This Isekai Manga is ACTUALLY GOOD..

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the tale kicks off with a conversation between a boy named Ike and his grandfather Romberg Romberg consistently emphasizes to his grandson that regardless of the circumstances he must not unveil his true identity by removing his mask and cloak as revealing his true identity would incur the Wrath of the Demon King this directive is revealed to be his grandfather's Last Wish before passing away fast forward to the present where a kingdom is under siege and facing destruction by the Demon King's orc Army the Invaders engage in a fierce battle with the Kingdom's Defenders from the palace the king armed and seemingly prepared for combat observes the tragic events unfolding through his window in an unexpected turn of events Ike manages to breach the guards and visit the king the king doesn't need to inquire about his identity upon spotting the cloak and mask he recognizes the unwelcome visitor as none other than Ike the Demon King's trusted strategist Ike presents the man with three options surrender and become the Demon King's prisoner commit suicide to preserve his honor or secretly Escape through the window deeming the last option to be too passive for a demon king subordinate the king rejects all three choices he attempts to attack Ike with his sword but Ike effortlessly subdues him using his raging Storm magic skill once the king is defeated Ike employs telepathy to convey to the orc Army that the war is concluded instructing them to not harm the surrounded individuals and to tend to the injured Prisoners the Orcs are puzzled by this unusual order but Ike explains that if all humans are killed there won't be anyone left to gather money and resources from the demons understand his reasoning and are inspired by his wisdom later that day postwar he heads back to his office all by himself once inside he peels off his mask unveiling his human face it turns out that Ike wasn't originally from this world he used to live as a human in a country from another world named Japan he died and got reincarnated to the current world he now calls home however the memories of his past life tagged along up until now Ike has been super careful about keeping a lid on the promise he made with his grandpa Romberg why well because spilling the beans on his true identity means one thing curtains for him even his office is wrapped up in a strong magic field no one can Walts in without ik's say so but to ik's surprise he stumbles upon a girl hiding under his office table he jumps in Surprise and asks her how she got there but instead of answering she bows down pleading for her life and insisting she didn't see anything as she lifts her head she accidentally hits the table knocking herself out meanwhile in a place called ven chair a woman spies on Ike through a m magc ball she chats about how he conquered the kingdom of Aram in less than a week with his own troops the next day Ike returns to arsam to check on things he strolls around town with his orc advisor giron giron expresses concern about the low number of inhabitants left in the Kingdom Ike reassures him saying the Demon King only cares about results and arson being a trading center will be useful for trade as they walk worried villagers approach asking about the new tax they'll have to pay to the Demon King's Army giron gets Furious and scolds them for talking so rudely to ice that he even moves forward to attack but Ike manages to hold them back Ike then calmly tells the villagers that their taxes will stay the same as under their previous King however he gives them a heads up that if they go against the demon king they will face some serious consequences just as Ike is explaining a Golem mysteriously shows up through a portal and takes a swing at him quick on his feet Ike Dodges the attack but right after he's whisked away to another place the person who summoned him turns out to be seph the general of the Demon King's seventh Division and ik's boss turns out she's been the one keeping an eye on him through the magic ball and she is also the only one in the entire Demon King Army who knows his secret he expresses frustration about her unexpected call but she disregards his complaint the golem Attacks once more but he skillfully evades and counterattacks swiftly defeating the creature after the Golem is destroyed Sethro concedes that he has become more powerful questioning her unconventional summoning methods He suggests a more conventional approach she however finds the unpredictability more exciting having missed seeing him him for a long time Ike inquires if his summoning is related to seizing Aram to which she commends his Flawless execution curious he asks why she summoned him and she reveals that the sixth and latest Demon Lord wishes to meet him in person she mentions that it's the first time ever a Demon Lord asked to meet a brigade Captain Ike is surprised and puzzled about why the Demon Lord would choose him Sethro thinks that maybe the Demon Lord is satisfied with defeating Aram so quickly and that's why she's taking Ike to the demon Lord's castle she asks him to touch her so they can teleport there while doing so she tries to flirt but he declines and she playfully calls him boring a few seconds later they vanish completely the young girl whom Ike discovered beneath his table earlier regains Consciousness after an earlier incident that left her unconscious as she attempts to leave she encounters an unexplained barrier impeding her progress noticing a note affixed to the invisible obstruction she carefully removes it and finds instructions from Ike urging her to remain obedient and wait indoors complying with these directives she patiently Waits inside say savoring a delightful meal at the dining table meanwhile Ike and Sethro eventually reached vorberg Castle the residence of the Demon Lord upon arriving at the gate they encounter a Sentry who commends Ike for successfully conquering and capturing the kingdom of Aram attributing this achievement to the lineage of Romberg Ike is surprised and questions the man if he truly knows his grandfather the man responds saying that everyone inside the Demon King's bloodline has heard the name Romberg he invites them inside mentioning that they shouldn't keep the Demon King waiting Ike already knows a bit about the new Demon King recognizing that despite the predecessor's challenges against humans the sixth Demon King turned the tables in a single battle making him the strongest Demon King ever when they reached the castle Hall Ike is astonished to find out that the new Demon King whom he assumed was a man is actually a young lady she greets him with a light smile welcoming him to the castle Ike is utterly astonished to discover that the demon king is in fact a woman however the Demon King seeks clarification questioning if Ike is truly seph's subordinate responsible for capturing the impenetrable arsom stuttering Ike confirms and humbly attributes his success to seph's guidance The Demon King applauds his humility but suggests his excessive modesty is making her question if he truly belongs to their kind this Revelation shocks Ike who never anticipated that his humble nature would work against him Sethro intervenes revealing Ike is romberg's grandchild the lady finds this amusing connecting his humble demeanor and strategic wisdom to his lineage she then inquires if this is why after conquering arsam he is compelled to surrender without harming a single civilian Ike understands that the demon Army driven by its ruthless nature would annihilate every inhabitant of the city following the rule of Terror they adhere to Being Human Ike finds it morally unacceptable to tolerate such a massacre aware that providing an insufficient response may lead to consequences he carefully formulates an answer to satisfy the situation he then explains that instilling Terror in humans might make them fearful but it won't ensure their obedience to support his argument he cites an example of of a City previously captured by the demon forces comparing its efficiency to one ruled by a human Lord he prompts the consideration of which scenario would be more advantageous for their kind emphasizing that the answer is obvious The Demon King inquires if romberg's teachings influenced him and he acknowledges the truth of it despite the relatively short duration of his discussion with daol Cuttin The Demon King he holds a reasonable certainty that she like him experienced reincarnation this conclusion comes from her revolutionary military strategy extensive knowledge and remarkable Charisma furthermore he recognizes that D Cuttin translates to the demon king of the sixth heaven in Japanese a title associated with a historical figure ingrained in the collective memory of every Japanese individual The Demon King then rises from her throne gracefully descending the stairs until she reaches seph and Ike expressing to Ike that he possesses a unique quality that sets him apart from other demons she kindly expresses her desire to one day see the true face Beneath The Mask he wears as she departs the H she leaves and encourages him to strive for excellence sharing her high expectations and urging him to give his best as she exits Ike overwhelmed takes off his mask gasping and sweating profusely feeling as though he's on the verge of a real life crisis Ike tells seph that he feels as if he's about to die and Sethro remarks that it's quite unlike him but he corrects her revealing that despite his cold appearance his mind is fragile to make matters worse The Demon King was able to easily discern that he wore a demonic mask sephra with a smile just that he should be thankful she hasn't uncovered his human identity she then cryptically mentions that the Demon Lord has bestowed a reward upon him a statement that confuses Ike to compound the confusion she suggests that what was labeled as a reward might be more akin to a punishment in her eyes fast forward to a few hours later Ike finds himself in the heart of iali a cyan arsom gyon approaching with a smile extends congratulations for Ike's Newfound role as the ruler of iali this elevation and Status comes as a reward from da Cuttin for their Victorious battle placing Ike in charge of aram's southern city however there's a Twist iali while a prize has always been the front line for any conflicts with other kingdoms against arsom because it was located at the edge of the Kingdom earlier seph had instructed Ike to defend the city at all costs emphasizing that she means all costs adding to the complexity of the situation Ike is instructed to double taxes a surprising demand amid the ongoing War when Ike tries to object Sethro subtly yet intent Al threatens to Triple the task if he objects further Ike plans to start by rebuilding the city gates to fortify against future attacks curious about the timeline he asks gyron how long it would take to fully renovate the wall gyron estimates around 6 months but Ike realizes that's too long if humans decide to attack before the rebuilding is done it could spell serious trouble initially he contemplates leaving the wall untouched due to the lengthy repair time and the vulnerability it poses however realizing the Wall's crucial role in the impending War he decides preparation is a essential he informs gyron that the wall must be fully rebuilt within a month despite guyon's belief that it's impossible Ike emphasizes that this would only be impossible if they solely relied on human efforts Zoom ahead nearly a month and guess what the once damaged wall is on the fast track to be as good as new a sneaky spy from Rosalia tasked with checking the Reconstruction progress is blown away completely stunned he rushes off to Spill the Beans to his allies it turns out that the secret behind the speedy recovery is Ike's genius plan of a collab operation between humans and demons working together to build the wall gyron overseeing the operation can't help but Marvel at how brilliantly ik's plan is working switching shifts every 8 hours allows them to work non-stop for 24 hours and everyone is being rewarded for their hard work which really lifts their Spirits gyron admires Ike's smarts and wisdom even though he doesn't have that level of intellect himself still gyron trusts Ike and is sure he'll become the next Demon Lord meanwhile Ike returns home to find the girl he left in his office now lying on the ground Ike is curious about why the girl is lying on the floor and wonders if she might simply be tired from enjoying the food he finds it impressive that she can sleep so well in the situation eventually the girl wakes up and confused inquires about her whereabouts recalling being taken from arsom Ike explains that they are now in IAL a smaller City on the south side of Aram feeling scared the girl pleads for Mercy asking Ike to spare her life because she doesn't want to die Ike reassures her urging her to calm down and emphasizes that he has no intention of taking her life after skillfully severing the restraining rope he informs her that she was moved alongside his office because she couldn't leave expressing his current lack of inclination towards violence Ike asks about her name she discloses her identity as 13 prompting his astonishment at the peculiar nature of her name 13 explains that in a world where slaves are designated by numbers her mother bestowed upon her the name 13 however being that she now knows he's a human he tells her he can't let her go she earnestly pleads with him reassuring that she hasn't witnessed any anything and Promises to guard the secret throughout her life he expresses trust in her words yet proposes a condition to spare her life she must become his personal maid the girl taken back gazes at him in astonishment Ike insists that she cannot decline the offer emphasizing that resistance is futile whether she likes it or not to his surprise the girl willingly accepts the position expressing her Readiness to be under his care henceforth the demon Lord's Sentry provides an update on the ongoing developments and their approach to dealing with the kingdom of Rosalia according to him the war is progressing favorably but there's Intel suggesting that Rosalia is plotting a counter offensive additionally he mentions rumors about Rosalia forming alliances with neighboring kingdoms da Cuttin observes that humans tend to Rally only when pushed to the brink expressing her belief that it's now Ike's moment to take action Ike embarks on a covert intelligence mission in the city of racis within Rosalia enlisting 13 to accompany him amidst the bustling Marketplace they encounter a cunning con artist conducting a shell game involving a a round seed and cups the con artist invites onlookers to guess the cup containing the seed for chance to win enticing prizes requiring a coin for each attempt 13 suddenly steps forward decisively selecting a cup the man acknowledges her bold choice and asks about the money she's willing to bet responding that she lacks money he initially tries to stop her from playing however upon noticing her attractive physique he proposes alternative Wagers Beyond cash proceeding to open the chosen cup the con artist unveils it to be empty but the other cup suddenly magically begin to float which reveals that all cups are also empty 13 astutely points out that none of the cups actually contained the S after seed this Revelation prompts the audience to recognize the man's deceit stirring anger among them demanding refunds they seize and retaliate against the fraudulent character Ike emerges from the bustling crowd pulling 13 aside and asking her what type of maid would abandon her master in such a manner 13 offers an apology explaining her irresistible urge to explore the town's captivating attractions observing Ike's attire resembling that of an ordinary commoner she curiously questions the reason behind his outfit Choice Ike enlightens her about their mission to gather intelligence on enemy explaining the necessity for normal clothing as they preced a battalion of soldiers parades by prompting Ike to realize the rumors he heard of an alliance were actually true 13 inquires about the nature of the alliance prompting an explanation he details that the alliance serves as an age-old agreement urging kingdoms to set aside their pride and unite against a common threat additionally he highlights the hisorical recurrence of The Pact recounting three instances when the demon king's forces were repelled towards dorber in the East he wonders if that would be the case this time around as well curious 13 asks if he wishes for the Demon King's Army to suffer defeat to which he responds in the negative amidst their conversation a voice interrupts from behind urging them to Halt startled they turn around only to discover the con artist and his bodyguard the con artist accuses them of tampering with the cups and 13 asserts that it's because he was cheating he urges her to be silent insisting that it's it's time for him to seek retribution with her having to pay both monetarily and physically Ike ensuring no onlookers reveals a miniature version of his ororo staff the con artist inquires about it but his bodyguard interrupts revealing that his own legs are frozen solid Ike then summons several ice Spears towards the con artist halting them just before impact despite the man's warning Ike allows one ice spear to pierce his shoulder as a cautionary measure the man finally begins to admit that it's all his fault however Ike cares little about that and instead asks him about the Army's activities in the country the man claims he doesn't know what they're up to but Ike threatens him by directing an ice spear toward his eye subsequently the man begins to confess about how rosalia's Army is planning to take revenge on the Demon King's Army Ike realizes that if the Rosalia Army makes the first move they'll gain more advantage and Authority at the king's Gathering during and after the war conversely if they fail Rosalia would be history Ike then inquires about the battlefield location and the man informs him that it'll be at iali as the gate has been recently turned down down and their defense is low the Rosalia Army led by a female Captain finally arrives at ivali they notice the area is eerily quiet with no sign of guards so they move forward to attack unaware that it's a trap before they can prepare their cannons they find themselves surrounded by an army of the undead emerging from the ground startled by the unexpected turn of events they soon discover they've been ambushed by the Orcs descending from high above the mountain realizing it's a trap it Dawns on them too late as the demon Army emerges from nowhere and begins to attack the Knight Captain then orders the surviving soldiers to retreat and with that the battle is one gyon Praises Ike's prediction and tells him that he didn't know he had already scouted the enemy's territory however as they were talking someone from the demon Army suddenly fired an arrow at Ike piercing him from behind Ike wakes up in bed realizing his wound from the arrow shot has been bandaged up beside him is sephar casually sprawled in bed where he is seated upright her presence startled him and he questions it uncomfortable with the fact that she was in his personal space sleeping next to him while he was unconscious she coolly asks if she deserves the Outburst since she is the one who saved his life she was even kind enough to add an intense massage while he was unconscious so as to relieve his pain for when he would eventually wake up Ike cringes in response she was simply attending to a wounded patient who happened to be him she questions if he doesn't remember anything about the arrow incident he has the healing scar to prove it if he's still in doubt she also informed him that there were no human C ities in the battle and that this might raise the demon Lord's suspicion Ike reminds her that his goal is to create a world where humans and demons can cohabitate Safro puts on a hat that Shields her face and instructs Ike to sit in bed for a while quietly too because despite her healing inventions he is still just human back at the Kingdom of Rosalia the vice Commander gal Rosia is in an office at the night division of the Kingdom unbelievable news has reached him that the white Myrtle Knights retreated the messenger gives the excuse of the unexpected traps the demon set up but gal Rosia isn't having it he decides the way forward is to throw the captain of the Myrtle Army in jail the messenger dares to argue that Captain alistair's abilities are known across the kingdom galr roia insists that someone has to pay for the failure of the army and it will be her the bigger picture is to keep his Majesty's reputation intact hence why someone lower must take the blame at yali's Ike all masked up examines the arrow that shot him it has definitely come from the Rosalia Kingdom it still leaves open to question how they were able to infiltrate the aali kingdom in the first first place there aren't any hidden paths as far as Ike is aware of that rules out external forces leaving internal forces to be considered someone approaches him succubus Lis wanting to verify the truth behind the arrow shot she appears worried and starts to get touchy wanting to know where he was hit by the arrow Ike asks her to back off stating that he is fine and there's no need for her to be crawling over his table to get to him she remains on the table giving him a seductive View and prompting his memory about his promise to accept her virginity as an offering to him so he has to be more careful as to not get hurt or injured again gyron and 13 step into the office meeting Ike andus in a rather compromising situation 13 stutters an introduction of herself as Ike's maid when Lis questions who she is gyron on the other hand had simply come to inform Ike that it was time for his meal Lis rorts asking Ike if he isn't aware that 13 is a human and Ike shrugs in response and he doesn't see a problem with that should there be Lis continues to fume that and not only is she human she is ugly at this point she might as well be his maid because 13 isn't up to his caliber in the slightest 13 Cuts in saying it's time for Ike to have his lunch she winks and it makes lilis livid as she is assured now that 13 is flirting with her prize she questions 13 about her action and the maid replies that she shouldn't have the ability to successfully flirt if she is just an ugly human maid the moment gets more tense until gyron tells them to quit it they are both in the presence of ik sama and should know better Lis spits back at gyron calling him an ugly orc that needs to shut up Ike cushions the blow by telling gyron that he he isn't actually that ugly gyon seems satisfied with this statement onto more serious business gyron asks Ike if there's anything that could be the matter Ike responds that he would like gyon to check on the whereabouts of the Myrtle Knight's Captain as there is something he would like to verify it seems that the Myrtle Knight's Captain is currently being held in prison and he wants to verify how true that is a few days later gyon is back with a confirmation he assumes Alistair is being punished for their failed Battle from earlier Ike announces he will assess the situation himself gyron offers to come with Ike but Ike declines even when gyon insists on not going alone it turns out Lis was evees dropping on their conversation all along when he steps out she makes her present known and offers to tag along she chimes in that it must be boring traveling alone so what he needs is company against his stubbornness two heads are better than one in all Ike concedes but insists she must stay quiet if she's to tag along when the prison is in view they stay partially hidden among some plants and watch they notice that security around the prison Gates doesn't seem so tight Lis announces that she will handle the guards herself Ike warns that he has a goal to avoid unnecessary fights so Lis proudly and silently takes out the guards they gain entrance into the prison and the place is quite massive with spiraling Grand stairs they might be here for more than a minute it seems Lis tortures a guard into admitting that they will need to go to the highest floor she also has the keys another guard is alerted of their presence and calls on his comrades to charge after The Intruders Lis remains confident and asks the battle between the guards to be left solely to her while Ike goes on ahead she hands him the key and he warns her to not cause unnecessary Bloodshed his warnings fall on deaf ears Ike reaches his destination and unlocks the door it seems empty even though he is sure this must be the room someone who's cloaked blindsides and attacks him he attacks back activating his magic sword mode with his oroboro staff he defeats his attacker and is able to straddle her to reveal it is Alistair she questions if he's here to add salt to her injury also wanting to know what has brought a demon all the way caught offg guard Ike wears the expression of pure astonishment upon discovering that Alistair is in fact a girl meanwhile on the Alistair front curiosity is buzzing around her like an impatient hummingbird waiting for an explanation why oh why would a demon swoop in for a dramatic rescue Ike in his casual yet mysterious style spills the tea that there's a tiny matter he needed to straighten out now brace herself for the plot twist he pops the question asking Alistair if she's The Mastermind behind the sneaky assassin who tried to ruin his day with a surprise Arrow attack in the last epic battle as the footsteps play the role of the ticking clock signaling the impending conclusion of their impromptu interrogation session Alistair decides it's her time to shine with a twinkle of Mischief in her eyes she flips the script and fires back at Ike with a question that's been buzzing in her curious mind is he genuinely a demon but the timing the guards are closing and ready to crash the party Ike sensing the imminent intrusion gears up for a discreet exit strategy alas Alistair is not letting him off the hook that easily like a quick-witted fencing Master she barricades his Escape brandishing a blade with a cheeky grin she's got a burning question and Ike with guards on his tail is caught in the delightful Crossfire the million-dollar question is he rocking the human label or the demon one Alistair still has Ike hostage as she leads him out of her Prison Room and out into the open the guards are fast approaching wielding weapons and Alistair commands Ike to stay put he responds it would be wiser if she herself didn't move but before she can understand what he's talking about he activates a hyper sense skill that seems to make her immobile the guards are now face to face face yelling threats one of the guards commands a dark wind rise and Ike reacts by blowing his opponents away with windbreaker dark wind is actually a massive being in full armor with a spiked weapon he plans to use to smash Ike to Smither Ike calls on dark power and the giant guard goes crashing down the impact from the battle starts to crumble part of the facility and Alistair falls off from where the stairs have broken Ike sees this and launches after her to catch her before she hits the ground he successfully does so landing on his feet with her in his arms he sets her down and she stares at her hand noticing she's once again mobile she starts to ask how but he cuts her off by saying he hasn't introduced himself he is the captain of the undying Brigade from the seventh division of the Lord's army and he is not human okay fine as that is Alistair still needs to know what he wants from her he reminds her of his earlier question was she the one that put an assassin on his back she admits that indeed she was and cheekily adds so what he starts to analyze if it was for the sake of Victory but there conversation is interrupted by Lis whose jealousy knows no bounds as long as Ike is talking to the opposite gender she's on alert Ike displaying a surprising Twist of character drops the bombshell that their one-on-one chat will have to hit pause for now this leaves Alistair in a state of mild bewilderment is he planning to exit stage left without the dramatic Touch of a grand finale AKA her demise fear not for Ike the unorthodox conversationalist confesses that snuffing out lives isn't exactly his Forte much to alistair's relief in a Twist that defies the typical hostility of foes he casually mentions that he's taken a stroll through her thoughts and found her not a knee deep in the Cloak and Dagger business that caused the attack talk about a mind-reading demon with a conscience in an almost mentor-like tone Ike throws some enemy to enemy advice alistair's way encouraging her not to spiral into Devastation instead he dishes out a nugget of wisdom emphasizing that learning from failures in the aftermath of a loss is the secret sauce to becoming a top tier General who would have thought a demon could double as a life coach he then turns to Lis stating that they head back home Lis doesn't understand what the hurry is about and Ike suggests she can rest if she's tired once they get back she rorts that he's misinterpreting her surprise that they're leaving so soon meanwhile Alistair is still stunned by ik's words from earlier upon his Grand return to evali Ike transforms into a clue cracking Maestro attempting to assemble the jigsaw puzzle of hints swirling in his mind the arrow that Zapped him total baddy Arsenal material but plot twist during his jaunt in Myrtle White's Turf no matching arrows caught his Discerning Eye conclusion someone's playing Picasso with a setup aiming to dip human hands in a splash of crimson paint crafty right it's the worst case scenario and he hates that it's a possibility but there seems to be a spy from within the Army he activates a dark magic mind reading and is able to identify who the Spy is at Valen share Ike visits Sethro who reveals it's been a while since he's last come to the residence Sethro teases that she can tell something is wrong Ike however is not in the mood for games she comes out with it she senses there's a traitor right Ike asks how she knows and she responds with a question of her own asking if he knows the traitor's identity it's the vice Chancellor of the seventh division the oneeyed Imp Jace Sethro doesn't seem surprised by that Revelation and this baffles Ike she explains that these sorts of things usually happen and Ike would like to know what their next course of action should be then she answers that what should be done has already been decided until they get the compensation they want down in ler Jace the vice General with a flare of drama gets the scoop that Ikes playing hide and seek nearby puzzled he interrogates the Assassin wondering aloud how on Earth Ike survived a supposedly pinpoint hit the Assassin with an air of confidence insists he Bullseye Ike's chest enter another orc bearing news of a no-show spy at the undying Bridge Jace reading between the lines declares that the party is over and suggests it's time to summon the troops for the next big strategic shindig Jace is further informed that ik has come by himself and himself alone Jace goes out to meet Ike with his troops Ike states that he was just passing by and thought to say hello he questions why Jace is flanked by so many troops asking if there's an impending battle Jace tells him to mind his business and priz about the arrow incident not so much for minding your own business huh Jace Jace the brigade's seasoned Captain shares a nugget of wisdom with Ike urging him to crank up the caution dial Ike and sync with the vibe nods in agreement revealing his ongoing contemplation about the importance of being on guard especially against those tricky traitors Jace maintaining his laid-back demeanor casually probes Ike about his solo Adventure casually throwing shade at the vast Firepower of his own troops he playfully hints that tackling the entire crew solo might be akin to juggling flame torches in a wind storm but if all his troops are gathered to fight Ike then it means their attention is diverted from the main cause of action and that is to blow up Jace's territory seph is on standby with their own troops who are launching fire she momentarily thinks of Ike who's on the inside but he should be able to manage himself somehow meteor strike darker than the Black Light from deep within the void a spark fell down upon them the root of an apocalypse that would shatter the world ler starts to crumble and Sethro leads the Army for what she calls a cleanup they are instructed to not let a single soul Escape Jace watches with gritted teeth as his troops get defeated and his territory becomes nothing but Rubble Ike offers him two options the first option is to surrender without making a fuss the second option is to be tortured into surrendering with his limbs at risk because they will be the first body parts to be harmed with Jace frantically rallying the remnants of his crew to speed up and put an end to Ike our Speedy hero Ike decides to one up the game by unleashing a jaw-dropping sonic boom attack Orcs come charging in from every nook and cranny but fear not for Ike pulls out his superhero move a swift Shield barrier that's practically an orc repellent not content with just playing defense Ike cranks things up a notch and activates the Black Arrow skill it's like watching a magical action flick only this time Ike is the main attraction ready to show Jace and his Squad that when it comes to skills he's the Undisputed MVP while Ike is dealing with Jace's minions Jace starts to escape he's momentarily blocked by a giant demon ready to attack but he swiftly distracts the giant by throwing a stone in its direction it's too late by the time they've noticed he's escaping he leaps over the walls into safety conceding that he has just retreated for now but Sethro better be aware that the real battle has only just begun just as Jace thinks he's aced the escaping game Ike swoops in with a grand and slightly terrifying entrance Jace looking a bit startled demands the scoop on Ike's Lightning Fast tracking skills Ike with a smirk spills the tea he predicted Jace's dash for the exit and sneakily hitched a tiny parasite ride on Jace's back game over for Jace right well Ike reassures him it should be but oh no Jace is the stubborn type with a title to uphold Vice general of the seventh Legion no less he's not ready to surrender to what he seems to be a mere weakling like Ike now brace yourself because resistance might seem futile but Jace's determination is in full swing as he gears up to take down Ike the self-proclaimed high and mighty talker Let The Showdown begin Jace fueled by determination lunges into action but alas his efforts collide with Ike's impenetrable barrier Ike with a sassy smirk throws a little shade Jace's way playfully reminding him to not get his hopes up with feeble moves like that and then just to add a dash of flare to The Showdown I Ike unleashes the sonic boom move that could probably be heard in the next Kingdom the force of Ike's move sends Jace soaring through the air like a comically exaggerated scene from an action-packed film as Ike surveys the Airborne Jace he can't help but Muse that in the grand scheme of things Jace seems to be more of a brains over braa type of guy turns out scheming and plotting might be Jay's Forte leaving Ike to wonder if this face off is more about wits than fists the next thing that happens is that Vines start to grow all around Jace's limbs from where he landed from his fall Ike announces it's a binding spell set to imprison him now there's nowhere to run it really should be game over like for real this time Jace spills he was planning on recruiting Ike over to his side that's why he was ordered to attack the indestructible arsom it seems they have an offer for dear Ike Ike's demon Army is also welcome to join the other side Jace asks Ike to think carefully about his proposal demons are born to be the natural enemies of humans enslaving and torturing them yet they have a Demon Lord who Jace feels hasn't done much for them they were sent out and instructed to not kill any of the innocent which was rather displeasing to a handful Jace translates this to mean the current Demon Lord has no ambition or competence and is not fit to hold the title maybe she doesn't even want it to begin with this is why he proposes to Ike that they join forces and take charge Jace starts to cut himself loose from his bindings but Ike uses hypers sense to restrict his Mobility he inquires that Jace used the term us earlier and wants to know if this means that there are more traitors than the ones they've already dealt with seph appear and probes Jace to Spill the rest of his guts they then notice that Jace is having some sort of reaction that is causing him pain with the skin raised in numerous bumps and his eyes Contracting seph tries to use her healing Magic on him but it doesn't work seems like some people behind the scenes thought ahead and prepared a powerful poison to activate at the right time Sethro tries to make Jace understand that he's been abandoned and there's no need to hold on to his loyalty all she needs is a name and she would seek revenge on his behalf Jace reveals an identity general of the third Legion baso of the douah this comes as a shock to seph just then a monster eye floats in with a message that seph has been summoned by the Demon Lord standing in the presence of the Demon King they bring in baso of the duah the commander of the third Legion of the Demon King's Army to face the accusations of plotting to overthrow The Demon King based on the confession of the dying Vice general of the sth Legion Jace as expected baso gives a different statement from the one given by Ike and the Loy general of the seventh Legion seph he tries to convince The Demon King that they were trying to spread lies among the leaders of the Demon King Army strengthening his theory with the fact that the only witness of the case Jace was terminated in secret this meant that they could not back up the accusation with a live witness or any concrete proof The Demon King calls them to order and exposes that she is fully aware of baso plots against her which meant that she had known for a while but did nothing to actively stop him the Demon King explains why she let him live despite knowing he had treacherous PL plans no demons in the ranks hold any ambition and it made him stand out a truly outstanding individual will eventually get the position they deserve the normal way demons operate so baso being ambitious to become the demon king is normal if she were to punish baso for his Ambitions she could as well kill off the entire demon race Instead The Demon King also blames sephar as the events happened as a result of the flaws in her leadership even though she remains an incredibly loyal subordinate The Demon King also added that she could not lose two of her most excellent generals at a time like this in a bid to put an end to the elephant in the room The Demon King decides to hold a duel where the winner shall receive her favor this is the most reasonable method for solving disputes among demons and a Surefire way to prevent massive Bloodshed like earlier both parties agreed to the duel being a wise decision and they decide when how and where the duel will hold the duel will be a 50/50 battle between the two Legions and the representative Commander will manage all troops but will not be allowed to actively participate in the battle the troops used in the battle will be magical creatures created from dirt called puppet Soldiers the puppet soldiers will act according to the will of the sorcerer and their combat abilities will be relatively equal in summary the battle is structured to test the abilities of each General to see how well they make strategies it is a strategy battle with impartial rules for both sides and it is scheduled to be held in a week normally the duels used to settle conflicts between demons are 1 v1s but this one is the Demon King's subtle way of gauging the commanding ability of her subordinates and their subordinates like Ike quite an eccentric thought fights like this do not require the participation of the generals as they could send out representatives to fight on their behalf for this fight that is exactly what seph plans to do even though she would still be responsible for the battle's result she plans to send out Ike to act as Commander instead explaining that she is a very crafty woman and would only bet on the highest possibility of winning hearing this confused Ike as he is her inferior but little did he know that his General recognizes and accepts that his commanding ability already surpasses hers humble as always he refuses the thought adding that he couldn't even think of beating her but she clears the air telling him to not get it all mixed up she meant that he surpasses her in leadership but for a general he still has a lot to learn from her before being on par she gives him her trust placing her life in his hands for the battle at dorber belel the demon Ponders in Silence about the duel and the possible outcomes she would have to put an end to before they occur everyone is on Big Brain time as Ike also Ponders how to win the battle as well as the best strategy and weapon to use and countermeasures for baso plans Ike asks sad if she knew the best way to achieve complete victory in her battle but her response is helpful after a little conversation with Sadi he gets the idea of what weapon to use the basic combat strategies to fight at an advantageous distance from the enemy swords are better than daggers Spears are better than swords bows would ultimately be better than Spears attacking from a distance where your opponent cannot reach will give you an outstanding Advantage the only issue is that baso probably thought about this as well so it would not be as good of a choice the next step is to think of weapons that beat bows and arrows luckily STI thinks of something random crossbows the Lord of Aram commended the apess of crossbows once and she was lucky to hear him s's contribution inspires Ike to think of something more effective guns one major issue is that no one in this world is familiar with what guns are how they work and what they look like this simply means that it could not be made as he was the only one that knew guns existed Ike then got the brilliant idea to ask an extraordinary Alchemist and as it turns out the general of the seventh Legion fits the description Sethro is a witch but her professional title is Alchemist and thanks to her ego Ike banks on the fact that she would back up her brag about being able to do or create anything on meeting her however Ike is disappointed as she informs him that there are things that even she cannot do although she brags about being able to create anything under the sun moreover she had no knowledge of what guns look like or had even heard about them so she could not possibly make what she has nothing to go on Ike tries his best to explain how guns work telling her the mechanics of gun usage Sethro tries to tell him to relax about the Battle meanwhile at Avalon baso actively comes up with his plans and preparations for the battle working with the rumor that Ike is going to be the commander and also being cautious of seph as he made his plans his minions created a sword from the teeth of a dark dragon that could penetrate anything he decided that the sword will be used by the puppet soldiers and more to ensure his victory one of his minions interrupts to give him the good news that they were prepared for the battle with certainty baso mutters that the Demon Lord will regret giving him such an opportunity implying he would use the battle to take over the throne on the other hand Ike goes around looking for a towel to dry his itself and worrying why sephar his direct boss is taking the battle so lightly as he searches for his clothes he runs into the Demon King but mistakes her for seph thinking she was trying to toy with him like she always does this sends Ike into panic mode as he would be exposed as a human to The Demon King he tries to faint his identity hiding his true self and pretending to not know who or what the demon king is talking about the Demon Lord handed him a bag and instructed him to open it in the bag there were guns made for the puppet Soldiers the Demon Lord cues in her question is this this what you've been looking for as Ike glistened in Surprise the one exact thing he sought after right in front of him questions ran through his head questions like how did she get them why does she know about guns is she human just like him how did she know he needed guns what made her hand him the guns all questions that he would soon find the answer to in a final yet futile attempt to hide his identity from the Demon Lord he acts like he doesn't know who Ike is the Demon Lord tells him that there's no need to faint ignorance she also confirms his suspicion disclosing that as he suspected she was human in her previous life this made him wonder why she didn't act against him even when she knew that he was human the Demon Lord continues informing him that she has been watching him for a while judging from his past strategies she had her own suspicions that he was human as well she asked about his knowledge of hashiba hioshi and maosi both were extraordinary sangoku era Warriors and even mentioned two more the Demon Lord discloses that the mentioned names have helped her greatly in the past as it's thanks to them and their strategies that she's able to rule a nation this is where she starts to communicate as she informs Ike that for her to build the nation she envisions she needs a good General by her side she then informs him that she's hopeful that he will be able to do much for her after the encounter with the Demon Lord Ike is left to ponder on how far or how much she was able to read and how she knew he wanted guns then it clicked Oda noaga probably inspired her to make the guns available there is still a problem though he has no gunpowder or ammunition to load the gun's match lock making them useless for the battle as the plan wasn't to Ram them into the opponent's bodies luckily seph comes through for him as she makes a bullet with the ingredients and description Ike provided her with though the bullet is quite big for the gun as it had to enter the gun before becoming a projectile it was a huge start even if it takes a serious effect on seph's skin he could tick off the ammunition box from his list bent on creating gunpowder he needs carbon sulfur and potassium nitrate it's difficult to find the last two in this world then he realizes is a way out to create potassium nitrate animal carcasses or excrement in the soil can be fermented for 2 years with this information he heads over to the oldest toilet in Eves Ike gets what he needs and makes preparation as the day Drew near on the day of the duel all concerned gathered at the dvor Berg Arena where the duel is arranged to be held demons whale in excitement as they couldn't wait to get on with the duel the important figures of the day make their presence known and bastia wonders why Ike's puppet soldiers have only Shields as he approached the stage some demons wonder where zro is and if she ran away from the battle out of fear following his entry his puppet soldiers follow in next armed with dragon teeth swords and protected by armors made from Damascus steel the highest level of metal this fueled baso pride and certainty for victory as he boasts about the fate of the battle already being known he adds that all of the equipment was given to him by the Demon Lord and it shows that he's the one favored by her to win in actual truth she did so to make the advantages somewhat equal the battle's mediator Begins the rules and announcement informing them that whoever loses all his puppet soldiers loses the game after this he issues the beginning of the duel as the battle ensues there's heavy fire against Ike and his strategies is to defend as best as possible against it deaso defending alone came off as weak and boring spontaneously one of the puppet soldiers behind the shield wall does in the opponent puppet soldier with a head shot one attack became two two became three and after a while the majority of baso puppet soldiers were killed off Ike used the two-line formation strategy stemming from the three line formation of the battle of nagashino which he referenced of course the Demon Lord was watching with full attention as this was a tactic she invented being used by Ike in the swiftest fashion baso soldiers were wiped out leaving him a loser the Demon Lord puts an end to the match and proceeds to vet out the loser's prize she gives baso two options the first being he commits suicide and dies with honor and the latter being she kills him then and there either way he ends up dead but baso had a different plan a path where he becomes Demon Lord that day a path in his view befitting for a demon like him as this went on one of baso trusted subordinate sends an arrow flying at the Demon Lord which she catches with no effort unfortunately that was part of the plan because an explosive was tied to the arrow and soon it blew up right in her face uncertain about the demon Lord's Vitality the whole arena is thrown into Peril baso follows this up by announcing he is the new Demon Lord since there is no one to fill up the position or anyone that could stand against him aiding his cause were his subordinates also dressed in the same armor as the puppet soldiers implying that he planned to overthrow the Demon Lord from the start his preparations for the battle become clearer now as he would use any dirty tricks to get to the position of Demon Lord a few steps into the past we see Ike at the beginning of his otherworldly life studying magic with his grandfather as he was trying to learn white magic instead of the conventional curse magic used by the demon race baso instructed his subordinates to kill anyone who resists his rulership and stands against his new position as demon Demon Lord he enforces and plans to make sure that they know that he is the one in charge henceforth baso then turns to Ike asking him to join his side as the demon Lord's army is in full control he even offers him the position of the general of the seventh Legion of the demon Lord's army looking at the situation anyone would have considered switching to baso as it looked like he was on The Winning Side Ike as loyal as ever informs him with a bit of sarcasm that it's a nice offer but not an offer he has the power to fulfill which meant baso will not get to be Demon Lord on his his watch Ike opposes baso the forced Demon Lord and when baso accepts that he has refused to reason or switch sides a series of ferocious attacks began with each person determined to make the other meet his end they attack each other holding nothing back a fair fight did not last to long as baso subordinates joined in on the fight reducing the advantage for Ike and increasing the possibility of their General baso Victory thanks to Ike's proficiency and Magic he uses a spell that protects him from multiple attacks after assessing the situation and the Advantage difference between both parties Ike decides it's time to level the playing field and if possible gain advantage in the fight the encounter continues putting a strain on him as he tries to figure out the best possible way to put an end to the fight using the combination of two spells one after the other in a series he's able to eradicate all the underlings around him even baso gets caught up in the spell and his head and body were not one with baso and his underlings damaged Ike thought that the battle was over and the rulership of the demon armies left for someone worthy and better than Bast for the position unfortunately this is not the case as baso is very much alive and still ambitious about the seat seeing this Ike tries to blast baso with destructive magic but it was futile as the underlings and the main man baso kept regenerating anytime they got shot due to baso being a Duan demon and his soldiers being the undead the attacks were as useless as they could be all Ike can try to do is hold the undead Army of baso off single-handedly Ike keeps on using magic spells that could help with defeating the undead after couple confrontations with the demons to the point Ike gets smacked terribly on the next incoming attack he decides to use his skill hyp sense but using the skill only gave him breathing space because whatever he kills just keeps coming back to life and with friends too baso sees his futile struggle and commends his resilience but still doesn't doubt the strength of his Undead Army baso tells Ike that he could never defeat the undead Legion and that is highly regrettable as he would have made a fine seventh Legion General if he had taken up the offer even though it was a great loss if Ike dies off in this Ambush baso didn't bother as he didn't want anything to stand in his way since the Demon Lord is out of the picture baso is more concerned about getting sovereignty and Total Control first before seeing who he could put to good use so if there were any resistance at all the undead Legion and himself would have to take them out in a bid to finish Ike off the same subordinate that shot at the Demon Lord sent the same magnitude a force on the Arrow to Ike just as he did with the Lord this causes a pretty large explosion like it did before making everyone assume Ike was dead a pretty valid assumption if you ask me if the Demon Lord the chief commander of the demon Army can die from an attack how much more would a brigade Captain be able to take fortunately Ike is a man of many aces and he protected himself with a spell that saved him from the explosion surprising all who witnessed baso commend his skill and strength realizing why he is the most favored and most respected Brigade captain in the demon Army seeing his strength as a brigade Captain he wonders why Ike still tries with so much turmoil to defy and resist him baso describes Ike's actions as futile no matter the strength power or magic he uses on the Legion of the undead the end of the battle grew near one side tired of the resistance the other side consumed by The Strain and the feel of not going forward they try with their all to end the fight for the demon Army Ike had to think of a better way to put an end to the undead Legion if he continues to Wade them off or kill some with magic spells that do temporary damage he would eventually exhaust all of his magical power leaving him strained and more defenseless against the undead Legion he had to think really hard for an effective way and soon enough the solution clicked an undead is just a moving corpse therefore dark magic has little to no effect on corpses white magic on the other hand em bibed with holy attributes might have a huge effect the magic is very hard for demons to use but Ike is different given that he's human he has the ability to use the magic because the key for the magic is love and compassion and he is capable of both Ike has a human heart therefore he can apply the magic with no other choice left Ike uses white magic as his last resort pouring all of his magical power into it now he gets to watch the undead Fade Away instead of regenerate to continue attacking the magic turned out effective clearing out the Legion of the Undead One corpse at a time since it was an unconventional magic among demons it was bound to draw attention and that it did baso questioned realities he watched his Undead Legion of corpses vanish Into Thin Air air out of fear he asked why Ike could use white magic and seeing that Ike could use white magic came as a surprise to baso not expecting a demon to be able to use such magic meanwhile his trusted subordinate who fired the arrows of the Demon Lord continues to give baso Army an aerial Advantage by firing his arrows at Ike this proves to be a problem until Sethro comes in and gives Ike a hand by taking off the subordinate's hand in a quick but effective move she also comes in with her subordinates and she apologizes for keeping Ike waiting saying that they were occup with cleaning the outside of the Arena baso looks around and sees seph the general senses that he's outnumbered so it comes as a relief when seph promises to not intervene in his personal battle with Ike bastia's relief doesn't last long though as he spots the Demon Lord watching the battle from a distance it looks like she survived the massive blast she's not called The Demon Lord for nothing I guess she comes down and approaches baso instead of finishing off the treacherous General she offers to give him yet another chance promising to spare his life if he win wins a duel against Ike General baso is outnumbered and desperate at this point so he's willing to take what he can get he immediately gets into it with Ike sending a few blasts here and there that Ike successfully blocks with his magic baso stays on the offensive and uses a demon Buster skill that causes yet another explosion seeing as Ike stays defensive-minded baso becomes confident and a little bit cocky he starts to boast about how much stronger he is than Ike he asks Ike to beg for his life and also to blame the Demon Lord for pitting him up against someone as powerful as him however General baso can only put up a good fight for so long and Ike knows he must get sloppy at some point Ike tells the general that he's at his end and becoming the Demon Lord has finally proven too big an ambition these are the last words General baso hears before Ike Cuts him with his weapon while using white magic once again like his Undead Army before him baso feels the effects of the magic and starts to fade away while wondering why a demon like Ike can use white magic General baso is gone and the Battle Is Now won seph is also surprised at Ike's ability and doesn't hide her surprise Ike points out that sephra must have anticipated baso earlier actions which explains why she wasn't present at the Duel not bad at all seph meanwhile just when they thought all the issues have been sorted the Demon Lord reveals there's one little problem left according to her baso rebellion and defeat means the third Legion no longer has a commander thankfully she has a solution the Demon Lord proposes that Ike becomes the new general of the third Legion a little while has passed since baso Rebellion Ike is back home and quietly relaxes as he observes the city after some time STI comes to look for him she notes that her master has remained outside since the duel against baso she asks if there's anything on Ike's mind Ike reveals that he's been thinking about how the town can Implement four- field rotation farming methods with the soil and weather conditions there she doesn't understand so he fully explains what the method is about and he hits the nail on the head when he says she would be able to fill her stomach with turn-ups at any time she wants having food at every time of the year is certainly a welcome development meanwhile at the demon Lord's castle she's engaged in a heated discussion with seph well at least it's heated on one end seph feels that as ik's Superior she should be in charge of managing his Affairs it sounds like she doesn't completely agree with his little promotion contrary to what we would have thought the Demon Lord points out that while Ike is seph's direct subordinate he's also her subordinate seph still insists so the Demon Lord suggests that they ask Ike what he thinks about it just then Ike enters the place speak of the demon the Demon Lord asks if has made a decision concerning her previous proposal Ike admits that the citizens are now getting used to the new city and that even his subordinates are slowly adapting to the idea of living among humans according to Ike he's previously spoken as seph and he now reveals to the Demon Lord that his goal is the coexistence of demons and humans he apologizes to the Demon Lord and insists he still has a lot to learn from seph he takes off his mask and then promises that if she lets him he will make iali the first city where demons and humans freely live among each other on their way out seph expresses displeasure at how he revealed his identity to the Demon Lord she also wonders why the Demon Lord wasn't surprised when she saw that Ike was a human and not a demon meanwhile in the city some Demons Run a rampage going up against and killing the humans who challenge them this continues until the hero one of the humans finally appears and puts a stop to it Ike's genius idea the fourfield rotation farming is finally set into motion Ike and sad are currently monitoring the progress in the field Sadie admits that it is her first sight of something like that and Ike reveals that if everything works out the way he hopes no human or demon will ever have to go hungry again they chat for a while and STI remembers to congratulate her boss on his recent promotion to become the vice Commander Ike shrugs it off saying he was put there because the seat just happened to be empty just then one of Ike's subordinates a demon rushes in while calling his name Ike doesn't mind but sad makes sure to point out that the subordinate must address Ike using his rightful title Vice Commander the demon immediately apologizes and accepts his potential punishment Ike waves it off and is rather interested in what made the demon run in so worried Le they walk back to his office and it's there that Ike earns that the Royal Alliance Army has recently decided to mobilize their troops according to him the Army has just taken out the second Legion the previous night and all indications Point towards attacking iali next this is because they view arsom as a key location but they can't reach arsom without first passing through evali Ike Ponders deeply about what he's heard and decides that he must think of countermeasures as quickly as possible after all once evali Falls Aram is very likely to fall as well later that day Ike attends a meeting where seph and Fiorentina the seventh Legion Alchemist are also present Fiorentina concedes that she can't carry out mass production of the matchlock guns according to her all her trials ended up with the gun always breaking after firing one shot even with Alchemy her imitation of the weapon in terms of power and durability is still limited Fiorentina is also curious about why he wants the guns when he could just continue fighting with magic in the end The Alchemist suggests that the solution would be to assemble one by one the parts made of metal and wood that's where the problem lies as it's difficult to make something that small Sethro Cuts in and suggests that the dwarves could be the missing piece they're looking for the problem is the dwarves don't have a true location since they lost the war to the humans they just wander from place to place Ike remembers the dwarf King currently held captive by the humans in the ithmus Kingdom he could be the solution to their problems meanwhile in ithmus Kingdom the human guards gather around the dwarf King and mock him the dwarf King insists that he'll never let humans use dwarf technology in their Wars to coerce him the guards bring in Batson his son and promise to spare his life if the dwarf King cooperates the dwarf King is eventually placed in his cell by the humans he stays there for a while just until he begins to hear strange noises around he looks outside and sees that the guards are down there's also a demon hanging from the ceiling the demon comes down and expresses delight at finally finding the dwarf King she busts him out of his cell and beckons him to follow her while he does follow her he nearly wears her down with questions about why a demon would want to break a dwarf King out of jail as she can't take it anymore she knocks him out cold and Carries him on her shoulder a few moments later she unites with her partner in the mission a male demon they keep running although the female demon says she would have liked some action during the breakout rather than quietly sneaking in and out like Vice Commander Ike instructed there must be sufficient power in a demon's tongue because at that very moment they're spotted by guards who attempt to go hostile on them she excitedly throws the dwarf King on the shoulders of her compatriot and attacks the guards it's a nice workout for her as she's done in a couple of seconds the male demon insists that they mustn't get into unnecessary fights that might draw attention to them he's forced to swallow his words just a few moments later as a human rushes towards him intending to strike him with his weapon with one wave of his hand he sends the human crashing into the walls when they come out to meet to direct sunlight they're instead met with many more humans than they faced inside the female demon smirks and approaches the humans she said she made a promise to Ike about not killing the humans so she just uses Queen drain instead a skill that weakens the humans around there the soldiers keep on coming though leaving them no choice but to make a run for it the demons finally escape with the dwarf King and they meet the vice Commander just outside the expression on Ike's face leads them to believe that most of what happened inside was Ike's handiwork a way of training them since there are no further problems they head back to their City King Gunther the dwarf King wakes up after resting for a while Ike is standing right beside him he immediately asks why he was rescued and Ike doesn't waste time in showing him the match lock asking if he can make such a weapon King Gunther admits that never seen such a weapon with a simple yet complex shape even though it might take some time the king is confident that he can make the weapon however he's also curious about why the demons would require such a weapon Ike reveals that it's necessary for the sake of peace between demons and humans he offers to explain further and asks the king to join him outside he shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city and how his goal is to ensure peaceful coexistence between the two races while King Gunther is intrigued he also bemon the selfishness of humans and how they are not worse his help that's when Ike throws in the sweetener promising to talk to the Demon Lord about rebuilding the dwarf country if he agrees to mass-produce the matchlocks the dwarf King doesn't believe Ike's words and almost gets angry as he thinks he's being played by the demons to fully convince him Ike shows him the other people who are rescued from captivity alongside him it's his people including his son Batson with all his cards now shown Ike asks if the dwarf King is now willing to cooperate with his Ambitions at this point there's only one answer to that question meanwhile the the Royal Alliance Army is having a war meeting the Army General asks for an estimation of the military strength of iali City from their previous battle with the white Myrtle Knights their numbers can be estimated to be around 500 an almost laughable figure meanwhile it's revealed that the Royal Alliance Army has 12,000 men armed and ready for battle from the figures alone this hardly seems like it would be so much of a battle as it would be complete destruction the general is confident enough and so he instructs his army to begin the March towards iali City immed immediately it's been a very busy period for those residing in iali City the dwarves under the leadership of the dwarf King have been working tirelessly to produce a large number of the matchlocks which should be used in the upcoming battle it's a Race Against Time for them but they're working as hard as they can meanwhile Vice Commander Ike goes on a mini expedition in search of potassium nitrate in other words salt peter after traveling for a while his human guide finally leads him to a cave which is filled with natural salt peter just like that ivali City now has its final opponent needed for the match lock the demons who are not engaged in any of the activities listed so far work on their usage of the guns they work on things like their speed understanding the guns mechanism and their aim as said previously it's a busy period for the entire city meanwhile inside evali City there's a war meeting going on this meeting involves the vice Commander Ike the seventh core troll Brigade Commander gamos the seventh core werewolf Brigade Commander beo and the seventh core Alchemist Fiorentina G commends Ike for his recent work on fixing the castle Gates something he's always been very good at Fiorentina notes that she made the gunpowder for the match locks just then the seventh core fanged Beast Brigade Commander mantor kusana comes into the meeting he exchanges pleasantries with the new Vice Commander but the ever humble Ike insists that they can just address him the same way they always have the pleasantries are exchanged and The Business of the day is about to begin the seventh core officials seek to know what is expected of them in the upcoming battle even though seph has talked to them about it Ike reveals that the Royal Alliance Army has a battle strength of over 10,000 men even after Gathering some men from the seventh core the aali city Army is still not more than 2,000 men a number that's significantly dwarfed by that of the royal Alliance Army Ike reveals the strategy for the upcoming battle to the officials to drain the enemy's fighting spirit with minimal damage that's a bold strategy for such a small army don't you think the next couple of days go by the same way the previous ones did the dwarves keep producing match loocks as quickly as they can while the demons keep learning how to use them match locks properly just like that mornings and evenings go by until the day of the battle arrives the guards on City watch alert them about the arrival of the royal Alliance Army their numbers are almost frightening just before the battle begins Ike points out that if their City Falls the alliance of Kings will most likely take everyone to arom meaning that the next city will also be set to fall no matter what happens Ike declares that they must protect evali with their lives meanwhile the Royal Alliance Army finally arrives at the city Gates the army General expresses disappointment at the number he sees at the city Gates according to him he expected a larger number of people to defend the city this should be a piece of cake or at least he thinks so he orders his men to launch their Fireballs at the city walls and then immediately Advance through the city Gates and attack the Fireballs are launched but it's met with resistance by the barrier created in front of the city walls the barrier eventually gives out but they're almost out of fireballs to launch at this point Ike uses his magic to create a big hole in the ground causing some of the soldiers to fall inside the general orders his soldiers to keep advancing towards the city no matter what happens the demons respond to this move by throwing very big boulders down from the walls causing instant deaths to all of the soldiers hit however this move isn't sustainable as the huge demon throwing the big boulders is eventually hit by one of the Fireballs sent by the Royal Alliance Army so far it's a stalemate the general of the royal Alliance Army recognizes that iali City might be more difficult to break than he previously expected however his men have made progress by getting close to the city Gates while fighting off the demons there the general orders his subordinate to fire another catapult at the city while this would undoubtedly be effective the subordinate points out that a considerable number of their men have already made it to the city Gates launching a catapult would surely be catastrophic for both sides however the general still orders the Catapult to be fired in the end the weapon is launched and a huge portion of the city walls is brought down along with several men of the royal Alliance Army the general orders his remaining men to advance into the city immediately he can almost taste the victory now meanwhile the hero who mentioned earlier the one who stopped those demons from harassing the humans is currently in the forest outside of the city from the look of things he was intentionally lured from the battlefield by something or someone just then sephra walks out of the Shadow with a half smile on her face the hero can immediately tell that he was lured into the forest by seph it looks like we might witness a one-on-one Showdown involving Sethro and this hero Sethro confesses to the hero that she lured him away from the battlefield just to catch a glimpse of the renowned hero everyone has been discussing growing impatient he attempts to bid her farewell yet it becomes evident that she never intended to let him go so easily as he was taking his leave she conjured spikes on the ground obstructing his path reminding him that despite his hero status he is still a mere human so he shouldn't act cocky unfazed he stealthily approaches from behind warning her against underestimating the strength of humans simultaneously positioning to strike with a sword attack on the Battleground the conflict between humans and demons raged es on with heightened intensity resulting in numerous Warriors falling on both sides briefly the humans appear to gain the upper hand nearly breaching the castle grounds however the Dynamics shift dramatically with the unexpected arrival of a pack of demon wolves altering the course of the battle in favor of the Demonic forces Fiorentina stands at a distance skillfully conturing her ability known as demon spikes initially these spikes appear round and small resembling sea urchins however when directed towards the broken down wall the spikes suddenly enlarge effectively stealing up the breach the happiness however is shortlived as the wall is unexpectedly burst open From the Inside by some demons who declare their desire to join the fight expressing their discontent with remaining on the sidelines this unexpected action by the demons frustrates fantina having just fixed a broken part of the wall she now Witnesses another side being destroyed courtesy of her very own demons this turn of events leaves her contemplating what the demons think they're doing in the midst of her guard being lowered a human Soldier attempts a sneak attack on fantina only to be narrowly stopped and killed by another demon Soldier after completing all preparations gyon issues the command for the platoon to wield their match locks initiating the attack utilizing the match loocks they swiftly bring down a significant number of the human Army leaving the humans perplexed about the strange weapon the demons were Now using in response the humans attempt a Counterattack using a trebuchet but their efforts are thwarted as a giant demon forcefully plows through their ranks effortlessly killing more than a dozen Soldiers with each swing of his arm facing this dire situation the general instructs his vice Commander to order the armies to go all out on the offensive however the vice Commander tries to make him see reasons why such a decision is wrong but the general orders the vice Commander to not talk back at him emphasizing the urgency of the situation he insists that the vice Commander must swiftly execute the order because he's in a very tight position as it won't look good if he isn't able to occupy such a small City like iali reluctantly the vice Commander is left with no choice but to issue the order for all forces to charge forward aiming to annihilate their adversaries as the pressure to secure evali mounts after the order is given humans begin to attack harder putting extra pressure on the demon side gyon realizes there are too many enemies on the battlefield and fears the situation might not end well for them in response Florentina suggests it might be smarter for them to escape during the ongoing War a surprising event occurs the Battleground starts shaking and soon the ground splits and breaks apart this unexpected event traps many human soldiers underground the general and his vice are amazed watching the spectacle unfold his horse panicking throws him off and runs away as the general gets up he is suddenly approached by Ike who knows he's the general commander and Ike lets him know that killing him would easily end the battle however Ike gives the man a chance to peacefully withdraw and save his life the general is amused thinking it's funny that even though Ike is a demon he's merciful then he asks Ike if he dies then who is going to order everyone to retreat Ike firm in his stance replies that if the general doesn't understand it's unavoidable suddenly without warning the dwarf leader cuts off the General's left arm leaving him shocked the general rides in agony as the dwarf leader questions if he remembers their previous encounters expressing a desire to reciprocate what he perceives as injustices from the general the dwarf leader attempts to decapitate him but Ike intervenes just in the nick of time though the dwarf leader now Furious pleads with Ike not to stop him Ike ignores him and instead grants the general a final opportunity to choose between meeting his demise on the battlefield or ordering a retreat confronted with the gra ity of the situation and fearing for his life the general eventually yields to the mounting pressure he gives a command for all his soldiers to withdraw from the ongoing battle perplexed foot soldiers wonder why they are suddenly being commanded to retreat as they begin to withdraw the giant demon taunts the fleeing troops and seizes the opportunity to assail some of the retreating soldiers after a while the Battleground Falls silent leaving behind nothing but a scene of lifeless bodies once the soldiers have completed their withdrawal the dwarf leader cautions Ike about the inevitable return of the humans foretelling a future where regret May Shadow the decision to spare them unperturbed Ike asserts that he welcomes the prospect as their strength will only grow with each encounter in the aftermath the demon faction officially claims victory in the battle in the forest Sethro seems to have severely beaten and killed the young human she talks down on him asserting that he is indeed a Great Hero and that he might even become stronger in the future however she makes it clear that there is only one human she approves of and because of this she no longer has any use for him Ike and Sati are riding a horse to a place called Zenobia curious about Zenobia Sati asks Ike what kind of place it is he explains that Zenobia is essentially a confederation of cities often referred to as the Trade Federation it thrives through trade dealing in crops spices and more Sati wonders if that means there are lots of fruits and vegetables in Zenobia to which Ike responds saying that Zenobia has anything and everything a week earlier seph surprised Ike by instructing him to go to Zenobia intrigued Ike and asks why and she reveals her concern about a potential attack on the demon Lord's army despite repelling the kingdom Alliance she notes that quick countermeasures are needed Ike asks her if this is about their financial situation and she confirms that Supply roots are cut off and rations are low she tasks Ike with negotiating a trade deal with the Federation although Ike hesitates with reasons that he still needs to oversee the complete restoration of evales Sethro reassures him saying that she will have everything taken care of she encourages him to seize the opportunity and enjoy the trip on their Journey Sati expresses her excitement noting that it's her first time going far away with Ike in response Ike mentions that their stay will likely be lengthy he also explains that teleportation isn't an option to reach Zenobia hence why they had to go by land seizing the moment Sati curiously asks if the demon Lord's army has ever made deals with humans Ike's response leans towards a negative acknowledging the difficulty of their Journey however he reveals that bringing her along serves as a demonstration a selling point to show that demons and humans can coexist peacefully as they press forward a distant scream interrupts their conversation investigating they discover a clash between Bandits and guards protecting a carriage the guards try to fend off the bandits but the situation escalates when the Bandit leader slashes them with their swords as the bandits pry open the carriage they discover a beautiful girl inside just as one of the bandits is about to seesar Ike swoops in delivering a powerful kick to the stomach sending the Bandit sprawling backwards rushing to the girl Ike assures her that he's here to rescue her and asks if she's all right the girl gazes at him in astonishment now facing the remaining Bandits Ike doesn't give them a chance before they can make a move he conjures magical Vines binding all of them taking it a step further Ike heals the injured guards earning their gratitude when they ask him how they can repay his kindness Ike simply brushes it off telling them not to worry about it the girl finally steps out of the carriage and warmly introduces herself to Ike as Julia octave the daughter of zenobia's Alliance leader soon after Julia guides Ike and Sati to meet her mother eloria Ive a key figure in the Trade Federation aware that revealing his true identity could be risky Ike introduces himself to her as Reich from ismus eloria busy with her tasks asks if Ike minds her talking while working and he assures her that he doesn't Julia shares that her mother despite being incredibly busy wants to officially reward Ike for his heroic actions Ike surprisingly well informed already knows a lot about eloria otive recognizing her dual role as zenobia's Council head and Trade Federation representative he acknowledges that eloria earned her position through persistence and exceptional skills thinking he has the upper hand for saving elor's daughter Ike gets caught off guard when she asks what's on his mind saying it's written all over his face she warns him to be careful because it might work against him in negotiations it's then that Ike realizes the deal might not be as easy to wrap up as he thought eloria asks Julia to wait outside while she talks to Ike once Julia leaves eloria stands up and surprises Ike by asking what the demon Army wants from her Ike is shocked Wonder wondering if she somehow figured out he's from the demon Army altoria points out that she warned him about his Expressions curious Ike asks why she thinks he belongs to the demon Army and she replies that her intuition told her so finding it odd for a human to be with the demons eloria urges Ike to get straight to the point Ike admits that the demon Army wants to negotiate a trade with Zenobia eloria is puzzled questioning why demons would seek a deal when she knows that they aim to eliminate Humanity Ike passionately argues that things have changed and his current fight aims for future where humans and demons peacefully coexist intrigued she Ponders Ike's proposition acknowledging the current demon Lord's different reputation however she remains skeptical asserting that demons are still demons and their intentions can change unpredictably when Ike claims there's no such uncertainty she challenges him to provide proof to which he admits that he doesn't have any she dismisses the conversation but then smirks suggesting Ike might have something more to say seizing the opportunity Ike mentions the ongoing trouble faced by the trade feder ation with pirates he proposes helping her eliminate the Pirates initially drawing laughter however she agrees to consider his proposal throwing in a Twist by stating that there are conditions he must fulfill first Ike faces two conditions the first being the promise to wipe out the Pirates and the second involving marrying Julia Ike is left stunned by the seemingly impossible demands he tries to explain that while he's human he's also part of the demon Lord's army she reminds him that she's Julia's mom but she's also a representative of the Trade Federation she adds that he is smart and sincere and in the future he will probably become an executive in the demon Lord's army Ike then asks her if this is also what her intuition says and she affirms it because her intuition has never been wrong it appears Julia is listening and on their conversation Through The Echoes coming through the door and she becomes flustered a guard suddenly rushes into alt toria's office with the news that Redbeard Pirates are invading them on the shore chaos erupts as pirates launch an assault on civilians under orders to eliminate the men seize provisions and take the women onto their ship zenobia's Army attempts to retaliate but the captain of the Redbeard Pirates emerges unleashing a magical Cannonball that obliterates a building He commands his crew to crush the opposing Army meanwhile back at elor's office eloria presses him once more for an answer sensing that time is running out Ians Sati rush to the shore to assess the situation upon arrival they witness the aftermath of the Pirates Havoc damaged buildings and markets amid the chaos Ike spots a soldier trapped beneath a fallen cart urgently seeking help utilizing his telekinesis Ike lifts the cart freeing the distressed Soldier curious about the situation Ike questions the soldier who explains that the Pirates somehow acquired information about valuable Goods on a ship scheduled to depart that Day Ike concerned further investigates asking about the Pirates numbers the soldier reveals that they were a single ship but warns Ike do not underestimate them despite their seemingly small numbers the soldier emphasizes the pirates's elusive nature often launching unexpected raids surprisingly Julia appears at the scene and requests a private moment with Ike once alone Ike inquires about the purpose of their discussion Julia reveals she overheard his conversation with her mother confessing it was love at first sight she earnestly asks Ike to consider becoming her husband Ike finds himself bewildered and shocked it's only been half a day since they met and she's already talking about marriage talk about fast forward Julia misreading Ike's surprise feels disheartened thinking he's not pleased with her as a woman and begins to get emot and teary however Ike quickly reassures her stating that she's misunderstanding the situation Julia apologizes for the confusion and as Ike tries to convince her to stay he can't help but find Amusement in how Nobles are so casually open to marriage proposals just as Ike is amusing about how amusing Nobles are a sudden feeling of unease creeps over him rightly so as during the private conversation he was having outside Sati and the soldier get under attack at the shore by Pirates and unfortunately Sati is captured Ike sensing something am Miss rushes to check but Sati is nowhere to be found Sati finds herself aboard a private ship becoming the object of lustful admiration by Pirates Who are curious about where she was snatched from the pirate who sees her asserts that she's a special gift for their Captain kosa he even hints at a potential promotion to Vice Captain once carosa lays eyes on her as Sati regains Consciousness her instincts drive her to make a daring dash for the door with a burst of energy she bolts out screaming Ike's name however her excite turns to dismay as she discovers she's not on land anymore but is now miles away at Sea just as she grapples with the shocking Revelation Captain kosa makes a sudden appearance questioning if she's the one the Pirates brought in the pirate explains that he initially aimed for Julia but couldn't resist sati's Allure surprisingly Captain carosa while admitting he was seeking a maid acknowledges sati's charm the soldier recovering in the infirmary after the incident with sati's kidnapping wrestles with guilt attributing the situation to his own carelessness altoria suspects the involvement of pirates but acknowledges the challenge of tracking them down enter Ike proposing that he can locate them she agrees and lends him a ship as Ike sets sail memories flood back to him he recalls a conversation with Sati where she revealed her name as 13 Ike perplexed by the unconventional name remarked on slaves being called by numbers Sati shared that her mother despite being a slave called her Sati the significance of this conversation lingers in Ike's heart as he mentally urges Sati to wait for him a determined promise resonates within him he will rescue her from the clutches of her captors on the pirate ship the crew discovers a lwd maid outfit for Sati Captain kosa excitedly mentions how it suits his fancy feeling uneasy Sati questions why a maid has to wear such clothes the captain explains that since a maid's duty is to serve it means doing whatever it takes to please the master he warns her to follow his orders obediently as Sati reflects on the past Vivid memories resurface the moments when I propositioned her to Ser as his made promising protection in return his smile and the sparkle in his eyes while laying out those conditions are etched into her mind fueled by determination to find Escape she approaches Captain carosa with a proposition of her own expressing her willingness to take on Ma duties with the added suggestion of contributing her culinary skills to the crew's meals intrigued Captain kosa agrees admitting it doesn't sound like a bad idea venturing into the ship's kitchen Sati attracts the attention of some Curious pirat to observe her every move seizing the opportunity she requests a bit of alcohol for cooking purposes the Pirates befuddled by this unconventional request inquire about her motive unfazed Sati explains her belief that alcohol enhances the flavor of food and persuaded by her charm or perhaps their own naive they offer her a small barrel of the coveted substance in the midst of preparing a Dish as Sati introduces the alcohol to the frying pan over an open flame an unforeseen Calamity unfolds the combination of alcohol and fire triggers an unexpected explosion in the kitchen igniting chaos and prompting screams of fire from all who witnessed the sudden commotion while the Pirates scramble to find water and DOW the Flames Sati seizes the chance to slip away from the kitchen unnoticed it's only after the two Pirates successfully put out the fire that they realize Sati is gone unaware of the Brewing chaos some Pirates aboard who earlier heard an explosion assume it's just another scuffle over food and pay no mind to the commotion taking advantage of the distraction Sati ingeniously sets the ship a blaze using a conveniently found candle as news spreads that Sati is attempting an escape a crew member hurries to Captain cossa's room urgently informing him of the ship being engulfed in flames the pirate crew is on the hunt for Sati while also trying to put out a spreading fire meanwhile Sati cleverly hides in a barrel unfortunately for her two Pirates find her boasting about their sharp noses for detecting a woman's scent amidst her protests they tip the barrel to drag her out Sati Fights Back by grabbing a Shard from the Broken Barrel scratching one pirates's face before sprinting away however her Escape is shortlived as Captain carosa swiftly uses a binding spell to stop her he assures her that he won't end her life but instead he decides on a punishment letting her escape with the just one leg right as a pirate is about to swing his axe for this brutal act his arm is abruptly blown off and he screams in agony Captain carosa bewildered looks around until he spots a hooded figure none other than Ike Ike reveals he made a promise to always protect Sati and that's precisely why he wouldn't let any of them get away with what they've done on the ship Ike or shall we say Reich finds himself in a bit of a pickle as a fellow sailor excitedly signals the captain about a mysterious smoke spiraling up from the vast sea the captain wearing his detective hat speculates it's a ship of Blaze and turns to Reich who seems to have pulled off a magic disappearing act just when his confirmation is crucial where oh where could Reich be on this floating mystery Adventure surprise surprise reich's not playing hideand-seek he's rocking the burning ship armed with his trusty special staff giving the Pirates a lesson in you picked the wrong ship in a dance of Epic Proportions he sends those sea scall Wags flying overboard turning the ocean into their Not So Graceful Landing Pad after an impromptu pirate Splash party our hero nonchalantly strolls back to check on Sati who's probably wondering if she just witnessed the coolest action sequence ever she shoots Reich that look of did you just send those baddies on a salty swim and with a Sly grin he nods confirming that the coast is clear all in a day's work in a heart-to-heart aboard the floating drama ship Ike now Reich the hero plays the concerned caretaker bombarding Sati with questions to ensure she's not nursing any secret injuries or practicing her best statue impression with a charming smile Sati assures him that she's unscathed and jumps into a gratitude spree thanking him for swooping in and rescuing her from the jaws of Maritime Peril ever The Humble hero Reich dismisses her gratitude reminding her that she's not just any ordinary person she's his maid according to his super hero job description ensuring the safety of his trusty staff members is the equivalent of his morning cup of Courage it's not just a duty it's a superhero's responsibility complete with a cap worthy commitment to keeping his team safe as if reading each other's minds which let's be honest might not be too farfetched for this dynamic duo Reich counters sati's slave label with a made clarification turning the tide of the conversation with a touch of playful banter he insists that looking out for her well-being is a no-brainer like the sun rising every morning but wait there's more Reich drops the bombshell that he could practically see her thoughts beaming like a lighthouse guiding him through the storm to her rescue just as Ike and Sati are basking in the glow of their banter enter stage left a mysterious silhouette the shadowy Maestro of plot twists this sneaky figure who turns out to be a pirate with a flare for the dramatic decides Ike's magician gig is just a smoke screen for some serious superhero Mojo cue the ominous music and a Sly pirate grin in a cinematic twist our pirate pal decides to drop a bombshell literally out comes a magic bomb but Ike being the magical Maestro that he is whips up a protective barrier faster than you can say abracadabra with shields up our dynamic duo is safe from explosive theatrics now enter the Pirates unexpected talent for compliments he's all about giving credit where it's due praising ik's tracking skills like it's a performance at a magic award ceremony but and here's the kicker all the accolades come with a dash of pirate ownership drama Mr pirate with a mix of charm intimidation declares that Ike might be a wizard extraordinaire but there's a little matter of someone or rather Sati belonging to him waves of magical energy surge forth crashing and crushing everything in their path turning the once Serene ship scene into a chaotic Carnival of mystical Mayhem it's like confetti but with more Sparks and less celebration our quick thinking hero Ike doesn't wait around with Sati safely hoisted in his arms he dashes away from the impending magical Maelstrom amidst the chaos Ike and Sati embark on a speedy Escape leaving behind a trail of Sparkles and remnants of the Pirates mystical Rampage in response to the Pirates bellowing challenge Ike remains tight lipped focusing on navigating the ship's confined space alongside Sati their rapid Sprint continues until they reach the ship's tail and just when it seems they might outsmart their pursuer a thunderous boom erupts tearing a sizable hole at the rear of the wooden vessel the chase takes an unexpected twist adding a dash of uncertainty to our Duos daring escape the p Squints bewildered as Ike performs the ultimate watery magic show like a liquid Phoenix Rising Ike emerges from the water hovering in midair wielding his luminous staff molecules of water dance in a mesmerizing orbit around him setting the stage for what can only be described as an impending Aqua Tempest with a determined gaze Ike unleashes The Aquatic Fury solidifying this moment as the Pirates swan song The Sea itself bends to Ike's command and in a cinematic splash the pirates's rain ends he'll never say under the Jolly Roger again ik's aquat Tempest has Rewritten the Pirates watery fate from the distant vantage point on the neighboring ship onlookers including the captain are treated to a spectacle as a water eruption catches their attention before they can unravel The Aquatic mystery Ike and Sati emerge like seasoned illusionists flaunting a casual entrance as if they've been part of the se's grand performance all along completing their triumphant Trio is an unconscious thoroughly drenched pirate a clear casualty of Ikes watery theatrics with a non shant grin Ike delivers the verdict on the impromptu water ballet stating that it's high time for them to sail back home the sea may have been the stage for their Maritime Escapade but it's clear that Ike and Sati are ready to make their exit leaving behind a soggy pirate Tale in their wake returning to the Embrace of civilization Julia's mother wears a mix of surprise and relief as Ike presents the captive pirate alive and well Ike reverting to his Persona that steers clear of unnecessary Bloodshed emphasizes his aversion to needless violence a rare stance for someone entangled with the demon Army this unexpected trait adds a layer of intrigue to his character standing out amongst the backdrop of his demonic affiliations true to her word Julia's mother is prepared to initiate a treaty but there's a catch it must remain shrouded in secrecy the prospect of an alliance becoming public knowledge especially among the Kings doesn't bode well for the delicate balance they're trying to maintain Ike with a nonchalant nod assures her that secrecy is a currency his army readily trades in after all a trade even in Secrets is a trade in the heart of Alesa the streets tell a grim tale lined with the Fallen the wounded and the dying remnants of the once vibrant demon populace Sparro a somber silhouette against the cityscape observes the devastation from a window her gaze reflecting the weight of the unfolding tragedy turning from the Grim view she seeks solace in Practical matters querying someone nearby about the remaining ration supplies the response delivered with a heavy undertone Echoes through the Desolation enough Provisions for a mere three days it becomes painfully clear that within the city's confines the cruel strategy unfolds a calculated attempt to starve the population into submission despite her injuries Sethro resolves to retaliate against the looming threat her companion in the midst of tending to her wounded body raises concern about her condition seph undeterred questions whether they should merely wait for the humans to strike first a third person in the room sensing the gravity of the situation implies that they've already reached a critical juncture and must take necessary action Sethro acknowledging the inevitability of their predicament adds a sober perspective whichever way the situation unfolds the outcome remains unchanged the gravity of the situation becomes palpable as the Demon Lord approaches Ike with an urgent Revelation seph is in danger as Ike starts to question the feasibility of such a threat Lis cuts through with a sense of urgency revealing that an allout attack orchestrated by the alliance of various kingdoms has erupted in the middle of their conversation battles are already unfolding in different locations the demon Lord's army resilient and Resolute engages in a fierce combat to repel the enemy forces however the Grim truth surfaces Alesa the city seph captured has become a Battleground laced with deception the humans with calculated cunning baited the demon Lord's army into entering the city only to turn the tables and besiege the Very forces they LED in with the enemy's formidable army standing at 5,000 soldiers and the ominous Revelation that seph is held back captive in Alesa the Battleground is set for a daunting Battle of attrition the Demon Lord sensing the urgency declares that time is of the essence she discloses her arrangement for a brigade to be mobilized into action leaving Ike with a crucial Mission rescue sephra with his own hand however before Ike can voice any objection or seek further details the Demon Lord hastily takes her leave citing pressing matters that demand her attention Julia's mother takes the queue she saw the entire exchange and notes that this means an engagement party would have to be postponed with a swift application of travel magic Ike whisks himself and Sati away from Zenobia Landing in the familiar confines of his office at evali Travel Magic it needs preparation but it's a magic one can use to return to a place they've been before stepping out onto the balcony adorned with his trusty mask Ike surveys the city below only to find out that evali 2 hasn't escaped the ravaging of the widespread attack as Ike grapples with the realization gyon steps in confirming that the assault has unfurled across the entire region simultaneously concern CES Ike's masked expression as he questions whether iali suffered a direct hit in a surprising turn gyron reveals that ivali against the odds emerged unscathed the credit goes to a young girl who single-handedly confronted a multitude of enemies becoming an unexpected shield for the city acknowledging the urgency Ike assures gyon that they will make their way to Alesa without delay however in the practicality of War Ike seeks crucial information about their forces turning to gyron he inquires about the current status of their soldiers gyon provides a sobering report 100 soldiers are still recovering from wounds sustained in the previous battle leaving them with only 500 able Fighters yet Ike displaying tactical Acumen cautions against deploying the entire force to the front lines a portion must stay behind for City Patrol and defenses the gravity of the situation becomes more apparent when gyon reveals the enemy's staggering numbers 5,000 soldiers if the main Force gets done in evales will be next that's why they have to arrive at Alesa before the main Force's strength gets depleted they will come up with a strategy while on the Move while they discuss a group of humans offer their assistance to Ike gyon initially tries to shut them down but they continue to insist that they have their own lives to protect as well Ike wrestling with the Optics of humans aligning with a demon Army raises his concerns in response the human spokesman steps forward painting a vivid contrast between the oppressive rule of the former Demon Lord characterized by heavy taxes and insurmountable labor and Ike's benevolent rign marked by prosperity and protection for the city City the spokesman highlights instances where external threats jeopardized the well-being of the city and Ike Rose to the occasion safeguarding human habitats with gratitude in their hearts the humans now seek an opportunity to repay Ike's kindness emphasizing their desire for a chance to contribute positively under ik's leadership as gyon gears up for another round of objections Lis steps into the ring metaphorically smacking the back and forth discourse out of him she makes it clear that if Ike deems a particular course of action fit that's the game plan they'll follow the air thick with the tension of differing opinions is momentarily cleared by ls's straightforward intervention however just as Ike contemplates the decision to allow humans into the army a new twist emerges the dwarves not to be left out of the burgeoning action step into the fry expressing their eagerness to claim a stake in the unfolding drama in the midst of strategic discussions Ike asserts that the upcoming battle isn't the dwarves' fight however the wise dwarf King interjects reminding Ike that a Triumph for Global Unity translates to a win for the dwarves granting them the coveted right to establish their own country the stakes are clear ik's survival is not just a personal matter but also a Lynch pin for the dwarves' dream of Independence as Ike begins to Express gratitude to Gunther for this crucial Insight the pragmatic dwarf King waves off the sentiment emphasizing the need to press on with urgency embarking on their Journey towards alesta the Coalition faces a 4day trek over land despite the valuable Aid of both citizens and dwarves the expanding scale of their group remains insufficient for the impending battle that Looms on the horizon the pressing need for reinforcements and the sheer magnitude of the challenge ahead underscore the urgency of their mission during their well-earned rest breaks Ike takes on the role of instructor imparting the art of match lock handling to the eager members of the Coalition collaborating with the skilled dwarves he also spearheads the development of Novel weapons infusing the group with a newfound Edge as they prepare for the imminent Clash yet amidst these strategic preparations and the buzz of activity Ike's mind remains Tethered to a singular worry seph's well-being the fate of their formidable Ally hangs in the balance and the urgency to reach her side intensifies with each passing day in the midst of the chaos Captain e ruddle of the Red Dragon Knight order Bellows orders igniting the onslaught a cannon Roars to life its deafening boom signaling the beginning of an attack on yali's formidable walls the sturdy defenses crumble under the Relentless assault creating openings through which a barrage of arrows Rains Down on the demons below the battlefield transforms into a blood bath as demons bear the brunt of the Ferocious assault the enemy charges forward with unwavering intent thrusting The Clash into a full-scale confrontation in a fierce confrontation of her own Sethro a lone figure amidst a sea of human troops showcases her formidable Powers skillfully navigating the battlefield her movements are a dance of power and for a moment it appears Victory is within her grasp however the tides swiftly turn as an unexpected threat materializes amidst the chaos an arrow Swift and unforeseen pierces through the air and Finds Its Mark in seph's shoulder the impact sends shock waves through her frame and with a staggering descent she succumbs to the floor unconsciousness claiming her in the aftermath the human troops start to Circle a wounded sephar meanwhile some other troops have rallied up Orcs they've been able to subdue and capture the torment is far from over and many Orcs are dying or wounded some are even ridiculed with the prospects of having their body parts sold in a safeguarded prison Sethro is chained to a chair and watched like a spectacle by two men in her Prison Room one questions if she's dead and the other states she's not the older of the two offers to kill her if that's the wish but the younger Captain e knows she's a general of the demon Army and might prove useful for something in the near future he would first have to report upstairs but in the meantime she should remain safeguarded the soldier lets his curiosity run wild once he's left alone with seph his desire is to know if demon women feel the same as human women as they physically look alike Lis reports they taste like poison before she blindsides the soldier covering his mouth and sucking the life out of him literally the wait is finally over and help has come for dear seph Ike wields his staff creating a surge of energy that blows up part of the human's territory the human soldiers scream at themselves to protect the gates and walls and to not let the enemy infiltrate Captain e is approached by a messenger about the attack he States the demon troops amount to just 500 and they will be a piece of cake Captain e lectures him to take the situation lightly they are dealing with demons and so should go with as many men as possible even if the enemy were just one demon the correct tactic would still be to go with a sizable Army we now move back to the scene with the captured Orcs one of the human soldiers questions a strange sound he can hear another Soldier runs to him with the news that they are under attack the soldier wonders out loud that that's happened rather quickly but they'll need to get to the gate and kill the prisoners of War currently on their hands as the captured Orcs grow increasingly unruly lilis assesses the situation and decisively declares that she and Sethro must depart before the Orcs unleash chaos the urgency in her tone suggests that the potential for Mayhem looms large prompting a swift exit strategy meanwhile back at Ikes Command Center the Strategic chess game unfolds the plan is to tactically lure the enemy forces to their side creating a diversion that will buy crucial time for seph's escape the Army is given clear instructions to hold their ground no matter the challenges they face until the moment when cro can break free from the encroaching danger as Ike defly activates his hyp sense skills a ripple of immobilization courses through the human soldiers a testament to the success of his meticulous planning however the Triumph is short-lived as the tides shift unexpectedly in the chaos fantina a companion of seph succumbs to an enemy strike a regrouped human troop led by a determined blonde Commander launches a Relentless assault on the demons leaving a trail of casualties in their wake the ruthless command Echoes eradicate every demon amidst the ongoing battle Sethro finds herself cornered mourning the loss of Fiorentina in a Sinister turn the blonde Commander seizes the opportunity to end Sethro as well but just as the threat looms large a sudden gunshot pierces the air the blonde Commander with a bullet to the head is abruptly halted in his tracks amidst the chaos Sethro searches for her unseen saviors and to her relief it's team Ike that emerges as the unexpected cavalry the humans on Ike's team wield guns and ammunition skillfully targeting the enemy forces it's one of these well- aimed bullets that Finds Its Mark liberating Sethro from her oppressor grip gyon gallops towards Sethro on Horseback extending an apology for the delay meanwhile Gunther with a Keen Eye on the unfolding situation turns to Ike questioning whether it's not yet time Ike momentarily held back by orders weighs the urgency of the moment against the constraints imposed by command a strategic dilemma that could tip the scales of the impending battle a a collective gasp ripples through the humans as they witness an unexpected aerial display gargoyles usually silent Sentinels now soar overhead each bearing a wooden barrel clutched in its formidable claws a murmur of realization sweeps through the crowd when upon reaching enemy territory the Gargoyles release their cargo as the barrels descend with an ominous Grace the truth is unveiled each one Harbors a wick revealing their clandestine cargo as bombs thanks to one of the extra creations of the dwarves the firebombs the demon Army is able to land a devastating attack on the seized City the attack caused the damage so severe that the troops of the Human Alliance had to admit defeat and retreat with so many soldiers lost the leading general came to the decision to regroup and leave the area quickly admitting that this time the alliance troop fell short meanwhile Sethro felt something similar as she had underestimated the abilities of the alliance soldiers and now regrets it one of the subordinates instructed to guard sephos sites the remaining firebombs and they Peak his interest because he had never seen them before coincidentally Ike walks in and explains what the firebombs are likening them to bombs that use gunpowder Ike is relieved to see Sethro doing well as she confirms that she feels much better and Praises him for his exceptional skill and strategy and his success in her rescue once again he has added another amazing feat to his list of accomplishments and she is proud suddenly outside the tent they were in they hear an uproar and soon go outside to see its cause it was a result of the demon Lord's presence as she had arrived to assess the situation and her subordinates seeing Sethro alive the Demon Lord inquires how her wounds were seph confirms that she's better and feels guilty of being the reason such an event occurred Sethro believes it was her mistake in observation and strategy that gave the alliance Soldiers the upper hand pleased with the state of the situation she makes it known that everything is all right as long as Sethro is better the Demon Lord continues by praising the performance of the seventh Legion Army as a whole needless to mention the Brigade Commander Ike even to the lowest ranked soldiers the Demon Lord also describes the seventh Legion as the most distinguished Legion in the demon Army the Demon Lord then promotes Ike from the position of Brigade Commander to the position of the commander of the eighth Legion a more befitting position in her eyes Ike and Sethro are astounded by this new development the Demon Lord informs Sethro that there will be a replacement Brigade for the seventh Legion since ik's Undead Brigade is the new eighth with the Demon Lord having the final say in matters like this they both accept it but Sethro made a request she asks the Demon Lord to back Ike up since he would no longer be in her care Ike has been in seph's care since he was little and has become a little brother to her she feels he is still in experienced in some things and will need guidance the Demon Lord accepts the request to be Ike's guide and support meanwhile in another area and culture of Life trouble and Chaos lurks the Elfin race is attacked by the Human Alliance and is in danger of infiltration and destruction of their Force which holds the sacred world tree given how important their tribe treasure is they seek to do something about it and soon reach out to Gunther in iales the new commander of the eth Legion Ike makes plans and preparations for his new Legion the first issue they have to addresses the fact that for a legion army they were little in Number the eighth Legion is just only around 800 soldiers but an average Legion Army should contain at least 3,000 and this shows they are lacking the Manpower for an army Ike then discloses that the Brigade turned Army would not just consist of demons as he plans to mix other races into the army Ike's subordinate wonders if the other Legions of the demon Army would be comfortable or allow his plans Ike assures his subordinate that they would just have to walk their path and not worry about bystanders the discussion is suddenly interrupted by Gunther who calls out to Ike but immediately changes the address to General his new position Gunther presents a letter to him informing Ike that it is from a long-standing foe Ike quickly infers that Gunther's long-standing foe would be the queen of elves faet apparently the alliance is threatening the elves promising War if the elves do not support the alliance of Kings the two Wonder Why the humans would involve the elves in their war and threaten them but not for long as Gunther explains that the Kings and their troops are just scared of the elves joining forces with the demon Army like the dwarves did the fear clearly isn't farfetched as they have just sought help from the demon Lord's army and wanted to form an alliance with the demons confused by the sudden outstretched hand they prepare to meet the elves and talk directly so both parties understand each other another thing that's quite suspicious is the fact that the queen of elves didn't send the letter directly to the demon Army but to Gunther even when elves and dwarves get along like cats and dogs the maid Sati guesses that the elves are afraid of the demon Lord's army which sums up to the fact that the elves don't trust them another possibility is the fact that the proposal could be a trap set up by the Elves and the alliance of Kings this suggestion amazed everyone because it came from a subordinate that no one expects to hear smart things from Ike had also considered this possibility but realized that if it were the case the elves would not go through Gunther as that is a face they hate to see they wouldn't take such a tedious course of action just to set the demon Army up Ike decides to trust the elves even when there's a possibility of The Proposal being a trap so they head towards the forest of the elves at the forest of elves a representative of the alliance makes a proposal to the queen of elves threatening and persuading her that it would be best if the elves work together with the alliance to crush the demon Army's forces the representative leaves the forest expecting a positive reply from the queen feret is displeased by the representatives presence and anticipates the visit of the demon Army she asks if the letter has been sent to Gunther and the main destination the right-hand man in the demon Lord's army faret wonders why it had to go through Gunther her subject explains that the leader of the undead Brigade in the demon Lord's army Ike has followed a different path than the rest of the army he joined forces with the dwarves and humans to repel the alliance and is with Gunther at the moment which meant that the letter would be quickly relayed to Ike Ike and the others make their way to the forest of elves when Sati asks why the elves protect this Forest when they can just run to a different forest and inhabit that Gunther describes the Elven country as a country surrounded by thick forest Gunther also explains to her that the forest holds an important treasure the world tree at the heart of the forest where the elves live the world tree is believed to be born with the world itself the first thing to sprout in the world older than anything including the oldest Gods Sati is Amazed by what she is hearing but Lilith isn't having it as she confronts Sati for being too noisy on the trip soon enough they encounter a beast that leaves everyone on edge and highly alert it is first noticed by Lilith and rapidly the Beast attacks are knocking off her balance in front of them stood a mysterious Beast they had never seen before something that looks like it came straight out of books of Legend a mythical Beast ready to devour anyone in its path and right now they were in its path this being the first time any of them had come across this creature or anything like it they had a little to no idea what its weaknesses or attack patterns were the Beast growls at them and attacks again leading to the very fiery encounter between it and Ike Gunther joins in the exchange of blows as they both take on the Beast with varying magic spells and precise cutting strikes they manage to steer the course of the Beast unfortunately it isn't entirely a good alternative as the Beast headed in sati's Direction in the nick of time an elf appears and takes care of the Beast cutting it at the neck which causes it to vanish after disintegrating Into Thin Air the Beast leaves behind a stone cut into half Ike recognizes that the stone is a Magic Stone next the elf explains that the humans used the magical stone to summon the Beast with no need for introduction the elf informs them that the queen awaits their arrival and leads them to the Elven Palace fet welcomes them to the forest as she expressed her pleasure to meet them they are taken aback by how young she looks despite being over a whopping 300 years old fet exchanges pleasantries with Gunther relieved that he is doing well after she heard he had been imprisoned for a long time getting on with the business at hand fet asks if Ike understands their situation and if he has thought about the proposal of making an alliance with elves Ike responds to to her explaining that an alliance can only succeed if both or all parties involved have aligned interests if she needs to use the power of the demon Army to fight against the king's Alliance then that Alliance has to satisfy the needs of the demon Army as well faret agrees with him adding that she never intended for the demon Army to protect the forest for free the queen even surprises everyone as she offers her body to Ike as a reward for protection and their Alliance giving him permission to do whatever he pleases with her body the atmosphere is filled with shock and surprise as nobody expected the queen to say that not even Ike as per usual we all misunderstood what she meant just like Ike and the rest so let's be clear the blood and flesh of a noble elf serves as high class Magic ingredients and this is what she had in mind when she offered her body as the elves believe that the undead hold no feelings of lust or affection in summary she wasn't offering her body for intercourse but for use in this sense the blood of a noble elf can be used as an Elixir and the tears of an elf are said to become extremely rare Jewels all this didn't matter to Ike as passion and Alchemy were not his desires from this Alliance Ike was interested in gaining the Elven Warrior division as he's intrigued by the fighting strength and acquiring the division would be a good step to accumulating Manpower for the eighth legion's Army in a bit to convince the queen Gunther informs her that the dwarves and elves act like oil and water but they both love peace the dwarfen country fell because of insufficient Manpower and sneaky humans Gunther adds that he doesn't want the Elven race to go down the same Road losing adults and children as well an Indescribable pain the dwarves have experienced the queen still has her doubts as anyone would she doesn't trust the demons or the dwarves but if Gunther has spoken much about how urgently an alliance needed to be formed she will go along with it provided her one request is guaranteed the request is for Ike and the demons to protect the forest with all they have Ike assures her that the forest and its peace would be protected elsewhere in the forest the alliance of Kings picks up the Stone one of the Court magicians used to summon the Beast they faced earlier the troops look for tracks but couldn't find any they found it a bit difficult to navigate the forest or find their way to the elves without the guidance of set elves at least the forest entangles them in itself serving as an advantage to the inhabitants the Elven Forest also called The Forest of no return has gnomes that create a magnetic field that messes with the compasses humans use it also has sils that deceive the sense of direction so any human that gets lost in it has no hope of ret turning with little to do they decide that since they can't invade the Elven country or leave the forest the best they can do is set fire to the forest leaving the elves no choice but to come out in the Elven country they seal their Alliance and get on with protecting the forest from deduction they realize that the alliance of Kings must already be aware that the alliance has been made the king's Alliance already made their move with the summoned Beast earlier hence the forest on the verge of being burnt by a large division of the knight's order searching for countermeasures the meeting is interrupted by another Noble elf the leader of the Elvin Warrior Division and the Queen's younger twin sister she doesn't like that an alliance with the demons was made and antagonizes Ike asking him if he has come up with a way to defeat the knight's order coming up with a plan Ike asks how many elves made up the Elven Warrior Division and when he learns that there are about 20000 with Mastery of spirit magic and archery he has an idea for a Victorious plan despite the difference in military power the Ambush soon begins on the marching nights as they are attacked randomly and unexpectedly by the elves the forest is similar to a labyrinth and the plan is to use the terrain to their advantage enabling them to drive out the large army the undead attack from beneath the ground dispersing the enemy and increasing the confusion Ike's plan continues with cutting the knights off from their supply in turn breaking their morale with repeated hit- and run attacks the basis of the plan is to take advantage of the environment to disrupt the knights and land surprise attacks simply broken down as Guerilla Warfare the troops have wandered in the forest for days in hopes of doing one of two things finding and invading the elves or leaving the forest but but have not succeeded in either ordeal it still surprises the commander of the troops that they have not been able to at least leave the forest when out of the blue one of the knights is caught up in a twine and dragged away from the rest leaving his staff behind when they noticed that some of the knights were gone and unknown noises were coming from the surrounding they wonder what could have possibly transpired to their dismay they discover that some of the knights were caught up in the tree branches by tree Spirits controlled by the leader of the Elven Warrior division she urges the rest to run for their life lives which they do immediately her subordinate asks if she should round them up but according to Ike's plan letting them run is the best course of action so she lets them Scurry off deeper into the Labyrinth while this all happens Ike uses magic to Watch Over The Elves and get a firsthand view of their current situation and every move the elf asks him if he must watch them and complains about it Ike explains that he needs to watch them in order to give the best command leading them to Victory next she asks how long the strategy would continue for as the elves have been stalking and torturing the knights for 3 days Ike explains that it would last till the humans give up which will probably be soon the knights don't have the slightest clue when the enemy will appear so they have no time to sleep or let their guard down this will lead to increased fatigue and coupled with the despair of not being able to leave the forest the forest will gradually turn into a living hell for the knights the plan is to leave them with so much trauma that even if they do escape the forest they will never think of entering again the queen inquires about the progress of the plan mistaking the name of the strategy to which Ike Answers by correcting her and explains the situation of the forest the queen apologizes adding that she is not well versed in military Affairs she then adds a cheeky bit how she was looking forward to seeing his Gallant figure a little longer the queen has also prepared some food for Ike who has been at commanding and warfare for some time shocked by what the queen said he asks her to repeat what she said but the queen herself is flustered by what she said and hurriedly dismisses the conversation asking him to take care of the forest and elves to the end the queen brought a hot pot for Ike filled with nutritious foods but Ike couldn't get to the delicious meal because he is soon interrupted by Lilith's Cry for Help as she reaches her limits Lilith informs Ike that she could no longer hold the magic she used to ens snare the knights and twines and it is wearing off little by little as she quickly approaches her limit soon enough the magic wears off and the freed Knights pursue Lilith with the aim of doing at least the first enemy in Lilith cries out to Ike stating that the humans were numerous in number and she needs to be saved it's time for Ike to think fast he comes up with a plan but first he asks the leader warrior elf if there is a good natural feature close by that they could use to their advantage confused by the question she asks for an example of the natural feature he meant Ike gives the examples of a road that would be hard for a large army to March through or a large lake luckily a lake is close by and it brings ik's plan to fruition as he instructs the leader elf to prepare Warriors who Excel it using ice Spirits the next phase is to lure as many humans to the lake as Lilith could possibly do combining the strength of both parties Ike is sure of driving them out for good and easily too the final phase of the battle begins as the elves make themselves visible and attack the knights head on convinced by their advantage in number and military power the court magician leading the troops orders the knights to make sure no elf escapes the Wrath of the army seeing that the knights have been ordered to kill all the elves and definitely have fallen for the Trap The Elves and Gunther Retreat towards the lake to the knights it seemed that the elves were retreating in fear of their overwhelming advantage in military power and numbers the knights chase after the elves but soon meet their waterl pun intended as the ground they were standing on is made of ice and the elves vested with Ice Spirit magic caused them to plummet into the lake now the leader got the picture of Ike's plan which is to use the ice to trap them something she couldn't imagine here the court magician isn't trapped but is rather pissed at the fact that the majority of the knights were now in the frozen lake he takes a shot at the leader warrior elf but she easily Dodges his Fireball at this point Ike decides to make his appearance and he decides to do it at the enemy's back the court magician senses Ike's presence and on further encounter is gripped by an overwhelming fear without even lifting a finger the difference in power is already felt by the court magician as he hurries away from Ike in fear of danger Ike however doesn't plan to let him go so easily as he captures the magician which causes the magician to cry and wail promising to do anything if he is saved this left the other Knights confused and in panic they wanted nothing more than to leave the forest the leader warrior elf commends Ike on the uniqueness and effect of his trap as well as his quick-minded but at that spot there were only 1 fifth of the total troops and the rest were still wandering somewhere in the forest Ike tells her not to worry he still has a plan for driving the rest out almost immediately a group of demons appear to face the knights informing Ike that they've been instructed to join the eighth Legion by the Demon Lord with these added reinforcements the legion's numbers increased and they are easily able to end the knight's order at the end of it all Ike is praised for being amazing and securing the victory against a large army with the difference in numbers the queen decides to throw a party for Ike but is stopped by her twin sister after a little scolding Ike appreciates all who took part in the battle and also gives thanks to the Hot Pot the queen made this made the queen happy asking Ike to reconsider accepting her body meanwhile at the Gate of iali stood ala leader of the white rose Knight order demanding to meet Ike Ike and his eighth Army together with the elves have succeeded in defeating the humans and protecting the Elven Forest even though their victory was largely down to the intelligence and Battle Tactics of Ike they still recognized that the reinforcements sent by the Demon Lord helped a great deal in their Victory the celebrations are over now and so it's time to make the trip back to iales which is estimated to be a 7-Day long trip Ike thinks about the complications of his new alliance with the elves and what it might mean to the alliance of Kings he concludes that another battle might just be awaiting them upon their return to iali his officials don't mind even though they should be tired Ed after the fight that had only just ended it looks like these guys enjoy killing humans a lot more than they should what the officials are bothered about is the group of Elven soldiers that are now part of their army they don't exactly share Ike's sentiments about the usefulness of the elves to them but Ike is confident and reassures them that the elves will prove an excellent addition to the Army in a bid to prepare for the potentially incoming War Ike travels ahead of the rest of his army and brings a knocked out Sati with him he places Sati in her room but isn't discreet enough to prevent her from waking up she asks question about their whereabouts and he informs her about everything as Sati discovers she's back home already she immediately gets to work by making Ike some tea later on Ike examines some important documents in his office according to the information IAL now has an above 100% self-sufficiency rate which means they can now afford to export to other cities Ike is also impressed by how well the industries and evali are performing as it's thanks to Gunther Ike decides that it might just be time to reward the dwarf King just then someone knocks and rushes into the office Ike asks to be Disturbed at a later time but his demon subordinate insists it's very important he announces that alasta the commander of the white rose Army is here to speak with him as he's curious about why a human would seek to meet him on such short notice Ike decides to meet with alista alista is quite surprised that Ike knows who she is when Ike asks she discloses that she has been sent by the king to secretly meet with Ike according to her the king now wishes for peace between his people and the demon Army as a gesture of Goodwill the king is prepared to hand over to the demon Army all lands currently occupied by the demon Lord's army the king is also willing to offer iali gold coins for the next couple of years Ike knows that she has just presented some juicy terms and conditions but he still has a few questions like why she specifically approached him and not other commanders ala's response suggests that she trusts Ike which is why she picked him Ike tries to find out if she's lying by closely observing her body movements after some time he delivers his response to alista saying that a decision of such magnitude can't be rushed and he must be given some time to think about it alista agrees so they adjourn their meeting to a later date Ike takes these terms straight to the Demon Lord Sethro is also present there the Demon Lord agrees that it's a great proposal if true while Ike points out that alasta didn't look like she was lying the Demon Lord offers A New Perspective saying that alista may only be a messenger for higher Powers with a different intentions it sounds a tad suspicious considering that the alliance of Kings has nominally rallied to Aid ala's Nation Rosaria for all they know it could be a trap or there might be a massive Counterattack plan going on behind the scenes saffro also points out that the other commanders might not be on board with all this Ike pleads his case reminding the Demon Lord that time is of the essence while attempting to bridge the gap between humans and demons an alliance with Rosaria should benefit them all the Demon Lord considers everything briefly and then places Ike in charge of negotiating with Rosaria on their way out Sethro reveals that she's an advocate for peace herself as it would give her ample time to focus on the research she loves the commander may or may not be against the idea according to seph seph commends Ike for getting the demon Lord's approval but she also advises him to be careful as humans are well versed in the art of surprise attacks later on Ike heads out to town and finds alista in front of the Fountain of the goddess of water aqual he eases into the conversation by saying everyone in the city usually prays to aqual for happiness in the city alasta Chuckles finding it a little hard to believe ik uses the opportunity to ask what she meant earlier when she said she trusts him alasta reveals that she thought about dying after Ike previously took the classified documents from her after all people died because of her and she brought shame to the rotten Meer family however alasta confesses that Ike's words changed her mindset and convinced her to want to stay alive now they are both ready to negotiate a treaty and they head out to the negotiation table the negotiation table is at the camp of the army of Rosaria the king Tristan III nervously awaits his prime minister's presence in the camp soon enough a guard announces that the demon Lord's army led by Ike is ready for negotiation the camp is at a considerable distance from their city so some of the Demons still feel like the king of Rosaria might have other plans for them in any case Ike is prepared for any situation he might encounter or at least he thinks so Ike goes straight to the negotiation table with King Tristan and since most of the discussion has already been carried out between Ike and alista ironing out the little remaining details is simply Child's Play for them the king puts his official seal on the alliance document as does Ike thereby completing the alliance between the demon Lord's army and the City of Rosaria King Tristan looks upbeat about this new treaty as he expresses his willingness to work with Ike henceforth the officials of the king expressed their joy in having ended the year-long war for their people for them it's been a tough ride that's behind them now Gunther who escorted Ike to seal the treaty in the camp congratulates the young Commander Gunther commends Ike's work saying his desire for peace has finally come true Ike takes advantage of the moment to reveal that he's not forgotten about his end of the bargain concerning the dwarf Nation as he's made a promise to rebuild it he reassures King Gunther that he will keep working hard to rebuild the dwarf region meanwhile Gunther asks Ike to forget about building them a new city when he has already given them a near-perfect city in evali the dwarves seem to enjoy the freedom to work hard and drink as much as they want why would they leave such a paradise Gunther's words please Ike as peaceful coexistence between different creatures has always been his major aim in EV voles speaking of peaceful coexistence they still need to get the alliance documented to the Demon Lord as only then will the alliance be made official Ike hands the document over to one of his trusted demon subordinates and commands him to guard it safely and get it to the Demon Lord the alliance should typically be followed by celebrations so it's a surprise to King Tristan and Ike when a messenger delivers a piece of information that drops the countenance of everyone in the room according to the messenger there has just been a revolution in the capital city of Rosaria The Messengers reveal that the prime minister is behind the abdication of King Tristan and the crowning of his little brother Randall the people find it hard to believe leave until they hear that the new king and his government have already been confirmed by the alliance of Kings a quick thinker there points out that the abdication declaration should be invalid because it needs the seal to be valid as far as they can tell the only seal that can make such a document valid is with them the Seal of Rosaria is a special seal made from abini so it's naturally a strong material Ike asks for the seal and it's provided he goes ahead to easily shatter the seal in their presence causing an initial disapproving uproar Ike explains that such a strong piece of metal should not break so easily this can only mean that it's not the real seal the real seal must have been exchanged some time ago by the usurper and his plotters this raises questions about just how long this revolution has been planned King Tristan tries to come to terms with the reality that he's no longer the king of Rosaria one of his top officials asks him to stay upbeat promising to join King Tristan in the quest to win back his throne however King Tristan knows that the enemy will find him before he finds them as the rightful heir to the throne the king knows that the usurpers will surely make attempts on his life at this point Ike Cuts in and suggests that what they must do is intercept the enemy to everyone's shock he asks King Tristan to Grant him control over the white rose Knight's order and the royal guards in exchange he promises to see to it that Tristan is reinstated as king of Rosaria as expected this request is met with shouts of disapproval from the crowd with most asking why they would follow him as a leader they ask if he can defeat 10,000 Soldiers with just 2000 and Ike sharply responds affirmatively Ike explains that this should be a problem for humans but he must interfere because of how this affects the newly signed peace treaty again he asks King Tristan to reconsider his offer the usurped king P the offer for a while but from his fiery eyes it's already clear what he wants King Tristan agrees to put Ike in charge of his little forces which comes as a shocker to his people some of whom try to convince him why a demon can't lead their army the king talks about how much he's heard about Ike's skills and how it's widely known that Ike is an honorable person and a lover of Peace he says that if they don't like Ike and charge then one of the bureaucrats must step up and lead the Army at this point the people stop talking and concede leadership to Ike King Tristan pleads with Ike to win at all costs for the sake of peace between the demon Lords Army and the humans a little while later Ike makes plans with his battle officials in a tent he learns that the planes where they currently stay is halfway between Reus and alesta but is also surrounded by other human cities that are surely going to send help to the people of Rosaria with every passing moment this coup looks more and more like a well-drafted job Ike learns that each City might send around 3,000 soldiers who might immediately try to surround them since they are very few in number Ike wonders what he can do to make 2,000 soldiers overcome a fighting strength of over 10,000 the Royal Guard general bunus suggests that they get into a defensive position as soon as possible in preparation for the enemy's arrival a fortification build isn't a bad idea and Ike has witnessed a battle or two that was won with this strategy however he recognizes that they're on flat land and creating effective defenses there might be too difficult Ike asks for news about support from the demon Lord's seventh Army and he learns that the Army has just left evales putting on his thinking cap Ike can predict that the first Army should arrive from the capital of Reus in 3 days in the days that follow knights from these surrounding big cities could come to join them however Ike notes that these big cities are far apart so their time of attack should be a little spaced that is as long as they don't travel with magic this gives Ike a brilliant idea He suggests that instead of trying to make effective defenses and waiting for the opposition to attack they must attack the moving enemies and defeat each one of them first it's a wild strategy but also a brilliant one General bufus also suggests that instead of attacking with one large army they should attack with many smaller armies these suggestions if they work remove them from the unfavorable position that a defense would have brought the days go by and the day of the battle is finally here Ike lines up with alasta and the others he asks if she's okay with battling her people and alasta says it's for the king's sake she reminds Ike of the day she attacked evales and survived she says that she stayed because she was determined to live up to her family's name she also adds that fighting a battle is less about strength and more about the Army one has Ike asks alista for any advice she might have on Battle Tactics she says that she would either break through the middle and defeat the opponents or divide her division into two parts and attack the opponent's flanks Ike says he likes the strategy of breaking through the middle as it reduces the opponent's morale aliste is surprised that Ike listens to something she just suggested in passing but Ike insists that it's a good battle plan the first group of enemy soldiers have now arrived and Scouts inform Ike that the Army is divided into two probably to put them in a Pinsir While others might be discouraged Ike notes that their strategy has just exposed them to individual assaults the enemy soldiers are on the move when they're unexpectedly used as target practice hundreds of arrows from the sky come from Ike's Army effectively taking out a whole lot of them the the sudden aerial attack from Ike's Army leaves the enemy startled and disorganized they barely have time to anticipate a mass assault from the demon Army and the loyal officials of Rosaria the demon Army engages the opponents in combat and comfortably has the upper hand however they soon compose themselves and provide the demon army with a real matchup with their guns they shoot at the demons effectively taking out some of them suddenly the Earth beneath them begins to rumble until it opens up and swallows them this is the work of Sati and Lilith who are just showing up the dwarf King Gunther also parti iates in the battle and takes out more than a few of the soldiers himself their presence completely tilts the tide of the battle back in favor of Ike and his little army after fighting for a while the opponents lose their fighting courage and begin to run away the initial consensus is to chase the enemy down and kill them however Ike orders that the people fleeing should be left alone until they return for another battle he reminds his soldiers that the opponents have a second detached force that might already be closing in on them it's very important to prepare for the charge and not be completely caught out alista notices that Ike has yet to make use of her suggestion of breaking through the center she figures out that he is saving the strategy for another fight which leads her to conclude that Ike has already predicted that the opposition Army would split into two Ike plays it down as usual this time attributing it to the goddess of Fortune now favoring them later that day the people talk about their great Victory under Ike's command General bunf confesses that he is shocked by how easily Ike defeated the second troop Detachment Ike plays it down again saying it was only possible because General bonfice and the others believed in his words and strategies someone really doesn't like to blow his own horn huh General bonfice asks for the next course of action Commander Ike intends for the Army to start marching the next day as that would mean they would meet the reinforcements from medier in 3 days Ike notes that it's very important to conserve strength as they will certainly have a need for strength sooner or later during the battle 3 days have come and gone and Ike's Army now faces the reinforcements from medier for the Army this battle ends up being a mere training exercise and it's all thanks to Ike's brilliant strategy to catch the them off guard King Gunther confesses that their last victory is unexpectedly too easy and he discloses that they only need to battle with the reinforcements from wayak and Shion now one would get cocky after so many easy victories but Ike keeps his feet firmly on the ground he notes that other battles might not go as easily as this one this is because the enemy in charge has probably been informed about their battle strategy and might be making moves to counter it already once he finds out about their strategy the leader of the opposing force is likely to stop dispersing his troops in batches thankfully Ike still has a plan to stay in the battle if his current strategy loses its value the demon Scout reports back to Ike and the battle officials that the enemy armies from wayak and Shion look like they're Gathering troops on the plains to the north alista notes that the enemy's morale is still relatively High considering that they are gathering armies on the plains General bonfice reveals that if the enemy cowers and flees back to the capital the prime minister's popularity would go down a great deal and some people might switch Allegiance the top dogs in Rosaria wouldn't want that Ike agrees and adds that it might also spark a different reaction from the alliance of Kings he says that Rosaria is currently going through a Civil War which is probably the reason they haven't faced opposition from other countries yet the alliance of Kings exists to battle the demons so they can't interfere with a civil war however he notes that the Silence of the Kings is merely them being opportunistic waiting to see who wins The Throne at the end of the Civil War just then seph finally arrives with her seventh Army ready to strengthen Ike's Army and crush the opposition later that evening the armies from wayak and Shion are in their Camp resting and preparing to attack the demon Army as soon as possible as much as they think they've gotten rid of ik's element of surprise therein for one more Shocker the state of the camp goes from calmness to panic in a matter of seconds as Ike's Army Rains Down Fireballs on the enemy camp the enemy soldiers that manag to survive the fireball attack are met with an army of demons and humans waiting for them just outside of their Camp Ike's demon Army charges at the enemy making sure they have little time to get rid of the element of surprise however as this is a big army the opponents hold their own a lot better than the previous opposition seph notes that the enemy Army isn't fighting badly at all Ike relates their battle strength to the critical moment therein the opposition knows that if they lose the capital city will certainly be retaken and once Tristan is reinstated the revolution Army will be over however Ike doesn't believe that things can go down this easily the young Commander is quite convinced that the opposition must have predicted something like this to happen and must have made emergency plans for when it eventually did sephra wants to know if Ike has something particular in mind Ike just wants to be ready for whatever the opposition throws at him eliminating the element of surprise on their part meanwhile back at the capital leus the new king is being briefed about the Battle situation he's told that his brother Tristan sold his soul just to have a treaty with the demons the Prime Minister IES seems to be the one manipulating the new king pulling the strings and leading him exactly where IES wishes him to go the new king buys the story and asks for the next course of action Chancellor IES reveals that the time has come to now seek the help of the alliance of Kings
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 513,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 53sec (7913 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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