Intermittent Fasting Mistakes that Make You GAIN Weight

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  1. Donโ€™t break fast with combined carbs/fats
  2. Donโ€™t slow your metabolism by fasting too much
  3. Donโ€™t drink bulletproof coffee (keto coffee) on a fast it breaks the fast.
  4. Eat a balanced diet/avoid malnutrition
  5. Weight train to maintain muscle
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mapbc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I always break my fast with combo of fats and carbs. Still losing weight...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EJ87 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love his videos! They are so informative.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/live_learn_breathe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If fasting causes a slowed metabolism, how are ppl finding success with this method? The last thing I want is for my body to adjust to not eating.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Nneka7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thank you, this was very helpful. I'll have to check out his other videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rox_In_Socks ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you're cruising along intermittent fascinating everything's just going hunky-dory totally fine then all of a sudden you start gaining weight like everything all the power of fascinating just went out the window and you're just wanting to throw in the towel because you're doing everything right but it's just not working anymore all right we're gonna talk about why some people actually gain weight when they do intermittent fasting and why you might be experiencing this even after years of practicing in Iran fasting so we're gonna break them down I'm gonna give you some tangible things that you can do to fix them but first you're tuned into the internet and leading performance nutrition and fat loss channel new videos on Tuesday Friday and Sunday at 7 a.m. Pacific time I want to make sure you hit that Bell button so you turn on notifications and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button also down below in the description I want you to check out Yugi toh matcha because you know match is a really interesting company they've managed to take the most powerful ceremonial grade matcha and put it into a tasty on-the-go form now they also have other forms as well but quite honestly when it comes down to fasting when it comes down to the ketogenic diet or when it comes down to just getting the most out of your body high quality green tea is where it's at so I want you to go ahead and check them out after you watch this video there's a special discount special price for anyone that is a fan of my channel or who watches my videos so big thanks to them and check them out after the video now let's go ahead and let's get into the good stuff here okay the number one thing that I first want you to look at when it comes down to your intermittent fasting protocol and if you're not having results or if you're gaining weight is argue combining your fats and carbs when you break a fast ok it's something I talk about a lot right you should never combine your fats and carbs or at least knowingly little bits and pieces like almonds things like that where there's a couple grams of carbs from fiber and something that don't worry about that when it comes down to just life in general carbs and fats should never be combined but there's one glaring problem when it comes down to intermittent fasting at the end of a fast you are so hyper insulin sensitive and what I mean by that is your body just is ready to just absorb anything that you put in it so that means the power of a carbohydrate inside your body is exponential that single carbohydrate is exponentially more powerful at spiking your insulin because your body is just ready to that insulin is just it's chomping at the bit it's there it's there it's there as the carb comes boom its skyrockets so what that means is when you have that carbohydrate your insulin levels go higher and that means the fat that you are consuming to goes into the cell - you see insulin opens the cell doorway so that carbs can come in but when the door is open fat can come in - now I'm a big proponent of good high fat diets but not in conjunction with carbs especially when you break it fast and it's so easy when you break up fast - just want to go in like eat a burrito or heat a taco or eat a piece of cake it's really easy to want to do that so you have to make sure that you break your fast with either one or the other a fat and a protein or a carbon a protein but not a fat and carb together this mistake ends up killing so many people's progress and ends up backfiring on them so that's rule number one okay let's focus on that the next one is people fasting too much okay the fact of the matter is is that if you start fasting too much you eventually drive your metabolism down now that's not always a bad thing let me say this a slower metabolism doesn't necessarily constitute a fat person or doesn't necessarily constitute a bad metabolism you see it's an evolutionary process for us it's natural if we have a slower metabolism it just means that we're adapted to eating less food it's not really bad okay but here's where it becomes an issue is if you have been progressively fasting and you've been increasing your calories because of that well eventually your metabolism is going to adjust to that so if you are fasting and you're only eating a thousand calories per day because you only have a couple hours to eat and you're just not that hungry well your metabolism is going to adjust to that and that's a normal healthy quite advantageous thing until you eat extra calories you see you've been eating a thousand calories a day a thousand calories a day a thousand calories a day and then yeah you decided now I've got plenty of wiggle room I've been in a deficit for a while this thousand calorie thing is a deficit so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna bump it back up to 1,500 just pick I can get away with eating more well newsflash your body reset to that 1000 and now that's the norm so when you do go back to the 12 or 1300 you're gonna gain weight and you're gonna gain it fast and you're gonna be like up intermittent fasting ruined my body it broke me it didn't break you your body is doing exactly what it's supposed to do intermittent fasting just enhanced what it's supposed to do in fact let's take a look at a study that actually proves that intermittent fasting improves your metabolism and even a longer fast improves your metabolism this study was published the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition okay it took a look at subjects particularly lean subjects so subjects didn't even have a whole lot of fat to burn looked at 11 of them and had them go on an 84 hour fast so it measured a lot of different things over the course of these 84 hours but on days 1 2 & 3 they measured their basal metabolic rate or their resting metabolic rate like how fast their metabolism was at rest well on day 1 they were at 3.97 kilojoules per minute then on day 3 they were at 4.5 3 kilojoules per minute now that's some complex jargon but all that means is that they had an increase in their metabolism they burned more calories per minute on day 3 of a fast and they did on day 1 so don't let people tell you that fasting is gonna slow your metabolism down during a fast that's not the case if anything it revs it up why because you have a big increase in adrenaline and particularly nor epinephrine norepinephrine gets our body temperature up it gets things going so that is a very very good thing we want more epinephrine we want a faster metabolism where the problem occurs is how little we eat when we're supposed to eat okay so it's important that you keep your calories up while you are fasting or in your eating window and if you already gone too far you need to slowly increase them in a very strategic way and I mean like write them down to where you're increasing calories 50 calories per week until you're back where you want to be that's about the norm for an average-sized person if you increase 50 calories per week you should be able to just get back up to a normal level another thing that you can do is if you do not already do a ketogenic diet along with fasting is you can implement ketogenic principles because you will get a little bit more leeway with your calories it'll allow you to get your calories up a little bit more without the negative impact of gaining as much fat so you can drive your metabolism your resting metabolic rate a little bit higher without the immediate fat storage or fat gain okay the number three mistake and quite honestly this is actually one of the most common ones is it's still having bulletproof coffee or fat coffee in the morning I hate to break it to you and I sound like a broken record I've talked about this so many times but the problem is not everyone sees every single one of my videos fat coffee keto Coffee butter coffee geek coffee coconut oil in your coffee breaks a fast bulletproof coffee breaks a fast you are not fasting if you have it now people think I'm going on an intermittent fast and I'm still having my bulletproof coffee and then I'm not losing weight or I'm gaining weight just so you know bulletproof coffee is anywhere from 250 to 450 calories depending on how you make it that is definitely breaking it fast and that is a lot of calories and if you are not on a ketogenic diet having those amounts of fats it one sitting could very well lead to a large accumulation of fat fat stores easily so don't do that if you're not on a keto diet along with your fasting do your intermittent fasting have your black coffee a little bit of stevia a little bit of monk fruit save the bulletproof coffee for a day that you're not fasting okay don't fast everyday keto coffee some days fasting days keep it clean okay the next one is malnutrition alright now hopefully if you're watching this video you know enough to know that you should probably get a balanced diet while you are intermittent fasting but what people don't often realize is that malnutrition occurs relatively fast if you're fasting frequently now I don't mean malnutrition during the fasted State ok studies have shown that most of the time while you're fasting your body does a pretty good job of balancing out minerals and reallocating vitamins and water soluble vitamins it does a pretty good job in fact there are some show that even over the course of really long fasts the body still managed to find homeostasis with its minerals with the exception of magnesium it did cause a chronic issue with magnesium but we'll talk about that in a minute the fact is the issue comes with when we eat we're not getting enough nutrients we're getting the wrong things it's so common for people to just fast and then they get so hungry they go and they have a burger and then they're full because their stomach shrank during the fast so they never get a chance to eat their broccoli they never get a chance to eat what they should be eating they never get a chance to get the nutrients they should be getting and eventually they end up in a malnourished state and when we have malnourishment we have all kinds of issues that arise the body then grabs on to other things and stores other things we have increases in cortisol that we shouldn't have and then we have fat accumulation that occurs at an accelerated rate so we have to be very very conscious there so don't just let yourself just eat whatever be strategic about it and this is where it's very important to have a plan write down what you're going to break your fast with and write down what your dinner is going to be and then have a little bit of flexibility you may say I like intermittent fasting because I get flexibility you can have that flexibility but you have to first have a plan with great flexibility like that also comes great responsibility it's kind of like owning a business or anything else you don't want the flexibility you got it you got to have some discipline - all right now we've got the very last one weight train while you're doing your fasting protocols way too many people disregard their weight training now I don't care if you've never weight trained a day in your life if you start intermittent fasting you should pick up at least some small weights what's going to happen it's if you were fasting the natural inclination over time is that the body will start to break down proteins it's natural eventually if you are not using it you will lose it so you have to while you were intermittent fasting pick up some weights because what it's going to do it's going to activate important a million targeted frapp myosin which is going to allow those muscles to retain their size possibly even grow and therefore keep your resting metabolic rate high what you don't realize especially if you're not already incredibly lean is that as you fast if you start to lose some muscle your resting metabolic rates gonna drop and that means that your metabolism is gonna slow down but you can keep your metabolism high by keeping the muscle on you and if you're not super lean you may not realize that after a month or two months you've lost muscle you just wait less so you think you're losing weight but you have to get in the gym I promise you that if you fast and do a little bit of weightlifting you will retain your muscle and you will burn more fat in your metabolism will stay higher so if you're brand new to it just do it a little bit to three days for a week trust me it will make a big difference so anyhow I hope this cleared some things up and can get you over those little hurdles and make it so you're not gaining weight while you're intermittent fasting I'll see you soon make sure you're keeping it locked in here on all my other videos
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,800,262
Rating: 4.9178686 out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting mistakes, biggest intermittent fasting mistakes, most common intermittent fasting mistakes, common intermittent fasting mistakes, top intermittent fasting mistakes, top 5 fasting mistakes, 3 biggest intermittent fasting mistakes, 3 intermittent fasting mistakes, common fasting mistakes, fasting myths debunked, how to break a fast properly, how to break a fast, intermittent fasting, fasting, how to fast, thomas delauer, keto, keto diet, weight loss, fat loss
Id: yiQkm2yq3BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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