This is what happens when you modify the RTX 3090 Bios...

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you know this is one of those times when you're kind of just playing with your toy minding your own business and then your friend comes along and you're like yeah we can play and then just some random uninvited dude who's like can i play two yeah we're talking about the people that got their 30 90s on their leaderboard above ours before steve and i truly got rip gn going so you know what i'm gonna do today i'm gonna take our rightful spot back on the leaderboard [Music] evga is proud to announce their all new xr1 obs certified 4k capture card record at 1080p 60 while you game at 4k60 with hdr with advanced pass-through mode that allows you to switch to 144hz refresh rate at the press of a button meaning no longer do you need to disconnect or disable to get the full capabilities of your display to see the full list of capabilities and configurations click the evga link in the description below so our last score was done with the 3090 founders edition card with our air conditioner if you remember because no custom bios no nothing and that was just to see where we were going to start you know what's inevitably happening is people with their custom aibs and stuff are starting to pop up which is why we're going to be using our 3090 for the win3 card and maybe an air conditioner or two just to see where we end up today it's a pointless video on a graphics card that clearly is not a value to gamers and that's what makes it amazing actually so this is actually the first time i've opened this card um had it obviously since before they launched and i have not even taken that was some thick tape guys i'm going to take a look at it for the first time with you so here's the thing nvidia has recently come out with their driver fix for the uh what does that sound anyway whatever they come out with the driver fix for the crashing problem or whatever and apparently what that's doing is it's just using the driver to well it's actually weighty they're using the driver to slow things down a little bit so that you don't uh hey support bracket okay sorry i'm getting all kinds of it's a newer driver that makes your gpu slightly slower so less people crash we're not going to be updating our driver to that because we don't want our card slowing down at all but i highly recommend if you've got a card that's crashing download the latest nvidia drivers but jay they're slowing us down that makes us mad then return your card that's really the only other option you have that's the fix return your card get your money back you know i'm kind of impressed at the way that this this bar looks like solid metal but it's not the whole thing lights up it's pretty neat how they came up with that i mean whether or not you care about rgb or not i think that's a neat little function there turn that round upside down so if you guys are wondering about doing sli jsli is dead nobody cares about sli well guess what nvidia put it the bridge on sale on their website and it lasted about three minutes so it means a lot of people bought or planned to buy two 30 90s so anyway if you line up the bracket and you take a look at it you can see the fe bridge does not line up with the founder's edition bridge or the evga bridge that just means you obviously need to make sure if you're running sli to get to the exact same card which is what you should be doing anyway so here's the 30 90 for the win 3 card uh on there i didn't realize the fans had this kind of a weird offset deal but this is really bug and feel he wants them all to be in a straight line it still has the clown lips on both ends fortunately those little covers are coming up with to fix that but this is more importantly what we're talking about here look we fell down to seven that's my air-conditioned 30-90 right there and this guy right here that guy he called us out on twitter he's like ha ha beat you lord your gear is your lord stupid so it doesn't really matter so here it is right here the 30 90 we're gonna go ahead and use msi afterburner um i had to actually speed up my so part of my score i think was a little bit low because i had i didn't realize that my my um cpu was being limited to five gigahertz and believe it or not 5.2 5.3 does make a difference even on port royal uh beyond that it's kind of a diminished return where it doesn't really do anything and the amount of heat that it pumps in at that point is is kind of ridiculous so here's what we're going to do there are functions built into evga cards that are only unlocked and usable in px1 although overclocking functionality is very similar things like led control um you know all three fans can be controlled individually you can't do that in msi afterburner so first things first we're going defaults let's see what our scores are without touching anything because i do like to see what our differences are so 13349 for the stock numbers actually now that i think about it i think that's where our stock run was all right so all we're going to change right now then is power limit max and what was our frequency going to so our gpu got up to 59c cork locks are sitting in the 18 i know you guys can't really see this it's pretty like the contrast is really poor but spikes say like 1950 1920 so we clearly need the average um clock speed to be up let's just max out power limit max out target we'll make temperature the priority there um let's go and just max the voltage why the heck not all right so by just bumping up power limit and the fan speed that allows us to have a more uh steady clock by keeping the additional power available to it and keeping the temps cooler because our max temp on that one was oh 58 so really it came down to power not even temperature the thing is each temperature has a very varying p state range to it so every time like one degree could kick you down into a lower p state table which would lower the clocks so getting the gpu as cold as possible which is why we do the air conditioners in ice water and ln2 and all that stuff forces you to be able to maintain clocks higher at least in this range the colder you go that becomes more of a stability thing because of how hard you're pushing the core not just the heat it will generate but also the colder it gets usually the more stable it is somewhat but anyway this allowed us to at least keep our clocks much higher without even touching an overclock so what i have to be careful of is because i'm seeing it spike to 2040 i have to be careful because any offset i add now is going to add to that 2040. so if i add say 100 it'll potentially spike to 2140 which i don't think in this current configuration with these temps and and just the air cooler is going to give us anything stable let's take a look real quick at that guy that beat us his gpu core clock says 2115 right but if we look at the detailed result average clock speed is 20 35 right so there's his spike and then he maintained 20 35 most of the time my average clock frequency is 20 53 so we're very comparable so this is one of those things where it's becoming harder to tell exactly what made his score beat mine so with all that out of the way let's go ahead now and start pushing the clocks a little bit so this isn't really giving me too much in the way of hopes here because we are crashing at some low numbers i might have gotten a dud if this isn't proof that we don't get hand-picked cards i don't know what is every now and then i'll get a review sample that just doesn't perform and like i said temperature does play a role and so we're going to play around with that obviously all right so we pulled back the core clock a little bit and as you can see at 14 201 so now i'm just going to kind of keep screwing around with this before we start getting into any sort of custom solution here because it's important to see where you max out before you start going to any sort of alternative cooling methods whether it be air conditioner ice water ln2 dry ice or whatever that way you can really kind of determine where your limits are and see how much additional you got because if we went right to ac we wouldn't know where we were crashing first so we wouldn't know what our benefits of the ac was and i know this video might seem really redundant versus our our first time we did this but considering that this is truly the rip gn part and i know that he has been actively working on beating our score and the fact that other people have already beat us it's important to kind of continuously see how far we can push the boundaries before we even start considering sli because i've got to know where at least one car's max is going to be determine if the next car to be able to match it and then we have to reduce the fastest card down to match the slowest card which is the unfortunate thing about sli so we're really close to where we were on air with our fe card the funny thing is the fe card seems to be overclocking a little further than this guy but our memory can go way farther on this card than we were able to get with the fe so i'm kind of stuck now without doing any sort of custom cooling which is the next step because that that's clearly not going to cut it that's like 400 points below where we currently are with the fe but if we take a look at things here we maxed out at 57c we know we want that cooler because around that temperature on the fe card is where we started seeing instability and i was able to go plus 125 on the offset with the ac but not on air so i know we could potentially gain even more clock by cooling down the core sum 2115 is where the offset number will actually take us if there was no power limit and no temperature limit there if it just ignored that and said the offsets what we're going to go to um that 2115 is where it would land cooling this down will get us closer to that because of again the p state um ratios like i said so you know what's coming although i'm gonna do a little bit differently today instead of putting the box over it making it all super cold i'm gonna build a shroud that actually sends all of the ac air right through the graphics card now i know some of you are gonna freak out about condensation and yes that is a risk you take when you go below ambient air temperature which is exactly we're gonna get with the ac however it's not far enough below ambient to start getting droplets to form you'll get what looks like that slight kind of a hazing of a real thin layer of condensation however because of the temperature difference inside of the graphics card and the air blowing through it it's not going to form on the graphics card itself it'll start to form on like the box and the ac and stuff like that we've done this a bunch now yes it is always an inherent risk when you start dealing with anything that takes temperatures below sub-ambient which an air conditioner is going to do that's why we try and cool the ac or the studio down as much as we can before doing this that way there's not a bigger delta of temperature between ambient air and the ac air so with that said let's build a shroud and let's see what happens when we throw this thing on some cold temps does that show you how rigid that is never underestimate the power of duct tape and cardboard and painter's tape all right 14 283 was our last score so we have the exact same speeds right now plus 65 on the core voltage is still at zero 1250 on the memory and our ac periscope if you will into the core and cold air literally coming out of every orifice that there's a gap uh in the card we're sitting idle at 11c that's about 4c colder than the fe card when we had the box around the system so my my thinking process here is that if we're forcing all the cold air through the card under load it might maintain a little bit lower average cork temp which could give us a better average core clock okay that is not the result i was hoping for so we just beat our old score by a little bit no surprise the only difference we made was i ran our overclocks with msi afterburner and not px1 almost 300 point gain 14409 all right something's wrong with this build a precision x it's an ongoing project don't hold it against evga that's not even the one that's on their website um it's a it's a like early access build or something so if you've got a 30 series card an evga card you might want to maybe try msi afterburner as well and see if you get any better results but with that said our lunch is approaching now and um and i reached out to evga and they suggested i try this because there may be a bug in the software they need to look at uh so they're on it but i opened px1 i set the settings that i wanted saved it and then closed the app entirely and ran it and we got 14 784 so we came up even more hey it's ryan the words sound the same so let's see if that's enough to get us uh where we need to be oh we beat him who's lord now so i'm curious now can we get 125 to run and i'm gonna move away because again phone and mic and all that stuff affects it doesn't matter i'm taking care of the problem right now i was like if we make it through the scene we're good it crashed right here last time and then that's okay time to cheat i'm not providing you the tools i used to cheat either our biggest problem here is power limit we fixed that problem 214 ought to help so i'm gonna start off with actually a zero clock uh offset because now that we're not having power limit keep us from so here's the thing if we were asking for this but power limit only let us get here what happens is if we ask for more it lets us go up a little bit and then come back and that little bit that comes and then come back as the part where we hope we keep that little bit for as long as possible to get the scores to come up now we're going to get probably everything we're asking for we are now going to reach clock stability before limits before we'll hit power limits obviously so i'm going to go back to 12 no 1300 on the memory though because that's where we were and i'm just gonna let the core clock do its thing i'm going to see what our score is now with the ac that's been sitting here running with the card at idle now for a while so it's as cold as it's going to get and power limit letting the core go wherever it wants to go i think 20 70 i think is as far as it'll let it go i do think out of the box the boost table for this card will allow it to try and get to 2070 but it doesn't even get there with the power limits so we might hit 2070 and just stay there across which would mean our average core clock is higher which means this should beat our old score theoretically without touching anything on the core clock never mind the fact is pinch the crap out of my finger off camera anyway look at that well what'd you just look at that all right so now we got hambatur kambatar on our crosshairs i know with an offset i think we can reach that fifteen thousand and nice anyway i was before the score popped up like what do you think did you go right fifteen thousand he's like i don't know nice and it's fk dude double knight nice nice now i'm excited to get two of these all right so 55 uh plus 55 we got on the cork block i think that was enough to trigger another boost bin because as you can see with our score we got a uh 15 148 so that's up obviously from where we were just a second ago so we've gained 7c of temperature versus before we did the power mod so now is where ice water and stuff like that would clearly help because we need to get those down we already showed you core temp even at those small temperature ranges can make a huge difference and that shows you how much heat is in these cards that i've got what 50 degree air 50 degree fahrenheit air blowing at it which is this much in c which is much lower than 55c obviously last run this is where either makes it or it breaks it yeah it's crashing now because the temps are just getting too high 55c is just too warm for stability so there's one last thing we need to do before i end this video is i need to take this card apart i want to see if we have a water block that will even like line up with this thing i don't want a full cover water block on this because condensation is a biscuit and it's it sucks because it's easy for condensation to make it in places you can't put paper towels and stuff so i always like to try and adapt cpu blocks to it wherever we can because what that allows me to do is get direct contact on the die yeah those do not line up these are too narrow so here's the thing this is more of a rectangle the distance from there to there is shorter than from there to there so if you take a look at the 30 series or the 20 series you can see the holes are much wider between there there there and there which allowed us to take a cpu block and go wow the holes line up we can mount the cpu block like that i need to come up with a way to mount a water block to it like this i don't know how i'm going to do that yet dude just make a bracket that yeah i can't just and have a bracket up here obviously that would be a simple fix but i don't have machining equipment or materials to do that and i think that is the perfect place to end this edition of rip gn because we've got some engineering to do
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 564,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 series gpu, 30 series video card, nvidia, rtx, nvidia rtx, rtx 3070, rtx 3080, rtx 3090, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia, is the 3080 worth it, is the 3090 worth it, is the 3070 worth it, should I buy a 3070, should I buy a 3090, is nvidia worth it, how much is rtx 3070, how much is 3080, how much is 3090, how much does a 3070 cost, how much does a 3080 cost, how much does a 3090 cost, best video card 2020, best video card 2021, 3090 benchmarks, benchmarked, ripgn
Id: 4Omm7-ygimc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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