This DARK Isekai Manga is ACTUALLY GOOD

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[Music] the darkest period of the emergence of demon tribes led by the Demon Lord of tsuo has seen the destruction of all life with their massive power humans need to fight back which is why they begin to create armies to fight the Demon Lord trying to resist against the power of the demon tribes however humans are obviously weaker than the enemy which leads to a lot of Despair until the brave people appear these people are powerful enough to continuously kill the demons giving Humanity A Renewed hope the second private in the Army named JN Witnesses The Bravery of these humans from the side and he thinks that Humanity has finally been saved Jon doesn't get to enjoy the new dawn for long though as he gets stabbed the very next second maybe he started thinking about celebrating a little too soon it's unbelievable how after surviving all this time and reaching the end of the war he has to end up dying like this his body falls down to the ground completely lifeless when a mysterious figure flies over his dead body with a little smile on their face the next second Jon's eyes open up in a strange place that he doesn't recognize at first and he is shocked about still being alive he notices that his body doesn't have any strength left but at least he isn't dead right suddenly his eyes land on his mother who was young and thin and she holds baby John In Her Arms trying to calm him down because clearly he looks agitated the confusion starts increasing before he finally puts it all together and realizes that he is become a baby again but the reason behind this little trick is completely unknown to him well it might not be the worst thing in the world and it's certainly better than dying before he can think about the various reasons behind his current situation his mother starts feeding him and his train of thought is interrupted for some time it has been quite a while since he has been fed some breast milk and he doesn't exactly know how to feel about this little development in his life later his father arrives back home early only to see his wonderful baby and spend time with his family the first thing he does is hold baby johon in his arms while JN is trying to come to terms with the fact that his dad is alive of course this makes him start crying which confuses his dad since he didn't expect his son to start crying the moment he sees his face his mother Emily figures that the baby is crying because Alan looks like a scary bear with his beard and hair there before she comes over to handle the situation baby Jon is still in a trance as he doesn't take his eyes away from Allan his father and this makes him decide that this is the most important thing that he needs to protect for sure this little declaration also helps him accept that he has died but he has been reborn into the past even though he doesn't exactly know why maybe he will figure out an answer during the course of his second life a few years later Jon takes a walk through his beautiful Village and this is another thing that he needs to look after because the nature around him is really soothing especially after the bloody war that he has witnessed he certainly is thankful to God for giving him the chance to live again and he is determined to do whatever he can for the future he practices healing magic which is one of the many unknown things in this time especially since the requirements to use magic under the age of 16 are very low he remembers that he couldn't use this magic in his past life however he can use it a little bit now which is awesome it takes about an hour for the wound to heal after using this magic therefore his main aim is to reduce this time period so he needs to keep practicing even though he is minding his own business three bullies from the village show up to make his life harder by stopping him in his track RS fortunately their silly plans are ruined by another boy in the village named Ted who used to play with Jon in his past life and has turned the bullies away for now somehow Jon knew that they would avoid him maybe because they have a hint that there's a full adult in the body of a child Jon doesn't have much time to think about making friends though as he needs to prepare for the long and hard battle with the demons in the future there's no way he's going to have any regrets this time however he is still unaware that a girl is watching him from behind a tree looking as focused as he is Jon reaches back home and Emily welcomes him eagerly however he announces sadly that he failed to make any friends again his mood touches the strings of his mother's heart and Emily immediately grabs him to give him the tightest hug ever which almost makes him stop breathing for a second a few minutes later they sit down for lunch when she tells him that his father has written a letter to let them know that he's been given a leave which means that he will be returning home soon Jon is obviously too happy for words after hearing this news and is even more glad when he hears that Alan plans to take him to the forest as well of course Emily trusts her son with his father and only wants him to come home as soon as was possible as the last time he returned was over a year and a half ago plus it's been a long time since they had monsters on the dinner table since Allan used to hunt goblins and stuff in the forest he is well trained for sure as Allen is a soldier guarding the fort in the forest called Devil's Forest where monsters appear near the border these monsters are obviously different from normal animals and they have to be eliminated once in a while to keep the neighboring Villages secure that is exactly what Allan does in the half a year that he is away from home but Jon is excited about his father finally letting him join in the forest Adventure apparently Jon was able to scratch his dad with a sword when normal kids can't really do that Jon's daily practice sessions with the sword are paying off but Emily only wants him to watch out for himself and stay safe which is what every mother wants right sometime later it is the day for Jon and Allen to go into the forest together and they enter the Dark Forest which means that they will have to walk really carefully it turns out that Ted is accompanying them on this adventure since his father is also a soldier and has asked Alan to show his son the surrounding Forest as well Ted is eager to see the monsters while JN is getting used to his company but he figures that he's here to learn how to hunt their body language is way off and Allan notices that they might have a grudge against each other to him it appears that there's some girl trouble between the two of them which is obviously denied by the young boys until they realize that they can both like the same girl called Karen Ted is pretty understanding though and even offers to have a friendship with Jon because he seems nice this is when Ted mentions that he thought Jon was a strange kid as he can use magic and Promises to keep it a secret when he observes his new friend's scared reaction in return though he asks John to teach him some of these magic skills too and the two friends form an instant Alliance suddenly a crystal wolf appears right in front of them and it's time for Allen to show off his magic swordsman skills which allows him to apply magic to his sword and activate a highle body strengthening spell as well Allan immediately attacks the monster while the young boys watch his strength with complete awe on their faces his first strike is dodged by the monster which is strange for Allan because this has never happened to him but the Fight Continues with Jon's Expressions changing throughout the crystal wolf uses its ultimate skill called the chain lightning and Jon is full fully aware that this particular skill can clean off an entire city in one blank he's sure that this little trick is going to destroy the whole forest and he hears his father screaming at him to run with other plans in mind JN runs towards the crystal wolf instead as he knows that the monster will not attack back unless it's an extreme danger he goes to stand right in front of the monster and begins calling out to it with a respectful tone asking why exactly the Beast is so enraged his dad is obviously looking at him like he has lost his mind however Jon continues to talk to the wolf about cherishing its family and children the wolf keeps growling which makes Jon realize that the monster might have understood what he just said therefore he promises not to harm its children if it stops using the magic at last the wolf speaks up to compliment Jon's bravery while Alan is completely surprised about the Beast being able to understand their language the wolf continues to let him know that it doesn't wish to destroy the forest either however it will be difficult for the monster to trust this child when it knows nothing about him hearing the wolf's reply JN immediately introduces himself as his father which makes it notice that he is the son of the warrior that just attacked it well his bravery can certainly be traced back to his father right at this point it confirms that Jon and his family indeed live in the Tauros Village which is a hint for the boy that maybe he shouldn't have been too honest with this Beast however the wolf appreciates his honesty which is why it's ready to make an oath with him the Beast promises to consider him a partner and never harm him however Jon will need to think this deal through because there will be severe consequences if he ever betrays their oath putting up a brave face as always Jon agrees to lend his power to the Beast if he ever needs it and is ready to become its partner the crystal wolf gives it it horn as the sacred item for the oath and Jon has to give his sword in return the wolf's horns change to red to signify the formation of the oath and Jon Pets the Beast after thanking it for its consideration it informs John that it lives at the center of the forest inside the tree God after extending an open invitation to him for a visit whenever he wants Jon agrees to this and the new partners part their ways now that they're alone Ted is completely shocked at his friend's ability to have a conversation with a monster while Allen is also baffled at this discovery about his son he definitely has some explaining to do when they get back home and his dad's scary eyes don't look too promising for him Jon is back home with his father and the entire family is in the dining area looking ready to have a serious discussion Alan starts off by admitting that it must be hard to tell them exactly what happened in the forest earlier however he is fully sure that dangerous events like this will happen in the future as well which is worrying for his parents Jon is really confused about whether he should tell his parents about him being killed and sent back to the past but it's quite clear to him that he will end up sounding crazy plus they might get even more worried after hearing this because there was no happiness in his previous life since he had seen too much death losing so many of his loved ones had end up consuming him with hatred and this information might make them sad his dad tries to be understanding as he figures that there are some things that he isn't comfortable in Sharing which makes Jon realize that his parents were the only source of happiness in his past life and he can't just keep feeling sorry about it all these feelings overwhelm him naturally and he breaks down in tears while apologizing to both of them his mother immediately guesses that Jon is scared about making them sad by telling them and asks him to forgive her selfishness since he is thinking about them at this point as well this talk makes him confident and he agrees to tell them everything on one condition that his dad will have a serious match with him the next minute they are both Standing Outside Looking ready to fight each other Jon definitely plans on using his entire strength and the fight starts off with him giving his much older and stronger dad a very tough competition Allan is clearly surprised that his son isn't dodging his attacks at all even though Jon is finding it a bit difficult to keep up with him even after going through intense training in his past life of course his dad has the best sword in town which work Works in his favor but fortunately this fight is making Jon's past memories take over he is already craving the feeling of the battle where he keeps swinging his sword until his hand failed until he was the only Survivor he needs to get in touch with the sight of him that killed people like crazy just to survive lost in his thoughts his hands stopped moving which weirds his dad out until he opens his eyes back up again ready to fight with the memories of his previous life Howen is even more confused by the Declaration while JN gets ready to show him a swore trig from the future and this makes his father Smile as he promises to fight him with his entire strength The Father's son Duo keep dueling for hours each one of them trying to win when Jon finally manages to hit his dad Alan Smiles at this appreciating how strong his son is however Jon looks ready to pass out as he has clearly managed to take it to the extreme and tire himself out just when he's about to faint Allan catches him before he falls on the ground and there's a complete blackout in his mind at this point the same mysterious black figure appears that first showed up when JN had died and they have the same creepy smile on their face apparently this figure can smell a very delicious Darkness a de Patriot and a thirst for vengeance from Jon which smells nice to this person for some reason Jon wakes up in his tent and finds kakuro in front of him informing him that the captain wants to see him right away the adult John figures that the captain has any plans to attack the monsters Camp the next day and it looks like his friend thinks the same well kakira guesses that his title as a noble might be needed which makes Jon laugh as he knows that his friend's title will even get some of the most unreasonable orders accepted for some reason kakira doesn't appreciate this comment since he doesn't have any interest in being Royal as assumed by everyone around him he clearly identifies as a normal swordsman was here to fight alongside the rest of the Warriors however John believes that his comrade can be a commander as he doesn't see any reason for him to fight in the front lines with the commoners well his friendship matters a lot more to kakuro than any titles or honorifics which is again mocked by Jon as he mentions that he is a lonely hick with no manners having had enough kakira drags him to the captain's tent who welcomes him warmly but doesn't look too happy about spotting Jon on the side before Jon can leave though the captain stops him as it sounds like he needs both of them here starting off the captain informs them that he will command the legion to take over the monsters Camp the next day since their main unit is heading elsewhere according to their Source it might become a major advantage for them if they manage to pull this Mission off successfully kakira sees the possibility of their unit returning suddenly which makes the captain point out on the map letting them know that they are going to taso Village which is John's Hometown he immediately grabs the captain's collar clearly mad at the fact that he's letting the monsters take over his village even though the captain makes a sound argument of them not having any other choice JN still decides to shut off his ears to all the pleas and makes a decision to protect his home himself it looks like the captain expected this reaction from him as he mentions that he has something for John as he takes out two lockets that are made by someone from s tenu it turns out that this is a group of elite scientists that create dangerous weapons and sword techniques when something does catch their retention they will do anything to achieve it even going to the length of using humans as labrats these locket type things are weapons for both of them and kakir explains to him that this locket thing is called a dish that gives the person wearing it an overwhelming amount of power before they can finally be on the journey though the captain asks Jon to save his hometown for their sake which makes him even more focused they step out when Jon tells kakira that he can go alone however his loyal friend suggest that they should Rite a dragon for their Journey as it will take longer for them to reach their Hometown on a horse his gesture almost moves Jon to tears but he controls his emotions and gets on the back of the Dragon to begin this new Mission when they finally reach the village Jon is devastated to find everything destroyed it's obvious that they are too late therefore they begin to look for any survivors that might have been able to save their lives Jon walks forward to find anyone that might still be breathing when he comes across a Monster who is laughing revealing Karen and Jon's mom in his arms Jon can't believe his luck and he has no idea why everything is turned upside down for him particularly at this point kakira tries to attack the monster in order to save the two women but the monster manages to cut his head off with a single strike of his sword Jon's mom and Karen's heads are the next ones to fall on the ground making him cry out in extreme Agony and pain the mysterious dark figure reveals that they heard his Cry of pain and this scream of hatred Jon is still wearing the dish weapon around his neck but the mysterious figure leaves it untouched however it looks like they really enjoyed Jon's screams which is why they give him their black blood as a reward Jon cries out in agony for several minutes without even looking around in his surroundings since the death of his loved ones has really taken a toll on him he eventually realizes that the mysterious dark figure is standing right beside him therefore he says hi to them the figure is definitely glad that Jon is alive and didn't break even though all this hatred should have burned his heart to Cinders for sure Jon is obviously quite confused after finding out their concern because he has no clue about their Identity or what they are trying to convey to him in order to erase his confusion the figure steps over to the dead bodies of his loved ones that were just murdered and asks Jon about his preference more specifically they ask exactly which one of them is more important to Jon he is in a State of Shock at this moment and doesn't even reply to them for a few minutes also because this choice is almost impossible for him to make and he can't blurt out just anyone's name at such a heartbroken point of his life the next second little JN wakes up screaming in his bed until he finds little Karen standing right beside him with a smile on her face asking if he's all right he has never been more glad to see her before and especially after the dream he just had he really needs to make sure that Kieran is alive at this moment as well he instantly grabs her to give her the tightest hug possible while crying the entire time at the top of his lungs poor Karen is surely not ready to handle his emotional side also because she has no idea why he is crying like a baby after finding her there she tries to find out the reason behind this reaction from Jon and figures that he must have had the worst nightmare ever realizing that he must not be looking too cool in front of her Jon stops crying and backs up from her a bit to apologize for his over-the-top reaction his behavior actually makes Kieran glad since they are talking normally for the first time as every other time she tries talking to him he runs away he really can't make his crush more obvious than this right Jon also apologizes for his past mistakes like running away by explaining to her that he doesn't want people to talk behind her back after hanging out with a friendless guy like him most of his worries are gone now though as he is befriended Ted therefore he isn't that much of a loser anymore his explanation is too idiotic for Karen's ears as it's unbelievable for her to hear what boys her age can just start thinking without bothering their brain cells she expected Jon to be smarter than the rest of them but that doesn't look like the case here Jon's father has been standing at the door listening to their interaction this whole time with a red face as he is too embarrassed at this point he finally enters the room to make sure that his son is okay after the day they just had he specifically asks if his body is okay explaining that he and Jon's mother have some serious questions for their son so there's a family talk in the pipeline for the day the talk can wait for a bit as he doesn't want Karen to get bored while waiting which is why he makes JN take her out to play the children step out and spot some of their school buddies hanging outside and Karen immediately runs up to them later revealing to Jon that Ted wants to fight she is quite confident that JN will because he has proven himself to be the strongest as she watched the fight between him and Allan of course her words have a different effect on Jon and he immediately agrees to seriously fight with Tad before the fight begins Jon notices that he is too wounded and shows it off to the other boys revealing that he got them after fighting his dad Ted is clearly not happy because Allen is a strong opponent to have in a fight and this is the perfect opportunity for Jon to ask for a break this day Karen plays witness for Jon as she announces that she saw the fight between him and Allan which excites all the boys around them Ted is also emotional and grabs Jon's shoulder to let him know that he has earned his respect the one thing that is bothering him though is Jon's Newfound closeness with Karen however he still announces Jon as their new comrade in front of the rest of the boys they are not welcoming at first but Ted continues to defend him as he asks Jon to teach them Allen swordsmanship as they all want to get stronger Jon is speechless for a second as he stars at his new comrades and he actually starts thinking that they might be able to avoid the dark future if he trains them all well Jon decides to teach these kids all the skills and tricks he knows as he won't let them die again he remembers the Dream from his past life and hopes to never let history repeat itself it looks like the responsibility of preparing the human race for the upcoming War has fallen to his shoulders and it might be exactly why he was sent back here Jon has agreed to Ted's request however he asks for some time as he needs to talk to his father before making any promises he immediately goes home where his parents are waiting for him at the dining table with eager faces he is dreading the talk for sure but he knows that he has to get through it Allan starts off by saying that he wants to talk about what he felt during the fight as he learned that Jon doesn't handle his sword like a kid and his skill was evidently trained plus his stance his step and the way he attacked are impossible to do without years of training these are all the facts that he knows and the conclusion that Allan draws with all of this is that his son is definitely not a 5-year-old kid the first question Allan asks is how old he is exactly at this point in time and how many years as he has lived to make sure that he gets the answer that he's looking for Jon is silent for a bit but finally speaks out telling Allan that he's the same John who has lived in this Village for 15 years as he went to the capital after celebrating his 15th birthday there was a soldier recruit test in the capital and Jon went to join the Army even though he is not an extraordinary man like his father revealing that he didn't want to join the military academy he became a normal Soldier and his family was quite happy for their son's achievements Jon was also happy as he was getting closer to his father and a promotion which made him think that he could have an ordinary life as his job was pretty sufficient Nothing in life is Everlasting and his perfect life ended the day the capital got attacked by the monsters they destroyed the place and killed a lot of people and Jon was there to witness it the day at happened he slashed them all down one by one as it seems like it was the best thing to do in the moment and he kept at it until he realized he was in Hell without being sure whether he's alive or dead Allen is not too scared after hearing about the monster attack because they are common even during their time of course his theories don't work anymore when Jon tells him that there were demons beside all those monsters when the attack happened at the capital and this information definitely catches Allen's attention continuing his story Jon explains that the demons were in charge at the time as they were like the higher ups that could control the monsters a voice echoed throughout the battlefield that said that the demons wanted humans to live in fear while the demons kept on destroying the city this is the point where the humans finally found out that all the monsters from before were just weaklings that were used as bait in the war while the higher-up demons were Limitless that destroyed the entire city the king and a few other royalty obviously escaped and were escorted to a new land and plan to take back the capital from there Jon had the intense desire to kill those demons which is why he practiced day and night which might have the reason behind him surviving not so long after the humans rose up against the monsters and then kept fighting but there was no end to the war in sight one day some people appeared before the scared soldiers giving them New Hope like dawn after a long dark night and they revealed themselves to be the heroes Allan is quite moved by Jon's intense backstory and he only asks if his son knows about the Erland Sanctuary his son obviously knows it as the holy city which is blessed by God and where his faithful followers gather claiming that they could hear his teachings they had a lot of authority at that time as John continues and had a secret mission on top of that to choose the next Heroes Allen couldn't believe that there was an entire body of people who sat down to choose the heroes but as the saying goes artelia appeared to announced the next generation of Heroes as the world had been plundered Into Darkness these Heroes were definitely like the ones in the books the kind that fight monsters and protect their Village Allan still finds all this information quite hard to believe though as there is no way that somebody nobody knows can become a leader Jon relaxes him by letting him know that the heroes were definitely accepted because nobody had an alternative Choice their first battle was near the Earth Sanctuary itself where the heroes joined Jon's Expedition crew which was much weaker and hopeless after being surrounded by monsters Jon was in the middle of the battlefield during that time and had fought hard but kiriro thought that they should Retreat as he was worried about his friend Jon couldn't move though as he had noticed that the difference in numbers between them and the Monsters was too large until the monsters started getting destroyed suddenly there was a bright light all around them and they looked up to spot one of the heroes standing at the top of the cliff with light coming out of its sword they guessed that that was the light which was supposed to dispel all the dark darkness and all the human soldiers stood in awe at the powers of those Heroes after all their attacks became a success thanks to the heroes the humans had finally started feeling hope after all of the hardship however war was still war and a lot of people died including his friends which makes him feel emotional all over again he is clearly guilty about not being able to protect his village as he tells them the story about the group of monsters that was sent to destroy their Village Jon had been too late and everyone died right in front of his eyes which made him swear to destroy every single Monster after being blinded by Vengeance his changed Expressions change Emily's Expressions as she is scared and worried for her son but she comes over to hug and kiss her obviously traumatized son after the incident in the village Jon had started training even harder and had participated in human experiments which is why his body wasn't his own after that but he still followed the heroes Until the End finally they defeated the ma exactly when Jon was stabbed in the back and killed by a monster which is why he doesn't know if the world went back to peace he explains that he found himself in his mother's arms as a baby after waking up while his parents stare at him without saying anything until Emily crushes him in her arms he is thankful that his parents believe his story even though it might sound ridiculous to any normal person and Allan has also guessed that his son was sent back to change the future it's a new day and Jon stands in front of Ted and the rest of his new students to begin their training but he finds it more important to reveal that he can use magic this piece of information is obviously impressive and shocking for the group of kids while Jon lets them know that he promised Ted to teach him magic the other day and he is thinking of teaching them altogether instead this makes the bespectacled Phil speak up confirming that JN actually intends to teach them the magic that adults learn in a magic Academy as there's nothing for him to gain by teaching them hearing this Jon decides to keep his motives a secret and continues by telling them that he isn't sure if it's the right time for them to learn magic as he won't be teaching them basic spells but actual combat magic Phil has a scared look on his face as he knows that only magic academies teach this kind of magic this is the perfect time for JN to inform them that he will be teaching them his original magic that he made himself and even though he won't be telling them the reason behind it he is pretty proud of being the only one in the world who can use it he is aware that the magic he knows comes from the future when the great wizard called naruku will start the edge of magic where a person's own manipol determines their magical ability rather than being born with some kind of talent even Jon managed to learn after a lot of hard work which is why he lets everyone decide on their own if they want to learn since this magic can bring potential harm to their bodies the kids stay completely silent for a few minutes after Jon asks them to keep their inter interaction is secret about Ted's the first one to agree and he is really excited about learning magic watching this the rest of the kids have to accept including Karen and there's definitely some interest being shown Jon thanks them all for trusting him and time passes with intense training 2 years later the kids have grown up a bit and all are in the middle of a fight against Allan who is quite strong but is clearly impressed by their skills as he passes them as promised he allows Ted and Karen to go to the forest which gets them all Restless to go there right away as they want to meet Jon's friend after a while they stand in front of the crystal wolf who has kids now and then asks them to play with its little cubs for a bit Karen is over the moon after meeting the crystal wolf that she names Yuta and she believes that there are no friends without names moreover she names the little cubs as well calling the biggest one gerant the beautiful one Bella and the one with the funny face is named Rey the boys laugh at her Antics until they all spot a monster boar and a girl that is standing right in front of it which is shocking the boys prepare for battle and get ready to take care of the situation after asking Karen to take the girl back to the Village the boys reach home after a long battle where Emily welcomes them back and is glad to see that they have brought a monster Pig back as a gift Emily is really excited about having a feast for the night and even invites Ted to come over to enjoy a hearty meal with them which makes them thank her the second they step in though they spot the same girl who was in the forest at the dining table eating like she has never seen food before she reveals that Karen told her that Emily has great cooking skills which is why she came over to Jon's house JN clearly doesn't want her to get comfortable at his place and asks who she is before she can continue eating more of the food the girl introduces herself as rosenheim but she is ready to let them call her Rose as he has saved her for the monster boore which naturally earns him a lot of points in her good books apparently she hasn't just come all the way here for the food as she takes out a ball of reflection in front of them which shocks Jon as he remembers that this ball should be sold at the capital years from now the reflection ball shows Ted and Jon's image as they get prepared to fight the boar and they are speechless at the reflections from before at this point Rose mentions that she was quite impressed to find children using combat magic and she clearly wants to know more about it as it's the first time that she has ever seen it she seems impressed that someone had a brilliant idea like her in this remote Village as she stares up at Jon asking if he wants to go to the capital with her this is when she reveals that her full name is Rose Nuru and John recognizes the name as wise man from the future which is laughed off by Rose JN remembers that she gains immense respect in the future as she becomes the country's adviser and is worshiped as a hero it's hard for him to digest that the weirdo in front of him is the great wizard to put him at ease Rose transforms into a beautiful woman and Jon instantly recognizes her from the battlefield also revealing that she has taken this form to make people take her seriously actually she is a dwarf and she turns into an elf whenever she goes out since Karen and Ted are clueless about elves and dwarves Jon explains the difference between the two revealing that Rose can be much older than she looks he has two conditions before he agrees to go to the capital with her though the first one is that she needs to keep his magic a secret because it's dangerous because it might wage Wars and it's not fully developed he knows that he couldn't reach the level of nakuru and they need her because her magic becomes too important in the future he agrees to release it when it's theoretically completed which is agreed by Rose instantly however before Jon can agree to go with her to the capital someone comes to the door and asks if he has seen a short girl with a huge attitude acting strangely over familiar everywhere this description definitely rings a bell in his mind as he knows exactly who she's talking about however Rose doesn't look too happy after looking at the face of their visitor she calls her Seria and as looking terrified that she has managed to find her here as it seems like an impossible thing to achieve right after a search throughout the town the lady known as Sera has finally caught the unknown little Menace Rose goes around town bursting into people's houses and taking advantage of their Hospitality without feeling the slightest hint of Shame sya apologizes to the trio for Rose's behavior and Fufu very obviously lying says that she has a great time with the girl before getting dragged out of the house Rose points at Jon and tells him that she is definitely going to meet him tomorrow is she just crazy or planning to murder the poor boy the next morning Jon's mom is trying to wake him up for the magic elements testing going on in the town JN hears the word magic and everything else disappears from his mind the magic elements testing guarantees a spot in the magical Academy and since John did not have any magical potential in his past life he is going to change his fate Jon wants to reach there in an instant but wait the testing happens only once a year and the entire thing seems very peculiar he gets to the testing site and sees the one and only Rose as the examiner this could not get any weirder even after living once already Jon is clearly seen questioning his life choices when Rose claims that she has been waiting for him Sera steps into clear confusions and tells John that even though it might seem unbelievable Rose is the principal of the very Academy he desires to join and she is the vice principal John compares the situation to his previous life where he believed that someone named nakar Ruru should have been the Principal Jon is just as lucky as the rest of us but it happens that Jon's father Ain came across Rose and prepared a petition with some random Knights to make her the principal history has been changed and Jon's father was the one to do it well before any delay Jon puts his hand on the orb to test his magical capability and it turns dark red and cracks up the weirdest color appears for John but he passes and so all have the people behind him Jon is so blessed he just needs to exist and everything works in his favor he gets back home to his father to whine about being too sloppy and not telling him about the encounter with rose but all his father can think of is that his son lowkey a failure in his previous life has passed the magic test he is hyped and so is Fufu it's a feast tonight to celebrate moving on JN can be seen in a carriage with Duke KIRO and he just woke up John is shocked to see a castle in front of him as he has only been to shabby houses he is sweating profusely and panicking kiriro notices that he is sweating as if he just ran a marathon and asks if he needs an escort home while also calling him a scaredy-cat John declined his offer and calls him a Madman for thinking that he's scared that is one way to bring out the man on you kiriro takes him to the door which has the ability to talk reminds us of the Harry Potter common rooms the door password is whatever a human desires and it's Justice and peace for for now random interesting fact kiro's ancestors could summon the immortal Phoenix the duo goes in and kiriro is attacked by his little sister named Tiana acting all cutesy and cringey Tiana asks for her souvenirs when she realizes Jon is there she tries to regain composure and introduces herself formally that formality begins with her mocking her brother by telling Jon that she did not in the whole wide world expect her brother to bring home a friend since he is a loner KIRO tries to defend himself and not make this situation awkward and reminds her that he did bring fronda home with him and she gives him a reality check that fronda is the guy who comes to collect the delayed payments to his father's debt kiriro is not giving him and reminds her about gildo and she humbles him by giving him a reality check that gildo is the guy who just wants to use him when he becomes the head of the house KIRO is speechless as the list of the only two people who interact with him has ended bro has been brutally exposed by his little sister JN just stands there trying to hold in his laughter in the Duke's respect but it's okay John feel free to laugh Jon wakes up from a dream he is on the carriage to the magic Academy it was a Dream from the Happy Times long before kirakira died and the war started tiata was always understanding and considerate of Jon the last time he saw her was when she came to collect kirak kiro's body while her father fought demons Jon blamed himself for kiro's death and apologized to Tiana both of them were balling their eyes out KIRO KIRO would have never liked to see Jon drowning in despair Tiana confesses that both KIRO KIRO and Jon loved him to the point that they could give everything for his sake aw to be loved like that Tiana kisses Jon and reminds him of all the reasons he had been fighting so far and that he will continue fighting the demons Jon has always wanted to become a soldier like his father ainus to protect people's happiness this fact never changed even after so many of his comrades died Tiana wraps him in a warm hug and Jon repeats his resolution loky choking on his tears back to the present all the students are in the carriage Karen seems worried for Jon who looks motion sick but nah he's just pondering over some memories from his past life imagine yourself in third grade talking to your friend about math homework while he misses his lover from the past life Karen asks John about the difficulty of studying in the magic Academy he tells her that it's very different than the magic he taught them since it's Dreadful and they don't want to scare the poor beginners they can finally see the Hogwarts like magic Academy through the carriage and the next moment they're all inside the students sit down as the principal welcomes them and introduces herself Jon is on a completely different path from his past life and he has to make sure that he changes the future all he can think of is Kiro and his lover Tiana love is one twisted disease after all it's Jon's first day at school or the magic Academy he is in his first magic class and a mage is there to teach the basics of magic wrinkly face witch hat and a large cloak typical of a magic Professor three types of magic are introduced and Jon has picked to answer the first ever question welcome to the never ending Saga of Jon questioning his second brand new life JN answers it and the Mage acknowledges his answer but he goes on to flex his own theoretical knowledge ands the class about natural magic powers that made a floating island Jon sits quietly at the back of the class insides about the fact that all his village friends got divided into different classes this is a Canon event and we cannot interfere there's no way this hasn't happened at least once before the Boy comes up to John and compliments his brand new wand which he got as a gift from his father the boy introduces himself as noral oral well that is one awful name however he is shocked to find out that he is talking to John sius son of a living legend but they can't continue their conversation as they have to leave for another class called Mobility the next Professor named morav gakara introduces himself he looks almost similar to the first Professor except his grown out hair and unusually large wand he is going to teach the students how to use Elementary magic but they should not be playing around with the serious stuff a noble child named fra comes forward to demonstrate a spell in the teacher's request magic is considered a national confidential matter normally and combat magic is especially forbidden but there are a few special exceptions the children of nobles are taught Magic and some sword skills from a very young age because if the country is at War they will have to be at the front lines fra performs the spell and the entire class is jaw drops the teacher finds it impressive too and asks the class to divide into groups and practice magic according to their attributes but stop a brad Noble is targeting norl he calls norl a commoner and asks him to stand still because he wants to try Magic on him johon steps in because why fear when Jon is here he is there to protect his new friend he calls the noble a deaf brat and tells him to listen to the teacher but the noble who thinks he is entitled to such acts tells Jon to get out of the way otherwise he shall be his Target the noble swishes his wand and begins casting a new spell he makes a strong coiling wind to blow away his enemy in front of him Jon covers his face with his arm for protection the incantation for elementary magic is lasting way too long than it should oh wait the noble boy has lost control of his Mana Jon warns him but he just shuts him up before John could do anything the professor intervenes the noble boy falls to his knees the Professor stepped in a little late because he wanted to see Jon do something he has heard about Jon from the principal and was curious but sent Bernard to the infirmary in the process also Jon my dude was scared for his life while the professor enjoyed the chaos sadly Jon is also sent to the infirmary norl is a worried mom to be honest Jon's Village friends visit him in the infirmary and are extremely worried norl steps in to defend his friend all that Jon did was for a better cause once they're out of the infirmary Jon and norl cannot decide which optional classes to take but before that they have even bigger worries to deal with a bunch of random dudes looking exactly like a bunch of bullies come forward they are Bernard's friends the Brady Noble from earlier Jon explains that Bernard did that to himself the taller boy warns Jon not to go against the Nobles and that he should know his place norl is worried but John the Chad Just Smiles and asks him to continue his journey to their class the duo walk around looking at different classes but they come to a halt at one particular place summoning magic is being performed by the students there and Jon can sense something he feels feels his chest growing Tighter and runs out of the place Jon is sweating as if he has seen a ghost but he literally does Fear the appearance of one in a large empty classroom Jon stands still surrounded by the bodies of the bullies lying around John I thought that things will continue to be great if I do not interfere I thought that my soul was not the same one as the one I had before I died I thought that maybe just maybe after reincarnation my soul was not filled with Darkness but I guess Misfortune follows you even after you die the principal barges in to see Jon standing in the midst of the crown crime scene the professor examines the boys and the principal realizes that it's not their bodies that have been damaged but their souls that are broken the principal shakes johon to bring him to his senses but all he says is to call Illusionist Lord bull back of suat tenu honestly what an unnecessary fancy and complicated name the principal is bewildered and tells JN that The Illusionist will only go somewhere where he can find a research project Jon tells the principal to let him know that his contractor is present at the magic Academy and that he shall arrive in no time a few hours ago when JN leaves noral behind the group of gangs up on him Bernard my dude can still not get over the embarrassment he faced in front of the entire class he is extremely angry and is determined to take revenge Bernard wants to make Jon cry and he also needs an apology Jon is fine with everything as he can endure pain as long as he doesn't get killed Jon is taken to an empty classroom and Bernard smugly says that he's going to continue his magic practice on him Jon asks Bernard if he just has to stand there and take their attacks or like do some type of Tik Tok pose or something well the bullies are even more offended as they think think that Jon is being arrogant they begin with summoning magic and launch a fire cat at him the fire cat is a bit weak and so is their lightning rate attack because they're just kids and Jon can resist them just fine but surprise surprise Bernard calls out an incantation sharpen wind form blades and cut the enemy in front of me Wing blade Jon realizes that Bernard is putting dangerous magic to use with the clear intention of killing Jon has to resist but his legs feel weak because of the impact from the lightning attack but shockingly a voice from within Jon speaks Jon's orbs turn black and the voice tells Jon that he is still careless and that it has to help all the magical energy from the boys is sucked and takes the shape of a dark black mini tornado the woman fena that Jon fears appears from within the darkness Jon looks as if his soul has been sucked fena with a cold slice smile on her face moves towards the bullies and sucks out their Spirits Jon tries to stop her but it's too late the boys are in extreme pain as fena licks her lips and deliciously consumes the souls fena finds the food good but not as delicious as JN was Once Upon a Time Jon on the other hand thought that he had gotten rid of fena but she had lived inside him every moment of his life fena calls John hers the most delicious as well she says some more weirdly creepy stuff and says that she has to leave now because she cannot eat Jon anyway she did not find the souls of the boys as tasty as Jon's because kids can never be as delicious as adults Jon tries to stop her but it's already too late as she slips away through the window what happens now Rose clears out other people of the room and now it's only her Jon and the vice principal she also turns into her younger form so that it's easier for Jon to talk to her looks like an investigation is about to go down Jon has kind of calmed down or maybe Rose assumes so the vice principal presents him with some warm tea but can we get to the point already Rose inquires about fena questioning if the woman had a hand in the transformation of Bernard and his companions John confirms explaining that fora consumes The Souls of criminals but releasing her would only lead to a surge in victims he further details the excruciating pain experienced by humans whose Soul she devours both women Express deep concern with rose Gathering the courage to ask Jon if he was the one who summoned fena she wonders if there's some form of a contract between them in response Jon questions whether what makes her think so Jon is sweating bees and looks like if he has been caught red-handed but he himself revealed fen's biography not more than a minute ago however Rose reminds him of his interaction with the Magic Orb on the testing day The Peculiar reaction could only take place if two beings are already in contact with one another and their magical abilities have interacted so Rose had already guessed that he had some sort of contract with an evil entity well Jon had a contract with fena in his previous life where she claimed that she had consumed the boy's soul and the contract should have ended with his death then why in the world is she following him here too but Jon cannot leave her alone either she will create a mess and to prevent that he has to interact with The Illusionist Lord and some other people that he really hates let's move back to JN who responds to Rose's suspicion by saying that she only harms criminals and that is what his contract was about Bernard was trying to hurt Jon and fora classified him as a criminal Rose goes in into deep thought she's already contacted bullach who must be on his way by now she Pats Jon's head and asks him to take some rest finally the boy can breathe but yeah he won't let himself rest of course he gets a flashback from his time as a young man in the military Barracks buback sounding and looking extremely evil refers to a group of men in front of him as test subjects as they hold the blood that he created the military put a lot of effort into developing the Army but the only samples who showed positive results stood in front of buback but seriously like referring to humans samples and test subjects is not normal but neither is buback so whatever no wonder the entire military was depressed Jon stands there still thinking about the reason behind kiro's death with not a single hint of life in his eyes buback stands there laughing like a madman as a soldier named sar's contractor appears it is a huge wolf-like Beast named rubo rubo worried about being offered to Bull back questions sar's intentions saru clarifies that he borrowed rubo's Powers as a means of avoiding death emphasizing that he lacks complete control over rubo in response rubba brings up the intense pain during the power exchange revealing that part of saru Soul was lent in the process despite sar's confusion Rob explains that he willingly lent his powers because he finds saru Soul delicious playfully rubba proposes a contract where upon death saru Soul becomes his saru agrees seeking clarification on the terms of the agreement what is up with these creatures in their obsession with Souls buback seems delighted by seeing the contract formation happening he is using some old methods to make humans stronger and the process is is exactly the same as descriptions in the ancient books which is amazing for him that is when fena comes in with dark energy surrounding her Jon asks her to make a contract too and she of course agrees because she finds Jon's Soul delicious it has the flavor of pain Vengeance and suffering fena would have died if she could not have received such dark energy from anyone and so they form a contract and Jon gets himself into a mess that will haunt him into his next life as well Rose comes up to Jon to inform him about the arrival of Illusionist Lord bulog as per his requ West before John visits bubach he lets Rose know that this conversation with bulach might be incomprehensible for her so she should pretend that she didn't hear anything at all well this is not the first thing that Rose cannot understand about Jon however she expects that it will be eventually explained to her The Illusionist Lord with the most maniacal expression on his face welcomes the test subject Jon that he has desperately been waiting for bubach is clearly very desperate and crazy for research and science Jon introduces himself but gets straight to the point and asks bulach for a request he has to make JN clearly very nervous tells The Illusionist about his request to make blood bulbu goes even crazier and starts questioning the boy as he's curious it is beyond his understanding that a student from the magic Academy has this level of scientific knowledge Jon clearly tells him that he cannot disclose any further information he asks about blood once again and this time bulach gives a proper answer bullach has never tried making blood in reality but he does present John some theoretical facts blood is a tool that has the most significant impact on Jon in his previous life he knows quite a lot about about its structure but he still has some doubts about letting the crazy Illusionist Lord know about this advanced technology but he has to do it no matter what JN sharees some of his knowledge with bulach who is extremely delighted to learn more and more he is Amazed by the new facts and knowledge he has gained and being the desperate crazy scientist that he is he wants to start working on blood immediately he asks for an empty room and Rose despite being extremely suspicious of bullbox intentions guides him to an empty room on the second floor Rose cannot comprehend the amount of knowledge that the little boy has but soon remembers that Jon told her not to ask questions now they have to wait for bulach to make blood and hope that fena doesn't Target any more people after 2 days of continuous work bulach finally comes out of the room with a triumphant look on his Sleepless face he hands over the amulet to JN who wears it proudly Jon wears the amulet and thinks about all the bad things that he has been through the pain the rising thirst for vengeance and the hatred of wanting to destroy everything should be enough to call forena Simply put blood is a summoning tool however its mechanism of action is quite different from the usual teleporting methods of summoning blood extracts a fragrance from the souls and uses the smell of souls to attract the monsters the taste of souls changes based on human emotions and so Jon has to direct all his negative energy to summon fena as expected Jon succeeds in summoning fena as a dark black cloud forms in the room and an evil looking lady comes out of the smoke the first thing she does is to express her desire to eat Jon after smelling such a delicious scent fena has been inside Jon's body all his life so it's not understandable as to why she chose chose to show up just now but regardless of everything his goal right now is to stop fena and the only way to do it is to form a contract with her JN used to hate existences like fena who found joy in consuming human Souls but the fact that they are extremely essential for soldiers to win is undeniable without them their chances of winning any battle are extremely slim fena also wants to form a contract with Jon as expected Jon tells her about his terms firstly fena is not allowed to consume any human soul even criminals without Jon's permission also fena is not allowed to use her powers unless in emergency cases in return fena demands half of Jon's Soul as well as the permission to eat The Souls of demons or Monsters fena is going to sleep after forming a contract with Jon but she will remain hungry because the souls consumed are not enough for her she wants Jon to harvest The Souls of monsters for her or else she will be unable to control herself fena demands the soul of a real dragon because if the demon doesn't form good Affinity with her things will only turn out really badly for Jon Jon lies on the couch as he touches his amulet and realizes that his contract with fena was a success once again his body feels heavy but that was expected since half of his soul was eaten luru shows up and is very concerned about the boy Jon showed signs of extreme pain and fainted without a single warning before the contract with fena no one knew about the side effects of the contract Jon apologizes for worrying nakar Ruru and lets it know that there should be no more victims of herena after the creation of blood Bernard and the other boys have also woken up but the concept of getting Souls eaten is still very difficult to grasp for nakuru buback crazy as ever about science enters the scene to describe the theories The Souls of the bullies were revived because fetta made a contract with Jon and hence all the other Souls became unnecessary bulach moves his attention to Jon and is extremely intrigued to find out everything about his body from head to toe be it the magical powers inside him the amount of pain he can endure and whatnot nakaru is bewildered and asks bullach to do a general checkup bullach just wants all the data about his sample and Jon offers to give him all the information required on one condition and that is that bulach one let anyone know about blood without Jon's permission buback of course agrees because he will do anything for research in the next scene Jon is sitting with his friends discussing the events that unfolded earlier Bernard and his friends are using madeup stories to make students hate Jon and Jon's friends are having none of it Ted is just concerned while coup wants to suggest an idea that can damage bullies without the teacher's noticing it Jon changes the topic and asks everyone about their classes cou finds classes hard and so do Jon's other friends because the magic requires complicated chance that extremely difficult vocabulary they have to read literature just to understand the complicated words cut to the next scene John's Mobility Professor has taken over as his instructor because he has an aptitude for dark magic the elementary level of dark magic is taking someone else's life force and they begin practicing without wasting a second Jon performs a spell and the instructor moral observes him Jon gets focused and creates a black fog through a spell called Dark erosion to gather Dark Energy the instructor observes some weaknesses in the spell he thinks that Jon's imagination is too weak for now magical power is indeed important to cast spells but it is Jon's will that needs to be strong enough the strength of one's imagination directly affects the magical abilities especially for the Mages who use dark magic darkness is always rejected by the world to bend the nature of logic it is very important for dark Mages to have a strong imagination and will moral tells Jon all the theories that form the foundation of nakar ruru's magic which is something very new for him apparently nakaru created her own new ways which were contrary to old magic whose only focus was the speed and accuracy of chanting so for an old Magic master like moral Sensei himself it is very surprising to be familiar with new magical methods this is when John realizes that the Mages of the present era have pretty much moved on from the traditional ways of thinking the Boomers have indeed evolved Jon tries to cast The Darkness erosion spell once again by thinking of Darkness that is fena in his mind he calls out to Darkness to gather by his side in a matter of a few minutes Jon has a spark in his eyes and Power in his magic that was nowhere to be seen A ago a string wave of dark energy surrounds Jon as well as moral Sensei who is lowkey terrified by the surprising change and Jon's magic level just by using a little bit of advice he finds the child terrifying moral has a satisfied smile on his face and gives the child a pat according to moral Jon has surpassed the elementary level of magic but he must not use his powers against a human after the problem with fena Jon's school life was passing by peacefully after 3 months the school is dividing classes according to the grades of students noral meets John in the corridors and confirms that the classes are getting divided on the basis of their Labyrinth exploring results Jon appreciates norl for the continuous Improvement in his lecture wise and practical wise studies he thinks that norl has some good talents and that he himself needs to work harder too he got where he is today because he already knew about nakar ruru's theory he feels guilty because this is like cheating on a test but both boys know that they should work their hardest possible and try to get into the same top class but now they have to look for group members for their project that is when norl gets terrified thinking that his friend might have ditched him for some other group for the final project but Jon assures his friend that he doesn't need to worry since he doesn't have any other group they start walking while discussing their class and members and it as If Heaven has heard the two boys when two girls come searching for them through the hallways are they here to become part of the group project or are they out for trouble the girls call upon the two boys and introduce themselves as feed do gantia and Tres melm media they are from the same class as John and norl and have heard that they do not have a party to explore the Labyrinth with they want to group up with The Loner boys JN recognizes them as the dwarf and the dark elf from his class he cannot understand as to why such talented individuals have still got no party to explore with but it happens that they are considered abnormal kids in class and no one wants to team up with them Jon and norl are also considered abnormal and a little weird so that is why the two girls came to them with high hopes all the weirdos can form a superb party together Jon and norl of course agree to the offer and the girls are absolutely elated one week later on the day of the labyrinth exploring test all the students stand in front of of Miss berno she is instructing the students on methods to get through the Labyrinth and also tells them about the magical tool that will be given to each part if circumstances get too dire they can use the toll to escape the group of four weirdos is there too they are all very tense but Jon seems relaxed because he has the experience he tells his group that he used to visit the monsters jungle with his father so he's not very tense th feels reassured to have Jon around because he has practical experience and tris also thinks that they can rely on Jon during hard times Well if Jon was intense before then he should be now because he has three people relying on him Miss berno warns the group about the dangers once again before they enter the Labyrinth the theme of The Labyrinth is a completely different world this time the students will be transferred to a new dimension so they should be careful the group holds hands and enters the other dimension through a terrifyingly large door the new dimension is a vast landscape with Lush grass and distant mountains floating islands are seen in the unique sky and everything collectively looks like a miracle the group cannot believe their eyes as they open a map and take a look at their destination called the water Sprite Fountain they have to get through the black tree God Forest which is filled with small monsters like goblins that can be defeated easily if they remain calm they decide on the vanguards and rear guards which can change depending on the situation norl says that he will send everyone back in case of emergency so they shouldn't be forcing themselves these are the basics of exploring a labyrinth the same advice was given by Alan seras John's father who stated that the Reckless one dies first the group finally cheers and enters the dark black forest which has abnormally large trees covering the sky Tris finds the forest strange even though she's an elf she can feel that the Trees of the forest are alive Tris and fee engage in a strange conversation that the boys cannot understand however they quickly realize and explain their interpretations Tris and fee are not human so they can feel things that normal humans do not humans have the highest population on Earth because they do not have any special powers so they find it easy to adapt anywhere elves have a strong telepathy with wind and water whereas dwarves find it hard to live away from minerals therefore it is difficult for them to find place to live however their individual abilities are far greater than an average human Tris explains that she finds the tree strange because they are all alive with actual Spirits living inside them it is a little hard to believe for her before Tris could explain any further the conversation is cut off when she senses something coming towards them at a high speed the group quickly gets in position and Jon and fee will launch the first attack while Tris and norl will cast magical spells from behind but they are left Bamboozled when Karen emerges from the trees instead of a monster she spotted her friend from a distance and stops by to say hello her task is on some other way so she disappears in an instant to rejoin her group fee teases John by calling Karen his girlfriend but he denies it with a straight face fee is disappointed that her teasing did not work she also thinks that Jon does not seem like a kid at all he is not worth teasing however the girls quickly move on to gush about the Karen's group that included onora kahi the Duke's daughter the boys are shocked to learn that Karen is leading such an amazing team the conversation is cut off once again as they sense a monster attack attack coming the group gets into position once again as the vanguards fee and Jon pick up their Spears and swords the group's first battle is about to go down three ugly goblins stand in between the trees the vanguards run to launch their first attack and so do the Goblins fee and Jon kill one of the Goblins in one go as they slash through his body the remaining two heads towards the rear guards Tris and norl who are casting the magic spells called wind Spears and fire arrows the attacks are launched a bright flash appears and the Goblins vanish in no time the group is exhilarated at their first Victory it feels different than the regular practice sessions because it is a real victory in real circumstances Jon grabs the map once again and the water Sprites Fountain is right ahead of them now they have to collect some of its water and defeat the Slime Monster protecting the fountain to collect some of its raw materials the beautiful Fountain shines in the midst of the Jungle but before they can admire its beauty the Slime Monster starts rising from the center the Slime takes the shape of a woman which surprises the group it stands tall in the midst of the Jungle and points a slimy finger at the group which absolutely terrifies them the slime monster has sent a strong acidic liquid towards the group which burns the trees behind which they are hiding Tris tries to calm herself down and prepares to cast a spell she asks the wind to turn into sharp blades and cut right through her enemies Tris sends her attack towards the enemy and manages to cut it into two halves Jon and fee look kind of relieved thinking that Tris might have gotten rid of the monster but to their surprise the monster regenerates the monster sends a new wave of acid towards the group and fee gets impulsive thinking that she will have to face the monster heads on however Jon grabs her by the collar and they will be getting behind the monster as norl says norl is surely cooking something here with this plan of his but can he really take down the Slime Monster the Slime will keep regenerating as long as it is attached to the Fountain and with its unique acidic abilities attacking with weapons is useless too so norl thinks that it's his and tris's Time To Shine by attacking with magic fee and Jon stand in front of the monster as it's their job to become the bait and create a distraction for the monster fee is scared for her life but goes along anyway they stand at a distance from the monster and challenge it to come at them the monster steps its feet out of the fountain and sends new acidic attacks flying at the kids V is terrified but still waits till the last second to dodge the acid she finds the thrill of the acid almost burning her skin fun noral calls on to Tris who launches her special wind blade attack and sends it flying towards the monster to cut its connection from the fountain now it is noro's turn to attack he unexpectedly uses a water type magic and calls upon his power to create an ice cage for the enemy in front of him Tris really cannot understand boy strategy a huge ice cage forms that reveals a dark blue core in the chest of the Slime Monster norl calls Jon to stand the Clue core and he comes running at godp speed to grab the monster by the sword the monster's body shatters like glass and the Slime is finally defeated the group of four kids jump around and cheer and joy all of them are extremely impressed by nl's plan and Leadership abilities none of them has the knowledge about slime cores that are invisible due to the temperature differences but noral remembered it because a professor has mentioned it once and he came up with a plan based on a single statement just as they all say norl is awesome the group has accomplished their task and now it's time to return with the raw material and fountain water they are finally out of the other dimension and are congratulated by Miss berno many students were unable to complete the task too but everyone got out unharmed they are all still growing and shall use this experience as a part of their Journey on becoming full-fledged magicians Jon sees a new light ahead of him as his bond with his friends grows stronger he wants to learn from norl Tris and fee all of whom Inspire him he will take one step at a time to become stronger for the upcoming future to become who he wants to be Carriage is passing through the lush green valleys beside the enormous walls it has been 3 years since John and his friends joined the magic Academy right now they are headed to the Fort inside the magical forest according to the magic Academy's new curriculum students are required to attend practical training sessions from the Army or the night's order the students are headed for practical training and are having the time of their lives munching on delicious snacks chatting and discussing books usually there are not many students who are willing to go but Jon's entire group is surely going Jon is visiting because his father is there while others like norl are fanboys and are going to meet their hero alenson some nerds are also interested in the ecosystem of the magical forest Cole is traveling on the kage's roof with fee who is as energetic as ever he is motion sick because fee keeps dragging him to take looks around at the landscape Cole asks the stupid dwarf to shut up who in turn starts mocking Cole's short height the students finally get a sight of the kenon fort commonly known as the magical forest Fort it is built as a boundary between the monster infested forest and the capital it serves as the defending base for the capital the students are finally here but instead of being delighted all of them are panicking and are worried for their lives fee is shouting crazy because she has spotted a wild goat-like monster outside the fort the monster is about 10 times the size of the carriage and it stands tall over the students they cannot comprehend the fact that a monster is on the other side of the fort norl recognizes the monster as Rush goat or the mad goat a monster with a strong headbutt attack the monster begins stomping its feet and is about to attack the students have no time to analyze the situation and decide on using the combined defense magic which might turn out to be a massive failure since they practiced it only once in class Jon also thinks they should go for a combined defense strategy rather than scattering because the students are no match for the mad goat the 10 students stand in line and put their palms forward to create magic runes as they expand defense magic the goat runs forward at high speed and puts its extremely strong head into the defense barrier a huge explosion occurs and clouds of Smoke Rise up into the sky the students are terrified and hence their barrier weakens the goat prepares for a second attack and the students turn to normal for the second strategy but norl himself didn't think that far fee takes matters into her own hands and runs forward to launch an attack with her spear Jon calls out to the idiot to stop but it's too late because the fee is almost there thunder flashes into the sky and fee is almost about to put down her blow when she realizes the mad goat can use magic he is thrown away and she uses her hands to cover her head for protection before the wild goat's Thunder can hit fee her knight in shining armor appears someone has come flying from the sky and dug her sword into the ground to retaliate the Mad goat's Thunder attack the gorgeous lady has a huge smile on her face and she turns around to tell the students that they did extremely well she asks them to leave the rest to her Jon with a glimmer of inspiration in his eyes recognizes the woman as a magic swordsman with one huge Blow from her sword she slashes the mag goat's neck and the monster is down in no time this students stand there a struck and wowed Jon's father is also a magic swordsman and after seeing the action displayed by the lady in front of them they cannot help but admire alen sius even more the lady gets back to the students to check if any of them is hurt and fortunately everyone is good she also apologizes to the students for a violent welcome all because of a goat that escaped during the fort's repairs the woman introduces herself as a Lee surpress and John has definitely heard that name before she is the sword princess Elise who was strong enough to rival Alan sius Elise recogn es Jon as Allen's son as they have got similar pair of eyes but Jon's father was summoned to the capital so Elise is temporarily in charge of the fort Alise takes them inside through the huge Gates of the kenot fort but before the students can rest she takes them to see the most dangerous part of the magical forest territory it's the place where the majority of the monsters reside but Elise tells the students that their purpose is to avoid the animals for the most part the sword fighters respect their territory and boundaries because they can feel that the monsters don't want to fight the humans either this concept is very new to the student stud who have only ever known monsters as the enemies the sword fighters only attack when the monsters do Elise and the rest of the students leave as Jon asks to stay back for a while Jon is reminded of the time during war when this side of the fort was broken down he was worried for his father's life but kirakira was there to comfort him that is when he hears someone call him it is the young KIRO KIRO is informed that Jon is a student from the magic Academy and that he is there for the Academy training he is curious about Jon because he doesn't get to see age fellows at the Fort usually Jon just stands there a truck looking at his old friend and then both introduce themselves formally to begin a conversation kiriro is also curious about John's studies at the magic Academy and Jon tells him about the division based on attributes Jon's rare attribute Darkness makes his studies tougher altogether he also has the Labyrinth exploring classes done in groups kirakira has been put in The Labyrinth many times too but he always has escorts protecting him so he admires the way students of the magic Academy work kiriro lays back on the wall and expresses his desire that he should have also joined the magic Academy because he has magical powers that are tough enough to become a mage but due to some circumstances he cannot become one Jon is quick to catch up on his lies because kiriro is a Duke hiding his entity Jon remembers that he has to head back soon but kiriro is reluctant to let his fellow age leave so soon JN says that they will probably meet at the dining room again because they eat at the same place The Short Happy meeting is over as JN leaves and fla comes over to warn KIRO he cannot be talking carelessly to commoners like this because the commoners can be subjected to tough punishments Kiro reassures fla and lets him know that he will be strict with Jon the next time he sees him caroo has just met Jon yet he still feels like they can become good friends but he worries that Jon might change his mind after finding out his true identity at the dinner table princess Elise introduces the new comrades from the magic Academy the dinner is rather extravagant today the newcomers should eat a lot and become strong enough to defeat monsters they are having the delicious meat from the mad goat that was caught earlier out of nowhere KIRO KIRO goes up to JN at dinner and tells him the truth about his identity he's the son of the Duke Phoenix the heir to the household of noble Jon is kind of confused and shocked at the sudden Revelation thus he apologizes for acting casually around the noble which is generally considered very rude but KIRO KIRO thinks that he should be the one apologizing instead for interrupting Jon's peaceful meal in an instant he leaves the scene with fla Jon gets up for the dinner table too and lets his friend know that he is going out for a minute to solve a little misunderstanding kiriro is standing on the balcony and breathes a heavy sigh while looking at the bright moon he thinks that he might have lost another potential friend that is when Jon follows him up the stairs and says hi kiriro is surprised but Jon quickly gets to the explanation kiriro was surrounded by a bunch of soldiers hence he used honorifics for the Duke otherwise he would have received a beating plus a free preaching session for addressing a Duke casually John offers a sincere apology to the little Duke who is extremely touched to find a friend his eyes glimmer with tears he wants to be a friend of equal footing to Jon without bothering about who he is or where he comes from JN reassures kiriro by letting him know that he should stop worrying since since they have already become friends that is when JN begins giggling out of nowhere and kakira stops him it's just that he cannot help but laugh at the Duke who got so emotional that he is on the verge of crying flond is witnessing this scene and she cannot help but smile at the sight of her dear kiriro finding a friend hopefully this time the Friendship would not end up in separation and that the boys will get their well-deserved happy ending the student training is going smoothly at the magical forest they are receiving new wounds from the training that symbolize their growth after a long tiring day of training the students are surrounding the table they were all nearly lifeless as Tris and her fellow guests serve them drinks the students did expect a tough training routine but they did not expect the same training regimen as the fort soldiers they have heard stories that Sergeant Graham's training used to be tougher but the worst of all is the special training course from Princess Elise it is the course that the two Nobles fla and KIRO are taking that is when fla and KIRO come up to the group of friends hesitantly asking them for a small talk the entire friend group has no idea how to respond to the Nobles wanting to have a talk k introduces himself and fla and the very first thing the girls assume is that KIRO KIRO came just to complain about the excessive noise the young boy gets flustered and denies that however he continues to speak and his words sound like a speech that he rehearsed a hundred times before talking since all of the youngsters are staying at the Fort for the time being and their ages are mostly similar kiriro thought that it would be a great idea to hold a simple social gathering in this room Jon stands at the back his mouth shut as he feels embarrassed for the Duke Jon's friends group's jaws drop at the invitation and kiriro leaves expecting to see them later flond is complimenting him for speaking well and Jon's friend group goes like what the heck Kira Kira is our new favorite introvert in the town at the given time the group visits the Duke's room even the door gives off a noble Vibe which makes the students very nervous they enter the door to see a huge room with a chandelier a personal balcony and luxury Furniture the room is absolutely gorgeous and kiriro is more than delighted to see that everybody showed up the friend group isn't sure as to why John and kiriro are able to speak so casually that is when the duo lets everyone know that they are already friends and Jon's friends are dumbfounded for the millionth time in the day kirakira wants to be friends with everyone else too that is when Ted finally speaks and reaches out his hand for a formal introduction according to norl they also have Nobles at the Academy but they are all bratty and obnoxious so it's a surprise to meet someone like KIRO Karen the most energetic and assertive one goes up to fla who begins shaking and even KIRO KIRO is surprised to see her loser composure for the first time ever Cole cannot help but drool over the tea and sweets as kiriro talks to his new friends and Karen makes braids for fla who just sits there looking almost dramatized Ted and norl are curious about the reasons why the two Nobles came to the fort and take Elise Chan special course on top of that the two collectively respond that they are here to hunt down the dragon in the magical forest Elise designed a dragon slaying course especially for them the material from the dragon can be used in making medicines that can cure any kinds of illness they need the material to cure fla's sick mother and Kira KIRO came with her just just because he wanted to his father could not come because of his position thus he convinced aise to help the two out Jon's friend group is extremely impressed at the resolution of the Nobles after a moment of deep thought Jon announces that he also wants to join kiriro on the Dragon Hunt mission is Jon ready to endure the tough training or is this just an impulsive thought that he might regret later Jon along with kiriro and fla nervously go up to princess Elise with a requests to join the dragon subjugation training course he is questioning his life for a moment of silence but unexpectedly Alise flashes the trio a smile and agrees she is looking forward to seeing John sius the son of alen sius in action Jon is handed over an armor made of the special metal mithil he should not be worried about getting cut into two halves even if he gets hit by a sword Elise goes over the training plan for the trio the training will be a bit more realistic now onwards they will be going over the basics in the morning and will be having three against one mock battles with thease in the afternoon the training has upgraded but there is nothing to worry about according to Elise the fort infirmary has healers and she just has to make sure that the students don't die the Trio's faces turn white but there's no going back now the fighting begins and Elise asks the duo to come at her however they like kiriro attacks from the front and Elise blocks it while flaa comes from the back one blocks The Sword and the other attacks from the behind but they are way too slow for Elise she thrashes the two Nobles onto the ground and now it's Jon's Turn for a surprise attack Elise finds the young boy's reaction speed quick but he is still no match for her with a powerful Blow from The Sword Jon is send flying into the crates the strong impact makes the boy's face bleed as he faints on top of the broken pieces of wood Elise turns to the two Nobles and the training continues JN wakes up in the infirmary and tries to struggle out of the bed thinking of his training but he calms down when he sees the state he's in a gorgeous little girl comes up to ask kiriro about his condition and he finds out that she is Kira kiro's little sister Tiana is acting as a helping hand for the infirmary and she secretly followed her brother to the fort by hiding in the carriage another woman comes up to check on Jon and finds him well and awake Tiana secretly followed her brother just to see how cool he looks when he's training Tiana is worried about the harsh training course and it doesn't help much when Jon tells her that their job is to subjugate a dragon in the fascination and worry of the Dragon subjugation Mission Tiana and the maid forgot to ask for the name of the boy John sius introduces himself and he looks at the bright smile of the girl in front of him she looks full of life and it is his duty to protect the flowering smile in this life it is the time for a picnic in the magical forest for the dragon subjugation Trio Fonda finds the vibe of the place a extremely Eerie seeming as if 10 mad goats are going to attack her out of nowhere Jon reassures them by saying the sword princess Elise is right in front of them so there's no need to worry the trio is not able to put up a fight with any of the monsters but getting them used to the atmosphere of the magical forest is also an important exercise Alise expects that the strong presence of monsters will help them enjoy their little picnic but all they can sense is the feeling of wearing down just by being present there Elise assures them that they will be turning back soon so there's no need to worry suddenly the air surrounding the students gets heavy and and a sound is heard that makes the trio cover their ears they look up to the sky to see a huge Dragon passing by Elise hurriedly commands her students to stay quiet and not make any moves she asks them to stay hidden and in a moment the dragon passes by without noticing them Alise thinks it's about time they head back now kiriro and Jon are still mesmerized by the sight of a dragon and just like that the exploration of the Magic Forest picnic continued daily with each visit the students are becoming more and more familiar with the forest and are slowly starting to gain confidence deep in the forest a cute little picnic and a bonfire is going on flond has finally gotten used to cutting and cleaning magical beasts and KIRO finds them delicious Jon is especially good at such tasks and Elise appreciates her students for making smooth progress but she warns them too so that they never become careless the princess only intervenes when the big monsters show up otherwise it's all up to the student Trio Elise picks up the best piece of meat that was prepared for Kira KIRO and Fonda is clearly upset about it while he tries to calm her down from a distance Tiana and rette are watching the little picnic all by themselves in the dangerous Forest rosette asks Tiana to turn back but she wants to stay and watch her brother for a little while longer she came there with the invisible orb to erce any sign of their presence in case of trouble back at the Fort Jon's Village friends show up with a variety of foods to check on the dragon slang Squad the squad is clearly very exhausted as Elise decided to chase after them at full speed on their way back today kirakira notices the elders acting very strange so he calls on John to e drop on their conversation Elise is shouting at a man for being careless and letting someone go outside even when there are guards supposed to be watching over them the daughter of the Phoenix family has gone missing kakira without missing a beat rushes out of there Elise notices a presence but it's too late he is headed towards the magical forest and it's nearly impossible to follow him with the stealth magic Jon chooses another PA to the forest and notices a pair of armor missing further confirming his suspicions he runs towards the magical forest at full speed he could have never guessed that this could happen he's taking all the right steps to change history but he still should not be too Rel relaxed a mighty wolf-like creature blocks the boy's path Jon is surprised to see the old fellow Justa is he a friend or a new enemy for Jon Elise is feeling a whirlwind of chaos and confusion she knows that if Tiana and rosette slipped right under their nose they might have had access to some sort of magical item what's worse is that the two students e dropped on their conversation with the supervisor and then darted away she slams open the door to the squad's room and demands the whereabouts of KIRO and Jon everyone is as equally clueless as her Ted comments that he saw them heading out earlier and he hasn't seen them since then she knew the East droppers were the two troublemakers but was scared to admit it meanwhile with a heavy heart kiriro enters the Dark Forest desperately searching for his lost sister the tall trees block most of the light making it hard to see ahead the full moon Peaks through the branches casting a dim spooky glow that doesn't offer too much comfort suddenly he stumbles across footprints that are about the same size as his sisters he starts following them and comes across the same fireplace that he had stopped by with his friends during the so-called picnic that's when it hits him Tiana had been tailing after him just like she used to ever since they were little he cusses at himself for letting this happen by thinking that there is no way she would come to the magical forest you should never underestimate someone with an Onan complex he realizes after more observation that it's highly likely that rosette came along too he knows that rosette has 2 and a half more brain cells than his sister so they shouldn't have strayed too far from here driven by hope he dashes into the dark forest with no fear whatsoever Panic would have eaten Jon by now if not for Justa who comes in clutch under the enchanting glow of a full moon Jon clings to Justa fur as if his life depends on it because it really does like a streak of white lightning Justa is racing through the forest moving swiftly and gracefully her pristine white fur shimmers as she leaps over Fallen branches and obstacles with ease barely making a sound she asks Jon if he can sense his friend's presence and the latter replies that the stealth magic he casted on him is still active which is why it's impossible to track him despite being a crystal wolf Justa feels helpless because the magic distribution in the Forest is unique which makes it even harder to track down a human they stop to take a breath and John remarks that The Coincidence of them being in the same Forest just a Grins and reveals that Jon's dad had taken her to the forest after becoming her training partner and told her to give his son a surprise she then asks Jon if the person he is looking for is his friend JN replies that kiriro is so important to him that he would even risk his life for this sake after hearing the desperation in his voice she picks up the pace again and declares that she will help even if she has to gamble on her life meanwhile kiriro almost giv gives in to hopelessness but then catches a glimpse of Tiana and rosette huddled together between the bushes as soon as Tiana sees KIRO she runs into the Embrace of her own isama he finds it impossible to make sense of what they're trying to say because of how loud both of the girls are crying rette mumbles and blames herself for putting Tiana in danger but Kira Kira reassures her that it's not her fault and he is just glad that both of them are safe he jokingly teases Tiana and Sayes that the root cause of all of this chaos is his sister's selfishness while holding back a waterfall of emotions Tiana ad her mistake and apologizes kirakira tells them that they must hurry up because it will take an hour to get back to the forest unfortunately it looks like the trio wasted too much time celebrating the reunion and now it is too late the same pitch black dragon that flew over them during the picnic has made a comeback it has almost filled the entire sky with its Enormous Wings that are stretching far and wide casting a dark shadow over the land with a thunderous Roar it releases a scorching and Powerful breath that reduces everything in its range to Rubble the ground trembles beneath its Mighty presence as it unleashes its Fury fear grips kako and paralyzes him momentarily he had thought that he could finally end the day peacefully after reuniting with his sister Panic Wells up inside him as he realizes that they have stumbled into a life-threatening situation it doesn't take long for his survival instincts to kick in and the gears in his brain start moving he asks rette if they used an invisible orb earlier to tail him when she confirms He commands them both to use it to run away as far as possible he is sweating in fear but his eyes are fixated at on the enemy the plan is to be baate and divert the beast's attention to give his sister a chance to escape as adorable as Tiana might be it looks like she has a tendency to become very annoying in a life and death situation kiral promises her that he will escape once he is sure that she has fled to a safe area but she clings to her own isama and refuses to leave his side in the end rette has to drag the away KIRO un sheets his sword and challenges his rival contrary to his eyes which are brimming with the intent to kill his hands are trembling uncontrollably after all he is just a kid facing off with a 45- ft Dragon he provokes his Enemy by claiming that he lied to his sister earlier and has no intention of running anywhere the dragon charges at him and kakira wonders if his Fate has been sealed the dragon is overwhelming kirakira with every strike but he keeps trying his best to distract the beast's attention away from rette and Tiana luckily he manages to dodge every attack and it angers his enemy even more the dragon uses its claws to make the next blow and kirukiru ends up severely damaging his shoulder he knows that his efforts will amount to nothing if he gives up now he needs to buy more time to ensure the safety of his sister this causes him to make an extremely irrational decision he runs knowing for sure that not even a soldier selected by the elen sanctuary can outrun a dragon nevertheless he is confident there is still a0000 1% chance of him surviving never mind scratch that he stumbles thanks to a tree branch all of his body parts are throbbing in pain simultaneously and he can't even pinpoint The Source however there is a bigger problem in front of him the be of Enormous Wings are growing closer and he knows that the dragon is closing in he looks up and finds himself staring at the dragon's gaping Jaws he sees his reflection in the dragon's eyes and feels its hot breath he quickly closes his eyes and his whole life flashes before him memories of love laughter and Adventure shared he knows he has tried everything and is ready to let go just as despair begins to settle in a beam of light slices through the Gloom momentarily blinding him he sees a figure emerge from the mist and then drag his par self away from the dragon's grasp the hero is none other than our Chad and his best friend John he apologizes for not arriving earlier and tells him to stay still as he's going to cast a healing spell right away a radiant glow emerges and hovers above kako causing a warm and comforting Aura the light envelops the wounds as if it's drawing out all the pain in just a matter of seconds his entire body is restored and he feels energetic after that Jon casts a body enhancement spell but it is interrupted by the beast's Fierce growl John Mar s that the dragon will soon catch up to them he asks kakira if he can run now and the latter replies with the affirmative Jon senses the tension in his friend's eyes he reassures him that rosette and Tiana will be fine because he asked a skilled friend of his to take them back to the fort and that is of course Justa with a distressed expression kirakira says that any logical person would have gone back with rette and Tiana Jon replies that the answer to that should be obvious he is going to take him back with him kiriro is taken AB probably questioning himself when did they ever get so close to the extent that Jon is willing to stake his own life for him however nothing could have prepared him for what Jon says next he promises KIRO that he is decided not to let him die while he watches on the sidelines yet again now is not the time for the Bromance and Jon knows that he states that he needs to get as far away from the dragon as possible before it finds them he uses another spell and it's like both of them have attained the speed of light kiro's jaw drops in surprise he has never felt this lightweight before the duo Sprints out of the forest the dragon spots that leaving but it is too late to do anything it turns out that you can in fact outrun a dragon but only with John's magical expertise and strategic thinking meanwhile warning sirens are blared in the city and the streets are filled with a sense of urgency as individuals hurriedly seek shelter or information to understand the nature of the threat chaos erupts when people start shouting that a monster has emerged an announcement serves as a collective call to action urging all the soldiers to gather at the gate and take necessary precautions Ted and Karen along with others observe the Frantic situation from afar has the dragon reached the city whatever it is it Sparks Karen's curiosity and she rushes towards the gate the cause of the panic is none other than Justa the soldiers have gathered around her and are pointing their sharp weapons at her Karen says her name out loud and Elise notices it she advises her to go back inside as the situation is too dangerous Karen begs her to listen and reveals that Justa is their friend and won't do anything to anybody unless they attack him first Ted adds that everyone in taro's Village knows about Justa and even Arin John's dad knows her Elise finds everything hard to believe that is until she hears Tiana's voice coming from near the so-called monster her soul almost leaves her body when she sees that Tiana is sitting on the 30 foot Beast Tiana announces that it was all thanks to this wolf that she and rette were able to get back here safely she requests everyone to put their swords away and jumps off her ride she runs towards Elise and ignores all the questions asking her about her well-being her body is trembling and she looks scared she explains that JN and kiriro are in danger as they speak when she reveals that they were attacked by a dragon both Justa and Elise speak simultaneously out of disbelief while elely is startled to witness the monster talking just explains that she's going to head back and save her friend Jon regardless of whether she's followed or not she refers to Elise as a human Warrior and asks what her next step is going to be they have a staredown for a few seconds and Elise realizes that she can trust this monster she requests Justa to take her along and get on her back as it will be much faster than being on foot they exchange names and their mission Begins the collab between the strongest swordsman and the strongest monster is probably the only ray of light that Jon and kiriro need in this desperate situation it looks like the dragon has caught up with them again and is now closer than ever the duo is sweating and panting heavily but they are far from giving up until they realize that they have been cornered into a dead end sandwich between a giant Hill and a dragon they gamble on their slim chances of survival their enemy starts charging its fire attack and the duo knows that if it manages to hit them with it it will be fatal Jon asks KIRO to stand behind him because he is about to make a magic Shield as the frightening Flames reach the tip of the dragon's mouth Jon casts a nakuru style magic and a huge barrier appears just when the attack is about to hit them although Jon manages to block it off the duo is pushed back by the impact Jon comments that compared to the old magic this new one is stronger and Magic efficient but he has never been hit directly with a dragon's breath before minutes pass by but the enemy's attack doesn't stop Jon's magic has started to wear out and the barrier is slowly disappearing through sheer willpower he manages to block the attack and the dragon runs out of fuel as well kiriro remarks that now is the time to take action but instead of running away with him Jon collapses kiro's Last Hope of survival Fades away along with Jon's Consciousness to make matters worse the ground beneath them starts to shake violently and deep cracks appear everything happens so suddenly that kakuro who is known for his strategic decisions doesn't even get a second to think about his next move the crack turn into a giant crater and the duo helplessly falls into the dark hole it doesn't take long for KIRO to faint as well time passes by as John and kiriro lie down in an unknown place a mysterious figure hovers over their bodies in utter Darkness she is later revealed to be fena the smell of a dragon nearby got her excited and she thought that it must finally be dinner time for her but the sight of John and kiriro ruined her mood she remarks that at this rate these two will die soon she sigh and claims that there is no other way than what what she has been planning for so long she tries to fly but is unable to levitate any further and claims that this must be because she doesn't have enough strength due to hunger fena approaches Jon's body and Whispers in his ear commanding him to hurry up and kill the dragon as he had promised her the necklace around his neck starts to float and fora seems visibly pleased as soon as she gets her hands on it she passes the gem to KIRO who is slowly started to regain Consciousness fetta yawns nonchalantly and Whispers that she expects big things from kako before disappearing again more time passes by and KIRO finally opens his eyes he coughs and grits his teeth due to the pain erupting from his entire body his face is covered in blood and he tries to make sense of their whereabouts but his memory is still blurry he looks relieved after spotting Jon and is happy to see that at least he's not bleeding as much as himself however kiriro isn't sure when his friend will come back to his senses after using a mysterious spell and exhausting his complete Mana pool in this uncertain place and situation kiriro suddenly questions himself if he even knows who Johan really is he looks above and instead of seeing a sky he sees a crack he assumes that they probably fell from up there and this place must be a cave below the magical forest they are only alive as long as the dragon doesn't find out about this Hideout kirakira tries to assess his surroundings in the dimly lit Darkness nothing is visible but a mysterious door that catches his attention the door emits a sparkling glow and looks nothing like its gloomy surroundings he wonders if the door is a ray of Hope for him or just another trap what awaits them behind the door could be Heaven or Hell kiriro starts to put two and two together and tries to connect the relation between the cryptic door in front of him and the peculiar gem in his hand he tries to move but starts to cough streams of blood his ribs are broken and so is his right foot every movement is a brutal torture for him nonetheless he knows that his and Jon's life depends on him figuring out what is behind the sealed door he drags his body across the floor and after what feels like an eternity he finally reaches the door after several failed attempts to force it open kirakira gives up and his sight slowly starts to fade again he sits with his back against the door with the gem in his hand and hopes he could somewhat at least save Jon who stood by his side despite his social status tears well up in his eyes as he claims that he hasn't achieved anything in his life overwhelmed by emotions kiriro clutches the gem tightly and it suddenly starts glowing the light is blinding and soothing he almost forgets about his injuries suddenly a creature appears in front of him her eyes are Hollow as if nothing is of any interest to her she somewhat resembles fena he apologizes to the girl for seeing him in such a terrible State and refers to her as young lady a true gentleman at heart even when he is seconds away from dying he tells him that he is interested because unlike all the people dying in this place he isn't allowed to die yet she introduces herself as Rico and gently places her hand on his face she asks him if he doesn't want to die yet and kiriro nods his head he says that he wants to leave this place alive with Jon a devilish smile appears on her face she promises to make his wish come true and in return she wants half of his soul he doesn't even give the deal a second thought with a trembling body he quickly agrees perhaps because he knows that this is his only shot at Living even if it means being half alive Rico giggles and declares that the contract is complete and just like that kiriro places his fate in the stranger's hands she looks at him as if he's a Big Mac and starts drooling she kisses him and sucks some of his soul kiriro screams in excruciating pain and clutches his chest as if trying to alleviate the unbearable ache within Rico smiles and claims that the sight is appetizing she reveals that most people lose their minds and die just by her kiss if it wasn't for John's sake kirakira would have been long dead she licks her lips and promises that if he's able to withstand the pain she will add another term to the contract for free he will get her powers until he dies Jon finally regains Consciousness and finds KIRO sitting beside him he smiles and informs him of their whereabouts when Jon starts to panic after seeing kiro's wounds Rico appears and introduces herself as soon as he hears her name he deduces that her ability is healing and tampering with body parts before he can add anything kirakira shows him the mysterious door and it suddenly opens on its own with a wide-eyed gaze and a stun expression Jon tries to make sense of all the bizarre things he had witnessed recently the cherry on top is the vast mesmerizing world of a labyrinth that is now welcoming them a lingering disturbing feeling follows as Jon and KIRO enter into the unusual Labyrinth labyrinths have always seemed magical with weird stuff around but this time things seem somehow different everything is normal which makes the voice very uneasy pretty ironic while they are still contemplating the Labyrinth truth a huge monster with sharp cloths and teeth surges from the trees the monster Roars and jumps onto the boys who quickly put up a defense magic barrier they are terrified but have no option but to launch an attack but before they could do so two cloaks men with sharp movements and huge swords enter the fight they finished the monster in one go but they think their help was unnecessary for The Talented boys Jon tells them about the Labyrinth and inquires about their current location one of the men says that they are in the forest outside the hillo Village so this place might not be a labyrinth after all the men take off their hoods and Jon is left Frozen apparently the two men are melro and hilst the soldiers of the country KIRO is calm while Jon hesitantly gives an introduction and lets the duo know that they are mistakenly ended up in the forest during their practical training hilus seems to know the boys too but he quickly apologizes as he mistook the duo for his friends with similar names and faces as them melro has an offer that they should team up and get through the forest apparently Melo and hilus have run out of magical powers due to the enormous monster Encounters of Jon and KIRO who can help them out KIRO turns to Jon for approval and Jon of course agrees the Monster Hunt begins and the group of four is super smooth and hunting down monsters left and right the soldiers are impressed by the magic Academy students and the students are impressed by the soldiers but Jon seems highly troubled he holds his head as he remembers melro being very fast and sharp and at sensing monsters hilus on the other hand is a user of the Eastern blade style he can cut through anything no matter how hard it is and Kiro stands there a struck unable to comprehend how Jon knows about these people melro turns around to ask Jon for a little competition and seems as if he has completely changed personalities he wants to see who can defeat more Monsters Among the soldiers and students hilus in turn mock melro saying that he will end up at the bottom rank poor melro thinks that it was completely uncalled for now the loser has to treat drinks for the night KIRO is confused but wait John has finally recollected his scattered thoughts he has been in the exact same situation before after this bet here remember seeing a peculiar Stone but here's the worst part a demon would appear on this Stone any given moment now KIRO stands there shocked as an enormous female dragon appears and covers the sky this is it this is their first ever fight against a demon the soldiers are just as shocked at the sudden demon appearance melro calls onto Jon to fight just as they have practiced with the monsters earlier by using a mix of their powers and abilities Jon has been in the exact same situation with melro and htas before this is his memory of the future the duo stands there preparing ing themselves for a fight when something bright flutters in front of them it's a sparkling butterfly and the sight of it drags the boys into a dark Oblivion there stands M with the butterfly if the boys lose sight of the butterfly they will be unable to escape this place they are inside the Labyrinth of memories this Labyrinth has been created from random memories from Jon's head Jon's memories are out in the open in front of KIRO what will he do about it now in the peculiar space both boys are floating and Nico gags them to look at the other door behind them once they enter the door the Labyrinth of memories will reenact an even stronger memory as far as the number of doors are concerned even Nico doesn't know in short the boys will keep wandering until they have passed through all the memory doors but what Nico says next might diminish even the last bark of hope that is left according to Nico no one has ever been able to get through all of the doors that is why they should not lose sight of the butterfly or they will be swallowed by the Labyrinth and will remain trapped forever Nico's words are nothing but draining to kiro's ears that is why he suggests to Jon that they should move forward and go through the doors as quick as possible since they have no other choice the next door leads them to a sight they would never want to witness in reality an entire city is on fire the heat is extremely strong and the boys have to cover their faces with their arms for protection kilo cannot comprehend why their dear capital is burning to ashes it looks more like a battlefield he assumes that this is some sort of an illusion created by the Labyrinth but Jon tells him the truth this destruction the capital burning to ashes and it change into a battlefield are all a form of Jon's memories of the future kilira desperately wants to know what John means by Future memories before he can even get the chance to blurt out more words in shock the butterfly appears to drag them back into the floating void they see the next door there but Jon stops to apologize to KIRO however KIRO understands and asks Jon to explain everything once they are out of the labyrinth so without wasting any further time they head to the second door this time the sky is cloudy and a strong wind is blowing that dis shovels the boy's hair and cloaks they are at a battlefield again and two men in front of them are engaged in a one-on-one battle and here's the surprise Kira thinks that one of them looks like JN and he is absolutely right it is future Jon engaged in a battle that has KIRO scratching his head things get even weirder when fena who shouldn't be in the picture yet makes an appearance before the boy could process his thoughts the butterfly appears in front of fena and the duo is dragged away once again Nico welcomes them back and JN begins shouting at moiko the moment he's back the Labyrinth is getting more and more confusing because Jon is seeing fena from the time when he had not even known about her existence let alone making a contract with her niik explains that she's been watching over John since that time fora is a Next Level Supernatural stalker she has always been interested in him and KIRO calls on to Jon asking for some explanation Jon explains that just like Nico and kiro's contract he has also made a contract with something and that something is the girl they saw in the battlefield earlier named fora she did not have much power at the time to manifest and just slept inside his body basically she has always been chilling inside Jon's Soul waiting for her moment to shine fena also compelled Jon to join the dragon slay Quest because he needs to slaughter a dragon to supply her with power JN bring a heavy sigh and apologizes yet again but KIRO isn't understanding as ever this incident explains Jon's nonchalant attitude towards seeing Nico for the first time ever Nico interrupts the conversation and calls the boys to look at the new door that has appeared the boys pass each other a reassuring smile and head straight in upon entering the scene this time the duo is met with a huge lightning strike killing an enormous creature this marks the very spot where the hero killed the Demon Lord KIRO cast an anxious glance at Jon that prompts him to elaborate on the situation beneath the gloomy dark sky the landscape is filled with remains of warfare swords armored pieces and lifeless bodies are scattered like morbid ornaments amid all of this an older fatigued Jon kneels on the ground as his we is offset by the relief of the demon Lord's defeat however the moment of peace takes a dark turn as a lurking monster sneaks up from behind thrusting a sword into Jon this is where Jon is killed in his first life Kira tear up as he cannot fathom the amount of pain John must have felt this boy has been through a lot and he has seen more than a child or a young man should have ever seen as the butterfly makes its third grand entrance the trio returns from the brink of memories Jon's life story is laid bare his life ended tragically and this is his second shot at friendship with KIRO it's a tale Stranger Than Fiction leaving KIRO to contemplate this roller coaster of emotions and Revelations what on Earth will he make of Jon's mind-bending confession time will tell or perhaps the Labyrinth will standing inside the Labyrinth KIRO with a childlike innocence asks Jon if they are destined to be friends regardless of the place they meet at Jon smiles and replies that he wers about a two in John's first life they met when they were both adults so meeting as teenagers this time inside the Magic Forest was pretty surprising they met under a completely different set of circumstances but what matters is that they did meet each other so John believes that if they were to meet for the third time they will surely become friends once again Kira smiles and calls Jon his destined brother he further asks if all the memories they've experienced inside the Labyrinth are bound to happen in the future Jon has left thinking for a minute but he honestly replies that he has no idea Jon's actions and decisions are completely different in this life and so will be their consequences he did not go to the magic Academy in his previous life instead he joined the military as a normal Soldier moreover there has been a big change regarding nakar Ruru the principal of the magic Academy as well in Jon's previous life nakuru became a saint with great magical powers that people worshiped it took her a long time to become what she was because people regarded her as a heretic for a long time but this time Jon's father brought out nakar Ruru to the stage much sooner and because nakar ruru's theory is out faster than before the magic research has proceeded way further than it did last time Kil KIRO is frantic about the change Jon has brought about in history he's not even sure if this is allowed but whatever had to happen has already happened and Jon is pretty sure that his actions will bring out a big change in the future timeline the battle against demons of the capital and the battle in the Demon King's Castle is the future that Jon is trying to change that moment that particular scene in the capital is something that Jon will not let happen again and he's willing to do anything to accomplish his mission Jon still doubts if Kira would believe his story but how could he not he just saw everything unfold with his own two eyes KIRO also finally understands why Jon is so familiar with battle and the extreme strength of Jon's magic moreover he doesn't want that destructive future either he's decided that no matter what happens he will always stand by Jon's side they are destined Brothers after all Jon thanks his brother with tears in his eyes and Nico shows up she is here to check if the boys are done with their boring and long conversation yet because they are very wrong if they're chilling while knowing that they are in a life-threatening Labyrinth she guides them towards the last door and warns them of a possible fight that they should have prepared for after they succeed they can return to the magical forest John cast physical reinforcement on himself and KIRO they smile at each other and it's about time that they return home that is the Magic Forest for now as the boys step out of the labyrinth they enter into a dead silent Forest but there is a looming thread as an unsettling feeling can be experienced but wait this place feels weirdly familiar are they back in the magical forest Jon cannot remember this place at all and he has no idea where in the world he even is Jon turns up to look at the sky and his face turns pale as she shouts at Jon to look upward an enormous Dragon emerges from within the valleys and Soares High into the night sky the Beast opens its mouth wide and suddenly crashes into the ground sending the boys and Nico flying away the dragon was hiding and waiting for them to appear from the gate but they do not have a choice right now they highly doubt the probabilities of winning against the dragon but it's not like they have the luxury of a choice for now JN just wants to prioritize staying alive he ends over KIRO responsibility to Nico who looks as sad as ever they both hold up their swords tightly as they are determined to defeat the dragon and return to the Fort alive they run up to the Beast and manage to dodge a few attacks to reach its body and finally manage to hit the monster with their swords but they could not even Mark a scratch on the dragon's body as its scales are extremely hard but Jon doesn't back down he tries to calm himself down and thinks of the sword techniques he learned in his previous life the strongest swordsman during that chaotic period was The Swordsman surf he reminds himself of the surf style swordsmanship that he learned that style of swordsmanship even get common soldiers to a level where they could fight demons all he needs to do is pour His hard work and persistence into his sword and remember that feeling John holds tight onto his sword positions it and launches the serve style ultimate technique death verdict he goes straight for the dragon's neck but unfortunately he is thrown back onto the ground far away and KIRO manages to get a hold of the boy he looks up to see the impact of his technique and sadly he is only manage to scrape a small area of the dragon scales KIRO and Jon are now cornered and the Roaring dragon keeps stepp forward ready to launch another attack Jon gets Kira behind him and launches a defensive magic barrier but to Jon's surprise the dragon does not attack as it has been struck by some powerful magic both the boys look up to see Justa and Elise Standing Tall on the cliff gladly the saviors are here or these two would be done for the day the strongest magic swordsman holds on to her Blazing Sword and stands on just's back looking Majestic in the Moonlight the heroin has made it just in time to protect her students she commands Justin to stop the dragon's movements with a thunderous magical power hour jesta gets into a fight with the dragon while Le's head towards her students she is worried but her students are extremely delighted and the hopeful glimmer in their eyes is back she looks away for a minute and now she thinks her students have turned into a couple of real men Elise spots Nico as well but she doesn't say anything as she leaves the schooling for later she turns her Focus back to the dragon and asks her students to do the same the dragon is Raging more and more with every passing second the trio gets in position quickly with Elise leading them will they be able to defeat the dragon and get back to the Fort safely Elise a command figure instructs her students to observe the dragon's movements as she takes the lead in engaging the horrible creature with swift Precision she strikes the dragon's left wing managing to cut it in a single powerful blow the resulting gush of blood only enrages the dragon and unleashes a fury unlike anything witnessed before in the midst of the chaos the dragon Roars flinging aside jesta who attempts to sink its teeth into one of the dragon's legs seizing the opportunity Jon carers a magical room and directs it directly towards the dragon's head Jon successfully attacks the dragon's head however the dragon retaliates by kicking Justa once more and utilizes his tail to beat him up Elise Jon and KIRO stand in shock as the aftermath unfolds the impact of the Dragon's Tail sends a large number of tiny Stones hurdling towards them they quickly make an effort to Shield their eyes and bodies amidst the chaos the dragon extends one of its claws towards KIRO leaving him Frozen in dread KIRO thinks that his time has come but Jon intervenes and swiftly tosses KIRO aside while simultaneously creating a magic defensive barrier run for himself however Jon is Young and his still developing magical power proves insufficient the dragon effortlessly breaches his defense its razor sharp claws fighting their mark on Jon's chest thrown violently against a mountain Jon's chest and abdomen suffer serious Grievous damage blood spurting from the wounds gasping for breath he lies there with wide open eyes blood trickling from his arms to his fingertips Elis and KIRO gripped by desperation shout and call out to Jon who just lays there thinking about his second death with sadness and fear he has a achieved nothing and yet he might die any given moment now in his dire moment fena calls out to her partner the real goat is back she does not want him to give up her Dark Energy surrounds him entirely as she asks him to fulfill his promise of feeding her a dragon soul she will never ever let him die like that without fulfilling his promise and laying there pitifully that is when she asks for permission to come out there is a dragon right in front of Jon right now that is seemingly impossible to defeat with human powers he is in a desperate situation fena will heal Jon's wounds and make him able to fight once again as long as he feeds her the dragon's Soul Jon is unsure if he can really defeat the dragon after waking up again but fena assures him saying that they will just die together then she definitely can't read the room at all Jon can understand if a creature like fena could die but according to her Jon is her only partner however there is no time for usus blabbering and contemplating Jon asks fena to lend him her power her eyes open once again as fen's extreme Dark Energy surrounds the vicinity KIRO and Elise cannot grasp the phenomenon occurring right in front of them Verena keeps mumbling as she releases the first limiter she grants Jon's heightened sense and heightens his regeneration abilities as well finally she grants him the ability to fly the boy is healed in an instant and he floats into the sky with his eyes closed dark black energy surrounds him and gushes out from his body entirely fena is excited to be back in action with Jon for the first time in a while Jon has woken up in a diary and he is ready to strike back well he manage to take down the dragon and save himself and his friends or will the dragon take away something precious once again veren's Emer ENT sends shock waves through the entire atmosphere disrupting the entirety of the surroundings JN who has just woken up feels the extreme impact of the released power of Darkness coursing through his veins even the mighty Dragon a symbol of unmatched strength Quivers under the influence of fara's dark Aura Jon asks fena to Target the wound on the dragon's neck as he has already managed to make some damage on that area without hesitation fena her face Twisted into a Sinister smile bestows upon Jon the temporary gift of the physical destruction attribute for a mere 0.1 seconds it fraction of time so brief yet in the world of fara's amazing Powers it holds the potential to destroy the mightiest of monsters in the human world as fara's dark energy intensifies a huge amount of swirling Dark Shadows surround JN KIRO and Elise unable to move in a State of Shock find themselves unable to comprehend the extremity of the dark Forces at play the air crackles with an otherworldly tension as Jon propelled by the Newfound power surges towards the enraged dragon with unmatched speed fena her malevolence personified grants Jon another ominous gift an absolute sharpness that lasts a mere point2 seconds yet in that fraction of time it lends an ethereal Edge to Jon's impending strike the dragon caught off guard has no time to react in a Swift and precise motion Jon attacks the wound on its neck a torrent of dark blood gushes forth as the dragon's head separates from its enormous body Stones scatter in the air as the massive head crashes to the ground a testament to the sheer force of the impact amidst the settling dust and smoke Jon stands like the protagonist of an action movie The Air crackles with the remnants of fen his dark energy as he stands there the decapitated Dragon lying defeated behind him KIRO stands there in pure awe and compliments Jon for defeating the dragon but as the cheers of Victory Echo Jon's body betrays him weaknesses overcome him and he crumples to the ground his face meeting the Earth KIRO rushes to his side concerned but fena still lingers with a drool Laden smile she pokes Jon's face waking him up from his exhaustion with a delighted gleam in her eyes she inquires about the dragon too fatigued to respond coherently JN mumbles his consent for her to Devour the dragon's soul as he lies There Eyes half closed fen's evil presence looms over the aftermath of their Triumph set in the holy city Duke Rudolph Dukas Phoenix is sitting in a carriage with his son and three young men Maro hilus and Jon he finds it assuring to have these three young men work with his son he also thanks them for accepting his request to escort him on this trip the boys are flustered because they think it's an honor to be offered such an extraordinary Duty as ordinary soldiers KIRO also apologizes for making the boys tag along with himself and his father but the Duke takes over once again as he consid ERS it his own fault because it's difficult to find trustworthy people in times of War when they move on to discuss actual serious matters the capital city has been destroyed by a demon attack His Highness and the royal family were able to escape somehow but they've got to reestablish the capital as soon as possible by finding a new location deciding on the new location is the main problem each Noble family has proposed their own territory for the new capital and this might lead to a fight for power Nobles are indeed really hopeless as of now the majority of the Nobles are favoring count nar's territory of roulle and people have only heard bad things about that old hag the only person who can change that is Duke Phoenix who only intends to give a temporary place for that new government for that the Duke needs approval for or esteras Sama of the holy city of Elan the head of Elan is chosen through a fair process that not even Nobles can interfere with so now the carriage is headed to Elan to make sure there is a fair decision not plagued by Greed for power the Duke tells the boys that Elan is an old city and has a huge Museum so they are in for a surprise The Carriage finally arrives and the boys step out to have their jaws drop Elan is majestic everything is pretty and clean as far as the eye can see an old man welcomes the Duke and they start following him through the huge Palace likee place they are taken to an enormous door and upon opening it they are met with a cute little girl who was the head of the holy city of Alan the boys are shocked and rightfully so because we were also expecting a middle-aged man to be the head orista understands the confusion as the Duke introduces his son and the remaining three great soldiers of his kingdom the head takes her time to analyze the four boys and finally comments that all of them have good eyes and good Hearts the Duke finally explains that his reason behind paying a visit to the holy city of Elan and orista does a great job at convincing him she assured him that the new capital will be chosen through a fair process and that she will never Bend to any power of this world everything she does is for the will of God after the conversation ends oresta makes a strange request the guests are taken to the oldest Museum in the holy city and upon opening the gate they are greeted by a young lady whom hilus finds particularly cute they are introduced to milia adise the manager of the museum who is also a Healer the manager guides them to a carpet that leads straight to a stage the stage has a majestic sword stuck on top of it they are introduced to the sword that is one of the ancient relics of the holy city according to a legend the sword will show its true Powers when the right person wields it the holy city is looking for the rightful owner of the sword orista thinks that it might be a little rude of her to ask but she requests the group of five men to give the sword a try hilus is particularly excited to try pulling out the sword because he might be the real hero after all we all need the hilst level of confidence in our lives the five men try their hands at pulling up the sword but unfortunately none of them are able to do it when the real hero finally comes out to yield the sword the Healer milia will stand beside him she will be hailed as a saint will the same hero from Jon's previous life be the Hope For Humanity once again or has the fate of humanity alongside Jon's fate changed entirely Jon passed out after the death match with the dragon he is lying in the infirmary bed his face is sweaty and his entire body is covered with bandages Tiana is standing beside him with tears brooming from her eyes as she is delighted to see Jon wake up Jon Smiles saying that he is relieved to see that Tiana is all right Tiana's crying intensifies as she cries out at Jon for stealing her line she thought that Jon would never wake up again she blames herself for making Jon go through pain Jon apologizes for making her worry not to mention that this is his second time getting treated by her he tries to straighten up to get into a sitting position despite his wounds making it difficult to do so the first question that he asks is about KIRO and Elise tianao lets him know that both of them are unheard Jon is the one who acquired the most injuries Jon panics out of nowhere and asks about Juan's condition he was surprised to see a monster that could talk according to Tiana Justa is a really kind and soft monster and he was really worried about Jon throughout Jon Smiles at Tiana with intense adoration but their cute little moment comes to an end as KIRO and Fonda are now standing at the door coughing awkwardly asking for permission to enter both Jon and Tiana react as if they had seen some monster Tiana hurriedly leaves to change the water and KIRO stands besides Jon asking if he and Tiana are really a thing Jon is bewildered to say the least but hey that's a topic for another day KIRO is glad that Jon has woken up as it wasn't an easy task carrying him all the way to the Fort KIRO is fine too as of now all thanks to Nico KIRO turns serious suddenly and tells Jon that his power merging with fena is extremely dangerous according to Nico but there is nothing else that Jon could do the dragon is an opponent that no one can win against until some sacrifices have been made however Jon is sure that he will be all right if he gets some rest Kira warns him not to try anything crazy as he wants his future brother-in-law to be healthy the statement makes Jon choke on air but before he could say anything Kira changes the topic he starts talking about the raw materials harvested from the dragon Jon has complete rights over the raw materials according to Elise johon without any hesitation calls on to flond flond needs the dragon's heart eyes and Claws to heal her mother and Jon freely hands over those raw materials to her fla is shocked and she begins panicking she assumes that Jon must not be aware of the market value of the raw materials and lets him know that he can earn a ton of money by selling them but money can't buy one's life so Jon has no problem in giving fla what she needs plus gaining the raw materials was their objective from the beginning Fonda cannot gather her words to thank Jon he is so nice that she's actually worried about him surviving in this cruel world cut to the next scene Jon is standing at the fort's wall looking over the magical forest in his infirmary clothes the cold air is prickling him but he stands still that is Intel Eli spots the boy and asks him if he's well enough to be walking around the fort once again she makes the little boy wear a cloak as she's worried about him catching a cold John is grateful for her care Elise does not want to praise the boy for his rash actions but his fight with the dragon was really a sight to see it was exactly something Elise expected from Alan's son but she has a lot of questions about Jon's inhumane power and the girl in Black johon says that he cannot explain everything right now but he is always willing to bet everything on what he believes to be right Elise cannot understand a word that the boy is trying to say but is willing to put her faith in him and there is the monster just a case too that monster trusted Jon too much so it won't hurt a least to trust him too but Jon has yet to punish the two boys for entering the forest without her permission their punishment is to clean the toilets until they're done with their training and with that their training at the Fort has come to an end a few days later John pays a visit to the Duke's household where Tiana and KIRO enthusiastically welcome him the Duke and Duchess also want to meet Jon as he has to be sure to pay them a visit later Jon and KIRO go into a royal room where te is served for the duo JN lets KIRO know about his future plans after graduating from the academy JN will go to hakee to meet his future swordsman master hakee sir is the one who invented the swordsmanship style from the future the one that JN uses KIRO with a mischievous smile on his face lets John know that he will be tagging along as well Jon size as he was already aware that Kira would say that Kira would tell his men to prepare everything JN size once again as he can never beat Nobles when it comes to being over prepped for everything as long as Kira doesn't go overboard everything will be fine Tiana pops up from the door to present a cake that she is prepared with all her love and care and that is how the boys will be heading back to the magic Academy for their final year they will put their skills learned at the Fort to use to face the challenges ahead JN alongside his friend from the magic Academy in the village is an carage headed for his graduation test everything is altogether more exciting for the students because the test is going to be held in the holy city of Elan John feels like this is some sort of deja vu as the carriage ride reminds him of the visit for the Fort training Nostalgia takes over as Tris comments on how everyone has grown up a bit Cole and the door fee begin fighting once again as fee comments that everyone has grown up except for Cole ah these two never mind them surprise and amusement takes over all the students except John as they arrive at the ancient city inside the huge amazing building an stands on a small stage with all the instructors from the magic Academy standing a step behind her she welcomes the students and briefs them on the test telling them about a possibility to fail so the student should not hold back Noel is worried about the testing criteria and Jon tries to calm him down but the boy cannot help but worry when The Illusionist Lord bulbo stands in the background with his permanent crazy creepy smile ever since he came to the academy to make blood he stayed back for some reason and he seems to be enjoying it too there are a lot of magical strolls present at the Museum which the students can benefit from but they should not not hold back when they have the opportunity finally they are introduced to the city head or aeras Sama who is the exact small girl that she was in Jon's previous Life John finds her very mysterious and intriguing they are also introduced to the museum manager Malia elderwise which means that she will be making the students try that peculiar sword once again Jon didn't have an idea of the Authority or power of the sword in his previous life but he isn't sure about this life as John predicted the first thing that Malia does is take him to a room with the sword of the hero present inside according to an ancient legend the sword will show its true power only when the right person wields it however no one has ever been able to pull it out yet so Malia wants all of the magic Academy students to have a try because the true hero might be among them after all the students get in line to their hands at the sword one by one Jon stands at the end where Arista is she eyes him weirdly which makes John panic and question if she needs anything from him or estera mentions that the boy has something interesting preceding him but quickly changes the topic to mention that Jon feels nostalgic for some reason finally it's Jon's Turn to give the sword a try from his previous experience he knows that he is not capable of wielding the sword he places his hands firmly on the sword and surprise surprise Jon has pulled out the sword of the hero what could this huge difference from his past life even mean is Jon up for more trouble or Glory stay tuned to find out
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 234,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: oJfWLzubFX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 8sec (6908 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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