48-Hour Fasting - What Happens AFTER 24 Hours in Your Body

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[Music] today marks the day where you are in your 48 hour fast with this challenge and because of that i've got some awesome new signs to spill out at you surrounding the world of 48 hour fast we're gonna talk about the benefits of a 48 hour vast versus a 24 hour fast both are tremendous both are great but let's talk about what happens after that 24 hour period along with some new research so this is the element 48 hour fasting challenge video i promised okay last week when the challenge announced i said i'd be releasing some really cool content to keep you motivated keep you excited about this if you haven't checked out the challenge video i'll link to it down below in the description that kind of highlights what to do for the challenge okay so let's go ahead and let's break down first kind of what happens in the beginning stages of a fast so you understand why you're getting so much benefit with this 48 hour fast that you're doing okay so the first 16 hours of a fast if you look at the chart right now that's next to me you will see you have a huge drop in insulin huge changes occur in the first 16 hours and then a huge drop in your glycogen up between you know up to about 24 hours you're dumping all of your glycogen all your muscle carbohydrates right okay so you're getting this huge increase in what's called gluconeogenesis where your body is up regulating like trying to create energy from other substrates because it's panicking because your insulin levels have drop your glycogen levels have dropped i wish the results continued that way on and on but the reality is that first 16 hours is like your first transition okay you drop your insulin levels really low and then what ends up happening is after like 16 ish hours or so you start to have an increase in ketones that compensate for of course the drop in insulin and the drop in glucose so in essence a lot of things aren't really starting until 16 hours into a fast but as far as the real like longevity and like more rejuvenation benefits one could argue that the results really don't start coming in the benefit really doesn't start coming in until after 24 hours because you got to think of it like this if you look at this other chart you'll see that ketone levels are really only elevated after like 16 hours but after 24 hours they are extremely elevated so with a 48 hour fast you're getting at least that full second day of super high elevated ketone levels and super low insulin levels allowing this crazy response of ketones on the cells whereas with a 24-hour fast you're really only getting maybe i don't know at best eight hours of high levels of ketones with low levels of insulin so anyhow 48 hours there's a huge level of benefits but let's talk about some interesting research that is just now coming out surrounding ketones in longer fast it's phenomenal stuff and remember during this whole thing i do want you to grab your electrolytes from elements okay they are the big sponsor of this challenge and i really appreciate them so you can get a free sample packet element down below in the description okay so you go to drink lmnt.com thomas okay drink lmnt.com thomas so super easy use that link down below you only pay shipping so you get a free sample pack and you only pay shipping a big thank you to element for the support in this challenge so check them out down below so that you can have the electrolytes that you need so you can get past that 24 hour phase to actually get the benefits of that 48 hour fast by having some electrolytes in you so down below in the description so this study was published in the journal science advances and it found out that ketones do something interesting ketones aren't just a fuel we know that okay then we also know from other videos on this channel that ketones do something called what's called histone diacetylase inhibition that means that they positively affect how genes are expressed okay cool but now we learn they do something else they do something called beta hydroxybutyleration what the heck does that mean that's a direct effect that beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones have on cells turns out that ketones or beta-hydroxybutyrate bind directly to proteins and directly to histones and actually regulate the activity they don't just deactivate they actually regulate the activity there are 3392 sites that they have found that ketones can bind to on 1431 different proteins in the human body that is insane that means the effect that ketones have on regulating what cells do is unreal and of those different things there's 36 histones that beta-hydroxybutyrate can have an effect on that it can quote unquote beta-hydroxybutylerate which is a hard word to say now why is this so fascinating if you are doing a 48-hour fast well these effects are really only going to come into play heavily after like 24 hours and it all has to do with this amazing thing in the human genetic makeup it's called splicing now this is super involved in dna repair and rna transport and all of this okay but dna splicing is something that is very unique to humans our genetic makeup is not that crazy when you look at it we're only a few thousand genes more than a worm okay and if you look at a grain of rice rice has more gene variety than we do as humans they have more genes two times as much so why are humans so complex compared to a grain of rice because humans have the ability to splice genes over 80 percent of the genes in the human body have the ability to be spliced before they are expressed and it's just like the name implies when a gene is spliced it means you take a gene and you're splicing off a section of that gene and therefore when it's expressed you are encoding a different variant of that gene so rice cannot have a variant of a gene it has a variety of different genes but it can't splice and create a subvariant that is unique to humans it turns out that of the different histones that are beta-hydroxybutylarated most of them are ones that are involved in this lysosome or the splicing of genes so this means that we're having a huge effect on how we actually create variants of genes and encode variants of genes i know this is complicated but basically it is allowing us to do what we do best as far as gene encoding and just repair and everything much much better the downside of us being so complex is as we age that is associated with a complete like dysregulation of the spliceosome we become less efficient at encoding multiple variants of a gene so that means we can have dysfunction we can have protein folding and unfolding that ends up causing mutations and weird results in fact they've even traced some of these variants and this kind of like dysfunction to type 2 diabetes for example well that's where this new ketone research comes in even more there is a study published in the journal tissue and cell that found that beta hydroxybutyrate had an effect on diabetes-induced dysfunction of just different cell walls well what they found was the result of this was because of the cell being beta hydroxybutyrelated to the point where it would actually induce vascular endothelial growth factor to recover and repair basically the vessel the endothelial layer so what the heck basically ketones altered the gene expression to such a degree that it actually recovered the endothelial layer that got messed up from people having diabetes now i'm not jumping to conclusions saying that ketones can fix everything but there is a good degree of dna repair and things that are going on here that we are just now scratching the surface of and this science is earth shattering and my point in saying this is right now you doing a longer fast like a 48-hour fast embarking on this you are hopefully reaping some of those potential benefits it's pretty phenomenal now let's jump into another benefit something called bdnf which you know is probably related to the brain because i talk about that a lot is you're a subscriber to this channel you probably know it's something i commonly talk about but bdnf is not just associated with the brain bdnf actually increases in the skeletal muscle and there's a study that's published in the journal applied physiology nutrition and metabolism that took a look at humans that's what's nice to see a human fasting study they found that during a 48-hour fast at the end of a 48-hour fast they had a 3.5 x increase in bdnf coming out of the skeletal muscle which improves the regulation of fatty acid oxidation helping the muscle actually use fat better which is good for all of us but also helped out neural junctions within the muscle helping us use the muscle better but then the fun side effect is that brain-derived neurotropic factor can go through the blood-brain barrier and actually improve those neural junctions within our brain too which explains why at the end of a 48 hour fast you are so fired up cognitively you have this three and a half x surge at least happening right there so if this isn't encouraging you to do a 48 hour fast yet or maybe you're just watching this video to gain some momentum i really think you need to be giving it a try now let's jump over to the aging and the mitochondrial protein side this is really fascinating too talking about the levels of cert 1 and activation there this interesting study was published in the journal of applied physiology nutrition and metabolism what's really intriguing is they found when people were fasting for 48 hours they did not have increased protein content of ampk or pgc1a what does this mean i know it's kind of weird but okay so ampk is the energy sensor within the body so usually when we are in a deficit we have an increase in ampk well it turns out that during a longer fast ampk levels kind of stabilize and we don't have this increased protein in ampk meaning our body isn't recognizing a deficit anymore well that's a bummer don't we want a quote unquote deficit to be able to lose weight well i think there's some other factors at play because what's wild is that we are still in a fasted state so this means that our body has become so efficient at utilizing fatty acids from our stored fat so much that it is offsetting the caloric signal it doesn't recognize that we are in a deficit we still lose fat because we're burning fat in fact it means we're burning so much fat from our stored fat tissue that our body isn't even recognizing a deficit because as far as it's concerned it's not really in a deficit okay like you're not consuming calories but as far as the cells are concerned they have the fuel that they need so this seeing this that ampk and pgc1a are not activated the proteins aren't increased really tells us a lot about how efficient our bodies become at 48 hours in terms of burning fat and then if you look at the studies you see that cert 1 is still elevated by 11 and a huge increase in the phosphorylation of certain one inside the nucleus of a cell which really indicates that we are having potential anti-aging benefits there the 11 increase in cert 1 may not necessarily be associated with like the full on activation of pgc1a proteins yet so what i mean by that is that's a little bit more complicated but you will get an improvement in pgc1a which helps out mitochondrial biogenesis and i know this is super complicated and really just like intense gobbledygook the point is aging dna repair fat burning high levels of ketones fatty acid utilization all really activate after that 24 hour period we have to capitalize on that to get the benefit so i hope that this has encouraged you to continue with this challenge don't forget to support this channel and support element down below by taking advantage of the free samples that you can try a 48 hour fast for yourself and i will see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 254,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hour fast, 48 hour fasting benefits, 48 hour fast once a week, 48 hour fasting weight loss, 48 hour fast before and after, 48 hour fasting twice a week, 48 hour fast and working out, 48 hour fast fat loss, how to do a 48 hour fast, how to do a 48 hour fast safely, how often to do a 48 hour fast, 48 hour fasting how to, fasting challenge, fasting challenge weight loss, intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting, thomas delauer
Id: __2Hc5rDiK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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