This Isekai Manga Needs an Anime..

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during the school trip Toca and his teammates are summoned to another world however Toco was the only one with the lowest rank e-rank an extremely low status compared to his classmates thus the former mob character and abandoned hero will absolutely become the strongest devil as he advances and Strikes Back a is staring at what is probably inevitable Doom for him he runs away from danger but the monster is in Pursuit lots of thoughts race through his mind but none more than the obvious question how exactly did he end up here he remembers vividly who would forget the day that his class was summoned by the goddess vices she had previously summoned the class to A Whole New World she calls them chosen beings and says they are chosen for the task because they are heroes but then before she lets them do the task She carries out a little task of her own based on the results of the aptitude tests she made the class take one person must be eliminated mimori Toka is the one who is called out he's to be disposed of immediately Toka barely has time to react before the goddess explains further he tells them that they were summoned to the other world to defeat the Demon Lord they needed to take the test so they could determine who is strong enough there are six ranks available from highest to lowest S rank a rank b-rank C Rank d-rank and e-rank the whole class took the aptitude test but Toca is the only one with an e-ranked result the goddess concludes that he would probably slow the higher ranked Heroes down and that's why she chose to get rid of him desperately took completes with the goddess for Mercy while he understands that he's never been the major character in a play he still argues that disposing of him would be a terrible decision he also points out that disposing of Finn would mean she would dispose of anyone the moment they aren't needed anymore he expects that this would rile up his classmates and that they would argue in his favor if only it were that easy toko's classmates are indifferent to what the goddess said after all they are not e-ranked Warriors and it doesn't affect them Toka just about loses all hope before someone finally comes to his rescue Aya kasoko an s-rank hero Sogo argues that he shouldn't be disposed of as he never decided to become an Iran hero Toco is comfortable thinking everyone would surely be on his side now it's a shocker when Vice sent the class leader flying with one move and then accuses Toka of affecting a string Warrior's mind and just like that the entire class begins to reject and make fun of Toca it's almost as if they weren't classmates some time ago the ruthless goddess rounds Toka up and is about to dispose of him she asks for his last words Toka after a moment of Anguish to finally raise his middle finger at the goddess and so she disposes of him sometime later Toco wakes up in what seems like a cave he's still alive but is confused about what to do then he recalls that God is talking about skills she mentioned that everyone was given skills the moment they came in he opens the status window to check his skills unfortunately he doesn't realize the danger just behind him when he sees the monster he immediately runs as fast as his legs can allow the initial plan is to locate others that were disposed of and form a group with them he gives up on his plans when he notices the skeletons lying around so he was put here to die he checks the status window to see if any skill can save him from Death his current skills are sleep paralysis and poison these are all level 1 skills no wonder he was thrown away as the monster approaches he looks away and attempts to last gasp attack using paralysis it works as the monster is rooted to the spot his skills don't seem so bad now he even uses poison which also works on the monster after one hour under the poison the monster dies taking the skeleton's coat Toka decides to get stronger and explore this new world after all he has a point to prove and a certain goddess to take revenge on time passes and the revenge seeking Toca finally starts to get the hang of the labyrinth with his paralysis skill he doesn't even have to come up close to the enemy the only problem is that when they attack in numbers whether in singles or multiples though Toka manages to defeat every monster that crosses his path as for his abilities he successfully analyzed each of them and found a few things paralysis in sleep only last one hour poison lasts till death and the range of using these abilities is as long as 20 meters he remembers the stats and realize that he's leveled up after his last battle with the monster he feels a lot stronger but must check for himself then Toka starts to think he thinks about the Ruth's Goddess that condemned him to his fate the more he remembers her the angrier he gets even further down his train of thought he remembers his parents and how badly they treated him the neighbors couldn't even help him because his parents always seem to be lurking around come to think of it this isn't his first experience with hell his entire life has been hell Toca shrugs it off and is drawn back to reality he realizes that his paralysis effect is running out of time then he has an idea what if one combines sleep paralysis and poison effects he decides to test it out and it works this means he can now just stand still and finish off his enemies as long as they're within his range with his recent discovery all the monsters start to look like bonus experience points his parents vices Toka can't stop thinking about people who don't deserve to live since they tried so hard to kill him he resolves to train harder until he's faster and stronger he checks the status window after he notifies him that he is leveled up looks like his skills are up to level 2 now Toka Ventures deeper into the Labyrinth also called the ruins of disposal he stumbles across a big book which he glances through something captures his interest there it's a page that says Beware of the Soul Eater could that be some sort of monster even without that page the book seems so beneficial that Toca decides to take it he asks for permission from the old sage who would have replied if skeletons could talk or were alive at least while looking for the exit of the labyrinth he finds a safe room it doesn't feel comfortable but he has no choice needs a way out as soon as possible and he's also running low on food this place looks like a man-made design structure unlike the rest of the ruins Toco wonders just how much time must have passed on the outside he wouldn't have survived without his skills no doubt about that the skills keep growing day by day and the more they grow the more the things they can do increase for example his sleep paralysis and poison skills can now be used to Target multiple opponents at once as long as he can visualize opponents he can use his skills on them the only problem is when they attack through his blind spot then again his Instinct seemed to be heightened after facing opponents that attack blind spots speaking of heightened senses it was all he could do to dodge an incoming Sting from a giant monster scorpion-like tail it's not just a giant it's also an undead with Rotting Flesh but his skills even work against this monster only one way to find out it's almost as if he's enjoying this meanwhile outside the ruins there's one person in particular who misses Toka Kashima kobato remembers their good times she remembers they once took a stray cat to see the vet he or she confessed being a weak coward and Toca cheers her up saying that being a weak kind person is much better than being a scary Maniac kovato is rudely interrupted by ikasaba asagi and what looks like her gang asuki tells them that sna-raked Heroes can do whatever they want she suggests that the rest of the class form groups to increase their chances of survival of course she doesn't fancy during Kashima that much she just needs to beautiful body to attract boys that would protect them quite the plan I must say asuki reveals that she's not trusting the goddess to send them back home after all the God is selfishly abducted the kids without prior notice she leaves Kashima alone to ponder about Toca and whether she needs to stop being such a kind coward meanwhile Toka is reading the Sage's book back at the ruins he learns that his name was Angeline birthrad he was called the Great Sage by some and dark hero by others he was sent to the ruins because he had become an eyesore to the ruthless vices that means that the Labyrinth isn't a place to dispose of e-ranks but also to dispose of those who inconvenience her this lady is pure evil according to Toca he sets back out remembering he always wanted to be a kind person yet here he is killing so many monsters and not caring he sees a door and concludes that an exit should be close by he manages to find an exit but just in front of it is a gigantic head that looks asleep Toco has played enough games to know that this is usually a trap he reads the statue's skill something he learned he could do recently and found out that it's a very powerful one so he decides to attack from distance with paralysis before he can call out the move the statue sends a beam that he barely Dodges wait a minute this guy is no ordinary statue he's the Soul Eater Toca hides in the corner to analyze the situation every time he's tried to use his skill the Soul Eater used his beam first it's almost as if his moves are being predicted for sure the Soul Leader must be the boss of the labyrinth since he can't use skills without talking he contemplates going back and getting stronger first but that would be difficult because he already wiped out most of the monsters there Toco briefly contemplates giving up but immediately he thinks that the ruthless goddess and he changes his mind the Soul Eater is releasing something that looks like slime from his mouth wait a minute the Slime is taking shape it transforms into all of the victims of the goddess and the Soul Eater now that's just emotionally sick the Soul Eater seems to be enjoying tokus lookup horror as the man looks beaten already Coco paralyzes them but he refuses to do any more than that because they're his fellow victims the Slime humans slowly break out of the paralysis and approach the horrify Toca Toca calls out for help and as it means a taunting him the Soul Leader Glides toward him unguarded big mistake immediately he sees an opening and Toca paralyzes the Soul Eater and all the Slime humans all his act was a charade and the cocky Soul Eater fell for it Toca is far from being broken and he proves it by releasing poison to the horror of the Soul Eater it struggles to set itself free from paralysis but is only exposing itself to extra damage Toka stays to see the end of it once paralysis is about to end he uses the sleeping skill just to make sure the Soul Eater stays put finally the system notifies him that he's leveled up this must mean the Soul Eater is dead Toko looks on in pity at the entrapped souls he must have hit something amazing then happens so Soul Eater opens its mouth and releases all the entrapped Souls the souls thank Toka for defeating the Soul Leader and other monsters that killed them he even sees the soul who owned the code he's currently wearing he offers Toca some gems which he hid before his death Toko looks further and sees a man who he recognizes Anglin the Great Sage he doesn't hear what Anglin tries to say for some reason then the souls come together and fade away they leave with One Plea please defeat the goddess he's not under obligation to grant that plea but he was going to try anyway finally Toka steps out of the labyrinth and into the sunlight it's a nostalgic feeling on that day a piece of information would spread throughout the continent in the far Northern reaches home to countless demons the great demon Emperor's armies had begun their March to the South the Cornerstone of the north the kingdom of magnar's Pride the great Fortress Knight wall has fallen each country was forced to plan their countermeasures and the kingdom of alien headed by the goddess vices was no exception a battle is set to begin and it's made up of rulers conquerors fugitives Avengers and also pawns just like the ones gathered by the goddess of Isis in the forest there's a high speed foot chase going on a strange woman runs from a group of men even with her fast legs they manage to catch up with her no surprise there they are Direct's descendants of the heroes of old after all it's a group of four that any mercenary would know the white walkers There's A Lash Feinberg called the Fang Asura called the Demonic Heavenly Body geobane sengai called the overwhelming Force Emma God's burdinus called The Sword God the strange Runner knows she can't avoid the group for long so she decides to face them she invokes the regalia of the spirits sulfixia feral benga and willowzega armed with the spirits she is ready to face them she deduces that their mission is to bring her in alive especially since they haven't hit any critical points and are holding back her stamina is quickly depleting so she needs to end the battle as soon as possible she amplifies her five senses but immediately starts to feel a strong sense of death the pressure is too overwhelming and she can't keep up with it it's just the end of her strange Runner meanwhile Toka is in the forest he reads the book that England Left Behind the encyclopedia on the Forbidden Arts here already learned a lot from the book for example goddess vices has a passive skill the goddess disenchantment which creates a barrier around her that deflects all status elements without fail unfortunately this means that Revenge would be even more difficult than he originally thought it doesn't put him off though another thing he learned is that the success rate of status ailment skills in this world are extremely low which is probably why the God has tried to dispose of him but then why do his skills work every time what if Frank E stands for extra maybe he was given those extra gifts because he was chosen at this point it's the only theory that makes sense to him lastly in the encyclopedia there is a scroll titled Spellbook of incantation but he can't understand the language when his class came in the goddess said that all characters are automatically transformed into Japanese this must mean that she can't translate this book either the special book is in the hands of the extra ranked man no it could just be a coincidence he then gets up to leave he has all the Time in the World to solve this after all he doesn't take too many steps before he hears a noise and looks back it's a group of five slimes gathered against just one how unfair he remembers that he's yet to check his new skills defeating the Soul Eater he checks and sees that part of it is the non-lethal poison release there's also a partial paralysis release this would be beneficial if he's fighting to torture and not kill to test out his new skill set he uses the fighting slimes as his guinea pig he activates the non-lethal poison option and they are in serious pain but don't die good he finally deactivates it and the slimes run off well all but one the Slime he saved pulls his shirt to be seen PE it says he translated to mean thank you he sets back out but the Slime holds on to him looks like he's just found a companion the little monster doesn't exhibit bloodlust he allows it to stay it smartly wraps itself around him like a belt since Monsters can't be brought to town monsters have a detection skill maybe this relationship could prove beneficial he calls it pigi Maru because of the sound it makes the new companion barely takes a couple of steps together when piki pulls him back and just in time he really just keeps a dagger thrown at him by a strange man no it's a group of people four to be precise Toca isn't whom the white walkers seek but they're ready to kill the strange boy in the woods after all he might be an accomplice to their target they threaten Toka to give them the strange runner's location but he doesn't know whom they refer to he doesn't want to fight and pleads with them to spare him saying he doesn't know the woman the white walkers don't care if he's telling the truth or not they decide to play bully and even test out their new weapons the sword God commands his dagger to come back to him he's ready to finish off the stranger with the dagger still seeking to avoid a fight Toco begs The Swordsman to let him go with the smirk The Swordsman refused not knowing he just spells his inevitable Doom Toco paralyzes the white walkers which is more of a trial as he didn't know if the skull worked on humans the group is shell-shocked how does one kid paralyze four trained men at the same time Toka has little time for Words since they were going to kill him he returns the favor with poison with all of them lying dead Toka realizes that he just killed humans for the first time yet he doesn't feel anything is it because they were scum or were trying to kill him whatever it is he has No Reservations about taking human life now he picks up their coins after all money is needed by the living and not the dead then he feels something it's a huge pressure coming from the direction of the bushes and piggy Mario feels it too the white walkers mentioned something about a woman well you can't be too careful he sends bigamaru to bait her from the other side but pikmaru there The Killing intent vanishes and the strange Runner cannot detect anyone else there that's when Toca immediately paralyzes her he senses that she doesn't have killing intent and asks her if unlike those guys she's capable of civilized talk the strange Runner is surprised and relieved she must have thought she was captured by a white walker Toka discloses that he's not from the area he asks for information about the area and the closest Village to it with the help of this Spirits she can tell that he's not lying he notices that she can't talk under paralysis so he frees her mouth during the conversation he confirms that she's the one the white walkers were after on the other hand she's shocked to learn that he encountered and killed the white walkers who is this guy exactly she insists that they're not enemies and to prove it she lets him unmask her in return he drops his guard and releases her from paralysis from his dressing she guesses he knows a thing or two about magic he says he can ask anything and the first thing he does is show her the spell book he asks if she can read the language there she has a horrified look on her face that gives away the answer she surely knows something about the language and its meaning who exactly is the strange woman and what does she know he shows her the scroll that the great Mage had written himself containing information unknown and out of the reach of the Goddess vices he wants to know what this writing says especially if it's something able to rub the goddess's face in the mud given that the great Mage wasn't really on good terms with her all his life I mean she did throw him into the ancient ruins area where Toco was disposed of unfortunately after giving a glint of Hope as she wore a face to imply she was familiar with the characters she didn't have a clue how to read decipher or explain the scroll there was something she did know someone who could read the scroll this woman vanished from most of the land for her unknown at otherworldly magic popularly known as The Forbidden witch she should be able to understand the characters in The Scroll as she may practice or have dabbled into the same queer magic the great Mages disposed of four The Forbidden which lives in the great historic ruins but getting there will prove quite archuous toku's true problem is the fact that he is just a disposed of hero who knows little to nothing about the mappings and terrains of the world he's in he asks his hostage well not for long to Enlighten him on the environment its pricing system and how to get to the Great historic ruins unfazed by whatever he would probably face she briefs him on the maps currency and their corresponding worth she can say all this due to toka's newly devolved skill partial paralysis which enables him to free parts of her body after an informative conversation he frees her from paralysis and soon heads off to the nearest town called mirizu with piggy Maru in mirazu a bustling town by the way he gets the true needs first food then shelter and some new clothes yeah the clothes he had on were roughed up a bit by the White Walkers those four guys he regarded a scum that he took out from wanting to kill him the food in this world is exceptional and Toko blesses his taste by with this new feel until he is satisfied before getting to where he's going to lay his head at night he looks out for information and there's no better place for gathering information than a bar at the bar he gets to know about the heroes and organization of the country's leadership the different nations and the alliance against the demon king a gist that piqued his interest was one where goddess vices is mentioned and due to his undying Zeal and desire for Revenge wiping the smirk off the goddess's face he listened carefully as they mentioned the resistance to The Demon King The Undefeated Beauty King shining Army maguruna white wolf Knights yodona's nation's holy extermination force and this country uruza's magic Knights naturally if there's a talk in such a place the strongest person around is usually mentioned and it doesn't change here as the people brag about the strongest human around a dragon knight who could hold his own against the demon king himself in a duel Dragon Knights are strong to the point that just five could take on an entire nation and this man is one sibid gathered since he's gotten the information he needed the next on the to-do list is getting shelter and so he heads towards an end at first seeing the Ragged up clothes that Toca had on The Innkeeper informs him that all the large and single rooms are booked due to the heavy inflow of Heroes and adventurers for recruitment when Toca drops the money he took from the dead on the counter The Innkeeper seeing the amount of money had an instant change of heart pleading latoka to Lodge with them as long as he pleases when asked what his name is Toka answers with an alias Hadi Shull meanwhile the rune's investigation unit with this new member head out to survey the ruins like they always do while simultaneously briefing the new guy on how things work there and how he shouldn't be extra in whatever he does truthfully it had good pay for a lazy and easy job and they want to keep it that way suddenly the chief of the unit notices something odd the crystal they used to detect the presence that makes it out of the ruins didn't change color which meant something had likely left the ruins the new guy was excited to check it out and investigate to The Last Detail but the chief waved it off like nothing happened saying the crystal is defective the new guy then brings up the suggestion of reporting to the higher ups but the chief who wants no extra stress and I'd say is comfortable with his pay warrants and threatens Jim sternly so he keeps quiet and goes with the flow in the end Toka or Paddy as well referred to him reads a newspaper of some sort and gets information about the recruitment of people into the investigation unit and for the exploring of the ruins from The Innkeeper this intro Chris Heidi as he believes the ruins hold magical items and skills that would Aid pikamaru his Improvement and overall strength which would be handy in the future given how much Piggy Mario has saved him and had his back and upgrade into slime strength would be a good addition higimaru is the only and best company he has and at the same time the best defense regardless even though Harry was able to clear the other ruin and since kill intent from the other bosses bigimaru has been a big help in defense defense isn't a conjurers or major strong suit after all and Hadi is no exception he had problems with an overwhelming horde of monsters with all this he realizes he still needs a partner to be specific an attacker to balance the equation or better put adapt to formation for fighting someone who can buy him enough time when facing very strong opponents at the Town Square a Rowdy bunch is waiting for a briefing from the Marquee just as fusses are bound to be made in large crowds someone was ready to play this role Punk draggedy a self-proclaimed flash spots a woman he knows so well asadasu ashran a valkyrie a warrior elf who is General of the Fallen Nation and is now in hiding it was the woman Hadi or Toca saw in the forest that was pursued by the White Walkers monk draghi had asked her out to dinner once and she refused him so today he intends to force and most likely bullied to accept by threatening to reveal her ears this woman puts on an interesting act saying he was probably mistaking her for someone else Toka or Hadi on the other hand knew it was the elf he saw that day bunk reached out to her and took off the hood but to a shock saw normal ears this made him look stupid and perverted and he eye of the public as they pull him away from her she then walked over to Hadi but sensed her magic nearby they both acknowledged they noticed each other and introductions are made but with aliases mist and hottie howdy tells her it's a fake name but real names don't matter which she agrees glad that he's well mannered the Marquee great harkley finally announces the recruitment its objectives and rewards he's willing to buy any treasure brought from the ruins at a seller's bargain price and at the value of the adventurer is comfortable with the main objective for this exploration is the retrieval of the dragon eye sake cup and great harkley is ready to give 300 gold coins to whoever gets it this explains that there are a lot of ways to make money from this exploration aside from killing monsters and getting the dragon eye sake cup rewards could be earned from Maps outlines of the areas and information about monsters in the ruins most of important of all the Marquee has a hidden goal one he wants to use effectively by recruiting random members of the public and adventurers they sacrifice their lives to get information valuable information and the map of the whole area with this information at their disposal it will be safer for the Marquis men to go in and explore without any death after all this explanation as they were about to get moving Mist got weakened almost fell on hottie this is due to a lack of sleep as she hasn't stopped in a while and her fatigue is ever Rising by the second Hadi urges her to rest before they embark on their Journey but affirm she's good and will catch up soon in the ruins had he faces off against the monster some others are finding it difficult to kill using the combo paralysis and poison he clears his way through the levels very easily with pikamaru on his shoulders the first Monster a Minotaur but quite different from the one he killed back at his disposal area this one has way less kill intent and danger as it wasn't very intimidating he tries using his knife to cut open monsters for materials he would need to strengthen pygamaru and turns out that unlike before he very much can the effortless killing continues and he gets to the sixth floor where a horde of monsters Rush at him but using the same combo he effortlessly watched them out what he finds weird is that these monsters did not exude killing intent or bloodlust as he wasn't able to sense them and needed pigmaru to detect them good thing picamaru has an amazing detection skill soon enough Hattie runs into Monk drogity and a few Adventures plotting against Mist fueled by his embarrassment and thirst for Revenge monk pays the adventurers to capture her and bring her to him so he makes her wish she never denied him his date or embarrassed him in public monk planned to kill her but changed his mind he ordered the river and then when he is satisfied with the look of Despair in her eyes they kill her by cutting bits of Flesh and feeding the monsters Hattie is disgusted by this plan and plot of wickedness and decides to treat them like the bad people they are when his presence is known monk threatens to kill him alongside mist and in a feat of rage and pride decide to attack Hattie before they can move an inch he paralyzes them and leaves them there for the next wave of monsters a grand scale of the death they designed destroying them properly on level 14 he encounters a group of adventurers who beckon him to advise him they are the saber tiger group and they noticed the monsters on the levels and floors of the area were not dying normal their natural Deads but were dying in an absurd amount in way when they appraise the cause of death they find poison in the monsters which wasn't a safe or normal side they advise him to tell other adventurers to leave before it's too late and ask if he wants to join them while leaving he turns the offer down politely saying he can't leave friends behind in actual truth this weird happening would be hottie killing the monsters and he didn't have time to cover up the cause of death or hide the bodies he also didn't like the attention this might get in but in this particular case it's favorable for him as there's no struggle for the dragon eye sake cup he keeps exploring till he gets to the level 417 where he sees a dragon statue just like the Soul Leader pigamaru could sense its kill intent and before it could attack Heidi paralyzed and poisoned it killing it in one attack the cup is revealed and as he is about to carry it he is stopped and ambushed by Mist unintentionally they both withdrew their weapons when they saw each other he handled the cup for his good reason of not standing out and because that wasn't his main goal it was a secret passage which he searched for and opened up Miss feels indebted to him as it was not an item you just get for free she offers her body and soul to him but Hadi refuses as he never wanted a Master Slave relationship she suggests that she follows him to the passage and protects him and had he agrees under some conditions the first she would brief him on the conditions of nearby countries the next is that she doesn't tell the Marquee keeping this a secret and the last is she asks no questions about his personal life they head in together to the unknown and mist is curious how he spots her detect's presence since they'll be working together he decides to introduce pigmaru to her when she sees the Slime she surprisingly fully plays with pikimaru picky Maru is also friendly to her making her the first human aside from hottie it doesn't attack I guess ladies always love pets even pet slime soon enough they find a golden eye monster this is a sign that the habitat is close by Miss takes it out in one strike with ease and hottie gets to experience what it feels like to have a partner his dream formation coming true they continue exploring the underground levels for the unknown Treasures that lay hidden they get to a shut door with a Magic Orb right in front of it luckily while exploring the ruins he was disposed in he came across the orb and is familiar with how it works you pour in Magic and a quantity enough to open the door while he does that he asks Miss to explain the difference between GoldenEye monsters and non-goldenai ones she informs him of a theory made by the great Mage England himself this supposedly is the reason for his disposal by the goddess Anglo believes that the the monsters were closer to the source of evil and its power were monsters that had golden eyes due to this evil source their abilities are heightened and their animal instincts turn normal monsters into ferocious beasts the monsters without golden eyes are the kind that is friendly to humans and are safe to be around the goddess vices is also suspected of using GoldenEye monsters and all that's resonated as Toko remember seeing Golden Light emanate from the heroes who were S-Class especially kirihara takuto before his disposal something is unsettling that might be going on here he wonders where his classmates are now and how they are surviving and doing meanwhile some heroes from his class were engaged in battle against the skeleton boss and its minions in the alien Kingdom they face the skeletons ferociously while seeing self-praises of how strong they are and gaining experience points kirihara took on the skeletons and did most of the fighting for his team while oyamada shoga and A-Class hero backed him up killing skeletons and racking a points as well another key hero is the cow uski blessed with the skill of lightning she takes on a couple of skeletons at long range with lightning shots her elder sister to kahijidi and S-Class hero who is smarter and a free thinker cautions her saying it's not only about getting strong earning points it's about understanding the system and beating it eventually she said this because she doubts the goddess will send them back to the normal world if this all ends with emphasis on if they analyze the four groups the heroes from their class have fallen into kirihara's Group which comprises kirihara's leader oyodama as a support and a bunch of other b-class or above Heroes who sing praises for both of them the ikusaba group comprising of icosaba a b-class hero as the leader and a bunch of girls who work well under her the yasu group containing yasu and heroes rejected by the kitihara and ikosaba groups then there's the Sogo group led by Sogo ayaka an S-Class hero the girl who stood up to the goddess for toko's sake meanwhile Sogo is trying desperately to level up as she has the dying urge to get stronger and protect the weak as she had promised the goddess earlier she had a conversation with the goddess who was eager to dispose of Heroes below the S-Class and anyone weak were unable to fight in the coming war with the Demon Lord Sogo promises to fight in their stead and protect them so far as the goddess doesn't harm them in the bid to save the Disposable Heroes she steals revealed to get stronger and prevent another Toka from being disposed of as she was not strong enough to save him then Sogo managed to level up a couple of times but still doesn't gain a unique skill even though she's killing as many monsters as the others were she manages to kill skeleton monsters around her but doesn't expect the turn of events that comes next in an instant Sakura a member of her team had her hand cut off by the skeleton boss kashma another member thought quickly and rushed over to stop the bleeding while Sogo contemplates her strength and if she could indeed defeat the skeleton boss in front of her she asks the two to move to somewhere safe so that she take care of the monster in front of them sending shivers down their spine trying to face her grand opponent she steals to resolve to save others and decides to face it Sogo recalls her grandmother's teaching saying she wasn't lucky for being born into this generation or at this time but is lucky because she was born with Talent a bit ironic for someone without a unique skill in the other world anyway back to the fight they remember a technique that they sure to bring down the giant monster he showed you this technique involves passing energy through your body and the weapon the user is wielding this way it magnifies the impact if any strike landed or buried using this technique she summons Helix spear collapsing star instead of blocking the attack she buried it weakening the skeleton in one strike Sakura drags her out of the way saving her from a draconic blast that Katie had sent without warning which finishes off the monster but would have done a lot of damage to Sogo if she wasn't saved by the goddess's office in the alien Kingdom a meeting is arranged between her and the goddess vices informs her that she has restored Sakura's hand with the skill heal the God is also commenced her for her active participation and role in the fight though she asks Sogo why she didn't or doesn't work with kirihara as she expected as Class Heroes to stick together soku explains that she wouldn't work while at kittihara feisis informs her of the representative meeting and her responsibility which Sogo agrees and assures she'll do the goddess gives a fake smile and approval asoko leaves but it turns sour a second after showing true intentions meanwhile back at the great historic ruins Paddy tries to talk Mist into sleeping as her fatigue levels have risen so high after much admonishing she finally decides to lie down but doesn't sleep forcing Hadi to use the skill sleep as she seeps off the Transformation Magic she used to hide her true appearance starts to fade away showing off her true form as the valkyrie elf asadasu ashran sidas wakes up and is shocked by the form she sees she's now exposed and has some explaining to do luckily for her he has no intention of exposing her secret Toco explains his side of the story how he felt concerned for her and had to make her fall asleep falling asleep made her genjutsu fade as it needs to be consciously controlled she tells Toca how she bars the power of the Spirits by offering them her desire to sleep she can change her appearance with the help of the Light Spirit tell if someone is lying with the help of the wind Spirits strengthen her weapons with the help of the ice spirits and can generate armor and equipment by combining all of them she had to change her appearance because the white walkers were after her Toca notices that she doesn't bother to revert to her previous form this must mean she trusts him now and so he lets out a secret of his own my real name is tokami Mori he says he wouldn't tell if she doesn't he also assures her that they are equal she isn't his servant and shouldn't be so humble around him now that she's well rested they hope she can fight at full strength Toco and Saras didn't need to wait so long for a test they soon encountered the Skeleton King the boss of the ruins sadas uses the spirit's power to increase her danger detection and then she bravely goes in to face the monster with the Skeleton King occupied with said ASU toku can get close to it and utilize his paralysis and poison skills once that happens the monster is no match for them oh that's another thing sarasu didn't know about him he asked her not to tell anyone about his unique skills but the Skeleton King dealt with Toca can get what he came for a powder of silver bones to help piggy Mario level up Piggy also draws his attention to a strange egg which Toca takes with him with that the dungeon is conquered a little while later Toca is at his lodge when sorasu comes to meet him she has successfully submitted the dragon to eye sake cup since Toca insisted that he didn't want it she was asked to come for the reward the next day she was also offered accommodation at the Mansion but declined for obvious reasons speaking of accommodation Toka has a surprise for her he got an extra room for Sarah so she can sleep well she wants to reject it but is tempted by the idea of a good shower after a long day some time later Saras is taking advantage of the accommodation by using the showers elves don't have strong body odor but this is still helpful she thinks back to her time in the nail holy Kingdom she was so beautiful and every man desired her that's not something she liked so she never truly interacted with men she thinks back to what prompted her to leave the kingdom the princess katlea asked her to leave the kingdom because she cannot protect her any longer for someone that is the captain of the Holy nights she should be the one giving protection but the princess tells her that the bakos to Kingdom will conquered the country soon then she wouldn't be able to protect Saras from the men Desiring her beauty now under her bed covers Saras can't help but think about the similarities between katlee and Toca they're completely different people but something about them feels so similar since she escorted him to the dungeon Toka offers to reward Saras it's a stone of high value or at least he thinks so Soros recognizes it to be an azer Dragon stone with an even higher value than the dragon's eye sake cup she refuses to accept the reward because of its high value in reality toku got the Stone from the victims in the abandoned historic ruins an azer Dragon stone is produced by an azer Dragon which is the legendary creature of frightening strength level a little while later Saras leaves the collector reward for the cup the companions agreed to meet up by one o'clock as she should be done collecting the reward by then she leaves for Marquis Mansion while he sets out to do his task using the materials gotten from the Skeleton King he seeks to formulate an enhancement drug for piggy Maru after a little while of mixing and preparing the drug is ready for testing piki reacts so violently to the drug being given that him damages most of the room they stay in Toca can only get off the house owner's back when he promises to pay for damages on the bright side the experiment is a success according to the book All That Remains is a battlefield test it's well past the agreed time for saras's return and Toka starts to get worried did something happen to her has she taken advantage of his kindness in the left him both he and Pinky cast that thought aside almost immediately then again he gave her the azer dragon Stone in the morning she claimed to know how to convert the stone to money maybe she selfishly wants it all to herself he sets out to begin his investigation before he leaves he overhears people discussing the woman who found the dragon's eye sake cup that's Saras he eavesdrops on the conversation and finds out that her identity was truly exposed according to them a magician famous for breaking Genji to happen to be in the Mansion he broke saras's genjutsu and everyone noticed that she had the exact face of the previous head of the Holy nights the men say that taras managed to escape to the Dark Forest but a huge Bounty is placed on her head before he leaves for the Dark Forest Toca hears something that would send shivers down the spine of the ordinary man the Marquee sent his mercenaries to capture Saras this group is not made up of ordinary Knights though they're rumored to be the strongest knights in the world the Black Dragon Knights the Black Dragon Knights are said to be strong because of their abilities but even more so because they are led by the man in the white armor Civic Gatland the strongest human as far as Ashwin runs for her life in the dark Forest she can't believe from his fortune a magician famous for breaking genjutsu just had to be at the Mansion she also thinks about Toca and piggy and how they must think she betrayed their trust but even more importantly she is the black dragon knights in Hot Pursuit as expected from such a famous group she can't shake them off she has no choice but to face them the Black Dragon Knights are the world's strongest Knights the ones who command the knights are the mighty 5 Dragon Warriors together with the 5 Dragon Warriors the hero Slayers are very popular throughout the mainland but there's one who stands above them all he makes the Black Dragon Knights the strongest in the world he isn't an illegitimate child of the Gods he isn't one of the heroic blood's lineage nor is he a hero from another world he is simply a human being who has reached the top and become the strongest he is rumored to be as strong as an entire country's military force he is Humanity's strongest Civic Gatland the Black Dragon Knights are split into different teams while searching for Saras team open spots their Target in the force they have orders to kill her but Siva is intrigued by how strong she could be meanwhile Soros can sense that she's being watched even if she manages to defeat the rest she knows that she is no match for civet and that makes her tremble but she doesn't give up with her sword she brings down one night and then two she is a little worn out so she doesn't sense an incoming night in time she can't Dodge the attack but manages to block it and prevent a critical hit this Knight is kizon one of the five dragon Warriors and the vice captain of Team open kizon would be beatable on a normal day but Ross is unable to use the Light Spirit power for now due to the genjutsu being forcefully broken this means that her weapon and energy level are much lower than normal as a result keys and toys with her in the fight and is finished in no time with the beautiful Warrior helplessly tied to the ground giesen cannot control his lustful desires and attempts to forcefully lay with her already weak into her bones Saras battles in vain to save her dignity but key soon overpowers her all hope is nearly lost but someone from the bushes suddenly paralyzes kizun it's way past the time we promise to meet he says thankfully he made it just in time Toka free sarasu was thankful but even more worried he knows that these are the Dragon Knights of the bakwasu kingdom and he knows just how dangerous they are why did he come here toku combines kison's paralysis with non-lethal poisoning and then responds to Saras he tells her about how the news of her near capture and Escape spread all over town and how he had to rescue her since he didn't betray him but rescuing her means that he'd also be chased by the Dragon Knights so she insists that he saves himself and leaves Toka has an idea sarasca changed to a completely different face with her genjutsu nice idea is Smarty if only she didn't think of it herself oh wait she did she tells him about not being able to use the genjutsu for now since it was thrown into Confusion by the genjutsu breaking magician Saras returns to azer Dragon Stone to Toka as she can't be his bodyguard anymore Toca confesses that it's a lot of trouble the warrior elf directs into places where he could hire mercenaries as guards she even offers to teach him how to convert the Dragonstone to money with a smirk on his face toku refuses the offer by a whole lot of trouble he meant that getting a better bodyguard is a whole lot of trouble he insists to stay with her Toko suggests that she negotiates and hides with the witch of taboos it makes perfect sense since the witch's location is not even on the map it also makes a lot of sense From toca's perspective if he needs to negotiate with the witch saras's wind spirit could discern if he's being lied to he also brings up the monster area as a possible hiding place since all these places are more convenient than facing the Black Dragon Knights they decide to continue their companionship Saras is blown away by how kind and selfless Toka is to her he says she reminds him of his aunt who together with his uncle took care of him after his parents abandoned him abandoning her right now would feel very much like abandoning his aunt when she needs him there's no way he could do that they remember that kisun and his black dragon are still under attack from toka's Poison the black dragon is dead but thanks to the non-lethal option giesen is only in severe pain Toca uses the opportunity to get more information from him the search for information goes both ways during the conversation toku reveals that he killed kisen's open teammates while coming kizon refuses to believe but the evidence is right there in its full misery even with this knowledge the Knight remains cocky he Riles Ross up by telling her about the woman of the country and what he did with them he's in tries his best to pass the endurance test but it's a lasting one finally he gives up and is ready to talk he barely says anything when his spear divides him into two from the waist below Toko realizes that the attack came from a long distance even farther than his skill range that's the reason he didn't sense the attack crap it's him Civic Gatland King orator astramis is the holy king of the Holy Name a kingdom as has been the pattern in recent times the king wakes up from a nightmare and it's about the same person Saras ashran the king recalls how she left the capital as instructed by his daughter it proved to be the correct decision as the Neo eventually fell to bakwa's Kingdom Saras is safe from the goddess and knights so why does this feel like the wrong decision he remembers Saras and her desirable physical characteristics he wanted to have her he wants to have her he regrets not having had carnal knowledge of her even if it had to be by force there's no way he would let another man to file her when he couldn't he concludes that if he can't have her nobody should and so she has to die Saras Ashburn refuses to believe it when Civic Allen informs her that her death was ordered by King oratora he was such a nice man how is this even possible the Dragonite insists that the king offered them fortunes and jewelry just to kill her the Dragon Knights discuss amongst themselves how to kill her some of them insist that the beautiful elf should be passed around the subordinates before killing her how cruel but the king specifically requested for her corpse with her Purity intact he even claimed that he would know if there were another man sent on her now that's creepy if Saras can't tell when people are lying why is she getting worked up by these guys could it mean that they're telling the truth toka's thoughts are interrupted by an offer from the Dragon Knights the knights propose a battle between Siva and Saras to decide her fate Siva is just intrigued by how strong she could be especially after learning about her spiritual Powers he looks forward to the fight or at least he did before he cited Toca the knights assume that Toca is no more than a porter hired by the elf but Civic Garland knows better the pair haven't exchanged blows yet butoka already has a strong feeling that this man is much more dangerous than the Soul Eater he needs to handle this carefully otherwise he might lose his life he throws civet off with a smirk on his face and then asks for a conversation with them the Warriors are locked in dialogue Toco reveals that his name is Hadi skull but Civic can tell that he's lying the Dragonite senses that Toka has something up his sleeves so Toka just goes straight to the point all civit wants is an opponent that can satisfy him in battle tokus truly tries to measure his strength by asking about battles with the great demon Emperor and Allianz goddess civet reveals that he can't battle with the goddess because it could risk the diplomacy between both countries then again the hero summoned by the Goddess from the other world Intrigue him because of their Divine blessings one of them might be able to get to his level and become his arch rival there it is the opening Toka is looking for he steps up and proposes that he'd be civic's ultimate opponent wait what he baits Civic by revealing his true name and that he's one of the heroes from the other world about 10 odd years between the holy Naya Kingdom and pakwa's Kingdom there was a problem in which golden eyed monsters were pouring out from the historic ruins of the two Kingdom's borders the kingdoms decided to deal with this problem together and sent their armies human-faced monsters were also identified and the battle was expected to cause huge casualties when the armies got to the ruins they saw a boy battling in the middle of a mountain made of monsters corpses this boy looked more entertained than stressed with every move he sent heads of monsters flying the armies almost mistook him for the demon that was told of in folklore the monster started to stay away from the boy and the armies took advantage of the monster's confusion and wiped out the rest of the army the boy looked around and screamed angrily he complained that the monsters didn't confront him as they should have the boy wanted an enemy eventually he became the leader of the Black Dragon Knights as he believed he would meet someone powerful there he is the strongest abnormality of the human race he is Civic gartland Siva is surprised that Toca is a hero from another world as is seros Civic cannot help but smile after all he might have finally found his match then again what is a hero doing in this location Toco recalls that Civic can see through his lies so he must be really smart about his response toku responds that he has a special situation and acts differently because of the Goddess he's not lying Civic can tell Civic questions him further asking whether he received special orders from the goddess to act separately from other Heroes he replies that he's of a special rank which is why he's allowed to act separately again he's not lying the black dragon knight can barely hide his excitement about possibly finding a hero especially recognized by the goddess that's when Toca shows his cards he asks for some time to get stronger before facing Civic at the moment he's no mattress of it but if he's given some time he promises to get stronger and kill civit this man is really interesting civit asks how he plans to get stronger and he says that he's heading to the golden ice monster area to level up civet asks a few more questions to which Toca smartly responds Civic is intrigued by the possibility but what if token tends to run away how would he find this in interesting Warrior well he concludes that the goddess wouldn't let toku go missing especially as she'd recognized him as a special Warrior no need to fret as for Toca he has scores to settle with the goddess so he'll surely be there civit agrees to free the companions on these terms his fellow Knights are not happy with the decision but can't do anything about it he calls out to Saras an instructor to protect Toko with her life until he's battle ready he doesn't miss the opportunity to rile her up as he threatens her with Princess katlea her former Master he even informs her that the princess has a wedding coming up with the black dragon Knight's Captain enough has been said already and the dragon Knight's turn to take their leave Toco breeds a heavy sigh of relief he just survived Humanity's strongest and Saras didn't die too and even more he was able to get close enough to put Civic in his skill range with his guard down and back turned it's now or never tooka almost successfully casts a skill when civet notices that something is wrong he sees Toka doing something and draws the sword to stop him datoka's plan just fail by a few seconds he put all of civets subordinates under the skill stopping their movement and harming them if they tried to force it all the others find it hard to move but not Civic Garland as he struggles to take a step while bearing the multiplying pain being inflicted by the skill he moved quite the distance to Surprise Toca as even the Soul Leader he fought and defeated at the abandoned ruins couldn't move and quite frankly that was his strongest and toughest opponent yet the Soul Leader in civet did share similarities as Toka used fear to deceive the Soul Eater and also deceived civet with something similar weakness the strength didn't last long as soon enough Civic dropped to his knees weakened from the compiled pain from paralysis and the second skill Toca used poison the others were groaning in pain soon to lose Consciousness and meet death and defeat immediately civit hit the ground and something unusual happened a player went up to indicate that there were problems at this encounter originally the flares were meant for members of the Kingdom's Knighthood or the other Black Dragon Knights to use as a signal to Civic that someone strong enough to defeat a black dragon knight had been encountered given that such a person is considered a threat they wouldn't be allowed to escape by killing one Knight hence Civic appears at the point of battle to destroy any such opponent since civit is the one down and gradually dying the Black Dragon Knights show up almost immediately as Civic had probably asked them to chill somewhere while he handles the situation talk about a considerate and charismatic leader back to the story the black dragon I'd show up and civet who surprisingly has enough energy to shout out orders orders them to kill Toca and Saras but from a distance as he had experienced firsthand when Toca can do at close range the fact civet could even shout at this point was very impressive just to be expected from the man nicknamed Humanity's strongest toka's solutions to the range problem for paralysis and poison skills which is he combines with piggy Maru the enhancement effect from borrowing power for Monsters and hints is his skills on connecting with pigi Maru wearing the Slime like outer coding his skills increase as gel Sprouts from pigmari containing the skill itself upon contact with the target it initiates token's attack with an amplified effect though this form uses a lot of MP and mental strength it is an effective means he will use to attack the knights and the dragons they flew on next he faces the knights with piggy Maru on his shoulders sending attacks at the Knights they try to cut off the Slime but even though they did the point or surface of the Slime is where his skill activates hence there's no way out for the knights and with this Toko plans to destroy them all civit realizes the black dragons have come to an end a painful story let's delve into civic's background in life for a bit here after the subjugation of a goldeneyed monster by Siva at a very young age he amazed the onlookers who took the opportunity he gave them to wipe out the remainder of the monsters civet was invited by the king himself to the nation and on accepting that invitation he was soon adopted by a noble family this family was the gartland headed by Earl Garland this head loved War and the idea of strength and victory so hearing about civit made him excited enough to ask the king that Civic becomes his foster son things turned out great as if it became a member of the noble society and it wasn't all about strength for this young boy another quality that made him stand out was how quickly he adapted and learned the mannerisms and customs of the Nobles he loved and valued his foster family and continued being a recognized member of the bakwa's Kingdom this wasn't enough as if it stood out yet again in the eye of the public being the strongest around and recommended by the king he joined the black dragons and none of the members the leader and his son could hold their own against tivit with this he was made the leader of the Black Dragon Knights another occasion occurred when Civic made a name for himself in his country and Beyond The bakuwa's Kingdom had a Revolt led by the king's younger brother a Duke with better popularity and a majority of the support from the people with eight generals backing him the Revolt began and people took sides even members of the black dragon knight sided with the Duke as it's only logical to side with the winning side so it seemed civet alongside the gartland family and former leader of the Black Dragon Knights sided with the king during this war civit single-handedly killed all the generals and ended the whole War all by himself by killing the king's younger brother yet again in search of something or someone that could match his strength or likely overpower him he journeyed into the ruins and the kingdom in search of a monstrosity that could prove a hard time two months passed and no sign of civet the masses had given up their celebrated hero and the King regretted allowing him to go into the ruins two weeks later civet Humanity's strongest resurfaced with treasures as souvenirs of the king both a gloomy face he had realized he was too strong and life and battle had gotten boring as fate would have it to Aid his nefarious plans for the Black Dragon Knights he unlocks a couple of new abnormal status skills that enable him to handle the knights in the cruelest way the Sleep skill increases to level 3 and new ones like berserk dark and freeze all skills that he would test out excluding the last so it doesn't affect the combo skill of paralysis and poison he was running low on MP pretty fast thanks to the connection with pigmaru it would prove difficult if civet were to break out of the skill Toko couldn't deny the fact that he wouldn't be able to face of it 1-1 if that were the case he instruct Sarah's to watch over Civic and the other paralyzed underlings so he could focus on the battle with the black dragon Knights well right now I wouldn't call it a battle because he blocked their eyesight for a short time frame with a scale dark next he uses the paralysis and poison combo as usual then the berserk skill the skill makes the effect struggled to move against their own will enhancing the pain inflicted and the effect of paralysis thereby killing the affected faster when all the knights and the dragons were down he killed the dragon gartland Road on gaining points in the process for Heroes in this world level up points didn't come from killing humans but dragons did drag a lot of experience points sirasu had a front row seat to all the action with little to zero participation was in awe of how enhanced the skill was when he connected to pigamaru she was also surprised that he was a hero and a special one at that given his case they both get to find out in this discussion how similar they were as Toca affirmed that he wouldn't return her to the goddess vices who by the way was hunting her and thinks Toca is dead borderline they both hate the goddess with their guts he also compliments her for staying alert and helping him concentrate even though she feels deep down she didn't do much I kind of feel so too they talk about a reward and series feels Unworthy of it till she does something deserving all this talk was happening simultaneously with the knights and Civic waiting for debt's final call most of Consciousness but the truly strong of the strong civet held on to his for a little longer I guess it's one of the downsides of Murder By poisoning mines can be changed during the wait some might chicken out but not Toca soon enough civit's life nears its end and he asked what Toka is as he never expected such a sudden death Toco bids him farewell as he loses Consciousness little by little till he Embraces the afterlife he reminisce is about a young civet who trained to be stronger Beyond limits after watching Civic die they Journey most likely to the golden eye area to find more monsters to level up with they then talk about the princess Cyrus had left behind as well as the plans that the goddess had for the princess turns out Cyrus loved the princess so much in toku could tell she asked Hoka who he planned on carrying his revenge on and he said with bloodlust and rage in his eyes the goddess vices meanwhile in Albion at the ancient dragon ruins of the nation the heroes have to face goldeneyed monsters to get more points and level up as she promised the goddess she protected and watched over the low-class B and Below encouraging them to focus on defending and protecting themselves leaving all killing monsters to her if they had strength left to spare they could join in buying her time and aiding her killings she vowed to get strong enough to face the Demon King as soon as possible so all her classmates would go home because she doesn't want anyone die but for now she'll protect as much as she can leaving no room for another death like Toka that she couldn't save borderline these group members were weak and to be disposed of by the princess so they were relieved and loved the fact that they are part of Sugo's team and can easily protect themselves especially for one girl suo Sugo asked her if she could help protect the others as she is the only Brave one in the bunch even though her ranking class don't correlate while Sugo tries to live in the spirits of her team members the yasu group walks in and yasu its leader went on to say derogatory things about the weak members Sugo's team he asks Sugo why she would want to team up with such weak classmates as Heroes below rank a are called White Heroes which are best put as Mob characters or mob Heroes he then proposes they join forces together which Sugo strongly refuses as she feels they would not work well together after a short while a wave of monster shows up and this gives yasu a great opportunity to show off his skills he didn't waste any time demonstrating what an A-Class hero could do using a special ability sword eye of black Flames he obliterates the monsters and does this quite easily it wasn't just yasu that came with the big guns as tsuko observed there were the takao sisters who were S-Class and A-Class Heroes the Elder and younger sister respectively one sister with the ability to use lightning and the other with the ability to make clean concise and precise Cuts left a whole wave of monsters divided into two one section with charred monsters and the other would cleanly cut up monster corpses all was done by the sisters without breaking a sway all because they had unique abilities this was the one thing Sugo wanted that shiso lacked despite her hunting and killing monsters this made her feel sad and left behind more accurately described as being not strong enough to protect all she wanted she watches the sisters from behind a wall and not for long the elder sister noticed her presence she asked Sugo to show herself remarking that she doesn't bite hearing this and sensing a warm invitation Sugo comes out to converse with the sisters they sense she's not looking okay and asked to show they care little didsuko know that her worry for the lack of unique skill was evidently written on her face the younger sister itsuki asked her to take better care of herself and hurries off as her elder sister calls before she leaves she hints to Sugo that her elder sister likes her Sugo wanting to confirm this tries to ask but is interrupted by an answer yes from eachery affirming that she did have a fancy for Sugo the group gets to the exit and meets a surprise oyamada fighting off monsters and showing off his power the others compare him to a beast with bloodlust for killing seeing the beat class in below Warriors he takes the same route that yasu took insulting and asking Sugo why she brought weak members to hunt monsters with the Katie had a group Sugo yet again defends her classmates from the insults hoping they all drop the power High soon in an instant the crowd is joined by kirihara and a monster he was holding captive torturing it so it screams to draw out even more monsters after continuing this and what I have to admit looks like a very clever plan but Yamada points out that it most likely wouldn't work causing him to separate the monster's head from its body a new addition appearances and faces never end as a new member joins the heroes a strange woman with cat ears instead of the Goddess vices herself she introduces herself as the goddess's representative she also informs him that she would be in charge of their safe return to the capital and their progression to the next phase of development instead of the goddess and by her order oyama is seeing her little structure and petite outline burst into appeal of insulting laughter asking in a belittling manner if she truly thoughts she could order around Heroes that are stronger than her the representative pissed at the foul mouth except to yamada's challenge as an invitation to fight and decides to show him and the others why the goddess put her in charge she calls out his name and remarks that he is the one with the foul mouth this caused a Yamada to ask for her name and trust me I understand why he laughed her name was nyantan kikipat yeah oyama wasn't wrong for thinking her name sounded like a cat kikipat decides to take this greeting and warning more seriously and in one strike charges at him weakening him and causing him to fall to the ground after undoubtedly showing how strong she is she proceeded to tell them they'll be journeying to the Royal capital for the next phase in preparation to defeat the Demon Lord a few days ago the goddess summoned nyantan to supervise the heroes in her stead as she would be busy due to the new movements the Demon Lord was making she also chose nyantan because of the Loyalty she had to the goddess to prove and reiterate the Loyalty she had the goddess asked her to lick her feet which nantan did without hesitation while in the ceremony of loyalty and reverence a messenger came in with urgent news apologizing for disrupting the goddess's meeting on the go-ahead of the Goddess he informs her of the news and she began to think about Civic and how he would have contributed to the development of the Hiroshi intends to train soon her beautiful idea pops up and she dishes out orders to the messenger he's to gather the four revered Saints of the alien Kingdom the dragon killer from uduza the saber tiger group Toko ran into a while back and Civic and the five Dragon Warriors nantan informs him Heroes that they're dreaded and trying moments are near approaching as they are likely to face the Demon Lord sooner than expected meanwhile Toka still Journeys to the GoldenEye monster area with his trusted company Saras and piggy Maru he enlightens her more on the dismissal as a hero where the God is disposed of him turns out that abandoned ruins were just directly underneath the force they were traveling and he also tells her about the origin of the azer Dragonstone and how he got it which is from the corpse of the great Mage himself England this left stairs to wonder why such an accomplished and great man would be disposed of Toko presses on with his plans and goals for Revenge saying he would destroy anything that stood in the way of him in his revenge even if it meant killing people to get to the goddess he understood that this might not fall in line with saras's moral code or conduct so he proceeds to apologize surprisingly Saras is unbothered about his thirst for revenge and offers her full body and power towards his cause owing it to the fact that she has no loyalty or relevance to the holy king and that he saved her from the White Walkers and the dragon Warriors she felt indebted to Toca and gave him her undivided loyalty she held him in high esteem as a savior high enough to want to call him a title so she doesn't mistakenly address him by his name they arrive at a village in the middle of a festival and soon enough Toca is invited by one of the town's men to join in on the fun before he does that he checks out the new options his skill sleep has resulting from the increase to level 3. he also managed to test out freeze on his journey there back to the village in his Festival Toko picks a mask he's interested in the townsman provides him with the story behind the mask it's inspired by the tales of the king of flies the king of flies was a demon of ancient times who had an absurdly strong Army and was the harbinger of chaos the king and his subordinates are popular from the way they died despite being demons and evil Toka takes a liking to this mask in The Mask of the king's subordinates as he wasn't supporting the goddess and kind of is aligned to the Demonic side after all he does want the goddess to gravel and be devastated and full of Despair when in the changing room as directed by The Mask seller he thinks of what he would answer if anyone were to ask what he did after a good thought process he settled with the king of flies mercenary Corps posing as a mercenary meanwhile in the magnar Kingdom there's a round table meeting behind closed doors where the world leaders the white wolf King of magnar the queen of janata the Magister king of arusa and alien's armor King including the goddess set to discuss plans for the Brewing war against Demon Lord they also wonder who would have annihilated the Black Dragon Knights and even Humanity's strongest the goddess isn't sure of the magnar army which is at the Forefront of the battle she asked the Mad Emperor Falcon dotain a distinguished alien Knight if she could count on him when the time comes the leaders of the countries are locked in a very important meeting at magnar the goddess is there too they discuss the death of the five Dragonites and how it has shifted the balance of the Kingdom's security but most of all they strategize on what to do when the Great demon appears the root of all evil as he's called gives him no choice but to rely on alian's heroes from the other world this isn't because the heroes are much more powerful than anyone in this world but because the people of this world can be affected by the Demons by asthma the miasma stops people from using their full power and this also affects people from the hero's lineage and deities this must be why the heroes were summoned from the other world they weren't just wanted they were badly needed as it turns out alien is the only Kingdom with the means to summon those Heroes the other leaders ask the goddess to explain the situation to the heroes and train them after all the one who takes responsibility will be given a huge reward the Mad Emperor Cuts in to ask about the legend of the god killer but that would only distract them from the point of this meeting vices formally informs the leaders that the great Demon's Army recently captured the Night wall and is now on the move if the countries don't Ally they would be wiped out for sure the white wolf of magnar addresses the elephant in the room could it really be Saras ashran who killed the five dragon Warriors the leaders are smart enough to suspect that there's someone else behind the death of the elite group they must find the person who did it so this person can join in their fight against the Demon Lord that is if the warriors were killed by demons themselves then again there haven't been any reports about The Demon sightings in Southern magnar the death of the Dragonites is a big blow but it doesn't leave the country's helpless to face the demon king among those who can help are the four revered Saints the Dragon Slayer the heroic Sword and the Apostles of Isis the leaders are also informed that a group of people are going about taking credit for killing the dragon Warriors even in this world people try to reap what they didn't sow according to them they killed Civic and the others with their magic spells this group of black dragon slayers is a group of sorcerers called the ashinto meanwhile memory Toka and Saras ashtrain are finally in urza's Royal Capital Monroy the first thing Toka does is hide pygimaru you might draw more attention to them during their traveling period Toca and Saras made a stop at three villages those villagers talked a lot about the death of the Dragonites and saras's disappearance Erza might be a little happy about the death of the knights because the strong Knights of the neighboring country are gone no matter what they were still a Potential Threat Toka asks whether the goddess is mediation is the only reason for Ursa still standing strong according to Saras it's only one of the reasons she tells him about the man from urza named the dragon slayer according to her urza hires the man even in times of Peace just so they can show off as they should the dragon slayer is really strong but there's no chance that he can drive out the dragon Warriors alone he's also rumored to be a lazy man that avoids conflict with the dragon Warriors now that they're in town Toka suggests that they get an in for the meantime of course they must get separate rooms but Sarah's Cuts in and suggest one room to save money there's that tension again after discussing it for a while the company change decide to share a room Toka registers at the end as a mercenary who is yet to register with the mercenary Guild the man asks whether he's in town for the blood Coliseum and Toka plays along after all he told stories about the Coliseum from seros blood Coliseum is an arena where mercenaries and slaves kill each other it's a bit similar to the Colosseum back in ancient Rome it's managed by two organizations the mercenary Guild and Erza's duke it started as a means to evaluate Warriors who wanted to join the mercenary Guild but currently it's more of an entertainment sport that being said the Traditions remain the same there are rewards for winning battles lots of mercenaries enter it to earn money famous Warriors would also earn their owners through money so they aren't sold off to the mercenary Guild and remain Warriors in the blood Coliseum Sarah's ashtrin is really like an encyclopedia with their knowledge of this world it's a good thing she's with Toca she also tells him a thing or two about the mercenary Guild a reliable Organization for Mercenaries who travel to many countries according to her the mercenary Guild together with the magician Guild is very influential in every country the mercenary Guild also has something to do with the Mills ruins exploration speaking of Mills ruins Toko wants to investigate the black egg he found in the ruins but according to seros non-royal Capital Citizens need a permit to access the library he decides to wait till they get to the witch of taboo's place later on the companions head to the bar for something to eat but they also intend to hear a little gossip again the people talk about the black dragon Knight's Annihilation oh this one again Sarah santoka are settled until the gossip say that Sarah's ashring killed the knights that's one way to get our elf ears to stand even more the other man argues that Cyrus died in the fight and that the ones who killed the knights are the ashinto group these guys again they obviously just want to promote their magic spells but then again they should take credit it'd get the suspicion officeros's back for a while speak of the devil eh the ashinto group comes into the bar and starts to flex their Newfound Fame they're the new Talk of the Town and it looks like they enjoy it meanwhile the people in conversation bring up the topic of one who hasn't been mentioned according to them there's one more person who might have defeated the five Black Dragon Knights it's the blood Colosseum slappered the strongest blood champion in Monroy what gets toka's attention is when they mention that she once met the witch of taboos quickly Toko buys them more drinks and asks for information on this leopard if there's one thing that gets a man talking it's more drinks they tell him everything they know the witch is located in the golden demon Zone and she's rumored to be a dark elf as for the rest of the information the leopard would know better toku sees that it's a good idea to meet this leopard and he asks for a means to meet her but it turns out that he doesn't need it Eve speed the blood champion at that moment walks into the bar fate could not have written a better script for Toca Toca cannot believe his luck this is his best chance to have a conversation with Eve speed the where leopard and blood Champion but he must tread with caution there's no way of knowing just how dangerous she is he doesn't want to show his skills so we tell Sarah's to be ready for anything he goes over to the counter and offers to get Eve a drink but she isn't in the mood for pleasantries so he introduces himself as a mercenary named Hadi she's gracious enough to introduce herself but she can tell that he's not there just because she's a Blood Warrior Toca asks about the location of the witch of taboos Eve denies knowing the exact location what she tells Toka is that she once wandered the golden monster area and might have died if someone didn't help her with magic she joked that it was the witch of taboos and apparently the joke became a rumor and spread she denies knowing the witch's location and also warns toga that the golden monster area isn't for humans since he can't expose the skills in public he goes back to meet and eavesdropping seros it's a good thing that ceras could tell when someone is lying because she immediately tells Toka that Eve completely lied about not knowing the witch's exact location okay now they must get the information from her somehow later that night Toka and Sarah does how to get the information from Eve siros advises Toka to gather information about the warrior first then they might find something they could give her in exchange for the information what they know for now is that the blood Warriors need a lot of money to buy back their freedom well as far as money goes Toka has something of high value he could offer her they call that plan B plan a is to get information the next day at the blood Coliseum the next day they spread out to ask different people about Eve according to what they found out Eve was originally a slave sold to the Coliseum by his slave trader at that time the audience was starting to get bored with the fights so the management introduced the were leopard to spice things up she seemed to know how to get the crowd moving and she brought back excitement to the blood Coliseum apparently she hasn't lost a match in nearly three years she's just that good the juicy news is that the next day is Eve's final battle as a Blood Warrior it means that she almost earned enough money to buy back her Freedom money wouldn't be useful in negotiation then Sarah tells Toca that from what she heard Eve earned the money to buy herself back two years ago for the past two years she worked to buy someone else back from the Coliseum this person is a kid and she isn't even aware leopard the situation is a little more complicated than Toca would like he wonders whether he should just enter the monster area alone maybe he should buy her as a guard after she regains her Freedom Saras interrupts his train of thought with one more bombshell she obtained much more information than he did and he's curious as to how she did it she said she went to an information broker and she couldn't take Toko along because they don't like newbies as long as she got the job done Toka doesn't mind now on to the bombshell straw says that most of the previous strongest Warriors died after their last match normally it would be because they finally met their match but there seems to be more to it the Duke who manages the blood calls see him does dirty things that puts the warrior at a huge disadvantage what better way to introduce a popular Warrior than to make him or her kill the previous Warrior this means that the Duke would certainly try to get Eve killed the next day Toko finally sees an opening in his negotiation later that evening Toka intercepts Eve at the blood Coliseum Eve recognizes him from the pub but she quickly denies knowing the witch again easy girl we're yet to get there Toka tells her that he can tell she's lying he asks whether she owes the witch some favor or gratitude Eve gets unsettled and asks what the young man wants you're in danger and I can't see you die Toka says Toca and Eve discuss in the shadows toku comes clean and tells her about the Duke's plan for tomorrow's battle okay stranger danger why should she trust this man he tells her that he must keep her safe because he needs information about the witch of taboos Eve knows he can see through her lies now so she can't hand over false information and leave she asks for proof but Toca has none however she knows that dukeshuan can dispose of her it's not a wild stretch Toko suggests that she abandons the battle and escapes with the little girl she's planning to rescue how does this man know so much she gets aggressive At The Mention Of The girl but Toca assures her that he has no Wicked intentions as for tomorrow's battle she insists on seeing it out she must buy her Freedom by winning the battle or else the Duke will chase her to the ends of the Earth and in that case the mercenary Guild would get involved and try to collect the Bounty placed on her head she wouldn't mind being chased down but for the little girl's sake she must regain their freedom by law Toka suggests that she could hide with the witch if no one else knew where she lived then they would never find her it's not a terrible plan but the were leopard insists that the interior isn't a place for humans she just said interior she must really know about this place Toco promised us to take care of the girl in exchange for Eve escorting them to the Witch's House Eve looks at the young man and His companion Saros looks like she could hold her own in battle but there's nothing about Toca that looks like a fighter Toko lets out a smirk and reveals to Eve that he killed the Black Dragon Knights as proof he shows her an example of his abnormal skills by paralyzing her for some time if that doesn't work nothing else will later on the company of three-part ways as Eve goes to think about toca's offer Sarah's in Toka talk and Toca reveal that he intends to make Eve a comrade for future benefits even if Eve survives tomorrow's battle there's no future for her in man Roy even someone as naive as her would soon realize it according to the information they received dukeshwan is a toxic guy he would find some other way to get rid of Eve if only there was someone who controlled toxic poisons to save her meanwhile Eve sees the mercenary Guild Master in a conversation with the Duke it's nothing out of the ordinary tomorrow's battle is really important for the management she's about to leave when her name pops up in the conversation she listens attentively and everything Toca said turns out to be true her opponent for tomorrow's battle is also there and they discuss using dirty tricks to ensure her death the plan is to make her opponent kill her and wear her pal he would be called The Leopard killer if she manages to win the Duke tells the Guild Master that he still plans to kill her just as Toca thought as for the little girl that Eve cares so much about Duke zuan has special plans for her she is a dark elf and the child of a former slave she's growing up so fast and pretty so the Duke intends to forcefully take the girl as soon as she's old enough as for Eve the Duke says he sees her as nothing more than a beast there's no way he would have anything to do with such a low creature Toka sees Eve return before he even leaves the place she confirms that everything he said is true she also agrees to Forfeit tomorrow's battle and escape with the dark elf from there they would head to the witch of taboo's house meanwhile the dark elf Liz is abused and maltreated where she works her boss constantly he beats her and the customers don't make things any easier for every mistake she makes she receives hard punishments the only reason she is holding on is because of Eve whom she now sees as a big sister the customers in the bar discuss the young elf and how she is growing up to be physically appealing they smack their lips in anticipation of the day she'd mature her boss comes in and tells them off saying that Liz is in her custody and must not be ruined it almost sounds like her boss is a kind woman but she's quite the opposite just as she does at every slight opportunity she beats Liz in the shop then she screams and Liz's ears causing her to feel physical and mental trauma this is too much even for the customers who start to leave one by one did they leave because of the maltreatment or because the strongest Blood Warrior just stepped in Eve comes in with the found on her face and sends the wicked boss flying with A Hard Punch she points a sword at the shop owner the terrified woman begs for her life saying that she was forced to do everything she did to Liz she promised to keep her mouth shut about their escape Eve leaves the helpless woman on the ground and goes out with Liz she really is so naive how could she just believe this Wicked Woman Eve tells Liz about her plans to escape and Liz's happy to go anywhere with her big sister back in the shot the cool lady has no intention of keeping her promise thankfully Toka is there to pick up the slack there's no way this one would escape with her life and toga makes her die in the most painful way possible a woman that mentally traumatizes innocent girls has no place in toca's world after his little Sideshow he goes outside to meet his new comrades the group is getting bigger by the day Toka introduces himself with his real name this time to the group and everyone else introduces themselves including pigmaru there's no time for formalities they must escape now Toco leads the group to the horses he prepared in the forest even Liz would share one while Toka and Sarah's would take the other before they go Eve questions toka's intentions with the witch of taboos Toca promises not to harm her as long as she doesn't try to harm him he shows Eve the Spellbook that he wants to be translated at this point Eve realizes that she's a naive woman she looks at how all her poor decisions have put her in danger and then she placed herself under toka's command according to her he might be the only one she can trust don't be so sure lady Toca asks why she trusts him she points out that he could have attempted to get the information through other means for example he could have tortured her under paralysis back then also letting Liz accompany them and volunteering to protect her is a sign of a trustworthy person tooka smirks and then points out that he might have done it for his selfish interests even at that she still surrenders her trust to him the new companions climb their horses to right away there's that physical tension between Toca and Sarah's again the tension could cut through metal Ceres informs the group that they're a day and a half away from the monster Zone but if they go around the anti-demon castle it take half an extra day she also mentions something about human-faced monsters that are very dangerous it's a rare but recognized sighting the reason it's so rare is probably because few people live to tell the story the monsters are known to stay away from outside places Toca thinks back to the Soul Eater you must be one of the human-faced monsters no wonder it's called a danger zone sir Austin asks why Toka really wants to eat on their team he must be kind for making the sacrifice Toka says he's not about the sacrifice Eve's battle skills and monster area experience would be good for their team but most importantly seeing Eve and Liz on their side would help the witch listen to them just like the witch Liz is a dark elf and they just rescued her that must leave a good impression Saros is impressed that's really smart from Toca but deep down token knows that he rescued this because he knows the pain of being abused as a child the writing companions are interrupted by the Nays and Hooves of horses in the distance they are being chased Eve confirms that a man suspiciously looked at her while she may made her Escape that man was waji the leader of the ashinto group meanwhile the sorcerer stopped to examine the hoof Prince muaji sees two horses and intelligently concludes that Eve couldn't have prepared two horses in such a short time someone is helping her the group puts up lights for the second team to follow it's time for the yashinto to show their Worth to the Duke meanwhile Toka and his companions are still on the Run Eve offers to stay back and let the rest Escape after all she is the one whom they chase after Toca refuses they are too many for her to fight against he looks in the distance and notices that the pursuers have a second team he stops the horses and readies for an attack against the groups meanwhile as they follow moji's advice the Duke's mercenaries finally spot the light heading up North they excitedly follow it thinking that they must have caught their prey the decoy from Toko worked for the first team at least Toca can tell from the mercenary's conversation that another group is coming up fast that's probably the ashinto group as they didn't have any Warriors Toca instructs Eve to hide and protect Liz while he and Sarahs would handle the situation he confirms from Saras that muaji's curse magic seems a bit fictitious but he still managed to make everyone believe the man is very clever and he's predicted their move so far why she must have known Eve would head north because of the witch of taboos but the young man has a plan to help them win he takes out his mask it's time to begin the ashinto Riders halt at the orders of Moji he orders the lights to be put out and looks around the area for Clues he sees a broken branch that looks like it was broken by a horse the smart leader can tell that the first group already went up North so the group must have gone through this path nope that's probably a trap a group that good wouldn't leave such a careless clue mwaji is even more confident that someone is helping even Liz it's a smart person but he's seen through him or her he calls on the person to come out from hiding nothing would save this person not even the trees the person is hiding behind she knows she's already caught so Sarah's comes from behind the tree with her mask on a mask of the subordinate of the flyking wanji knows the mask very well muanji proposes that Saras hates the refugees to him so she won't be attacked he also invites her to join the ashanto group as they could use the skillful Warrior as she refuses he threatens to Reign curses on her curses that killed the Black Dragon Knights Cyrus accepts their terms but asks them to promise the safety of the captives mwaji brags about his influence on the Duke and promises that no harm would come to them with their wishes fulfilled she asks the whole group to follow her toward even lizar the group starts moving but muaji stops them why would she want everyone to come closer why can't she bring the prisoners out instead or ask a few people to come with her he concludes that she must be scheming something that involves him getting within range immediately he instructs the groups to stay out of range and prepare for an attack Toca is hiding behind the forest trees just as muaji predicted has this finally come down to a battle of wits muaji continues to brag about the Assassin Guild the Lost Guild of old the Assassin Guild as the name implies was a group of Assassins that were feared by all the other worldly heroes from old after taking out the main reasons they were summoned took out the Assassin Guild as they made it their new evil lost in the sands of time with only the descendants of members of The Guild retaining knowledge of their ways acts and skills the Assassin Guild was forgotten until muaji decided to improvise and improve on their skills and name he names the new group via Shinto they improved on the poison and assassination skills in the bits of feign having the ability to lay curses the Assassin Guild is known for their skill of inflicting sicknesses a poison and even death without leaving a trace leading to them waaji improving the skill made it possible for the masses to believe that the ashintokit inflicts curses on the people to sell this Theory and also instill fear and respect in the hearts of the people he took credit for toka's annihilation of the Dragon Knights with the people believing this he got the attention of dukeshwan which leads to this moment where the ishinto are showing their skill and worth the only thing that could stop his bragging was what Sarahs did next revealing her true identity as Saras ashran The Runaway General waaji was phased by this discovery but as a smart and wise person he had plans for unexpected strong foes already well not necessarily this particular occurrence of Saras ashran but his additions to the ashinto takes care of Saros mwaji could also decipher that Saras wasn't the one who took out the five Dragon Knights and she also isn't able to pull off such an elite trap he had seen anticipated for him he knew that there was a second individual that has credit for all these Feats and protecting Eve and her sister unfazed watch explains why he isn't bothered about this mystery man memory his newest additions to the ashinto the strongest Brothers Burger and his elder brother vargon were his countermeasures these brothers were strong than slash of the white walkers who were after Cyrus a while back that is when she met memory zalash being the strongest of the white walkers did not hold a candle in terms of strength to berga even though he was the apex of the white walkers another reason why she was confident that he was in control was the fact that the ashinto had a detached group of about 15 persons sent to the woods behind seros intending to take out whoever she had waiting out there luaji was confident of his control of the situation as anyone as far in this case would be seeing that Saras seemed helpless he went further to ask her to bring him Eve and lives quickly and he would take her in he went on about his lustful thoughts and what he would do to her in sessions he called The Blessing Saras who slept with no options calls out to Toka who comes out after building his connection to pigamaru and uses his abnormal status skill of paralysis as the entire group in the middle of his palm this all went as he had predicted it would and waaji fell deep in toku's neatly planted trap this wasn't the physical trap muaji avoided it was a grander one the Trap was one of the Mind luring him into Doom walwaji thought he had the Trap all figured out using waaji's intelligence as bait he asked Saros to make it obvious that they were being led she was trying to to get them into the woods this would trigger Milwaukee to think she had traps planted in the woods or that the second person working with her was waiting for them to get within his or her attack range then when waji thinks about this and it looks like he had uncovered her plan and she's now rendered helpless he would get the sense of being Almighty and awesome this would serve as self-poison for Moji as his Almighty feeling would inhibit his thinking blinding him from seeing toka's true plan and his connection to pegamaru a few moments ago Toca encountered the detached to Shinto group and took them out using paralysis after discussing with Eve and her sister they part ways the group was strong and skilled but they are nothing compared to the five Dragonites if Toko could take out Civic gartland and do it so easily then this Bunch was like cutting through butter for him back to the current happenings after taking out most of the members at the ashinto with paralysis Toko walks away from waaji as he loses interest into dying human woji on the other hand cannot believe that he has been outsmarted and someone as wise as him would meet his demiseo soon he tries to reach out to Toca to most likely beg for mercy or strike a deal but Toko walked away with seros engaged in a different conversation and paying little attention to the dangwaji Saras apologizes to Toca for showing and revealing her true self without his permission as it wasn't part of the plan they soon reunite with Eve and they figure out what to do next the troop of soldiers that had followed the false Trail were coming back due to the commotion the dying of Shinto caused Toka tries to connect with pikamar to face them but the creature has its limits and was tired Eve felt indebted to Toca as he protected them so she decided this time to act as the Vanguard facing the troops and protecting the group as expected of the strongest Blood Warrior Toca asks Eve if there's any special person to look out for in the Duke's Army that would soon approach them she could only think of one the captain of the Duke's private Army Costello he was said to be the strongest after the Dragonites and is rumored to have been once a magic Knight he was the only one they should specifically worry about three troops of the Duke's Army attacked them in waves with a third coming from behind Liz days with Sarah so she doesn't distract her sister and Toca in battle the battling Duo take out the first Squad of elite soldiers with ease scaring the second wave then comes Duke zuan and Costello with Costello charging at them and promising to hand Eve's fur to the Duke Toca uses dark to seize his vision and in one strike even since Costello down Toca attacks the rest of the army with berserk so he could no longer use paralysis the skill had reached its limit on the number of targets so he improvised the skill berserk caused the members of the army to kill each other and for those that tried to escape Toca asked Eve to kill them off as they were straining his skill Eve shows what an excellent Warrior she is as she repeatedly kills off Soldiers with single strikes the number of paralyzed individuals reduced as some of the ishinto members died off the last troop surrounds them putting them in the middle of an Attack Force Eve is excited that she gets to fight like this again after finding fights boring she thanks Toka for making this possible and together they take out all the soldiers around them she moves towards the paralyzed soldiers like Black Lightning cutting them down with precision and skill with just a Duke left they had completely won this battle the Duke tries to leave with his pride as he threatens them that he had to retreat for now but will surely kill them the next time they meet this made Toca ask if the Duke was foolish did he really think they'd just watch him go toku paralyzed the Duke making zuan face reality after toku paralyzes Lord zuan Eve kills him telling him that she had no problem with him framing her but was a bad idea on his part to say he would lay his hands on Liz Toca then asks her if she has settled her matter to which she gives a positive reply shortly after Sebastian and Liz appeared from their Hiding Place sensing that all as well later Toca asks Saras to take Liz with her and make preparations for their departure as even him will have some things to take care of she decides to capture the horses still wandering around close by while she's at it Toca also asks her to get a certain thing from her bag which she does Liz yearning to be useful volunteers to help Sarahs sir Austin kindly asked her to carry some of the baggage toku then tells Eve to take her time to help tend to lose his wounds and Eve replies that it's only her responsibility to do so Toka also tells her that he and Sarah's will help her during the journey to which she thanks him later Eve asks Toko what they'll be doing to which Toko pulls out a chunk of ice with an insect Frozen inside Toca then goes on to explain that it was what he got from using the free skill to freeze a living insect he goes on to explain the nature of the skill saying it is non-lethal has a limit of three cannot be stacked with other skills and has 300 days of continuous effect and is irreversible a very hard skill to use he then asks Eve to hit it with a nearby Warhammer with the intense smash it she hits it with a powerful blow and is shocked to see that the chunk of ice is still in one piece despite the strike having enough power and a good striking position Toka then further explains that if the free skill is used on living things it becomes indestructible saying that the first time he tried it it wouldn't break no matter what he did and was completely impervious to heat he believes the ice might not melt until it completes 300 day limit token then brings out another chunk of ice and asks if to try smashing it at first it seems no different from the first one but believing he has something in mind she strikes it and it completely shatters Eve points out that the sound and hit of the second chunk feel different from the first one Toca explains that freeze can be used on matter and while they were the same insect The crucial difference was that the first one was frozen while alive and the second one was a dead body apparently it categorizes dead bodies as matter which is why they're not indestructible moreover when crushed it breaks away into tiny pieces that could be blown away by the wind and when destroyed the counter for the limit decreases Eve then asks what he plans to do to which he says he's thinking of a way to dispose of the corpse of the ashinto when Eve asks why he states that he wants to make the ashinto the murderers of the five Dragon Warriors forever explaining that as a sorcerer group that propagated themselves as the one who killed the five dragon Warriors that suddenly vanished the world would continue to think there's a possibility they could have done it and as long as they didn't deny it the possibility would remain and those who want to investigate the truth would continuously search for suspects that don't exist acting as a smoke screen Eve then realizes that this was the reason he didn't want any fling survivors while Tucka warns Eve that the crushing of the bodies won't be a comfortable task she assures him that there's no need to worry about her and urges them to finish before pursuers arrive telling them to leave a nearby fly mask as the only eyewitness Toca then thinks about the legend of the fly King about how he revolted against his creator and chose his path thinking it's a name that suits him he thinks about how he wouldn't follow the fly King in the part of losing his subordinates as for the end of The Fly King he thinks about the two different endings to the story due to the difference in interpretation and wonders what the end of his journey would be magisterial king Jin is shocked by the news that the ashinto had disappeared wondering if zuan got into trouble with them saying he's warned him countless times to be careful while dealing with them stating he wanted to have a pawn who claimed kill the 5 Dragon Warriors to display their power to other countries afraid he wonders how he'll report the mysterious disappearance of the Goddess especially because he took it upon himself to expose the ashinto as someone trusted so much that the disciple they sent to arusa was called back fearfully he decides that he needs to find the yashinto and make negotiations with them again believing they annihilated dukeshwan's private Army including Costello and that there's no reason to doubt their ability to kill the five dragon Warriors adding that it would be difficult to defeat them even if the magic Knights are involved the messenger then asks if there's anything wrong to which king Jin replies that while he's shocked by the death of King zwan he's otherwise fine when the messenger asked how they would report their Shinto case to alian King Jin tells him to search for the Shinto no matter what telling him they must report it to the goddess when the messenger asks about even Liz referring to them as the were leopard and the dark elf Keepers out in anger telling him to ignore them calling them weak and cowards and saying they'll die somewhere in the wild and telling him to focus on searching for the ashinto and to use everything to track down their every Trace later vices receives word that the sorcerer group killed dukeshwan and disappeared calling it a frightening case albeit with a relaxed somewhat playful expression on her face she then begins to question the existence of curses saying she still can't believe in them or wondering if she doesn't know anything about them she then asks nantan if she knows anything about it to which she gives a negative response Pisces then begins to think aloud about how scary it would be especially if it fell into the hands of the Mad Emperor she then talks about not being able to send the Anton back to odusa since he has an important role we are then introduced to the four revered Saints siblings descended from The Blood of Heroes said to be stronger than the Saint injonato the eldest son of the group tells vices to currently worry about the army of the great demon Emperor which is increasingly active the second son then last heartedly pointing out that vices is surprisingly a warrior and that ultimately vices won't be affected by the influence of the root of all evil regardless of if they fight the ishinto or the 5 Dragon Warriors vices then playfully asks if there's anything wrong with that saying that while she's sure he meant no offense the words made her feel a bit uneasy a servant enters the room informing the Goddess that masturbanewolf has arrived being wolf apology for being late but vices tells him that it's no problem and that she's glad he came calling him a dragon slayer later in the allian kingdom castle Garden asugi talks to Papa about the tense atmosphere in the castle popo gives a simple response to which asuki teases her about all nutrients going to her breasts rendering her unable to use her head anymore leaving her flustered it is then explained that asagi's words are getting more powerful this is because despite her being a rank B hero she acquired a unique skill known as Queen Bee the skill to enhance the abilities of multiple targets to a certain degree for a limited amount of time putting her group ahead when it comes to group battles yatsumoruhiro's group is also getting stronger but being an a-ranked hero is more of a one-man group and only he stands out and gets stronger ayaka's group on the other hand shares their experience points equally therefore her friends level up and acquire skills the skills they acquire are common skills which can be acquired provided that you are a hero these common skills can be grouped into five attack system defense system healing system enhanced ability system and abnormal State system the skills are unlocked when you level up when something is unlocked the skill tree will change and the higher the skill is in the skill tree the higher the skills rank however the abnormal State system skills are currently useless and obscure unique skills also have their level and when this level increases the ability evolves it is then explained that ayaka holds the role of being the Vanguard and her friends using defense skills to protect and support from behind and only comes to deal the finishing blow when the monster is on the brink of death however although she's a level 115 as rank hero she still has not unlocked a unique skill being the only one not to do so while she does have special skills that allow her to be the Vanguard alone she can't deny that those skills are weaker than unique skills thinking to herself that she has to work harder while this is happening vices approaches the crowd of students in the garden followed by the four revered Saints banewolf and some other figures she addresses the students first pointing out that their levels have increased tremendously and thanking them for their hard work and that while she is happy from the bottom of her heart they still have not acquired combat skills so she has gathered some Warriors from all over to train them with the drunken sword party being in charge of asuki's group The Dragon Slayer being in charge of Hiro's group The Anton being in charge of the takao sisters and the four of your teens in charge of Katie Haro then vices begins to leave but is stopped by hijidi pointing out that a teacher wasn't assigned to ayaka's group saying that the five dragon Warriors should have been in charge of kirihada's group but due to their death there are not enough teachers for the heroes now at first vices suggest that ayaka teaches her group the ancient martial arts she has adding that was what she expected her to do but hichida believes it's a bad idea to do so vices then apologizes saying she took some measures because she believes that ayaka's ability but admits she can't call back any of her Apostles from other countries to take care of her group she then asks if there's anyone who wishes to take care of ayaka's group promising to pay them in installment but warning that their work would be doubled no one answers but then Bane wolf volunteers believing it's best to increase their survival probabilities since their Heroes with Bright Futures and Promises to do everything he can to train them all without lowering the quality vices then announces that they will be moving around the ruins to defeat the GoldenEye monsters and level up to kill the enemies and survive she informs them that the demon Emperor aside is moving actively telling them that the number of monsters gathered at the knight's wall is overwhelming and that the next war with the great demon Emperor will exceed the previously expected scale and therefore she would like them all to brace themselves for the coming war feisis is watching the students train saying that while it isn't perfect training seems to be going well and thanks everyone for their hard work she adds that as long as they fulfill the conditions she has set she will leave it to them how to accomplish the goal prioritizing results over the process when one of the four Revere Saints asks her what's wrong she explains that while they're in a hurry to get the heroes to learn practical skills they must also continue to increase their levels however with the great demon Emperor's Army on the move they can't afford to travel to the ruins in other countries so tomorrow they will depart for the golden monster Zone toga Saras even Liz are traveling through the golden monster Zone Eve being somewhat familiar with the place says she only knows as far as the place she and Liz reached last time a place where they could get drinking water and some old buildings where they could hide Toco reasons that the only reason even the others fled from the demon Zone was because of the monsters so for the time being as long as they could defeat the monsters they could go deeper without any problems Toca asks if Liz is afraid to which she replies that she's fine and thanks him for his concern he then compliments her saying she's now a fine member of the group Liz then cheerfully says that you'll be happy anywhere provided she's with Eve Eve then apologizes to her for being stupid but Toka assures her that if anything her very existence is Liz to Salvation she then Smiles saying she's no match for him as the group gets closer to their destination Toca is unsure whether they should continue in a straight line since the map doesn't show the terrain in detail adding that depending on the terrain they might have to go the other way around then out of nowhere a golden Knight appears and attacks them Toca with Eve's help then casts a paralyzed spell on the monster seeing that it's effective he also casts the poison and steep spell on the monster incapacitating it Toca then points out that it's much weaker compared to the monsters he's killed saying that in every aspect the monsters in the ruins were far superior and that it seems unlikely that monsters in this zone are generally ridiculously strong as they continue their Journey Toko mentions his encounter with the two-headed where leopard to seros asking her the difference between it and Eve Strauss explains that golden Knight monsters were created by the root of all evil and that there's a strong Theory it has something to do with the element of evil he possesses token then asks if an ordinary demon can become a GoldenEye monster to which Saros replies that while it may not be impossible it's unheard of she explains that many of the non-goldenite monsters went into hiding because a hero warned of the danger of them turning goldeneyed and so there was an operation to wipe them out she further explains that non-human races which can speak and understand human language were classified as demi-humans including elves and while many Demi humans still hide from humans elves often have friendly relationships with humans moving away from the subject Sarah suggests a name for the group the name being the fly King Squadron to which Toca agrees later they encounter another monster which Toki easily defeats Eve Marvel's at his prowess stating that the first time she encountered it all she could do was Escape suddenly toka's BG begins to Rattle indicating the presence of a demon and immediately tells everyone to tighten their guard he then brings out an egg from his bag which seros recognizes as the one he got from the mirrors who ruins all eyes are on the egg as it begins to hatch as the flag King Squadron group has zero ideas of what could be inside they take a couple steps back the egg has a crack and then two before long it starts to give off light till everywhere is completely illuminated when the light clears Toka and his companions see a very little horse in front of them if this is supposed to be a goldeneyed monster it's not a very good one rather than being aggressive it's just really cute Liz is especially attracted to this Pony lookalike the others are observant to notice something strange the monsters grew a bit in size while they watched it's not his normal world so token needs to confirmed that here horses don't usually hatch from eggs either then what sort of monster is it Saros confirms that according to the general classification it should be a monster however she points out that even though she knows different monsters in the horse family this one is an unfamiliar breed while the group looks on piggy Maru comes out to talk to the monster the two monsters talk and this horse doesn't seem to be hostile at all Liz takes this chance to approach the horse and cuddle it a little bit Toca thinks back to when he found the egg in the mirzur ruins he recalls the color and hardness of the egg as well as the unique hatching of the egg one thing is sure this isn't an ordinary horse this claim is backed up by what looks like an orb on the horse's back it's a transparent hemisphere that he immediately inquires of from Saras the scholarly elf suggests that the orb might be an organ for absorbing Magic after all monsters exist with similar organs in their physiology according to Saras it's not uncommon among monsters and magical creatures people say that this organ can take in a lot of magical energy at once magic energy well that must be tested then Toca asks everyone to give him some room and puts Eve on the lookout for any danger a magical creature that changes by taking in Magic no wonder it grew in size a few moments after it was born Toka is experimenting so it must measure just how much magic power he injects into the monster firstly he injects about 1000 MP the MP results in the little creature turning into a fully grown powerful horse if this is what 1000 MP can do it's simply amazing even while it's a grown horse the creature is not aggressive towards the group that has to be a positive sign the first round of experiments is successful sotoka decides that it's okay to inject more magic power into the orb injects 1000 MP and then 5000 he injects up to 10 000 MP and then he keeps injecting until the orb gets saturated as for the result of the experiment it stands towering in front of them it's a gigantic Majestic horse with long curved horns okay now you can call it a monster at this point Toca and His companion shouldn't be surprised by anything they encounter and yet they could never have predicted that toka's egg from the Mater's your ruins would turn into this the horse Towers above them looking feeders and Majestic this must be its true form and then Toca announces the inevitable it seems like they just found the newest member of the flyking Squadron and it's a really interesting one just like what happened when the horse was in its medium size it doesn't seem aggressive at all if anything it behaves like a regular horse when they want to be pet this is why Toca can draw near the horse and touch it despite its large appearance it's still only a horse it behaves so differently towards Toca is it possible that Toca is now seen as a parent well in that case Sarah suggests that Toca should name the horse that's not a bad idea at all Toca takes a while to think about the perfect name for his horse and then he calls it sleigh it's a fitting name for a majestic horse and slay seems to love it as he lets out a nay of approval as with other additions to the group the group members take turns in introducing themselves with the introduction done Toka needs to be sure of what he's working with he approaches display and asks if he can return to its little form and just like magic the majestic beast becomes a cute creature again this means that Toca can always change its form by simply injecting magic energy into the orb sweet teros points out that in its second form the horse can easily handle most of their luggage making it easier for them the third form might prove useful while fighting monsters in the future they might have just struck the jackpot here meanwhile Slade licks saras's cheek as a sign of endearment this is a good sign she would be doing the writing after all since doka doesn't know how to ride a horse Toka offers to wipe the stain from sarasa's cheeks and that tension comes back in full force I mean seriously guys seros eventually lets him do it and while doing it he commends the skin Saros points out that the skin is beautiful because the horse was just born Patoka isn't talking about the horse's skin really smooth Toca meanwhile back at Ali on Kingdom's Castle everyone has left for the golden monster area well everyone but the dragon slayer for some reason the goddess opts to leave him at the castle he isn't too happy with this decision and confronts the goddess she brushes it aside saying that the castle still needed protection and who is better to protect it than the dragon slayer himself she points out that the drunken sword party nyantan and the Ford of weird Saints are already following the heroes you must settle for his own task the man doesn't buy into any of the goddesses crap he accuses her of dropping him because he chose to Mentor ayaka Sogo Bane the dragon slayer is a very direct man he asks if you want someone from ayaka's group to die after all a broken heart would be the easiest to manipulate wouldn't it manipulating ayaka so easily would increase the risk speaking of manipulation the goddess Cuts in asking Bane about his father she reminds him how he joined the magic Knights because of his father's special illness the medicine he needs can only be found in the mines controlled by urza she says that at her command the medicine could continuously be freely provided for Bane's father but for that to happen the dragon slayer would have to stay in line talk about first class manipulation meanwhile the heroes are finally at the golden monster area it's now time to level up in preparation for the great Demon's Army the heroes from the other world are in the golden monster Zone just as Eve once told Toca the place is too dangerous for humans the teachers seem to share a similar sentiment as they increase their awareness and prepare to defend the heroes from possible attacks the four revered Saints ask the heroes to back off a bit but a couple of them find this very insulting with how much they've trained do these guys think there are some newbies the complainers moan about being restricted to weak monsters in other areas it's about time to test the strength of these monsters it's always the weak ones isn't it before long the group is attacked by several monsters and most of the heroes are helpless against them the teachers have to step up to fight these Monsters the eldest son of the revered Saints take one Apostle nantan takes another one and Abyss takes on another monster it's time to show these Heroes a little practical demonstration and so they charge at the monsters avoiding all their dangerous attacks while searching for openings to attack them their skills were impressive but what stands out is their confidence while attacking such dangerous monsters these guys weren't bluffing about being super strong Apostle nyantan is particularly impressive against these monsters she evades every attack in Swift motions that the heroes can barely see with their eyes and then she gracefully cuts through the monster like its simple training the goddess really has a powerful Apostle in yantan the other Fighters aren't slacking either after watching them move the heroes wonder why these guys can't just confront the great Demon's Army instead of them even after all of this there are still six monsters left in that area the hero who led the complaints is really serious is about fighting he laughs at the monsters in the area labeling them weak and no match for him imagine telling him to back down because of these monsters he uses his unique skill draconic Buster on the monsters maybe he's not so weak after all as the skill eliminates all the remaining monsters in the area his unique skill goes up to level 4. he really backs up his talk with work next challenge please meanwhile there's another party in the golden monster area ayaka and her companions are dealing with enemies on their own not too far away they're curious about the blast in the distance but even more curious about the Fallen enemies in front of them they couldn't find out anything about these guys as soon as they were cornered and couldn't escape they committed suicide they must have been faithful spies ayoka and her companions know that the goddess is out for them though they conclude that the goddess might have sent these guys to take care of people from the group they must be more careful from here on out meanwhile Toca and his companions camp in one of the buildings in the golden monster area Toco points out that he saw a Shining Light in the distance earlier he's curious to know what it could have been Sarah says that it was most likely a fight between monsters wait a minute monsters against themselves according to Cerros if the golden eyed monsters are made by different roots of all evil they might fight against each other toku gets her explanation but he still strongly feels that it could have been a fight between humans and monsters oh well it's too late to try and investigate for now a good night's rest is in order Sarah sleeps with thoughts Atoka being unhappy because she's just a boring high-class elf she may have blurted out those words in her sleep because early the next morning she's the topic of discussion between Toca and Eve Toca understands why she would feel like that she once told him stories about her past and how everyone was attracted to her beauty but repelled by her lack of sense of humor that must be why she keeps remembering it in her sleep Eve feels that Cerros has enough charm and doesn't need the noble sense of humor finally Toca and Eve get to the first floor of the building the reason for their morning walk Toca instructs Eve not to immediately show her face when the door opens it could be dangerous no wonder he left Saros in charge of Liz they enter the room and it's right there a human-faced monster rewind to the previous night Toka and His companion to analyze past defense and draw out plans for future ones they noticed that the monsters around this area are very few maybe it's because they are getting closer to the witch of taboo's place it could be that the monster's habitat is more in the periphery than in the center of the golden monster Zone The Warriors check to see if Liz is doing okay the dark elf says she would be fine as long as Eve is fine besides seros already assured her that as long as Toca lives they would get to their destination safely speaking of seros Eve talks about her admiration for the warrior elf Eve might have the advantage when it comes to speed strength and skills but tsaras's intelligence is what makes her stand out from others when that intelligence is combined with the power of the spirits most Warriors are no match for her Saros tries to be modest Patoka joins in on the Praises pointing out that she wouldn't lose to the Black Dragon Knights if she's at full power on the contrary Toka wins fights by not letting his opponents show their true strength if it comes to a battle of Swords he would have to depend on even Saras for his safety as an example he defeated Civic without letting him show his full strength since they're talking about strong people Toco lets him know that he's done a little research on other strong Warriors in the country of Jonah toe there's a woman called curia gilstein she's known as Jonah tosane and is the most powerful woman in jonato besides her a group known as the four revered Saints is a powerful group too the eldest son and eldest daughter are the most powerful of the group in the Miele Empire the strongest person is the Mad Emperor very few people have seen him fight so no one knows just how strong he is but one thing is for certain he's not an ordinary man in urza the strongest person has to be Eve Eve Cuts in at this point she's pretty strong but the strongest person in urza is the dragon slayer of the magic Knight a warrior that Eve respects wow as for the kingdom of Naya Saras has that title or at least she used to bakwas used to have Civic Garland before Toca happened while the kingdom of magnor has sigured cygmus Toka is really intrigued by the strong guys and he asks questions about the strength of the 13 Cavalry Valiant according to Eve the sixth Cavalry is usually known as the strongest but when it comes to strong individuals nyantan is generally known as the strongest these are famous individuals who don't belong to any country for example the drunken sword party the White Walkers and another unknown guy known as The Sword of Valor that's everything she knows about the strongest guys before she ends the small talk Eve reminds Toka of the one whom he should fear right now the monsters she warns him to flee the moment he comes across a human-faced monster as these ones are not ordinary back to the present token and Eve are in the room with the human face monster they hide behind pillars because the monsters are too fast once the praise in line of sight they can't hide forever though toku tells Eve about his plan to kill the monster human face Monsters can't hide their sadistic emotions at all and this one doesn't look like it'd let them Escape they must think of something at the moment they stand no chance against the monster its reactions are too quick for them to defend against they are probably still alive only because they are out of range or because the sadistic monster is trying to tease them with death the Warriors are cornered and must think of something without thinking it through Eve picks up a rock and throws it at the monster he throws it so quickly but the monster reacts with lightning speed that Toca can barely keep up with wait a moment she may have just given toku an idea Toca notices Eve's throw together with the monster's reaction and has an idea about how to beat the human-faced monster he calls out pigimaru and sleigh and he finally grasps what the young man has in mind he offers to ride the horse and play The Bait after all she's a better Warrior and horse rider than him while Eve Saddles the horse Toka prepares to combine with piggy Maru the human face monster reacts to anyone within range of its attack and it attacks at lightning speed its range of attacks is a little wider than tokas which is why he needs to buy some time by using Eves Bay style is very mobile and can match the monster speed to escape its traps from his experience Toka knows that these monsters torture the Weak by feeding on the emotions of Despair to stop the opponent's motion it most likely aim at its legs with slay speed and Eve's experience the pair should be able to evade the monster's attacks creating an opportunity for Toca to attack the flyking Squadron must be grateful for having a genius as their leader everything happened just as toku predicted it meanwhile toku combines piggy maru's tentacles into one making it much faster than it used to be the human face monster is now fully prepared to take down even slay and it shifts in focus from Toca creating the opportunity he seeks he paralyzes the monster and uses berserk on it there's no higher form of torture the monster doesn't last long before dying the system notifies him of a level increase confirming the monster's death with that Toka is sure that they've conquered all the human-faced monsters in the golden monster area he comes to congratulate him for a job well done but they can barely talk before a bright light comes out from the human face monster and goes into the air okay that can't be good it's a familiar technique to Toca a signal that activates when one dies Toca is correct and the ground underneath begins to shake violently before long the area is surrounded by monsters that are too many to count Toka and Eve barely have enough time to go back upstairs before the monsters attack it'd be better if it was just the normal monsters unfortunately the ones attacking them are some of the human faced monsters they must have gotten the signal from their fallen comrade and are now fully prepared for war the Warriors break the news to their other companions Toca announces that if they don't escape soon they'll become food for the human-faced monsters Toca knows that he's the one with the best chance of survival so he offers himself his bait this is their only chance of survival and the whole group knows even at that Cyrus and Eve offer themselves this bait instead Eve is the only one with knowledge of The Witch's House there's no way she would be put in danger also it'd be easier to negotiate with the witch if Eve is present and lastly only one person there has abnormal skills taking inflict real damage on the monsters Toca Saras hands over a stone to Toca it's the loudspeaker stone that he requested she made it using materials from the human face monster well that was fast Toca puts it on and then instructs Saras to hide with the even Liz once the monsters start moving in large numbers they must take advantage of the opportunity to escape they say their goodbyes for now hopefully Toco rides with slay and pigimaru to the area where the monsters gather Toko passed some magic energy into the loudspeaker and peaky calls the attention of the monsters making them focus on Toca alone the plan works as the monsters start to advance towards him in large numbers that's the cue he can only hope his companions have used the opportunity to escape the leading pack of the monsters look really fast Toca isn't 100 sure about his chance of survival even at that slay and pigimaru don't wish to abandon him loyal companions these ones since they didn't abandon him he promised it to give his best to save his life and theirs it's a full-scale war between the human-faced monsters and the abnormal State skill user will Toka survive this one especially without any help from even Saras how much attention would this battle draw since the flyking Squadron isn't alone in the forest
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 1,410,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: hn6eSFTQteA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 15sec (6195 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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