The BEST Curl Defining CUSTARD! | Testing 8 Different Brands | Nia Hope

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hey naturally stirs welcome back to my channel I'm Nia hope and if you're new here or you're not subscribed make sure you get that subscribe button like right now so I'm starting this video off with my hair looking crazy crusty and dusty with no product in it someone in one of my last videos requested to see my hair without any styling products in it so here you go it looks a hot mess so with that being said let the competition begin let's dig into these eight different custards I'm starting with K and two I was super happy to pick this up because I've heard so many people in the natural hair community talk about this and look at this 16 ounces for under six bucks that's craziness for this huge jar of leaving conditioner and then on top of that not only is this price well oh by the way the consistency of this stuff is really great it's really smooth not too watery not too thick but moving on to this custard under 10 bucks for 12 ounces under 10 bucks like that's wild so anyway I just like the prices before I even use the product I was like the prices are great so the product is great too this will definitely be a new fave so anyway I'm starting off on freshly washed hair and I'm just gonna take a little bit of this leave-in conditioner and I'm gonna rub it all in my hair like so it's one of the beautiful things about having really short natural hair is that styling is a breeze you don't have to sit there for like 45 minutes to an hour trying to come up with a style so anyway this is what my hair was looking like after rubbing in the leave-in conditioner with all wash and gos and using custards you want your hair to be moist or very very wet during the whole process so you want to use warm water I typically do this routine in my shower but for filming purposes I'm clearly doing it not in the shower after wetting my hair again with the spray bottle I'm putting in the custard now this is where I know whether a product is going to define my curls or not because if my curls start to pop the moment I start to put the product in I know it's a winner and I could tell and I could feel that this product was defining my curls right away so I had really really great feelings and great vibes from Cantu god bless you like look at this look at the bounce back on that to me and for my hair I personally know this is a good sign for me I am about 4b with a little bit of for a sprinkle in and my edges are like 1a if you can see they're like straight bone straight I don't know why that happened but that's just how they are but here's my hair wet now the true test is does it hold after it's dry what do the curls look like they were they held up pretty well and to the defense of can to it rain today so was a little bit frizzy ER that it probably would have been let's move on to the next contestant this is Carol's Daughter and I decided to use the pro taxi I hope I'm saying that's right for kaksi nexor nectar it's their leave-in conditioner here so I'll be using a leave-in conditioner and a custard that goes with all the products i'll be using and this is their custard it is a cream and I really don't know how I feel about cream custards don't know how my hair is gonna respond to this but I decided to try it anyway because it's all about experimenting so throughout this video you will see me mostly using a water bottle to show you guys these different products but for this particular product I decided to use the sink so overnight I wound up sleeping in a scarf and I just wet my hair as you can see here in the sink in the morning and what I will say is that I was very skeptical going into this because as I said my hair responds to custards that are more so the consistency of what she saw from can to kind of like a gel like consistency over a cream consistency for the custard so I honestly walked into this not really knowing what to expect but we're gonna get to the results in just a couple seconds here you can see me just putting this leave-in conditioner into soaking wet hair I will probably say this at least 10 times in this video that wash and gos require wet hair wash and gos require wet hair like soaking wet hair not like damp hair like soaking wet hair if your hair is like my texture for be especially for c4a even you're gonna want to make sure your hair is wet with warm water and that's why I always always suggest doing them in the shower so you saw me wetting my hair again and now I'm going in with this custard and so I'm gonna start rubbing it in and kind of like what I said before I typically know right away whether product is working for me and if it's gonna define my curls because I will see it and feel it almost immediately and as I was rubbing this in I was kind of like womp womp this is pretty much doing exactly what I thought it was gonna do and that was like pretty much just suck and not really find my hair too much and so you see me going in and using my fingers to kind of twirl around some hairs that I thought were like super frizzy and not even trying to be defined even a little bit which I don't want to have to do when I'm doing the wash and go because it's a wash and go now to wash and sit in twirl and twist and then go but this was it fully dried and I actually liked it it was really defined and I was amazed because it's a super soft hold and it was soft like de silky soft and it was also shiny my hair felt and looked very healthy and so I actually fell in love with this product unexpectedly so third product was the we Dodd now now listen listen 2161 for this bottle of leave-in conditioner now there must be tears that jesus wept in this conditioner and in this custard for it to be twenty one dollars and twenty almost twenty six dollars for this custard I really wanted to be impressed by this but I was just so turned off by the price that I just even if it was amazing I'm not sure that I would ever buy it again because that's fifty dollars worth of hair products like No so anyway with we Dodd this is two days after my last product with the Carol's Daughter it was on washed hair so I wash my hair the night before and I wound up believing the putting in the leave-in conditioner right here where you can see me putting it in I of course wet my hair first cuz once again say it with me all Washington's required wet hair so I started putting in this leave-in conditioner and it felt like nothing no matter how much I put in my hair I just didn't feel like my hair was like covered it just still felt kind of dry and I was like even more turned off like the price turn me off the quality of the product in my hair turn me off so I'm going on with the custard kind of hoping and praying that it does something miraculous because it's $25 worth of custard this better making my hair curl for the next month you can see it did produce some definition but there was a lot of frizz involved and I was kind of just looking in the mirror like I get to walk around unhappy all day this was it fully dried can see it's super frizzy the the curls the definition is kind of meh there was a lot of flaking and frizzing that you actually the frizzen you can kind of see the flaking you couldn't really see but i just did like that product at all miss jessie's now miss jessie's is a product that i heard about when i first went natural for like the seven hundred time years and years ago and once a time once again got turned off because of the price of their products i just thought it was like insanely expensive to do a job a product that was less expensive could do so I bought this coyly custard prior to actually filming and thinking about filming this video and I liked it a lot so I decided to put it into this video so I rinsed my hair in the shower prior to filming this to get out the product from the day before the we died and so of course my hair is wet again and I'm putting in the leave-in conditioner and I'm wetting my hair again before I put in the custard because your hair needs to be dripping like you know super dripping when you're doing this and I kind of wonder with this if my hair wasn't wet enough because I kind of vaguely remember thinking in the back of my hair my hair is not wet enough but you know I did it anyway and as you can see right away I'm rubbing in this custard and you can see this definition poppin this is a sign of a good product to me and I hope it's a sign of good product to you with anything that you're using you should feel results right away or see them so I was actually really really happy look at this curl in the back of my head do you see all those spirals that's the natural way my hair clumps and if a product brings out that natural clumping I feel good about it and look at this fully dried it's still shiny the definition is still there I actually really really really like this product not gonna lie I want up sleeping on this hair which are seeing the dried hair version so it could have still looked better but anyway those were my results moving on moptop v custard I tried so this is a leave-in conditioner and the custard I found this product on Amazon actually I had never heard of it before I've never seen it never heard anybody talk about it and they have the kind of custard that my hair like so I was excited I was like oh this might really work maybe I have like just discovered a really awesome natural hair product so I rinsed my hair in the shower thoroughly prior to filming this to get the product out from the day before kind of like I did with the product prior to with miss jessie's and I'm going in with a leave-in conditioner and of course wetting my hair again before I'm putting in the actual custard um you can see me just rubbing it in here I did say earlier my hair is mostly 4b Oh before going into that this product you only need a little bit of it because you can see I squeezed a whole lot of it out I used too much so you don't have to be heavy-handed with this I want to be using a t-shirt use a t-shirt not a towel with your hair always because it prevents breakage just to kind of take some of that out but this is my hair fully dry there's lots of definition and it was okay yeah it was just okay like there was definition there it was soft it was just okay product number six meow this is another product that I'd heard about and never used and I thought the packaging was super cute and it smelled amazing absolutely amazing they have a type of custard that I like you can see it's kind of like gel like I don't really not explain that but I like the consistency of it here's their custard kind of pricey but once again it's the kind of custard I like a little bit water more watery than I typically would prefer for my hair in terms of a custard but I was like I think my hair will respond to this pretty well so here I am applying to leave in we're just rubbing it in and what I was going to say in terms of hair typing that if you do have a kinky or hair type like your 4c where your hair it just doesn't want to like be defined in curls that you can go in and kind of make sure you use your finger to kind of twist it around a little bit you will have to do the extra work that's just what your styling is gonna have to look like it might not be as easy as just rubbing it in like you see me doing most of the time for my wash and gos but you have options you can rake it through with your fingers I would not suggest a comb because when you break out the natural curls that your here creates but that's all I was gonna say about that so here's the end result of my Miele um that's pretty much my reaction to it it was okay wasn't great it wasn't awesome it wasn't horrible either it was just it just was what it was so moving on to kinky curly if you know me you know that kinky curly is a staple for me nine times out of 10 when you see my curls defined and looking luscious and great it's because I used the leave-in and this custard right here fell in love with this product literally years ago like almost a decade in the game using this so as I said you guys know the drill already this is something I usually do in the shower but here I am just using a water bottle still works clearly so I'm putting this leave-in conditioner and I think this leave-in conditioner is amazing I use it whether or not I'm doing the wash and go because it just makes my hair feel very conditioned and soft and I think it adds to the health of my hair so here's the custard here's the magic in a jar this is my favorite and I pretty much was comparing all the custards that I was testing out to this custard right here because it is a staple just look at how how it beautifully it goes in my hair this is too easy to be real like look at this and I kind of wish that my camera would pick up my curls a little bit this is the best it's doing it's really amazing so anyway this is what my hair look like fully dried you can see my curls are poppin it's still shiny this does have a little bit of a crunch it won't necessarily leave your hair super soft but it gets the job done so the eighth and last product I use with Jackie's this is another product that I found on Amazon and I was thought it was interesting that I'd never heard of it before have you guys ever used this let me know actually in the comments below if you've used any or all of these products look at this look at this that looks very weird to me I was very very skeptical because I was like I don't even know what to call this consistency it just looks like a blob so here's my hair I think I washed it the night before this wedding it here and I'm getting the leave-in conditioner of course first it's very watery look look at that super super watery I was not expecting that but here goes nothing I'm gonna put it in my hair and cross my fingers and hope for the best so I'm just rubbing it in like I always do with my leaving conditioners and then I'm wetting my hair again again this is warm water like you could just refill it go to the sink and make sure you have one water in your bottle and I'm using the custard that looks very weird and putting it my hair and it looks and feels just as bad as it looks or it feels just as bad as it looks like I'd say this product absolutely sucked this was a dud would never ever buy it again I wouldn't recommend it to anybody either because it just it made my hair feel like hay and it looked bad and it was still frizzy and there was like no definition and this was my hair at the end of the day so yeah you can see by my face that I was not here for it did not like it somehow my hair exploded using this product as you can see and yeah so I really thought there would be and actually really wanted there to be one conclusive winner in this competition of the custards but Cantu and kinky curly were tied for first place in my eyes Cantu wins because the price is right only 15 dollars for both the leave-in and the custard and kinky curly is an all-time favorite of mine and so honestly they're two products that I will use probably forever now okay if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe to my channel right now if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave me a comment as well and actually thumbs up this video and stay tuned for my next one thanks for watching
Channel: Nia Hope
Views: 2,019,434
Rating: 4.8842092 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, wash n go, curl deffinition, natural hair journey, nia hope, short natural hair, natural hair styles, how to natural hair, best natural hair curls, how ti define curls, how to define natural hair, twa, big chop, big chop styles, length check, cantu, kinky curly, carols daughter, the cut life, curl defining custard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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