BEST Plan to Build MUSCLE with Intermittent Fasting - Complete Guide

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I'm gonna give you all the goods to craft the ultimate muscle building intermittent fasting plan you're gonna want to go and fetch a notebook and a pen because we're gonna go through a lot of detail I'm gonna give you everything that you need to craft your own plan this isn't a meal plan I'm not gonna give you specifically what to eat because there's just too much variety and too many likes and dislikes between different people but if you have the ability to craft your own then you're in tremendous shape alright so we're gonna talk about all kinds of things ranging from the timing of your meals timing of your workout timing of supplementation what kinds of things you should break your fast with how you should orient your workout there's gonna be a lot of details so stick with me through the entirety of this thing okay one thing that we don't have to do in this video is talk about the justification of intermittent fasting and building muscle I will go right on record and say right now you absolutely positively can build muscle with intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is not about caloric restriction it is about allocating eating windows to specific times it's about manipulating and outsmarting food timing period okay so with that being said let me ask you one thing please do hit that red subscribe button and then please hit the little funky-looking bell icon and select that all notifications tab that allows you to see whenever I post new videos which is every single day these days I don't want you to miss a beat we've got all kinds of cool educational content like this alright so let's go ahead and let's dive in the first thing we need to talk about and get out in the open is insulin insulin is going to be a recurring theme in this video you're gonna hear me talk about it a lot okay because insulin is everything when it comes down to manipulating how we build muscle at specific times if you go back to old bodybuilding culture bodybuilding magazines and muscle building magazines what's the one thing that they do always say they always say at the end of your workout you should be consuming lots of protein and lots of carbohydrates well the reason they say that is to spike your insulin levels at the end of a workout your insulin sensitive what that means is that at the end of a workout your body will soak up the protein it'll soak up the carbohydrates in a better form it won't go to fat it'll go to muscle building well guess what that same philosophy applies with fasting because fasting increases your insulin sensitivity just like a workout does so that means at the end of a fast you are so insulin sensitive that what you consume in terms of protein and carbohydrates is very likely going to get shuttled directly where you want it to go to the muscle and not to the fact okay you don't have to take my word for it there was a study those published in the journal Cell Metabolism that put subjects on a five-week time restricted feeding diet and it found they had market improvements in insulin sensitivity as well as lessen blood glucose and lessened levels of risk factors things like that so lots of health benefits but their insulin sensitivity improved dramatically now there's other studies that show that lifting itself improves insulin sensitivity so it would make sense that we would want to work out in a fasted state and then break our fast to capitalize on protein synthesis so when we look at that we actually start to break down the science of that if you workout in a fasted state when it comes time to eat your post-workout meal you're going to absorb more of that protein in fact there are studies that show that we look at groups that train in a fasted state versus non fasted State the groups that train in the fasted State have two times the levels of something called p70 s6k which is an indicator of muscle protein synthesis muscle protein synthesis is where your body takes the protein and is actually turning it into muscle versus just deaminating it for different things within the body so simply put you can get two times as much protein synthesis by training in a fasted state the caveat is you'd want to be breaking your fast right after your workout so if you are someone that works out in the morning you're probably starting to connect the dots that fasting until the evening time would be quite difficult right because you wouldn't be able to capitalize on breaking your fast right after your workout more on that in a little bit I have to do this in a proper sequence otherwise it's going to be confusing so I will touch on that more so before I go into the nitty-gritty of how to time your workout I will say this give some all in consideration into splitting up and changing your eating windowed periods so what I mean by that most people and I mean like 98% of people that practice intermittent fasting will fast most of the day and then break their fast mid afternoon or evening I highly recommend that you consider changing up the time period consider fasting morning to morning so that way you can look something like this you workout first thing in the morning and then you break your fast after your workout and then maybe you have one more meal and then you fast the rest of the day until morning time the next day so rather than skipping breakfast you're skipping dinner this is going to allow you to capitalize on that insulin sensitivity if you workout in the morning if you don't workout in the morning it's not that big of a deal you should just try to time your workout to be at the end of your fast however don't do this every day first of all you should not be fasting every day in the first place if you fast every day in the first place while you're trying to build muscle you are going to be disappointed because you will probably be in such a caloric deficit all the time it's going to be somewhat difficult so what I recommend you do is fast three or four days per week and make it so that your workouts that are your biggest your biggest lifting workouts like your leg day or your leg and back day or your chest and back day make sure those days are the days that fall at the end of your fast not every single time you work out because otherwise you're working out so far the end of your fast you run the risk of burning up muscle so save your biggest workouts for the days that you train at the end of your fasting period so for example if I was going to go train legs I would want to try to train legs on a day where I can break my fast right after my workout why is this because you're going to make yourself the most insulin sensitive by training a large body part at the end of your fast and everything we want is about manipulating that insulin sensitivity the more insulin sensitive you are the more protein and carbohydrates you're going to absorb at a point in time which leads me to what should you break your fast with well I'll give you some details but I'm not going to tell you specifically what you should eat because that's up to you okay you want to break your fast and ultimately your post-workout with a good amount of protein that is very very very very very lean okay and you want to have a little bit of carbohydrates can you build muscle without carbohydrates yes you absolutely can and I've quite honestly done videos on that but there's no denying that it's a little bit easier to build muscle vault intermittent fasting if you have some carbohydrates in the mix even if you're following a ketogenic diet which a lot of people that watch my channel are having carbs are right after your workout he's only going to kick you out of ketosis for a small amount of time and you're gonna get all these benefits of being able to build muscle so my general recommendation is to have about 15 or so grams of carbohydrates coming from the way of fructose this would mean something like some berries or maybe some melon or some watermelon or you know maybe even and a half like a Clementine orange or something like that get yourself 1520 grams of fructose then get yourself a good 25 maybe 240 grams of regular carbohydrates by way of maybe a baked potato that's with nothing else on it right baked potato that's just an example there's a clean carbohydrate with no fats maybe a rice cake a couple rice cakes that give you 35 40 grams of carbohydrates adjust it for you specifically the reason that we do this just for those of you that want to know is fructose and glucose work together to actually speed up how fast carbs get absorbed remember what we're trying to do here is spike our insulin but we're trying to spike our insulin in as short of a window as possible so if we can have a little bit of fructose along with our glucose it makes that spike from this length of time to this length of time and that much higher we want to take that spike and go from this to this okay that's what we're really after and a little bit of glucose and fructose together will help that now one of the reasons I want you to do this right after workout that is a big depart is when you work out big body parts you activate specific insulin receptors that are in your muscle cells so what that means is the carbohydrates that you do consume even if your Kido are going to go into the muscle they're not going to go into the liver kicking you out of ketosis at least a little bit you might get knocked out of ketosis you might slow down fat burning for a little bit of time but the large majority of the protein and the carbohydrates that you consume are going to go to the muscle as a glycogen replenishment and p70 s6k phosphorylation and muscle protein synthesis what about the kind of protein that you should have look at I have my opinions and I have my biases without a doubt I do think that breaking your fast like a lean protein shake is always a solid idea but I think that there's some extra benefit to having a very lean red meat or having a lean even even a poultry would be okay but like a very lean red meat it still has maybe 1 or 2 3 grams of fat coming from omega-3 sources as much as possible the reason that I say this is the journal a clinical science has published a very intriguing study that found that Omega threes increased muscle protein synthesis and import activation which I explained in a second significantly more than groups that didn't have Omega threes so what's interesting is Omega threes by themselves like if someone were to just take omega 3 capsules or something didn't cause an increase in protein synthesis or import activation but when they combine Omega threes with good quality amino acids and protein it increased import mTOR is what you want on when you're building muscle auto Fujii is what you want on when you're burning fat and going through a fast ok so it's to night and day things when you're fasting on top of G is a goal when you're not fasting M towards the goal what we're doing with fasting is clearly separating the two and that is the plan keeping them totally separate so we're not going esophageal or toffee GM taught off a GM tour we're going ah Tov the G M tour keeping them separate separation of church and state Emmit orotava G so the cool thing is that study found that increased mTOR activity in muscle protein synthesis 50% okay that's some serious stuff now also it's so important that you get grass-fed grass-finished if you're gonna go this route because then that is the kind of protein that has the Omega threes salmon would have too much fat we wouldn't have salmon post-workout we want to keep it lean like a lean steak or lean ground beef right okay but then additionally grass-fed grass-finished has vitamin A in it interesting results have shown that when protein synthesis is occurring in the body when you are building muscle actively vitamin A levels are being depleted there's some theories as to why but there's no denying that there is a correlation there again that correlation of as my body's building muscle and going through synthesis my vitamin A levels are being depleted which implies that we need vitamin A for muscle protein synthesis well you're not going to find vitamin A and traditional grain fed meat so if you if you don't go protein shake go and lean meat I will say I put a link down below if you want to get good grass-fed grass-finished meat that's cheaper than the grocery store in most places you want to check out butcher box so a special discount for anyone that watches my videos it's grass-fed grass-finished meat delivered to your doorstep so high omega-3 content good vitamin A content but also just delicious stuff that gets delivered right to your doorstep so saves you the money having to go to the grocery store saves you the time they're in a tremendous tremendous part of this channel because I talk about them so much so anyway special deal down below check it out after you watch this video and a huge thank you to them for extending that pricing to people to watch my videos it's super awesome that they do that let's jump over really quick to coffee and caffeine I think you guys are gonna like what I have to say here yes you should have caffeine pre-workout nothing else remember your training in a fasted state caffeine is going to increase catecholamines it's going to increase adrenaline epinephrine therefore phosphorylating what is called perry Lipan which basically allows hormone sensitive lipase to activate people tend to think that when they are doing any kind of muscle building program that they should just neglect fat burning altogether no no no no you're not going to burn fat and build muscle literally at the same instant so capitalise on the times when you would be burning fat and burn some fat because if you're building muscle and you can burn fat in the process it gives you a little bit more wiggle room to have more calories okay you want to be able to have more calories so you can stimulate muscle growth but you want to be able to burn the excess fat without burning the muscle so having that caffeine pre-workout just like straight black coffee or straight caffeine is perfect but guess what along with that post-workout meal you might want to have a cup of coffee too here's why the Journal of applied physiology published a very cool study that concluded that caffeine increases glycogen uptake into the muscle which means you're gonna get more carbohydrates going into the muscle so they found when subjects consumed either a carbohydrate drink or a carbohydrate plus caffeine drink that the subjects that consumed a caffeine plus carbohydrate drink ended up having significantly more 66% more glycogen up taking the muscles for hours after a workout so what does that mean that means you have less likelihood of those carbohydrates circulating around and going to fat accumulation fat storage instead 66% more gonna go to the muscle if you are following a low-carb diet and you want to keep exceptionally lean while building muscle whoa mind blown because this allows you to really really take advantage of that so have that caffeine along with that grass-fed steak and that little bit of rice cake and that little bit of tangerine or whatever you choose to have just to give you a little bit of some foreshadowing as to what's gonna happen the rest of this video I'm going to talk a little bit about cardio timing and then I'm gonna go jump in and talk about how you might want to orient your cardio days and how you might want to orient your major lifting days kind of what we've already talked about and then I'm gonna give you a whole calorie breakdown because I think that's a very important thing that people want to know about how many calories should you have should you be in a caloric surplus we'll talk about that just wanted to give you a little bit of a touch of what's to come very important very important if you are doing intermittent fasting and you were trying to build muscle that you do not neglect your cardio okay other strategies might allow you to neglect but we are working on a slightly different pathway with intermittent fasting intermittent fasting we are trying to achieve mitochondrial efficiency and get the best mitochondrial density we are improving our metabolism at its core whereas other people that are trying to build muscle by gobs and gobs of protein powders and eating eight meals a day their mitochondria is not operating the way that yours is if you're fasting you I hate to say it or upper-echelon you are superior in the sense of the way that your body is working in this case okay cardio improves mitochondrial density it's a journal of applied physiology published a study that showed that just 30 minutes of endurance exercise done almost every other I think this study was every day but still every other day or so for a period of like four five six weeks improves mitochondrial density volume density forty percent I I understand that you may not be a science nerd like me but that is huge the mitochondria is where we process energy in the body if we improve the density of that by 40 percent it's like we just added 40 more employees to a factory that creates energy that is huge how does that help you with building muscle well not only is it going to give your body more furnace power to just incinerate calories it's going to make you stronger because ATP is still created at the mitochondrial level so you will find that you are stronger you have more stamina and you can push through those last reps a lot better so it makes a big big big difference just by keeping your cardio in the equation but full disclaimer and very important note to make I do not want you doing your cardio at the end of a fast so remember how I talked about doing your weight training at the end of a fast that is different from cardio we're talking two different worlds here so your weight training should be at the end of a fast ideally for your big body part days your cardio should be towards it can be in the middle of the fast I just don't want you doing excessive cardio when you're already extremely nutrient deprived because you're fasting example like this if I tell you to you're lifting work out the end of a fast you're going to be lifting at the end of 16 17 18 20 hours if you do your cardio in the morning and you're gonna break your fast in the evening that would be fine you're still technically fasted but you're only eight hours into a fast instead of sixteen or twenty right so that's the point there so you just want to set up your days accordingly big lifting days on the days that you break your fast right after a workout cardio days where they're not gonna be close to the end of your fast and maybe some small lifting days in the same category as your cardio days it's also very important that on the non intermittent fasting days you just eat healthy and you try to just follow a standard plan the benefit of intermittent fasting from muscle building is the fasting period keeps you lean so you can have a little bit more flexibility with your other days so now we have to talk about calories the big thing what I have to really make crystal clear is that a caloric surplus needs to be measured in a different way than you think I get asked all the time should I be in a caloric surplus to build muscle and the short answer is yeah it to some degree yes but you don't measure it over the course of a day in fact I would actually recommend that you take the amount of calories that you would typically eat in a day and then divide that number by 24 and figure out how many calories you consume per hour on an average right so like if you were to aggregate it all if I consume 2,400 calories in a day then i roughly consume 100 calories per hour so what I want you to do is on a fasting day remember you're only eating or allowed to eat for let's say eight hours of that day if you're doing a 16-8 method then you are not allowed to eat over the whole 24 hours you're allowed to eat through that eight hours so what I want you to do is be in a surplus for each respective hour you're allowed to eat okay so what that would look like is if you normally consume 2400 calories in a day then maybe if you're allowed to eat eight hours that only amounts to 800 calories right but that 800 calories is probably going to be enough to sustain muscle during that point in time not saying you eat 800 calories I just want you to factor in how many calories you take in based on an hourly basis not on a daily basis my whole point in saying that is you don't need to try to cram in 2400 calories in a couple hours you just don't as long as you are in a surplus over that like thousand calorie mark you're gonna be fine it's all about the timing and getting the calories high for the for the appropriate time period you're actually eating your body's not going to handle 2400 calories in a couple hour period it's just gonna neglect it and not utilize it right so massage that a little bit but don't worry about it too much just get yourself in a nice surplus on the days that you don't fast and you'll be in much better shape I hope that that makes sense let's talk quickly about supplements you shouldn't consume any supplements while you're fasting other than maybe some magnesium and possibly some green tea okay so while you're fasting green tea is gonna help you it is gonna help you burn fat it is going to help you with a lot of different things and it's going to help you stay seated okay but I also recommend taking in some magnesium so that your body can have a little bit of a calming effect magnesium is very very good at keeping you calm but it also makes it so that you still have the fat-burning mechanisms you're not turning those off by calming yourself down protein powders obviously okay after you break your fast okay any kind of antioxidants vitamin C things like that will technically break a fast in some interesting ways that I'm not going to explain in this video so save almost all of your supplementation to the post-workout and just eating period vitamin D becomes exceptionally critical for you I recommend between 2,500 and 5,000 IU's of vitamin D to help with muscle protein synthesis as it is required okay it's very very important there okay and then additionally do not consume anything like branched chain amino acids during your fast I know that a lot of people want to build muscle and they want to take those because they think they're gonna preserve muscle but they break the fast and they will spike your insulin so that when you do break your fast you don't get as of a spike remember the one thing I really want you to take away with this we are consolidating the insulin spike so that we get a massive surge of protein synthesis right at the perfect amount of time to capitalize on muscle growth when we will actually use it in the first place you're not building muscle all the time you build muscle at very specific times and with intermittent fasting we allow complete control of that so now you have the details you have the specifics in terms of what you need to pay attention to later on I could possibly do a meal plan video that gives you a sample meal plan but for now you need the details I have plenty of other videos and complete guides to intermittent fasting complete guide sticky dough and everything linked below in the description but for now please do hit that red subscribe button hit that Bell icon and then please do this channel a favor and yourself a favor by checking out butcher box down below in the description for your special discount special pricing special access thanks again you guys are awesome see see
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 365,374
Rating: 4.9504189 out of 5
Keywords: build muscle with intermittent fasting, how to build muscle with fasting, building muscle, intermittent fasting for building muscle, gain muscle while fasting, intermittent fasting for beginners, build muscle and burn fat at the same time, building muscle and burning fat, intermittent fasting, build muscle, how to build muscle, how to gain muscle, intermittent fasting weight loss, intermittent fasting muscle building plan, thomas delauer, keto, fasting muscle gain, weight loss
Id: qmiaeci9dSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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