks a significant loss of supplies and soldiers was suffered as a result that said seeing a man with a crushed face out of nowhere is just absurd as it may go Jose WM and the others start talking more about it WM states that he doesn't think it was was done with a hird since the crushed area was too big for it to be that it seems like the weapon that was used as a shield Commander dway States Jose then asks him if the commander thought that the culprit might be someone who may have a skill for themsel D then states that there are many users with the power skill so it has to be the Iron Wall skill with it even a wooden Shield's Effectiveness becomes similar to an iron ones it is known that if you hit someone with it you'll end up with a dead body like this one at least two people have a sort of ability one magic user and one skill user my will definitely use these kinds of people in this gorilla Warfare which W thinks isn't suitable for their part Jose then states that an entire company of men went to look for the enemies but to no avail instead Heiser Army ended up losing 30 of their members the enemy should have definitely been defeated by now but they are pretty resilient while they are walking through the forest nor is able to spot something she was not expecting at all a person is hanging up a tree cold and dead they then state that these are the people at the forest who have sold the information of the Heiser Army to the the Meer troops WM then told her that there was a time when he wasn't used to this type of view someone had told him that it was because of these people that dozens of innocent people were killed so there's no need to feel guilty about everything that is happening to the forest people then after a while a warning is sent stating that the troops should be aware that the Meer troops are on their way to attack W then moves ahead of everybody killing off as many enemies as you can when he already got a clear picture of the enemies it turns out that they are the leading adventurers nor who doesn't have any idea what a leading Adventurer means asked Jose then explains to her that these are the people who subjugate demons and secure dungeons no wonder the Myer troops are good at Guerilla Warfare since they had the adventurers as one of their allies W then thought that if it was all the adventurers doing then all that remained with the elite Knights on the other hand Commander du who also fights with enemies is furious at the fact that the guild is interfering with the war however the guild leader states that they are just free willed employed soldiers meanwhile back to WM he's in a deep shock as he sees that one of his enemies is just a mere kid but despite that for him all magic users are just a nuisance so this will only lead to him killing the kid no matter what with his evil murky eyes wall mercilessly kills everyone that comes his way he then tells anyone who begs him to spare their life to give up since no one will help them in the end the kid then shouts out to ask how W can kill someone so quickly W then looks at her with the coldest eyes there are stating that on a battlefield it is necessary to do such a thing after all W is sure that the girl herself has killed her own Sheriff people and since this is a rather pointless conversation W would rather finish it in one go however it seems like the girl had some excellent training and is able to dodge his attack but there is one thing that W is able to realize and it's that this girl is not used to killing people at all however this would not stop W from killing her no matter what as W rushes towards her as his weapon almost reaches her a man with long hair stops him on time it turns out that the girl is actually the adventurer's leader so no matter what happens she should be defended at all costs however over the man who tried to help ended up needeing his death in the end on the other hand as WM tries to kill the girl a hidden magic starts to linger in the surroundings it's so powerful that it was not just W who felt it it turns out that it is all the girls doing when w is readying himself to fight once and for all the girls somehow finds an Escape Route which ultimately leads to her freedom from Death the Heiser troops then thought that considerable skill must have taken a toll on her body to pull off and there is no doubt about it Jose then asks D if they should pursue her D then states that there is no need since the main forces of the remnants of the Meed Army have already been dealt with so there is no point in doing more work than necessary from here on the troop will continue towards Myer's capital on the other hand while everyone is having a conversation about the next plan W is left alone with his thoughts once more inside his head those adventurers were quite skilled if they were just used to people dying the ones to die could have been them WM then thought that he himself didn't want to kill because he wanted to it seems like there is a much deeper reason behind it than anyone could have thought on the other hand and the girl is still seen crying her eyes out stating her confusion at W's problems then there is an entity scene saying the words submit already it will be just a matter of time before we know what this entity is the next day it is yet another normal one for w and the Heiser Troop One of W's comrades tells him to hold his hand W is a bit confused at first as he never really gets the reason why but his comrades then explain that since W always wanted to learn about magic he might as well teach him while they still have some free time to spare WM who is very much excited Smiles immediately after hearing his comrades offer as they hold hands the two then start off with their tutoring session on the other hand the others look so confused as they question what the two are doing Jose then explains that Willet their comrade's name is transferring magical energy to W so he could teach him how to use it this made their comrades wonder if this thing would actually make W use magic even for a short while Jose then continues explaining stating that after they are done everyone would find out if WM has an aptitude for it or not he might might be able to use fireballs and water spears just like will it as they intensely hold hands WM looks so exhausted to the next level however Willet then tells him to concentrate no matter what WM then starts to feel coldness rushing throughout his body Willet then states that it is all right since this is the prerequisite for the use of Elemental Magic as long as W continues to concentrate he will surely get there in no time as will it lets go of W's left hand he tells him to keep his focus on his palms and think of a river or an ocean as long as W visualizes any form of water it should already be good WM then did as will it says while thinking of water and just like that he's able to make water on his own Palms as he looks at it w looks so happy and proud of himself however it seems like Willet is not at all impressed with what W has been able to do according to Willet although it is a usable amount of water it doesn't really mean it is suitable that's why will it thought that WM should undergo the same hardship as he did and go experience the human well hearing this made W sweat as hell so will it tells him not to as much as possible possible and that he should just save his magic as much as he can compared to the explosive magic W uses for a skill water-based magic requires less Mana this made W confused as he didn't know what will it meant he then asks if he has been using magic the whole time Willet then explains that both body reinforcement magic and skills require magical power roughly speaking when w uses magical power for Elemental Magic like Fireball and water spear it is classified as magic and when he uses techniques like Power Attack and Iron Wall he uses magic power to strengthen his body or weapon the these are called skills will it is a bit surprised that WM is unaware of this fact WM then explains that he was raised on a farm under military rule so he was illiterate with that said Willet will now test if WM has an aptitude for fire Elemental Magic WM then did the same thing he did earlier but this time with fire in his mind Willet is able to look away for 1 second and when he looks back at WM he is in deep shock when he sees that WM has a big flame everyone immediately went into Panic as it caused a big fire thankfully Willet is able to stop w from causing an even bigger fire but instead of getting furious at what WM did it seems like Willet is even happier about what has happened since he can now finally say that WM definitely has an aptitude for Fire magic so instead of stopping they will now continue with the next step meanwhile a man then relays a message to Commander du and it seems like it is a message from the Allied troops inside the message there's an order from Captain luran however after d reads the letter all that he can say is that the Allied troops must be crazy for thinking of such a strategy the messenger then states that it is the plan that was given to him and that is why the D squad has been ordered to hastily merge with the main Battalion since the war will take place in the plains of r with this the Heiser will certainly face defeat since both the Meed and fous strongholds are on these Hills furthermore by observing the Heiser Army position it is apparent that the majority of their army will head toward the army of myard first with a small number of people holding the Heiser Army down so it is all predicted the downfall of the Heiser Army is predicted meanwhile Lord ferious Winston of the the farious Army is also furious at the fact that the Heiser Army is crazy in wanting to defeat them that badly and the fact that the Heiser Army wants to restrain the 6,000 men Army is even more absurd that's why Lord Fus is hoping to create a few skeletons out of those Heiser troops as Lord Fus checks on his troops it seems like everyone is ready and knowing that the myard will be attacked by Jeff's Cavalry Battalion makes him think that the Heiser Army is quite sharp and the advancement will be carried by the strongest troops they have but in the end they are still not the enemy Lord FAS is fighting not for anyone but their country alone so he will make sure both the myard and the Heiser die on the battlefield today and everything should belong to farious alone now that the Heiser troops are already moving this only marks the beginning of everything with a total number of the myed army of 25,000 soldiers and the Heiser army with around 15,000 men the war will now begin going back to the Heiser troops Jose asks w why he thinks the Myer Army looks so Fierce on the battlefield right now WM then answers that he thinks it is because they are in furious's Homeland Commander D then realizes that the reason they have been called to battle is for them to be gotten rid of however nor doesn't get it since the enemy is still on standby even though the battle has already started this made D Furious although it took the enemy a lot of time to prepare this deployment plan you will just explain it to them as briefly as possible first the Heiser Army will aim for the Meed stronghold while that goes on the final deciding factor will also occur the larian Battalion which includes the DU Squad will converge in Blitz with Jeff's Cavalry Battalion the plan somehow made W confused because they know for a fact that the Infantry and the Cavalry will be running together which is too Reckless no matter how much they look at it so the only question that the DU Squad is asking is why is it them the representative then states that it seems to be because of the larian Battalion has a lot of experience however Commander D is not taking the reasons at all since it literally means that they as humans will have to run with horses even if their hearts are about to burst and their lungs are about to explode no one can stop because they will end up getting crushed by the following running soldiers if one stops they will die and if they want to live they must kill the enemies in front while running and the fact that the squad is put on the front lines is even more absurd Commander D then blames W for it since it is because he has gone rampaging with his power move in the last battle so the Allied troops thought that they were so strong and since their troop has not only one but two power move users on top of that they also have wet's magic as well so it can't be helped that the larian Battalion Commander expected a lot from them while they were taking their time to talk about the unexpected turns the battle continued to happen in the background they were then put on halt when Commander D realized that the attack order still hadn't arrived yet he starts to worry that something bad might have happened to the Vanguard which means that the plan might not be going well at all but dway still maintains optimism telling himself that Commander Burger would not misread the situation however no matter what happens the main Army of the farious territory has finally arrived the heer Army doesn't know what to do next they start to get hysterical on what's the plan since there are no attack orders given to make it even worse the reserve Army of the myed is also heading their way so if they don't do anything about it they will definitely be decimated that said the Heiser Army has no other choice but to take everything into their own hands some of the soldiers started attacking the myard Army since it was the enemy they were first ought to fight with resulting for others to join as well in the end the Heiser Army is literally running towards their death and the commander has no control over it to fight alongside this Cavalry is so tough and now that they are almost in contact with the Enemy it's even worse the commander along with w and the others have also made their way to fight with the others as well Commander dway then states that it seems like they have already baited them all out W has no idea what the commander is talking about so he asks more about it D then states that it is all a hunch for him but it seems like their plan of pretending that the Heiser Army wasn't functioning well and baiting the enemy to come is going pretty well it turns out that the plan which was told to everyone was actually a bluff and they deceived the Enemy by using their allies this resulted in most of the enemy forces getting stuck with a heiser's Army leaving the farious Army Headquarters with fewer men now the mission of the Army is to take down the farious headquarters as soon as possible This Plane involves their main Army who acted as decoys who now have not much time to win they have no choice but to crush the enemy headquarters before they do that said as much as possible they would utilize much of their power and resources wet and W attack in front as they are the only two who can use Elemental Magic with Willet water magic and W's fire the enemy's first line of defense got easily defeated in no time now that a gap in the enemy line has been opened this is an excellent Advantage for the Heiser Army One By One The Heiser Army kills every enemy in every direction Commander du then tells his men to remove all of the anti-cavalry fences as much as possible and make a path for the Cavalry if one fails there is no tomorrow as the horses rush into the battlefield everyone is fierce and ready to risk their life for the sake of winning on the other hand the main troops of the enemy are also on their way to Counterattack however the Heiser Army would not make this a reason for them to fall so with much dedication they focus on their goal on the other hand W yet again has found himself picking a fight with another strong man as he observes the Army W is able to notice that the man clearly has a different set of armor and weapons compared to the soldiers he has fought till now which means the enemy he is up against now is a royal guard so if it is the case then he must be from the target farious stronghold that means their General is really close by that said W then shouts at the guard saying he should move if he doesn't want to die in foreign lands however in instead of moving away the guard rushes in to attack W with a strong swing of his sword W didn't anticipate that the attack would be that strong so he didn't think much about it but as he blocks the sword he can say that there is much power behind it meanwhile Commander D and the others are still struggling to fight the enemies they have it seems like there is no end to them at all Jose is also able to notice that there is a strange group in the back who are trying to run away without stopping their Invasion Commander D then states that that is the enemy's General and since there is no one free to catch it at this rate their General is going to escape in no time even Commander D starts to wonder if these soldiers are just here to give time to the weaking general going back to W it seems like he is also struggling to fight the royal guard even with his power move when things aren't going on his terms at all W will Now resort to the best thing he thinks would make him win and that is to use his firep powers this time around he swears to burn the enemy down no matter what he must use magic but just a fireball would be no good these fully armored Royal Guards don't mind dying so they are a big hindrance inside his head as long as these guys are here the Heiser Army can't reach their goals if they lose the enemy's General it would already be the end of the mission in other words WM has no choice but to Ablaze his surroundings while maintaining the intensity of his fire WM is now literally on fire and Jose tells everyone to stay away from him as much as possible if they don't want to be torched alive WM is eager to kill the royal guard no matter what so with his blue flame he ended up melting the man away on the other hand the news about the happenings has already reached the enemy's base one man informs Lord Fus that it's already dangerous to stay in the area and that they don't have a choice but to join up with the Battalion since if the general dies in the battle it will be the downfall of the entire Army Lord Fus then got furious at what his men had stated since this only means that he needs to run away and give up on the stronghold then another man comes rushing inside his tent informing him that their anti-cavalry fence has been broken already they don't have any choice but to move as fast as they can if they still want to stay alive then a big explosion literally awoke the hell out of the Lord in the midst of this event he is able to remember a time when someone told him that on the battlefield if ever he sees a blue fire that only means the bonfire of the another world which simply means that there is an invited death waiting for him this fire death's name is ignis Fus it was as if someone had opened the gates to hell that said the Commanding General Lord FAS already has an idea of what's going to happen to him next now that WM is already in front of him the spirit will continue to spread with the color blue now that WM has successfully cornered the Commanding General FAS it will only be a matter of time before things would fall into order however instead of getting all scared knowing that he is already one step away from Death it seems like the Commanding General is still full of himself stating that WM is just a mere foot soldier who thinks highly of himself the Commanding General then tells WM with a very confident voice stating that he is the commander of the Meed and farious Expedition forces so if anyone should be scared that should be WM who he refers to as no one at all on the other hand WM starts to contemplate if the Commanding General in front of him is the Real Deal or if it is just a double however as he looks closer he eventually confirms that it is the actual General WM then states that the general should just give up W knows that there is no point in killing the general without reason considering having someone of royalty as a prisoner of war is very beneficial WM thought that he would just spare the Commanding General since the Heiser Army would definitely want that so after hearing the general say that there is no reason for him to surrender W couldn't take it anymore and starts to attack the general while still seeing to it that he is not killing him in any way possible he tries to move as swiftly as he can since if it was a bit slower it would have been a fatal wound on the other hand the Commanding General is trying to fight with all his might however he somehow can't find an opening for himself although WM tries not to kill the man no matter what it seems like it is already fate that he will end up dying as the fight finally ended Jose asked wam if he was all right all he can say is that he is terribly tired and can't seem to express it very well but Jose assures him that this feeling of tiredness is all right considering that it is proof of life after all it was a long fight so feeling this much exhaustion after a back-to-back fight with strong guards and a commander will be exhausting when WM finally got his senses back together he then went on to ask if the others were fine just to check on everyone noran answers him with a sad look on her face saying that everyone is full of life as if she is trying to tease the truth that almost everyone has died on the battlefield the squad leader then states that no one is allowed to sleep yet not on his watch at all so everyone must drink as much water as they can to keep themselves as hydrated as possible on the other hand and as WM looks at their Commander he can only say that even with all those cuts on his body it seems like Commander D still wants to fight no matter what a slight glimpse of Hope is still seen in his eyes with a victory over farious and meard this war will soon end but will it on the other hand at the Meer territory the base has already received the report regarding Commanding General ferious sudden defeat in battle now the question is what will they do now the commanding chief of the Meer group seems a bit nervous about what is going to happen next inside head for what did he lick the shoes of the ferious empire for 5 years for what did he sell his motherland he even sold his daughter to avoid involving himself in war however he still ended up dealing with it in the end now with the death of Commander FAS he even thought of accepting defeat once in for all however it seems like he will have a hard time doing so considering his people would even want to go after him now especially now that he has already made his crimes clear to everyone he's now subjected to getting killed by his own people after they defeated the Allied Force forces of farious and meard the Heiser Army Advanced to Edenberg the capital of myard by foot wman his group were ordered to maintain peace and order in the city but it seems like w will not do such a thing edenburg formerly part of myard city has now been taken over by the Heiser Army the whole place is now out of order and will definitely meet its downfall sooner or later the Heiser Army is now inside a big room with the big table sitting and waiting for the meeting to start some of the Army members start to question what their Commander du is doing to get them all invited to such an extensive residence the soldiers don't have any idea at all and no matter how they look at it this isn't technically a jail so they don't think they have ulterior motives other than talking little did these soldiers know that Commander D was actually hearing everything they were talking about D then asks them if they think he made a mistake the soldiers immediately state that they don't but eventually State probably a little this made the commander wonder if the higher-ups would actually be going to reward them for their work the Cavalry Battalion Commander Jeff also said something similar maybe that's the case when the drinks were already served Jose asked du if he knew how to drink it since this is technically their first time in such a fine dining setup all that D knows is that when drinking this kind of refreshment it's all about the sound since these royalties are actually drinking their tea very quietly as the soldiers sip on the tea the smile on their faces couldn't be hidden at all it seems like everyone loved the taste of hot tea lingering in their mouth sensually even W couldn't believe that he would come across such a fine product as tea although he doesn't know much about the manners of the world he is living in right now he does however remember the manners of the fibrous world he lived in sipping on this fresh tea made him remember some things in his past life that are worth remembering while W is enjoying every drop of his tea his comrades start looking at him disgustingly as they think his reaction is a bit absurd for a son of a farmer while they are having the time of Their Lives having fun and laughing while also bickering a man enters the room and makes them all quiet as the man steps inside the squad immediately stands showing their utmost respect the old man then tells them to take their seats since they can't possibly have a conversation while standing up this old man is a childlike old man a hero of War he's none other than Commander belga the brain of War as he sits down he immediately sips on his tea like no other when he has already got a grip on the situation he immediately States how surprised he is hearing about the report that it wasn't Jeff's Cavalry that killed varus's Commander but rather D's infantry even Bela himself has been outdone especially by all of them he thought he would give the guys that reward directly so he decided to call them personally commander duay who is a bit shy states that they are Unworthy of the hero's Praises but we all know that he loved hearing it belga somehow grew fond of D after he heard how Fierce D was on the battlefield Commander belga even termed d a treasur of the country since it is pretty rare to find commanders like him hearing this made D so happy finally after all those struggles he's able to hear some good words from someone important to him and of course the commander couldn't possibly forget about WM with an eerie look in his eyes Commander Bela calls for W's name W on the other hand is a bit startled that the commander knows him the commander then stated in detail that 6 months after joining the Battalion W trained in battles near the border through his training he was able to acquire much skill and power that he uses now in his battles he is a very strong weapon for the squad leader since other than the fact that he has learned magic he is also quite the adamant actual fighter on top of that he also now has the skill of ignis Fus which is considered to be one of the deadliest skills there is so it is natural for Commander Bela to feel excited and amazed at how skillful and Powerful W truly is W couldn't say anything other than thank you the commander then continues with his speech saying that when he was young he was able to see ignis fat once but thank God WM is a soldier of hiserk one would like to avoid getting burned and killed by the blue fire everyone has heard about the fairy tale of the fire which sends anyone to the Nether world throughout history the ones that had this ability were either famous heroes or some outstanding adventurers so the commander wonders if WM is one of them so he calls for Lynette to bring something in a weird looking mask is then presented to WM just looking at it made W extremely agitated the commander then explains that this mask is worn initially by a party of other worlders they went on a rampage against the three major Nations as a result there are many Mysteries surrounding that mask but the only thing known about this mask is that the owner could also use signis fat like WM so the commander asks W to wear the mask to see if it fits and surprisingly it fit perfectly other than that it did suit him very much however inside wm's mind confusion starts to rush in he starts to question why it feels like deja vu a feeling he can feel in his original World while he is feeling all these emotions the commander keeps on telling him that the enemies will definitely fear him with that mask on so he says that if W likes it then he can keep it with the unhappiest face anyone could imagine W states that he likes the mask very much so however it seems like the commander has something up his sleeves it turns out that the mask is is actually cursed WM tries to ask the commander about it the commander keeps laughing his lungs out as if there is no tomorrow all that the commander can say is that it looks like the mask has taken a liking to WM The Mask sometimes harmonizes with his emotions and trembles it hasn't caused any harm yet so the commander states that no one should worry much about it there are rare occasions of weapons having their own skill this thing is very picky which is quite problematic it's good that it has finally found a suitable owner so w should cherish it with all his heart that said as soon as that Dreadful meeting is finally ended everyone seems to look so tired all of a sudden although they are all thankful that they have finally got the reward they have wanted it seems like w has got something he has never expected to have at all although he knows that the gift was unnecessary and a bit over the top W will try to cherish it no matter what considering it is something that the commander has given to him even if the mask literally has its own will and shakes immensely it's nothing new in the world that W is in right now so he finds it not so hard to take it wholeheartedly as they walk past the main road the group has come across a pile of dead bodies of Meed soldiers it seems like these men rush to this place after they lost their lord it just shows that even if they have wealth and power it only takes a moment for it all to crumble it seems as though insurgents killed the myard kinship before the Heiser Army arrived but it also seems that apart from soldiers commoners also participated in the insurgence the death toll is still Rising greatly that's why W and his group were ordered to maintain public order part of the job is to find the myed soldiers hiding in the city and the people disregarding martial law and looting other than that wm's group will also dispose of the set prisoners and facilitate a smooth operation one by one WM and the others start to find individual after individual some try to beg for the Heiser troops to spare their lives while some reasons that they are not soldiers even WM starts to ask if that person is really a soldier so to stop the Havoc he tells his men to stop hurting anyone and just do the best they can to maintain order some of the Heiser troops start to hear screaming and shouting from all over the place as if there is a battle happening somewhere however as sad as it may act actually be it is the sound of people killing each other meanwhile WM is roaming around the city trying to check everything then he came across a place where it seemed like something happened just recently as he checks on what's going on he felt Furious when he heard that some guys broke into a house and raped a woman they beat the woman's husband to do their evil scheme although the culprit is rampaging he is finally caught after a while so w asks what would happen to these people normally they get decapitated but since the Heiser won the war they would probably only be beaten with a whip however it seems like w thinks whipping would not be enough at all then Commander D enters the scene saying that getting whipped is more than enough already live soldiers scream on the first lash on the second and the third they start crying their skin gets peeled off their flesh gets shaved off even if they piss themselves or lose Consciousness they wake up on the next slash so there is no way a man like the culprit can bear such a thing hearing all of this from the commander the other soldiers have already used it as a threat to everybody that if they want to get their lashes reduced they should quietly get up and turn themselves in on the other hand it seems like the commander is quite aware of the fact that Wan really does care about these things and he's just afraid to tell anyone about it that night W finds himself chilling beneath the night sky then there is a small Ruckus somewhere in the dark that causes him to be alert as he stands up and asks who's there he states that he is only going to ask one more time and if no one replies back he will not stop himself from doing the worst a man then came out of the dark saying his apologies as soon as he realized that these people were not soldiers he immediately stated that it is prohibited to be outside at night The Old Man and the girl then state that they are aware of the rules so asks why are they outside then the old man then states that the city is filled with thieves and roof yards so they can't live there anymore they wish to seek Refuge with the relatives abroad WM then asks if this old man is a military person of some sort the old man then states that no he is not although he was involved in a war more than 10 years ago but W can guarantee that he is a retiree now even then W still thinks that the old man's physical condition is still nice nice it's natural for someone his Agee already to have a bent back but it seems like he doesn't have one on top of that the hands of the young lady with him are too pretty which wouldn't be the case if she was working so WM asks if she is sheltered inside her home or something the old man then reasons that good health is their only redeeming feature above all his granddaughter lost her parents when she was just a kid so he didn't want her to suffer so he raised her up really carefully but it seems like w is not buying any of the old man's story so he tries to chat and scare the two by acting as if he was going to to attack them when he sees that the two are so scared for their lives he starts laughing his eyes out after he got the reaction that he wanted he eventually let the two go it was such a very rough day for w so he thinks he let the two off to somehow lessen his guilt which eventually made him feel like a hypocrite after a while he started to realize that those two just now sympathize with him despite the fact that he's an Invader he starts to think that he probably killed their family and friends and he can't make up for what he did by merely giving the girl something to eat meanwhile it seems like the girl earlier was actually royalty and she finds W to be a hypocrite for giving her something that she knows came from Bad doings although her father and mother have died the girl whose name is Rita still has a lot of obligation to help protect her people that's why she and the old man who turns out to be her guard will now head towards Sela and there they will plan everything they need to do then 2 months later something more is about to happen for sure 2 months after the siege of Myer's Capital Edenberg the Heiser Army has now been fighting with other nations one after another the Heiser Army was heading straight for FAS because FAS had assisted the Meed Army in the recent battle their border strength was severely weakened and Heiser wasn't so careless as to overlook such weakness first they sent out two battalions to make the towns and villages on the border surrender after that several battalions join up and the Heiser forces split up into two groups the first group consisted of four battalions who were to invade the Inland districts the second group had two Battalion circling the ferious Army in order to prevent the main body from getting flanked W who is affiliated with the larian Battalion is part of the second group they were planning to besiege the ref and mines surrounding the Border during their operation Commander D keeps on laughing all the time as if this is just a fun time for him they had no corners and 3,000 enemy soldiers in their forts so these forts ended up becoming multiple lines of defense for them to make matters worse they have The High Ground as well it will take a lot of strength and effort to take one fort down maybe however it's not worth it that's why the Heiser team is planning to repeatedly launch fire attacks on the soldiers after making them retreat into their forts first Commander D states that they should break the enemy Spirits then attack and wipe them all out however hearing their Commander talk like this made the hiserk group laugh and now that the ferious soldier is shouting from behind it seems like Commander du has no choice but to give them an encore thinking about what the commander stated earlier it seems like the Heiser Army is just waiting till the enemy starves out seeing how everyone seems so chill about it there's only one thing that W could say about this battle compared to the battles they had before this one seems kind of fun however 2 weeks later it seems like the ferious soldiers are tougher than anyone thinks so while everyone is still waiting for the battle to start Commander dway tells W to do some training while he has spare time since if he can't control his magic correctly there is a risk of harming his allies will it then explains to W that his ignis Fus isn't normal at all in the worst case scenario it can incinerate an entire platoon so this abandoned tunnel would be perfect for training that said it is now time to practice WM then concentrates and lets all of his power out as much as he can and just like that he's able to let it go in one go on the other hand the other members are also training as well both Baro and no are training with Commander d himself and it seems like they are not having the best time of their lives a few days later wam can finally control his magic to a certain extent but there's an even bigger problem now and that is he can only use ignis fat for only 30 seconds if he uses it for more than 40 seconds he'll run out of mana and when that happens he can't use his power move or Fireball not only that but his physical ability abilities also hit rock bottom he could even die in the process that said for now W needs to rest above all Jose then enters the scene checking up on WM but it seems like Jose is just worried that their food will not be ready considering the Army now has been using wm's ignis Fus to heat up the food although he has never agreed to do any of it he is satisfied with what he is able to do he could never imagine that the company Commander himself would show up and let him use his skill in some helpful way on the other hand the company Commander said that making the enemy lose their fighting spirit with the smell of good food is also part of the plan that's why as much as possible the Heiser Army will make good food for the rest of the battle however it seems like wam is not okay with the thought of using food at all considering everyone just wants to eat their heart's content Jose then agrees with him however if possible they would like to avoid eating bland food even on a battlefield it seems like w is not admitting that Jose's cooking is quite tasty so it keeps on saying that he is just munching on the food because he has used up all his Mana so he need some calories to bring back his energy however it seems like Jose is not even taking it Jose then States out of nowhere that this lifestyle of theirs will soon end since it seems as if the number of fling soldiers has been increasing recently it seems like they can't tolerate being confined to their walls any longer so a lot of them are just surrendering but to tease W Jose then states that the smell of his cooking must be contributing to it as much as well Jose then laughs at the thought of imagining themselves being various soldiers confined within the walls with their stronghold completely surrounded regardless of day and night there are sounds of battle even though they are fighting they need to ration the little reserves they have day by day while the enemy outside is feasting on such Delicacies this might be the worst feeling there is a day or two would make one nauseous and irritated but if that continued for a week it would definitely break their spirit that said 3 days later it is now time to annihilate the enemy starting off with W's blue flame as the signal for the start of Another War before the attack the whole Heiser Army is seen having a meeting the mine's geographical location seems a bit tough to play with besides that it's a fort after all since it's also very narrow deployment of soldiers is going to be tough that means they can't overwhelm the enemy with their numbers alone and that's where WM comes into play he's going to do a night raid with a small number of people his assignment is to use his ignis Fus and cause total Ruckus within the castle walls hearing this somehow made W nervous but he didn't really have a choice since this was an order from the boss WM is also instructed to take a wind element user with him to execute the plan successfully on the other hand while Wallman some soldiers create chaos in inside the castle walls the others will use this chaos to their advantage and have the second Battalion take down the fort in one go although W doesn't like the idea of the plan at all because it seems like the leaders see him as a pyromaniac he doesn't have any choice but to agree with the said plan that said the plan is Simplicity itself as long as W creates Panic inside everything would eventually go smoothly with that said while the Knight is still young W together with some soldiers inspects the area it seems like they are going to Target the defensive Tower which holds most of the enemy so vultures W's job is to Simply infiltrate the area and create an opening so that their allies can storm the place with that said W then wears his cursed mask and eventually goes on to do the job as they make their way inside the castle everyone seems a bit worried about what is going to happen next even WM is relatively unsure of what would happen Willet then tells WM that since he has a high aptitude for fire and wind elements he should train other magicians alongside ignis Fus WM then asks how he will be supposed to practice wind elements together with his current Magic firstly he must practice jumping really high and during the night raid W did as Willet said and practiced his wind magic as he finally reaches the defensive Tower he eventually slices off everyone's head one after another using his ignis Fus he's able to kill as many guarding soldiers as he can when the time came the other soldiers were able to take notice of the attacks the whole tower now is on high alert the enemy soldiers then wonder what is that blue flame eating up the whole Defense Tower they also couldn't believe their eyes as the whole Defense Tower started to get burnt even though it was literally made of stone when they finally realized that they had been attacked by the Heiser army they started to gather as many soldiers as possible to defend their walls on the other hand W's companions are assuring him that they've got him covered so he doesn't need to worry much about it as enemies are now coming from below they have to hurry or they'll need to call reinforcements from the other Tower seizing the tower was a tough part period now they just needed to hold it till their main forces arrived they just need to assure to set Ablaze the passage leading there so that no one should be able to cross it WM who obeys orders does as their leader has ordered him to do as he rushes inside one of the enemy's quarters his whole body freezes when he sees a dying man crying in agony at that point WMA slowly realized that the morals and Consciousness attached to his previous life have been wrecked he has lost his control in Edenberg so he didn't notice the amount of suffering ignis vatu caused before killing someone he is now a mere soldier who is also a murderer he starts to contemplate what if this wasn't his second life what if he was initially born in in this violent world will he not suffer as he does right now he tells himself not to think about it since a soldier has no right to veto as wm's ignis Fus continues to digest every corner of the tower many enemy soldiers start to die one after another on the other hand it seems like w is also almost out of magic but no one's coming now however it seems like the enemy soldiers are more Fearless than expected it seems like there are still some people who are not scared of WM at all WM is a bit shocked when a few men start to ask him if he was the one that caused the fire the man then thanks W for the chance that the Heiser Army says day after day and night after night aside from that the man also wanted to thank W for letting them smell the food that he referred to as dog food that they cook every day however it seems like instead of getting scared that he is now cornered WM finds himself laughing he then states that he is also sorry but that service will finally end today this time it is warm against farious solders to avoid wm's ignis fat there were no allies near him after using ignis fat to his limits WM hardly had any magic left so he ended up using his power mode instead W musters all of his strength and tries to fight every Soldier one after another he even tried using some of his ignis vat power left and when he is eventually caught up in the fight the farious soldiers then think that W might have died already from their attacks when they see no sign of him at all however little did they know that he was just hiding behind the smoke to analyze the situation W noticed that the no scar guy was able to defend against his power move so he is good at strengthening his body with magic on the other hand the receding hairline guy is a fire element user who specializes in fire resistance and the last one is this water element user he protects others from the fire and brings them to W So This Is How They are divided said W so if that is the case he first attacks the fire user so that the others would Panic W is sure of the fact that all of these soldiers are skilled he can't make a single move it is as if he is dancing in a Minefield one after another the enemy just keeps on charging at him without giving him some time to attack back the only thing that keeps him on track is his ignis Fus W knows that if he keeps fighting like this his magic will run out and he'll get tortured to death as much as he can he tries to maximize his ignis fatu's power to burn off the enemy however it seems like the fire resistance power that the enemy has is as strong as WS it came to a point where W didn't know what to do next since the enemies were both coming to attack him at once he starts to panic a little but eventually he decides to do the best he can he focuses on attacking one soldier at a time and eventually he is able to take the lead it seems like the farious soldiers care so much about their comrades that they will do anything to make sure that they can save others even if they need to sacrifice themselves and that is what makes them bad soldiers as per W their attachment to others will literally cause their Downfall with that said after wam killed two of the three enemies he's now left with only one to take care of however before he can even go near the last man the supposedly dead comrades try to stop W from moving any further disgusted by the blood the man has W punches the guy guy till his last breath he then moves on to kill the last guy who seems to be a bit resistant WM then uses his arms to choke the man till he dies eventually now that they are dead W can finally breathe a little however he is so shocked when a burnt man carries a sword and tries to fight him once more it looks like the fire resistant guy and it seems like he didn't die from the deadly attacks that W did earlier before the burnt man can even land a hit on WM one of the Heiser soldiers then enters the scene killing the man in one go WM who is very much exhausted thanks his comrades for helping him W then tells him that maybe next time they should come earlier so that he wouldn't be this exhausted I mean he was literally almost turned into minced meat a while ago his comrades then reason out that he hasn't stopped being a human to be able to throw himself into such a raging fire so instead of bickering his comrades then tell him to get up so that he can be treated W then sat beside the wall while his comrades called for help however it seems like w is a bit uncomfortable that a dead burnt man is literally beside him right now but he has no choice but to wait for help while waiting WM can hear the sound of people breaking through the castle gate he then starts to question himself if this is something that they really enjoy doing since it's really that messed up in the northern aripo somewhere in the Kingdom of Christ the commercial Federation of Libera and the kingdom aarius holds a countermeasure meeting on how to deal with the Heiser Empire now then the host of the meeting is none other than Chester Christ the King of the Chris Kingdom the kingdom that is getting invaded by the Heiser Army barriston ferious the king of the ferious Kingdom King barriston used to be meaker compared to his younger brother but his eyes even compared to before are no longer showing any signs of distress or worry moreover other than these Kings there is also one person that some of you might be familiar with and she is none other than Rita who turns out to be of the myed family 3 weeks after the fort fell at the reen mine base W is talking with some guy who seems to have great news to deliver as the man leaves he says how glad he is that the stationary life is finally over it turns out that Wilder numerous strongholds were getting attacked various soldiers H up in the mines and were slowly destroying themselves if anyone had looked at their food Provisions in Army size anyone would think that they could have withstood this but in the face of endless Castle Siege and mental harassment it didn't take them long to surrender everything from Reen mine Castle to every Fort surrender immediately or we'll kill you all soldiers and citizens alike that warning from the Heiser messenger was the last draw for them that said now that the whole situation has subsided a little W is now decided to go back to work and roam around to the newly invaded place as he steps right into the Central Plaza Jose immediately welcomes him stating that after a few days of resting he has now finally come back to the original unit and thankfully he is more healthy looking now than he was before WM then states that the restoration magic that was used on him was something else it seems like it treated his injuries that would take months to heal in 2 weeks the first time he saw it it was so amazing WM even remembers the way it magically healed the surface and and the bones first and the rest healed itself while they are in their conversation noran comes into the scene welcoming WM for his arrival it seems like everyone is quite delighted that WM is all right now WM then says hi to her then asks why she looks kind of rugged now compared to before Northern reasons that it has been challenging since then considering D Squad was also deployed to take down the castle other than that it seems like something bad has happened to Baro but not that kind of bad as some of you might think he technically got his cool hairstyle sty trimmed unexpectedly during a fight that's why he weeps like a baby right now not being able to accept what has happened although Baro seems a bit overreacting at least he is lucky that the rest of his body is fine even though his hair is really quite a mess nor just keeps on telling him that it suits him well so that he wouldn't Panic All Over Again WM also tried to calm him down saying that at least his hairstyle served a purpose now that W has finally confirmed that everyone is okay he starts looking for Commander D nor then tells him that the platoon Comm Commander has called for him and it looks like the mines haven't been fully cleared out yet so they are first taking care of it following the leading troops they are also going to invade the interior of farious so it's just a matter of time before we know what will happen next on the other hand going back to the meeting the host is pleased to present the principality of myard Princess Rita however it seems like Hugo Evans the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of laroa thinks that Rita shouldn't be joining the meeting considering the Myer kingdom is already done for so it is weird to see that there is some sort of Representative still Rita then states that it's undoubtedly true that myard has lost most of its territory but they still have the land of Serta left because a giant makes rounds of it it has ample fishing resources and waterways it's an economic Powerhouse but it is now a base for the lake Dragon although the dragon may be a subspecies of dragon it's a powerful monster that belongs to the highest of ranks if such a thing is staying over there even hiserk won't bother with it Rita then states that everything Hugo said was true however as of now the lake dragon has been subjugated hearing this made Hugo shocked as he never thought that he would hear such news like this at all he then asks once more if what he heard was correct since not more than 6 months ago it wasn't possible to capture that thing one of the Kings then states that it was that person who did it a fire element user who can even Scorch a dragon and he is one of the three crist's Heroes even the king could say that it is so amazing no matter how many times he has seen it already and this hero's name is akima uto he's one of those visitors from another world he is blessed with immense power and comrades an assassin from Earth it appears going back to the Heiser Army it seems like the soldiers in the squad are glad that they have joined the Heiser Army thanks to them they can now Loot and have any girl they want all the decent ferious soldiers were killed and mired all that's left in this area are small fries that said it is now time to move on to the next Village since they have already stolen as many Goods as they can however before they could even leave there was a sudden attack that shocked them so so much as they check the surroundings they were pretty confused since these people are different from the soldiers they know as the men get surrounded by this armored army they eventually realize that these are not curious soldiers but instead Crist ones even though they try to fight every Soldier they come across it seems like it is no good since there's too much of a difference even if they fight they're going to get killed in the end they now start to panic on what they are going to do next since they have to abandon the village however they have no choice but to leave everything and run for their lives Al though they have collected so much they have no choice but to run since it is still better than dying the men then take advantage of the Dusk and get out of the raid as fast as they can they even start to wonder as they run for their lives why would Chris soldiers do a raid in the area then they are halted for a while when a man walks in front of them saying that they should all Just Surrender since resistance is futile the men try to shout at the kid saying that they should get out of their way or else he will die however one of the members then realizes that the kid is actually just a magic hallucination that said after the said raid three sarya battalions of the Heiser Army were destroyed there were around 700 unreturned soldiers on the other hand it seems like Jose was quite shocked when he heard that they would be retreating support he honestly thinks that it is some kind of joke on the other hand inside W's mind what has happened to their plan of invading the Interiors of fas Commander D then states that even he couldn't believe his ears either so he asked the war counsil and then they told him something shocking farious Kingdom Chris Kingdom the commercial Federation of Libera and the remnants of myard have now joined forces to defeat the Heiser Kingdom this shocks everyone since that means every country in the northern aripo has now become their enemy WM then thought that if he was not wrong every country in the northern archipelago was eyeing each other to think they would suddenly join forces is unexpected Baro then asks what the enemy's numbers are Commander D then states that no one should worry about the numbers and just focused on what is ordered for them to do but in total the enemy's Army exceeds 60,000 on the other hand the Heiser Army deployed to farious is 16,000 soldiers even if they could combine the two battalions stationed at Edenberg it would be at least 24,000 soldiers which is obviously lacking meanwhile at the meeting of the different nations they are now talking about F's Kingdom wanting to propose a four Nation Alliance an alliance that emphasizes both the military and economic aspects of the four nations with Lake Serta as the economic zone Hugo thinks that it is such a bold move however it sounds like fun to him after all the glory and fall of each Nation are at stake at this very important meeting now back at the Heiser Army everyone has now informed their men that the Heiser forces are on the defensive and will be withdrawing in stages it seems like they will take place at the sarahjo fortresses with their current amount of men and the supplies that they looted they might not win but they might not lose too it seems like the Heiser Army will Retreat to the Saro Fortress from this mine protecting their allies there they will engage the four Nation Alliance in a defensive battle in short the Army seems to be giving up already since it can't be helped considering how outnumbered they are Commander D then states to everyone that at least they are not going to give it back for free since they are going to cave in the mine and all the prisoners of War will also be killed that said for now they just need to help their Allied Forces as much as possible and when the fight broke out it seemed like everyone was so focused on killing one enemy after another however with WMS ignis vus everyone seems to be in the right Direction on the other hand W has now been used to his new role in battle and it would be just a matter of time before we know how many more people he can kill in the future that's all we have for today don't forget to subscribe so you'll be notified if we upload part two of the series until next time bye
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 1,025,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: Bsti2R3aW6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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