Intel 11900k Overclocking... can it make up for its lack of cores?

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Still waiting for the M13 Apex to hit retail.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yee245 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm happy with my all core 5ghz 4.5ghzcache manual o.c. on the thing.

I've been able to hit 5.4ghz but I had to disable ht and half the cores to do it.

1669single core on r23. Giggity.

It's not as good as 5950x but I don't see any reason to change out for a while.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tech_Dingus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right 11th gen is here we've already done a review of the 1100k with the stocks out of the box settings with all of who almost dropped this heavy board with all of the uh limits in place today we're going to take the uh rog maximus 13 apex board which is a specific board designed for overclocking and we're going to see just how far we can actually push the 1100k today with just a modest 360 aio because there's some things i want to test on here there are some things i wasn't happy with with the 1100k or the 10900k and we're going to see if the 11900k kind of alleviates any of those issues that i had in the past also too a special thanks to asus for providing today's motherboard and sponsoring today's video we wrote this video to bring you a special message from ifixit3 i fixed it by the makers of ifixit got a crappy graphics card that's okay fix it with ipads ifixit has all the tools you need to make your life better got a dirty phone screen that's okay you can fix it with ifixit 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those two are very much related so you might notice the heat sinks on this guy are freaking beefy this is a nice thick heatsink both on the vrms and the mosfets and chokes so as you're creating more heat by pushing the voltage and the frequency higher you can take care of that heat and have a big heat sink able to pull that heat away from those components keeping their their lifespan high a lot of people are usually worried about breaking their cpu when they overclock really far but what they don't understand is they can often break the power delivery to the cpu if the cooling isn't standard enough another thing you'll notice is there's only two slots for memory right here channel a and channel b remember the mainstream intel platform amd as well are dual channel motherboards what that means is they're only going to have two set to channels channel and channel b if you see four sticks or four dimm slots it doesn't mean it's a four channel it means that there's two slots of memory per channel allowing you to get more capacity without having to run giant memory sticks so what this gets you is a better chance of overclocking your memory and less strain on your memory controller because having to split the memory channels uh with having two slots per channel is actually harder on the memory controller so what you'll find remember that is located on the cpu so that's all extra strain on the cpu if you try and push four sticks of memory to their max speeds so one of the things i'm going to test here today too is this is my crucial ballistix max these are 4400 dimms i believe these are dimms that i couldn't get running on my 10 900k at their rated speeds no matter how much i tried to adjust the memory controller or deal with overvolt in the memory controller and all the sub uh voltages that are required to do that when you when you enable xmp it'll often just set the memory uh frequency and the voltage for the frequency or for the memory to their rated specs but there are memory controllers on the cpu that need to be adjusted as well and oftentimes straight out of the box with really high memory speeds over like 4 200 those don't work without going in there and really tweaking it so i'm curious as to if on the 1100k if we can actually get our 4 400 megahertz dimms to run at 4 400 megahertz now something else that's also nice on here is you'll see we've got two 8 pin eps right here this is just giving redundant power to the cpu because when you start overclocking the voltage draw becomes exponentially harder or harder higher so if you start to pull like crazy like we're not gonna be doing that today we could still only use one if we wanted because we're on water but if we were doing ln2 we were going for like six gigahertz or higher you'd be surprised how much voltage and amps this cpu can draw which is why they give you two eight pin headers that way you can have plenty of power delivery without starting to strain one set of uh or one eps power plug so you might notice that most motherboards will have like a an eight pin and maybe a four pin the four pin just being a supplemental this is designed for giving you as much power as possible to your cpu so that you don't run out of power before you run out of your potential cpu headroom other design things on this motherboard here that are just that also make it obvious that it's an overclocking motherboard one 16x pcie gen4 one 8x pcie gen4 and then one 4x so this is not even going to be like technically an sli motherboard which doesn't matter right sli is dead even if you you could run two cards on here if you wanted but you're going to be running both of them at 8x which is still plenty plenty of bandwidth especially a pcie gen 4 with these two slots but remember this motherboard is definitely designed for cpu overclocking the chipset heatsink on here too might be amongst the thickest i've seen on any motherboard to date yet a couple other honorable mentions here is you have different dip switches and stuff so you can turn it on and off pcie lanes you can turn on and off various overvolt settings also got these really interesting offset angled sata plugs i'm kind of wondering if those would impact each other if you had all of them occupied because you've got a total of eight of them here um and then you've got this little plexi rog piece back here be careful if you're not careful i have a feeling that could break something else we have on here are a ton of fan headers we have 10 pwn fan headers on here so you could have plenty of fans hooked up to this again for cooling and then one of the asus features that we i'm a huge fan of and i've got quite a few of these now are the dim.2 for your m.2 drives um you can hook two m.2s onto here and then this goes into this slot right next to the ram i've had people ask me like what is that slot that doesn't match any ram notches that's true that's because it's for the dim.2 i've actually got our m.2 underneath the cover right here which is something i kind of want to point out too before we move on this cover actually has thermal pads on both sides of it they'll have the m.2 on one side and then the controller on the other and people are not the only two but the chips on one side and a lot of companies become so concerned it's pulling it off with cooling the chips they forget about the controller now see we've got some stuff on the back happening here and we've got our controller module on the front right there we've got a controller module and our chips on one side and then you might have an m.2 that has chips on both sides in fact this one has some on the back right there so we have a thermal pad on the bottom right here and a thermal pad on the cover and it's held down by the same screw that holds down the cover so no more having to fumble with tiny little screws and losing them and stuff so that's our setup we're gonna go ahead now get a thing booted up get my cooler on here and then we're gonna see kind of in real time as i go through some of the overclock settings uh whether or not it will boot where it's going to boot at remove the limits and all that stuff and then we'll compare them to the numbers that we did on our initial review of uh the 1100k and we'll see what kind of gains that we got and where we sort of cap out all right so this is our first boot into the bios we haven't started playing with any of the overclocking yet uh you can see here the cpu target mode is 5300 megahertz that's the single core uh avx frequency is also 5300 so you can see how there's no abx offset target dram frequencies 2666 and then the cache is 4100 that's actually pretty good speed cache um you can see right here though if you actually look at what things are running at the memory is at 21.33 the capacity is 32 gigs so we have two 16 gig sticks in there multi-core enhancement is sent to auto let bios optimize but multi-core enhancement is where it lets the bios kind of override the intel limits which is like the thermal velocity boost which is how long it will ramp up to those high frequencies for before it comes back down i think default 56 seconds so you can leave that at auto which is going to by default want to turn those off or in our case here we're just going to go ahead and go to enabled which is remove all limits that seems a little counterintuitive turn it on for off but anyway that's what we're going to do here so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to go ahead and just reboot right now with those limits removed i'm going to go back into the bios and i'm just going to start by trying to enable our xmp profile to see if this system will even boot what i was dealing with with the 10 900k which just frustrated the absolute crap out of me is the fact that i've got memory sticks that are over 5000 megahertz also that i just can't could not get to work on 10th gen period let's just go ahead and go right to xmp1 so that's great because what that is saying the base clock everything in your system the pcie clock the memory clock the cpu clock the chipset clock everything is based off of the b clock or base clock if you make that 101 because everything is a ratio or a factor of the base clock then you start getting those weird numbers where ram is like 43 32 and you're like why is it so weird do you notice your b clock's no longer 100. so what this is saying is it will adjust the b clock and then it will change the ratios of other items to keep them from being affected by any sort of base clock change that is something i've always kind of complained about and i'm really happy to see that it now tells you that it's going to try and bring things back to as close to the ratio as possible so that you don't start getting weird boot errors 4403 wow now will it go to windows okay first and foremost i have to give 11th gen a little bit of credit the 10th gen never did that the 10th gen i could never just say xmp turn on 4 400 megahertz on the ram and have it go maybe before we even start overclocking anything else we should see if the 5000s will work okay this is our ballistics ram 5100 i thought they were 52 they're 5100 dimms let's just see if it'll even get into the bios if this does it then i will i will be so happy even black ice at home can't run this memory no way wait did it apply it because the nice thing about asus motherboards is it will be like it didn't work and so we reverted back 5102 wow all right so before we go ahead and do our cpu test now we need to see how much we can actually overclock the cpu because we've now pushed the memory controller probably to its limit or pretty close to it i'm really curious now as to what we can do for our cpu overclock do i dare try sync all cores so here's the thing with the 10900k having 10 cores 20 threads that's a lot of focused heat on the size substrate that they have for the for the cpu that's that's not changed since like lga 775 in terms of the actual size of the chip itself but we have two cores and four threads less which means there's going to be less heat in there versus the 10900k i want to see if we can just lock everything sync all cores geez without even touching voltage i'm a little concerned that it's going to add way too much voltage voltage is 1.6 let's send it oh the whole system just crashed okay i didn't think it was gonna go all right here's what i do i'm gonna do the ai overclock to be honest it's like manual overclocking these days unless you're trying to go for like crazy limits it's just kind of i mean allow me to demonstrate so i had sync all cores no sync all cores on here right now we're just going to do ai optimized because here's the thing you might have seen it brought the 53 down to 5.2 but it brought the 4748 all core up to 5-0 so i feel like with most titles these days in terms of games utilizing multi-core and more than one and just about everything in our cpu suite using multi-core except for the buttons we push that say single core we're gonna see an uplift even what the 100 megahertz drop on the single core 72 73 oh god the temps are great look at that 60s and 70s we got more headroom in there now here's the thing even if we match our frequency of the 100k there is uh about nine to ten percent ipc improvement in 11th gen versus 10th gen so we're going to see it uplift the performance should be like 62 maybe 63. we went from a 5902 to a 6237 so far by just flipping some switches in the bios okay so this is where you can go in here and adjust oh yeah see it's when you remove the limits 56 seconds is now our power limit window and then we could pull 4095 watts if we wanted that's obviously not going to happen but time window there so we've removed that we've set that up to 448 seconds now up from 56 because what that 56 seconds shows right there is that after 56 seconds of constant load it's gonna drop the clocks and so we can disable that technically by making it 448 seconds so now we're just going to do a manual mode i want to lock the voltage where i want it we're going to do 1.4 which is a lot but it's not 1.6 so it locked up as soon as i hit go again another clock watchdog timeout which is obviously a uh overclocking error it's starting to look like just leaving it on ai optimized kind of the way to go all right so what i tried on this one here is i've gone in and set the single core to five three uh and then i set the all core to 5.1 essentially so i'm looking at the behavior here we got five two five two so as soon as i hit this load right here if it doesn't crash then we should see this go to five one all core five one three five because of our b clock offset okay there we go in our temps adc on the seat on the package 70s and 82 okay so these temps are still perfectly reasonable considering the fact that we do not have some crazy cooling solution it's just an aio let's go ahead and uh let's put it through the paces and see how it does 100k versus 1100k versus 119k overclocked [Music] all right so you guys see the way that the results actually compared to the 10 900k the only thing we didn't have a 100k on was actually our handbrake test um which i have a feeling would have still beat the 1100k because it's very multi-threaded um remember as we compared to the 100k we're trying to make up for a two core four thread deficit with clock speed now let's talk about the overclock experience between the uh the the two cpus and then 11th gens overclocking in general we already showed you guys i was never on 10th gen capable of getting the 4400 dimms to run at their full speed let alone the 5100 dimms and they're running out of the box by clicking xmp and that's it completely stable in all of our tests no memory errors no memory crashing no tweaking whatsoever just put it in hit the xmp and off it goes which has been amazing because i was starting to really get kind of discouraged with these dims over time because i thought maybe something's wrong with them but you know just clearly just had to do with the fact that the 11 or the 10 900k and then the memory controller and then with the high clock speeds with just being pushed i think just too far now some of these tests right here um are going to benefit from the higher memory um premier uses extra memory obviously when we're doing cpu rendering when it comes to things like geekbench and all of that you'll see some uplift in the higher memory speeds but the 5100 is not actually carrying the score what's really carrying the score here is the fact that you saw in the overclocking section of this video that i was able to get a 5.1 gigahertz all core which by the way i could not get uh to to work very well on the 10900k without overheating and we've got a 5.3 gigahertz two core uh or two two thread overclocks what that means is typically out of the box it'll just allow one core to go up to the 5.3 but as sometimes cores overlap each other when they're being utilized if they overlap each other for too long it can bring down those core clocks down closer to the 5.0 to 5.1 except for the way we did the manual overclock allowed it to allow two cores to go up to 5.3 and it's actually going faster than that because of the xmp's 101 megahertz base clock means that we're actually getting like 5 35 megahertz and those extra 35 megahertz actually do make a little bit of a difference but in a few of these tests you can see we actually surpassed the 10900k with the stock velocity boost and all of that with four threads less now does that mean that i'm saying you should go get 1100k no i'm saying that when it comes to your multi-threaded workloads if it's something that you know is highly utilizing multi-threads the 10900k can overclock as well it's a bit more picky and it's a lot more heat it's something that you need to consider however the 1100k with this improved ipc and really easy overclocking especially with a lot of the asus features built into this board like we showed you in the bio section of this video uh it was actually really quite easy to get up to these you know crazy scores now i want to try playing around this in the future a little bit better cooling because and maybe even an ice bucket because of the fact that we did see during the handbrake section of this test the cores and the package did reach 100c now we didn't actually end up running the increased thermal limiter on this because i didn't want to cause any damage to the cpu so at 100c it probably was clocking down closer to 5 gigahertz handbrake ran for about 23 minutes which means that that was a lot of load over time none of the other tests actually exceeded about 90 91c so you can see the handbrake test was very very difficult now that was only one test in our particular suite that we were using here that actually over time was enough to saturate the amount of fluid that's inside the aio that's why i said if we were going with a custom loop with a high volume of water it would take longer for that water to warm up doesn't mean the water wouldn't get as hot it just means it would take longer to get there unless we can actually start chilling the water and bringing the temperature down below ambient then we would be able to see better temperatures but the reason why i bring up the temperatures is the fact that eight core 16 threads was getting us 100 c in handbrake the 10 900k i guarantee would have been hotter than that sooner than that and if you go back to our 10 series overclocking video you could see that we were having a hell of a time getting 10 cores and 20 threads stable and tame when it comes to temperatures with even a 360 aio now we do our extreme overclocking and stuff we almost always had it hooked up to water and whatnot or like ice water just to try and keep the temps um under control but again this is what happens when you have a substrate size and the ihs or the inter the integrated heat spreader not giving you more volume to try and dissipate the heat and move it away from the dye staying on that really small substrate gives you really focused heat which is why you were seeing in some of these tests you know the the temperatures can get pretty warm it's also important to note i did not do any sort of voltage tuning this was it using its own logic for voltage tuning which we already know is a bit aggressive because it wants to try and sort of brute force voltage to make sure it's going to have most the most stability at the sacrifice of temperature and potential throttling now if i was to go in there and actually spend you know hours or even days tuning the voltage i'm pretty sure i could have gotten those temperatures down under 100 c and stay there and not have a problem even while running well over five gigahertz but it's kind of nice to see in the last two generations of cpus at least from intel that we've been able to see five gigahertz plus which is where it seemed like for a solid decade there the fight the mythical five gigahertz number was going to be impossible clearly isn't true because now we are well on our way to 5.5 here probably in in the future so there you go that's our overclocking experience with the 1100k um most of it was automated and then we did some fine tuning on top of that and that's all thanks to the asus maximus max was 13. i remember when maximus like 4 was out anyway moving on the maximus 13 apex board i'll put a link to it down in the description below once again a huge thank you to asus for sponsoring today's video and allowing us to kind of go in here and really push the cpu um i didn't want to blow it up i didn't thank god but if i had unfortunately they would have been here to support us with another cpu but i don't like blowing things up unnecessarily we'll probably do that in another video where we see just how far it can really go when we start doing some extreme cooling anyway guys thanks for watching hope this video has taught you something about 11th gen and all of this performance uplift in terms of ipc and frequency will also translate to getter getter better frame fps which is going to be our next focus when it comes to 11th gen thanks for watching guys and as always
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 363,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overclocking, 11900k, 11900k vs 10900k, intel, intel 11th gen, is 11th gen worth it, 11900k overclocked, how to overclock 11900k, overclocking with an aio, best overclocking cpu, fast memory, Crucial 5100 memory
Id: A6-y8KkQfCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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