THIS is Why Fasting STOPS Working - Very Important to Prevent Regain

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we can outrun a mammoth for a couple of seconds maybe even a minute or two and that's what we're designed to do but we're not really designed to be stressed out wondering if our boss is gonna fire us for three months drawn out stressed out okay you could look at pretty much any research journal and see that okay we're not really designed to be under chronic stress well that's kind of the difference between fasting and caloric restriction look at caloric restriction is great it's good to reduce your calories it's good to stress your body in ways like that but chronic caloric restriction is a chronic drawn-out stressor whereas fasting is an acute controlled responsible stressor that is a stronger signal to the body much like an interval training so you should look at your diet as interval training sprints of caloric restriction followed by surpluses of feasting anyhow let's dive in when our body has a clear end point we adapt better when our body can see that there is an end in sight when we know that there is an end in sight our body adapts because it knows what it's actually adapting for caloric restriction there's no real understanding of what the adaptation is it's just consistently happening fasting and repeatedly fasting and feasting the body starts to recognize a pattern realizes like oh this is a shock and then i can adapt and come back normal anyhow let's break it down into some categories the first one is adherence caloric restriction looks easier but you're generally hungrier because you're just dragging out this hunger signal for so long okay here's an interesting study it was published in the journal clinical endocrinology took a look at an 84-hour fast which i'm not suggesting you go out and do that necessarily i've done them and they're they're fine but the point is is that the first day ghrelin the hunger hormone went up so these guys are getting hungry but the second day the hunger hormone came back down to normal and guess what the third day the hunger hormone went all the way down below baseline they were less hungry three days into a fast they were before then compare that to caloric restriction where you're hungry all the time well a lot of this has to do with again kind of signaling on the brain and kind of how the body adapts but also ketone formation when you're fasting you have ketones that are forming which are a survival mechanism to keep you from getting hungry but also to just provide your body with a fuel source an alternative fuel source that's more energy dense anyhow so from an adherence standpoint it just makes sense it also takes a lot less executive power to fast you're making one clear decision at one time i'm fasting and i'm not gonna eat okay whereas with caloric restriction it's a lot of executive power you have to continue to make decisions should i eat this should i eat that should i count this calorie should i not count that calorie am i over my calories am i under my calorie should i take a nap should i go to vegas should i go to philippines and eat whatever i don't know all over the place okay but the next one that we have to talk about is going to be resting metabolic rate this is huge and you first glance you think fasting that's going to destroy my resting metabolic rate and slow down my metabolism so much well fasting doesn't slow down your metabolism nearly as much as caloric restriction does you see here's the thing when we're doing caloric restriction we're usually also having carbs too which means we're getting our body ready to utilize fat because we're lowering our calories low calories you burn fat no doubt okay but there's a problem when you're also consuming carbs in a low calorie diet you're decreasing what is called the insulin to glucagon ratio this decrease in the insulin to glucagon ratio makes it so that you're less able to access your fat because insulin sort of stands in the way of utilizing fat as a fuel source very well so what happens is your calories are low your body says i want to burn fat i'm ready to go i'm ready to go but then you had some carbs your insulin levels go up and you suddenly get this fuzzy barrier between you and accessing your fat it's like your body wants to and it needs to it really needs to because you're in a deficit it needs to access that fat but somehow this insulin level is like it's throwing things off because the insulin shouldn't be up in every sense of starvation we shouldn't be having insulin levels high while we're also trying to burn fat it just doesn't make sense so the body kind of fatigues feels tired and the only way that it can deal with this process is to say let's just slow everything down that way we can deal with this because now it's nice and slow and we can actually burn the carbohydrates that this person is consuming so slows everything down that's a problem the international journal of obesity had published that you can have an eight to ten percent decrease in your entire resting metabolic rate after just three months of only a 25 caloric deficit and this reduction in your resting metabolic rate guess what it sticks around even after you start eating again causing rapid weight regain now the opposite happens with fasting believe it or not when you fast responsibly if you fast every day or a ton of times per week you're gonna slow down your resting metabolic rate because you basically have in essence gone into a caloric deficit for too long but the american journal clinical nutrition have published that when you go into a longer multi-day fast your resting metabolic rate increases for the first three days i'm not saying you need to fast that long the point is when it's a shock to your system and your body's not used to it it triggers a shock and it bumps up your resting metabolic rate it's like whoa what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing freak freak freaking out freaking out freaking out and jacks everything up the difference is the fasting is an acute stressor that is a shock to the system caloric restriction is a chronic stressor that is breaking us down it is your boss asking for those tps reports constantly okay it is the office space of your metabolism next up we're going to talk muscle mass because muscle mass is a big driver of your metabolism male or female by the way you might be wondering how to eat when you're doing intermittent fasting and what you should really pay attention to just for the record i put a link down below to thrive market thrive market is an online membership based grocery store so if you're doing low carb or if you're doing keto or anything like that i highly recommend you check them out because they're an online grocery store so you can go and you can pick out the kinds of foods that you want and get delivered to your doorstep that makes it super super super easy so you can log on you can sort by whatever diet you're doing and then it just comes to your doorstep i've been using them for years and they've been a big supporter of this channel for years so you can go and you can check out my intermittent fasting boxes like boxes that i recommend people use if they're fasting just like recommended things i would eat during my eating period after a fast is i highly recommend that you check it out if you're new or if you're just getting a little bit bored of your normal things so i put a link down below you can get special access and also get a special gift when you sign up via that link so check it out down below in the description after this video so surrounding muscle mass there are some papers published back in the 60s that demonstrated that most of the metabolic decrease that we saw as a result of caloric restriction actually came from muscle wasting muscle being lost this is a big problem because the muscle is like our biggest driver of our metabolism so well when we're in caloric restriction we run into a problem so when you're doing caloric restriction along with carbs here's what happens your body is in this calorically deprived state okay where it's not getting quite enough glucose that it normally needs to function the brain the brain requires glucose so the brain needs glucose no matter what so when we're in a calorically deprived state and we're just having a normal amount of carbohydrates the body is saying okay well we have just enough carbohydrates to get barely just normal function but we need more so what does it do it creates new carbohydrates but it creates them from our muscle tissue it breaks down and breaks down amino acids and uses those to go through what's called de novo gluconeogenesis where it creates new carbohydrates this is okay except for the fact that when you do not have ketones buffering it it runs runs you into a big problem basically it breaks down muscle so caloric restriction with just enough carbs to get you by is a problem now the opposite happens with intermittent fasting because once again it's a shock to the system so the journal of translational medicine had published a study that showed that eight weeks of 16-8 intermittent fasting had a powerful result on fat loss it's kind of a no-brainer but it preserved muscle mass well the preservation of muscle mass came because when you are fasting in acute short bouts like that you have a big surge in human growth hormone which preserves the muscle during the fast but you also have a higher level of ketones which are very leucine sparing so if your body does go start to break down amino acids it's not breaking down the most important one leucine which has to do with muscle anabolism and keeping your muscle on in the first place then we have energy levels okay with caloric restriction you are just consistently putting yourself in a gray area okay you are at this point where you don't have enough calories coming in to really constitute like a whole lot of energy from food so your body has to tap into the fat but it can't because insulin levels are too high and then with fasting you have again ketone formation which changes how the body utilizes energy you see when ketones are created ketones can cross through what's called the double mitochondrial membrane they can create energy literally more efficiently than another fuel source you are only going to get this if you are fasting not just depriving calories or depleting calories you need to have very clear black and white lines fasting so your body can produce the ketones and you can get the benefit of the energy otherwise you are going to feel sluggish so if you look at your calories in the course of seven days you're going to be at a deficit if you fast two days out of the week so you're still accomplishing caloric restriction you're just not drawing it out you're making it so you get quick shocks and the body can actually have hormonal advantages to really preserve the muscle and well keep your energy high we have to talk immune system for just a second as well so caloric restriction might actually be better for the immune system than fasting though this is the one part where caloric restriction might work but it's really negligible okay what happens is caloric restriction helps out what are called hematopoietic stem cells okay this will help your body produce more immune cells throughout the entirety so that's great okay but it's still going to suppress your immune system there's some studies that show like a caloric restriction like with athletes that need to cut weight they get sick a lot more okay a correlation doesn't always equal causation but then when we look at fasting it's pretty intriguing fasting has been known that when you fast itself you are lowering your immune system if you are worried about getting sick at a specific point in time you shouldn't do a longer or more intense fast what happens is the t cells which are big part of your immune system they go back into the bone marrow it's called a homing so they become less active at that point in time but the cool thing is the long-term benefit of it is those t cells when they go home it makes them stronger so it's like when you get tired you go home to go to bed but if someone tries to rob you while you're asleep they're going to be able to take your stuff but if you're rested the next day and that robber comes in to your house when you're awake and you're rested you're going to kick his butt and get him out of there right it's the same concept with your t-cells they go home during a fast because they're resting and getting stronger but over time it actually works better okay so it's really powerful with that and then i want to touch on fertility men and women okay so first off for women this is super important the american journal of physiology endocrinology and metabolism had published that when you go through any kind of caloric restriction specifically like between 20 and 40 percent caloric restriction you're going to have a big decrease in your fertility because you drop your luteinizing hormone and your follicle stimulating hormone so what that means is you're basically depleting some of the resources your body needs to properly like create an egg and properly get that egg fertilized right so you're eliminating some of those pathways well okay what about with fasting what's wild is that there's a study that was published in fertility and sterility that found that a three-day fast did not affect follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone now if you were to continue that on and do a three-day fast every week sure the point is is that again periodic stressors are going to be seen as such they're granted a little bit of amnesty say oh this is just a stressor it's not a real thing he's not like freaking out and just totally reducing his calories all the time he's got a little shock and he's coming back to normal you got to make sure you come back to normal so the body knows you're coming back to normal so that it sees that end point so that that can trigger the adaptation with men both caloric restriction and intermittent fasting seem to lower testosterone levels a small amount does that mean as a male you shouldn't intermittent fast no we just saw that you retain muscle mass you drop fat the testosterone levels are generally a result of less lipids at that point in time now it also begs the question does testosterone really matter for muscle it does but you also have to factor in insulin and all these other things like mtor and all these other processes that allow us to build muscle at a global and local level outside of just testosterone so yes you might have a small decrease but over the long term if you're losing weight and you have less fat that's less testosterone getting what is called aromatized and turned into estrogen so big picture intermittent fasting for losing some body fat is going to potentially help you build more muscle in the long run at least in my opinion it did for me when i lost 100 pounds and then put on a bunch of muscle as always keep it locked and here in my channel thank you for watching and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 283,598
Rating: 4.9287567 out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting vs calorie deficit, intermittent fasting vs calorie counting, intermittent fasting vs calorie restriction 2020, intermittent fasting vs caloric restriction, intermittent fasting vs calorie restriction pubmed, how to increase metabolism intermittent fasting vs calorie restriction, intermittent fasting vs low calorie diet, thomas delauer, fasting vs caloric restriction
Id: FeZEC16k1W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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