I simulated a LEGO MINECRAFT civilization...

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this is a lego base plate and this is 15 lego base plates wow in the next 50 hours i'm gonna challenge myself to transform this space into a complete minecraft world will this be a success or a failure let's find out people okay so the space i have to build on is 96 by 128 studs it's all just ocean right now there's nothing which means we're gonna need a lot of lego pieces so let's make a quick run to the lego store okay so since this is a minecraft world we're gonna need some minecraft sets so let's go cop some sets right now minecraft right here boys we're gonna get this bunny set get one of those this is a ten dollar one all right do you take lego currency i went into free play to get all these i believe you have been a part sure sorry about that i'll just pay with uh deb then appreciate it have a good one so now we're gonna take this back to the crib and uh we're gonna go start our minecraft world so let's go right now okay so back at the crib it was time to unbox the sets okay this one's pretty cool it's got a bouncing bunny on it it's also got this but there's one problem i realized since this has to be a custom minecraft world using complete sets to fill in the spaces would pretty much be cheating so my next logical step was to dump out all the bags i bought and figure out what parts minifigures and accessories i would likely use here's a rabbit sunflower zombie weird skin that nobody would ever use in the game as for all these other pieces they're going to be used to help make this build and lastly i ordered some bricks if only these were bags of money maybe i ordered a little too much okay so to begin our minecraft world we need to make a home for our boy steve aka the main character of this world and as someone who plays survival all the time let's make a survival base i'm thinking some sort of cabin made of logs and stone so i'm gonna use some brown bricks for the logs on the corners of the house and some great pieces for the cobblestone i'm gonna add some furniture inside now and then i went ahead and added some survival essentials and even some armor so steve's extra protected and on the outside i wanted to make a small place to hold a few animals so i finessed some parts from one of the sets i bought and i made a spot to keep two foxes i also made a custom birch tree using some black and white plates and some green bricks for the leaves and a few more touches a chef's kiss and boom our survival base was complete now it's time to expand out and make some sort of biome and one of the most unique ones out there is probably mushroom island mushrooms grow on it and there's even cows where mushrooms grow on it lego made a mushroom island set about five years ago so i'm gonna take it as inspiration for the dirt blocks i'm gonna use gray for the top layer instead of green for normal grass blocks now we can start forming the landscape and making it look like an actual island i got a mooshroom cow from one of the sets so let's go ahead and throw that in as well as some small shrooms around the island and for the big mushrooms i'm gonna make a red one and a brown one kind of like the ones you eat now our mushroom island looks fully complete and steve has a new biome to explore okay so we built steve a house and a private island to explore so life is going well for him but we're also going to need a place for him to mine ore and rack up on diamonds so we can be all dripped up in the finest armor so behind this house i'm going to add a cave in this spot i'm going to build a mountain using gray bricks for the rocks and i'm also going to leave a hole in the middle for a cave where steve can mine but for the ore i'm gonna make some custom blocks with studs so i'll throw in some coal some iron emeralds and i know that diamonds don't spawn above ground but i'm gonna throw some in anyway on top of the cave i'm gonna add some soil but even with that this rock formation looks as bald as dwayne johnson the rock himself so putting in the working hours i also added some trees some flowers animals and even a beehive on one of the trees [Music] and lastly i'm going to fill the inside of this cave with lots of water using some transparent bricks and i'll even throw some axolotls because those are pretty cute as well okay now let's make another biome i really like spruce forest but my favorite of them all is the old growth taiga which is pretty much like a spruce forest but on steroids it's way cooler because the trees are super tall and big the grass in these biomes is slightly different in color so i'm going to use some sand green plates how about we put the tiger in this corner of the map right here and to make the trees i'm going to make them four times as thick as my normal trees and i'm going to use some dark green bricks for the leaves and then we can make a second one slightly different design and old growth tigers there's also possible which is like uniquely colored grass blocks so to impersonate those i'm just going to use some dark orange plates i'm also going to throw in some extra details like some mossy cobblestone some sweet berries a wolf and a fox and it looks like our old growth tiger is complete okay so i think i've decided i want this part of the world to have cold biomes so another one we can add is the ice spike biome pretty much a biome full of snow and these really tall towers of ice so to start i'm going to make the landscape using white plates to impersonate snow as the top layer of dirt i'm also going to leave some space between this biome and the tiger because i want to add a river we're going to make it extra icy though and we might as well throw in a few polar bears as well this transition here looks really bad so we're gonna fade it a little bit just to help blend it in together that looks much better now it's time to make the ice spikes so for those i'm gonna use some light blue bricks and place them randomly to look natural but to top them off i'm gonna add some white tiles now they look super smooth as i should be i'm also going to add a stray which is an exclusive mop to this biome and i'm also going to add an arctic fox because they're pretty cute and since this place is so icy i think we should throw in little boat oh not the little boat i was thinking of but that works too i guess i think it's about time we give this minecraft world a village to hurt your brain here's a block of compressed 8x16 plates that i squished together in a past video definitely need some of these i'm going to make this a plain village because of that we also need to do some work to blend it in with the ice spikes biome i want to make an iconic villager house so i'm going to use some brown bricks for the log corners and some gray bricks for the cobblestone walls now we can finish building up the walls and then finally we can add a roof and now we have a sick crib for our villagers if i think about it there's not a sustainable source of food in this world so i'll add a small farm with some wheat carrots potatoes and i'll even throw in some melons and a pumpkin we also need a drinking source so i'll go ahead and add a small fountain and for the village i'll throw in some tan tiles for the shovel dirt and for some shade i'll also throw in a couple trees we can now add our villagers and since this one's a farmer i'll give him a hat i'll also make some wheat blocks and a few mobs to bring this to life like an iron golem and a few chickens okay this is ironic but what if we included a world inside a world so i grabbed some black and purple parts to make another portal because we're gonna recreate the nether let's start with some simple landscaping which uses dark red bricks for netherrack man that's so tedious now it's time to make my favorite thing to find in the nether which is another fortress so i'm gonna take a ton of these modified bricks that look like actual bricks to build my way up and make this giant pillar and on top i'll throw wither skeleton in a normal skeleton and a blaze this build is looking a little too red for my taste so to add some variety and color i'm gonna throw in a warp tree using some blue bricks and plates and lastly let's add some lava to make this place extra dangerous looking as it should be and a few extra mobs like this magma cube that i got from one of the sets i bought and this thing's pretty satisfying and voila our netherworld is officially complete okay so now let's go back over to mushroom island and start adding stuff near it personally my favorite biome in minecraft is the jungle it's a rare biome and when you run into one you feel super happy it's also super lush and it looks pretty so let's start by forming the landscape and figuring out where this is going to be in our world we definitely need to make one of the iconic jungle trees so i'm gonna build a thick pillar of brown bricks for the trunk and i'm gonna top it off with some green bricks for the leaves let's also add some cocoa beans now we can start adding some ground level plants to make this really look like a jungle sadly i don't have any minecraft pandas we can use in this build i guess this will work but we might as well throw in some bamboo i also don't have any parrots which kind of sucks but i'll just make my own using some small parts and boom we just saved money to buy a set that had one now let's throw in a few more mobs and bing bong our jungle is officially finished at this point it was four o'clock in the morning and i was getting really tired so it was time to go to sleep i made sure to put steve in bed as well i want to add another warm biome to go with the jungle and an iconic one i can think off off the top of my head is the savannah it's a biome that looks like africa i'm gonna use a slightly different color of green to make the grass but something unique about the savannah is that there's acacia trees and they pretty much have gray bark so to build them i'm gonna use some gray bricks there's loads of grass in this biome as well so i'm gonna throw in an illegal building technique to design it and it's where you take a tile and sandwich it in between two studs don't worry though i'll shortly be switching states and changing my name after this video is published so the cops don't chase me we can add a few more final touches like a wandering trader with his two llamas and a cow and bing bong another biome secured in the bag another important thing to make on my list is the mesa biome it's like the grand canyon but in minecraft so to design this biome we're gonna need a ton of unique colors like dark orange and we're going to use that for the sand which will form the landscape of this build and as we finish that we can start creating a mound of terracotta using multiple layers of color just to really show the effects of erosion lastly we can throw in some rabbits as well as some dead plants because this biome is pretty hot and bam new biome unlocked for stevie boy and next to this mesa biome i also want to add a desert so i'm going to take a bunch of tan bricks and start laying out some sand because i do want to make space for something super iconic from this biome which is the desert pyramid since we're running out of space making an accurately scaled one would be a little too big to fit so instead i'm gonna make a smaller version and to go with that we can make some custom cactuses add a few more plants and two villagers and it looks like our desert is complete and it looks like we're running out of space so in this final spot i'm gonna put a swamp what are you doing in my swamp what makes swamps unique though is that there's trees with vines growing off of them so i'm gonna add a few of those to this build these bottoms are also notorious for witch huts so let's build one using some brown bricks for the wood and after building this i did realize i don't actually own a witch minifigure but since this is a swamp we can compensate by adding donkey so in minecraft there's always that one kid who cheats by using x-ray and has tons of diamonds so let's go ahead and make a full on diamond house it's super simple i'm legit just going to use this one single blue color okay so my boy sacred actually made a lego minecraft world of his own so i'm going to go call him right now and see if there's something i could add to this build yo what's good poppy yo so i made a minecraft world and i need you to hit me up with like an idea let's light this tree on fire next i went on to instagram to ask you all what i should add to this minecraft world and we had some good responses the most popular one was technoblade so to pay respects to his recent passing i'm gonna make a statue of him outside of steve's house here's also steve running from a bunch of angry bees someone also suggested a cobblestone generator so here's one also a circle cake just to make you all mad and a spider cow never heard of that before but i'm assuming i'll just replace the head of the spider with a cow and wow that's really cursed looking also a creeper walking up behind steve and a goat pushing steve off a cliff man steve is just getting so tortured in this video lastly someone suggested making a dirt hut so my only logical thinking was to put it next to the diamond house i'll also build a giant pillar of sand with a bunch of loot at the bottom to show that steve attempted to sky base but miserably fell to his death now i had this on my list to make but i want to recreate the end world the problem though is that i'm out of table space so it looks like we're gonna have to literally build on the floor for the ground blocks i'm gonna use a bunch of tan bricks something super iconic about this world are the obsidian pillars they have to shoot the little crystals on top of it so i'm going to build that with black bricks and also some purple studs i'm also going to create the portal that you jump in after you defeat the ender dragon and i'm also going to make a custom ender dragon egg and finally we can put our ender dragon and it looks like our end world is complete it's crazy to realize how in three days we transformed what was originally an ocean as boring as moms who upload photos of their baby to facebook to a full-on minecraft world that someone can explore interact with and take as their own also special thanks to emix music for producing a lot of the beats in this video and most importantly go check out sacred's video where he made his own minecraft world anything you gotta say sacred mine is than ice are you challenging me thanks for watching hope you all enjoyed and keep stacking those bricks like it's money let's go let's go let's go to the jungle
Channel: TD BRICKS
Views: 25,391,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J3FP-2aOQKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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