HOW TO: Define short Natural curls| On TWA

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[Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel it's your girl misha here how y'all doing hello i had to change it up i had to put a little face on because lately i've been watching my vlogs and i'm like girl your girl looking real basic okay this whole pregnancy thing got me all messed up so i'm getting on here to do a quick hair tutorial i'm going to do a hair tutorial video on pretty much how i style my short tw twa and how i define my curls so i'm gonna be showing you guys the products that i use i just finished deep conditioning my hair which i'll insert the clip somewhere in here um i sit under a connected hooded dryer for about 30 minutes or so and then i get into styling so before we get started please make sure you guys comment like and subscribe to my channel turn on the bell down below so you'll get notifications every time i post a video i am gonna be posting two to three times a week so now that i'm out for my birthday i'm not working for the next six days so i'm gonna pump a lot of videos out so stay tuned for that on my channel you will find beauty videos hair videos makeup videos vlogs nursing lifestyle just it you just gonna find it all on my channel okay so if you guys go ahead and subscribe and like comment it helps my channel i appreciate all the love support and let's go ahead and get started so we're gonna go ahead and take chat okay so this is how my hair is looking completely dry no product just finished getting deep conditioned and i chop my hair a month and three actually it'll be two months exactly in a couple of days it'll be two months exactly in a couple of days so yeah it's grown a lot the shrinkage is real um i am uh for b4c textured hair and i have low porosity hair so i do pick products that tailor to my actual hair so i'm going to show you guys what i use and what it's looking like okay so we look a little crazy right now but it dries so i'm going to go ahead and take my spray bottle and i'm going to go ahead and spray it just to get it down and i just put like a little bit of olive oil and just warm water and you can get this mister from sally's they're really really cheap i think they're like five six bucks so i'm just getting my hair really really wet i probably should put a towel along okay okay so i'm just getting my hair really wet [Music] and the first thing i'm going to use and i have so many natural hair products but i'm going to use today miss jessie's pillow soft curls let me turn this down a little bit there we go it was a little bright yo so i'm using miss joe's the miss jessie's pillow soft curls um i freaking love this product it makes my hair so soft this is my leave-in conditioner that i'm gonna use for today so for me i like the lco not the loft method so i use my leave-in my cream my gel or oil um and then i send it let me start over so i use my leave-in first and then i use a cream or gel and then the oh i seal it with the oil usually it's olive oil or lately i've been using the almond mint almond oil and it's so so so so so good so i'm gonna go ahead and put this on first i'm gonna take about like this much [Music] and i'm gonna go ahead and massage it through my hair [Music] and i'm trying to get everything saturated and i love to just take my hand and push and rub back and forth that's gonna start getting my curls popping as you can see it's already starting to define it and this does not change your curl pattern but it does soften your curls and it makes your curls look like it's looser or more less coily i don't know what it does i don't know what they put in it it's gonna add a little more but it makes my hair so soft and it makes my coils a little bit looser and bigger in a sense so i love that i'm gonna go ahead and get all of that in here okay now that i have that in i'm going to take my next product which is the camille rose curl maker bomb on low porosity 4b4c here bomb okay um it's the marshmallow and agave leaf extract it is so lightweight and has it's a very let me show you the consistency it's very marshmallowy and very light it's not heavy but it really defines your curls and i freaking love it so i take about three or four pumps i'm gonna add it to my hair a little bit more i am heavy on products i love products my hair lasts longer as far as my twa like washing goes for like three or four days and i kind of just missed it a little bit in the next morning when i go to work and it literally lasts so as you can see with just those two products and water this is what my curls are looking like right now okay so you just really want to massage it in and get it in there okay and sometimes doing this motion really makes my curls clump together even more now as my hair grows i usually like to go in and take it and do like a finger coil and it makes it even more defined which i could do right now but i still feel like it's a little short so i kind of go in and do it sporadically i don't do it all over my head like section by section not yet at least so i'm really liking this easy you know technique right now so i'm just getting the same make sure it's really in on the sides you want to comb that through make sure you're saturating all of your hair and y'all i deep condition my hair once a week like religiously like unless i have a style in that's like long term i i don't skip deep conditioning that is what's really going to make your curls start to pop like the more you're good to your hair your hair is going to be good to you hands down i think it's just the habit i've developed over the years i must have chopped my hair like five or six times y'all and it's just one thing that i stick to religiously is deep conditioning my hair because i love you know you gotta care for your hair you really gotta like like we like to look good our hair is our glory you know our shining glory we want to make sure our hair is juicy it's it's you know just plump and moisturized so deep conditioning your hair is going to get it there okay and you have to be patient because just like you have to train your body when you work out or train your mind to learn something you have to train your hair too and eventually your hair will get used to a routine so all right so this is what we're looking like now okay it's curled enough i can do my little edges and this is cute but i'm gonna do a little bit more okay i'm gonna do a little bit more so i go in with two okay my two favorite gels of all time of course it's the eco styler gel i have a big tub in the bathroom too but i feel like bringing it out i'm gonna use primarily this but i also use the wet line extreme y'all these are the only jails like i have uncle jeff uncle jackie's uncle junkies uncle funkies joe that one's nice too that one defines my curls too but these right here bomb okay bomb so i'm gonna go ahead and use these gels and i'll tell you how much i'm gonna put in my hair and then i'm gonna start defining my curls even more okay sorry y'all already was texting me okay so i'm going to take this one first okay so i'm going to take about this much okay and this is just a little bottle this is the one i take to travel with me this much okay and i'm gonna go ahead and rip it in and rub it into my hair and i'm just gonna pat first and then i'll just start doing circular motions i'm heavy-handed on my gel i love my gel so don't come for me okay so let's come for me because i love my gel okay so as you can see just by putting this gel in y'all it's just good already it's already defining curls and i gotta make sure i get this middle part because this middle part this middle part is like thicker in my hair i gotta make sure i get the backs [Music] okay so i'm just gonna take it and i'm literally just doing motions like this y'all it's almost like what you would do with one of those little sponge brushes which i bought it i like it but i don't like it that sponge thing it makes my curls too coily where they look like little turds you know not little turds but like little nuggets they're really tight and i don't like that i still wanted to have some type of you know natural curl i don't want to look like little mini dreads and i just feel like that's what it does so i don't use it okay so this is what we're looking like okay as you can see the curls are very juicy and they're coming in and they can get even more defined if i go in and finger pour which i will do not my whole head but i'm gonna do the parts that i can see okay so now i'm gonna take this gel take a little bit more and i'm gonna go ahead that's fine and i really i put this much on my hair because it makes my twa my wash and go last for a very very long time for days and days or yeah it's even lasted up for a week and in the mornings i just don't have time so y'all think i should wear like this or i should lay down the sides and do that little sticker away thing and keep this curly i don't know anyway so what i like to do i'll take a little bit and i keep it on my hands and i'm going to go in and just finger coil you know pieces around my face that i really really want to define okay like i just keep my hands wet with gel and i'll go and y'all i cut my hair solo is gross so freaking much i'm just going in and coiling it you know just just the tag we're just trying to get some you know definition around the face because i care about the back but not really i mean i do but my curls are there but they're not going to be as defined i don't have time for that so this is what i do and this is like it and i'm about to do my edges and y'all gonna see this is how i'm marking it okay this is how i'm rocking it and i'll show you two styles that i'll do so i'm gonna have to get my phone so i'll do the one that you guys seen you know like when i on my miami vlog i just kind of sweep my edges a little bit and wear it all kind of curly like a little bitty boot thing or i'll take these sides and i'll slick the sides okay so this is what my hair is looking like any pieces i feel it's not as saturated i'm just gonna go in and i'm just taking my hands dipping into gel and i'm just coiling like literally okay so and the rest i just let it do what it wants to do as my hair grows it's going to curl more as long as i keep it moisturized and i keep the treatment and my routine so this is what we're looking like okay [Music] and i feel like my left side is thicker than my right side i hate this for stuff excuse me i hate that so you gotta finesse a little bit more [Music] okay so now i got my products in and that's all that i use on my hair okay i lied i'm going to take a little bit of oil and this is again the mayo mint almond oil okay put a little dash just a little bit because i'm not trying to walk around with a greasy jar curl okay get my hands nice and oily and i'm just kind of take my hands and just kind of pat just to give it some more shine definition that you could take the palms but you know the pads on your fingers not your nails and you just be gentle and you just get it really saturated [Music] so all right so once i put my oil in i'm going to take my trusty colgate don't head on a colgate toothbrush okay because i have the edge brush it and i don't pick it up i prefer the colgate okay so what i'll do whatever gel i have left i'm not trying to overdo it as far as adding more edge control and getting them all hard i'm trying to keep my edges intact jack i'm spinning it's coming a long way still we still on a journey okay so i'll just take it and i'll just start like literally just doing like little you know i don't really do you know i just like it when it's just like it looks like it's just doing its own thing so i'll just kind of you know just take it kind of just let it you know you could have some going different directions if you want literally just okay and then i'm taking my ends [Music] i take a thicker piece on the sides i like the sideburn look [Music] and that's what i'll do okay i just go in and [Music] [Music] time okay and this is this is it this is all i do okay and you know just do it to your liking yeah just do it to your liking do whatever you like and i like it you know it's cute it's like a betty boop type of pinup you know very cute look and it goes really good when you got a big face or a hoop you know just something a little bit more a little bit more extra so this is how i'm going to style it right now now if i want i can take a comb and i can kind of just comb it down and then i can do the you know the finger wave just two little finger weight and keep this curl and just kind of have this more like which i like how this is looking right now so i'm just gonna leave it as is my next video i'll do the finger wave when i'll do like a get ready with me or makeup look i'm gonna start doing those too so this is pretty much it i know i was dribbling a lot i know i said a lot but this is just my personality okay okay um so yeah this is the final look to my hair this is how i'm rocking it and yeah very very cute low maintenance and because i use so much gel on my hair it's gonna stay okay it's gonna stay and i love it so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys again comment like and subscribe to my channel i love you guys so so so so so so much also let me know what you guys want to see in the comments down below what kind of videos y'all want me to pop out um i am posting a nursing video tomorrow i'm going to do an update on that on my program and the nursing school i got accepted into so if you want to watch that stay tuned for that tomorrow um and yeah i'm gonna end the video here and i will catch y'all later bye
Channel: Meshia Lattimore
Views: 271,342
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Keywords: twa, how to define twa, short natural hair, how to define curls, 4b hair, 4c hair, how to style twa, how to style short natural hair, natural hair routine, wash n go, wash and go, meshia lattimore, best curly hair products, low porosity hair, style, finger coils, loc method, lco method, how to get 4c hair more defined, deep condition routine, hair routine, best curly hair products 2020, hair regimen 2020, big chop, hair growth journey, how to style 4c hair
Id: EBUnw-mmpJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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