Boy Kicked for being OP gets Adopted by Demon Queen!

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a young boy named Cara faces a Legendary Earth Dragon having been tasked with collecting its eyes the winged Beast taunts him for his weakness and declares he will face the true might of the Great Dragon King as it strikes with its claws delivering a devastating blow that shatters the ground it laughs at Cara's vulnerability declaring that it is almost time for his kind to reclaim the ground but then turns in shock as the dust settles and he sees the boy remaining unscathed while surrounded by Spirits which block his arm he then looks on in horror as its arm begins to rot and disintegrate before falling altogether screaming in pain and confusion Carno looks and wonder at his own power surprised that he can do that much damage with just an arm and wonders if he can control his power he then extends his arm towards the dragon unleashing the wind of the rotten Hall at full strength the creature screams as the magic envelops him and begins to decompose its entire body causing it to shatter and collapse into a pile on the ground the attack proves too power powerful rotting the beast's eyes to nothing and thus causing him to fail in his quest and lose his reward Cara then gazes at the Mark in the back of his hand that was given to him by heaven and chose his occupation as a wise man with the skill of necromancy though initially happy about having a strong occupation he laments that the magic output is so strong that it melts Quest materials noting that it is too easy when the power is suppressed but he has a hard time adjusting it in order to face a monster with a high reward without overdoing it I think it's pretty clear that everyone here loves action-packed battles and seeing them pan out in stories is great but wouldn't it be even better if you could be a part of the fight well with this game you can awesome Champions intense PVE and PVP content and it sounds pretty good right I'm of course talking about raid Shadow Legends a free-to-play mobile game with over 700 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situation in a flashback a month prior to the battle Cara turns 13 years old and his grandfather Praises him for receiving the title of sage while his grandmother happily notes that such a powerful kid won't fit in in their small village happy the boy hopes to become a sage and earn a lot of money to make his grandparents Rich they tell him not to worry about that since they are already old and that they are happy as long as he is but his resolve remains adamant he recalls how they took him in when he lost his parents years prior and raised him stating his hope to one day repay the kindness they gave to him and causing them to tear up his grandparents Embrace him in tears until he hears a knock on the door and steps outside and as Cara opens the door he meets a hero party looking for him in that world one is recognized as an adult at the age of 13 and receives an engraving through a ceremony of Enlightenment that reveals their profession and skill with those of similar traits forming groups to fully utilize their power those who received a mark such as holy Knights Battlemaster Sage or such were called Golden holders being registered into the guild system being an adventurer allows one to partake in Quests for money or be recruited by a group of Legendary Heroes with the mission of defeating the demon Kings the leader of the party reads his registration information aloud believing his skills will come in handy facing high-ranking demons he tries to refuse stating he doesn't believe it will work and fears fighting against the demon king but immediately changes his mind as the hero reassures him and promises he will earn huge sums of money bidding farewell to his grandparents he got the chance to travel with the hero's party as a member they soon faced a formidable ogre asking Cara to demonstrate his power the boy uses death bullet pummeling the creature to death with spirits and shocking the party later as they are outnumbered and surrounded by monsters car suggests summoning their own allies and bids several zombies to rise and fight the monsters and as a creature strikes at the hero Caro launches sludge bullets at it which causes its flesh to melt Cara manipulated his grandfather Earthbound and Wildlife spirits to achieve Victory and thought everything was going smoothly but the shocked hero asks him politely to leave their party the surprised boy asks if he wasn't helpful and though the hero tries to smooth things over the group's Battle Master bluntly tells him that he is disturbing the party's team teamw work and his skills are disgusting though in reality she resented being useless in battle she accuses him of barring her from attacking and trying to steal her Spotlight and though he points out that she can attack just fine she notes that she wouldn't fight to that mud covered monster with her bare hands she turns to the other girl for support and the latter calls his magic psychologically impossible to withstand the hero then tries to give him some reassuring words but explains that since he was with them just a month and the trial period wasn't over the kingdom wouldn't pay him desperate to keep his job and send money to his grandparents he offers to stop using his necromancy but the hero notes that they only hired him for his resurrection magic and didn't expect he would be able to use such unpleasant magic and the other two girls back him up Cara quickly gauges the situation and realizes that the Battle Master wants to kick him out because she fears becoming useless the Holy Knight supports her because his magic is unpleasant and she might be worried about his resuscitation magic while the hero just wants to keep the beautiful girls around finding there is nothing else he can do he bows and thanks them for everything and turns to leave the hero reaches him and apologizes for everything handing him a small purse with 500 gold he then bids his Farewell stating that they will remain friends before leaving with the party the boy is then left alone and unemployed and as he walks down the road he starts comparing his plight to a story of party's Exile thus believing that good things will happen to him from then on cheerful he heads to the Royal Capital to change jobs at the capital Cara tried to get a party join him but the adventurers there refused to hire him due to his bad reputation for quitting the hero's party within a month thus shunned the disheartened boy left the capital and was forced to become a solo Adventurer back in the present Cara kneels before the dragons remains and wonders what he should do from then on his spirits worry about his well-being and offer to find him something to eat since he was hungry but he doubts if they can find food there he then deduces that there may be more treasure chests and other dragons in the cave so he orders them to find some food and uses ghost search to send them away grandpa doesn't join them saying he is too old to run around like that causing him to comment that he is just a normal old man after some search one of these Spirits finds an empty treasure chest while another stumbles upon the corpse of an adventurer though due to the time he's been there Cara judges that the water he carries must be spoiled the third Spirit however stops before a massive pair of gates that Mark the entrance to a huge and for boing Castle declaring that it is impossible to go any further Cara believes that this means that the castle is protected by a strong bear barer and heads there excited at the possibility of finding valuable treasure inside he confirms the presence of a strong barrier and uses his necromancy powers to dispel it as he uses dispel barrier the barrier buckles and cracks before shattering alt together while the iron gates are blasted apart Cara notes that the barrier has weakened after 200 years and thus it was easier to extinguish it by force but before he can get inside the castle proper he is stopped by a trio of flying demons barring his path they land before him and as their leader ask asks why he's there Cara notes that his engraving is from the outer God and that his human-like appearance indicates that he is strong the demon is surprised that he managed to destroy the barrier explaining that the castle is owned by Cecilia is laf ferus one of these seven demon Lords the surprised boy asks why there's a demon castle in the place where one can normally Quest and the demon wonders how he was unaware of it before brushing it off and summoning lightning powers as he prepares to fight the Intruder as Cecilia's faithful servant his companions note that Cara is is really unlucky to have been found by their leader who goes by the name of belfagor noting that he has the power of lightning of Despair that was granted by the old God ndin and can boil one's blood instantly the demon launches a lightning strike at Cara causing an explosion bagor comments on how trifling the matter was until the dust clears to reveal grandpa in a human form holding a lightning Trident in his hand declaring that he will not be harmed by such a weak spell and will not permit any actions that harm his Lord the demon looks in disbelief wondering why the old God ndin is obeying a human the boy asks the spirit if that's his name and he notes that he has yet to introduce himself turning to belore ndin prepares to show him the lightning of Despair asking Cara to lend him some of his magic the boy agrees and touches him causing the god to Glow with power as the demon looks on in horror ndin then goes full Zeus on him unleashing a thunderstorm that fries him and leaves his two henchmen badly wounded and terrified seeing how the god defeated one of their strongest demons they turn to flee until their mistress Cecilia arrives smiling the Demon Lord of lust congratulates Cara for showing her something interesting and asks for his name later offering him to serve under her she Praises his fighting style and states that there is something in him that she wants but the boy lowers his gaze and tells her to stop noting that necromancy is an unpleasant magic that got him kicked out of the hero's party she merely Smiles telling him that there's nothing wrong with his skill and declaring necromancy to be the most wonderful magic in the world asking him to show her more Cara is hesitant about betraying Humanity but Cecilia caresses his cheek and more importantly offers a 20 million gold a year salary and he gladly accepts the LA rural underground Palace is the land ruled by Cecilia Isla furus one of the seven demon Lords who obtained their power from God and descended from the great Demon King inside it Cara is Led on by Cecilia while wearing a new demon mask to conceal the fact that he is a human the other demons whisper about him talking about his recent Victory and how he is followed around by nodin causing the spirit to note his popularity explaining that he passed away thousands of years ago and was thus unaware they started worshiping him a pig demon notes that the boy smells human and wonders if he isn't one but one of his fellow comrades quickly shuts him up noting that their mistress declared him to be her follower and that no one looking like that could be human despite Cecilia having announced him before he fears Discovery so he decides to act like a demon to avoid getting caught and thus support his grandparents they finally arrive at the demon Lord's room telling him that it's okay to take off his mask as she leads him inside and declares that chamber to be his workplace Cara notices the clutter in shock and looks at her and as she turns her face away he realizes she doesn't know how to clean the embarrassed Demon Lord asks him not to tell anyone and explains that the more she cleans the Messier it gets and that she has hired him to serve as servant he agrees noting the high salary but wonders why she wouldn't choose a servant from one of the many demons that already follow her Cecilia bluntly rejects this stating only he can do the job and telling him that after he's done cleaning that night he can use the Castle's facilities leaving the confused boy to his task despite not understanding what she meant Cara is eager to begin and determined to handle any work she gives him he then heads to the Castle's vast Library explaining to ndin that he isn't familiar with the Demon's aesthetic and asking for his help doing research he then sends the other three spirits to scour the books with ghost detection receiving the knowledge that they gather through the spiritual circuit and gathering information on creating the ideal bedroom for his mistress while also learning about the Demonic culture the old God looks at the boy wondering how long it will take for him to browse through everything but he instantly declares that it is done and he remembers everything thanking the spirits for their help as the old Spirit looks in awe he notes that even though the spirits helped him read there was no point if he couldn't process it all praising his talent now armed with knowledge He commands the spirits to go clean to their hearts content 2 hours later Cil is delighted at the immaculate state of her room praising their effort and thanking them pointing to a pair of growling chests he explains that they store the cursed armor pieces and demonic books while the spirits shiver recalling how tough it was to deal with them smiling the Demon Lord states that his work exceeded her expectations and that she's glad that he came there the boy blushes stating how glad he is for finally being helpful to someone despite her being a demon he then tells her about a book he was interested in sending the spirits to pull several volumes from the bookshelf and noting that they were all written by humans pointing out the number of human books and as Cecilia doesn't answer why she has so many Cara asks her if she likes humans causing her to blush Cecilia relaxes in the shower Cara stands outside with his back towards her holding a towel and Grandpa looks on with delight the embarrassed boy chides the spirit for this and as Cecilia closes the tap she answers his question from earlier admitting her interest in humans and stating it is for a reason finding matters of their life and culture such as Love and Marriage very interesting he glows up realizing that was the reason for the many romance novels in her Library causing her to turn in Surprise and embarrassment she slams the glass door of the shower open as she steps outside startling the boy while coldly asking if he read her books even though they were so well disguised flustered he apologizes explaining that he didn't know that the content would differ from the covers and that the spirits read them while he was cleaning she grabs the towel and wraps it around her chest blushing as she calls him a bad boy and lust trustfully approaches him from behind asking him to tell her his secret the Petrified boy agrees to tell her everything and she Whispers to him to tell her about the God who looks over him and where and how they signed a contract happily Cara tells her that Grandpa Nadin and the other Spirits were his grandparents neighbors he explains to the surprise the Demon Lord that when he first became a necromancer he wanted to purify the cursed land next to his grandparents Farm telling her that a bad company sold his grandfather that dangerous land though necromancy can't do purification without holy power it enables the user to talk with these spirits and calm them down so he went to the barren land and used his power causing him to fall down a sinkhole as the ground shattered beneath him he softened his fall with a slime cushion finding himself deep down the cave and facing a huge dungeon shaped as a pyramid as he looked at it from above ndin appeared behind him staring at him he tells Cecilia that he was surprised to find a dungeon next to his grandparents house and ndin expresses his surprise that a boy managed to break the seal this was before he met the other spirits and as he got to know Grandpa they signed a contract the old God notes how he sometimes popped out of nowhere to learn magic describing him as the son of the man who's heard of magic but never looked into it Dawning a bathrobe Cecilia Marvels at the fact that the Tomb of the old God that had been erased from history was in a place like that he was one of the old gods that gave power to these seven demon Lords but lost his body after humans betrayed him according to Legend his soul was sealed in a tomb somewhere but the location was erased from all lore and written records so no one knew where to find it with the land finally being sold to Cara's family as a cursed land she notes that in order to release nodin he would have to break a dangerous and Powerful seal meaning the child is a lot more than she expected the boy looks at her asking if she caught a cold but she states that there was no way that could happen she then decides to entrust him with all of the housework noting that there are plenty of rooms left to clean diligently he promises to get to it right away and enlists his spirits to help and finding him so reliable she offers him another job with a reward of a nice room and an an annual salary of over 5 million gold the boy shakes at the prospect as the spirits circle around him and he frantically raises his hand and declares that he will do it at La rural underground Palace Cecilia is sound asleep Cara enters her Chambers wearing the demon mask wishing her good morning she Rouses revealing her scantily dressed body while greeting him back the flustered boy replies thanking her for allowing him to use the sofa to rest while thinking about how comfortable it was last night the boy rested on the couch recalling with embarrassment how the Demon Lord had asked him if he wished to sleep together with her angrily screaming that it would be impossible for him to sleep in the same bed since he wouldn't know where to look causing the Granddad to wonder if he spoiled the boy Cara happily declared that he was content with the sofa and blanket recalling how he had to survive in the cold after being banished from the party and lied down to rest as he slept he thought about how Cecilia's scent smelled nice soft and warm in the present the Demon Lord asks him if the cushion wasn't too hard but he reassures her and thanks her for the generosity promising ing to repay her someday smiling she then wonders if he could start working for her immediately and rings a bell signaling a demon to enter and serve breakfast for the two Cecilia tells him that the first task is to eat breakfast together telling him to remove his helmet as they are alone he obliges wondering if it's all right for him to eat the food and she tells him that she ordered the chef to prepare a human meal he thanks her and is about to ask about her breakfast before noticing screaming figures emerging from it he notes that the devil's book mentioned that demons eat food to absorb magical power instead of nutrition and watches her happily eat a spoonful of the Eerie soup she notices him staring and awkwardly notes the soup must look disgusting for humans but the boy happily asks if he could sample it to everyone's surprise she then agrees serving a spoonful and feeding it to him and though Grandpa and the spirits worry the boy finds it delicious Cecilia is delighted by this but Grandpa wonders how can he possibly enjoy it noting that demon food has only a small amount of nutrition and tastes Bland declaring it would be better to eat garbage growing somber the Demon Lord explains that they have been constantly trying to improve the taste over the years and even though she ate a lot she still couldn't make it look like human food Cara Smiles declaring that it doesn't look that bad and asks if he can have some more Cecilia trembles with happiness and suggests they share the bowl between them as the spirits look in Surprise after they're done eating the Demon Lord moves to the day's topic and picking up a cup of tea starts to tell him about the demon he will Target Cecilia briefs Cara on the demon General the backbone of the Demon King's Army that are subordinated to the Demon Lord and assigned territory and an army to serve Under The Demon King she explains that demons won't follow an assignment based on one's position and one needs to show strength and accomplishments to be considered a leader in the Demon King's Army let alone a general as a bonus she lets it slip that if he became a general his salary would double or triple and he jumps at the chance for the sake of his grandparents happy to hear this she plans to start by expanding their territory and Cara suggests that they start including his Grand grandparents Farm in the graveyard with Grandpa noting that many of his friends will have grown up by then Cecilia replies that her subordinates will run away noting that the house is in the kingdom and after the boy suggests she attack after he becomes a general she states she isn't good at it being an average Demon Lord she then gets up suggesting they head out and playfully refusing to reveal their destination at the ogre base located in the demon cave dungeon a towering monster faces a band of human soldiers dispatching them with his mace he has been attacking the nearby City and eating its inhabitants and the subjugation Army sent to deal with him suffered from repeated plundering and was about to be destroyed the soldiers begin to falter but their Commander raises their spirits and reassures them that the hero will come and fight with them raising her sword in defiance seeing this the ogre lunges forward and punches her in the chest sending her flying and smashing her against The Rock and declaring that he will train her to become a horse and then eat her he then rips off her armor hoisting the naked Knight by her hair and preparing to eat her while urging her to give up before he he can finish her off he's hit by Cara's ghost shot as the boy arrives telling the startled girl to stay back and turns forebodingly as she asks him who he is seeing his mask she mistakes him for a monster and he summons several spirits that raise him from the ground as he proclaims himself to be the enemy of mankind who came to the dungeon with Goodwill Cara declares his intention of claiming the dungeon due to being an enemy of humanity but the ogre laughs at his bravado and tells him that he is in the ogre's cave the Knight is surprised to see the creature still alive but as Rises aiding himself with his iron mace he declares that he isn't an ordinary ogre telling the boy that he is the war ogre Army Core demon troops leader buuse serving under the Demon Lord of greed Lord gurug Gaz he then activates his engraving and his muscles swell as he reveals it to be the mark of the gifted and declares that if he can beat a dragon to death with his bare hands he would have no problem dealing with him the naked Knight looks in shock at such a powerful figure and Cara notes that the gifted Mark is bestowed by the old God Gods worshiped by demons and is comparable to the power bestowed upon Mankind in the ceremony of Enlightenment he also deduces that the ogre must have a strength at the level of a hero and only Another Hero could stand a chance gauging the ogre Lord he believes that he could be a formidable opponent due to his strengthening abilities and his huge muscle mass believing he is too scared to speak the ogre prepares to dispatch Cara and raises his mace but the boy stands his ground and produces a lantern opening it and unleashing the Fire Spirit within activating his Engraving Cara attaches the spirit to his fist and manages to absorb the Direct Hit of the ogre's mace and remains completely unscathed both the ogre and the Knight look in surprise at the seemingly impossible feet and as the creature retracts his mace the Fire Spirit tells Cara to be more confident and not be intimidated by its muscles it warns that the ogre wasn't at full power and the next strike will probably be much more devastating the monster confirms this telling Cara that he has chosen to die and stating that he won't be stopped this time as the ogre grabs his mace with both hands the spirit tells Cara that they will go all out and taunt the ogre who delivers a devastating attack that shatters the Earth and sends huge chunks flying towards the boy Cara uses his power commanding the spirit to vaporize the surface and manifest and delivering the hammer of fire as a counter blow the strike proves successful and the fireball advances towards the incredulous Ogen consumes him blasting a hole through the entire Mountain as the dust settles Cara wonders if the ogre just disappeared but the spirit tells him that he just got torn to pieces and that the attack was Overkill Cara doubts that defeating a general of the seven Great demon Lords would be that easy and floats around trying to find the Knight the Knight hides behind a rock shaking in fear at the thought of the black demons she just witnessed and as one of her underlings ask what they should do she frantically tells them to retreat so they can inform the heroes about the new development a new demon general or even a demon king might have been born the subjugation Force Escapes in pain Panic as the Fire Spirit looks in confusion he asks Cara if it's okay but the boy bids it to be quiet since they must find the hidden demon he then sends his three Spirits away using Spirit detection and they scour the entire dungeon before reporting that they haven't seen anyone Cara finds it strange pointing out that upper tier demons are supposed to be descendants of ndin and Vore as the Fire Spirit notes that he might not have been blessed the boy thinks that demon generals should be as strong as ndin and shouldn't be defeated by a single punch noting even Grandpa wasn't that weak in a flashback he recalls his first encounter with ndin at the tomb beneath his grandparents Farm Cara asks who the old man is and he declares himself to be the Divine spirit that lies in the graveyard surrounded by other powerful Spirits he asks if the boy believes that he can control their souls telling him to show his strength before striking with the purple lightning of Despair Cara realizes that he must complete a task so they will become his spirits he uses slime cushion to try and block the strike but is unsuccessful and the lightning electrocutes him the Fire Spirit laughs as he unleashes the hammer of fire on the boy but he fires slime bullets at the fireball causing it to explode prematurely and send him flying nens thinks about how no one has ever been able to withstand the Elder God's skills like that having been some time since he saw a human with such high potential the wounded boy Rises his body and tattered clothes smoking from the attacks and as the god notices that he is still standing Cara adopts a serious face causing the old God to grin and praise his ex excellent eyes back in the present Cara notes that as Grandpa's Descendants the demon generals should be as strong as him declaring that the general must have escaped the fire demon then states that he will return to the lantern to stop draining Cara's strength telling the boy to be careful the boy thanks him and Promises to call him if he encounters an enemy happily opening the lamp so the spirit can rest alone the boy removes his mask and size before hearing Cecilia's footsteps approaching he turns to see his mistress apologizing due to her enemies having escaped the Demon Lord smiles realizing that the hammer of fire was the Incarnation of fire and power coming from vados the cursed elder god manifesting itself in a fist and vaporizing the entire area in its path being the first time she has ever seen the real thing she then turns to the disappointed boy lightly chiding him for allowing her enemy to escape and patting his head while inwardly noting that the enemy was really probably vaporized wondering how much power the boy possesses shivering with excitement Cecilia tells Cara not to worry about it and hands what seems to be a precious Jewel she explains that it is a core that serves as proof of ownership of the dungeon and is easy to obtain as the boss has been defeated she then hands him the core and dungeon telling him to do with it whatever he wants and to think of it as his home the boy is ecstatic at this and asks the spirits what he should do with his new house as Cecilia smiles from a distance that night the hero's party receives a new subjugation Quest at the Royal Guild the clerk there tells them that they will be facing a formidable opponent that only the hero can beat bowing to him and begging him to take the quest he then looks at the wanted poster that includes a resemblance of Cara with his demon helmet and notes how formidable he must be to defeat a demon General with a single blow however he notes that thanks to Cara the Holy Knight of the party learned some Resurrection magic deciding it is time to challenge strong foes smiling He suggests they look for someone to help them defeat the demon in a world ruled by swords magic and Enlightenment the demons descended from the Elder gods and the humans who fought them and captured the continents continue to fight each other to this day since demons live off a magical energy in the soul underground labyrinths are the equivalent to Farms luring adventurers with the promise of treasure and then absorbing their souls into the dungeon's core which generates a magic fluid that nourishes the demons near the border between the human and Demon Realms a new dungeon is about to be created by Cara the boy holds the dungeon core in his hand taking a deep breath before activating it the Earth Parts as shapes begin to emerge and form into a modest grave Mound Cecilia wonders if it will be big enough for him and he explains that it is the only way he can use necromancy creation spell and he prefers to be comfy rather than stylish he happily leads her in lighting the way with the spirit Lantern as he shows her his newly created furniture and hugs his sentient pillow he invites her to sit on it and the girl giddy accepts noting that his room is in the center of the dungeon and asking for permission to play with it a bit as Cara hands her the dungeon core she playfully points out that there will be no one to protect him or look after him when he is busy activating it and creating a magic circle connecting his room directly to hers the boy wonders if it is all right pointing out that he will also have access to her room but she just playfully winks and teases him causing him to become embarrassed he then looks at the portal noting that even if they're in the same dungeon opening such a gate is extremely Advanced magic and that though he might think of her as a kind older sister she is still a powerful Demon Lord Cecilia then happily Returns the court to Cara telling him that he will be able to use all the creation magic in the territory with it and shape the land to his heart's content she then explains that demons use magic energy in the land to create their own Dungeons and once the core is found and destroyed the magic is Unleashed and returns to earth generating abundant farmlands mines and other resources thus dungeons are targeted by Humanity's front line in search of treasure and monster materials Grandpa points out that the more they take the more land Humanity can occupy suggesting that they take a defensive position and the boy happily asks his spirits to help the next day the hero's party faces an ogre and the hero slices it in half proudly declaring that they are getting closer to the dungeon the hero's party continues to advance while fighting the ogres that come across their way with the hero himself cleaving one monster in half while the Battle Master One punches the second one the man cheers the group on stating that they are only a little distance away and merrily urging them to keep the pace while remaining oblivious to the charging ogre behind him the Beast curses and prepares to smash him with his mace but the shocked hero is saved by the Holy Knight jumping in and absorbing the full force of the attack with her Shield he thanks her and Strikes Back with bravado finishing the creature off but the Knight Falls to her knees clutching her arm from the damage she received the Battle Master admonishes her for recklessly acting as a shield for the hero even stating that Cara's zombie attack was better but she angrily retorts that she did it because the warrior always rushes without thinking the hero then intercedes trying to calm things down pointing out that they won and that the fact that they are outside the ogre's D d means that the story about the war demon tribes dungeon getting robbed by another demon must be true stating that it is fine to think of it as a strategy the two women remain upset when a third female party member shows up asking the battle master named haki if she doesn't trust her information the angry Battle Master replies that her information concerning the Necromancer was useless though she was unaware of it since she was out in the field Gathering Intel until the previous day the woman replies that she decided a wise Necromancer and gold Mark holder would have been a great offensive and defensive asset but the Holy Knight quips in yelling that she wouldn't have agreed had she known that Cara used filthy Undead the woman then calls them naive causing them to lash out at her while the hero tries to calm them down when she asks why they failed to keep him around until she returned he excuses himself stating that despite being a perfect asset his presence would have left the hero with nothing to do so the decision to expel him was political she looks at him with exasperation inwardly calling him an attention-seeking brat and revealing his name to be noris padus she had to joined the party because he was a brave man with the talent of heroification to strengthen the abilities and Enlightenment of the preceding hero but everyone in the party were brats chosen for their faces and talents that complained selfishly moreover she is disappointed at having missed out on meeting Cara and laments that she has become a babysitter for all these brats hiaki urges her to tell them about the next dungeon but she points out that it was Norris who took the quest without her permission and there is no information about it other than that it is in ogre's D dungon the Holy Knight then criticizes her suggesting she go ahead and Scout the place out suggesting she's negligent of her duties while still collecting money as a companion to the hero Norris rejects this stating that she's doing a great job but the woman points out that going into a dungeon without information is a suicide mission and they don't know anything about the demons that seized the dungeon hiaki calls her cocky for arguing with the hero but the woman remains adamant noting the danger of not seeing the reality of the situation the Battle Master disregards this noting that they are much stronger than before and the hero merrily agrees considering the dungeon to be a good chance to see how they have improved during the last days urging the party to move on 30 minutes later the party reaches the outskirts of the dungeon and the woman senses with alarm that the atmosphere has changed as they see the graveyard themed dungeon she notes that it was supposed to be an ogre stronghold but Norris pays her no mind and recklessly enters the catacombs urging the party to follow which they do despite the woman's warnings against it meanwhile their movements are followed by Cara's spirits who proceed to sound the alarm a spirit warns Cara and Cecilia about The Intruders and the boy thanks him for the information while admitting that he never thought the hero's party would come there noting the weird connection he has with them Grandpa wonders why he feels so unhappy after the unfair way they treated him suggesting that it wouldn't hurt to at least give them payback for their actions this strikes a chord in the boy who recognizes that despite having been teammates he doesn't owe them anything being their enemy getting serious he inwardly decides to not tolerate the intrusion but still go easy on them for the time being excepting the fact that they may die since he now serves under the Demon Lord as an enemy of humanity rising from his coffin bed and holding the dungeon core He commands the graveyard of Kuan to deploy an army of Undead in order to hold off the party while completing the Eternal contraction on Q several Undead emerg from the graveyard and Shuffle onwards making their way across the graveyard as Cara watches them through the dungeon core which transmits what the spirit sees from the battlefield and allows the boy to track the party's progress Cecilia approaches him calling the dungeon intimate and dignified and though the boy shyly notes that he didn't have time to make a sophisticated design Grandpa nervously notes that it is enough he notes that the design of the dungeon is the same as the sealed dungeon the spirits were trapped in having crystals of Mythic magic artifacts of the ancient world and Guardians who could lock away even the Elder Gods watching the screen he notes that the dungeon Cara has built will be impossible to break through the zombies surround the party hiaki refuses to fight them finding them hideous and the hero must perform the task after they're vanquished they are surrounded by a swarm of angry ghosts and Norris orders the Holy Knight to make them Disappear With Magic she uses her powers but the ghosts merely laugh at her efforts before rushing at her and getting inside her chest plate the hero yells at her noting that she's responsible for the magic attacks of the party and also criticizes the Battle Master telling her to step up as well as they look from a a distance in Cara's room Cecilia looks in surprise at how weak the heroes of the present time look like Cara explains that they lack sufficient methods of fighting against ghosts and the undead since the hero specializes in physical attacks that are incompatible with the non- entities and regeneration creatures while the Holy Knight lacks Faith or an auxiliary item to boost her magic while the other members of the party cower the Assassin remains unfazed and Pops the cork of a bottle running up a wall and performing a somersault she douses the ghosts with its content which is revealed to be holy water as the ghosts start to burn and flee she ends her pette pulling out a silver knife with holy magic and stabbing a creature as she lands being criticized by hiaki for her earlier remarks Cecilia notes that it doesn't sound like someone who is just saved praising the Assassin for her skill and noting that without her they will fail curious as to what to do next the woman tells the group to retreat in order to get out of there unharmed telling them that the ghosts will reveal all of their skills to the dungeon boss the hero disre regards this stating that they must do something since they can't leave empty-handed ignoring her as she calls him Reckless and stating that they will win if they land in effective attack and it will be fine as long as they leave with some loot the Assassin insists that they can't carelessly use holy water blessed with high magic due to it being expensive causing hiaki and the Holy Knight to call her selfish for holding it back she suggests that they pay for it then considering the situation worthless and as they continue to argue Norris steps in and offers to pay for it asking if she will use it in the next fight pausing the Assassin agrees on the condition that they will only use it if they must Retreat he agrees asking his companions if they also agree but the two women remain at odds causing the Assassin to see the hopelessness of the quest and decide that she will leave the party if they survive hiaki promises to give her a talking to once they return to town but she ignores her and Dawns her cowl as she Ventures forward to do some scouting ahead of their withdrawal after some time they approach what appears to be the exit but she finds it strange and realizes the distance they traveled getting inside the dungeon doesn't match the distance they traveled back Norris and the others don't seem to notice this being Overjoyed at finding the exit and running along declaring that the dungeon was never a match for them the Assassin tries to stop them warning of the Trap when several portcullises descend and block all exits leaving them stuck in a round room as ghosts float above them she then senses a rift beginning to form throwing her silver knife at it but it is deflected by Cara's staff as the boy steps through Dawning his cloak and demon mask the surprised fassen steps back and Cara addresses the group declaring that he has come to pay his respects as lord of the underground dungeon greeting the hero directly Cara prepares to fight Humanity's hero and VOR telepathically asks his master if they can deal with the hero or if they need to bring out noddin the boy refuses knowing that if they see him using him and the other Spirits he will get caught and put his family in danger so he must fight them with everything he's got Norris is surprised at Cara's greeting answering awkwardly before yelling at him to not talk like a human the Assassin tells him to calm down noting what happened with the knife she threw and when the Battle Master refers to it as a shiny knife she corrects her explaining that the silver knife is supposed to penetrate any barrier and is meant to hurt demons warning that the knife was stopped with raw power she tells the rest to not let their guard down she gauges Cara and deduces that despite looking like a child he must have enhanced himself and can be seen as a highlevel fighter she advises the others to work carefully as a team but hiaki dismisses her comment and charges alone convinced that that she can take on the demon by herself Cara then summons VOR and the spirit allows him to use his skill as he pleases the boy then uses flame armor rendering him imperious to attack as yidaki continues to rush alone disregarding the Assassin's advice the hero reassures her noting that she is a high-ranking battle master that has mastered all weapons and martial arts to the point that she's now a Divine figure in the world of martial arts the girl prepares to attack unleashing a super rush fist attack at Cara but the boy blocks all incoming attacks with his fiery staff he Roi is surprised at this and terrified by the boy's mask and cowers as Cara unleashes a single fiery strike and sends her flying as Norris looks on in bewilderment the boy is surprised at how easy the fight was believing it to be some kind of joke as he managed to knock her out even when holding back he notes how heroes are supposed to be able to challenge gods and be unstoppable and is convinced that they can do better than that VOR tells him to not let down his guard and the Holy Knight says a prayer before unleashing a holy Crusher attack with her Lance realizing hiaki will be hit by the attack Cara summons his Undead minions and causes an undead wall to arise protecting both himself and the Battle Master the attack explodes against the wall causing dust to stir and obscure the battlefield the Holy Knight is ecstatic at having apparently succeeded paying no mind to the fact that she probably hit the Battle Master and heading there to revive her meanwhile Cara stands unscathed the Assassin warns the Holy Knight not to be too hasty as she rushes towards yidaki the Holy Knight is surprised to see Cara checking up on the Battle Master and after seeing her the boy turns and unleashes wind of Decay The Knight blocks the attack with her holy Shield but it proves too powerful and begins to eat through the shield until it shatters completely she is then hit by the attack with full force causing her armor and clothes to disintegrate as well before the Assassin manages to tackle her and pull her out of the way the girl shakes uncontrollably terrified and embarrassed at being completely naked and pees herself before fainting the Assassin curses her for being useless wondering how she will prevent the negative effect of the Mist without the Holy Knight while also recognizing that the demon is better than all of them as well as the fact that the Battle Master has been taken hostage meanwhile Cara notes how Furious the hero looks while VOR notes that hiaki would have died if he hadn't held back gripping his weapon Norris screams with motivation and glows with power while the boy wonders if he is wishing to risk his allies in danger the hero replies that he doesn't but they knew what they signed up for revealing that he also learned some Resurrection magic and thus doesn't care if the the Holy Knight dies since he has the power of Resurrection the boy becomes angered by this and looks on as the hero unleashes a powerful holy slash attack angry at the fact that he is willing to sacrifice his comrades despite having no reason to help hiaki he angrily declares that he won't allow him to abandon someone twice and fully unleashes vados the spirit adopts its true form countering the hero's attack with a fire fist causing it to shatter the fireball flies past Norris destroying the ball behind him as he realizes in horror that a dark demon managed to counter a hero's attack to prevent him from winning as he looks on his holy sword snaps in two causing him to scream in Terror the Knight continues to scream in disbelief even more so as his holy armor and Equipment also begin to shatter and crumble leaving him wearing nothing but his underwear he yells in bewilderment demanding to know what magic Cara used to break his holy sword and Equipment but the Assassin Cuts him short stating it is entirely his fault stepping forward she puts on a spectacle allowing her to view a monster name race and attributes confirming that vados has a good attribute in this world the soul is classified into two attributes with those who protect and show compassion to others being marked as good and those who place their self-interests and happiness first being marked as evil Cara comments on vor's good attribute and the elder god happily declares that he is a spirit that descended to protect his friends and family explaining that one can easily change between both as they are determined by one's actions the Assassin tells Norris that a hero gains the power to Vanquish Evil by acting along the ultimate boundaries of what is good calling himself selfish for ousting and hiding behind his allies during battle the hero desperately replies that he knows he isn't selfish explaining that he gave Cara money when he didn't need to after he was expelled and stating that it doesn't count as abandoning his comrades if he can still help them right then the Assassin sigh telling him that he doesn't feel that way inside and pointing out that his holy sword and Equipment have forsaken him using her spectacle she tells him to give it up while revealing that his attribute is now evil and thus has lost Divine Oracle and got Covenant seal breaker instead in this world those who have Divine oracles and possess blessed occupations are called gifted while those who lost or never had one are labeled as Covenant seal breaker and are generally despised by people Norris screams in desperation and Claws at his cheeks unwilling to believe it in asking the Assassin why she failed to tell him about this earlier as she grabbed his head in frustration she points out that it is pretty obvious that he shouldn't Exile or attack his allies she then states that he has failed as an adventurer as a hero and as a human being and that it's a given that one shouldn't betray one's companions in a party Norris then notices Cara in the distance and cowers asking the Assassin to save him since he doesn't want to die the woman swiftly pulls away preparing to use another holy water vial but Cara freezes her hand in place with his magic telling her that he doesn't want to be unreasonable and urging her to deist defiant she states that as she was paid she will keep her end of the bargain and fight until the end pulling her her silver knife and throwing it in his Direction Cara easily Dodges the attack stepping on two spirits to propel himself in the air and swiftly Advance towards her circling around to knock her unconscious with his staff the woman falls to the ground and as the former hero attempts to crawl away he is pinned To The Ground by Cecilia she is disappointed at the state of the current hero and as the angry man asks who she is she introduces herself as the Demon Lord of lust Cecilia continues to pin the former hero to the ground while stating that she is the person humans refer to as Demon Lord Cara approaches her apologizing for almost letting him Escape but she Winks at him while replying that he would have easily handled this regardless of her presence Norris attempts to crawl away once more only to be pinned down again he turns in fear at the somber Demon Lord stating that he wouldn't have gone in if he knew that she calmly replies that it is useless to cry about it since he is just paying the price for his actions and he wouldn't have lost his Divine Oracle if he hadn't been that foolish suggesting he might have lasted longer if he had worked together with his allly lies the former hero then starts to beg offering to become her subordinate if she spares him she violently steps on his back in response causing him to cry in pain as she declares that she doesn't need someone like him and coldly asks if he's trying to make a joke of the Demon Lord Army she explains to Cara that demons value themselves more than they do evil and that is the reason for them to join forces in search of profit and reach for goals that they wouldn't attain individually this being the glue that holds the demon Lord's army together while Carno wonders what she's trying to tell him the Demon Lord continues to declare that a former hero who abandoned his companions and ceased to be righteous is not even worth killing seeing his unconscious companions Cecilia tells Norris to leave the place immediately and the terrified man agrees Cecilia and Cara exchange a glance and the boy then summons spirits to lift the former hero the Holy Knight and the Battlemaster and carry them outside of the dungeon as the man screams the Assassin however remains in the room as Cecilia explains that they need to talk to her the Demon Lord then asks how the boy feels s removing his mask Cara happily tells her that it was quite satisfying so he thinks he's had enough he then declares that he will become a worthy opponent of humanity as a subordinate of Sicilia and that is the reason he's glad at being able to fight this gladdens the Demon Lord who then tells him that she will be counting on him from then on much to his Delight news of Humanity's hero being defeated and losing his Divine Oracle spread like wildfire and something sinister appears in calazan the land of Darkness ruled by the Demon Lord of greed one of his minions informs him of the events causing his kneeling Army to begin chattering sitting at top a dead Dragon the Demon Lord of greed dargaz zaga sums up the situation noting that not only did Cecilia steal his dungeon but also went ahead and took the head of the hero he then glows with rage standing up and cracking his knuckles while declaring that he will have a chat with Cecilia at the adventurers Guild in the Royal Capital The Guild Master slams the table in frustration upon learning that the hero has been defeated he frantically asks his assistant if the report is enti entirely true and she confirms it revealing that after the hero lost his Divine Oracle and got the Covenant seal breaker label the country executed him in secret while both of his companions were traumatized Beyond recovery sighing the man asks about the mercenary sent to train and watch over them and his assistant reports that she was probably captured as a source of information he fears that information about the country's strongest adventurers has been leaked but the woman points out that Aisha Alistair is a gifted and a veteran of many battlefields possessing the divine Oracle of assassin and she wouldn't sell Humanity out that easily The Guild Master notes that they don't have any resources to spare to save her merely accepting that she might die this exchange is observed by a horned spider perched on the assistant's shoulder which is then retrieved by a demon hiding nearby who then heads off to report this information to Cecilia at Cara's dungeon the boy realizes that there is no way to raise the dungeon's difficulty more than it already is since there are limits to the creation magic the boy can use Cara is determined to protect the the place for Cecilia and though Grandpa tries to reassure him noting that if it managed to defeat the hero it should be enough the boy retorts that he only managed to drive them away after catching them off guard he fears that veteran adventurers and troops of the demon Lord's army could just Walt through the door with their current preparations but their chat is interrupted by The Return of the Field Supervisor the massive Dragon emerges from the magic circle reporting that the number of facilities and traps he can make with his creation magic are simply too limited causing the boy to acknowledge that he still has plenty to learn the supervisor continues to explain that the Necromancer school's creation magic is used to strengthen strongholds and Undead but is unsuitable for defending labyrinths noting that one shouldn't let the facilities get to the limit of their operation he urges Cara to form an efficient operation Plan before departing alone the boy declares that he has an idea but he needs experience to succeed and would like to hear the opinion of a veteran who is knowledgeable on adventurers Dawning his helmet the boy rises from his pillow and heads to the dungeon to ask the Assassin for advice which GR Grandpa approves in the dungeon Asia nervously curses her captors and asks if that's how they treat their prisoners surrounded by cute cats she sweats as she asks if they believe those creatures will let them catch her off guard a cat meows at her before landing on her lap and she is barely able to resist its cuteness after it stands on its rear Paws she notes that the food she receives is limited to bread and soup but they do serve human food and she wonders if the cats are monsters before succumbing once again to their cuteness ASA continues to resist until one of them jumps back to the floor and turns over for her to play with him and despite one final struggle she finally relents and starts rubbing its tummy with joy she then Burrows her face in its fur noting that it smells like the sun and that she must keep the fact that she is a DieHard cat lover a secret and wondering how they found out about this Cara appears behind the bars and apologizes to her for that explaining that they had to read her soul while she was unconscious shocked she recognizes him as the demon from before and he explains that his necromancy skill of Soul reading allows him to obtain the name family upbringing and interests of the person in question the Assassin Shivers at this realizing that he is too powerful though inexperienced he is still capable of driving away the hero and must be on par with the Demon Lord which causes her to wonder why he's out at the front line between demons and humans Cara then lists all the information he knows about her including her occupation as assassin and her item Master ability as well as her being a patron of these stray cats of the capital in her spare time she covers her face in embarrassing at this apologizing for being a cat lover before hugging one and declaring that unlike humans they aren't Too Faced and can't let you down Cara thinks that this is a nice thing and she shouldn't be embarrassed about it but she bluntly replies that the cats may be under his control but he isn't doing her any favors stating that she won't spill any information and urging him to kill her if that's his intent as a mercenary she remains loyal to her employers and refuses to give any further information even at the cost of her life Cara understands this and proceeds to remove his helmet causing ASA to yell at him in confusion Aisha looks at Cara surprised to see a human serving the Demon Lord and the boy enters the cell innocently declaring that the Demon King's Army has better salary in treatment the Assassin wonders if that was the reason why he turned against humanity before realizing with dismay who he truly is Cara is surprised that she knows him and she explains that she was the one who introduced him to the hero noting his skills and how she thought he would be very useful regretting that he was fired before she rejoined the party I then asks him if he joined the demon Lord's army due to holding a grudge against the hero but he denies it noting that he doesn't have time to bother with revenge and did it purely for business the girl is unconvinced so in order to reassure her Cara hands her the truth of OST which glows red when it senses a lie so she can truly see the truth in his words she hesitantly takes and examines the Jewel and as the boy repeats his reason for attacking the party Aisha confirms it with surprise he was indeed telling the truth he goes on to state that though it it wasn't easy after he was fired he now enjoys working with Cecilia and has been learning a lot Cara explains that the demon and human races have very different cultural sensibilities and in Demon culture strength is everything be it wealth power prowess or charm and their strict social hierarchy is based on it appearances are also important to show this strength and Demon royalty prefers to dress like human Aristocrats and being cute is considered a weakness he then reveals that the cats and Aisha cell are the weakest to Demons which are used for training and for food and proceeds to grab one of the demon cats in front of the shocked girl and pet it Aisha fears a trap believing Cara will use her love of cats to pry information on humanity and is overtaken by the creature's cuteness as the boy explains that the mind of demons and humans differs primarily in the fact that demons don't find cuteness important he then explains that they are in the front line between humans and demons where Knights and adventurers come to attack thus to fight off those Intruders without killing them and taking their magical power he plans to make use of the cats to attract enemies who cannot easily be defeated and will not allow them to break through the Assassin angrily asks if he doesn't have any hesitation for betraying Humanity but he insists that the difference between humans and demons is more cultural than anything and she frighteningly confirms that the hero managed to turn a powerful Ally into an enemy with no hesitation in making enemies of mankind Cara then tells her that he needs an adviser who is knowledgeable about adventurers to help him build the dungeon offering her a contract of one 1 million gold and an annual salary of 10 million gold to be his subordinate explaining that she will be paid by Cecilia Aisha reluctantly admits that it would be twice her current pay and once Cara throws in the command of the ghost cats she jumps at the opportunity much to the boy's delight and hugs one of the cats inwardly she coldly notes that she can't refuse right then fearing the boy will kill her if he can't make her his subordinate she wonders if she should pretend to be his subordinate to use the opportunity to assassinate him noting the 100 million gold bounty on these seven demon Lords and deducing that there must be an appropriate Bounty for him Grandpa then suggests to Cara that he show her the current situation of the dungeon and he explains that he didn't get to complete it before the hero arrived Aisha notes that even the incomplete dungeon was a formidable challenge admitting that she might have nonetheless broken through if she spared no precious items though the nervous boy is convinced that Humanity has many strong figures the Assassin inwardly notes that it isn't so since things have changed in the capital and former heroic figures are decline while Cara only gets stronger as time passes and even now is nearly unbeatable for humans Grandpa suggests that they take a look around the dungeon and the boy cheerfully agrees and tells Aisha to accompany him deducing that she will need to know what she's dealing with if she's going to assassinate someone she coldly agrees Cara starts the tour of the dungeon at the entrance introducing her to the zombie dragon he placed as gatekeeper Aisha is terrified by the massive Beast while the boy explains that he convinced the soul of the Earth Dragon he defeated to become a a zombie promising to resurrect him if he reached the kill quota Grandpa notes that he might be a bit unreliable and the dragon starts to snarl at the Assassin until he calms it down urging it to only repel Intruders as much as possible in order to conserve his limited magical power Aisha is unimpressed by this so the boy leads her to the trap zone of the dungeon as the girl walks along the Cemetery Road she notices that they're going nowhere and the boy explains that he manipulated space time to create a NeverEnding path that could leave Intruders in any counter Fort stranded for a century he describes it as a small trap much to the girl's dismay and Grandpa simply declares that one could always get out of it using transfer magic and it could amount to at least a 5minute delay if they faced a hero the Assassin is shocked by their assumptions noting that there isn't a single Great Sage capable of using transfer magic and feeling her stomach tingle as she realizes that the dungeon is impenetrable Cara then gleefully leads her to the next traps and after a few hours they end in the Trap where the hero was defeated the boy shamefully admits that the dungeon is still Rough Around the Edges causing Aisha to lash out criticizing the lack of proper difficulty level describing the place as a half-baked version of hell he energetically declares that he needs to make it stronger to prevent anyone from breaking through but she counters that having a dragon at the start is already a mistake since it would cause anyone to flee before even attempting to enter the dungeon stating that it leaks out too much killing intent a portal opens and a huge Dragon emerges commenting on Aisha's toughness and noting that it is a disgrace for the engineer to not adhere to the user's demands asking the girl for suggestions so he can start on improvements the Assassin is overwhelmed by the dragon's presence feeling it might be an ancient dragon and the creature confirms this stating that it is merely a ghost now caram merily introduces him as ER declaring the ghost to be quite skillful with his hands and explaining that he helped with setting up the traps Grandpa laughs as he reveals that it is the progenitor of all dragons an old God whom he fought long ago while car innocently tells him that he didn't know much to Aisha's shock the Assassin then remembers the history of the world which used to be ruled by dragons terrorizing Humanity until the outer Gods manifested from outside the world and defeated the dragons retaking the land and becoming Humanity's leaders later the proper Gods gave a Chosen One among Humanity turning him into the hero and allowing him to oppose and subjugate the outer Gods ER declares that he doesn't want to be involved in the Affairs of the world being nothing but a spirit that obeys Cara for setting him free the boy then wonders if it isn't hard for him to talk to them in his huge true form and the dragon agrees before turning into a small winged Spirit as she sees the boy play with the spirit Aisha is terrified by the sheer power of Cecilia's followers realizing that Humanity can't win against them she suddenly begins to fear that they are only holding back due to the belief that there is someone stronger on the other side when in reality no one can oppose them she fears that upon learning the truth Cecilia might simply send the boy off to wipe out Humanity holding her face in horror as she imagines it Cara notices her worried expression but she excuses herself stating that she was thinking of the dungeon the Assassin then suggests that he curb his killing intent countering his concerns about letting people get through suggesting that Top Class adventurers might pass well knowing it isn't so she then suggests that he designed the areas around the entrance and midsection to be lowlevel to lure weak humans in to steal their magical power stating that her advice comes from experience the boy then realizes that he must build a dungeon and not a fortress and while Grandpa Praises her advice ER asks her for a detailed proposal for future improvements Aisha is aware that the world could be destroyed if Cara learned of Humanity's weakness and though she couldn't care less about the royalty church and knights who looked down on her she cares about her friends in the capital's slums and the Stray Cats she looks after and can't let them perish Cara enthusiastically discusses with ER and Grandpa about the improvements until he notices Aisha's concerned face again asking what's the matter she brushes It Off inwardly declaring her determination to infiltrate the demon Lord's army and preventing them from learning about Humanity's weakened State a month after the dungeon was remodeled a party fights some skeleton soldiers near the entrance of the Eternal coffin dungeon though one Adventurer is cut down the others manag to defeat the monsters and claim the reward one of them comments that it was the dungeon where the hero Was Defeated noting that it is easier than he thought while also noting that every time they defeat some monsters a treasure chest drops their wounded comrade calls out for help causing the man to finish him off with a sickening grin his ax wielding companion questions this but he retorts noting that they don't need weaklings and they can always recruit more Replacements to which the other man agrees as they move on he has been informed that there is a zombie dragon guarding the entrance and they will face many traps but the enemies before that point will be weak and they head further into the dungeon in search of more loot in response to the defeat of the hero's party the adventurers Guild designated the Eternal coffin dungeon as a first class danger zone warning ADV venturers to stay away some ignored These Warnings and as people flocked in search of treasure and fame they were confronted by the zombie dragon at the gate noting the weak enemies in the vicinity of the dungeon however several adventurers continued to flock to the site in search of safe treasure at the law rural underground Grand Palace Cecilia has summoned her executive Council it comprises of the orc Chieftain and the succubus matriarch Mamon and bagore Mamon is furious demanding an explanation about the situation and calling belfagor spineless after he tried to calm him down shutting him up by recalling his defeat at the hands of Cara meanwhile Cecilia Winks at the masked boy as he pours her some tea which he made using his grandma's recipe as the Demon Lord invites them to enjoy the beverage Mammon slams the table and criticizes her for seizing another demon Lord's property and then giving it to an unknown newcomer he explains that after her move greed's faction has been left with no dungeons subsisting on the magical power left behind by her predecessors asking if she is aware of what kind of of a crisis this is Cecilia Compares it to being cooped up in a house with no Farm or job noting that they will soon reach their limit Mamon insists on acting fast pointing out that despite the benefits of having the dungeon from a supply standpoint they are not stripping the adventures of their magic and are instead being robbed of gold and coins by them he demands that she take responsibility for this but Cecilia calmly asks Cara if he is certain that they are in a financial crisis and he explains that it is the first investment after Consulting with a financial advisor the doors open as he summons the adviser in and Aisha enters the room wearing a demon mask to hide her human identity Cara asks Aisha to explain the new dungeon to the executive Council the orc Chief notes that she smells like a human but the succubus matriarch points out that it is unlikely for Cecilia to bring a human into the kingdom being emphatically supported by bagore Mamon considers his buttering up to newcomers unsightly but the demon reluctantly admits that Cara is strong and he has yet to acknowledge that strength Mammon insists however noting that fighting alone will not bring peace and promising to discern the Newcomer's lies furiously telling them to State their plans Aisha quickly gauges the demon noting that he likes to corner and push people around surprised to see that demons are also capable of that kind of thing meanwhile Cecilia Giggles telling Cara that this is going to be fun causing the Assassin to notice how close they are before turning to start the meeting pulling the dungeon core she projects footage of the true appearance of the Eternal coffin dungeon that shows the two adventurers from before heading deeper into the dungeon the axe wielding Warrior suggests that they turn back but his companion insists that they continue a little longer to get to one last chest the men notice a door at the end of the road and smile at each other believing it to be the final door of the dungeon and violently kick it in in search of rewards as the gates burst open they enter an empty Vault startling a demon cat inside the axe wielder finds the cat cute disregarding his comrade's warnings and caressing the creature the other Adventurer also succumbs to the creature's cuteness but as he snaps out of it he sees other demon cats approaching he attempts to snap his partner out of it to no avail and as he prepares to deal with the cats the other Adventurer restrains him suddenly the cats turn violent dispatching the adventurers and allowing the spirits to suck their magical power they then collect the treasure the men were carrying and erase their memories before dragging them through a door and out of the dungeon Aisha then cuts the transmission and explains to the Aston executive committee that after the remodeling adventurers were baited with gold and items to spread rumors that the area is profitable using weak monsters they can reduce their magic consumption and the defeated adventurers are not killed but their items are confiscated Cara then explains that ghosts can alter the human mind and possess them so once the adventurers are defeated by the demon cats their minds are wiped and the cycle can be repeated squeezing the magic out of them over and over again the members of the executive committee are shocked at this with belore stating that the system is plain nasty Cara insists that they can keep on extracting the magical power from adventurers over and over again but the skeptical Mammon asks if they won't get suspicious if he were to make a mistake Aisha notes that the adventurers won't notice that their spoils are missing after their memories are wiped and they will keep returning in a manner similar to a gambling addict to a casino Cecilia understands this noting it is all about manipulating the human mind and Aisha continues to explain that they won't be taking any lives and that even The Souls of the weak can be a powerful energy source should they be drained repeatedly the zombie dragon acts as a separation between these safe and danger zones giving adventurers the impression that they will be safe as long as they don't go deeper and won't die even if they're defeated seeing the weak enemies they will become confident in their ability to deal with them and return time and time again thereby increasing the dungeon's profits Cara then hands them the projected results which Mamon inspects in disbelief as the boy notes that once the rumors start within the human realm the dungeon will be become extremely profitable he then thanks Aisha noting that the traps he used to make consumed a lot of magical power since he believed strong enemies would come at him with Brute Force which made the dungeon unprofitable the Assassin then lies to him stating that Humanity's main force is focused on the other demon Lords and they shouldn't have the resources to fight him as well the orc Chieftain and the succubus matriarch then praise Cecilia for thinking so far ahead but Mammon expresses further doubts as he notes that there is no method to give weak monsters like the cats the the ability to use charm magic and wondering what tricks they're using Aisha attempts to avoid the question stating that it is a trade secret but the demon suggests that they might have used valuable items or documents from the castle to achieve this lashing out with rage seeing this Cecilia asks if he doubts her declaring that she doesn't take any items from the castle or assist them directly which the boy enthusiastically confirms Cara then offers to give an explanation and as Aisha projects more footage the boy tells them that the monster cats are summoned by demons and are the lowest ranking monsters since their ability scores are comparable to regular animals the boy explains that despite being used as test subjects or emergency rations and treated as worthless the cats have a latent power turning to the succubus he asks what the requirements are for charm magic which she responds by fondling her breasts and noting that the more beautiful and seductive one is to the opposite sex the higher the Chan is to succeed the flustered Boy Thanks her and notes that charm isn't only about both Sexes while both him and belore continue to stare at the succubus pouting Cecilia rises from her seat and grabs Cara noting that his charms are effective on humans but wondering why the monster cats can use charm at all Mammon annoyingly tells her to save the flirting for later and Cara states that he owes it all to the kittens before summoning several heart-shaped Spirits the spirits immediately cause every demon present to see Cara as extremely cute with the Mammon the succubus and bagore grabbing their crotches in embarrassment as as they get aroused unaffected Cecilia sees this with a serious expression the demons continue to succumb to the lust and arousal provoked by the spirits holding their privates while becoming agitated Aisha notes that these are the spirits of prostitutes dancers and the like who can only be controlled by a highly skilled Necromancer this ability to affect the aura of inferiority is powerful and affects the creature's psychology causing one to lose its mind if they can't resist the Assassin is surprised that it worked against a supposedly IM imune succubus and notes how amusing it is that everyone saw those monsters as small fries after being deceived by their low rank the succubus partially slaps herself free from the spell asking how the Assassin seems to be unaffected Aisha explains that it is possible to prevent the effects with accurate information but that without a countermeasure even the top commanders of the demon Lord's army can be trapped the embarrassed succubus then notes that lewd Spirits are hard to come by being the handmaidens to the dark mother that is the ancestor of the succubi Cara innocently states that he asked for help and borrowed them explaining that they worked at their sister's tomb located next to his grandparents farm and they happily agreed to join him the spirits then expressed their Joy at their new job which the succubus finds Preposterous Cecilia then hugs Cara while inwardly noting that the lady who lives in the Tomb must be aasha the true ancestor of the succubi meaning that Cara is actually more powerful than herself and the matriarch of the succubi Mammon lashes out wondering how a weak monster managed to have the power to affect the top brass of the demon Lord's army and belfagor takes the chance to mock him for his pose before the former notes that he is in a similar situation holding his crotch the embarrassed orc Chieftain nervously suggests that they just go along with the flow since they can't be enemies with someone that powerful while the succubus matriarch wonders what the spirits said about him answering mammon's question Cara explains that allowing a lwd spirit to possess a cat enables it to use charm magic and the combination of the magic and the cat's own charm creates a potent effect he then then summons back the lwd spirits and Aisha explains that the cats are too cute and don't use magic and lwd Spirits are cheap to summon but if they keep using the magic of Attraction while possessed by the lewd Spirits they will soon learn how to use the spell themselves the succubus realizes that this would allow them to attack humans at relatively low magic costs which is praised by the orc Chieftain and belore the latter also notes that there must be other low-level monsters with abilities that can effectively be used against humans and they all clap at the scheme inwardly I should notes that they don't treat Little Monsters the same way they treat them since Cara is pretending to be one of them in a flashback the Assassin and the boy meet to discuss the dungeon remodeling a few days prior to the meeting and she was dismayed at the prospect of using the cats to fight humans protectively cuddling one of them the boy notes that she doesn't like demons attacking the cats which she confirms before admitting that since he can read her mind it's almost useless to lie she then declares her hatred towards both humans and demons and tells him that while he keeps talking about allies like it sounded good they tend to betray one another when their own interests are at stake and they tend to fight over trivial things the boy looks at her with sadness noting that she's been fighting as a mercenary for years despite not trusting anyone she explains that despite being blessed with a Divine Oracle she became a mercenary since she needs money to survive on her own noting that since people betray you and relationships are bothersome she just wishes to find a cat and treat it as her family telling him to laugh if he thinks it's stupid far from laughing caret tells her about his Grand grandparents and the fact that he works for Cecilia because she acknowledges and pays him and the Assassin realizes they're more alike than she thought gently taking the cat she was holding from her hands Cara tells Aisha that he wants to make sure that she takes care of the things she cares about and wants to help her with this so they first need the cats to become the best he is certain that Cecilia will understand and other demons might be swayed but they won't know unless they try causing her to skeptically think that humans and demons can't change that easily back in the present Cecilia proposes that they stop the unfair treatment of low-ranking monsters suggesting that they confirm their abilities and rate them on criteria other than combat power belore and the orc Chieftain vocally support her initiative and after some chatter among themselves the executive committee easily accepts the notion much to Aisha's disbelief inside Cecilia's Chambers in the underground Palace Cara performs his chores cleaning the room while Aisha and the Demon Lord look on Cecilia offers to help him and after he politely declines she notes that his idea to improve the lives of the cats is not entirely due to his new adviser as she cuddles one of the cats Aisha wonders if the entire organization will follow orders not to mistreat low-ranked monsters and she explains that commands from the superior are absolute the Assassin notes that it would be more complicated if it were human politics but Cecilia replies that she can't know if the demons will betray her she believed in Cara and he responded to her call so she wants to believe in the people she trusts causing the boy to blush Aisha checks her orb noting that it isn't glowing and she can't tell if they're telling the truth and that if she is being sincere then they are better than the humans who despised her for being a mercenary guessing her thoughts Cecilia reveals that she sent a spy to the Royal Capital to gather information she reassures Cara that Humanity won't be sending any Elite subjugation forces just to now as the hero has been executed also informing Aisha that the guild has marked her as dead she is shocked at this and a worried car tries to cheer her up noting that she can have anyone special brought to her that she wishes look looking for confirmation in cilia the Demon Lord stands up happily agreeing to allow it once he's recognized as a demon General and counting on Aisha's assistance the Assassin is terrified by her noting that she wouldn't make such moves even to earn her trust and she brushes it off stating that she prefers cats over Humanity not fooled by this the Demon Lord asks if she's worried that they will kill the other humans but she insists noting that humans always quarrel and live in a game of survival of the fittest Cecilia Praises her analogy and the Assassin asks her what her goal is in adopting a human within the demons and paying them so much to cause trouble among demonkind the Demon Lord becomes embarrassed at this and is reluctant to answer and Aisha is surprised to notice that she isn't lying Cecilia then shyly declares that she's interested in Humanity's culture such as love romance and marriage for the sake of knowing the magical link between the life of a child to a demon born one she shyly tells Cara that she would like to do something lovey-dovey causing the boy to scream in embarrassment and surprise elsewhere in the Grand Palace an underling confirms to Mammon that Cara is a human having beaten the information out of belor underlings he confirms the boy's identity as a necromancer asking what he makes of this to which Mammon replies with rage kicking down bagor men he orders a message to be sent to dargaz the Lord of greed inviting him to the underground Palace smiling with treacherous intent Cecilia asks Cara what she should do about her desire and an annoyed Aisha leaves the room despite the flustered boy please stating that romance is a recipe for trouble for an adventurer before shutting the door as they're left alone Cecilia gets really close to the startled boy and declares that it is like she read in her novels stating that they could go on dates and wondering what she should do after that Cara tells her that he never went on dates before and there weren't any girls close to his age in the area where he grew up and even if they were he treated them as sisters instead of romantic interests holding his hand she expresses her Joy at the fact that they're both first timers telling him that she doesn't know what to do and it is difficult to fall in love the boy pulls his hand away and nervously asks if she doesn't think it's a little strange since demons don't show a lot of public affection and aren't interested in love he's unaware of the reason though and Cecilia whimpers as she admits that love is an unfamiliar concept to them though she recalls that some demons do marry and have children having a realization she happily grabs Cara's hand and leads him on to visit the demons who got married they arrive at the orc trib's residential area outside of the castle and Cara notes how it resembles a human City while Grandpa notices the fur and leather products on sale and that the Orcs work as Craftsmen the surprised orc Chieftain welcomes them to the village and Cecilia tells them that she's making a quick inspection and Cara is still learning the ropes asking the Chie to inform him about Orcs Cara bows after she makes this request but the nervous demon tells him to raise his head since Orcs are considered low demons and other Orcs might take him as a fool the boy points out that they don't seem much different from any other demon much to the Orcs shock and Cecilia notes the difference in magical power between belore and the Orcs causing him to realize the low magical power they have Grandpa tells him that they won against belore only because of his Blessing though the Demon Lord inwardly notes that it was an Overkill since ndin and vados had insanely higher amounts of magical power the orc then explains that power is what divides lower from higher demons revealing that they don't get their nourishment from Magic but from eating food like humans do he is about to tell him something else when he's startled by by a voice telling him to prepare a lunch a human with pig ears glares at him relenting when the chieftain tells her that Cecilia is present after which she apologizes excusing herself due to her husband's absent mindedness Cecilia apologizes for the disturbance and asks to borrow her husband and she merrily accepts before sternly warning the chieftain that he is safe for now the terrified orc notes how half-human wives are scary explaining that Orcs cannot create their own children with magic and can only reproduce with humans or half human female Orcs Cara then recalls that Orcs used to kidnap human women to mate with them but the last raid happened over a hundred years ago the sad Chieftain admits that they have been living in poverty under Cecilia's protection since goblins and ogres have seized their territory and due to a lack of human females he has been living with bad-tempered orc girls he explains that Orcs were created when the outer Gods chose some pigs and gave them magic explaining why they consume pigs for their minuscule amounts of magic ndin suddenly remembers this recalling that the Orcs in his time were a ferocious race with high life force intended to explore the land the chieftain's children then approach him crying for their lunch and their mother yells at them for whining in front of the Demon Lord the orc Chieftain then asks for leave to cook dinner for his children and Cecilia agrees while asking to see how they live the orc is startled by this request but agrees nonetheless leading her and Cara to his house inside of the chieftain's house Cara notes how it smells like rotten zombies and Cecilia praises the lovely scent coming from the tox swamp in the backyard the Demon Lord Peaks around with curiosity innocently stating that they intentionally sleep in the same room to deepen their bonds and as the orc explains that the living space is too narrow Cara apologizes for her remarks the orc then excuses himself as he must prepare food but Cara expresses his interest in what orc food tastes like gladly accepting his offer to serve him some food after some time he places a platter of foul smelling salted Carion with shriveled vegetables on the table causing his children's mouths to water and Cecilia and Cara to look at it with shock Grandpa notes that they don't seem to be able to store food properly and that though their physique allows them to eat that food Cara will probably get food poisoning the chieftain explains that they find vegetables and monster carcasses outside the dungeon but their food is pig feed compared to the food consumed by higher demons he tells them that fresh meat and vegetables is but a dream and he would like to feed his kids some proper food just once hearing this Cara offers to lend a hand and uses his power of status restoration to turn back time and revert the food to its fresh State turning the dish to Salty juicy meat with fresh vegetables the Orcs are shocked by this and Cecilia notes that it is an application of the atrophy spell that he used before Cara embarrassingly notes that it is one of the very basic spells for time manipulation but Cecilia inwardly remarks that even great Mages would prostrate themselves in front of him to learn such a spell noting that the boy is on another level altogether ndin and vados then ask the Necro romancer to lend them some of his mana and Cecilia allows this telling the boy to go ahead with a bang as they head outside the boy lends the outer Gods SAA and they adopt their true forms shocking the chieftain and his family with their menacing appearance and intense magic power approaching the toxic swamp the gods decide to work together using their ancient magic to revive the earth a bright light shines and the ground rumbles as the land is healed and green starts to sprout from the barren land turning the area into a lush Meadow blessed with the Earth's Grace and the light's blessing allowing the Orcs to grow vegetables Cara asks why they didn't use that to fix his grandparents Farm but Grandpa explains that the tomb was too cursed for them to purify it the orc villagers soon arrive startled by the commotion astonished to see vegetables growing vados tells the orc Chieftain that they must build a proper Farm to keep having vegetables and the shocked monster asks Cecilia if she will bestow them a farm smiling the Demon Lord declares that those lands fall under the rule of her castle and it would benefit them if Orcs had full bellies and worked with more energy the chieftain then declares to his family and people that from now on they can eat as many vegetables as they want which they all find amazing they Rush towards Cara calling him their Savior and hoisting him up in the air while giving three cheers for their Demon Lord and hailing the boy as the new demon General seeing the orc and his family sobbing gratitude and Cara being cheered Cecilia Smiles as she confirms that he is the type of person that she thought he was at the underground Palace a Content Cecilia jumps to her bed after becoming stuffed at the orc's Feast of meat and vegetables she tells him that freshly picked vegetables are so full of magic energy that they are perfect for a demon praising the boy he states that it was Grandpa who revitalized the soil and she notes that he doesn't seem to understand how amazing it is that he made a contract with noddin and vados to bring back their powers telling him to leave it at that she then tells him that her heart has been beating faster than usual since they met looking at her novels and wondering if the the throbbing in her chest might be love noting how nice it feels Cara admits that he isn't sure about that either but will do whatever he can since he wants her to be happy enthusiastically declaring that he will do his best with love too Cecilia Winks at him playfully asking if he's considering love as part of his job and as the flustered boy starts to reply she teases him dragging him to the bed with her as they lay side by side she looks at him and asks if he knows why demons don't fall in love or get married telling him it is because of the ancient stories about the old gods he recalls the stories about the origins of demons and the seven Great demon Lords who were born after the old gods were destroyed during the rebellion of mankind Cecilia reveals that as the Demon Lord of lust she inherited the mark of inheritance representing the outer God bastet which is the final trump card that has been protected by successive generations of the Demon Lord of lust rising in the room she tells Cara that its magic power Rivals even that of an outer God but she's at her limit since the magic is far too great for her soul vessel to withstand she explains that as the powers passed on over time it becomes progressively more unstable and she fears that she may not even be able to create an air she believes that there is one method however that may allow her to repair the damage from bastet's Soul Vessel sitting next to Cara in bed she holds her belly while declaring that she must create a new Demon Soul inside her just like any other ordinary being creating a new life and a New Soul that is not tampered by the mark of Ruin she describes this as similar to transferring the contents of a nearly broken vessel into a new undamaged one getting even closer she rests her head on the boy and gently asks him if he will fall in love with her in the realm of the Demon Lord Cecilia the existence of a monster who has made a pact with the outer gods and can manipulate them at will has become known though his name was unknown the demons have taken to naming him Sabbath the one who rules the outer gods in Cecilia's bedroom the Demon Lord nearly melted how cute Cara looks in his terrifying demon General armor the boy isn't pleased however since he can barely move with all the heavy plate though Aisha notes that he would normally be dead after wearing so many cursed items he states that he doesn't mind the curse since it boosts his powers Cecilia wonders if the size of the armor is off and the boy asks if he can take off the suit and wear regular ceremonial clothes that day to which she happily agrees Aisha asks if he is about to reveal his name and race as he is about to join the demon Lord's army but she notes that it would cause too much trouble since the boy has a family living in the human realm and there is no problem with him being a mysterious demon the Assassin points out that if it were the human realm it would be impossible to promote him since it would be too suspicious but she playfully reminds her that she is a Demon Lord Cara considers this cool and Cecilia immediately rushes towards him and holds him tight asking if he will fall in love with her the nervous boy hesitates before embarrassingly telling her that it is impossible since he's still a child and doesn't know if he can make Cecilia happy she notes that it is still too early for a relationship pressing his cheeks and whispering in his ear if happiness is a thing one can receive from someone Cecilia then tells him that she believes she would be happy with the person she chooses to hold hands with stating that was the conclusion she learned from the humans and Orcs regarding the culture of marriage she tells him that he will have plenty of time to think about it while serving under her so they should be happy for a little longer and the boy agrees they smile at each other while holding hands until Aisha reminds them that it's time to go causing the boy to apologize while the Demon Lord notes how cute he looks in his formal attire as the Assassin opens the gates they head towards Cara's swearin ceremony for the demon Lord's army in the Castle's corridors a succubus tells an orc about how excited she is about Sabbath's swearin ceremony while the orc notes how the newcomer defeated the demon General belfagor despite starting out as the lowest ranking demon Soldier the succubus then states that Cecilia and Sabbath's wish seems to be that new recruits start at the lowest rank finding it amazing but the orc refrains from being impudent since he might soon get promot oted while the former notes that the field that was built for them was the promotion their chat is interrupted when Mamon snars behind them causing them to turn in fear the demon then tells them to get out of his way coldly staring down at them until they bow and apologize as he and his followers pass by the orc asks the succubus if Mammon is unhappy about Sabbath joining the Army and she explains that he used to be second in rank only to bagore but with the Newcomer's rise it is only a matter of time before he is surpassed the orc then declares that he will stay out of the power struggle brewing in the higher ranks and Mammon continues to walk furiously while inwardly warning Cara to not get too carried away and promising Vengeance the doors Creek open as Cecilia and Cara enter the grand hall for the swearing in ceremony as if it were a wedding the pair proceeded along the aisle towards an altar while crowds of demons cheer for them and Spirits throw rose pedals from overhead belore the orc Chieftain and The sucubus Matriarch cheer for them while Aisha looks from a corner and some demons watch the scene with contempt as they reach an altar a demonic priest asks Cara if he pledges his power achievements and territory to Cecilia and they both hold hands while their marks glow with power firmly gripping each other the boy swears Allegiance as the girl smiles the ceremony is interrupted by an orc guard barging through the gates frantically informing those present of an enemy attack belore turns with incredulity stating that the castle is only known to the Demon Lord of lust and that they couldn't be attacked there but the guard informs them that a plundering Force centered around ogres is hammering at the castle Gates everyone then braces as the castle shakes Furious belore unfurls his wings and declares that he will bring judgment upon the attackers before flying through the doors at the castle entrance a massive ogre manages to Pummel through the gates with his hammer and advances crushing the orc in his path as the rest flee the guards wonder what happened with the barrier with one noting that Mammon was in charge of it the grinning ogre prepares to slam two more guards with his hammer but is stopped by belfagor timely arrival the demon General uses his lightning of Despair to zap the creature and it causes it to explode the Orcs are amazed by belor power as he lands in front of them and rallies the troops to hold the breach until reinforcements arrive the demon General is reassured by his performance noting that he is strong and Cara is abnormal one of his subordinates asks for his help to hold back the tide of ogres and he uses the full power of the lightning of Despair to blast the monsters back to the broken gate his troops cheer on until a massive ogre Lord wielding a Morning Star approaches belfagor uses his lightning attack once more creating a huge explosion but as the dust clears up the ogre Lord charges straight at him he barely Dodges the Morning Star as it smashes into the ground where he once stood And he grimaces as he realizes that at this rate he will be defeated as those present chatter about the situation a demon enters the grand hall and reports that the main gate has been breached and the enemy is approaching and though belor is holding them off he is heavily outnumbered and will soon be overrun Cecilia notes that the enemy's Advance should be deterred as long as the barrier held up inwardly wondering how they knew of the Castle's location she briefly considers the possibility that they went through the dungeon but doesn't see how it would be possible without an inside ability like the one Cara used realizing that there must be a traitor in their midst Cara asks if the barrier was the one that he broke but she tells him that she repaired it soon after and Mammon was put in charge urging a demon to find him she wonders if the demon just slipped up but leaves it be for the moment while asking Cara to join the fight immediately the boy agrees noting that though the ceremony isn't complete he is already her subordinate and will protect her to the end stepping down from the altar he activates his Mark and asks her to raise the barrier the Earth Dragon manifests itself from his shadow shocking those present as it stands at the altar and starts to form a dimensional barrier lines in the ground begin to shine and extend outwards and Cecilia notes that the castle is being engulfed by a massive barrier and the Earth veins are being fully controlled ER states that he borrowed them since it was an emergency apologizing for acting out of line while bowing down to her the demons are surprised to see this and one of them notes that it must be a trick since it would be impossible for a single individual to erect a barrier that would require the power of several hundred highclass demons ER declares that The Invasion has been suppressed and Escape of the attacker's barred with Communications being cut off proclaiming this in the name of the dragon of creation he then lets out a chilling Roar unleashing his full power and activating all the Earth lines the lines extend towards the castle gate blasting all ogre forces outside of it and covering the entire Castle in a barrier the dragon declares that he has divided the area with a space-time barrier cutting the castle from the rest of the world and making time superficial as well as explaining that they will be confined in the compound for a while Cara happily thanks the Dragon for his Aid stating that would be all and the demons look on in bewilderment since they never heard of such powerful magic concluding its best to not mess with the dragon Cara then turns to Cecilia stating that it was an adrenaline rush and asking if he did did all right in response the Demon Lord merily Pats him on the head and calls him a good boy which the demons find amazing the dimensional barrier protects the castle belore has managed to defeat the ogre Lord and even though the barrier has stopped The Invasion he's still confronted by multiple foes defiantly he attempts to use his lightning power once more to no avail the ogres laugh realizing the demon General has run out of magic and prepare to finish him off for giving them so much trouble bagore braces for the inevitable but is saved as the lightning explosion blows the ogres away the demon is startled to be alive and turns at the sound of footsteps to see Cara and ndin make their grand entrance into the fry Cara asks if he's okay and bagore is startled to see that he came to his Aid ndin however Grunts and Praises his effort stating that he has worked hard as heir to his Mark and his opinion of him might have improved causing the demon to thank him wholeheartedly Cara and noddin then head off to handle the rest the boy will not forgive the insolence of those who have entered Cecilia castle without permission and he allows ndin to unleash his full power telling the ogres to observe true lightning he uses the lightning of Despair to tear the ground asunder and he obliterates all enemies before him leaving only sizzling bodies on the ground the God notes that it turned out as expected commenting that the fry was a great warm-up for his old body and causing the surviving ogres to shiver in Terror with renewed Spirit the orc Warriors cheer at Sabbath and bagore rejoins the phas stating their goal to destroy all enemies that have entered the castle the Orcs yell their war cry as they charge at the surviving ogres aided by demons and the battle resumes sometime later the doors of the grand hall slam open as an Orc declares that it is only a matter of time until Sabbath subdues the Invaders and drives them out Cecilia expected this fully trusting in his ability to succeed but still wonders how the enemy knew of the Castle's location since even the rest of the seven demon Lords were unaware of its existence she also finds the timing of the barrier's malfunction to be too convenient and scans the crowd realizing that Mammon and Aisha are absent confirming her hunch Mammon watches in bewilderment From a Balcony as the battle rages outside of the castle seeing his scheme crumbling to dust as the ogres are obliterated his Aid asks him what they're going to do as the demon bites his nails with anxiety realizing that the ogre Army is going to be wiped out and wondering if he made the wrong choice joining forces with him Aisha stealthily appears behind him and agrees placing a dagger at his throat and stating that the wrong choice was to betray his Demon Lord the startled AIDS realize she is one of Sabbath's men but she warns them to remain where they are or else she will slit their Leader's throat they state that only a human would behave in such a cowardly manner but she furiously retorts for all their talk about cowardice it is them who betrayed their lord Mamon is startled realizing she had been monitoring his movements and she states that he is an amateur since lifting the Castle's barrier right before an attack was too suspicious declaring that he might be good at counting coins but not at at scheming With Victory out of the question Aisha tells the demon to surrender El he perish on the spot she then senses a presence behind her and turns her head only to be slammed across the room along with Mammon she briefly regains her pose before an invisible hand grabs her by the neck and lifts her from the ground realizing her foe is using an invisibility skill she asks aloud if it is an assassin and attempts to stab at him staying her Blade the figure becomes visible and reveals himself to be the Demon Lord of greed dargaz zaga Aisha drops blade and the terrified Mammon straightens his glasses as he stares at the Towering Demon Lord dargas asks him if Cecilia is inside and as the cowering demon frantically nods in agreement the Demon Lord Smiles manically yelling at the Demon Lord of lust to wait for him as darkas chokes Aisha Mammon asks him if he has come to their aid laughing at the notion he declares that he doesn't need any incompetent subordinates tightening his grip on the Assassin as he calls the demon pathetic for being defeated by a human the demon then bows begging for forgiveness foress but dargaz coldly tells him that taking credit for Breaking the Barrier won't change the outcome of the battle whatsoever reminding him to know his place as Mammon and his subordinates look on in shock and confusion the Demon Lord of greed reveals that he came to the castle with his strongest subordinates the three great demon generals of greed all of them are immensely more powerful than the ogre Cara defeated in the dungeon and their Master is confident that they won't lose to a necromancer Mamon interjects that the boy has outer gods in his service but the Demon Lord scornfully dismisses this stating that there are no existences as outrageously powerful as the outer gods and that there is no way that the Necromancer is followed by several of them stating that they are just powerful Undead embracing this explanation Mamon declares that there is no way that a human could possess the power to defeat a Demon Lord and dargaz warns him to not drop his guard since the boy had more than enough strength to dispose of the hero but is still confident that his three demon generals will crush him the generals include the most powerful ogre swords man wielding the holy sword vados that was stolen from humans and is supported by the strongest M and Witch Doctor among the ogres meaning that this time Cara will perish for sure at the same time Cara comes across the three demon generals of greed in the battlefield they introduce themselves as janith Le the purist Samurai chosen by the holy sword vados sus Ali marked by the evil eye that destroys all and Pali the great Magician of spirit magic bearer of the mark of Ruin wielding the holy sword The Swordsman declares that by order of his Lord he shall take Cara's life and unleashes a mountain cutting blade attack while backed by a breath of scorched Earth and evil eye of instant death attack from his comrades Cara releases vados allowing him to take possession of his staff and uses swallow flight flash to launch an arching attack that repels and defeats all three demon generals the ogres soon lay on the ground with the Holy sword wobbling in the air and an angry vados sitting on the swordsman's chest burnt and battered the two other generals tearfully apologize to Cara and the enraged outer God recognizes the blade as his own and begins pounding at The Swordsman head with his firy fist holding the blade Cara recognizes it as identical to the toy vados gave him to learn swordsmanship declaring that the Gody decorations make him sick vados demands to know if the ogre swordsman was responsible for the modifications but he tearfully swears that it wasn't the case and the blade was like that before dargaz gave it to him the outer God then grabs him by the head sizzling his flesh as he checks the validity of his statement belore watches this from a distance surprised that Cara was able to defeat the three demon generals with a single strike The cined Swordsman tearfully offers to tell them anything they wish to know if they spare his life and Cara asks if the main Force consisted of all those present the ogre confirms this stating that they were tasked with carrying out a frontal assault while their Demon Lord snuck through the Gap in the defenses to assassinate Cecilia Cara is shocked to hear this realizing that the Demon Lord of lust is in grave Danger Cara furiously demands that the demon General explain himself concerning the assassination attempt desperate The Swordsman explains that Wars between demon Lords will continue until one has their soul taken and destroyed so in order to achieve Victory one needs to kill the enemy Demon Lord before they can escape vados then suggests to Cara that they hurry back to Cecilia's Aid and the boy agrees while leaving bagore to deal with the situation there which the demon General enthusiastically accepts the ogres see the situation realizing that their demon generals have been defe beated and attempt to flee in panic having no way out due to the barrier they desperately triy to find a way out inside the castle and attempt to get inside carer realizes that the situation is out of control and they can't allow any more ogres to enter the castle and as a demon pleads for him and belore to help them the latter tells him to leave it to him Cara agrees but offers some assistance causing the dead ogres to reanimate as zombies the demon General is shocked by this but Cara merely declares that he can make a zombie as long as there is a corpse but a fresh one is is definitely better bagore finds this extremely vulgar and is shocked to see the reanimated ogre Lord fighting his former comrades he tells Cara to leave since everything will be fine there and The Necromancer summons his ghosts to carry him to the castle at the same time inside the castle Mamon offers to lead darkas to Cecilia and asks what he will do with Aisha whom he is still choking and the Demon Lord of greed tells him that he will enjoy her for a while and then tosser as side the Assassin describes his asent noting that he rules over the lucasan Wilderness and is the lord of the orc and Goblin plundering tribes who move from place to place as they raid human lands as well as having three demon generals with strength comparable to that of a hero under his command she realizes that if dargaz wins there it means that Humanity will suffer countless casualties and Cecilia and Cara are the better options by far swiftly she drops an object that emits a bright light that temporarily blinds all those present seizing the opportunity Aisha kicks dargaz Square in the jaw and leaps backwards throwing a smoke bomb to to conceal her movements undaunted the Demon Lord unleashes a Sonic cut attack that clears the smoke and barely misses Aisha but Cuts one of the Demons clean in half the Assassin quickly recognizes the attack noting that before she thought that he was an assassin due to his use of concealment but only an exceptionally skilled martial artist or brawler can use Sonic cut as she wonders if he has two marks dargaz unleashes a cyclone attack that only wind spirit magic users can use unable to withstand it she's thrown back and slams against the wall the Demon Lord notes that she gave him a hard time praising her for blindsiding him while picking up the item she used he notes that it is nothing new deducing that it must be enhanced by the gifted Mark he then declares his desire to possess something that rare grabbing Aisha and tearing her clothes to shreds in an attempt to see the mark his eyes glowing with lust and greed
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 558,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 45sec (5985 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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