Trapping Minecraft villager in haunted house.. (SCARY)

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oh he's mad he is mad well we're back today on a world that may look familiar to you because we recently did visit this world not long ago and I thought I would kind of look at the world a little bit more in depth investigate what we did happen to come across which was very very weird if you're new to the channel hit the like button subscribe but never pull certification for read about my gonna go date it's gonna matter for you every single future upload I imagine you might want to just be notified because we upload daily scary videos from serious videos based around Minecraft we have a try to chunk that up in the air and it's night time basically picking up right where we left off we are looking at a seat here we felt this weird entity this weird creature whatever it is I'm not sure a lot of people have a lot of input on what it potentially was and I was like okay there's only one thing to do we need to continue investigating the world I want to look through all the houses Wow remind you this villager seemed very interested in talking to us for some reason after that was weird all this weird stuff started going on and happening so I'm very intrigued to see what he does in some of the future endeavors of this investigation but once more guys work onboard we're doing a giveaway we've been doing giveaways like every single day because like it's coming up Thanksgiving Christmas it's it's it's it's always the thing I like to do if you want to enter this giveaway for a PSN gift card or an Xbox gift card all you have to do leave a like drop a comment it enters you into the giveaway it's pretty nice and then coming up when we drop a code it's nice stuff so with that aside welcome aboard to a brand new creepy minecraft video I did I have so much I don't go over now uh once more nothing creepy about the moon nothing creepy about that so check that off the list when I got to worry about that this iron golem has been going berserk he's been killing everything I've seen inside I've seen stuff just flying up in the air I'm like alright I'm gonna have to make that guy mad also I wanted to just look around because there's been a lot of weird stuff going on in the village like it is oh god did I haven't seen an interment in a while and seeing that one off in the distance just reminds me of how truly terrifying those creatures are what is the zombie manifestation going on here ah they want to eat his brains while he sleeps with his eyes wide open I don't understand haha alright so we go in here nice Oh was it this guy no that was talked to us in one of the previous videos I don't know the investigation deepens alright that's like a brew place I just figured we would check through a lot of the houses make sure everything's secure everybody's sleeping nice and sound nice and nicely nice and nicely for who says oh why is the redstone on the floor what I got an idea let's trap this minecraft villager in this house cuz this house seems a little weird okay why is the redstone in the house dude I knew this world was weird okay so unless he's like unless this is like a redstone guy like is there like redstone workers for villagers and stuff no they haven't introduced that yet dude that's all I freakin update 500 I wasn't supposed to talk about what you know something about the new weapon no I don't know nothing so basically why is he like redstone blood basically I I this always signify his blood or something weird and spooky um here's what I'm thinking this is like this house seems weird this I I don't see houses usually shaped like this much so I figure it is let's trap him in the house and see what happens trapping a Minecraft villager in a haunted house it's happening guys new video on the spot you can't make this stuff up okay so we have our haunted house here now I want to see what a villager will do if he's in a situation where he's trapped in a house full of absolute terror okay so guys we always experimental villagers right so what if we take this villager and we put them in a house of absolute terror like we put like scary stuff like a witch or we like dangle a pig from the roof or something not a bad idea juice quite a minute or you all right so let's try it let's try it did we're about to creep this villager out he's gonna he's sleeping right now he's gonna wake up and be like I don't like it huh okay uh Pig dude here I am going with experimenting on villagers again okay anybody that's new to the channel they don't know what the flip I'm doing right now but like basically whatever what are you there III from time to time I do experiment on villagers right and this is what we do we experiment on villagers I don't know what else to tell you guys big weird well he dropped on the he dropped on the villager oh my god okay so I think it needs to be higher to be honest it's not dangling too much Pig yes there we are oh he's gonna die no he's good all right sir time for you to wake up oh he's mad he is mad oh he is freaking out he's already freaking out why is he freaking out what is he doing to the pig why are you kissing the pig what's he doing what in the world is going on there he's freaking out like look at it he's it I think he doesn't know what to do like Oh mind you he went to sleep and then he woke up his bed's gone he's trapped in this weird house with a pig dangling above him no I think about it that were probably the creepiest thing ever guys can you imagine you wake up and there's a pig dangling above you he is not having a good day right now it is a bad troubling time for him oh it is it's a bad troubling time so we're gonna make it even worse we're gonna throw a witch in there okay now there's a witch witch get down there with him can you put a lead on a witch no uh-huh you know I'm trying okay the which is really common but this villager is freaking out like I don't think he can handle it he's like please let me out so being a Minecraft villager in a haunted house he can't handle it he's terrified for his life what's the witch gonna do okay the witch is creepy guys I I mind you not a while back we had a creepy encounter with a witch the videos like a microfridge is trying to kill me if you haven't seen that when you get over watch it it oh sorry okay so what's something else what are they doing okay what's something else we could do to make this even scarier a potion of decay we're at this point we're torturing oh oh what died I mess up I killed him Oh guys I've never used the potion of decay in my Minecraft life whoops alright guys well that's what happens if you trap a minecraft villager in a haunted house I guess dude this video was so random like I had no intent to just I went into a villagers home with wait first off why was there redstone in his house anyways that's what I originally was redstone in that his house so I was like it must be haunted so we trapped him he woke up to the absolute most terrifying thing of his life this brings it bad guys I think I wanted to more stuff with Minecraft villagers like because this like more experiments that started because we used to do this all the time right and it's kind of fun to see what villagers do how they react what else kind of occurs so I look at it like this guys if you have an experiment that you would like me to conduct on a Minecraft villager leave your suggestion down in the comments section below and just maybe in the next video yours will be selected as a future presentation now it's a lot in the works on the channel the channel is growing we have all kinds of content hitting the channel I'm very very excited to see where the future goes like truthfully but I do want to say this guys if you have left any support on just this video or multiple videos or just supported me throughout the years here creating content on this channel I want to thank you I don't often take times take time in my content to be like you know I appreciate the support but it is sincere and I do truly appreciate the support I've said we're working on a lot of things and once we get everything completed and done it is gonna be beyond exciting it's gonna be absolutely amazing and of course you guys gonna be the first to know you're gonna get the first dip on all of our cool stuff coming up that you guys are gonna have access to let's just say this we're growing we're expanding and infinite possibilities to be honest which is why is there a spider coming out of the water going back in the water I don't know dude it's answers like that you just came in armed I really know but I'll see you guys in the next one geez [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 82,860
Rating: 4.8899999 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Trapping Minecraft villager in haunted house, Minecraft Villager, Villager, Minecraft Village, Haunted House in Minecraft, Haunted Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Videos O1G, Scary Minecraft Videos, Scary Videos, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: fQS4OFnuVmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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