CURL SPONGE | Flat vs. Textured Side

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it's all smiles hey guys it's Jan I welcome back to my channel today I have the double sided curl sponge twist sponge whatever you want to call it and I'm just gonna be showing you guys the difference between using the black side with just the holes versus using the more spiked side where the holes are the same size but as you guys can see they're just like little ridges or whatever so I'm just gonna be using one side on one side of my head and the other on the other side of my head for cross bun just like this um depending how big or small you want your curls is how big or small you would get a sponge with like you would get a sponge with bigger holes if you want bigger curls and vice versa so I'm starting with freshly washed hair as usual all I did was put leave-in conditioner in it and so I'm gonna use the flat side on the right side of my head and the textured side on the left side of my head so you want to start with like kind of damp hair like not completely saturated but not completely dry so that's why I like to do this like after I just wash my hair and stuff so I'm gonna start by putting this Camille Rose curl maker I'll do my hair [Music] and then I'm gonna take a comb and just comb through all of my hair I would normally use a wider tooth comb on my hair but I can't find mine so I'm using this time [Music] [Applause] okay so now like I said I'm gonna use this side this flat side to do the right side of my head whatever direction that you are spinning this in on your head and you want to make sure that you do that same clockwise or counterclockwise direction all over your whole head just so that all the curls just you know go the same way and when you do this you want to like be like right on top of your hair as opposed to pushing down on your hair because if you push down on hair it's not gonna work so you want to be like right on top of your hair kind of like this [Music] you [Music] so this is how it looks at to me doing it for about 30 seconds to a minute as you can see obviously the curls are like the same size as the holes in the sponge so like I said if you want smaller crows you would get whole I'm a sponge with smaller holes [Music] okay so this is pretty much how the flat side makes your hair come out and now I'm going to do the rich side to do this half of my hair [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as you guys can see this side isn't coming out as defined which I guess is why more people don't talk about this side I'm gonna keep going though [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna go over each side one more time for like 30 more seconds with each side that I was using and then I'm gonna land my edges and then I'm gonna come back and talk about it [Music] okay guys so on this side I use the flat side of the sponge and on this side of my hair I use like the spiky side of the sponge and as you can see this side is a little bit more defined than this side I feel like the ridged part of this cross sponge would be a bit more useful with four guys with that hairstyle with like all the hair at the top and this one is more so if you want to like really define your curls not that I wouldn't use this side because personally I don't mind this side I feel like sometimes this side looks like little knots and I'm personally not that big of a fan of it but I just wanted to show you guys the difference because I saw everybody doing cross buns videos with this side and not this side and I didn't really understand why so I guess because it doesn't give as defined results yeah this side is more defined the curls are both the same size because like I said the holes on the ridge side versus the flat side are the same size so the crows are the same size it's just a difference in really the definition like you can see more so like you can see each individual curl like you can see like my scalp like in between each growth and this one is kind of more just you know like this anyway I hope that this video was helpful for you guys if you guys have any specific questions about the sponge or the technique or anything else just comment below and I will be sure to answer you most sponges um come like this with both the textured side and the flat side but some do come with just the flat side or just a textured side so it's really a preference um to you which side you like I just wanted to show you guys the difference like I said so if you're not already subscribe to my channel be sure to do that right now give this video a thumbs up and like I said come if you have any questions and I'll see you guys in my next video bye
Views: 1,525,051
Rating: 4.8102784 out of 5
Keywords: janai, janaikirsten, twa, 4c hair, twa styles, twa hairstyles, protective styles, natural hair, natural hair journey, curl sponge, curl sponge tutorial, curl sponge | flat vs. textured side, curl sponge twa, curl sponge on short hair, curl maker, camille rose, camille rose curl maker
Id: Lmb0wkftL4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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